.-. ... :. 1" "' i i gie thee al Wl cap no more, X :r ieart aad 1otearall my itaer v' W And tliose Jpfhrelt thee'--iWowl ' Toa gire me all you can too more And I must thankful be. : - ' Yet, 'ah ! iKhese beall your store, :- They wiU not'dofor'me. . Xour late may much of love reTeal, - " Tour heart ma j feel full well ; - But, should we lack a single meal, , - rFor what would either sell ? . " ; - ; , You own that LoVe and: Song, alas !M V Keep not life's clouds away ; . . -: ,Yet say, they make them lighter pass What ! those of Quarter i)ay ? Y ' Alas, sweet Sard i when hunger flinga . - Tts discord o'er Life's strain y) ? v If we should pawn your fiddle strings, We soon must want again. There may be worlds, where Lore and Song ; :Wfll all sufficientbe;' . : jut you must own to this belong1 -.M Hunger,' and u " . '. r ' Too late the sad prose-truth, wonld sti upou us were we wed ; . . , That we as weH as hearts 40 fell, -';.'. Have stomachs to be fed. '.? - , : ?: BRICKS. T7A IH market prices .will be given for M - BRICKS, and large quantities pur chased at Fort Macon, Old Topsail In let. Those who wish to sell are desired to com nuurficate with the Subscriber, who will contract for small quantities at a time, frith any individual. - 1 WM. A. ELI A SON, Lieut, of Eng. tott Macon, Oct. 19, 1826 4tf. "Labourers Wanted. FORTY Cents a' day are given for Labourers, at Fort JVlacorv Th Labourers are plentifully fed and com fortably housed and when sick", have hospital and medical attendance free of cost to them. Every aliention is given to the interest of masters and proper keeping of slaves,' and the full amount of time made by each hand is credited and paid for; This. will be found a very ad Yantageous and comfortable employment to the labouring class. V WM ALIASON, ' ' '! Lieut, of Eng.' ort Macon, Octn9, 1826-49. ; :r: :,wanted, r, ; . : A '-T, foh Macon Be aufort Harbor, a JtJ 'Journeyman Baker, and a Journey man Wheelwright. Tosiichascan come recommended for industry and sobrirty, good wages and .constant employment will be given, if immediate applicaiion be made. ? . . " .: ' - --' . .WM. A. ELIASON, : . .,, . ; i . -". V ,. Lieut, of Eq. ,. Oct. 19, 1826-49. 1 FOR SALE, X-i VALUABLE LOT on" Broad-st. For further particulars, enquire at thrsjOffice. " - . ' . vv" ' Nov. 4, I82fj 'sfJ. .I ; tfVjAUTHORtTY OF THE STATE OF OUTjFIAROLIA. . ' '. ... r To enQure. trie publication of the t HIGH LSX PRIZE - 'y, Qawiug to commence ia Hillsborough, on the t : ' V&f Alondav hi Nofemiier 1S26. ; l-.i 10,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 15,00 1,000 " 5,000 -2,000; : 3,000 8,000 v 5,pb0 3,600 4,000. .2.500 9,000 10,000 36,000 1 ' io 40 50 4,. 180 100 50 20 10 5 45U r io,a V. - ! TickeliFive Dollars, h be had at J TkfeitiWjkrsaN's B6ok Sf oSe. J uvi rs m 1 1 il, otc; PAREQORlCSpjFitSir YitrpI, eatn ilVtaAritinapnial Wijoe, v liaudanu mJafomelPq wdereii JaUpTrrtliiCj 5Kpson. Salts' Star ch J Sopl f I em rti in g mjd Son Vgen- iiieffWngiNeIesj rier SchVorier1 Amtty and for. safe by . i w TflOM AS V, MACHENj JSyOimXfy'- pettteSWij1" WMMT-MBhy:''C V . - 1 C-Xeriedouhalf of. -fiiaih thaii deserves (o be shun- fi '? t -v,: . ! Craven-Street: John B.:fihipmao. siippearing,to fendant is not" an; inhabitant of th S. , it i th.rhrdered. that oublr- - , . cation bemade m- theCarolmaSen for sixty days that said defendant ap pear; at the .next Court - pi rieas;; ana Quartet Sessions, to be held for-Craven County, at the Codrt'Houseln Newbern; on tne secona ivionaay in ceuruaij, A. , D 1 827," and replevy or plead to issue, or judgment: wit oe-cniercu uy against bim. V.f ;CV v7";n,-:" iv Atttest, : " ? "' '--' JA'MES G. STANLY, C.C. 54 62pr. adv. 6 00 I ' State of North-Carolina, 4 1 Ckavkn County. ; ss. : Court of Pleas amt ''Quarter-Session, '' i 1 November Terni, A. D. 1826. John & Henry Harvey, ' : ' VS.;V V : " John C. Harker. t .Auscameui) y sV' Levied, . 