rt 1 3 8 ' - m ft HI 1 1' - - H ; Variety vn Atpful' Moment.! , sailed from rew-Or leans in the i beginning - of . k eb rtiary, in a small schooner, bound for New-i ors. .We descended the river without any. accident, and vent to sea wh a fine breeze. We had favourable winds and good weather for the first five days ;:on the morning of ttieisixth it yiefj jgan to cloud up;, as the day wore away, the gloom increased ; and when the night set in, it was as intensely dark as I fver remember to have .seen it. " The novelty a ud interest of my situation pre- venieo me irom turning in. l he scene was awfully grand ; the : rolling of the thunder could just be distinguished above the roaring of the waves: and the, vivid xiasnes m iignining uispersea ior a mo ment the. raging waters round us. I con . tinued .walking the deck with the captain, who was relating to me some of the many d ters and difficulties that, a life of third t v years 1 on the ocean had subjected him to, -ri He had been thrtce shipwreck ed, and twice captured by the enemy in the late war with England. Hex vas a good seaman, and bad all the virtues and vires Of a sailor.' We continued on deck some lime ; the wind was increased to a ; gale. The waves ran ! mountains high, and our little vessel danced over them in fine style, wb n accidentally casting my eyWover her side, I thought I perceived someting dark moving in the water. . I pointed it out to the captain, Who no sooner saw it than, with an ex . cl imation of the terror and despair, he " cried, " YVe are all lost !" and sprung to the binnacle for his trumpet; 1 saw in an instant our danger jj it ship bearing full upon us. was a larce I knew if she sti uck us our destruction was inevitable ; ah would pass over us in a moment ; the people on her deck would be scarcely sensible of the event, and we should be buried in the ocean without the least pos sibility of relief. The captain twice raised his trumpet to' hail her, but fright and despair made him mute. I snatched it from him, and in a voice rendered so pernaturaliy loud by the danger of my situation,-which was heard even above the . roaring of the waves; ! hailed her with; Starboard your,helm.v In ano ther moment she passed us with the velo city of lightning, her hiige bulk and loftv safs casting a still deeper gloom over the drxk; of our little vessel.- She rolled in th chasm occasioned by nW passing of the vast body so nigh her, and nearly.up set. ; I sunk on the; deck, overcome by the intensity of my feelings, deprived as it were of the power of motion. I re covered myself, and approached our cap tain ; he was standing in the same posi tion as before; the vessel had passed lis, and appeared to be insensible to the ob jects around him. I spoke to him, but he answered me not ; 1 1 shook him, and he loused as from a stupour or reverie It-was some time before Jhis mind resum ed its empire, and he afterwards told me, -tbnt in. all his danger and perils, and when death stared him in the face, and deliverance seemed impossible, he was never so impressed with the certainty of his destruction' as at that moment. As for me, I shall never forget my feeling on that eventful night, and cannot even now look back without horror' on the danger of mv situation. Mirror. -4V .j Art of living happily.