..'.,-5.-. ..- .' .-. , - - -. ' . : -''.Y, .;.''r -'- ' ' " "V"-: ,r' j:; " "h ' J 5 : ... : , r . .. . . .. . . . r i - : . '. . . , 'll EDITED ' fUfeLiSHED EVKRY SATURDAY, BY : THOMAS WATSON. , Trm Three Dollars per annum, payaW idfaoce No subscription will be receiired for lest penod than one year ; and np paper wil e discontinued, until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. rnv AITTIIOniTY.T . 4 Zy thtPrtsidenLof, tke Stated A&& a TrealY of Commerce ana Navigation." belwreen the United St?S of Ami-rica and His Aiajesty me v.- Prussia, was concluded and signebv their rnipotentj'aries, Bt . Washingion, on the first day. of M9.V, one thousand eight hun dred and twenty eight, wich Treaty being in the English and French languages, is as follows : Trrntv of Commemmd. . Navigation be? twten the United States of America, and his Majesty the fiingof Prussia. , r The United Stages ot America, and. bis Majesty the Kin? of Prussia, equally ri . mated with the osire of maintaioing tbt relations of good upderstanding, which have bitherto so happily subsisted between their respective States,1 of eitending,. alsQ, and consolidating the commercial intercourse between them, and convinced that this ob ject cannot better be accomplished than by ttdootin? the system of an entire freedom of navigation, and a perfect reciprocity, based U))on principles of equity, equally beneficial go both countries, and applicable, in time of peace as well as in tune of war, have, in con sequence, agreed to enter, into negotiations for the conclusion of a trefnigMlon and commerce, for which purpose the Pre aident of .the United Stales' has conferred full powers on HaNKY CLAY, their Secreta ry of State, and; his Majesty the King d rrussia has -conferred liKe powers on tne Sieur LtlDWiQ NliEDKxsTETJEB, Charge d' Affaires of his Majesxy, near the United States: and the said Plenipotentiaries hav ing exchanged their said full powers,-found in good and due form, have concluded and aigned the following articles ; : x ARTICLE I. There shall be between tbe territories of the high contracting parties, a reciprocal liberty of commerce and navigation. The inhabitants of their respective States shall mutually have liberty to enter the ports plnces, und f ivers of. the territories of each oartv, wherever foreign commerce is per- uiued. . They shall beat liberty to sojourn 9na resiae in. ait parts whatsoever 01 saial territories, in order to attend to their aflajrs, l and they hall enjoy to that effect, the same security and pijiitection as natives of the jcou'ntry vhereiu ibey ' reside, -on Condition of H eir submitting to the laws and ordinan J Ces. there prevailing. ARTICLE II. Prussian vessels arriving either laden or; in' ballast In the ports of the United States America, and reciprocally, vessels of the United States arriving either laden or; in' t.HllHSt in tbe ports uf the Kingdom ot Prussia, shall be treated, on their entrance. I tiunng their stay, and at their departure) I c fining from the same place, with -respect I to the duties of tonnage, lighthouses, pilot -1 ge, salvage, and port charges, as well as to tlie lees and perquisites of public officers, j t BY V 1 anc all other duties or charges, of rhateverfihe ports of the other, Consuls, Vice Con--kind or denomination, levied in the name,! suls, Agents, and Commissaries,! Of their or to the profit ot the Government, the 'lo-1 cbi autnonties, or ot any private establish-1 nent whatsoever A ARTICLE III. I All kinds of merrhanriico nrA M..,:.t-. c .. i guu mi iikica ui i o.untry, whttb may be lawfbllv-imnnrnfi I into ihe ports of the Kingdom of Prussia,in Russian vessels, may also be imported in uir viiiiru oiaies oi - Amorirn.l without paying, other, or higher duties or Jharges, of wbatever kind or denomination. Iied in the name or i il, I yges, oi wpatever kind or denominaiion ied io the name or to the profit of th Government. thplnrl a..ti,.:- - r.... I . r ------ t-" .utHviinci, VI UI OUT r''"ic CSIBUIISOmentS Whtnovr Mhnn :f Ke same merchandise or produce had been sported in Prussian vessels. And recip 'ocaliy, all kind of merchandise and articles commerce, either the produce of