- ' . '- o . ,v v - - , . - - . 1 , i . " - v'': - ' , . ' V rrv?TY -do .,;. -r-- 1,w..-r,- - . .-. X 1 I I I I i 11 I .- 1 II I . V '. 1 M ' . - . jsr.'v l i ... - -j.f. 'A ' T i ' , Rscha' I PST'jmd f tellingly eome: ftot somcwhai ht was suppressed on the ObioeV we shd- f rKoran, is its debateable ground, Me n opre-ae! I posed this unknown at New Of leans at the. vrnicn nantaker h"ii H shuffiat i at i vAn( tk nnni;.i;nn nri;n.A 'ti..t t . : v ,r "i. v " i.nr uffiivauuii vii.nuc nnkiuuif B Bccuiupiires were ciune-. 1 ' ' ' ' " ii - - f ;; - ' - ' - - . -: ? t " ' . , jr.-, ft PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY1 '.. THOMAS wiTSOX. - ' Terms -Three Dollars per; annum, payable in adrance. No subscription will be received for a less period than one year; and no paper will be discontinue', until all arrearages are pald unless at he option, of the publisher. ; , LITE RARY AND MISCETLANEOUS SEt,ECTIONS. art inhat aiart of hum fy , oot noneufabfcro excited hi nrfmiratfAn I mini:ir;ou Ai r ffeturn toihepTurkish-fcapitat,, seveni years 1 disputed in his real Bi dbU. From the London Literary Gazette. ' Would thy young- inquiring- eye - Pierce the dark futuritT a4. ' i Bead the awful book of :Fate i ' Oft so cad npd desolate f Mortal ! ask not me to What, of weatfor What 1. the Sibyl, there can Writ against thy dest By the past, th' unerring past, I thy future lot will cast. ... Xist to me, then, whilt I tell . "Time ill.hew or ill or well, ' Whether smiles or whethers tears Gild or shade thine pfter years ; , So thou wilt but answer me JBimple questions, one. two, three. r nSiS ra'W ''iaM firbid.bndant (b.,d pirate Uppion.dU 10 aei-OKn mTr WW'W, W-mwK';?!9Nt Awo,,d lor;Mft.PwW?BW;ip,iVwfiJo0fcV'H-iV onible, according o the .tile of informa, 3.?"?: fh! A6g&ryoUr lean Seid sell vineyard tmra,-and m.k it ion there, to act on the expectation 0? Mff,tetf,p'e-,?0f.-' 8"iiVII.-6tli1ndfdirtJ 'how ;.isSeid lo over to him.and Bekinbe ownerioflhe rfaily attack. 0ihiavMn the i best ctdSSdli' U?00"- mpeomerA, a vievar.l.bu..ineupori .KeaameUcaVhe! iud.? t l" . t T! aKihi. erva iJJ?"' AWiH Mcribi'.nd icUb. upon (Welling al. coVenani. binding upon Burr iin London,&i, giVine out to hi dSr ir ?"der-5"i' Ftfte mMti law,le. Amr-po.WaWf of Srid'i vinlyard? fnend.tbat that goveVfment offer, n n. " pireciioM.., ni press slowly .emitted die- J beheld torenew-thefornmlaries ofhis Ves.f -i 1 , ; millions of doll.r. .h- mm.n. 1,1V.!, ..!.-.' "ii f:!Vrri 1 Tr:r 5 28' Offt-fiIf, Atnru, when nP nbeHit raVifeS tlt P':? do Pn service, borrow a horse of Seid,n chief. t Some of his pattiians will. believe ri llS a8Mnst P10'181 OTl !fnceJ0 he maiden, Hind, in .hat manner eondilion that two thtrds of alf booty shall this, because tliey wiIh it;w But , hose 'who s 'i rT?du:ro a wotk tmmerica, which if he to be treated ?--Let him e stoned. accrue to himself, and the other third shall know him:ber: i ill hV..v it .f.