""'.V ' - ! ?-V " V" 3'i ' " ' "J , - " r . ' -' - s ' v n'- - v I , " - i j l J do not . 1 ; Pi . . WJ E v( I I I he more importance" at this moment, a the. Vice President Has been censured Gen.' La: Fayette, our second In cbav marid The battle now raged along the 5ATUaDAY, AfRlL 29182 4 1 a ". ' m m I J (.. f r.iu:A-MrRar,HtnH-a vreter virhole line with me mosi oeauij uij HS , cics .h6gh. t. vilUge of S... John wa Court for ? this " Coiih ty he ouoht to" be allowed : . a:4atilude lead- ing at last ta a personal anair ueiwceu Mr. Randolph and.the becreiary qi aiaie. It appear that it was the duty of some member of the Senate-to call Mr. Rao-: '-, ' . - . ... a . dolph to-order, . if he were jput of order Th& Superior . i ... DiTfuru nrpsirlirifT. COOl- Monday lasu i wf,.j.a,;i h wchiuci, !tuu vii.. f ?v--- ujeoceuv . - ' r-riar-;Th lor of the tfdnnnistiation ; in trie-senate, a capital naiure, came on fur trial. , .1 nc , djne so -the Vice President would hat oJ xxancy .a, - - i aVe transcended his tegiumaie, powers n he Ihad supplied the omission. 1, " ; ; , - Tlie censors of Mr.-Calhoun, in their attacks' seek rather ahe gratification ot their feeling's of resentment, than thecir culation "of facts among the. people.-:-That, able and --distinguished K officer, while member of the.house of repre sentatives was remarkable for his digni tv and 4eeorum, as welV as for liberality taken and retaken, With great 'slaughter their second in Command feu la the Wttnnlr: when thev Vave. no the -confesl JeavinP S00 dead on the 'spot orisoners and wounded. Gen. Gourasj at the head of "the carried the village ima- ciuntrv'.dist,es WK exlrav.gant.pecu- " limeot-nor .ospicion Mr . lations; Thev had been sucn as couiu i T 4 JZ.,m,f0 4;Srrac vr9 orfrn Vfrailt sDecu-1 ninii lU w not be witnesseu ; wnw- FThi. -Sir beW mV opinion no more Thpv fixed the public eafce and; excited I Tmissir, wtttS. . .f(i ? I juis-:j:' c rnvpr nsinthe Hbai) a tair cnaracw " ' ' '..- ! asi ppuu' -"-fvs r.V::0..u I -lundnde-as I begun, by stating fuai : i eves vi i vi v ; v i v - n 1 b "spot, .bWW , a. leas, wi.h .ridicole. They.prung 1 i ' Vil,i; ISr. aftei' the dawn' of the-morning, and , .;Corinthian;;'bygade, WWiJ J-J . nnl .tvitri lh; WnOie I IICV Mine ...w . T torce. whenithe l urns were coiipiccij , .1 Vti t ufculour, charged w,i u.c :nfonricide. The trial, comment y Thursday morning, andVthe jury retired 2 o'clock of that afternoon, since which optb 12 o'clock this day,; (making a pen- 0dof46buursJtney ns.ci-6;-- -r . a cioua thev rose, like bubbles or vapor, lowarus ? .... v - i .u Uiqitan0 ann nprrnvfii iiirr uuiibtuiv routed, ana-Bed : every direcon, ,ea: 3000 dead. 900; prisoners, 4uu . 5 f,' y-j r" wounded, 2 generals killed, ;U officers seen no ipore. , : ; r Mr. Alexander daring raaae ine ioi- South-Carolina cannot and wilt nor op pose the Administration," unless the Ad ministration shall deserve to be consider- d wrong in the eyes of its iriends. ' , ... A CAROLINIAN. v the 800 I l0WlPS remarRs in ihew verdict The other case was ;,lhat boy namedg, barged wlJe, theTiasTe"yoir in debate r He is equaly i . - A Iter n lull invciK" I - .1 UA chn r r VijI lilt highway roootryr. , - witness nis couuuu .u L . -n that tne cross floMs i uMS was committed ioineju, presi(Jent, or nis paueu a. Uu,gu,UCu ; - , nun, - - .o'.rt UitPntion to his own omcial duties. . U - . a few hours, iu.uc - -r-T neoole'who at present loiter 'm uoi. Denon. - ;ffbe reoWntedas presump- otLepanto.Jon. 25, l?2t.