U U " "'"'fi i ,-, , ltmi "2 - KSS 1 - f' .Si.' . - - t T-T-'" ; -v-t - v; - )' '; .'-.. '..'v -::iTii Br p.S' tw; ! I if li'&J . - ' 'C- '. :' ; " j ..r..j BIB "ft it (4 ;? i-vbl It I - H- - i IT I r . VI! ,4 t i. i : 14' id it 1 g 3; &. H. HARVEY IS A VITjusfrivedfrom per scbr.-Armty, and other late arri- vats,' a Ivge ahoT "general assortrnentjiif in r GROCERIES, Which, trith the stock, on hand, comptise A Jf tSY CHOICE SELECTION OJP a - - Whichrthey ofier for sale lo w for casb pr4 duce, or approved ..paper. ;V; v-'? it'''.? -i' '-.Ji -;,iV.'v: ALSO oil HASD, , - ,'t . .'XA ' S ttags prime greleii Cdfiee ' lvl2tha82599tf FFER' 4br ale at their 'store fii Cra- vnstreetf nearly opposite the Bank of, Newhern a large add assort- 5-' t i . $3 J- HiVKDWARE, Crockery GassNate i Among which are, just received from, Newi 5 , f iOfK una rniwucipuia, tor 1 1 tfcjfa:(l3L ffh' rth TiTf -IKS UPERIOU i& common Rose & Point ' Blankets, - . v ; ': ''"J BroWn & bleached domestic Sheetings & : 'Shirtings, rV-JWv r.:-:-:'x Superior 5s common 4-4 Iriaii Linens, v "Black figM o. rich shaded Gros De Naples .-Levantines, , ' ' - ' 7 v'r';"'i ,' ISteedle work'd Muslin Robes, r ; -: Jaconet,. INlull & Cambric Muslins,, ..... -Table Cloths, Napkins & Diapers, , , ; ylEIegant Scio.RibbVnsi r..4-:";T: - LeghprrVBonnets, . : i v v . -f'b ' Gentlemens5' Sup. BeaverHals: , Camblet & Plaid Cloaks, :- . , tJmbreiias & Parosols, t . - J Marseilles Qoilts ;:4& ' - Superior & Common Cloths & Cassimeres Tlannels, Negro. Cloths . " . . : Cfolton Bagging, Wool ,IIats; " " v . ALSO. Cognac Braadr . .Old'Madeira Win , Sherry .. . . do.,. 'Tetter iffe do.! Malaga do; lioiland Giu, . Oid Jamaica Ram, V. I. do. Ji. E. '. d: , 1 Smiths' Bellows, Anvils, Vices, fc. - October 15, i8255tf , NEW-TORK STATE 1 Literature Cias 3, for 1820. K To b drawu in the city of New-York on the ' 4th -of January, : 126, ,. and finished v ia fire Jtoittutes 43 numbers, 45 ballots to Jbe drawn. Xacb. iicket baving 3 numbers in Combination.. A '-SCHEME. V v : :4 Pme'Of $ 100,000 is ioo,opo "V,. 1' :do ? . 50,000 - 50,000 i do. : oxoo - oOQ 2 do, . H 5,000 , .10,000 do. - ; 2,500 10,000 1 10 78 463 4,446 do, v 2,000 ; :. 20,000 do,- Ttooo syjOtrrj do. Jdo. 500 39,000 400,--:i:.46b0 5 a -222,300 ' fiess tKcm 2 Blanks to apprize. V . PRICE OF 'nCSETS; V ; t ' fiqiEvlJ )$50 I QaAKTEB, -$12 50 Halt, 5 J i.iGHTir, 6 25 ..f. : -This i the; most' magnificent Scheme tnat tias ever. peen urea jor: tne patron . ae of the iriends . of Loery "adventure jjln America., The small oumberof Tickets. and thf unexampled demand for them, is; a sufficient; warrant, thatgthere will not be a chance'left for weeks before the day fixed or. drawing,!, ahd.that the price of Tickets will shortly rise to'$6:.y:;:r t . Gentrtien are! tlierefore requested, lip be early iaheirpplication, as all Or Idecs actually mailed befu're the i ise' will he jdatitled to be supplied at the prtsent rates; . f iVoespft the . Bank .of ili& U,; 'Stated, .and its Branches,r aod, getieraUy the Notes f all Banks thaVp-iy speciej'recetved at par7 , AlsoMercantUe prafts at sight, oq.any of thiarge-C i wrveireejy Yd pawL:C'iS I ; All lers to be .post5:paif3,fr t The matb' may , be reliedVoq as"; being 'perfect! sale (or Ml ;remittajiCs? ; fOTIGE. Lottery vJtitjprs J faring-diomelj ? determined Mxopay't hesame aid noTe hat peen piaid ahd'GiUef refuses to deliver NEW, GOODS i .v.