f J f. or wiihin tJ :4 ' X 15 V ; mm 1 ; i V.'l U mm s ill r 1 17 ' ! x - X If 1 1 si 7lp: 8 I' X I ' It ?; -if; Ml x7 ' J&If Wthavewelv sweeter, nq rr A ftnYi&WHISKEY. CHEESE tfw?&;;rWAlii Bm.k more appropriate lines on your; file, you need not pubiiso ine jouowing, , H""" Hosland. S' ON. WOMAN. ' Te are stars ot Ae aigh ! yVs are are gems of ' Ye are dew drops whose,, lustre illamines . the NEW: v ' . ' ,v: thorn; . Y V rajless that night isthat toornihgqnblest : IVhere no beam in your eye lights uppace.in , - the: breast, X.H; x;"fXX And the sharp thorn of sorrow sinks deep id tha heart ",".' ,r- 4-; ' i - -.'V. Till the sweet lip of woman assuages the smart! Tis hers o'er the couch of misfortune to bend, in fondness a jlo?er, w nrmness ;a inena , And prosperity's hour, be it eyer contest, . From Woman receives both refinement ' and :x Ahd adorned by the bays,' or en Wreathed : by the Willow, , ; : Her smile 'is our meed,' and her bosom our , ; pillow COURTSHIP.' "J' Sy Mrs. Carey, authoress of Lasting ; sions a celebrated nelr Xc x' When Baldwin first wood, I said A", I confess, X Because t had heard people' say,; . ; That the men were so nice, if tod' soon we -said They with scorn would our frankness repay. ' iSo Iblush,d-an4Jook'd.down- X -Nay endearour'd.to, frown,;, u ; X And cried Go . you but mean to deceiye mp. ;But he smilNl when-I said f J ' ''Thatl ne'er meant lo wed ' J And protested he did not believe me. Then next he renew'd his confession of truth, v I. tried, but in yaih,to say JVo; . .h,i4 r JFor 1 thought it a pity to frown onrthe youth, When a smile could such pleasure bestow, ;, ' ' So I held out my hand ! x V ! But said ' prav understand ? X If hereafter you slight or deceive me, ThougTi sorry to part, , T v -: - ''i gu not break my heart," w' ".' . 1 He smil'd, and appeared to believe me. . .; State of North-Caoliha, . ,: . -N X ' ' ' ' ' CRAVEN COUNTY. . Coitf-f o Pleas and Quarter-Sessions, i ; I .. August Terra, A. D. 1826. ""' ; - w 4 John D. Friou, : 1 X.. JMtctehment: 1 ff T appearing'' to the Court that tW A JaL defendants are not inhabitants of the . State :: it is,iherefore ordered, , that pub lication be, made in the Carolina Sentinel iot thirty days that said defendants ap pear at th next Court of Pleas sad Quarter-Sessions, to be held for Craven County, at the Court-house in Newbern, on the second Monday in November nexr, and replevy or plead to issue, or judg ment wilt be entered up against them. -'Attest, '' ; '' . " : - - JAMES G. STANLY, Clerk' Sept. 9, 1826 '42 M6 pr. ad. $4. vs. Stephen Shakelford ani Susannah his wife". ! jr. NfTIHR LL persons aire heiebv ; forwarned from dealing wish" William-; Ga ton's Negroes, either in. buying or sel ling to them any thing, lending or hire ing them Canoes, br setting themi .'over at ferries, Without my consentunder tb penalty of the law.