-L,EAR wounded. 25 takenwith STcainon Paclia's tent. , 14 ba?sase ana - . - j - - . - ta .... i nWInn aiannnc ittr lOSS . W3S b ilUl rnn wounded. A vouner man Commons,;in h ebruary . of the jjame of Herbert , took two stan- a if tbe run onjhe London bankers had dards, for which he was made Captain coninued forty-eight houjs- longer, and if on the field 5 three other staodards vere 4he Bank;of England had hot comeor- also taken. , The Turkish force was 10,- wartj as it did, -the whole country , would fAf ,n . n..r. 7 nnn. Make all ux.a htn thrown , into confusion, . the . Jllarriedf , - " In Greene Countyj on the S20th inst-tby th Reverend R,S. Mason,: Mr. TCHAPEL M'C. CBURCHILL, (of the house of C. M'OJ & the Bfilish House of B. 6hurchiU) of thil place, to Miss ELIZA &. BRANTON. - 1 In Jons Countyk on the 23d inst. Mrs; BECCA LEE, in the 84th year of her age, h Hor.nt-tt.rl thi lift- in full assurance of the censure himbe representet tu'ous on his part, if ' he. of the murder of Williaml right, to lecture grey-headed A " tbe senate on their deviation ' ' .' '.ri.f.Oc .y. u:; ;f'h nn.Mfd. the -Vter the anair or tne izin, wC uou a luwiu tvwinm I r;ht tia Wtfire prev-headed veterans I tmnp t . . .. ' ont'irotif rlptrftvpd-1 Christian faith,' having !ivd for upwa.ds ol ,r I WttOie H1UIIVJ yy....j . - and such a violent decline in prices ef fected, as would have, involved , mer chants, manufacturers and landed gentleT men in One common, ruin."- vi W Guilty. raus ofl tiguing march in pursuit of the runaway ober Ter, tne muruc' V V" u " Lnate on their delations from pro- Ibrahim raCa. who was co. e.ng . .., - r ;ffrtiial aDDeat to I . . . j ir .u0;, I troous at L.epanto ana rairas, diiu laiiwuig taiier ........ prwty ana oroer in ueuc. . j - . .,, lo lhe sworfi f. -pn . of Conpress. wlth i r...A wn this momma ;ncP nf what is. resuecttui ana properti '-- -b-j . ; r---- o , . i r r-- - f . T . ' theupre.u ,y - . " .u ; . hWuanr. the but we savt-a ins ignnc u.c r , feelings ot angmsn. 40 years a faithful member of the iwetnoai Church. - 1 (CommumeaUd.)' " JFrm the Charleston Courier. We have inoticed the bitter recrimina: lion in the Hall of the United States, du- arraigned at the bar ; wlien, auer ,W1Ve address to the unhappy man, hishoncurpronouncedsentenceof death, fld appointed Friday the 2th of May, as the time when it should be carried in to effect. ' ' , . , sense. do not blame nim i . - . . r ii . . .i i n. I bv a sinn il deleat. we ip snouia tan oi - iiciu. uu ;, i . who She right to interpose only f lls of the above- place on Will -, S . r . I ,l.:.!n n unnuta ht-ftil-p IIS. . when appealed to fot the purpose. 4 -1 TkI " ' Franklin Gazette. From the Richmond Enquirer joiw'iy the trouoie arrived under the 20th, and next . . i .i . . - fi ... i. morning blockaded tne town, veuciata La Fayette and, Delacrouk haying sur veyed the ground, we began our trenches, Washington, April 16. The heroism J in spi(e of a heavy fire from the town ,he ch'ivalry of Randolph's conduct and castle. Oh the 22d, we were joined ,... e . ' . . . 'I'ho.nct-jnti L..n;tn l'-aI. .rtri ra tun voinni eers ar TLl'lalAkS M -k ITflFi.' IB Br B lin I B ' M rill .11 II II BV V 1 w--- n . w i Ti r H..M a 'WT-k i' iiiiiii vi na mi inriii iiiii rra mjm usjm - - -v-'t avvw : Mr. John . I,M""" r" . 