the sail I 5 atej m vessels of. the said States I 10 be so imported in Prussian .c-i: I -wu yaymg umer or nigner duties, ot l"J . "i-j v v- vi uciiumiiiaimn, I - ,cvied in th nnma kw, 'U .lc. k 'T uerntnent, the local authorities, or of anv ... u.uiv. wi iu me u luni oi met commerce, either the produce oft fie soil or lhich the private individuals of their natron Ihe U.SlatesW America, or of nv ih.rlare submitted, in the same place.' ie inoustry of lhe kingdom of Prussia. or suppuneu. ii w,. cr of any other countrv. whirh mAV h.i..J that this species of iudtiment or iUlly lmnorted inth tlio'nnrra f uit:j I shall not deDrive the contend inc r'"e establishment whatsoever, than if RUife the assistance ot iae locai auinoriue, wercnaoaise or produce had been "nportedin vessels of the United States- of phe ARTICLE IV. 10 prevent the noiihjlitv nf alio m;mi 2Ta Ithe articles, are, to7 the full extent,' applicable to frussian vessels and their Cargoes., arrivjog in the 'ortr of the United States tit ;A rneri ca obdi recjprOcailJv to vessels ; of the said States, and their 'cargoes; arriving in' the ports of the. kingdom of Prussia,- whether the said : vessels dear direcllvv from the ports pf tjie cobriiry to which ihejr- respec-l lively De long or from the ports of anv other foreign: country, i - v , " V f . ; ARTICLE: V. . Na higher or other duties shall be impo sed on the importation iutd the" United States of arty article, the produpi? br mahui facture of Prussia ; and no higher Or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into the kingdom of; Prussia of any article, the produce or manufacture bf the United States, than iare, or sbftll be payable on the like article, being the produce or manutac ture of any other foreign country. ' Nor 1 shall; any prohibition . be imposed on the thje, produce or msnufacture of the United States, or of Prussia, to or from the ports ot the united states, or to or from the ports- of Russia, which shall not equally extend to all other nations. - ARTICLE VI. All kind; of merchandise and articles ot commerce, either the produee of the soil or of the industry of the United Stales of Ame ricaj or of any other 'countryi "which may be lawfully exported from the ports of th saia uniiea otates, in national vessels, ma aso be exported therefrom in Prussian ves sels, without paying other or higher duties, tr charges, Of .Whatever 'kind or denomina tion, levied in the name, or to the profit of the Government, the local authorities, or of any private estsbushraent, whatsoever, than if the same merchandise or piodnce had beert exported in vessels of the U. States of America. .' An exact reciprocity shall be observed in the ports of the kingdom of Prussia, so thai aJ! kind of merchandise and articles of com merce, either the produce of the soil, or the industry of the. said kingdom, or of anv other country, which may be lawfally ex ported from Prussian ports in national ves sels, may also be exported therefrom in ves sels of the United States of America, with out paying other or' higher duties,; or char ges, of whatever, kind or denomination, le vied in the name, or . to the prot of the Government, the local authorities, or of any private establishments, 'whatsoever than if the same merchandise or produce bad been exported In Prussian vessels. ARTICLE VlL The preceding articles are not applicable tohe coastwise navigation of the two coun trsi which is respectively reserved by each of the high contracting parties, exclusively td itself. ' ' : J ARTICLE VIlL iNo priority or .preference shall be given, directly or indirectly, by either of the con tracting parties, nor by anyompany, cor- pcration or agent, acting dh their beha!f,or unaer ineirauinurny, iu uic puruiiHseoi any ariicie ot commerce lawiutiy imported, on account of, or in reference to, the character J of the vessel, whether ft be of theone party for of the other, in which such article was imported : it being the true intent and mean- ing of the contracting parties, that no dis finction or difference whatever shall be made in this respect ; r ARTICLE IX. If either party shall hereafter grant to ny other nation, any particular favor in