- The following maxims, or rules of actions, might, if strictly observed, go far to increase the happiness, or at least to diminish the in i quietudes and miseries of life ; : ObserveInviolable, truth to your words end integrity in your actions ; - j , i Accustom yoursel f to temperance and be roaster of your passions. ; j Be not too much out of humour with the world 5 but remember it is a world of God's creatine ; and however sadlv it is marred wiih wickedness and "folly, yet you have found in il more comforts than r comities, more civilities than; affronts, J more! instances ol. kindness toward you '-than of cruelty, ' '"'j- -'-: ,". ... Tr to spend your time usefully, bpth to yourself and.others. , ! . I iNever mwke an enemy, nor loose a ' irie.nd unnecessarily. ! - . ' j H . f: Cultivate such an habitual cheerfulness , of mind and. evenness of' temper, as not to be ruffled - by trivial inconVeniedces and crosses . s. , -.hAj V--.: j Be ready tp heal : breaches in friend ship'and to make up difierenceSv and shun litigation yourself as much as possi blerfor he is an ill-calculator that does not perceive that one amicable settlement . is:1jetterthanvtwo lasuitsil-V.Jp 1 -Be itt rather your ambition to acquit youi self well in your proper station, than to ri8e;abOT.iiv ; , '-'.Despise not smaI honest gains, and do nbi risk what yoju have on the delusive prospect of sudden riches. ; Jf you are: in "comfortable thriving way, . keep in it, . and abide your own calling rather than run the. chance of another. v, In a word, mind to u use the world fas not- abusint it,' and probably you, will find as mucb comfort in it as is most St for frail be ine,-who is merely journeying through it towards an immortal abode. ; . '- - r vr. rc ;- " DIED, In Burmafi, India, 24th Octo v- beV last,; Mrs; JrDsoir, wife:or Rev Dr Judn. of thr American Baptist Mission m -Burmab. Dr. Judion, after his ie- lease from imprisonment at Aya, oti the conclusion of peace between the British and Burmese, returned to Rangoon ' with his wife j from thence they went -to the hew town of Amherst,1 w hicb the English are building within the 'territory ceded to them There he left jVIrs; Jiidson, and proceeded, to Ava with . theBritish . En voyy Mr.l Crawford as Interpreter to the Embassy , at : the" Burman Court. -Mrs. Judson was soon after seized with a fever, of which she died as before mentioned. Ladies9 Hats. Il is perceived that the belles of the city are reviving the fashion of immoderately large hats, which com-1 pletely puts at fault the gaze of gallants.' A friend,,who is an admirer, of angelic features,, tells us, that the other day, he was completely blockaded from entering a fashionable dry goods shop by one of these t unconscionable superstructures j mounted upon the bead of a damsel who stood upon the walk in front of the door Shop-keepers are advised to open both of their folding doors, lest, by failing to do so, they shut out trade' from those vho cannot enter under full sail, as it is al ways disagreeable to lower the peake.T take in a reef when making for port : 4 ' ; f4o.. Daily Adver.' , Slate of Crime in France The num oer ot persons accused ot crimes in France, and brought for. trial before the Court of Assizes, . in the year 1825, was 7,234; of whom 264 were acquitted, and 4594 condemned, viz. 176 to death, 361 to hard labour for life, 1271 to labour for a term of years, 1370 to close confine ment, 6 to stand in the pillory, 1 to ban ishment, 1359 to imprisonment, with or without fines, and 50 under 16 j years ' of age, to conhiiement in the . House of Col lection for a term of years In the same! year, 96,06 1 causes were brought before; the tribunals of Correctional Police, in which 141,738 individuals were implica ted. Of these, 57,002 were for crimes against the Forest arid Game laws, im-i plicating 86,S6l individuals : ; of th whole number, 5,1 10 Were condemned to upwards of one n years' imprisonment 17,454 to a shorter; term of imprison ment, and 95,682 to the payment of a fine. . 