1 -"V.ke refusual to explain the from Leehorn. consist.ng f lancers, (hetnericois- Recorder, nas uisp i m t, . k,hanrf nd the ta- I hnsars. Src and a small battering train 1 ,..!rt nver oflpiid. amid the greatest dt- -i u:..rVnrtka UtWblishment to Mr. VYIL- I l;, ninncle never oc-1 nf eifrht 36 oounders. and (our mortars, V(ira;,V nr.interesLand ooinions: it is the . . ... 1 . I 7 r . A I - '! . . i . 2 - u Mttipore I ' . ... . .. i. :.. I .... Ln. n . . T Yeomans, formerly ol aei,u'1 I cuoied before by mortal man, anu uevi un.me same nigni, iwo.ueiuwu i right ol every man uiiuci uui uwi u., an .a A - i vernniciiisa iu imutv iui uimotiii v i ------- j , i L . express his opinions in a proper manner ; but all are -forbid: by every principle of urbanity, philosophy and religion to a- buse others, 1 he great mind should nev er f irget is propersstandard ; ir, if un In vain are we ex alted in vain do the blessings of peace, abundance, .of wealth, I andj progress of j arts, the illumination of science and reli eion. combine to; make us happy and great, if oor our ablest and wisest states men, and greatest heroes, thus , continue to sinK tne sianuaru ui ii"u"oi and inculcate a ialse and absurd philoso- 1 . '.-. I . -. - ' ! 1 J - . . -1 - phy. Ualm, canaia, anu conclusive ai foment, without personal imputation, HAM . , ... ,:.k r M .v. ihRir naner will I to be: occup eu again. r vw t unCncU j-y Altering ivi- . , rr4.rf before catinot occur acain. e entitled the Washington Herald. , Randoiph ; . the Secretary, the 6.,nn'iniv ih ctprn determination nut tu co.npromU the Senatorial , privilege ; the rhivairv oi receiviny uunci oiwi CONGRESS. The Senate are stiW engaged in debating Mr. Branch' reso lution in relation to the Appointing Pow er Mr. Randolph and Mr. Tazewku. have both delivered their sentiments on the subject-the former on the 19th inst. spoke seven nour C Randolph u . nf- Knresenitmvc, oi , , - . 'e..D-;i and animaieu uroM - - Pachas intent of. attacking, us in the mor- ninrr W iih innn horse and foot Our O 5 --- - - force was Only 9,000. At day breaks the Turks advanced, covered by a heavy fire frnm the fortification's, with loud "shouts -"r ' the magnanimity of ottering the nana, of Alia and Mahnet. uur artuiery anu happily betrayed iinto language unwonny t tne wire.-., anu i musketry opeyeu on ineui wu unuui- ol itsell, or snouiu puuetj uy suui mu- n a 2lst, came to tne qupanwi ...v u:.I;-ih result was that the naked yj proposition to send Ministers was anc II . - . i . i-r mainrlrv. and on the iiiinuii nv h. imi:c uii" v? 22d probably the Bill making the iwceiiVl OCCesion, ought to be k ur nnrbDriations was likewise passed. ? 3riunWn to a few lu ; It is undersVood that JamcsCoolky, uo Kaon nominated to me and counter marchings, ' en the th regard for the heart of mother. The case never nas otcurreu before may never occur again ; and will now be f known to tne as he has been long known to his intimate, friends. Jiis interview -with B. on the morning of the duel, or rather B's with him,' when he staid with him two hours, heard him talk of friends, saw him make his memoran- dums of rexnemberance, ana uress min now n to all as they are known to a few here. dous effect.; and in fifteen, minutes the 1 puat,e from others, should never resort to whole line as furiously engaged ; our an expedient which , furnishes tjie most cavalry charged the enemy in grand sty le, deleterious