navigation or commerce, it shall immedi- a,fe,y become common to .the other party. rrec,y vwn,crte 1 '? .''"v. grameu to sucn pensatiMJ, wnen me grant is conditional. ' ' 1 ' ARTICLE X. . The two contracting parties have granted each other the liberty of having, each, in own appointment who shall enjoy the same privileges and powers ot those of the most favored nations. But if anv such Consul shall exercise commerce, they shall be sub- mitted to the same lava and usages to r . , Tbe Consuls Vice Consuls, and Com- n?erci?1 n!8 haI1 haVe. the right, as sucn, iu sii as juuges emu aruuraiurs in suuir ci. Terences as ; may arise between the cap. tains and crews of the vessels belonging to lhe na?ion whose interests are commined to their charge, without: the interference of the local authorities, "unless the conduct.of Jhe ,... - ,. - . ' ,. . .... , , irew, vi.ui inc. Vfluinui, uiu ukiui v t order or tranquillity of the country ; or the ?8ld Consuls, Vice Consuls, or Commercial Agents, should require :their assistance to cause ineir aecisions iawcauicuiuiorUct.; arbitration, parties of tbe right they have to resort, on their re- turn, to the judicial authority of their coun a Thi said; Consuls, Vice Consuls, ,and Commercial Agents, are authorised to re- ll,c t"t Jf9lr 9 ,r'''v r' deserters from the ships of war and purpose ilieyshaH apjaly to the competent tf i'bunalsjudgesj andpffipersi and shall, in writing, deiUand said deserters, proving py b Ji' exhibitions of the' registers of. the ves: Icial documents; that uch,'Wividuals fornied (jtiri ui ine crewsana i inis reciimaiiii being thuS substantiated,'1 jhe stirTender stiall not be Tefused.Sucb'deserle at rested, shall be placeid at the disposal oflhe sa id "Consul's,'' Vifie Consfals,ror Com mercia I A geiltsVdndtnay be iohfined in the public prisons at 4he request and cost of those who shall claim thernm ojder la-be sent to the vessels 6 which they "belonged j or to others of the same; coun try . ?But if tibt sen t bafck ithin three months,, from the day of then arrest", they shall be set at liberty, and shall not 6e again arrested j for the same cause. However, 'if the. deserter should; be found to havexommittecl any crime or offence, his Surrender may be delayed until the tri btiiltitl before which ls cas shall be de pending, shall have .pronounced its sen tence, and such sentence shall have been carried into effeci. I AR mi. ThetWelfih article of the trealy.nf amity and commerce concluded between the par ties iu 1785, and tbf articles from the thir teenth to the twenty fourth inclusive, of ihat hich was concluded at Berlin In 1709, with the exception of the last paragraph in the nine eehth article, relating to the treaty wit Great Britain, are hereby revived with the same force and virtue'as if they were made part of the context of the present treaty it being, however understood, that the ttipu Sations contained in the articles then reviv ed, shall be always considered as in no manner aflVcting the treaties or cohvehiinns concluded by either party with othrr Rov ers during the interval between the expira tion of the said treaty of 179, and the com mencement of the operation of the present treaty The parties slill being desirous in ton formity, with their intentien, declared in t e twelfth article of the said treaty of 1799, to establish between themselves,; or in con cert with other maritime Powers, .further provisions to insure just protection ; and Veedoin to neutral navigation' ahd com meice, and which may, at the same time, adv nee the cause of civilization and hu manity, engage again to treat on this sub ject, and at some future and convenient pe riod r ' ARTICLE Xllt. Considering the remoteness bf the respec tive countries of the two high contracting parties, and the uncertainty resulting there from with respect td: the ' various events which may take place, H is agreed that a merchant vessel belonging to either of them which hiay .be bound to a rttt, supposed at the tinte of its departure, to be blockaded, shall hotj however, be captured or fcondem- ned lor naving attempted, a nrst time, to enter said port; Unless it can be proved that said vessel could, and