1 Cold Comfort The Orange count vj (N. Y.) Patriot publishes an account of thfs convictions1 which took place at the Court of Oyer and Terminer held in thbt county last week, Judge Emott presiding I Among them, was a rogue by toe name f William Robinson, convicted of steal ing a German flute. When he was sen tenced to be imprisoned six months, and live, on bread and water he 'appeared ery uneasy, and told the Judge lie could not live on bread and; water, and that he should certainly die. i The Judge replied then vou must die." IThpmas W. Machen Offers for sale, cheap for Cash, The following 'articles, viz. Lemon Syrup,Seidtetz Powders, Soda do. Sweet; Oil, Lump Magnesia . Calcined do. India Rubber, : Cream of Tartar, .Epsom Salts, Flour of Sulphur, Tartar Emetic, Calomel, Powdered Jalap, Borax, . Antimonial Wine, Elix Vitrol, Elix Paregoric, Laudanum, . Spirits of Nitre, Opodeldoc,V Mixture of the Sulphate of Quinine, Lee's Antibilious Pills, Allum, Gum Guiacum, Pearl Ash, Cinnamon, Cloves, A llspice, Nutmegs, Copperass, Starch, Blueing, &c. ; ALSO, A SMALL ASSORTMENT OF Books aud Stationary. Watts' Psalms and Hymns,1, Webster's Spelling Books, : Testaments, New York Primers, Children's A. B.C. Books, r -Arithmetical -Table Books, . Juvenile, Books, Cap Writing Paper, Letter Paper, Wafers, Paint Boxes, " Camel hair Pencils j Violin Strings, ; Conversation Cards, Visiting do. : Silver Pencil Cases, Crayon Pencils, Marbles, Fish Hooks, &c. yst'yl-- A few articles in the Dry Good line viz. ;;. Calicoes, Indigo, Plaids, 1 ( X Cotton Diaper, Tow Cloth, Checks, Ladies' Green and White Veils, i X Ladies' Buff, Drab, and White Silk ' V; Gloves, , ' .; Vr ;."' Spool Sewing Cotton, Floss Cotton, ; I Sewing Needles, Knitting do. and a few articles of CROCKER Y. - - ! N ' B. Watches and Mariners' Com passes cleaned and repaired as usual. , Sr, .-';' 2nd DoorJVoirth of the- Court faoise NOTlGEa-'; .T the last Term of Jnhes J il Court, the subscriber obtained let ters of , Administration on: the estate of Vincert ; Barsante deceased. iJ Persons indebted to the estate, are requested tn' make immediate, payment, and those ha4 ying demands against it, will present them within v the "time prescribed by law,cr they will be barred of recovery. ; : h v , : R DICKSON, Adm'r Joue County, April 10th,;i827-74 77. r ; t. JOB PRINTING : T ! 4 EXECUTED AT THlk OFFICE,' IVilh neatness 'and Despatch. . , : . . . - POST-OFFICE NEWBERN, 7 ; : ' : ' MaV 5tM82 SivxvKiA and Dopsxrture of the f. in HE Northern Mail, via Washing-: .11 ' ton, is tlue on Monday and Friday at noon. - It leaves Newbern on -Thursday and Sunday at 9 Af m; ; ,C ; ' The WesterniMail, via Raleigh, is due oa Wednesday. and Saturday, at 9 p M. and returns on Friday and Tuesday at 4 a m. , - - aaH "'- -- -s-; " The Fayettrville Mail, via Samp son, Duplin and Jones Counties, is due on Tuesday, at 5 p.Vm.-and, returns on Thursday at 5, a m. " . The Wilmington AfAiLjisdue on Sa urday at'6 AA m and is closed on Mon day at 8 p.m. 1 rt The Beaufort Mail arrives on Mon day at 10 am. and is closed the samtn dav. at 3 p. m. J ' V v Agreeably to the above arrangement, letters' for the Northern and: Eastern States, are forwarded on Sunday, Tues day, Thursday and Friday, if deposited Vn the evenings preceding. i Southern.and JVV stern letters are for warded by the Mails of Tuesday, Thurs day and iday- ' - l V.