examples, jeopardizes . his cutting numbers of them into pieces. The character in the estimation of all the battle had now raged seven hours with g00tj . and his eternity by the accession' the greatest obstinacy, when the fine con- 0t Heaven itself. How 'mortifying, the vent of StJUMaryVwa blown up, and TOO reflection, that the; United States has be- Turks with it; their line was nowbroken C(m,e the only conspicious theatre of duel- and routed, they living in every direction i in in the civilized world ; the heroe: PORT OF JVEfVBERJY. ARRIVED, v Brif General Macomb, Hunter, Grenada-v ; molasses k rum to-G Reid. Packet Schr. Ami'y, , Fuller, 5days froia ,v New York, with merchandize to 8 Brown, J Higffs, G VV Dixon, W Brower, T VV xMachen, R frimrosej &.C6.V Hollister, J Skaw, Wm S Webb, G Bradford, &.Co. VV Brower Feu sensersrG W Dix6n,J Wilson. I he Amity performed the voyage in 18 days: making tvv trips in five weeks. Packet Sciir. Eliza, Young, 4 days ironx Philadelphia, with merchandize to .l Jarvia, 11 W Jones, tch U Kince,y. P astenger t ll W Jones Toe Eliza performed the voyage in 17 davs. Schr Gideon Sparrow, ingans, naiwmoiw, merchandize to E C King Schr. Regulator, Skidmore, Baltimore, maf chamlize to E, C King, J S Kowler." Schr Thomas &, Kliza, Childs, Philapel phia. merchandize to C M'C it C B Churchill. I1 Watson.. . - Schr. Franklin, Rumleyi St. Martins, sugar it molasses to S Simpson Schr. Midas; Tuley, Grenada, ro;lasseg to S Oliver' ' Left at Bacsatarre on the yth inst. schr. Counsellor, Mann, for Xtewbern'm o dayst "CLRAREU, Schrs. Julia, Anthony, St, Martins: Proxy, Brown, uuadaloupe ; Triton, Robinson, St. Dorainffu ; Packet schr. Triumph, Willis, N York. u m T ' , . IV.U vemment of Peru, and-JoHN James Af pleton, ot MasrachuseUs; to be Charge des ffmes-to the Government of bwer den .Nat JnU way out, only losing six men in that dar- i h...j.. ' uf oiiri , fow Havs 1 hni,.;i '. x nartv if our cavalrv nau ureeK x cuy.-- j - i mg t v.-- . . eu tne t'acna prisuucx, " t ill . -. n,4 i-Bir h ivhat means " the auoDiemeniary i as carried on tne neiu wwuuuw.- j tain .ww " m I - . mi Article to the UreeK treaty naa Deen at- i carDuiepaii in me urcaai. "-j We have since learned, lust 4000 killed, bW wounueu, -tuw collected the Indian I tirisonert.- 8 standards. 10 cannon, anu dj&jvclyg school. N AVOIDABLE circumstances ha-. ving prevented iMr. De Grand Yau from visiting iNewbeni sooner,- ue na now the honor to inform its inhabitants, to the town, pursued by our cavalry to I an slale8tnen of Europe are seldom ini-1 and the vicinity thereof, that he' will be in the pates : a part entered pell men whik inolated at the shrine or revenge ; anu is LNewoern on tne rirsi any uj iy, w a ' ..... . .... i ... ..... ..-.!" i i . . -s ' them. but not being supported, cm tneir i lt not a consoling, fact, that uie votaries of dueling, look! rn vain to ine nignesi of Ohio, has been nominaveu w . ( wfi erJ a, gQine ogs w asce,.. y tak naio the fresidenr, wucvg5v; , , rn1na thp Sunn ementarV I waa rarr et V .. . .' n. ... ..'iV... 12. IdlU UY , k ri - , who a complished." that Col. Benton prisoner sf 6 ammunition wagons. Our loss was wounded, Ueii. n vain to examples for precedent, among the An cients. Julius Caesar, solon, tveonraas, Socrates, Brutus, Hannibal, and Alexan per, never fought duel's ; of .Moderns- Napoleon, and all the greatest captains and civilians-that