ought to have learn ed, during its voyage that the blockaded of the place in question still continued. But nil vessels, which,' after having been Warn ed off once, shall, during the Same voyage, attempt u second time to enter the same blockaded port, during the continuance ol said blockade, shall then subject them selves to be detained and condemned. ARTICLE XlV. i he citizens or suojects or each partv shall have power to dispose of their personal goods within the jurisdiction of the other, by testament,- donation, or otherwise, and their representatives, being citizens or stib ject9 of the olher party,; shall succeed to their personal goods, whether by testamentj oraw irctac, uu; uytfaie possession f . - : " I iticicui, criiiici uy iiiutar;ivc3 ui uv fjiiitrro f actingMortnem, ano dispose or the samel . -. -1 1 ; . -.- r en win, Hyiug suui uuiy as iiieisuan, irom umeto time, ue uue ionic uui- r inhabitants of the country wberein (Ire. said lied States for the stock aforesaid. L goods are, shall be subject" to pay ?n like cases. And in case of the absence of the representative, soch Care shall be taken of the goods of a native, in like case, until the lawful owner may take measures for receiv ing" thenr. . And if cfoestioh should arise t among serveral claimants, to which of them said goods belong, the same shall be deci ded vfinaNy by. the. laws and judges of the fand wherein the said goods are. And where, oh the death of any person holding real estate within the territories of the one party, such real estate would, by "the laws of the land, descend on a citizen of subject of the other, .were he not disqualified by alienage-such citizen or subject shall be al- lowed, a reasonable time, .to sell the same, and to withdraw-the nroceeds withnnf mo. 1 lestationi and exempt Ifrom all duties of . ... . ' JT . mm A. . .. r I ti ine respective Elates. dui inis article -u-ir i-j--vA .,r. - r. shall not derogate in, any mannrr from the force Of the laws a ready published, or Hi' . ... ... . ..-V -,r ....... . 1, The present treaty shall continuejn force for twelv the exch twelve of the announced ;byl an official . notification, ; to the other, v itsi intention lion of said treaty for one year beyond until me expiration which, wiU- folio whatever i.- ARTICLE XVL This treaty,shail Be approved and ratifi? edby the PtMiocnt, of the Unittd'States of hereafter fo be published by His Majesty cerr,-arid pay of; the teamen, other , than theKingofPruwiatVpreventtbeemigra- those at navy yards,..hbre station and in PPy Vf' lion of his subjects, ; ; - ' ordinary, nine hundred and eighteen thou. Mf one housand ,e.ght .hundred and; . - ; . 'l . r i : ' k-..- fi rAn-.t.on WntiaW . twenty eight, to wit : ; - v- . ;;.; e years, couotine rom we aav.oi omry ."U H;. anee of tbe raiificatibn "and iCI vardj, .hore stations, nospuaisano in orr . - e". ' . . ..y-;, ,-"-.?-; m6n.s-before that period, neUher dinaryrfne hondred-an ,o arrest ee opera ,ruorsr ana a.,r shall remain biridingLat theseerai ya m- a similar .not,Bcalion,p , or proT.s.ons, nree nanarw ana ,wen. -. ; , ;hi. America,: by and with .the advice of the Senate thereof, and by His . Majestjr, the King of riross1a, . and the; ratifications shall be exchanged in the City of Washington, .within nine months from , tlie date of the signailiVt. hereof, or sodder if possible. . J " In faith whereof, the respective Plenipb tentiaries.have signed the abovb articles,both in ; the trehch atth English languages, and they baye thereto affixed their seals ; declat ing, nevertheless, that the signing in both languages shall not be brought into prece dent, nor in any way operate to the preju dice of either, part v. - . .: ' Done i n triplicate at the City of Wash ington, on th first day of Maj in the year of our Lord one; thousand eight hundred and twenty eight, arid ' the fifty-second' of the Independence of (he United -States of A'mer f. " ' ' -7., . - ' . Sig!ed . ' r;;; - . , ";. ;'IL:CLA Y' '''--''V''" ' ;'- " LUDWIG ' NElttt:R And whereas said Treaty has been duly ratified, on both ;partii 3nd the respective ratifications Of the same were, this day, du ly eVchange'd at Washington; by JAmes A. H