4 K ,TATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA,' 7 jn Equity Sept;Termr l 827 -'V X. and Simmops Is ?r, 'J. VV J" T appearing to the-satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Henry . to Daniel does iiot res.de witb.n thejiniits f this State, it is ordered that publication Z made1 for six weeks, successively, in ,he Carolina Sentinel, notjiym said de fcndhi to "beand appear at the next term SSu Court, to be holden at Trentony in idCountyon'the Wednesday after the se cond Monday oi iVV'n ' r " ' i ' ... oairi'R'ill . nthprwise .ncwpr. or aeniui -"7 the same will be taken pro cbnfeaso, and heardex&. a fisher, ak e. srvTE OF NORTH-C A ROLIN A, 7 V . Jones County, y la Equity, &&tiJ John Varia and Lewis Gregory,' Beni W. H arget, William Armstrong and Le iy hi Wife, SamueLSmith, and.Olia his xv.f Willis Greeorj, Ashton Gregoryand Wiliiam Gregory. 7 a . IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants in . the a bove named suit, are hot residents of this State it is ordered thai publication be made for six weeks: successively in the Carolina . Sentinel, notifying , said defen dants, to be and appear at the next terra of this Court, to be holden at Trenton, in said County, on the Wednesday after the second Monday of March next, to plead, answer, or demur to said Bill, otherwise the same will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte !.' , ;. f-'X SAML. C. FISHER, CM. E, Sept. 13, 182795 'QV$$ , STATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA? : 7 - Jones County. y In Equity, Sept. Term, 1S27. ' John Vann and Lewis Gregory, : vs,. '" f - - . Benj. W. Harget, Wm. Armstrong and Levtcy hi. Wife. Willis Gregory. Ashton Gregory aud Wm, Gregory' . Original Bill and a- mended and Supplemental tsuu : f I VO the Defendant in the above na- .1 rned suU, -pursuant to an , order o the Caurt of Equity for the County of Jones, made at this term, you are hereby notified that depositions of witnesses, to he read in evidence on the trial or tnis i cause now pending in the Court ft Of EtJUI- I f XT I ... rnr airt r.nnntv. will be taken at the r.,r.T4ln.,P in Trenton, in said County, fir. Mondav-of November jjext.l nfi ih T.iP.dav following When and I here you can attend and cross examine I vif vou think proper. rktnfc nmrwir.' i ; a S I ' SAM'L.. O. lontiK) t t.. Trenton, Sept. 15, 1827-r!y6 '02-$5 NEW BOOKS. : PEKSOiNAL SK.fcTlJrlr-S ot riis Own Times, by Sir Jonah Barrington, Jude of the High Court of Admiralty in Ireland. Sec. f ' ' V '.' " REUBEN APSLEY, by the Author of Bratnbletye H ouse, The Tor Hill, &c. " Fieron ambition !; Fie on myself,') that have a sword, and vet am ready to famish ! These five davs bare I- kid , in . these woods, and durst not peep out, for all the country is laid for me. -ShaksfeaRE, , HIGH LIFE, A Novel. THE EPICUREAN. A Tale. By Tl I.; '- . , , f ? v I suiiinas itioore. v -, . . ; KEY TO VIVIAN GREY. MRS. H E M A N'S PO EMS. THE FEDERA LIST, on the New Constitution, written ; in the year 178S, by Mr of a Bow Street Officer. ALMACKS. A Novel. LIFE OF NAPOLEON.4 ' J , MEMOIRS ofLindley Murray. SKETCHES OF ALGIERS. PA U L JONES. ! A Romance. - MERRY TALES of the Wise Man f Gotham."-; X"; 'j; ''. ; ir AftLSWCAN QUAKTXSLT ReVIB W, No.S. 2:;n'AV;f Various ; Medical Works, : Miscellane ous.and School Booksj Stationary, &C, Just received and for safe by' 1 '. ' . .:f-; 'THOMAS WATSON. Sept. 22. . :';;':; ' V ;;; -, ,..; ;f Blacksmith Wanting.: V 1, 4 wyu ouAvrvatm i a wno is a steady and industrious Workman' ii anting in het neighborhood of Core Creek, Craven county ,16 miles from JVewbern. ; Any person wishing to estab lish himself in hei?boye line of business ill find constant ..empjaymef.aoo4L Pay torhis - wptkApplicaiionjcan be nade to James Beeslev.';Core C Graven comxy-jy.'M :Sept;22,:1827i(4! S JVorih-CariiUriav u ; ALMANACKS