- -f x ' ? .4 ; PKTER WOOD.1 ' Sept, 16, 182643. -. ; ; ; NEW t LOUR. :" G BRADFORD, &Co. have recev- ed this week by the Triumph from New-York, -j : . - 75 bbls. Rochester Flour, fresh ground from this year's wheat.v ,::- " also;- x' t "r. A small in voice of Dry Goods: Sept.' 1 6,1826. ;-:-'' " Ti'::?-'" THE SUBSCRIBER " H AS just received per ;Schr, Amity, a few articles in the. Dry' Good and Silversmith's line, viz. . Figured' and plain Book; Muslin, Cheap Fancy Calicoes Green Gauze Veils, White do x Bro wn and ' bleached jShirtings and , v ' Sheetings, Linen Diaper, Cotton do ladies' black belt ibbs vr V x(" x ;White Silk Gl6ves, Mf:Mf, -;fHeihming & Son's" gntimwTri' "needles assort etf sties, Pin tx " Sospenders, --Fish hooks ass ses. . YioUn 1st, Jld'j 3d, and Bass strings, of a superior, quality, -j Also, a. few; setts Silver Table Spoons; Tea1 -Spoons-dhe elegant sil?er Patent Levee AVateli, Steel .. Wich Chains, &cn'-m ' v THO'S: W. MAfinPV.; : WSIONABLEt ?5 v. 5 store ' on vyraven-jireei, i?w .m"" below the Bank of Newbern large and frpnpral assortmeritofm-v?tivf CLOTHING 'CONSISTING OP t"Xr.-"-i.":v irw'CoSsFrock:do.'f. Double and single mill'd Pantaloon, ';''-' iTiaiSeilieS. t Olinci, acuiia, utaytw ?:t ; andCloh yestsi ;f ':f;;x Fine Linen and Cotton Shirts, iX" Angola Frock Coats,' V - -. V,:- . '". : Aneola, Bombazett. Frerich Linen, and Unrnhn- ma I :natapc. Black Crape If antaloons t x : ; v; Silk Jitripe Drilling do. Fepch;vCin0hJ'd6V , x Freuch Anla, do:y4t , -" Linen'" Drilling, do; - , 'y Buff'Casmere;do; iVhite Linen round Jackets. " x l BrbwhVd.y.f..do. Stripe's'K ' 'do,.',x -:'do;4 '' . t : - y.-. ' -'' ' pomoazeit.;.';-joo.,vi.1ao.i'-u..-'-.: 7a Fine and scparse Jacket and Trousers, ' . j J"; House Servants Coatees aind Pantaloons, D)iick and Osnabiirgh Pantaloons, &c. ,1 The aboye goods are- Neyr York made, and will be disposed. of wholesale and re- Newbern, 26th May,iJ 826.iC : -- - i,;, jTpHN L. DURA ND;Co have just received from Philadelphia and New I orK, anq are now opening at their otore nearly opposite the Bank.of Newbern, the following articles selected by one.of the firm : 'viz. ,r'--' xxx!lv V;,'. 7 ; MADE IN THfi LATEST STYLE Mens' superfine blue & olive Frock Coats auto v DiacK Ulose oats , i. . do." ' fdo.x. Coatee 7 dow - do. drab Great Coats ' Qamlet Cloaks; ; f : : . blue,-cloth Round Jackets 7 cloth Pantaloon various colours ; d'ble ,5s single mill'd cassimere do satinett, cassinet & hangup do. beaverettand Sustain do. 7 bombcizett Summer Coats -7 sarcassati, rattinett'& camlet do. 1 7 Angola, searsucker, silk stripe do. '::' Circassan, Angola & Florentine 7 'PntaloonsXfi is7, yellow ; Nankeen & Tom & Jerry ". y .'t'; " d?tto?vx .!''vx;.