- mnr-. anew? i . , - I IhrnTiim'. :i Ji r I I...LI- 1 . . . ' I Tv'eKv:w.ii eraauaiiy tapsea imoa i uru vcuuauie articles DPlonrtne to eg, , I . - " . w ,u,'?i iittvtlypiy , UUl US tzflrT" I ' "i piavc (Jl Sale CUSlOQy y BuU llj ru rl v na.n r a . I J z - l I t am t m I . i I . ;n- I . -wit ic-awa&cueu in a s reuiarKagit wmrajnig iu iiipii.' sne go nui I "i,""; tciiij: tiuu inr reiEiunp i h'uji nai is riym io ue aone wi When the houseless sought thy door When the hungr? begpM thy store: U When the lonely widow wept ' - Whep the orphan houseless slept- DH the hooieles&'finirt a home; i" Didst thou bid th fsmished come ? -Diit thou calm the, widow's grief? v , Give the fatherless relief f i r .. If thy conscience answer yes; Great shall be thy share of bliss f , ; J(lhj conscience answer no, f , Dep the measure of tby woe f. . When that one. who, side by side, his days of joyous pride Walk'd u it h thee, his boiom friend, J Found, alas I hi glories end : Didst thou look with pitying eyeT On bis sad adversity 1'; " j : -A hi misery deeper greW, Grew thy friendship deeper tooT If thy conscience answer yes; v ' Great jihall be hy share of bliss ; If thy conscience answer no, Deep the measure of thy woe? have be reckoned for the horse, and the horse be because he says it. For myself, even in hi! Araru rned without blame attaching to him,- is mosL flattering periods. o( the conspiracy, t mier i fiiu uuuiiu 10 uiaKr goon me ios r rtor t never ontwrtainetl one tnumrrrt's er. Mvs restore the! It would appear, bv a decision we are! lone and intimate knowledoe of. mu en..n. . th her? I about to Quote from the twentv nintb hnnlr I trvmen: satisfiert nnrl - atifio mA i mas,er;f lh? SeenTpWeri' is 'the "Sm'Oi- her hand be cat off. , , r . . " of pledging" that in ceHain'circumstance there evebnccasio toman sovereign by whom the might influ- 9. Of those things , which the law cd- Mhe Turkish owner becomes the heir of hilners of the law! and the world will h. e.nce of Ihe, press has been felt, acknow I proves and disapproves. (-ToCtirit, ; as to I Wave's effects. " If Seid's slave,' JVmrti, Mew and pitiful are Ihose ? who shall array edged, and brought into action.' We shoulcH mating; and drinking, dancing andTlmiMc. I pledge 500 piastres w:ith Bekir: ahd A mm I themselves; in::onnnaittnn'.I a litil. f-.t4"'- !?J?d 8 ni'take ' to conceive ih j touching and bedding,&c.) Are the dancV I diecan his master claim the said sum foreign invasion, I have,indeed, thtught Turks slight the art of printing altogether,! of Ssofi and the circular reel of the Mew- from Bekir ? Yes." . lit a duty to ha orenared to meet even th or do notjook upon it with a friendlv ' yV;' 'ewis, accompanied, by kettle clrums(iand I The tongue is: a more potent weapon m l poweifulithat of a Buonaparte,' for, iiifv unQOUDieaiV nretpr trrilfpn ivnrks. nn I ilUieSk' ailOWBDIe DV'lHtr.r lhar ic nnth. I 1 urKev. than . in I hrxtanHnm t? 1 r- ins anr hv iha nn v. ma.n.nmn..n v .- j . B""T w-wmm ... . , j .? - . j, ..r..t... . nv, Cf'.l VJ - villi iiivaii vuiliuridu,. ttccuuni oi ineir sunertnr tifantv hnr thici i Kit; innerennv evil in, mete tint thou nrn.i ii -ein asic mnri tn-oiv him nn. nr u. mat nf a. efvcihattVkrk nr,k. m:i :. . the whole " front and bearing, of their "ce such evil consequences, that his ma- vineyards, has he admitted that the v)m placing the junior classes at the public dis prejudices in this particular. . . jestyjhe padishah, the extinguisher of the yard is. Hind's properly ? Yes." Vide posal ; but the lesson he receives in SpHim j Haying refreshed our memory with this prohibited, and preserver of the pure, ege P.J235, in the thirty second book, of ad- extirpates all apprehensions from my mind- scrap of flitting reminiscences, we now take of Islamism, has done himself great honor wtwtOTis Y Ikrar.Y If, in a peninsula, the neck of which is ad. . ; " i;. up, AbdurrahinrHi