or the Year 1828, For' SaU T,nri ti a q' iv a TPQr.ili Jepi li :i. i f j: i jiii r.tii M i t- lti is bIieved all tb: crew U wfe shower . . m it- v-i j ra k a m a a n - a v a iiwrt, LcouiL, f .w ioveu . .1 j. " j J ; ', ,: -. ' . I.the KiuHMOiNU;or Scenes in the Life w"r'- t V':-H';V.:i- ORDINANCE ' OF THE COM- SSlQSOJN HERE AS great inconvenience ts I i sustained by jibe inhabitants of the I Town, from the; great mber of ilpgs f uuhin at larg particularly in the public market, during market hoairs.r:,v.' -XX'luX1 The Commissiontrs at allitimesstudK I oils to promote the cdmfort aitd cdntehi-1 ence of their fellow citizens, ; and in par I ticular, desirous d remove the evil above mentioned, do hereby 'Ordain, that from I and v afterthe, 24th day; of the present 1 month; it shall be the duty; of Sergeant, to take up and conone all dogs, I found in the phblic market -'also ail dogs I running . at large, or stiolling about the I streets, except such as are following their owners, or are hear1 01 before their own er's door, until claimed, which claim must be preferred, and a demand made within forty eight hours, of the Town Sergeant; who is here by directed to give up the dog so claimed, on the ' owner - or clai m a ut paying to him 25 Cents at the time 6t the deliyerof the dog, ais a fine for per mitting their dog to run at large about the streets which penalty shall accrue, and 'be paid, for each and every time the dog be so taken up and confined. ' It is, also Ordered, that all dogs so taken up, and known to belong to negroes, shall be im mediately killed w iihou t reserve. -Th is Ordinance is not intended to afiect dogs which may be with their owners coming from the country to market. , ' 'x . , By r der of the Board,' NATHAN IISDALE, : ' . Clerk of the Com. ; J - I Sept. 20; i827-?96 97- ; TAKEN UP, ND committed to the Jail of Jones County, in the Town ol Trenton, i on the 2nd instant, a negro man wbu caiU I nimsen tL.Lio. ntf u ui - omtji wiu i i tr l. t to - CI 1 , Li:.l.-l.n I plexioo. t rom information,, I , believe I him to.be a negro who was advertised oui I June, 1825. by Thomas B. Haushton. of I Washington county, near. Ply mouth, nc. J The owner is requested to come for ward,' prove property, pay charges, and take him away. X ;- VV M. H UuuINS, Sfcentf. Trenton, Sept: 13, 1 827 9Q 97 Maid and Female Academy. n n ru 4"f ui uiis iwiiiuiiuii - II n ail MAnrn ana rr flnrf'ifir ina lxffm . .will wiiuuicuvs wu invuua tie aii I ol October next. r The Subscriber is happy to be able to inform the public.- that he has employed Miss A. D. Salman, ' of F ayettevill, to take charge of the Female Department J instruction win De . given in ail the given brauches 'usually taught, in Academies. A. W. GAY, Principal: Sept. 2Z,;i827' '96-98. CAVENDISH TOBACCO, t the best quality, iust received and forsale by.-, !:;.,vK;' 'li-r-j-y . -: ; r VVM. VV. CLARK; Sept.' 22, 1 827 '96 97. ,, - .'il' ..f- ... SATURPAY SEPTEMBER22, 1827, HWrndJ tpt. of emn 1 1 lsin v uc nAiaH t m hn , iu . . V . . i .. nrth Ranks. sjva the Erlpntorv: N. N BTka ra iri thp "j K.nlprnrivp. nl Mpntnn ...-0, ....r.w., rr...r...Mr. math deck broken up, her mainnmast "Uk "aJ -a114 01 g&PS aM stript b SepU IO.Tfailbrds US smrpre Dieasnre to nave it in nnr nnw er to cntradicV upon unquestonable E - r . . authority, the report of the loss of ,Captaln.D.;Holdenof the Cape tPrn l.iirht Rhin. in the late.ale. a bin K .lr,fV,,t 5 ronton ...A. : V - ... - r- . Beacon.- Two of the crew were wash ed overboard and drowned i but Capt. Holden and : the ! remainder ' of the' crew got' safe asore. The Light ship was ariven asnore six mues 10 uie south hw4rd of Ocracock Inlet, on thel 25th ult. having parted her moorings during tW violence of the le. ; rresiaeni vtaams, accompatneu py ine HdnEdwar Eyeritt visited the exten siveC manufacturing v establishments c in Lowell, on, Ved nesday r the ,5 th inst. Mr . Adams was in. Boston the next day .Thh uazette ; says, ne spem some, time arjoe. Athenaium, to view, the portraits, Dusis, and ihe new atrangement of the rooms; and y isited 6ome lamil iVienysirhisJ yisitwas entirely v Without parade, .