1 . ' I T appearing to the Court that the de- ; jl lenaant is not aa innaoitant oi me State r t is therefore ordered, that pub iicatjon be made in the Carolina'Sentinel (ox sixy dajfs that said defendant up- par at the next Court of Pleas and Quar ter Sessions, to be held for Craven Coun ty , at the Court-house in ISewbern; on the second Monday in February, A". D. 1827, and replevy or plead to issue, or ,udjment will be entered up against bim. Attest v ; "'' ' I ' ' JAMES G. STANLY, C. C. 54 62 pr. adv. $6 00.V .etcbern, Dec. 1st, 1826.-54 57, ; lXORTH &i SOUTH-CAROLINA For the benefit of the Oxford -Academy. in Norili-Carolina, &c. V Lo be drawn the 15th of December 1826 SCHEME. 1 Priz of $12,000. is 12,000 J Rrnwn f!ot v , 6,000 , 5,000 4,000 2,500 1,340 ' 6,000 6,000 7,800 - r,8oo 39,000 x iv is r ive uuuurs. 10 ue . nau a - Thomas Watson's Book Store. ' August 26. " Twenty-live Dollars Reward. ANA WAY from the Subscriber ort the 7th of July last, a negro man named MANUAL, (or Manual Walker.) He was purchased of John : S. Nelson, Esq, in January, 1825, through the agen by of Mr. 1 homas Sparrow, of Newbern He has some scars on his face, supposed to have been Caused by fighting, and has also some scars'oo( the back of bis neck and: is well known about . Newbern as a fuller ' It is supposed he is lurking about iSpwbern, or,, its vicinity where he has relations. ; Masters of vessels and others j are cautioned from harboring, employing br carrying him away under the enally of the law. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension. .and confine ment in any Jail, so that I get' bim again. !r .r J 4 a. vv. Mclaughlin. - StewwrtSYille, Richmond County-N. C. . V Febj. 1st, 1826--12. " . -'l STRAYED OR STOLEN, UOM Mr. Heuben Wallace's ilsr?.r Lot in Newbern, ori. Thursday night last, a borrel MOUpt, about 14 years old,; and nearly, blind in the. left eye ; has some saddle marks on his back.:. - He was raised in Greene county by Mr. Ruffin Granger. .A reasonable reward and ex- . . I" T ff . ,'"J deliver said Horse to Reuben Wal- r jace, in Newbern,. or to the , subscriber 12,4iiifes from Kinston, on the road lead ing from that place' to Peacock's Bridge. ! ' CHARLES T. BYRD. Nov 25.,, 1826. -. I 1:- p r MERCHANT TAILOR, ' ' N FORMS bis customers and the nub-' lick that he has. returned from New- YnrfcV & has just opened an assortment of I -Superfine .arid second quality BtuelM r'ay;wjr a; -n il-.- . :-t i Hr-T.;-. s JC I Aiioi wnicb, ba -can sell 1 at prices ono file is prepared tov execute, ia the; most a'flh.ntfulmannaii oil nri4n jlntU!.' 1 .... 6,000 1 ..: 5,000 a 4,000, 1 i I 2,500 a . h 1,340 6 . . : ljOOO 12 500 156 s 1 - 50 780 - ' : y" io 7,800 . i 5 CAirriois; uKlir at- heriibV 3 15 gainst a tnaa by the name, of JiL.fi A ned by all b nesi men, and Vhlcb should exclude .him irotn aeceni sucieiv. I . 