- Thi Storejqtf Craygn, Jnear JoUok IxJft: Street,? has jus( 'opened a general assortmi?nbfvT?'f :'--i5' ..v v Bdbt and Sh(5e$i ijtraw Bpttnet nine iiuiu Aapa. vv Jpuuc i"VMa C hildren?s Fur Maps ! ; , ? "ust weived detphia and for sale at Very moderate prir e.,Vo-i:' ' in f " " . ' . - h .- ces -Oct, 15, AVE justreceived per scfiri Splendid irom XXewxorK, anq are now optun ing at their Cheap Store tteacly opposit the Bank of New bern a handsouie s)r jient of BOOTS; SHOES v& tf ATS, vii GrentlemetiVlst,'2d.& 3d quality Boots, ; do. Bootees & Shoes, ; - 500 pr. coarse Shoes, Ladies fine buckled .Shoes, dov' Strapped ,,do. : ' doJ VKv Walki ng ?: do. I do2 3 i Silk and Pfuneirdo. V large assortment of children's ,Shoes, i . 10 1 cases rjats containingfi men ,;anil boyj 'best Beaver & imuajion Beaver, 3 cases low priced Saddles.-- , also,- j-:, 25 barrels Cider Brandy, r. rr l 20 , dp. ; Whiskey, v .v'; j" - 20 do Gio, 20 do. N. E, Rum, 4 ;: jy j ': ' 10 ,do, i. Cider, i .jov '..' :;: - V 10 casks Choeae, '1 he above articles will be sold at whole sale or retail on the must teasoiiable tenus lor cash or country produce Oct. 8th, 1825 '94 boous. Black BombuiettsBlue fig'd do Russia Diapers, Cotton iioisery, to ps. rear uavens uuck,. 10 do. Imitation do.. ' ' ! Malabar, iMustupatam & Verrona Hdks. duper. 3-4 & 44 Calicoes, ; i. : Vi 4-4 & 5-4 Cotton Diaper, jt bprig'ct & plain Book Muslins, V Elegant needle woik'd Robes, V r C Linen Cambrics, AlerinpToiats, 1 Irish Linens, Apron Checks, ' - ' K Biick'& coi'd Nankin Crapes, -Black fig'd Silks, ' ;;: ; :i p:.-( Rich Cassimere Sh'wjs with mantle borders Cottbu'LacesV' lw priced Bedti ksVl'-- ionuoii supfT oTacinsrblue Broadcloths & .!:.-.. ; vas(meres, br :-".ti4-r-. -:-BIub Camlet & Plaid Cloaks ' with a variety of other articles, received last weeK oy me imiiv, and tor sale very low by: s iGEOi BRADFORD &Co. j ,Uct. 1st, 1 825.. . -; r ; Fasuoaube Goods. 4. MAJOR COOK has just returned from ISiew-jYork with a large and ftepera; assiuuent of GX)DS in his line; viz r"tv Supers London bine & black Velvet Cloths j (first M second quality,) Snper. olive, gVeen, claret & drab , do uper. bluei hlack i & faiicy colored Cassi- .uroeres, hist quality,) f -; : .V- A handsome assortm en t of Vest ings fnew . . ill UIIS HiarKei,;-- V- ",tj.-.--- :-- m.i-;--: RfiADY-MADE of bis own' manulacture, which he offers for sale, cheaper than those bought but of the SlOD SllODS ill New-York and Krnnaht to this market for.sale, when quality is ta ken into consideration. I v V i Gentlemen wishing Clptbesmade put of 4he,pest materials, and in the neatest and most tashipnabie style, ill dp Well tbcll at thesubscr ber'slolhintbr i: . sw. Jtu, oruers. trom abroad will meet 1 with immediate despatch. r ; Oct, ! 5. 1825. 