J 0 7. .. ., . , :. V y.-- . v." V,. 4s-...-. ; --..:-.: . ..TT .... .... . " 1 ' ,'' ' "- - ' V.,.. . ,' .. : ' : a a 4 n h is t r 1 r 4ff ' WATSON JUACHEW, atgW"?HlfWteiaaj,ICg;- r, Johnllutchinson; (Opppiite the Bank of Hmbem,) ETURNS his thnKs o me imidui- .r isilnV-arn nhrf its vicloHv irl- u. t i;Ka-t ncoiiraffcraent he has heretofore received in his Une of business, and : respectully informs thfim wate 'MM in all its various tranches; Hef has for sale, SADDLES, ; BRIDLES, HAR- NESSfWIilro, and sruBo.v r. v Hsba Leather vTruriK ' Vettces, Saddle Ba;- ; and a number of other articles appertain o h! !, imess- a of his otcn manu- facture. arjd Warranted jo be ipade of the best materials t wmcu icijr ted fro.Ne-yorkr.:; . JOBS of all descriptions, in bis line of business, will be executed at the short est notice, and ton the most reasonable te rrosfun 9, U 8271 V:. 4, f 5 HE Copartnership heretofore exis B - ting undr ' the firm of HYERS, BR EM N ER& BURDETT, was dissol ved on )he 23d June,'l826, by the death of rritrHyerheubscribers will attend to the settlement of the business of the late concern, and will continoeio iraniai-f ; commission Jbusiriess ' on; their own accourit, underlthe rmpf er 5 Bar de 1 1. - J - v; " :l -'- i : - ' WALTKK, ci: tl I cK, "a - VJACOB JBURDETIV 1$$ the -VartifleaXbf Copartnership :hei; tureen f Piatt ; L. Wicks and my slf,' theres aistipulatibo that the copartner ship should end onsix months notice given by one partner to th;oiher The publick are informed that such notice Vas given on the 12th of Al arch last, and that the copartnership terminated on the 12th of Sept: last; -';?"'-,: . : v - no. dawson. v. Swift Creek Bridge, Nov 5th, 1827 '03tf,' NOTICE, A-T the late Sept. Term (of Jones JLCounty CoortV -the Subscriber quali fled as T AdmVJon the estate of Johiii Mo- xts teCf Pf Jo.nes- pounty.-AIl persons indebted Jo said eswte.ar requested -to make immediate payment and those hav? iaff claims will present theni according to law to the Subscriber. . : -y; DUR ANT, HATCH Jr, Mtfr ' ,"jir.es County, !Hovv;8lh.ti55w' NOTICE: A T November Term; A.; Dp.i827, of z ja Graven Uouriot, rteas ano viuarier Sessions, the. subscriber-qualified as Ad minlstratoi oh the7 estate, of Mrs Jennet DawsonVdec. ; All persons indebted to said Est ate. are required to'make ..imme- oiate payment, 4 and rtnose na ving ciairo against it j ) will present theni'withiri the time i preKcribf'd by; law' or they will be bitted i:tee7r--r :j0 Hpf;Bxp A WSONtoVi ECJE i V ED vesterdsyipeir i Schrl Neusei frbm Ntw 'ofkiM r ly Bale ot Stripe Blankets, large sixe and superior quality. ; a iaie oi znaotirgs. 10. Barrels superfine Flbu (warranted owreij appie, urandy, tor sale cheap Xor cash, or couitfryiprcdUceVs -UVr HENRYS JONES. iyeA StfPV j4st received and ior XBu;: sale at; H A LL'S Book Stored :.v, ,P B?1UM T11 ;wJB4.9 49 AtNSTr jus-losiTips.-ler, genuiriei fanacea will hereafter. be sold in white glass bottlear oT- ahobloh ords blown ori tbelass --pri pri'e ilde Suazm's tanficea, ; & ori tne ends Genu- Philadelphia, with-a' label represen- f -'g xiercuies oestrojrng vine iiyqra tr-f- "-" OJt if. V A i'-'thA" ;o'rk- Irnrtrtftf ' K I '.' 'ti. Without rfestrovinP it. the medicine! i.kltXn0WIi D tvaett Uitl fc-iongtn to said -ertste; :n k$i. TRUST SALE V Y ,tirtue of a deeHaftiWeecuted to the subscribers by ftigdon Vhite, of Lehoir;Uqunty bearing -s date the 3d day of October, 1827 for certain purpo ses therein mentioned, we shall expose to public sale, at the Court-house in Kiostoo on the first Mopday; in January next that large and valuable plantation lying in J ones1 and llolrCt ies whereon the said Rigdoii '.White cbu iainingwoCHsand 'miP, wards, a consideraiileportiba of;whicli J cleared and V well adapted toc thxultuife of Cbrp Peas Cotton arid Wheat, with a good Apple Orchard This land has on it: a- large arid elegant' D welling House, nearly finished, a good Cottonin and J other out houses. Also, the plantation in Tone County; pn, the,. East yside ,of VAsh Branchadjoining the lands of Martin F, Brock and oihers, known "by the name of the Bryan; land, coritaing :.J-S6 acres this is also well: adapted., to the i cuUure pf Corny Cotton Wheat, ci?c, &c.