- v y : V. ' , : TO RENT, MOUSE & LOT, Nbl 213, onroat' trtet Apply to -r'f ' ' "'"-r, f V f ; VVi V,' ORMSBEE. March l6, "1827.-r-70tr r I N 6 T K JU C T I O N 1 HE New York -Institution for the? instruction of the Ueai and ; Dumb," is well organized and prepared to instruct those who are -'deprived of hearing an? speech The two instructors why cai hear and speak; (one male and one female ) are well qualified to teach the Deaf an . Dumb,, having had eight years, practice experience. .They! are - assisted by jl wo; : Aiutrs, one of each sex, who have been tajjfiht in this InStituion, jmd are highly. oseful in the school, ine system or in structfon pursued, h that of the French, "7 vT f ,' k ; .,. I ak . fna.th. flaaf an f llrimh 111 tills I country. - Pupils over eight, , and not ex ceeding tweritv-five years, will be recei ved at all times, for any period, at the rate of 150 dollars a ' year, including board and tuition,1 books and stationary, washing, mending,1 and medical atten dance. There will be no extra charges; but pupils are required to find their ow? clothing and bedding. There is one va cation during the month of August, in each year, when pupils may visit theii friends, or remain in the Institution; a; their option. The male and ,'emale pu pilsare provided far in UifiVrent buildings, some distance apart, arid are not alio weo to associate out ot school. Those interested, may obtain furthei inforniaiion by addressing a letter (post paid), to the Secretary ot the Institution By order of the Board of Directors, SAMUEL iu. uil oiibLL, Pres. SA aiUEL AKERLY, M. fey 74, Leonard-Street, New Yor IV?Cv 24 6mcthb&b H AVE just returned from New-York and are now opening at their Stor , ' ' -v , op x BOOTS, SHOES & HATS, v ; ' viz. ; Gentlemens' Fine Calf-skin BOOTS, Ditto do. do. SHOES, Ditto do. do. BOOTEES, Ladies' Morroco BOOTS, do. SHOES, do. Prunella SHOES, AND A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF CVwUkea's Shoes. Also, 500 pair Negro Shoes & Boots, of good quality. Also, - -"'. Gentlemens' and Bys Fine Beaver isjoram, and Wool Has," by th case Bnile Hat, as low as they. can be bough, io the City of Nw York- They intrnd to keep a constant assortment of the best and cheapest Hats. They have alto received 20 barrels Cider Brandy, 10 io. Whiskey, 10 do. N. Rum. ? i 10 , do. Gin, 25 bavi'es Prime POUK, 4 5 do. Mess BEEF, 200 lb. Smoaked Beef, . All of which will be sold low for cash or - ; country produce, t fiewbern, Oct. 21,1 8i'6. 43. : Goshen Butter, Albany Ale c. f USTcerdTper ScnTBespatch, and for sale at the subscribers store. O. Firkins first quality Goshen Butter, 10 Bbls. Superior Albany Ale. J Cider, Smoaked Beef, Crackers, Flour. : Buck wheat," Scotch. Herrings, Apples. Niitts," N'Raisihsy Currants, v Prunes, Urum iriggs, Mustard,, Table Salt. Codfish, Irish Potatoes Snuff and ' Snuff Boxes, v - - J Havana and Brown Suears, Cofffe, with a. quantity of other articles, fresh and good. Also, per Sen rs. Eliza, and Prince Maurice, one elegant PIANO FORTE, and a small selection of Music, of the latest publications. J.AYKROYD. 7 Oa 4oor Nortliof the Bank of Wewbera Dec 10, r.Cw- '-t T:- exn Mould Candle,' just received and for sale by . O ; . AYKROYD. CASH STORE. C Mc C. & C. B. CHURCHILL now opening a handsome as-; 4orment rof:UR GOt?DS,hich they will sell at a very small advance, for cash or produce. ' i - i Thky hate also received a: quantity of t Apple Brandy, Gin, Whiskey, -i Wines; Rum, Scotch Herrings, , Raisins, (P. & M.) Shellbarks, j Picon Nuts, Apples, Pears, I Oils of sundry kinds, f j Sugar, Coffee, Teas, &c. &c. ' - ALSO, " CroQker and GAasswave. (December 23dr 58 H v I for SAI.K a HLS ()FFH:K. af fhe Book-Stores, of S. Hall, and T. Watson, .. ; THE By JACOB BEHMEJV. In 1 VOL. i2mo. Price, 50 Cents. Feb:24i l " FU't Dollars Reward. AiA VV A V from the subscriber on lfb ihn 3d Dec. last, on the road neat Columbia, S. C. twa Negro Men, viz.: JIM and EtHKAliM: Jim is about 24 ears of age, iigbt ' complexion, nerl,) six feet high, had ou when ht-weiu away, a Jacket and Trousers of drab coloured itin-skin, and an old fur hat.