-; dew mark satt'in,' var. colours do. 7 white drilling, linen & jeans do " ' linen drill & F renchMo; .do.. y Flemish, linen, & white sattin dp?r ;.v ; x ribb'd lirteri drill 'upesjddpi vx willing stripe & stripe cottonrdo.j '-7- white linen & searsucker' Jackets blue nankeen & Tom & Jerry jo Strip'd ginghams cjo77 77' 7 , .fig'd & plain velvet, black silk do; ", toilenette,, Valencia, & Mersailes ;TkfbueVdo:r.7-:i , . Ivl- A great; variety qffjigwred and plain 7.; vess, 7 ; '; Linen, cotton, and check Shirts x Linen, cotton and flannel Drawers Webb's Patent Suspenders - . , Common and low priced. Suspenders Gentlemens black GlovesV best quality Cotton and Th read ha If Hose 7 '' Silk,f flag, "and baridano Hkfs. i Black silk and cotton flag: do;7? Madrassosicouop 00. 'by;zy: Black silk and hair Stocks , txf Bdff Cravats, Stiffners & Russian Belts X Children! Clolhelllix' :S4r :' 7 Seamens 'Clotiln;: i 'y 7House servant? ditto yy Elastic water-proof drb Hats;7 '"f J : ;The above articles will be sold very " law fur cash. 7f 7 7 , .: " . '7V: " "' rl June, 17 182 Uir;-? "X'.i i-x"'-Vr;RAIAWA-v ROM the Subscriber on the 12th; ultimo-v GEORGE, fellow man about six feet high, belonging to the es tate of t; Daniel Shackelford,rdeceased. Also, a black man named, DICK, belong ing Jo the, estate, of Isaac Kornegay,, de ceased. Dick is a tall sliro fellpw, and it isrsupposed he is lurking about tatibn of 'Mrf.McDanie Bridge. I will give a reward of 'Ten Deft lars' (of either of s themj! if-' delivered "in Newbern, or secured in ; any r Jail so thatv I get them, and all reasobahlef expenses paii.S7: 'ttAir aiiVt Wiro'Spiip'slGut Nailswhite Lead; Bai'Uad-15 Barrels Rye VVhis kev5scr25 Barrelsupetfine.tFto.i?r txFop Sale.byMl ymyymyi:;y pv Sejpt2ilfi r ... X-r ' '',X - KVtVc. vX- itAyVf LOLer, in 'tOnslow (nty,-containing about iKFourteen Hundred; Acesf main banks, more , pr less with a goodMullet C isnery v , ue.iaiiu is wen jmiiiuw ioutorie'milef'frorn the pceanxandnear :iew JKler Dar. , xne snuauuii isagcw hU hd considered heilthyFor7terms enquire of the subscribers.: x , -7. 7 THOiM AS S: CHADWICK, ' 7';-44!7:ANSON:icHA ; tf Beaurt,sSep-( 24, i 1820-45 50j FrldaiHStbinstt-iAiN Ibouf ewbemarilts iHey?arevsumcicHuyiuuii wiiuui rflwiUlivenhebov freward Vfor.nfie delivefv Of "said 'women :o ie, or'for i AUTHORIT Y OF. THE STATE OF 1 m b Jii 4 JU ?;: :xr - 5 ' To encourage; the pubUcatiof , he ' ' y '' ,ST PRlZE-''vr'.'i: Drtfwinsr to commence in HiU&borouffh. on the 1 Prize of $ 20,000 is $ 20,000 a x xi 10,000. v lOioo 1-v77x : 75,000 5,000 15,00 7 73,000; ?7 IfiOO , ' 8,000 ;5,oo 7 5,000 1807 ; 3,600 1 100 4,000 v 7750' - 7- 7- 2500 ?x!'7i20''7--, i 9,000 10,000 x -27 8 iO' 4l 450 -;.'' 1050 7110 : '1.7 7 :5777 -36,000- i 2Vcier Five DoMarsyto be Aoirf a Thomas Watson's ; Book Store. J4 ewberjd August 26v ,x - . - ; -'s -; NORTH & SOUTH-CAROLINA - LOTTERY, For the benefit of the Oxford; Academy, e : in North-Caroliha,&c. To be drawn the 29th of November 1S2 6 ' -r,lx:?:''f'.SCH : xi, 1 Prize of $ 12,000 is 12,000 1 .,5,000 -5,000 ;:i7:; 7L 55,4,000-7; 7 aooo: 1 v 2,500 , t ; x 2,500 , 1,340 a 71,340 6 . 7 v 7 1,000 : 77 1 6,000 - "12:;7 7 -7,7150077 6oo; :J 156' tyyy'ytt,:07' '778b 'y-yyr' ioslL- uft:7,8oo! ,800 s- 7'-5Xv, 39)00 flYcieiKoc ' Dollars; i to be 'had at Thobias Watson's Book Stork August 26. 