4 . c v' ;KsPpCTFULLtinfomsh .and the oublic. that ha hne: rn..,i 'lf?m-&ew.rki ivherehurcbaiednd SSf8 a! TOPP bj-3f wtnch together with alt' other artideir4w lineV ; wilt be, sold W teTaiformusinessiw be coh'docted by Him and all Orders for ; -10w1111g wiii-receive lmmediaje J. A ucioper ist. i825-i?03T - FRESH MSDICIN ESCH EMlCALSi? i-5 DRUGS;;DYEf STlIFPfiK rrt? FT liewrjain awb&. a butiiLueie assnrrmnt nil 5 .-i lr.--: - - ?. -T ; I .--y.-.' ! $Mpothecai(LASSAREp v(ica ne is uisposea 10 sen Pn ; toe 43osl lavbrable i ermsal fatMoi DfejhilSst Adjust retonjed froin New-york and 5 Philadelphia, and is now opening m. his-Store 6o CMveftsstreet theAdlowihg, iarticle9i,ftnich fie wilr self ar very reduced 0c(&42Cmttfty Produce sfV - verItlATS,(latest fashion, finished In a '.superior stile,) . t ' v ; : Black drab WMfbrim doi i Einehioablis do; dpA:-Roram,s r4o(. Fine LambV (Wool A;::'-"' - do t v ' Leghorn BOilNEtS btia w,t Uolivarjdoj, v. ..f,.. Beaver Bon u as, with fealhers,') -! tj: -a- Gentlemen's V&li BOOTS, (1 bt fedquaK) ';do;.-sit&Tki do:;;."" K ' r'-,-" J dp ' .faj f feat. &, kip, Bout eesej . :. do ;" : io. .. - dp: . SF10E3,: A large supply p( leps lw; pricetldo, a B uy V &.cli lUlrea's Shfs &i j !Hi-t ,; . 4. Ladr-ftiorocco" !5ootsy& Sio teesc j (first ! Quality i) : - XMC?' "r: KvT'X'' t -Ladies strapped & elapsed Grecian Shoes, jjciuble is simile scaled Prunell Sh(es, l&sV do v-.f i. do. ?'do.-;3 ; . ,v JUildrerfs Morocco tisvarauS flours) Lidies fie sealkiir leaiht-r Sfioes VVojneni low priced iether -BooU & Shoes, 1 00(1 pr u t n 's &t boy s' sttmtipegrio Stipes DOMETT J t; G()ODS such as brown & H bleiicftl Shillings anjl Sheetings;Cali ' toes;iif new and elegaiit pryjts 7 f GetitleniKtu's super, w hite & figured -Cra- Ludits & gentlemen's fine black worsted Hose,' - ' : ; GntlemenV mixfed -lambs wool llose and " . hall Hoe, - ? "f i Black :& white ribbed silk, flag & Madras ; HajidfeeW,.-' '"-?7'-,: ' j'-l; Cotton iniition do. ; 1 'vt:;' ; SpouljCoi tiT,!'Xwhfe &coloured,) 1 V ' jewing Silk, 4-4 Irih Linetij, Szc. ! j . ' Sho-niakers Tools & Trimmings con sisttnt: ol boot & shoe Treese, plain 5 block Last, lining and binding Skins, coarse '& fine shoe Thread, v Oould's Varnish for boots, shoes, larness Morocco, &C. .'i;f '''"'V---XJ '" v ' Liquid & paste Blacking,; Shoe Bru shes, , H edr t h , v h ite-wash, horse and sci u bb trig q Brushes, Cotton Ss wool Cards, '. Ca rol i n a II oes, Beers' Axes , &c. &c. &c . Orders IrOm country merchants and i hers will be 'thankful ly, received ' and punctuaHy attended to. Oct lS; 182.". Call and examine Jot yourselves AVE just returned from New-York,' tunh tin t a ;j ' i rl iuvlniiltn Qunrl nieiit; bt READ Y MAD E 'CLOTHES 5 an!Oug which arjiJ- '-'V-'f j;;; i' Genth-men's .uper. drab Great Coais, (la t test fashion,) J ' H; r Clai et, olive & blue super. Frock & , Dress S ugler& double milled Cassimere Panta- !ohjs, (assorted colours,) B oad Clot h, Sa tin ett e '& Co r d toy k!' G; n-mens' super: - figured Velvet, do. figured & plaid silkv buff stripe, Alerseii ; i ICS aim UUC tlUUl J( (!!, . .-:. - Assorted Valehcias 'ditto.