- Jim can ;vrite very well, and it is likely lie wiii lorge passes for Ephraim and himself Ephraim is about tweiity one years ol age, stout built, very black, had on when ne went away, a pair ol drab coloured lion-skin Trousers, a drab homespun Jacket, lined with red flannel, and a new , vhite wool hat. Said negroes were rai sed in Craven LVuiny, where thev mavi Hiia lor -or possibly, they may try io get ti a non-slave holding state, as they once attempted it. J The above Reward will be given io any person who will secure them in any Jail so that1 J get them, oi for. Jim and $20 tor Ephraim.- bhouio any.pjei son kill either or both said Negroes in attempting to take tht-m, they will not be held liable for damages. ABiNER, PCARCE.. Kintton, JV. C. Marck 1 3, 1 827 '69 tf. Ten Dollars Reward. H A;A WA Irom th:- ub!ciiber on the 1st of January last my Neero vlau CAESAR, about 20 years if age, & Ifet higl , yellow complexion, and thick et. . it is supposed he is lurking about ! nr-r i hcbia'ic i cwai u xuo rea sonable expenses will be paid to any one Aho will apprehend him, and secure him m jail, so mat I , get nun, A.II persons are forewarned under the . penalty ot the aw, from harboring or employing said negro."-' DANIEL TOLSON. February 24 66tf I Twenty Dollars Reward. ; ti. AiSAVV tt0lH lhe ubsciiber l about the 30th of November last a igro woman by the name of ALLY, for ivierly belonging to Edward G Pasteur, E.-q. ot whom 1 purchased-her. She h it' a ver black complexion, a stout Jaryi' hVure, & lull in the lace, with thick hps j about' 35 or 40 years of age. I will givi the above reward to any person if she b apprehended in another county, and sale ly lodged in the Jail ol this county j or ten dollars if she is apprehended and ta ken in this County and lodged in jail s that I get her. It is supposed that shf - is lurking about town, or iu the vicinity Air persons are forwarned, under r. the penalty' of the law, from harboring, em ploying, or carrying said negro out of ih Stat?. ". ' -'v " ' CLAUDIUS B. CHURCHILL. Newbern, March, 3 1827- 67 72. Twenty-five Dollars Reward. RAN AW AY trom the Subscriber on the 7th of July last a negro man named MANUAL, (or Manual Walker.) He was purchased ol John S. Nelson . Esq; io January, 1825, through the agen r. of Mr. Thoinas Sparrpwpf .Newberii Heh'as' some scars on his face, . supposed to have been caused by fighting, and ha also some scars on the back of his neck and is well known about Newbern as a fidler It is supposed he is lurking a bom Newbern, or its vicinity where he hay relations. Masters of vessels and others; are cautioned from harboring, employing or carrying him away under the penalty ol the law. The above reward .will be paid for his apprehension and confine meht in any Jail, so that I get him again. ,c a. w,. Mclaughlin. StewartSTille, Richmond County, N.C. VV Febv. 1st, 182612. , ( TaKFM IIP ND committed to the Jail of Cra ven county, on the 13th !insf, a negfb man -whocaljs himself A BR AM of yellow complexion, and about 6 fet high He says he belongs to James Bishop, of. Halifax county, N.C The wner is requested To com forward, prove property, . pay charges," and take him awav. : -'' ' : : JORDAN Si CARRO VV, JaiFr. March ir(&. . . Honor O'llara, a m vei m 2 vols, by . i An ha Maria Porter, authoress of the ; m-ww mm - - Hunuarian Srothers.' the ' Recluse of Norway,' &c. &c. , , Heid's JournevV or Hough Notes, taken . during some Rapid Journeys across the 7 ram pas. and among