sprang arounu mm , make arrangeraentxfor his School. April 17, 1826. THOMAS W. MACHEN fT A3 recently received from New TIL York, and offers for sale on reasona ble terms, the following articles : into his room, and frankly represeri- ...a ,u.m that ir would not be odvanta- 9000 killed and 400 geous to themselves (existing ctrcom- Gouras was slightly wounded in trie neaa stances all considered) to hold land long- by a musket ball. The Turks had . or- er in Georgia. This argument prevailed ; ders to give no quarter 5 they lost 125 iKacnnn1mintal Article' was adopt- officers. 1 forgot lo inform you injury ed. We understand, certainly, that the ast ihat the Pacha's (Ibrahim) tent and auen Jn the fields.of glory, or by Uie or Georgians have all the lands ; and that seraglio of ladies were taken. dinary agents oj rrovidence, u is renerv lhe ratification is merely suspended,to do B. BERTON." ed for us alone to lament our lost Ham- mething for the iUcJto rary. , vve ; . , iltons and uecaturs, sacnucu v t..c I "VV AK IP i tiCi t ij. citioi i eu genius o un uunuiy oiu UA orrivnU frnm that OUai'ter' brings I rpvpmre. CANDIOUS. accounts of the coiiiraencement ol war; in earnest between the Brazillians ; j cannot, ;Mr. hditor, bring mysell to and '"' Buenos-Ay reins ; and furnish the believe (aS some confidently assert) that particulars of actions of some importance the pdblic voice in this Stale is. opposed by land and by sea. Nothing decisive to Ir. AOAM's Administration, and 1 re- however bad occurred on either element ; gret the more the position of array which the loss was not great to the vanquished, some of our nieraliers of, Congress have although the Republicans claimed the taken against it, because I believe their Phenlx Gazette, and a misapprenensiou i honor ot victory in every niawu. , " - consiiiu wuom iia.cr.v,..v- r We l-arn Irom sou county, nrnpfedinirs in the Senate, in which expect his Imperial Majesty uas ugun pos,Ie course the 3tth ult. Uapt. Aiexauut-i v.u6 i na,hf:llrt ;s charged with having ai- ere this to On Saturday last, a man named Silas 0 Reed, was lodged in our Jail, charged wi.h having committed torgery upon . the. iT,,;...d MatesV War Office. Measures have been in operation some weeks for his apprehension, and it is to the vigi lance oi the U. S. Attorney, for the Dis trict of N. Carolina; that these measures have proved successful, be was arres ted in Charleston,' and the expedient us ed for his detectiou deserves notice. A letter was addressed to ! him through the medium dl the Post-Office, and an Offi- kept in wailing for several oays, to Alexander, Wellington, Boiivar, &c,-osc. Black and White and other fancy . Co- and f lhe ail-glorious, WASHNGTON,,, - lored Prints, never fought duels : nor do the disputes Ladies' buff, beaver, & white silk Gloves, of the Grecian chiefs end in personaUre- jaconett, plain, & figured Book MuUiris. contres. While other States weep over cambric Hhdk (worked corners,) the urns ot their great and gooa men, i Sewing Cotton, Tape, &c czc, v en o . . i:.; trust; therelorej that the source oi , im- .. ie r P( iin: and peace: resioicu tn ft-nroia 'the United Mates Ppptks. . We arrangement is made'a to the Creeks and Alabama. .. tc. -c,. and the dn tint understand, what seize him when he applietnor it. ne . Hce President, A report has as brought to this place been going the rounds in some newspa ion in t tie Siage, undr