7f': i7; UNITED STATES': r.r-i:' y Fire I nsvrace Gompaivj 1 7 (of the citf Of NEw-yoKK,) I FNCORPpRATED bthe Legislature JLbf the State of JNew-York for, the sole purpose of insuring against loss or dam age by FIRE, offer to the citizens of this to wn and its v iciriity, and also 1 6 e neigh-; ooring town?, tu uupunuuiiy ai insuring property against mis aestrucuve element, on'very;,reasor)ablefriMS t This Cdmpanv is of as respectable stan ding asT ah j similar institution in the Uni ted States, and . the public may rely ' with confidence upon all claims being liberally adjusted.. ;: Application to be made to the subscriber at his Store on PoIIok-Street. -Communications, :by mail, post paid, villTraeet with prompt attention.; 7 JAMES E. BETTNER "Agent. r 4 Newbern ;:OfoJbeg ? R 'i-i fr'sAiM;!r nanqspme. wen maueiuiaaeipiiia ?ANAVVAVJfrom theiibcribeVpp the fth ofiJuly" lastra negro man named MiNUALlfor Manual Walker.) He was purchased of . John ;S. Nelson, Esq- in January, 1825, through, the agen cy of Mr. fi homas Sparrow. 'of Newbern He has som scars'on his ace. supposed to hac! bffiri caused by fightings (and Has also some Bears" on the bacjf of hlsneck arid is rkuo whSaljchit jTNe w bernasfa fidler7--I( is Ifipposed heislu relations- Masters of vessels and others y are cWutioJwdi from of carrying him bhelThelalrovelreiard will be paidfor. his apprehension, and-confined meht Jo Vny;Jai)d tha stjch information fas mayfehaple'me to etbmiLwHl giveFlfteer Um for either, of them, -orw iae .necessaryn in rnwtioupbtamem agajn.x ; :Mli7wM:B .t-V :J-.-t-A-j"'i;- .V: Hi1- From Philadelphia & fPc'8a bJr the subscriber ..SApbYiEisistg Hpgskins Sikirtin y 'x ' J Wbrsteid Cotionp ScStraining Webs, uoeRobesx x -t. v. ' 7 Bntiiesfirst and second qualities, 1 Saddle1 BaWhips 7 - ' , ; Mpdccoasdrte colours; ; 7 -Sheep Skins Ditto, GiandartCdllarsj "y' s ShahioTse and ' Oil Clotli, v 7'.' Plated Brass &i Japanned Harness. Ajcbmplete assortment of . Sx HafuQssou And al variety 3 of PAINTS; &ic. &c. Ail 01 wnicn witi De soia.iQWj. ior, cash, , or, I as heretofore, tb' punctual customers, ori long"ctedit,' 1 f 7 y 7 fy? 'jOHifE MPLEtON . lewhern; Augjust 6, 182600 ;'y N. B.--Reraember-. former promises of FctW pay ! .'rXK '" U' , 7 ' x77Thirty Dollars Reward: . . R A VAWAY from the Plantation of the Subscriber, in Jones county, on the 29tli - inst..a negro man named CATO : about 34 years of age", sir feet one inch; high, dark complexion ; has a downcast look & remarkably large feet. He is probably lurking in the neighbour hood of Daniel Simmons, on South West, or on Cypress Creek, j or about Trenton, In a forrrier attempt -to runaway, he raaae lor tne plantation 01 mr. n.zeKiei Lane, on Rocky Point, near Wilming ton. where he has a brother.' U x. " 1 ' y ;;--,r'xr.M . ; .. - ; The abpye Reward will be given, and all reasonable expenses paid, to any per son who will deliver said , negro to me, or confine hira in jail so that 1 get - him again. ; -j - BRIAN BEC TON. Jones County, August 30, 1826 4tf ; Tte Subscriber rjry AKES ; this method Tpf informing JLhis friends, ahd the public, that he finds it necessary to cAane the manner fpzehancVilChaxrs ; and ' - i -. ; ..... .