our index to the "march by forbidding and banishing such disgrace- The statute of iimitations'Js unknown at jacent to htm and at his command, where of jurisprudential intellect", within the infi 'wl practices, It appears by the prerora! Constantinople,;, as. wa gather- from a case he can march any army without the possi del walls of Byzantium., . f ? fjion of the fetwab, that the flock oT the and opinion given in the thirty sixth book, bility oi interception: or obstruction from J In the whole range of Turkish. literature prophet is. not without; itsrpharisaical lea- " of demands and- claims' " If legal de Any foreign power, he finds it necessary. to there is probably no jyork , of greater tm- Ten5 which prompts our Minos to the fol mands, founded on. legal grounds, have no' begin with an army of three hundred thou portance, and certainly none on , which Rowing. rebuHe : " The Ssofis, .who permit been urged during the Space of 15 years. nd mn, to subdue a nation of five mile, higher value is set, than the present Collec- themselves to do disgraceful actions whilst can t bey be brought before the courts ? (ons, brutaised by ignorance, and enervat- ' tion of Judgments.- It. is the compilation they are pronouncing God's name, must in' Yes. ' ' fdby long peace, and should find constant f the celebrated mufti, t Menlesch sade uture pronounce that name, with becoming f " S8. Of evidence How many ' witnes reinforcements of thousandtafter thousanda, Abdurrahim Effendi, who filled the high- "verence for the law ; and-the Metvlewis sesare requisite to support a case of incon necessary to effect at last a conquest; s est dignity of Ottoman judicature for a space n,ust wholly, abandon the dance with flue tinency ? Four.'? , r; ( doubtful as deprecated, what numbertv ofimany years, and died, in the enioymeni and kettle drum accompaniments, and must i We observe, that neiiher blind men , can be necessary against eight millions of . of his countrymen's veneration as a mufti. I l,8ten like their neighbors to lectures and he clothed with judgeships, not idiots or ljree American, spread over such an eitent .- .r l - . J . - v. - . . - ' . 1 i : ' - I I I. . II.. . . a. " sermons., maumeo maite a win ; ana snail now aoan- I ' 10. Of killing and hunting. animals. don the foregiong specimens of Turkish VVhen Seid the i Moslem, on occasion of the jurisprudence to the: cogitation of the in- facrificial festival, orders Rajah Atnru to quisitive, with a valedictory citation from tiny me ouenng anq pronounce the solemn I u,c wwwanua coniainea mine lorty inirn lornmlary, In the name of God !' Is this land last : book, "o( partition malls." When the love that bdund thine heart r To that one, as ne'er to part . Though no crabbed law bad prelt Bute or fetter on thy breast, U.f 3 'Mid the sorrow and the strife. : Fbb and flow of human life, v 3orrbw gain'd. and pleasure gone, . - Was it still true to that onet "' " , If thy conscience answer yes, Great sha'l be thy share of bliss ' - If thy conscience answer no, Deep the measure of thy woe f The wandering bird that left the Ark, (Tired of its fancied slighted lot,) ; ; And skimmed the wstetf waters dark, Nor found on earth one little spot, . One hf rm-t bough, wiiereon to rest - .; lis weaned foot and drooping wing, Flew back to its forsaken nest :f, , A miser, more contented thing: ; in November, 1717. . It consists of judg