AMiLTdisr, Acting Secretary of State of the United States, on thfe part, of the said United States,' and the Sieur LtJDWto NiKDERSTETTKR, Charge d'AiTiires of Hi Majesty, the King of Prussia, on the part of his said Majesty : ' C Now, therefore be it known, that I, An drew Jackson, President of the United States of America, have Caused the said Treaty tb be made public, to the end, that the same, and every clause and article thereof, may be observed, and fulfilled with good faith, by the United States and the citizens thereof; In witness wheieof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of ibe United States to be affixed.- Dbne at the City of Washingldn, this fourteenth dajr Of March,- in the year Of our Lof d bite thousand . eight hundred ahd twehty-nine, ' sitld of the Independence of the United States the fifty-third. andrew Jackson. Bv the President r ' 1 JAMEs. Ai HAifiiiTON, .4 cting. Secretary of State. tAWS OF THE UNITED STATXS, PASSKp AT THE SB- COI) SESSION Op THE TWENTIETH CONGRESS. ACT to ahthorize a. subscnpjion fri I stocky on the P;art, of -theJJHtd -States in the uoutsvnie ana i onmna vauaj Companv. Be it enacted hw the Sbndte atid FJoUie oBepri' tentative of the United Stdlrs of America ifi Con gress assembled That the Secretary f the Treasury be, and he hereby is. authorized and directed to subscribe lor or purchase, in the riaihe and for the use of the United States, any stock whith may have been for- leited to the Company, and which shall be undisposed of on the' fourth day of March next, not exceeding thirteenhandred tand fifty shares, of the Capital Stock of the Louisville and Portland Canal Company ; and to pay for the same; when called Upon by said Company, out of any money in the Treasury, not otherwise .appropriate Provided, Said Shares can be had for a suoi not exceeding one hundred dollars each. Sec 2. And be it further enacted f That tne said secretary oi me reasury snan votef for President; and Directors , Of said j UimoanY. accorainff 10 sucn numoer or r m. X snafra anu snail receive, uuuii 111c : miw 1 tock. the proportion . oi the toils whiChi - ' ' . ...... , ANDttEW STEVENSON, Speaker of the Hous'e of Representa'tiTes. JOHJ C. CALIloUiN, v Vic President Of the United Stater " a'nd President of tbe Senate, Approved, 3d March, 1829. JOHN UINCr. ADAMS.' AN ACT making additional jppropria- , tions for the soppprt of the Navy of the United States for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine. . i Be Hindered by the Senatt'artd House of Itepre sentativetofihe Untied Slates of America tn Lon ,greS8 assembled, That, lor . defray uig the expenses of the Navy - for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine, the following sums be, and the same are hrh. rfnrtivefv aboroDriated. in addi- tioh to the ; several suniS appropriated . . . . ' . . A . j :u.ri i.thousana eiem nunureu auu iwcm jr. cigin,r. . ; . j .,v 1 . -v ; f ; : ,. appropriated towards tbe military serviceof to wit ?a - . '..:vr-.-----i-lfr--- r m. ,-. . t. i 1 , For tbe pay and subsistence or tne om-1 r .. I . w( .lk.. 4mn Alho Ihsrt i and allowances of L - Fri- naV' iihsisftence.i i V- " " . ; r :. , . I'HlMIVH Of a I. I '. . C- K..n.r'rti.uut(.nt.. Nail, onni l! V WI w."." l" ? wr ' - . v. -K-i r nf . halanee on hand of one hundred Had Fbrpairy of vessels in ordinary, ..nd j th several .sums.heieby approprUled, shall K wsriinrl tWnf VeiwU ir rommiMirtrt.lbe.pd.OUt'of any Cionejr, in.fc TrC24Uf7 - three hundred . arid fifty six thousand two huudre4.ftnd fift dollarrwi - -i For medicines.