-'.,4,-.vi-y r. ''"V - Jl Htiofr fv-orcester Porcelain Ch it yJShmdktcles' of Kitchen 'Fumiturt As tne owner is apout 10 leave the Sht. these articles wiirbe disposed of low If ' 7 :f7f ' V1 JOSEPH Ai WARNE Netvbef ni Oct; 14i 1826. M?tf X-i-- .'- X '.-.- . . . . ' 1 ! INFORM . their friends and the public that they-have just' returned from jVJ ' ;Ypri,' per schoone. Amity, with a gentra! i .r--V-. ' il ' 1 ft-,-'. ' '."Which .'they -will sell lev for cash. octm.r ... . . . . Fpll SALE, OR RENT: kII HE-subscriber being about to re.. tnove from Newbern, offers for sale! I or rentj he property where he now re. sidess consisting of two lots, Nos. 25 and 26,,with their water, fronis ; a large, con. venienif wen nnisnea two story Dwelling Housed with 'eight rooms, in good repair a neyy; Stable. and Carriage House; viii, all necessafry Out' Houses. The fences arSJ.n.JS!rel5a'''n8 een Put UP in tne spring ofl824.-'" This property wjll be soldiery low : undoubted paper, draw. ing interest,; will be received in payment. Persons wishing to'purchuse or rent, v!U learn me price on application to October 1.4, 1826. Wf v . ; .X--X.. : tir A T'T 4tm'lkT 'f t-jJV-A: i V All ttlMVl tJIN He has found it a great inconvenience," and his reputation; is, in some measure; injured by.it. 4 He therefore respectfully requests his friends, who favour him with their custom, to obtain: tickets.' of him : wnicn ne win Dispose 01 ai jive cents eacn ixx:yi -yxu .v?'Ui4,-'Wri'"' .sr' ''?. . iS-,?'.- V.; - 'X r. ' Who offers for saVebVs GREY MARE AND COLT. 5ept, 30trj, 1820 tf. r 7 f Notice. ' " K - V T the September, term; of T. Jones ill1 Gouhiy ; GourtjAt D. 126, the S bscriber qualified as Administrator of LEMUEL H ATCH, deed. late of Jones County. 7 AH persons indebted to his es tate, ae required Ito make immediete payment ; and all ; perions having claims against said estate, must present them within: the time prescribed by law, or they will bei)arred of recovery.:. t; 7 'vt' ;VVM. S. BLACKLEDGE, Admr. Craven CoahtylcSeptemher ' 22 1 826. '5 1 1HE- Subscriber returns his thanks fl tohis friends ana the publick in gen eral, for the 'very, liberal encouragement he Jias received, rand solicit a r contihu ance .of the.tr; patronage ?:7 V.-,? A v" ' 7 He has on hand a general- assortment of Boots : and Shoes, consisting of ; x 4i .-x?.ir-;xrx?? . t enwgJpne.oAoc5 y Boots y Ladiesi jtorrocodoydoh':. iy..yyLeaiheryMdo. .ydo.. r': ChUdrens Mqrroco Leather do A larg4 supply- of7Negrp , Shoes made coarse and strong--all!of which.he will sen 10 iv i or cas 11 , . or. pn a ;.suo r 1 creuii 10 punctual cuslomefs7- line will be thankfully: received and punc- iu511y;'attendedtol77r:; ' 777'7' v v my t Old County V ; The serai-annual Examination of the nn. pilsqf this Seminary, will comaience on the Parents -and Guardians of the pupils, ahd the friends of the Institution, are res pecuuuy lnvitea to attend. The exercises of the Academy will be tesumed the 8th day, of January, I817. 