meats given at different, times and by.vari ous mufti's s and, in fact,con tains a general exposition ot. the oral law of . Mahomedian j irisprudence.i. : Some of the judgments are his own, though he has not designated Jhem as such. This code of " fetwahs"immedi ately, preceded an edition which issued from fhe Turkish press seven years back, ol -the code composed by the mufti, . Durri I sadt a valid lact? of country as would wear : him dowu by. mere marching, by want, of food, autumnal: diseases, etc.? How would they be brought, nd how reinforce across an ocean of tlree thousand miles, in possession of a bitter whose peace, like , the repose of a enemy, Yes. 1 V ; , ; - J (Haitan) where we find fetwahs on bridces. I never more than momentary ?. And: 11 j Of sowing nrfMr,rt-.IfSeivt I cessions, chjmnevs. baths, trees, et eis dis-1 'orwnairv r r notnmg out nard Diows. if, dave an ox and possess a fild. which he! smilissima, heaped together in most ad J,h Orleans Creoles would but contemplate . - 0 .... I ' ft. ' . M. . . " I il... 1 A I A ft 1 A cultivates nnd Hinrf rnntrih.,ia Alt nnri I mireu confusion. t ;an-ihp inhabitants of I inc.se iruins. inev wouia ciinp tu tne Amen? - , - - v.. ... UUIV ,41 A. U 111' I ' w -" w f ' " Mohammed and whose compilation embra- "ed, a bindings contract, when- they a V1,,age expel Hind for treading unseemly can 4nton, sou! and bodv, as their first af- ced about QOO judgments delivered be- agree lo divide the produce between them ? I f ween the veara --173.1 nH 177.Q Th rn. l0. lection , on which we are about to dwelt is however, of ten fold extent, and contains p resence ot witnesses 4 1 give Hind, my fearly ; 20.000 " wise saws .and instances" youthful daughter, to bekir, the youthful propounded bv the Ottoman chancellor. Amru, in marriage,' does Hind ways ? -No : because; it belongs to mais trates alone to decide in cases of immoral depottment." .-. ; v?i; The classification of subjects, in accordance with the nature of their. objects, is precisely (he same in this as in other well, known wi.rks relating to. Turkish la: it is divi- j -,, From the Boston Courier. i Mb.- Jfffkron's Correspondence. A friend in Virginia, to whom we have been indebted before for a similar favor, has sent us a few pages of the fourth volume of Mr. Jefferson's Memoirs and Correspondence, from which we take the two letters annex ed. It will be seen that tbev are on subiects So il thy love, by fancy wiled r 7 Far frra the heart ii bless'd before. reall v become the betrothed of Bekir ? I We find-between this and the succeed ing book, a chapter on daughters, mothers, a a a - ded into 944 sections, of which our limits nd degrees ol kindred not admissable into nMrl,i,ia .,. iv.nm nriinn .timr A,rKr Ithe harem. " The 15th book lis of suckling 1 count than noticing the principal Heads ol J then a chapter 00 marriage portions kuite opposite in theipnature5 thefitst rela- the forty three books under which these and legal descent intervenes. - ung 10 pomicai circijmsiances ana occur Actions are ranged, and extracting from "16. Of dirorce.When Seid marries rences, but imperfectly known to a genera ench a pertinenrillusttation. , Hind, and waxing: wroth with her before Hon that has since grown up, and which ; Begin we then with No. 1, the book of 'he marriage is consummated, pronounces would form the subject of a few interesting pitrt faction:-' If -a .hare fall into Seiad worcs: one- snail . aepari.;. wrice ; tin-1 y , 4-f .