-r-Also, In tones County on Cypress creek, and one; tract of 50 acres Jn Lenoir County i onVtheZ north side of Neuse rfrer, upon which;. Is a valuable Sein Beach.: The above men tinned Japds, are worthy the attention of; any ? person wishing' to pur chase good lands in the. lower part of the State, and will certainly, be sold on that day. The ternis of payment will be ac commodating, imd made know,n at the lime of sale. - ; ? iv -.ir- vfe 1 NATJrTAN GfjBLOUV- CKAVEN METTS. tees. vXeooir G. 14th Nov. 1827r4 ; . v NOTICE. T the November Ternt of the Cra Ji4 Ven County Court, A. p. 1827, the .'subscriber quaUfied as Administrator on on tlie t Estate of ,( Captain Freeman E . Wade, dee'd. ; l: Persons inde bted to said Estate, are reqtiested to make immediate : payments-arid those having1 claims, will j present them within the : time prescribed ; by law orjthey will be barred of reco- -t.Novexnberl704'$:r SU John's l.oaae, JSo. 3. l' A Regular Meetingbf St JOHN'S f2LODGE, their Hall on Wednesday the 1l2th,De- cember next ;'?wben the election of Offi eera for tbejensuing year will -tk. placed , GEO. W. DIXON, Sec'y Nov.AL;582705'06.1 4 -'.V ULUU iCONNECTICUTf Ploughs jjuxt-jrecelfftf4ndjaJe::'by i i, Nov; l7tbVl827r4-7 i LIVEKY STABLE, rHESubscriber;vhaVingvta IL limited trouble to; procure a parcel oNgentle- tviell . broke and good trav elling Horses, ' together with double Gigs ana auJ&eys, now oners mem tor mre on as moderate terms as any jn vtbeplacje; they will always be found, al hiav.Stable near'tbevoart House airct:atention wilt be paid 16 all applications'v &r fiv$?!A!'STEAD would .be takenoa moderate termsv lbempx. th;1827.tf. r - 1 . ! '.' W;irisUan !manac: iLjlspWrrina lyYvrnqrithson: Tqesday he 4tl .De- cember nexti at 1 the late ; residence . or ohn Monis. dec. viri Jones County, the perishable, i estate o f said d ec f consisting of Corri, : Fodder, PeasCottpn,Horses Cattle, Hogs, Sheep,-Hbu$tbold and, ivucnen r urnituxe, rfaniauon ioqis, cc A tW- s ha 1 oot far rMnrntrrf. I 1 I ,,. .Ill, II. .1 . Ill I I : NEWCEHNv C; S ATURB AY DEEL1BER -1 , '1827;--;; rW; .' i . - i- , . -"".'t J,"V.'mT'Vl'"MI'lM:I: m-.v-i i ... if WiiiJMmImi l " . - HOUSE OF COJWMOiSSj 8 -t ; " Bl o. day, November 19f 1827. Hie Hoose was called to order by he f Clerk, r and t,he Members present having been ,qua)ified,,proceeed "to the election fbfitaofeceif;.H i"v A message, was received froni be Sen ate informing this hoake of; their organ i zation PjroposiDr to arinblnt a taint select loomuiuiee to wan on ine uovcrpor ana apprjliimfTthcadinessojr H ousea ; toj receive ;any communicatioQ wcb ber may pi ease lQ7make.f 'IMi Committee, 'consisting of ;Messr.rew land and Gary of the House, and Messrs Shober and Hawkins of the Senate; sub- 8eqttentIyTeported that . iis Excellency t would send a communication to moirrow at 12 o'clock.. s 01 Cv.V"pri motion of MrvlPishe'-"'!1 tS.; jHptei,TThat thetHouSe tfeeplyde piore the" loss the pu blic has susta ined i n the de?tb of John Haywood, Esq. the lone jried and taitbfal ;Treasureryof tha State, v; Resolved A 9. token of .the deep res-i pect ; we feel, and the great affection and : veneration we have for the character and virtues of" the deceased, that the Mem t bera of j this House? with the Speaker at ? their head, attend his jfuneral in process siort at the nour or .3 o'clock, this after noon and that we will wear crape oh i eft arm rf iiriho tkia oct5rn' A . : uic pari pi ine oenaie, io corner wan ine, of the deceased and make suitable arrangements for the procession. Messrs, Fisher,rMobre ScottDonoho anjdSpruiHjvbrm - thepart of thiis'Houseaod wer by 4Aiessrs.iSpight Love, Riddick and Jones of the , Senate They subsequently reported the follow, ing order of arrangement, to be, observed .' in forrnirig the procession ; Tvfv.v-fe Messrs. Love, i Messrs; Gui.Bspii. Gaey and Glisson 6 a; CO -tl .'i RiddicxhH For. Family and Relations of the deceased, p';; Rev Clergy, 'Crv.; !.: Governor and Heads of Departments, i - Judiciat Oncers of the Stated "' :S, i -Speakers of the Senate and. Hause of Com- '.' monjj 'i. -' --I' ;'- -V , t Sternberg oC lhe Senateand Klerks . ; iViembers. bf the Honseof Commons and V Clerks. ;:;-'' tnVJ?