- y THOMAS WATSON, P. M. - f ' . .. . ScoW'f life ot Buouapayt T" r- : ' s Li IFE OF NAPOLEON BUONA PARTE, with a PrVliminarv. Vietv of the-French Revolution, By the Author txf Waveiley, in two large volumes 8vo. closely printed, with a Portrait of JSapo 5 eon, 'engraved by Longacre, from a Min iature in the possession of Count Survil Jiers. - v, . y '-:, , '-y' ' - ... The publication of this work1 is pro' r essing under the direction of Messrs Carey, Lba & "Oarey, and will be com pleted soon. It ' is understood that the' price will not xceed'Five Dollars, while the British .Edition, . consisting of eihf volumes, will t cost more than fifteen dollars. i , Gentlemen desirous of procuring the work, vill please address their orders to THOMAS WATSON, i Agent for the Publishers. Newbern, May 5ih, 1827. No. 55 For April, J UST received and for sale at S. HALL'S Book Store. f, CONTENTS. ;' I. New 'Documents concerning Co lumbus. ' V; ; -V H. Travels in La Plata and Chile. III. Life o Theobald Wolfe. Tone, ana tn uonaiiion ot Ireland. IV. Kent's Commentaries on Ameri- can Law. ; V:'t-'' """ v '. V. Pblicy and Practice of the United States and Great Britain in, their Treat uu nt of Indians. ' VI. Mrs. Hemans's Poems, j : VII. Critical Notices. 1 Letter to an Etiglisb Gentleman. 2. Internal Improvement in Georgia. 3. God man's Natural tlistoryw0; ; 4. History of North Carolina. 5. Marsh's Inaugural Address. 6 Eulogy on Mr. Crafts. I r 7 Rail Road from Boston to Connec ticut River. ; '' ; 8. Catalogue of , Books in the Boston Athenaeum. " 9. Hedge's Abridgment of Brown'i Philosophy. 1 . -' ' 10. Mr. Washburn's Agricultural Ad dress. 'V-J -:; I 1 1 . Nou velles Idees sur Ja Population. 12. Keports of the Faculty of Amherst college. . ' - -v r 13. Comstock's Mineralogy. " Quarterly List of New Publications. Index. , . ; I2S.1827. ' CASTOR OIL, mTOUGHTON'S Bitters, British Oil,' ; O Turlington's Balsam, Chamomile; amplier, Lpson baits, Ginger, &c. just received, and for sale, by THOMAS W. MACHEN ' . April 28y;.(;T:.. , :'; FLOUR AND DRY-GOODS. ANDIIN'G this daTfrom Schr; Tim. othy Pickering from N. York. 75lBbls. Superfine Flour, fresh from the mius ; atso, a small invoice of Dry Goods, of, which; the "following are a part : j;::VC.: s-, r-x r':'U : 1 50 doz. Clark's Mile end Spool Thread s;: ; andlFldssr:.W- v'; 50 lb. Marshall's Patent Blue Black, ' . & As or?d T. read, .t; . ' ; 20 Pieces iurkey Pid :FjrnchCaiir - r ? coes of superior'quality, and : war :if0 ranted unfading colours,;; j Super and Extra Fine Thread Cambrics, v do. and Common Book Muslins, ? i . do. . - dtvNeedle worked do. some very fine and close worked, , Fine and Superfine MulIJackonet, -and Medium'Muslins;'-;' India & German Silk, Flag! Hkfsv Bluf 5-4 Robinet Laces, and Lace Footing,' Whtte Russia Drilling; and a few, dozen more of those Very Fine , White Cotton Hose For Sale, by I ; G. rBR DFORD,&Co.V Who will continue to receive as hereto fore, constant supplies, by almoat every , :..!' n.i vi. - , r. 1 1 vai i rum new. a unit -April 28. f v . 1 i L. (State of North-Carolinjr, JONES COUNTY. f Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, V MARCH TERM,1827. : v Silvester Biown I ' 't-.; ---V K-' x ' :'vs.':: l V Original Attach tAlexanefledge& 1 ment, levied. 'ii Levin: B.;:Lane:;y- '.-'f';-,;- V ;. I T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court J that the defendants are not in habitants jof this state, it is therefore or dered, that publication be made in .the Carolina jSentihel, ' for sixty days, thai said defendants appear at the next Com t of Pleas and Qnarter Sessions to be held forJones jcouniy, at the Court House in Treriton, on the second Monday of June, A. D. 1827 and replevy. or. plead(to issue, or judgment will be entered up against them. ' I , ' ' '-i"v; ; ' ' "T Attest,1 f ' ' y :,.,W II. BRYAN, C. C. March 30, 1827 price adv; $ 5 00 State of: North-Carolina, v - On s low ; County; - ; Superior Court of Law, Spring Term, 1827. Nancy :y Humphrey, . "1 . ; A': V8 .. .", I F Exrs!