tne Aiiues, oy. Cant. F. B. Head r The Last of the Lairds, or the. Life and ' Opinions of IMaltchi Mailings, of Auld - biggiogs, anew novel in I vol. 12mo. rales of the 07iiara t amily. Paul Jones, a Romance, by Allan Cun uinghao), author of 'Sir Marmaduke : MaxweU ' Traditioual Tales,' &c. 1 Alraack's--A Novel. . Ulistorv of England, (London Edition,) ; to the accession ot tarortie IV o vols. Kowietts liter est Tables. Miniature globes. Fii st quality Letter Paper, ' Diito -do. Visiting Cnrdsj Log Paper Blank Bhoks. Q iills, Waters, Sealing Wax, &c.' 8cc. Just received and lor sale bv i THOMAS VVATSON. i March 3d. i C . The Life of Napoleon, Chronicles or the Gannotigate. i he Prairie. a'i; The American Quarterly Revit w, will be received in a lew days. ! LITERARY. ! The Philadelphia Album, and Ladie's w tekiy Uuzrttt ; OF , wjiich eight quarto pages are uuuuaiiru wcrftiv uidKUig un nil nual volume vqual io eight hundred ana -two oetavo pagts, printed on fin paper and embellished with splendid en- gravings.i .v,-,: --- . ; . i lls design is to furnish a Weekly R. -positoiy oi abstract ol the Fine Arts, Botany, History, t ravels, Reviews, Mo ral Essays, sketches, i .tie s, Familial Leuers, roetry, Receipts, K. . &c. wan a Weekly Summaiy ol the eaiiiest Fort eign and Domestic News. The Album is , peculiarly devoted to such subjects m at e most , interesting ami uselui to oui v...- r aor vyoooiry womt-u, einDacing a great variety oi the elegancies of polite Iitera lure, conversation, dress, beauty mau iters, o2C. with biographical sketches of those who have been distinguished lor lurii icnenis, pieiy, anu otner emineni virtues. t In addition to its usual variety, earlv in January will commence the nublica. . ,maj 4 ig stiortiy inereauer, a handsome collec tion ol original Essays and Poems, all oi which nave oeen written in competition ior the literaiy prizes, six Gold Meuais, ol liie value o 210 doliars,) offered by the pro,irielor ol ihig work. No pains or expense is spared iu uiaking.it a beauti tui as well as usttul and niteiesting pub- . ine uupreceaeuied recep tion which it has.already mei with from die pub ict warrants me printing oi. a upwards ol 3000 weekly Copies. edition ot f Phe Album, (says the Rochester New-YorkDaily Adveitiser, ol Decern- pr 4th, jilts been nighly commended by ine editoisVii public journals in almost every partpi itotlowin i ii ihu . I !,.;..! w.... : ft. in . uiihcu oidies. l ne irom the United Stales Tele- graph r" I This We unhesitatingly pronounce the ciieapest Literary Journal we have, ever ....... ' r t --v :' r.cvn, iiu we connaenxiy recommend as wonhy of public patronage' Ii is a specimen ol veiy neat ty pography4; en . iu iwicirsi.iig variety oi prose iio poetry, adapted to the ainusemeni and edthcaton of both si-xtfs. But the work being more particularly designee Io the Ladles, e would esoe cialiy. solicit in its behalf their benignant siniles, beiikving it well worthy their L fostering reiards. Indeed we are deci dedly oi opkuon that it: would conduce to the moral and intellectual interests of -very familyjin the community to pos- se a journal tike lllis,r altordjog a cheap stock ol gefleral nreadlrigvWell ' ' adapteiil iroui ine oreviy ana Variety ol jts articles, to OCCUOV Dleasorahlv nnH r..i;kl.v these shaft intervals ol.leisure which con- tiUte in the mount of the ggregate, such a large a- um of human life. ; L y $2 per annum, payable 1 erms, on in advance. Ao subscription received loir less than one rear, . and no unpaid let t ?rs taken frjm jhe, post office. Ad dress Thomas C. 