- lWMl ,1; Citizens and' StrmnreTri '; X5n Beverly I Daniel' was reqdested 'to act rThejresiaUonTofAIfwd Lieut. , Colonel of . the ' 6th Regihient of tne militia oi iwwan. county was reaa MrJories of -the select joint Commitee appointed to . report Kules kbf Order tor .tne government or ine .two;, nouses, supi mittecl IhelresoluiioriHwhicli j was agreed it'd; proposing the adojori of the same mules drawn up for the; use of the House The .following; message was received, .rom tsis , excellency me ,jo vernpr, ; oy hrs priyate Secretary; Mr. Caropbell, arid ordered to be printed for the use ot : the '--t -V. .c:---. '-f 4J-'!l ;ft'lSV tT& the HottourvbU the. General Jlistmblv - GBNTLBM5N,--rThe revolution of Cano- ther year has gi ven births to no sensible variation in our political institutions. Un- )dertl?eir! Oiiimpairei andicontiririedtise-; fulness, you tlrJ,The gen during thia period, and the abundant cha racter of our productions, are blessings Jfto wing onV the Author oeyery good and perfect gift.?,:r which.merit our grate ful an;un(Bignecl thariks;SS'l t Thjs general ascprosp obmiIy jchequeM embarassrnent, so prevalent in .oar coun sinfeetabUsljmrit of ' the Banks, an uricontrbllable thirst of speculatipnXw hicb may eirerde uence,) . and the depressed statj 4 otJ .ibof staple corrirabdities, are assigned by some, as the caiises of this effect. , 'Hie peculiar the ad j oin ing States "to be come ei ther the teajWaryp our eirculatin ; ci theexatus ariiconmU its being under the marketable Value, arid the more recenCtbo' . perhaps - not JesS burn-ctae subject 01 1 tbeanaaeK the. left arm during the sessiopt 'K f ? Resolved, Thatihe House abstainrorii j palsied,' and her attempts rendered Vco'm any; tober business duririg Of sys- that a t Committee ! of 'five "members:, be: tematic arrangement, and the '.failure i to appointed to joirf .a like Committee on select one or more points, combining, the doubtless had an extensive influence llow;,. dent and Directors of the Literary" Fundj far any or atl of these clauses come within' Legislative control aid what remedy, if any, should be applied, can be decided by , you alone. The alteration. -of the, Tarifff-contemr3lated by the 5S Wool Jens Bill,'.?; would, from late circumstances, seem to invite pecuiiar and prompt atteri- v su.uppvsition to incpropwaci ,- teration a highly jrespectable portion . of f thef talent, learning and experience of an' u juinjug j otate, nas oeen .exeneu. jao cbnleyidenUfiedaire oior-iriterestsl iitoati9n and productions, that what is so inieresMne mem cannot surely oe mat ter of indifference to us. .A'ndthedignity oiiitrest of the Stated alike require; that r' J o create ana sustain witmn our own- State one or more ; commercial ?:depbts which; through lines of - easy, direct arid cheap - intercommunication, shorild connect the extremities" of. the Country together ; serving to keep the circulating mediuiri, the jvery litebloodof comrnerce, in' a continued & healthy flow; throughout, our own body politic, thereby destroying that inj urous and unfortunate dependence Lupbriour jsister States fbne of Hhe" priri i Cipa) causes alluded to above,) has beeri; the ardent wish and: anxious 'desire of every enlightened friend of the State. In the prosecution of this subject, much has been attempted. much has been expen- ded, arid but little has hitherto been done. In the -conflict -between toe preiud ices natural! v "fid wins fron sectional' feelings' arid the correct reason of the case.' the onproUc nf th- Satp J tiavhpn' almost greaiest varieiy.oi: inicrcsi, wpuii wtucii we .accurauiajeu , energies ; oi uje oiaie might hp vetebeert thro w d with Jr resisti ble effect : has been the