- and when he came Into -tke A iwas whoi poattend readiugroomkk'ne H is heal th appears to have improved. x H?' teW -Uiiiv-A-tjJ-ti' j3u 4 crops, : as also, to the .shinnine. none of whiciv was American; The,- American brig: : rcific (Fisher l(ad "arrived at St. Bartsfrom SPoint treiuadoupe, where all the Vessels , but one ship iwent asUoe - - buildines. &c. 'much damaged., Accpunjs;; iroin Martinique Antigua-arid iiS'evisrepr senVlke gale. asf having jbeei- excessively severe, though the exte;U ol initifv had not been ascertained A Bri tish vessel arrived at St, ; Barts, August 24. Jell in with; the 'American sjtftVioner between- bt. Kilts and at. L.usttia, and took' on? all the Vjrewj, except the' Captain wha was drowned and carried fhem into Nevis DINNER TO COM. POflTER, ' ' Nbw ORLBANSi'july 2. v Agreeably to previous arrangements, upwards of one hundred , gentlemen jriet a; the Planters' and Merchan ts' Hotel on Saturday last at 4 o'clock in the after- noon,. , I he room, in which tne lapie was set had been tastefully decorated by ' . 'p ...... . - T. -' ' '.'"'I .virP Mondeli, whose pencil executed wttu; fidelity thetlegant designs of Wiri Pilic. Piie name of PORTER was. painted cjri the wall, : with the appropriate; device, Honor to (he brave surmounting rnilitary and naval trophies. The flags of the U- iiited States and Mexico were gracelully united in flowing draperies. I A hilo surrounded them both; and from its pi verging ravs, shone forth the names of the gallant naval commanders, whose ac tions have, reflected honor on our coun try.. In. separate medallions,? formed of oak1 leaves were Inscribed the names' of Washington, 'Lafayette, Victoria, and Franklin wi h; appropriate and characte ristic' hiottos cinder each. Over the en- trance door was inscribed the! name, ot i?. . ; .L urewit uiitun -over ine uuuoc uuui was written JOHN Q. ADA M5 among those of our former Presidents. - .On the left side of the room, in similar . medal iion, were inscribed the names of Adair, Coffee, Carroll, . and Blanche in the centre, surrounded as it were, oy these valiant companions of toil, the eye dwelt with delight on the name of J ACKSON, I and under It, the simple and expresive words, 8M of January 1815. I T he col ours of all nations were painted on the walls ; our own standard and those of Mexico were placed ' in the form of tro- les is the four corners of,, the, room.. t.. Wreaths of laurel bung in festoons from the cornice over ail the decorations. At half, past four, the band struck up the" na tional air of Hail Columbia the signal of the Commodore's arrival. uHe had pro ceeded, with his family, accompanied b Col. Morse, one of the Committee,; in a carriage drawn by lour white horses, from his residence at Mrs. Herries' up Char- tres street, tnrougn a crowd oi citizens, anxious to behold the man whose fame has so long resounded through the land A fter exchanging salutations with his friends, he was Introduced to the dining room; -by Joseph Roffignac, t esquire, Mayor of the city, President of the day, and Col. Morse, and Col. While, Vice Presidents, i The Commodore sat on the right, of the President,' the other guests occupying the places wnico had i been f Urni-iHontl! 