- surgtai instruments, and hospital stores; twenty thousand two bun dred arid fifty dollars. ; k , ; : :,'.';-.", ,. s tor ordnance and ordnance stores, thir ty (seven thousand five hundred dollars. -I, ; For repairs and improvements at. navy . yards, one hundred and seventy eight tbu sand seven hundred and fifty dotlarsv ; ' ; For defraying the expenses that may ac 9rue during .the . year one thousand ? eight hundred and twenty nine; to. wit :fo Tretgli' and transportation of materials and. stores , of every description; for wharfage and dock?fge, Storage bnd refit, travelling, ex 4 penses I of officers, and '.transportation of seamen, house rent, Chamber, money, and fuel,' and . candle to officers, other thart those attached to. the navy yards and sta 'jahSy ;and fdr officeisJn sick quarter!, were there is no hospital, and ft;funeral, Mtnpnftt tnr.rnmmiMiniu j tselr .Kama vl 4Jrva stationteVy, and foel to Navy . A gents ; for preramros and incidental expen ses of recruitrng ; for opprebending desert ers ; for compensation to Judge Adv ocVtes or per diem allowance for the persona at tending courts martial Snd courts of inquiry nd to 'officers . engaged j oh extra service . beyond the: limits; of their stations ; for printing and for stationery bf every des cripton, and for books, maps, atid charts, dautical and mathematical Instruments, chronometers, models, end dra wings ; fur purchase and repair of team arid fire en gines, and for machinery ; for purchase and maintenance of oxen arid hdrses, and. for ( carts wheels, and workmen's.,, tools of every description ; for postage of letters on public service; for pilotage; for tab! n fur ; niture of vessels in comm)Ssi6h; and furni ture for officers bouses at navy yards ; for taxes on navy' yards and public property; tor assistance rendered to Vessels' in distress; for incidental labor at navy yards not ap plicable to any other appropriation ; for , coal and other fuel for forges, foundries and steam engines ; for Candles, oil, and fuel for vessels in commission and in ordin ary J for repairs of magazines and powder houses ; for prepjarihg moulds for ships to be built ; and for no other objects or, pur pose whatever j! one ' hhndred and ' ninety five thousand dollars.' 'rJ ' Fxr contingent expenses for objects aris ing during the 'year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-niriej and riot hereia before enumerated 1 three thousand seven bundled and fifty dollars., Fprida for expanses incurred in the.case f cer uin'ATr icanS " tvhtf ' were' wrecked on i tha xftet nt hA f Tit St.... .l expense of eipbrfing them to Africa: six lilt. vwaa. v . t v v. w i 0 , uiiu I ii teen thousand dollars; , The following sums transferred to the surplus fund : ' . For the eraddal' increase of the Naw. forty seten thousand six hundred and nine- Ieen doiarg eigbfv eight cents. For sdrVt.y of Savannah by act Of four-' ,e ln March, eighteen hundred and tweo- ty six, three thousand lour hundred and sixty seven dollars and twenty seven cents Far captors of Algenne vessels, by 'acts ' of twenty Seventh. April, one thousand eigt. lundreu and1 sixteen, ana eighteenih of. May one thousand eight i ftundreov and twenty six fourteen thousand six1 hundred and nine dollars, seventy rive cents. ' For pay and subsistence of the xMarinfir Corns, nineiv one thousahd seven hundred ianti -ightv two dollars. ; por c6lhing fur the same, twenty five? ,u...,.anrf ' rth hundred nrf (nrontu thr.. wm v mm - W mw U fc r i Hnliar e.i enr,Um ia 1 if 1 1 Ubi ivi mv. v. diA MiuuiRuv SC w CII hundred and thirty nine dollars. 4 -An,snonru-- fAr tut. For contingencies for the Same, twelve thousand two hundred arid fifteen dollars. For military stores for the same, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. For medicines for the same, one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven dollars. Sec.' 2. -And be tt further enacted, That the several sums hereby appropriated, shaft be paid out of any money in tmj TreasurjV' not otherwise appropriated; 'j, '; ' Approved, 2d March, 1829. AN ACTifialtihg aidditroViaf apprbputmsi for the payment of the Revolutionary and other pensioners of the United States for , the year one thousand eight Hundred and twenty hinewjwV;;.; r;,,vHl; 'J.'' Be it enaciid by ihe Senate and, House of Rep. 'itlif $7: sums be. and thev are herebv. resoective v r; rrTv".- V 7'T ItB.ntii mna in aHrtitinn In ihp IPtftVfll tllblO . w.. ------- - For, invalid and half-pay pensioners, e balance on hand of one hun holother.ws ivA$pQve2Mjcb i ; .t ." If, t i .-, . ; "- :..-. -: . .";-...-.; ,"',;' ..- ;.. . ."''::.- - ,,.... :. ; :r:.i ; ' ! "r--- v u; .:..-. t - "' r-- t t- ' - " . V . . t - - ! ' ' ' 1 X ' u; v P j-.- ;m.mwb i I

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