-Boy's Vests, r ine lmea as cotton Shirtsy -; ' Red & white"ff annel db. f ? - Check Shirts Gurnsey (Frocks; Low priced Great Coats, ; v do. db; Jackets & l rowsers. - ; tdp db-. Pea Coals iSr lonky Jackets, White and red flannel Drawers. jiK; Webb's Patent Suspendeis, t first quality uiota jBittkf vtrtvci u uair ClOCKS. i? lag silk and bandapnah Hdkfs; t me mix'd Lamb's Wool Hose iBIack rib'd half ilose, I Scotch Bonnets, &c&c '4'--, ?5 -eJtboVe articles wjilly be disposed f 'wholesale or retail as low as can be bhra in- ?d w;ipDatiheir Store on Cravn-aUeet . (ci ijr wpuane lue oanK ot i ewbern I f ? ! y ' orders froni the country Will be at- enoeo ip at tne shortest notice. OCU15, J825. CHEAP. g VH Ei Sdbscribertbnpnrnii i.?- JLSfore on Craytn treet a fewdbbfs 1wIo'UiiB;BaibT:NeMertf Dress Coat fock: dp; Jbuble and $tng)e'wHPaoia!b $ Prbd Cloth, ISatidett Totljnett, Wemia.Blatkilpd ,-ffc gSmierfibe; Linear and ColtoirShiruf l mm ah cotwelackets .aWsfc-j;1 i vantV Coatees abd Pantaloons: Jtea tanner onirt fdfieactew,l v?TAieW ftYvAtW-tt0 iMjJTm V- n btiy fiW Fur:.QAPSr(tarious qualities; newest 'tash ion, ) .;1 vj;:. J-Ui,-' t its$e&t& chiki ren's. Chinchilla y db. ' 4 't X . .;' 'I r j6faew paper,' to be. entitled tbe.. ? 1 1 HE Subscriber proposes to at : (irppiisboroueh. OuiHora iouniy, m c ?a weekly Newspaper 4 entitled the; Caro- iina tratrtot, to be devoieu iu iuv ui0,i- acmi- atiotty ufi iiepoblicao principles, j:ana the ifop ublxprrec the Pfanter.fthe ftlerchdiit,) the IVleclianiCv the man of science; ' the moral and tne re-ligious.'- - ' v Lri;:4.iTt:RM ; t ' ; It will bV published 611 good paper and forwarded "to its Subscribers at,$2 per an oum payable iii advance,1 or $3 at ibe.ex pirattoti of the year.r ; "fl' 'i7iTiv;.rst;Vnam'berfill;-appearas sboiKas a sunirienl number bf subscribers are obtained: : ; v WM.1 PO 1W1'LR. - f Subscriptions' to the abovp paper trill be rnceivra at lite jjp,ce vj inior.nimriy Lauii iov Sale at juCUoi. " y X the ecop'd dV of J ones County Court, December term,' will be sold at auction,f at the Court-House iii Trenton, , if not previously disposed of at private sale,) a Tract of LAND, on Cy press creek j in Uoiies County, containing about 800 ct$ There are 150 acres in cultivation l.he terms.of the ale will be cash; young Negroes, or notes on demand. . J . ' ' :;-K:--, LEVIN i B. LANE. Nov. 5, 1825 98 tds. ' NOTICEi HI HE Subscriber ' offers; his Tract of iJtV Land of 630 acres, lor sale: lying six miles west of Smithfield; Johnston County, and oil bolhsides of Middle Creek.) . I here is on it, a Single Story framed Dwelling, and other out houses lor the cpnveniency of a small family, about 15 acres of .clear ed land, a good portion 01 which is fresh and well adapted to the culture of corn and cotton, - and now in excellent repair. . A beautiful young Orchard of Apple and Peach trees. ' There is ab jut 200 acres excellen t creek land thro' which a beauti ful and never tailing stream fld'vs The hills adjoining the low lands, is well sup plied; with never-tailing springs 5 upland generally " leyel,'.which enhances its value It is but seldom that, a tract 'of land of it worth, and generally reputed healthy situ atiph and many advantages .and ; conven iences,, such as being coPveQient to never failing mills, is offeredorale