& Heirs of f:r Petition for D6wer. Lott Humphrey j I' T appearing that Di Wife 'reside out of urant Hatch and thef State, it is therefore ordered that.:; publication be made in the Carolina Sentinel and Ral eigh Star'for six weeks ; that said delen- oani appear at -iner.-nexi superior: vuun of Law to be held for Onslow; county, ;ai the Court house in Onslow onj the third Monday jin September next," and replevy or plead to issue, or judgment will br entered up against them, i ; Attest J I. DOTY," Clerk 1 A pril 18, 1 827 75 86 pr, ad $5 , State of North-Carolina On slow; County. Superior ICourt of Law, Spring Term, 1827. Nancy Howard, Gricc Howard. "Petition for Divorce IN t th N this, case, it being made appear to e satisfaction of the Court, that a o Lnu i;a uh M..rVi.. subpona and alias subpona had regularly issued a Sj directed by la, to the defen dant commanding his appearance il this Court, ''to plead or answer to the peti tioners petition,' and that a cop of such aforesaid subpona as had been left at 'the last place of abode of the said dependant in this State more than fifteen days before the day of the return of each of said sub ponas, proclamation was therefore made by - the sheriff at the door of the Court libuse, "or the said defendant to appear and, answer as commanded by the said subpoenas; and the said defendant being so called made default It, is therefore ordered,' that the Clerk cause notir of the pendency of th is petitioner to b- puh : v -ed in the Carolina Sentinel an- Ralei -Ktar for three months, and tho i de: I ' ..." term, an issue oe suomitted to a ju-y ascertaiiihe worth o( the material facts charged in the petitioner's petition. , - J l. DOTY, Clerk. Attes April) 28 '75 86 pr ad.' .'$10 INSTRUCTION' War i& &eat & ')unJ. ll m J ; 1 HE New York Institution, for is e instructron of the Deaf and Durob,,, ;h well organized and prepared to instruct h'lose who are deprived -of hearing and speech The two instructors ' who, can hear and speak, (one male and one female) Hre welll qualified to teach the Deaf and Dumb, having had efght years practical experience, i hey are assisted oy two Mutes, one of, each sex, who have been taught in this Instituion, and are. highly useful in the school. The system of in struction pursued, is that of the French, and the same as is pursued , in . other. schools; for the Deaf and Dumb, in .this country:; Pupils over eight, and hot ex cdeding twenty-five years, will be recei ved at all times, for any period, at the rate oft 150, dollars a year, ; including board and tuition, books and stationary, washing, mending, and' tnedical atten dance'. There will be no.extra charges ; but pupils are required to find their own clotnin ana oeaaing.v x nere is one va cation during the month of August, in each year, when pupils may ' visit their friends,! or remain in the Institution, at their option. , The male and TemaleNpu pifrare provided for in difTerent buildings, some distance apart, apd are riot allowed to associate out of school. i 'Those interested, may obtain further information by addressing a: letter (post paid)f-tp the Secretary orthe Institution By orderof the Board of Directors, samuel l. Mitchell;. SA MUEL AKERLY, M: D Sec'y V 1 74. Leonard-Street,' New York Dec.24 6mcthb&b 3 ; s 5 .