'I ha Hlnnflr vas (hmnhinnt I viiuvm. ...w- ....MWMa Presidents. I in? a hieh degree arid arranged with a ; . - ; - r . - ' Mn. - ann anowea now mucn do n m quaiiv and in quantitvtour fruit market I nas iroproveo wiuiiu icw-vr. ; t ne( weather which; had ivarm nnc srt ninrh rnnled hV a i Dondral , T . v' rrrr.r .."T. -frr?:'-. u. "S 5 The utmost barmonv and social emhu - v.V ' -.. . , ? yl cloth was rembveoT toasts? were runll ivkan ii,a r imihwi ipr i . a tub vi u . v t. i I SON was pronounced by thel President, the company Is usual in Louisiana I ""uu:u , """. l'uu "'6 epea- ted cheers j a tribute to the chiefAian W I " salutarv eneroies.77 and hi inmiri' ' Mr. Ward, who has returned tii' Ehp land from his mission to Mexico ' was a passenger ; by the Prirhrose,); atkd ) his v.bir.f.tohe.tlw considerable curiosity since it is general CO in iVIexico, who is accused -in Private letters, fintrigumgagairisfBrlU ic9i9, biiu iui iiie vivrriuruv 01 me exis ting Government. .;MrVlVVardI during thef exercise of his diplomatic functions ;ih Mexico, was so frequently brought in to contact; with Mr.' Poinsett,' theAmeri- leafr,Cpnsu)Xtbahe the whole of bis pi oceedings ; r and.it is 1 i fficult. there fore, to'assign' any other rijotivefot hisij than thfe fulfil ment of his instructions, 1 voyage to N. Xorkas much out cif his coarse, and could only have been uridfr taken forjp known thatMrWardwas iartic tnxious for' family reasons, to accelerate lETheCommefua Poinsett the A mbassadpr v from the U states, has been soihe uu oesociating with Mexico tnn not likely td be speed! I concluded, it was quite understood that the Congress 'and Senatef woulu rejectveryvpropitibnahat adverse to the. English Interests t- buti' at present me isjrejecled, because it j lays dowri Vifferent line of ? boundary to that which had before been admitted, ?ndf by which: the Americans lay claim tothe rich province of tlx Ameriran manl but minister is an intiiguing clever I tblexicahs are4 firm in the J determination not to. give up one acrb . of their temtory. ioioV . - ; ; , i k ijr- -r,.. , -;t yi-'- h ' ';: : .' V Is notA the British Government injuring herself by .heavv duties on the intioduc tibn of staves and some other articles , oi American production exce'pt shipped Irom pa port In: her Colonies ? By inju jri n g the NewYirk Pa cket Sh i ps, . she adds 'to the j expenies jqf transportation from England, and thereby - affords our Manufactures an improved chance.bl competition.' Our annual imports , from England are .considerably .overtwenty millions. By being able to sail our, ves sels cheeper than the English, pur ship Ping gets the carrying trade, and presents the English arto price. Yuicritau . .manufactures, are ra- ; pidly gaining upon the British, and whate- ver tends to add to tHe expenses of trans- -- . ' 1 . ' ' L r ri portation, operates in their favor like a tariff. What will England gain by tam? permg witn this 2U,UOO,OUO dollars ex-1 port ? iofon Palladium. ONE DAY LATER. An arrival at. News York brings En glish ihtelligence one day later than .our previous advices, but we discover very little matter of interests The whole ofthe London papersare I filled with extracts from othef Journals, I respecting Mr. Canning. The 8un, ol the 14th says, it is understood- the new t Ministeral arrangements will not be an nounced until alter bis 'funeral; They were preparing to bury him in the Abbey, near Mr." Fox. ' ' -' .., The monev market was calm and no- thintr of interest later froni the Continent. A Congress was still talked" of at Vienna, which, if not carried into execution, will eventuate in an informal interview De- tween several of the Sovereigns. - Under the head of Constantinople, July 10, -it appears from various Circum stances that the Divan is already informed that the Courts of London, Pans and Petersburgh will shortly take measures to enforce their intervention. ' Vienna dates of August 2d, state that the surrender of the Acropoljs has greai- Iv discouraged" the Oreeks. " 1 he i con- fusion is' greater than ever. Thes ne 1 Greek government was daily expected a iVapoti, where anarchy is at its height But four villages in the Peloponesus