source of almost to tal ruin to" our - System : of Internal Imf proytmerits.WitH the inlbrriiaiion; gai ned by an ' experience some what dear ly phi chased arid- which must go far to de stror inany of the theories previously, adopted, we will be enabled to progress 5riiore steadily and successirilly. $o very farriiliarrhas this subject become to your, honorable body arid the public! atlarge, and so frequent has been its? discussion that little remains to be said upon it in a general ivieWk jn another iconimunica tioh, the details of tlie progress made dii ring the past year, will be presented to you. y 'Uj., ;- ; ' Connected with this systerii, is a sub ject,' in which it is expected e very sincere friend of Bis country, will take a rieep iri terest3 I referjto thedrainingv arid re-" claiming of our swamp and marsh lands. This work has already been commenced in ?a man rier nighly -cred Stable to yoitr predecessors. They authorised the Board of Internal Improverhe Yeyor's to niakethVec tionlpf rtairi Swamps w aSl spec! fieiSpM tort he com- mencement of this importarit work., Two gentlemen, Mr Nash, highly recommen ded by Gov. Clinton for; science arid skill .:; iri his professsiori, arid Mr. Braxier, whose :ualificatioriaM known, have been engaged during the greater part of the past Suminer 'arid Fall, in maktng sorveys, qraiung , pians, ana collecting the information required." ; "All of which; will Jbe 'communicateto yri inoreiati larger It tS sincerely desired tnat tne result oi ine investigation , wmcn you may.bestow upon the labours of these geritlemeit, may be such as to induce yoa zealously td prosecute this work. Could ihe"se"Jands': advantages resulting to the' farming in terest of the State from the addition of such Jari immense body of. arable lands, jvould 'be incalculable IjTo the nevx ientvaricT philanthropic no arideriaking eufd be f presented so acceptable. as)orie proposing tor diminish the;rquanturii of huoikriniiseryv: by removing a fraitful source rof disease and coriverting t airse into a blessing; VTo the legislator it must be corisolirisp to fchowi? that i while f he;7 in feis way prevents; the partial depopula tioriofhi State; )he is atthe same time creatine the most'ample arid- permanent provision forthe educationof thepoorof xne rising vgenerauuiif.r wjy Ihojd out rid other advantage, this of itself rohld entitle itl taJdeepJitteniionanq un tiriri ? exertion. ?.V ForaipoathreduCatipri of the generation" now growing up arid those hoiwill comeafterV dependa in a great- caeasure, therj: contintiance in their purity of I ourhappy lonns of Govern ineriurf Itisat once; the socrceif public and privates respectability the: springof Social -anu inaiviuuai' uappwcs? e, witbill theadyaotageawhicli ;iriust:in iwamrif lands arid a system rif free schools if ln49 onri a VK(rn ff fri hrrilm .ihW-areVbotbjaran the;ajlri;ofroyion Dotk wcrriJeasurabiy based: lo th r 0Dv' : Vr-: - , , ,. ' '-'w . respectively to raiie by- way of lottery. 50,000 dollars, arid allow them'to'sell the privilege .'Aftera- fair experiment, it hasr' been found impossible to procure a pur- "" " chaser. ..v With you it remains to make , such otber and further provision, ashalL seem" best calculated to attain objects, so esiraBleVlietlier the practice of somiev , ; tes of granting exc 'ttiaporcnaserf ,of' Jotter iea sod by such: f ; ? States by totally prohibHirig thevsaj ; ticketa iq any other lottery iWdu)d render1. ; he prjvilge riffr State- inore yaiuabiei or w bether any other can , '.trtedari :aubjecta Vhlth jniayri; deser vedlydai in, y our atentidri;i; ' 1 ; ; f jjUt reference to our J Judiciary ,lliripet 'i?.t:U be- xecused In airr:caniri"gher6itentiboV V . W thIjegislatare compensating prosecuting riflicers. vThe v: public" interest and the tine and impartial . administration of justce,alike require,that. lUC U1USI CUIblCUt 3IIUUIU.UC VyU . , red rrThis can only be done, by offering - :r such compensation as .will amply reward w.y . the toiU and exertiopt of the officer - r To.destroy .anyuridue bias, and fender the administraiion of josUce in our Courts . ' completely impartial, thi 'cQinpensation v should, be fixled.and certain, and. not de-J if pendent upoa ibeissue of e'lrial. ,CIt is'V' a subject of gre at importance, and-xaa- ; riot fail to secure for itself your seriouf " consideration iy -ri, u ; -;. j ; ' 3 By a resolution of the last peneral Aa-'. v , ' seriibly. the Executive vvas requested tp. make applicatibn .to the!, British Govern ! . ment for liberty to procure such materials ' as .were in their possession, relating to the '' colonial history -of this State. 