7 7 E. BRAINERD. ? D . , -C. C. BRAINERD, J rw 5 October 6. '47-2W LETTERS Remaining in the Newbern Post Office r x ; September 30, 1826. John Johnson Miss M. Jones 2 Roger Jones Jonas Jones E. S. Jones K. V. Kilpatrick 2 C. Keny6n George Lane Allen Lupton James Leigh ' Jesse W. Lee r Silas Laughinghouifi dtisha Lewis 7-" M. John Merritt 4 Johri McMaster 0 Joshua' Mitchell William D. Murphry Ann Moore UarJj Macoy Mr. Joseph Nelson Mrs. Mary L. Kelsoh David Nelson Charles Nelson ' ' ' O. ' tViiliaai Orme Cornelius Outland rix:,,,P.7 : Colnnel Preacher John Pollard Ufc-R. Patrick Levi Porter , Marien H. Rickct J. Rew William Roe. Capt A. H. Richardson y S. MTJ.Simpson John S Smith Mrs Eliza Smith Z.'Slade" Andrew Stewart Crocitla Stewart M. Lemon Speight David Scarborough John H. Scarborough William R. SclUrs. x B.'Slade Vt iff.; 2T iJoshaa Taylor YG. Tavlor Dauiel Tolson Doct. P. fl. Thomis VVilUam Tflotj ; " ... , i Mt. Washington' Nathan Ward , Capt jatnM. Wallace Jaiues tVilliaiairn Levi "Wright-. v. ... B; Wallace' ", 1 't 1 -Uchabald WaUace: W. Vhhe ,. ?- ; ; RichrdAVood p.' t miaui. tig mci , Lewis Av ery t:-7 ; Samuel Mr Anderson Asa Arther 77'i t Moses Butler. 2 Nathan Butler Charles Butler JM. C.Boffuy , .; ,; John Baker . L'orinon Bryan Christopher Bryan Israel Bryan 2 v Edward Becton ; , Wk' B arrow 'y if 1" Brice, Battle aVV Joseph Brittain WiTlUm BreW r ' Adam Brower 2 X;J " Counsel Bryan -J'r-7 ' " ' James Crim : Charles CarterX :r P.V durtis,,,; Levi Carraway - ; " FredU::Co Capt P. Chad wick ' V- x 1 c Williera Davis 7 Xv: Sacker Duhherly Mrs. Sarah Dudley 1, r I Dr. R.Pick Elizabeth Krnold John Prknklin'4 ' Jacob Fonyeal E..SFrarks xl, Miss S."Fo8cue x 7'V N. Foscue" 4f 7:f Alrl. H.Gren;2'f.J Peter George Jacob GIbrSV e? ' Shade Gree'n g Capt. John Grantham Charles Grantham William. Griffin Jamea Green --7. '''-" Eliaabe.h Gill Benjamin Gould 7'V J;HiGifibr(1 .7x 4 a. uas&ui . f .re Edmund H atch 2 ; Miss Elizabeth Howell Mrs. Leonora Jaskill Emery Horten1 R. B. HatchB.; G. VV. Hopkins; 2 G. W. Hither 2 - D. Humphrey 2 - n Capt.X. M. Hiffeins Joh n. Harris : , it 7 Mary; Hamilton 7 Marv. Howard t 7. f- . Miss Dinah Henry ;. Miss C, Henry , v v ,: Mi Lucy Harris 7: ' Seth Hamroc! f l .t. -t- Pl HmpkA 7 X Alien Woolen '. 77"- 7- ' y 7 i" ' 1 - '-7' ''H-vv.'t ? .. x; , : "-;" ':'."'.;"! !:'' 1 ;7'.-.v-x . . . " ;y "; - 7 'V7- 7'v " -, " :iT-v-:- ".:x '"'-7- 7 -'; '" ' . x-' v :' r 'x' :y-; ' , ' ' y'-y 'y '7 ' ; ,7 : ;v? -. ; ' ' - -"; -:-':7'"7' -; '0- ' . K " :- a? :.. 'H-v - t ::.' x-- -; -..::: .. 74 x- l';.' '-'''- i7'v7;7s"n;' 77 :;7..7 7v 7'7!' ';A,777.vl7V- ' 4 . v -xx r i.x.';1 it ,. - 11 :XX ' -;;

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