2 V I incurred dv ois iiiiuiuuus wum.,v I . , rt - ? :lr,.i him so ihat. letral berson who. will secure him so that : legal process can De serveu on ijiu w half; : DAVID W. SIMMONS, Sep. 28 1826-45tf. v i' C- FASHIONABLE CLOTH ING STORE. M l H K' siibscrrber is ooWnine at his JL Store on CravenrstreetJ a few doors beiow the Pank of Newbein, a large and general assortment of .-. V ' CLOTHING; i CONSISTING OF ; " . " Dress Coats, Frock do. - V v Double and single miil'd Pantaloons, . lai sei lies, . Toil Het, Valentia, Black Silk and Cloth Vests, , Angola Frock Coats, ; ; Angola, Borabazett, French Linen, and . Bombazine Coatees, Black Ciape Pantaloons, Silk Jstnpe Drilling do. 1 ; French Lint-n, do. - French Angola, do. . Linen Drilling, do. ; ! T Buflf Cassimeie. do. 4 " White Linen round Jacketar, Brown do. do. do, Stripe's '"'-; do. do. j Hombazett do. do. Fine and coarse Jacket and Trowsers, House Servants Coatees and Pantaloons, Duck and "Osnaburgb Pantaloons, &c. The above goods are New York made. ana win De disposed ol wholesale and re tail, at the New York prices. A, J. STARR. Newbern, 26fh May, 1826. ;:v;;saLt rv;BUSHELSTurks Island SALT, JL JJ for sale by ' AMOS WADE. ov;'18.-5.. ; 7 ,; .: JUST RECEIVED From Philadelphia u for sale by the subscriber S ADD LES1 st, 2d U 3d :Nos. - Hogskins, Skirting, ; Worsted, Cotton, & Straining Webs BufJolbe Robes, Bridles, first and second qaalities, Saddle Bags, Whips, Morocco assorted colours, Sheep Skins Ditto, Gig and Cart Collars, . Shamoise and Oil Cloth, Plated, Brass, & Japanned Harness J ALSO, A complete assortment of SADDIERYr ; VlamebS JMount'uig, ... And a variety of PAINTS, &c. $ic. AH of which will be sold low for cash, or, as heretofore, to. punctual j customers, on long credit t ; ' , . JOHN TEMPLETON. NewBern, August 26, 182 40 ' - N. 6, -Remember former promises of Fall pay ! . h ; - . v - ' - FOR SALE, '. ON VERT ACCOMMODATING TERMS, 1IGH Tor -TEN lifry NEGROES, j JUJ 1 For further par ticolars, inquire at this OfBce. r-z '''- " ' October f, 1826. '45 ' 4 Beef y Povkf T?lourv kc; j 50 BBLS. Rochester FLOUR, , 20 half bbls. dow - do. 4 v : ! 30 bbls. Prime new BEEF, 15 bbls. Mess. do.-' , do. K lO.bbls. Prime PORK, h 20 bblst Pilot and Navy BREAD, a 10 pieces Dundee BA3GING. A further supply of Foreign and Do mestic DRY GOODS, suited to the sea son received this week per Schrs. Des patch arid -Triumph,! fipai New-York, and for sale by ' . ''k''X - r f G. BRADFORD, &Co. .Nov. .10th, 1826. v-,'r.':v: ; , NOaTH-CAEOLINA' ; t imaDacks for 121, For sale at S; H ALLs 7 Book-Store; by the gio$e, dozen: . or single oneC - - jit . , t-. . V - ' OR THE "YEAR ?P I: t? fL HP K T4 O A K O ihnewestlVshidriJ (Koirsbeif Jirf shell haridisjand oery suerioKwcrt man ihi 6-tiist 'rprpitipd Avim- VuJl r. ; WOODSj K wCu X4iw4f tt : OR - Sale by .thVSubscriber; first quality Candles at Fifteen Centar per J Newbern; Oct. 28 j l826--49r .i-W weueOTCf V'' -'BOOTS' St SHOES, J Of tbe latest fashions Just received per i cnr. onvov, irom ncwiwa, auu iui sate by JOHN GOLDSMITH, ' (Sign of the Gdlden Boot.) Nov. iith, '182&4'51; NOTICE. LL persons indebted to the estate of Edward o. Ftaneks. late ol Jones County, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment ; and sucli as have; claims against said Francks, are requested to present them, duly authen ticated, within the time specified by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of a recovery. , -i . : - R.BARRUS, l , A; MITCHELL, S ' w. o, oacO -oi HO VE just returned from New-York and are now opening at their Stor? iujegant Assortment OP BOOTS, SHOES & HATS, VIZ. Gentleraens' Fine Calf-skin BOOTS, Ditto do. do. SHOES, - Ditto do. do. BOOTEES, Ladies' Morroco BOOTS, do. SHOES, do. Prunella SHOES, AND -A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF ChWdreu's Shoes. Also,. 