'Clarke, Philadelphia Su6scriptions received at Tho-t mas IVatson's Book tore. ' f 8 ; " .No. 26 of this :' PHILADELPHIA JOURNAL OP THE - ; .For salHyV. . " i " T. WATSON, sAsenU Mlar!hl7: i : JOB EKIWTlNGc : EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE; With neatness and despatch.; ROPOSALS will be received by tji 'Newbb Marine and Fire Insurance ICompanfbr; insuring Vessels vandCar: Wes Applicaliohs, either personal or by letter, will receive prompt attention. j ' : JOHN SNEADf feV.; i I ' feel it to be a outy I owe to the ruotic Lflto state that at the last County Court, December Term. iS26t) I applied to fsaid Court for a Retailing License ; and in consequence of there not being a ma jority of Magistrates on 4 lie Bench, -1 did not obtain it so said the Clerkroy ap plication for the License ' having been 'ikarf in him. - At the hresent Court, (March Term, .1827,) ahe Clerk- stated these facts to the Honorable unpa Jury ; hut some of the gentlemen composing that body, under the influence of envious and prejudiced feelings, said 1 ought to be indrcttd whilst oilier gentlemen in the same town, also retailers of spintuoas liqaors, and who had not applied for licenses, were to be exempt from prose cution. It this statement shall off nd any ol rne prejudiced gentlemen to whom I al lude, they are at liberty to call on me for a further explanation. . v O l'VV AY BUKINS. Beaufort, Carteret County, March 7, 1827 AMERICAN Hl day is published, by H. CA 8. KEY & 1. LEA, the first number of the American Quarterly Review. CON TENTS. Art. I. American Biocrapbv. An A- merican Biographical and Historical Die uonarv, . V By VVm. Allen, A . M. A Biographical Dictionary, containing x briel accounty of the First Settlers, and the eminent characters in new England liy John Eliot, D. D. Biograpiiy ot the Signers of. the JJec iaraiion ol Independence. By John San- uersoii. , . . ' . 2. Trigonometry. . Elements of Ana ytic Trigonometry, Plane and Sphericai By F. K. Hassler, F. Av P. S. 3. Eulogies on Jefferson and Aoams A selection of Euloyi:. aronounced i.i the several States, in honor of those. ilius cj m irious Patriots and Statemen, John Adams .i II (j t uuuiaa r ucuwti , 4 Fossil Remains. Historical Re searches on the Wars and Spirts of he Mongols and Romans ; in which Ele phants and wild beasts ere employed ot dam ; and the remarkable local agree ment ol history with the remains ol sucu animals found in Europe and Sibria. By John Ranking. , 5. Doctrine of contracts.. ,AnEa on -the Liociruie ot Contracts ; beini; an fwqiiiry how Contracts are affected, io law and morals, by consealment, eiror, or inadequate price. By Gulian OrVer planck. 6. Secret Journals of the Old Con tjress. secret journals oi tne acts and Proceedings ot Congress,' from the first aieeiins niereoi, urine uissoiunon oi tn v Confederation, by the adoption of the Constitution of the United States. . 7. iVlrs. Hemans's Poems. S. Knt on American .Law. Cbm- mentanes on American Law. By James rvent. Vol. 1. ' 9. French RevqlotiOn. The Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, with a preliminary view of the French Revolution. ' By the author of Waveily. " ' I . ' , 10. English Fashionable Life. AI- mack's. : , . . . 11. Symmes's Theory. ' Symmes'a Theory of r Concentric Spheres, demon- s,t rating that the Earth is" hollow, hdbita- ble withiny and widely open at the Poles. By a citizen of the United States? 12. Greek Controversyi A narrative ot" the material facts in relation to the building of the two. Greek, frigates. By Alexander Cbntostavlos. . , s Report ofMhe evidece and reasons o I Award between' Johanuis Orlandos " and Andreas Luriottis,"Greek Deputies of the one parr, and Le Roy, Bayard & Co. and G. G and Howland, of the other By the Arbitrators. ' '' V. " .