have submitted to Ibrahim. ' v v v i -The LCgypiiati fleet, of 68 sail,4 was to sail from Alexandria about the 10th or Julyp for the Alorea. In the mean timej the communication was kept up by means of switf sailing ships of war. : ( PoRTDOAL. Up to the last date of these advices, large bodies of troops wer under arms in 'Lisbon, and the excited I .1 - v , .. r p. rir(s Rpopnt. who hut a short t me awa! H'y" adm,(JO-ar n said to be extremely unpopular; . It was reporieu ,ioai a cuu.uuuuv, u.u j Viiri tn Aiatn I v r i . . - . . -r- ' land it s said, the experimental squudron ndtU" Sir Thomas Hardv. has received I . . . . - results ot the present commotions are ntwn " ) V C : iS , v i i fmmnj miain was Known in reia - : n ' . r . I tion o the New British Cabinet, except n or V0PeVcn wVt1" uf f1" e 1T4IU The market for American produce re mained without alteration. -1 : . Extract of a p zf ; .::'lJuly from ,uayssa:r:--i " The affairs i-.of tbe feast have i taken ati unfavourable turn since the Tieaty 6l Pacification ' between Russia J England, arid France, has been known. There is little7 hope of the Porte accediog to the inter vention of the Great Powers. The stipulations. of Ackermann are'ar trom touching the Sultan's sovereignty, but it is otherwise Jwith the treaty p( Juyi;6, ilB2r.W lUsT not donate then to have the atr of; fulfilling, the con dition of Ackerroann, but the fJ reaty fdr the Pacification of Greece, ng the mosr sacred interests of ' the Pdrteind Island wm the Diva roost likely opv pose it with its utmost eoorw, Aiier u, the resources of the Ottoman Empire for. this resistance are comparatively, feeble,! arid the object or the Treaty, naraelyy the further effusiohof 1 blood, ' must be accum n . 'A novel ofhisttfriM ced,.- from the pen of MrsDuWnY oi 'liianna:;Tbe'Jiey Indian prophet end Sornie favorable ':ex tracbfTom;; the work have been given hi anlObid-:'i)aper Wffil Pla CaJ? an Wla n81,sJl ; lish Sloop, John & Susanna, of l,rtola, giment of Cavalry: and S Portuguese.. iost Cngll5h Sloop RlCnafd & ju . UJ. hiii ;r? do- lt,st 5 : Engsh Sloop John, ol do. lost: there. The whole of the British troops nanish Sh.nn rirnr. li Ai n.! COMMVfflCATXa ... f ' ,, At?- ' rf-f wn-vr-T a . - " - ?f V thit ipiieri most atiinuaUd iKrtad '- (' cordf is cable li man'i ttndet He iX- On'earihly JilUs j it break at every trVesc." ' : When old age, after, ai long life of usefulness . and piety sinks into the gravei and tbe lod, of the Valley hides from our vjew thie bending ' form of the aged patriarch,' we' can bow . in bumble submission to the will of Him whoslp hands is' liije and death" but when the "Pf yoatbisterginff -iato toan- houd, and the ruddy glow of health bricrhtrn- ing on the countenance, giving promise to a good old age, withers before the icy hand of death and histoid fingers wrap- that spirit, bnce as playful and as light as ours, in feter- ' nat gloom, we cannot but xcUimt " in the ! midst of I life. we are t in : death unto '; whom " shall . we turn, for succour, but unto thee, O Lord !." -In - Mr; ALBERT V. ALLtCN, i (whose death was : recently noticed in this r Pape0 were united that mildness of disposi-. tion, dignity of deportment, strength of un- -derstanding, and brilliancy of genius which seldom centre in the same individual, and bis affability and graceful demeanor; endeared -him to all who had : the pleasure of his ac a quaintance. Far from the land of his nativ- y labouring under "the . pains of disease, , without a relative or friend to smooth his pil- low of death; the urbanity of his temper, and V hi' prepossessing mauners, secured for him those tender 'ministrations which' a death bed r- needs, and which no wealth can purchase. . i nue we, regret the afilictine xlisDeusation. tii: wMcn has deprived an . affectionate family of Jheir rdative, and hi sympathising