-cu, w wu . ... When none have pleased, though ail have I eil and become putrid, is it necessary to empty out me wnoieoi me water ana purny the well?-Answer! Yes. , - I 2. Book of prayer. What measure ought lawfully to be dealt towards oeid.i who omits t prav 5 times a day ? Chas tisement and imprisonment. ' 4 3, Book of almsgiving. Is it alio wa i the Mpslemin, Hind, Seid's wife. smiled. Retunt, nor wish to wander more. " ! F 1 ' ' - ' ' ' - " 4 i lork on the ore of the gulden mine ; : Lok lone as thou wilt, it shall never be thine;; For the weAlth of this' world is a treacherous snare,. .' , ' Y - .v And the wealth of this world thou art doonVd not to share. ble that fectlon, and we; should be as safe there as we are every where else. I have no doubt " of their attachment to us in preference to the English. - f ; ; ; ; I salute you with sincere friendship and respect, ' ' . .,: THOMAS JKFFERSON. - To Thomas Jefferson Randolph . - r Washington, Nov, 24, 1 808. My Dear Jefferson: ' . ' Your situation thrown at such a distance ',. from us & alone, cannot but give us all great ; anxieties for you. As much has been seV cured for, you, by your particular ' position ! and the acquaintance to which you have been recommended," as could" be done to wards shielding you from the dangers whicb surround you. But thrown on a wide ootid,- among entire strangers, without a friend or guardian' to7 advise, so youiig too,' and wilbr so little experience of mankind, your dan gers are great,; and still 'your safety must rest on yourself.' ; A determination never; to do what is wrong, prudence and good ' humor, will go far towards securing to you the estimation of the world. VVhen I reco( tecr ihat at fourteen years of age, the whole ' 10 me peace of mind wealtn never bought; . .,V " . . .; Jad look to the friendship by love neTer sought S LooIi to hombl Ok On thee it U .u - a ' , U biest.;, ; . , ;f.i a htcnai stbdur rahim; or9 the 'Fetwahs of Abdur.rahim. 2 vols, folio. . Printed a't tte Constantinopolitan Press, under the supervision of Ihrarilm S.tiK-t ' Rf. 1243 (November 1827.) llr p " many of oui readers it may prove V ijovelty to know; that the Ottoman metroooi i b8 ws.sesse Pf8 a well as the capitals ofK C Tr?steDoni; mie present is by no means ,tftf .St0lltrfw tf-..i-.- . . . -11 - . 1 aucuuien - or mi nroct nnn arc promise ourselves no few thanks, hereaf ter, uuu vi insuueuon ana armisecietn --. fUijuc u exiraci irom us proauc n-Y In the jneanwhile; there are few to WUoro a word or twJ on th- nVmrruM nf lrik SrKlntlnB hi Turkey will be unaccepta It. The first nref .t n.,r.rnr,rtU C VP. W:fe"nji its labors were limited V,Lt 7 tUB neorew, tongue; their ex- 1 iQu B!i. ... . 9 . . . w 4ujiuwea bv the lireelcs. m- touched arid divorced from me,' is she dertake the task : the other is an affection thence thrice divorced ? Yes." Under ate letter to a near relative, and may be pla- ihis bead is introduced an exposition of Ihe ced by the side of letters writtetf under like !erm" mtanetTOce,,' which is wor circumstances by Chesterfield and Frank thy of forming part, and parcel" of the Hn law of England, or any other Christian .It may be well in this place to correct an land : to why" If destitute Hind stand Jn erroneous statement which appeared in our heed of support, iii what proportions is this paper some days