in this sec tion of country. Those disposed to buy, would do well to call and see!. Said Tract of Lipid will be sold on accommodating terras if applied for bhortlyp Young Ne groes Vill be taken in payment. For fur ther particulars enquire of J)r. Willie N. White of Craven County, , or the subscri ber,! cVc. -Is JOHN EASON. Aug. 13, 1825 '36 tf. THE UNITED STATES' KEINSUKANGE ; COAIPANY,)--; , y: r (Ofthe F I NCORPORATED by the Legislature . of (he State of JSew-YorkJ for tne sole rpose of insuring against loss or damaee bv FIRE, offer to the citizens of this town and jits vicinity, and also the neighboring towns ah opportunity of insuring properly agaipsji this destructive, element, on , very reasonable, tennis v :- - - lliis Company is of as respectable stand ing s any similar ihstitutipn in the United States, au the public may rely with confi dence Upon all claims being liberally adjus ted.. Application to be made to the . sub scr i ber a t his Store on Ippljok- Street . Coin ppnicctions by mail,) post paid will meet with' prompt attention. -1 :' ' Zi ?be-OttoJber'8 1 - AN AWAY in the summer of 1 823. a a. rxegni man named TOM. or asf he sometimesiralli bimsei (Zfym'WAmetdZ- uc iuiuciijf ueiuugea zip ine 'late mrs; JlcCabeofNewbernT wWfJpIe'and neighborhood be is well known as a" floue Paimieiiayin follpwed that business seye tal -years . v He is about i5 feci :6 inches high; from 35 to40;rars; of ageiand of dark complexion j - I eipect be' Is lurking buvu. iivn uci ii) mi suuic part jti vyiarcu County. The abb 've re ward ancf reasona ble expenses will be paid for the apprehen sion of xowi, and for hi& confiaemeUt in jail sb that I get him- Masters of 'vessels and others are forbid Carryingaway or har- poring. said .NegrbiM' f onuMtneiq, jotinstoo Uouaty, 4ovi.4,' 1825 ttkELniya f ade n n.ilMi i. , uniii irv I j j? ..." . NOTICE. ,AT;.tHe ovember Session, AD. L-of Craven Cnnrt hf PlU!J. Session e'subscriber obtained lettelsof - - UUU Uivi l dec-All persons indebted to said estate 1 ' llWXwfm faynienl ; and "loj whaJiave claims aoainii .' " I "msg jauui-jge CiailllS ap! 1 vi. : . 1 . tate, are hereby, required tmTi "J "" "liuw wnmi AssemKI , ww. wjr wjc ucrauons of gajj jc J Nov, 16th, 1825-'0olo3. NOTICE. N Monday the 2d Jan. be sold at the Court-House in ki bexrr, a number of LIKELY Yimvn NEGROES, belonging to the Estate of junu oeau, oeceaseu 5 and on the next day will be sold at his late residence, the residue of the Persunal Froperty, belong, ing r to his estate. Six months credit tofu V giveu, and notes with approved security roil I AniiA4 . ti IT VTS14 VC JUIIVUf 1 ) ELlZABETir SEARS, Aimrx Nov. 16, 1825f-'00,06. ""!:. FOB SALE, Three Likety JVegvoes. Enquire of Nov. 18. T. WATSON,1 Hair Restorative. ANU Preservative Vegetable Cerate, Simplein its Nature and Wonderful io its Opt lauuii. - - f 1HE ijiportant discovery of .a Vegeta-- ble substance, capable of restoring and preserving the Hair, was accidentally made by an individual who has neither the! capacity nor the disposition to practice dei ception or fraud. The fullest reliance may: be placed on tne emcacy and power of the Vegetable Cerate, not