-i ;V committed to , the Jail of Cra- ven county, on vtne - latn instv a negro man who calls bimself A BRA M of yellow, complexion, and about 6 feet high'. i-He says he belongs to James BishopJii)f '( Halifax bounty, CThe owners is -requested to convv .forwa'rd, proved property, pay. charges, and " take : JORD4N S.CARROW. Jail'r; March. Z7,G& ' ' V - r ; CASiisyonE. C. Mc C. h C. B. CHURCHILL iKE now opening a handsome as sortment bf DRY; GOODS; which they will sell at a" very small advance for cash or.produce. 1 - They have, also received a quantity of Apple Brandy, Gin, Whiskey, ' ' Wines, Rum, Scotch Herrings, . , Kaisins j (P. & M .) Shellbarlis, Picon Nuts; Apples, Pears, Oils of sundry kinds, ; ' Sugar, Coffee, Teas, &c. &c ; . ALSO, , .. .'. . Crockery and GVasswuvc. December 23d 58 ! REMOVAL. j OHN YV. NLLSON, Cabinetmaker, aJ', returns his thanks to the inliabili)(j of Newbern, and; its vicinity, for the li. beral encouragement he -has heretofoie received in' his line of business, and rc- spectfully informs the publick'thathe hns r moved from his former stand into Mid. die-street, (three doors below ! the cor. 'ner of Pollok and Middle-streets,)j-where. he will execute, - witb neatness and des patch, all -orders in his line of business. Sideboards,'Secretaries,. Bureaus, Tables, Work-stands, Candle-stands, Cradles, . Beadsteads, &c. made of good mahogany, and on as reasonable terms as can be done fn .the place.; fie will also repair and mend old furniture, &c Heoliciis th- patronage of the public and promises that no exertion shall bewanting to ren def general satisfaction.1-- O Cbfiln made ;of mabQgany Vand' other woocl, if applied, forf and due attention paid to the burial orthe dead. ; ! March 31,1 827.71 '80.' PITTMAN & SANFORD I' g AVE just received per Schooner Susan, from" NTew' York a generai I j50Sn I assortment of 1 SHOES, An elegant assortment of- By the case or single, at N. York pried ' Jlfev) Boyi., : , I.EGlVOVUs: HATS, ; . Also,.: .y- SO Barrels Pork, . ; !f t Mess Beef in barrels & half barrels, Smoaked Beef & Tongues. ' t A These articles will be spld low for casu Newbern, Marclr31st; J827.rwJ. f 1 1 HE Copartnership V of HATCH L. J Is. KINCKY, is this day dissolved, liy mutual consent. jill persons haying bu- siness with the concern," will please cll qa Durant Hatch, Jr,. whd is authorised to settle the some--and all persons fn debted, ai'e requested to make immediate payment. " l- ' L. : - .-L f.-' ' i " 1 DURANT HATCH, Jr. ; v ".jNO.-G. K1NCSY.' March 24th, 1827 70t,f.' NOTICE. ILL BE SOLD for -cash at ihe T V Court-hoUse in Trenton, pn IMon- I tjay the I4ib of May next,' (being tlie se ' .Cnd Monday in the nionthV TWIiN- j TY-ONE NEGROES j the property oi I Denjamin ..narnson, .Lsq.aec,. .cigm I ipn the property of Simmons Harrison, I ipree.the property ot ueorge Olalieia three or four me' property of Asa Smith, several the? property- of Jesse V. Lee tjr satisfy sundry executions In my hands for collection. ;- , . ; , I r' 'j i: . , ' '. 4 '-VM.I 'HUG(i l-NS Sheriff. -. . Trenton Apr) i 27, 1827 77- . FOR SALE AT THIS OFF V r;, And at the Boole-Stores, of S. Uall,r and. T. Watson, ' , By JACOB BEHMEN. jn :i VOLv 12mb. PrireV 50 Cents, p-A 94- ' - ; IM JAPAN AND TIN WARE.. OR SALE at the subscriber's "Stored an extenslbe assortment 01 JA PAN and TIN WAHE ; comprising everv nspfnl article in the Jitnan and Tii hne . - v j j. a ykroyd. April 14. ';Uv 'I N. B A liberal discount made to thoso who purchase to sell ngainf - J J.'AV : TO UEN iVr HOUSE & Ldf , Nol 21 S, on Broid Street Apply to ; ; ' March 1 6, 1 827- -.:. ' . prime shad; I - 1 ' V FIR KENS of Prime Shad, war rented cood or saic I c ;(- April 14' - Vl r ml

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