ago, copied from some to be provided by her children, the son of other journal. It was; stated that Mr; Jef; snouid Desiow aims on ine poor raonKs 01 a 1 r . --.. .r hitm.. tho il mal. t,t,t .K- f care and d rection of mvself was thrown on aiascne r cacu ui uie uuct; suujj cuuii 1-1 M " " I T ': i T bute an equal portion." . - I which is in press and will be completed in I my"" enureiy, wunoui a reiauon or menu The next; or seventeenth ; ' ' to ,e or "ide me, and reco down a very cheap andasylmode of man- .to doctor jAmes brown. .teci me vanoiw aor.a . uu voP..y w, mission; not found, it is true; iri" Bryan Washington, Oct. 27, 1808.' blcI? J awocated from time. to time, I arrj i fcdwards or Clarkson, bpt 'not on that ac- Deak Sir : ,You ,will wonder that .your astonished I did noti turn off with some of count to be withheld from the ken of a Wil letter of June 3d should not-be acknowleg- inem ana De.co ? onn,c" iy berlorcei or Buxton In this book of " ed till this date. ;I never received ii till fs they were. I had the goo fortune to;. . . - .. . i. s . .- .'''' " :. ''"-.," .j'-1 : ' ' " ''' . : ." heenme nennainterl verv earlv Willi cnme humission' 11 is asuea, it - oeio say 01 1 oepiemoer ine iztn, ana coming soon aner t .rr;r.TTn--v. J.. , . , niru, his slave, that Amru is his son,--is to this place, the accumulation of business I cnaraciers 01 very ntgo. iiauuing, anu io; -sa- i.- n.vi rhnni.r nf HWWM I till nma-'.That von ver. nartic mated in 1 . '.r"-" .su.p.ai.uu. promised manumissionl the folio wing ques-1 any r- r . .1 if o.!J - -,. I r llOn IS pu .. " oqiu says, Jr aiu, i vci iui ,vuc iuuuiui wvm.wwv. ifj-k-V' Hi0d,snau oecome iree lonyudya pejure mtrr.cai -uu, .a- , - , , ft , v r my death, and if he die a twelvemooth af-1 prise against Mexico wax ot a very ainerenii -"Jli&u.. j'".7l. terwards,is Hind tcbe set apartas not character, I had supposed what I beard on forming a portion of Seid's chattels ?" And And lork wbereftT.we ii- i-t.fc ...t; I Christian church ? Yes !") andlwe add giee-- -"-:c- , -i-i 0iusn,ye ynrisnan auvotaies ui itiiuicraiivcj look long as thou wilt, beVnot weanng'ior Go, and dp likewisei) : thee ; :'r.S V ' i 5 r ? " 4. OtfasUngt f An Asiatic canon not ft? wl5o, with-' a sou! above that of a fly, r ; ' fit" ftr qiiotatfon Jn 1 European periodical Would be caught in his meshes; to flutter and diet ? f 5 O f pilgrimage. IF the Moslemin, ' .v : .-V !; ; ' Hind, possess nojhusband, or male persotv look on those who are daizled by Fashion's false gae mdhrevi) wno is privileged to enter w eu, - .;:--- ihe harem, is it permuted to her .to enter Why look, and thank God thou art not one of npon a pilgrimage, accompanied by some them; v,. ( .. :i steady femalesof good repute ? .No." A rl , uu ioc nin loriQB iBB,, : DftWefU tnlS 81)0 lue SUCCeeuillg uuuft, And fashion for foplings and fooU-not for thee. inScrted a long digression on fftheS, duties. taxes, nouses, gardens, vineyarus, wwi sheep, brides, shves, subjects, fiefs, farms, fisheries, mines, planting, bee-hives, tobac co, and so forth. ii.:i'-- '.