only in restoring and preventing the falling off of the hair, but in producing thej greatest loveliness (if it immaginable ; and the public may rest; as sured that its effects will be clearly rcani fested in the course of a short time by the renewal and vigorous growth ot the Hair, and hy effectually preventing its cooinj out or falling off The Vegetable Cerate tends to resuscitate and excite the energies of the capillary vessels, which constitute those organs' that secrete the matter form ing the hair; these like many other or gans of the animal body, which have beta in a state of dormancy or disease, may be restored to their healthy action, ad I pr form all those functions assigned thembj nature.. , Elderly people, with bald heads, may rest assured that by applying a few boxes of the above Cerate, their Hair will be r stored with all its youthful beauty uid !i'e To prevent imposition, the sale ot the Vegetable Cerate will be confined to Dr. James H. Hart, for the city of New-York only, corner of liroadway and Chamber street, three dborslfrotn Washinglou Hall4 where it will be sold at $1 75 per. box. -f ; More T roots Of the superior efficacy of the Vegetable Cerate over every other remedy, is daily in-( creasing, and it is beyond a doubt theoniy thin? Vet discovered, in this or any other raimirv whirh rtnrp thp hair on BALD HEADS, and entirely orevents its cooling? out or falling off. j The following cerufi cates ' are nublished at the narticular! re- nnoer .if tlica rtntionts frr thu hplefi.t ot I the T r..v...-, .w. public. " ' - ; RE CO AI MEN DATfONS. Copy of a htter from Or. Wm. Chamber! New-York, Elridge-st. Oct.' 12, 1824. Sir Your Vegetable Cerate having pre vented my hair from coming out, I recfim mended it to Dr.' Divine, who was nearly bald ; he had hot used it more than four weeks when a vigorous vegetation of yowf hair made its appearance.7 From a rootjive of cuiiosily I have paid much attention to its artinn far fiflPPn mnnth and frOOl 8C its action for fifteen! months curate observations1, I can safely say, I have known as many as' fifty persofS ' :i t - i i i r . a in this wnose nair nas oeen reprouutcu, . -t-city. , I am: induced to believe from the above observations, that it is the only thing ever yet discovered that reproduces hair. 1 Wiln resipect, s?M CflAMBtfO. ir : Cnnv of letter from fIor(r( Hubbard. Es of UerlidrHartf6rd county, Conn, to the prop" .v ' etor of the Veretahle? Cerate, or Hair Kesw rahv.;,,.. .;.,,;,;;).. . : . '.j... . I "SForlhaUs nave lost their hair, and become bald, I w'11 itait that I wasiompietely bald for ntW five years on bearing of the many coil iffected' by your Vegetable Cerate, I hducedtof give it a tria. - And Jr' er usmthrter boxes. Jind in the short Ulih3 alf itspriglnaf vigour. 3eacTacbe--since usingthe Cerate it has eu !:: GEORGE fiUBBABfcV l! rlbadredaf Certificates1 p'1 H dded, j"iy.t .fhe ackopwledgedj yirWf i;ae derate rentiers tbat'UnnecesSary. VAopplyt&S A ttBv"-j i-;;yl;v:?;:iKt;; ? -.4v;? tH d T- .:-: ,V ??(. -irX -:-:.i-Ktl.---.t K'Z-P :-br. J- &:'...-.:V-F''' ir a-.:' -.r"4t; -A ,7 . ' .5 0

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