guard. KOI. neg. i V.i,j0j iirinn a statement , in the Vnson County, that on Also, A few articles in the Druggist line, riz ; , Cream of Tartar, Epsom Salts, Flour of Snlphuir, Opodeldock, Cinnamon, Gum Guiacum, Elix Vitriol, Blue do., Allum, Stougblon's Bitters, , Blueing in Cakes, Starch India Rubber, Lemon Syrup, Soda Powders, N Seidlitz do. &c. &c. April 29, 1826. feel the loss of Lord Cock- j South-Carolina has ever been distin- The Svibscnbcjv HAS Just received from Elizabeth Town, New-Jersey, on consign- . . i i I. . rl : l . ment, a handsome ano ngni ivi, wuu shot dead near his own house. - INo white k Randoloh to speak to a mo- rank's services in his maratime eXpedi- guished for. attachment to the Union and. I pated Harness made expressly for the witness was present, uu . y i . . refused jyir. Dickerson, oi iiew i tions tne " nero oi uasquc uoiismunou, ; wmui i r j .U .ri hut surrendered I . ' "7, " . v- , ir i U I 1 " I ". .itnf;i m .ral HripnPIP V U.'.n .. ' K.an lnual vno commiucuiic .- - r p . fi nmself, and the 'affair will, ot course, un leieo iudicial investigation. Ve under-1 the right to reply. We have the (whatever may be his moral deficiencies,) has ever been loyal ity of the Tatter geutleman to cor-1 had he commanded the Brazilians Jo cap- has looked only to the is its smeia. ane and faithful. She prosperity of tbe the rhese Powers, geographically consider- I jnu$ does she enjoy her proud and meri- who h doton indirial investigation. We under- I .. .. irt raP fmm feelmg i.,rp the audacious Com. Brown who wi10e nation, yielding nothing to stand, the accused and the deceased were J " . . . conduct Qf the attacked with only half his, lorce, and 8piril 0f party sacrificing every thing on Winers in-law.16 : ' " presfjent on Jhe occasion refered I suslained the battle for a time in a single ihe altar of, the f Union. I bus has she ' , - I... :. nr Jiiiini-.' .i.iri r' iink hi i nse If inthe attempl. I nhrainpd character, and confidence and Th. ITTS. frigate Brandywine, Capt. r:?..r ' " J r ' rh. Pnwprs. Rekd, arrived; at. New-Vork on the 17th irisu m 40 days from Gibraltar. . She ex perienced very heavy weatne passage? The iNorth-Carolina dilution frigate,' sloops of war Ontario,, a Mahon on the 28th The Senate ol sestored to itself its own committees, controuling its own ence In a' sketch of this subiect, in that body oo saturaay couui Y- Southern marketAlso, a first rate Phi ladelphia made four wheel Carriage and ' rrli .ii i IJ . Plated Harness, i ney win rjesoiu cuMp for cash . .. TT.T., WILLIAM .DUNN. . .. JK . i ... April 15, 18262124 - i ana resuetnui. j - - . i: Thosepapefs-which have given circor ed, are. far remote jrom us, tnougn inn-u- ted reputation among our I Utinn to the unfounded statement refer-1 uiiig the same Continent as ourselves ButSir, the confidence of bouth-Uaro- !Xr " red to, will, of course, take pleasure, in from their hostilities we have nothing to iina iu ,he General yovernraew nas noi v-'A doing an act of justice tothe'distinguish-I hope pr, fear; unless Indeed one party ben blind, norunreflecting-certainly L,rie ana i I , . i: .,u-,. Ka hppn so I n- it.. ntKor4 fmninlin on the laws of nt mprcenarv. ,"...V.:'-:....'- f - V i ion 111(11 Vllllldl WUU VW"u,v.;, . VI ..J lUV .v.uw. . a - - -f .w -. ' I nd schr. rorpoise, weie . i - . r.m.,.Awah. U. S. JM, 1 riaiinn.. should treat oar flae with aisre-1 . The lacihties ot leisure anora 10 our i FetMr-all well, , - v , , , . ; spect still they are American, in put I cizeM ample opportuuitiw ol refleciion, reqoe,0. u . -.r " T ' f"! -TTt; u.