friends of beur choicest favourite, we cannot but hope that-the piety and resignation displayed a his last moments' has secured for: him a '.eat ngntuanaoi tne eternal king of kings. As for man.' his. day r ai irriti ' . u flower of the field, so he flourisheth : for the wind passeth over it and it is gone, and the place thereof shall know it no more." ' ' . ' j. AMICUS. V MARINE LIST. PORT OF NEWBERN. :, ARM I El. Schr. Genl. Iredell, Osgood; Martinico; enr oraiiiuae, piasters, , wiarleston pchr. lrmmph, uonklin, New York $ :iy, kuwuuu, maninicoj Schr Midas j Lockey,4 New York. ' r ; CLEARED, ' "- ' ,' ' f . Schr. Milo, Clark, Hayti. ' , - Capt. Osgood, of the General Iredell, from Martinique, has furnished us with the following particulars of the Vesself lost and damaged in' the gale of the lTth and 18th ultimo, at .Ponce : American' Brig Herald, full cargo of Sugar, totally lost crew . saved ; Brig Baluga, of Kennebunk, full cargo of mo lasses totally lost- Capt. and two of the crew saved, and four drowned $ Brig Bud, of Boston, ashore in four (eet wa.er. full cargo of sugar ; will probably be ios( crew saved ; Schr. Cerina,o( &denton C., cargo of molasses, totally , Just crew saved ; Schr.'' A cade, of Boston, to tally lost-crew saved Brig Ann Maria-. ot New York, ashore in five feet water, a little to windward of Bocachica, cargo of . sugar and molasses.. At St. Thomas, on Monday night, the 27th August, the wind comnieHced blowmg from the north, and continued to increase!' until day light, when it shifted to the west and blew al terable gale "or hurricane," until ; about noon, ; when it began to abate; at which time.tbe harbor; presented a sad specla . cle. rhe following is -a list of the ves seis on shore : Bremen Brig Anna, just arrived , from' Bremen, with a cargo of dry goods, on shore, fail. of water ; Lug- lish Schr. General Barri. B.linr nit hit hied; American SchV;i Antelope, of-Bal. ii more, part of her homeward cargo on boardfull of water, on the rock t Emr. nish Sloop St. John's Packet, lost ; Ham burg Ship Spectator, jCapt Kruse, bound horiie, full cargo on board, cOfTee, rum, sugar and tobacco, ori'the rock and bilgd;t English Brig Bermuda, ol. Bermuda, will ' , probably begot off ; English Moop, A U -fred lost ;Americaii Schr Randolph,of ' Baltimoret Capt. YValkerf'with her cargo, buiwaid bund,'will' probably ; be., got iff;Americkh Biig Pocahontas of Provi- denceVCapti Brew,' bh shore oh the land ; . American ;. prig i wo pons, or rortiand9 had commericed taking a cargo' oi' Turks , island Salt oh board, ashore in the sand, -expect to'be got bffj Brig Eliza', of New- ; , York; Capt. Davis; ; ashore oh t he rocks i with her cargo on board, will; probably be lost ; English Schooner Planters Pac v ket, ot Bermuda, 4 on the rocks ; Dutch" BrigElizagbrie ta pieces on ihe rocks ; f a large, French Ship, Eugenie, parted Iter , . cablesarid fwds driven i.to sea 5 she has ,v since returned j a large Span isli ,Schr. fW Porto Ricol loaded with sugar, was en-v X. iirely lost against; the wharves .-Frotn ! . the country ; we hear-or much damage' be, ing done t the canes and provision ground ; . ; ateTseriously injured,' buildings ' were : v. bldwn. down, and a great - deal of .stock f ,i killed, r At St: Pieferi Martimco, jthe oiig v V Lvdia. of 1 ' ' capsitted: Scr. Enter- ., .. prise, of' AleiaridriaVCasfCed and was lost i Scr. Caroline, oi .ooow jam, losu f Shin SAatht Carolina Packet, arrived at ;. 'Sri: drbi'on the srtb '. Aug. J a complete " wrek with 6 feet watei in her bold the; ; , fttimate'alosslo Ship ---Z of, Philadclphiar arfived. at; ' : $u Croixon; the 27th. , Aug. distaasted . Brie Jew, from St. CrOlx,v was capvzea . and lost near rui andelancholy to telate, Airs. Dorr aKtf Child, of' Boston, and;, "the &y;q( tha I, ill li 1 1 I i 'j ' i Y .1 ;:;ua t ' J,- .1 -, - t I