500 pair Negro Shoes & Boots, of good quality Also, A GentlemensV and Boys Fine Beaver, .-'Il nA V7r.l Hole Ktr ih.Koo. n. i li . ni. tu-i- single-Hat, as low. as they can be bought fu -:..?r ivt. vV rr. -j 3 . m w in the City of New York. They intend keep a constant assortment of the best and cheapest Hats. ' They have also received 20 barrels Cider Brandy, 10 do. Whiskey, 10 do. N. Rum, 10 do. Gin, ".' .' 25 barrels Prime PORl . 5 do. Mess BEEF, 200 lb. Smoaked Beef, All ol which will be sold low lor cash or - country produce. 4 Newbern t Oct. 21, 1 826. 48. ; NOTICE. T November TerW. A. D. 1826 nf fr,BOn r!rinfv niirf- Vh sh-1 scriber received Letters of Administta- tion on the estate of Roderick J. PowpII. deceased; Persons indebted to said es- tate. are reauired to make immediate pay ment; and those having claims against - ' ' . - - .... it, will present them, within the time pre scribed by law, or they will be barred ol recovery. . ' EUIJAH CLARK, Adm'r,: Newbern Nov. 1 6, : 1 82652 55; y NOTICE. A T- Novem berr Terni. A. D .1826 - m nt I :ragn Uaunty. Uourt, tin Sub- sfiber obtained Letters of, Administfa tioo on tbe. estate of John B. Osborh. deceased. Persons indebted to said es tate, care reauired to make ' immediate payment: and those having claims against "I it, win present them within the time nre-1 stribed by law. or thev will be barred bf I recovery. ';; ':'y - . ; .. vjinehij; -which' has so long kept FrinUrs ELIJAH CLARrC. Adm'r. Newbern, Nov. 16, 182652 55 -y EOR SALE, Onnn ti. . rt, . , T1 V mvjjjl wuci& urKb lsiana, I arid 15 Sacki'Liverpool Ground SALT. r GEORGE REID:- JOHN L. DURAND & 30. INFORM their friends and the public 1 tbat they hare jtsstreturnedSfrbmrNvw 1 lorn, per schooner Amil v. with a en. erai assonmem or which thev iil ij i: .r,-;,' 1 W M yJ NOTICE. ; THE 'Subscriber r having at the . Hii term of Craven County 'Court, qualified as Executor of Ihesi will and testament jf Solomon Dixon, deceased, hereby gives libtice to all persous indebted to said de ceased, to come forward and settle their ; notes Vnd accouuts j and all person hav ing claims against btoi, are requested to exhibit intra properly authenticated, w tuV in the time limited by law, or this notice will be plead in bar of thrir recovery. i soLOMo dixon, ExV. Nov. 25, 182653 56 A PROPOSAL To publish in the City of Hahigk X WEEKLY ISEU SPAFEU . To be entitled the N ORTH-C A KOLlN A INDEPEN DENT ADVOCATE. " It is shameful for a man to live in his own country and to be uninformed of her allairs and interests." THE INDEPENDENT ADVO CATE will be exclusively devoted to the cause of the People, and to the promo tion of correct information, upon all those subjects in which- they' may be, directly or iudirectly, participator. The Constituting ot theae United States de' ciares this government to be based upoa die will of the People, and that," in its creation and operation, distinctly mar ked by their creative and moving pow ers. This Government is certainty v a creature ol the people but do they con trol its movements ? Who can ascertain the will of the People, in those political contests lor supremacy, where they are .ashioned like clay in the haud of the potter, to suit tbe purposes of political demagogues? Aud who can say tout the government