-. J . .'lhi E.imng Cl.. I Repilblican-apd uta . ottr aympathie, and the.innamerahle advaatage, ol -tne m. "-'"Kj--", i7-ilZ Iheuoitea aia.es V .1- fVlvrFR5 PROM, GREECE. I as as good offices, to pot a stop to press mate them lammar who .ii . i w picf " " j ' lhi be poer of appomtiog LEXERS and ot Ug Ur;rZfl-JfrS66.-l take th. Ministers' meet theirEoys at Manama, Tbey m o, ant... V journals, oy rein- -r- r vn,t ,hP ac-las thev are expected in til proDaDiury to Mege, seeing the numoeroi uwuuguwucu ,,tJ. - f ..rTfV he Droceedings on first opportunity of writing you e ac as they a p h 8 whoafthev have sent to-tfsnr - JOSEPH LOFTIN, Admin r. I it , I - M I CtK. 1 OCv . , NOTICE. "T the March Term of Jones County iX Court, the subscriber qualified as? Administrator of FARNIFOLD SIM MONS, late of said County, deceased. ' All persons indebted ' to: said estate t are in which the .ha6e e, no, 6nfy proposed b,;" an Tur1,s .0 a. nmb .4 men and offiwrs. and fell back to the village. k' v -n'Alnrk next morriing the con- 'luuul v . l:-u f..U tVipir endeavours to attairi a result so hu mane so -desirable theh but a " specK of war", would remain b darken the Western Horizon. Pet.'lU, , ,7' ; hiiimaie pesonal friend'' of Vice Presi moraoei be seen irom nis exposmuu w uavavr ...- - -T ,ir ravalrv" I the dn.u,..fh5. nffio in, the chair, Mamelukes were charged oy our cavalry, ,nso which appears to have entirely" met the views ot the Senate, that theV ice rresi- lea.,- uur nucu.t... - ;r the water . - , . , : r..;,, . . ,4 (.an lirU , deiu is not cohsidprd entitled to the 1 the otneers as mey b-;i:-m-nt follows - . .. rf .. " i I 1 M ,ttv. .lirUBI l-i . I 1 V llll A. UI1UJ wu.. - - rAhera. T-.jr it..;,.... -l.-l .- . v 'i- ,., ' ' Recognizing the great principle ol tnetr own political safety, in the preservation of the Union, they nave Deeu aiw w lir.tj to regaroi wnii the. , -3 en? Dollars Reward. "fjj AN AW A Y from the Subset iber, a X: NegrolVoman named M ARINDA, Grea Britain. It is scarcely possible, j constUuted authorities of the nation. 1 formerly the property of Thos. H. Daves, ' r . ,A'Ji..;ilM ihB Thpv will not wunoui. viucnvc jq, a uariicuiw ucswiuuu w uwm.v- few words, better s de5cr.be the j? vetmeQi shaaljf ib . any I unecossary as ;she is well . known ia e-making limes on the other sidtol - n)J patticuIariy to this; ibeir own, 1 Newbern and its icuiiiy, , where, she is . camng njemoersirucr , --r " 1.1: who had trench ana cngnsn v'";,;i " , tnared lie welfare : They will not Infer cornupt ard '"will- be paid for her .confinement in debate; that the enH mnrh mad bva niember of the body 5 and that the Vice President may then decide the v point of order, or may take the sense of the sen- Mr. Secretary not to fire till the TurKS were w.iu ;A ormr ads: - The erieroS now voored to turn our leu wing, .-w h , oaWre of xilQ systenvwat uu Ts" motives from beneficial measures they !;ai and delivery to me. tCanmnfccommeocedl ' 1 JAM! 6 wittr disclaiming all desigti of imputing e;udiCes ihe ground and motto of I ; Aprf22l 'l826. ' , : - JAMES FfclUCK; , ST 1 we upon the subect. This exposition is CeiVCU v me jviui It - v' J , I . 1 4 ' f I - l - i . , J - .n; - , , ' , ' - ' - V t 1 .."'t- ' .''1 '..1' (.' -i '' t