7" coin- V pliance with this resolution! X addressed jv a letter toMr Galiatinp throo the ' Honorable :,,H.--'GlayJ who . with prompt- ness and that urbanity for which he is distinguished,' immediately attended to il, and had the 1 communication K forwarded - , Mr. Gallatin ;gave. the: application ' his zealous ; and efiicieht support. VThat' it was met with great liberality of feeling ori ; the part of the British authorities,- will ap- pear froin ; the following extract, ; taken? v from'Mr Gallatin iVIetter & the corres- i pondence, apd documeats herewith trans) mitted: department of State, ?a letter from 'the Governor of . North-Carolina, enclosirig a r j resolution of the ' General ,Assembly oT that State; arid requesting me, in con for mity therewith,' to apply to the British. .Government for jeave to procure vcopiet ' of such documents, in. the public omcet - . here; as relate;to the Colonial history of North-Carolina.' ; I found ,in every qdar ter the most liberal disposition on that subject; ;Not only, the leave was granted f but the Board of Trade bad an t inder prepared of all the records that had re ference to the Province of Nouh parbli na; in- order that the State d point out '.those. documents of 'which , copies , should be wanted, arid I now irahsmit&iy answer to;the Governor, 'enclosing the Index and other papers relative to the V: subject.?. V InrJ comp! iarice with an act of the list Session, : " prescribing the mode of surveying and selling the lands lately -acqritre(rom''lt-! CherokeeIridklns.'9 ' Gen. Thomas Love, of Haywood, CoI. C, D. Dohono, of Caswell, were appoint : ed Commissioners, and Matthew Baird, of Burke, the Principal Surveyor: The ; a ppropriatiori made by the LegTslature .. for v thit . purpose, : ' proved insunlclent. From this cause and several defects Inl ' the la wj after these gentlemen had made Considerable progress! In the discharge of . their several duties, it was found neces ' safy to discontinue their operatioris arid- ' a wait, the determination of your bonoura, ; ble body. 9'Thecbrrespondence opbci : this arid collateral subject, togetberywith' ' . ithe ad yicetof the Council of .State, who. ; i were consulted are here with trahsmitted, ' arid respectfully v Submitted to your con v sideritioniln compliance with a ire-o lution of the same . Session 1 in referenco to the fee simple held by the State in thi ; f Tiiscarora lands; notice was given in ths papers published in this place, that pro- 1 i posals would be received, by the Execo V tive, for the purchase of said right : N6 proposals haveyei been receifed,' either from the lessees of siid lands- or others ' I Respectfully teferydu tolthereport raadeV v oy; VtSJ.: Baker jVm U f Smith and , .WnL Brittori, Esftrs. Comcaissioners ap . pointed by the::seaolritbpt6;-Vriak appraisement and the survey of the landj.t for information on these points, j : '. : .During the last Somtner, tbp unexpect-;. ;. wiarid Jamentedeath xf Gol JT Haw-V ; kfrisi late Comptrolfe, a faithful aird'efl.' ' - cient officer, caused me to convene the . ' JLOuncii 01 oiaie, wpa buicu. iner ap- 5 t poiritrieritolfriorL; Heriiderson, Esqof' r pIISOlrj,--Iir jrw,i iwuatMi i ctaKO , . - ' . a per caanent appointment. yrt;) ''Xt ,. s ill bas also becotgejnypsinfsl diirvi'to U ; 4:f 1 il' f i 1 . i ? -i i' ii 1 V:' - I . ( . i : mi: f : x -.1.!?:- .' . 1 h i " 4 t 'A 1 ill!! I 1 . i f 1 - n

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