moves agreeably to the ontrolling power ol the People, when they are kept in ignorance of its acts, by the duplicity of political paruzaosf How many of the people appreciate the privileges of their own Government over those ol others? Or who correctly dis unguish between the controlling! powe' of a despot over their minds, and a listing subserviency to the views of the ambitious and deigning r j 1 his apathy to their v best interests : this pliancy to the will of others, is owing to a want ol a general diffusion, ol correct political intormaiiou. i The Independent advocate 'is intended to be the mean ol such irilotiuation, and give t the people an honest, fair and correct account, of those whom they have, deservedly or undeservedly placed in power: but . the Editor wilt nt, to trratifv thp flisitriiininipri mhiruwi tr tm. lilical hatred of those -ow of power, tra duce those that are in, merely, that long those that are out may get in. do as those wno are at tne neau or govern. ment shall in; the great leading leatuits f the'r administratiqn adhere to the iinalihitinn iiiirl tuo truth rf IKo I "- cuuic, I as 'onS w'lthe " independent Advocate" I . 4 . , v . I support them independently. ti in aU questious" of political importance, this paper will be open to' the judicious aniui. ad versions ol others, who may differ with theLditoriLi his political views. J heieis political,' civil and commercial coaiiexiua betweeen the North and South, that can not be brokeu, but at the destruction of both. A spiritW rivalry, unless it be a rivalry to see which ' section can most promote the common weld, and sustain, the fundamental principles ol the govern ment, should be deprecated. Thai coin promising- spirits which actuated the Ira ni ers of the Constitution,' should still be (eh by their sons. All attempts to create jealousy between tbe different sections of the union, shall be met by the Editor wu" uue repreneiiiion Ltie H-ditor will not eae himself bv fliSS'siaiive patronage, nor, lull n,s mina ? s,eep in the embraces of mo I n'ef, institutions, but taen and measures I ?hail be bught beloie the public bar, I Mhn.i. In K.. . . 1 .. X 1 I'll impartially but fearlessly ; and all maU versatious in office, whether that office be a creature of the Constitution or ot tha Legislature, unconstitutionally, created. shall, so far as they come, to the Editor's knowledge receive public exposure; but private character shall be held sacred and intangible. A proportion of this paper shall be devoted to the promotion of Agriculture, , Domestic (.Economy and the-Arts. The suDDortin oiliar ol aL Free Governments, Public Education. will find in the Editor a zealous friend and promoter and the lovers ol Litera ,ure snait oe gratihed in bis selectwtis, v "ol " w proaucnons. lhat great and important work, Internal Improve QUSV m tnevr worK ,n ate, shall deceive marked notice of the Editor. inis paper snail De made as valuable to the , nanters. the farmers, and the nam,, as a correct weekly report o roe state of the Markets at home and abroad, will make it. : The first number will issue some time in neit January provided; always, that the subscription list will warrant it. The. Advocate shall be printed oh an imperial 80et of the size of the "North Carolina Journal, and Will be sent to Subscribers atThreedoIIars per annum i one-half ', to be ti?W3Srr" '"u:,r;" ? P""? V Sniithfield, Johnston Cdunty, by the 5& 14, December,; - K. U. tLiME "i-rt' v'. 7 " j