- M - - -j v writ - 13; souvenirs, t orget me Not, a Christmas and New Year's Present; 'jhe A millet 'ih The iJlterarT" Souvenier or Cabinet of "Poetry and Romance ; Friend iship's Offering : the Atlantic Souvenir. a Christmas and "New Year's Present; the Memorial. ' Received and for sale by; THOMAS WATSON, Agent. aiarcn lj. A FRESH Supply ol BOOTS AND -tJLSHOES. just received and fpr sale by - JOHN GQLDSMITH N. B. All debts due will be thankfully j COFFEETOB ACCO, &c lOUll LBS. JAMAICA, aiid ;2,70.0 &S. S. Domingo, JCcffct li KEGS T0BXcC0alS0 4 D0len For Sale by v ' ' HENRY VV. JONES March 1769 72, : ;i JVofice. i 11 HE Cdpartneiship of H ATCR . KINCEYis this day dissolved, by siness' with the concern, will uleusp r.n ' r T . .. S ' tn D iirinl Ft ii i h f 'ahn onili'.:. to settle the sameand all persons In debted, are requested to make rniniediute payment. I. UUttAIMT HATUH,Jr, JNO. 6. KINCEY. March 24th , 1827 70 f . 6tte of tNorth-CaroIiua, Craven Counts. , ) ' Court of Pleas and Quarter Urtsvmi, v February Term', A. U. 1827. The President and Directors of "I the State Bank of N. Carolina, Judicial Af, ' - vs. -i Stachment -le, John Salter Thomas Salter, vied &c. and others. ) f T appearing to the Court that Joho JLalter & 1 homes Salter, are not inha. bitants ol thisCounty, it is therefore ordr. ed that publication be made in theCamlin) Sentinel for 60 days; that said defendants appear at the next Court of Pleas ttnd Quarter Sessions, id be held lor Craven County, at the Court house in Newborn, on the second Monday in May, A D. 1827j and replevy or plead to issue, or judgment will be entered up against them. Attest, . ' J A MES G. STANLY, C C. March 3 67 76 price adv $6 00 btate ot North-C arolina, Craven County, V . . . . . . r SS. Court of Pleas and Quarter Stssiuns February Term, A. D. 1827. Moses Jar vis, VS. f ! Edwin Gorham, and others. i JudL Att. Uied. IT. appearing to the Court that Edwin Gorham is not an inhabitant ol this county ; it is therefore ordered that pub lication be made in the Carolina Sentintl for 60 days ; that said defendant appear n at me next oourt oi rieas ana quarter Sessions, to be held for Craven County, at the Cduit-house in Newbern, on the I mtuaxtMvi ntray-in-Tway , jx. ongz, and replevy or plead to issue, or judgment will be. entered up against him.- Attest, JAMES G. STANLY, C. C March 3 67 76 price adv. $6 00 State ot North-Carolina, ) . Craven County. SS. Court of Pleas and Quartet Sessions, February Term, A. D. 1827 F rancis Lamotte, J 1 r-' vs. OriginaI Att. levied. Alanson Vebb. j T appearing to the Court that Alan ison Webb is not an inhabitant nf this state, i is therefore ordered, that publica tion, be made in the Carolina Sennnet for 60 days; that said defendant appear at ti e next Court ol Pleas and Quarter Session f to be held for Craven County, at the CutuX house in . Newbern, on the second Mon day in May, A. D.1827 and replevy or plead to issue, or judgment will be enter ed up against him, v Attest, JAMES G. STANLY, C. C. March 36 76 price adv. $ 6 00 k- State of North-Carolina, . ) Craven County. S ss. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. February Term, A. D. 1827. George, A. Hall, ) v vs.- Original Att. levied. Alanson YVebb. IT appearing to the Court that Alanson Webb is not an inhabitant of this slate, is therefore ordered that publication bs made in the Carolina Sentinel for 60 davs; that said defendant appear at the next Court s of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for Craven County, at the Court house in Newbern, on the second Monday in May, A. D. 1827, and replevy or plead to issue, or judgment will be en tered up against bimu . Attest ' ' , JAMES G.STANLY, C. C. March 3 67 76 price adv. $ 6 00 The nerson who has the second volume of Lee's Memoirs. " the Southern Campaigns, belonging t A w;it'.m n.t Mn.ett m return d T ir iKiaui waaiuiij to his office.-March 10, 1827- . FOR SALE, 20G0 Bushels Turks Ilsand, and 15 Sackf LivVrpooT Ground SALT. . , GEORGE REIP 4r ' - - V . : . i i - " .' . . .