-t h " 6. . The book of scir or campaigns r When the unbelieving; Albanians, who are lor ever warring against ine ioiciu, uaj obtain the upper band, is it lawful to dis pose of their captured men and girls, and take the latter to wife fcXfh'U&iiv 'i'tf There is a most extraordinpry. chapter interposed between this nend ; the seventh book :'it concerns offences and blasphemies against Godt the , Koranfc learned scr toes, wives, &c. and breatnss ine puii mism tnn its purity. iTake this ipstance in proof.' If Seid sayt..the xvorarr .a. God's word, but Otbmnn's invention, what iafitto;bV:dohe4Piu;he; death;' This judgment is worthy of atten tion in ah, Atsoricfl point of view, as pro- ntniMUn. i . . " . , ..us, OUT lOUnd no lmitatnr nmnnu GSilhW M the year 1720. h;u n'-f-wuui was, sent on an em d hia a this V. ' 1 HIS Son. Said, who aernm g Jr - mm mm ,w imhi occasiODj vUUed every ;.;.-;- f itv.i;if!itil - "ft: - chief of it. k.t k rrn nnunder of the Koran i all judicial proceedings, especIy aare a criminal nature j and jinnountc. .r r--with such commendable, laconism, as never to vouchuife any exposition of their grounds, tbougb Ke has the modesty, in intricate cases . to wind l lit IB UD WHO i rrjw" - - . J w.J,:L( K nr.nr slave Of JMOdrVt l ,."thi written lo.t.ment which is styled fletwaD, whence ne derives the title f SsibrtUT 4J u. ..ww r.-r...- -& -r r L. U... n.rA I Inn., . m hI.Ii'mmm'. . Thatyoii er participated in "' V ""V ,J"":T',!"'H""r" plan for a division oftbe;lJoion, J rie, IW,-- -"' do in this situation ? ' What course' UiUerent desert pnon pi men in itew vrriean?, i - r:T : -" -T. "T ,ui but I thinH therp is eucient ev rT1- .7 :-.: vr- .i l!ivL r.u-t, ;.;Itr .WofLrlers. fox-hunters, saentifiC and-professional SCtOO Oil ne: iOIO WC0I 9 f l I 5 -. v mmm, .r...-sfr ft. kr JHionlfi men ranri ' imariv al uicii, auu . 7 ' '' r i j- . ir . . , again the mufti says, "1 es." ly.' U! the penai .tnniczzons.u oeio designedly wound Amru with a sharp in strument and slay biro, -what ought to fol low ? The atonement pf like with like," -We recommend our excerpt from the I there being "there twenty .first book?4 of persons lost' to the rers, and native Attention Ot me commissioners iur rciurtn i cwjvui .iu fujf ing abuses in the Court of Chancery ; oui I countryrpm this, Iriend s Apaurramci is, jpcjumu ujuic, 1 pcuic Lincoln & Inn Stock. I the maxim of th - ti . 1 :Miiatirfrtki MffA n 1 v Bo frm99 ffiior en nn pnrs rrsrifTisariT BTruri. W iiatge mi 5 '1 V .k C time have I asked myself, in the enthu.ias-- A r i. i. 9 Vtich'T'v nirtt "III elf nreaervalion is naramonnt to nil law. 1 1 tic moment oflhe deattl of a lox, the r,cl in me rye .wi mc i ---t- r- --.-- v r 1 . . -. . . . . More The co'partn and article cles ..srlrterehin ; ;ti,a, twentvtbird dbook.- which is tbelcpnflict? -There are t hiilkv of all, treats tf " eccesiastocj the laws become Inadequate eyetf , Mifli.'' ani fills 180 page a portion terminates thedirst volerae ,i. remaiader occupies eleven ijVs. . . j . 1 . 1 . 1 ii 11 r a ni st laimiic nui iei .tuc iiiue v, a new I,gh it in store t . . twenty-second book, of emflif v "1 r r ' ' 7Ti -h:;k'-Ct- v iweuy w , J . fj ' ' : '.threat council of the nation, well, which of Atom are pariuervV' ? aa that is not atipulaieo ,.n ine p t.. WW-Wl , - of partnership, can:sem BeiDst msn.?uiei.w fab e? -Ko,", . J imng, ow m tmycRarror -1 I sonUhat. these little teturns into ourselves, Cliche r.oa .vuciri . : r; . j -1 V. .' .. "1- . a ' ' their I "l SCII-V'OVOlsiiiK iiayn, ., ... to - .... . i.. uin a r r n 0 nrnnpni sniper - .ria.0 recotwia a delator, or nana yTiY'yT-fMi ' of thi! Ne Orl-,n in,lha tnBationr r M'bg''i ' ! ' 'A. Nil is M5 W V X; i :;i r ( 4 -- a 1 i1 K:u':-L 1MI a 1 ii Ii i