A, - A '- . t. - .. W v V f v- v "X BniDiCAt coaiPAiuoir, ; " IttMteT PHYSICIAN ; TjisfiASES or the; OMted states; With their symptoms causes," emre, and means of prrventioflf . common cases in Surgery ; the : management and diseases of Women and ,s ; Children; a Dispensatory, for prepa- . : ring Familjr JVIedicioes, and a .1 , :a ...v . , -Slossary, ex plaining Tech. 7-". . i ? meal terms Also, the --r , : -Nnrse'S: Guide. Tfte Seventh EdMon, JteTisedenl'argedy rery considerablj ienprayed. j On the important subject . of domestic . medi cjne, many- books hare been 'written,5 which, wuvi r- . , - . , - . 1 thofich excellent in other respecu, have greatly zaiea 01 u,u. ; ;w, y treat offliseases wnicn, existing in .very joreign CltnlCUei BJM ; H1HWIU, luusk w uiuci nuui Our. n I le dook now onerea to me puwic nas, therefore the, great .advanlage t having been written by a nauve American, -oi.iong ana sue- cessfal practice M tbeoutbern state., and who, for years past, ow lurnea muco 01 na auemion rn Hm rtmnosltion of it. . " . ' :, v ; To every family, more especially :those in re- mote sitaations, the possession of this book must unquestionably, be -of incalculable: value ? Tor, conducted by such a guide, it; will not be pre - 19Ll9Ptuoui? saJ-3hat- anyjpcrfonjC.tolerable -.anacitr. and reasonable attention, mav be-ena hied to nractice with safety and. advantage in those cases of simple diseases most incident to our climate. : "V : RKCOMSIEiNDATIONS. - .u- . -e ls i i Xn ieimny wi nic lucitts i. in is wurn, mc tui lowinz commendations, by some . of the most distinguished medical characters of the United States, are inserted. ; ; v 5 .-t o .Baltiinore, Nov. 18; 1822 Dsaa Sir: I have been- truly gratified in the perusal of the Sixth Edition of your u Medical Companion, or Family Physician"; - . The iuiprovements made in this new impression of your work, compared with the former editions; are indeed eitenme' and important. Independ ent of your haying enlarged considerably on dis eases generally, you have introduced additional rnatter, which, greatly enhances its value. .The ' production of the Nurse's Guide, as also the treatise you baye given, on the management of fe male complaints, will have the; most happy effects in correcting the gross errors daily committed by ignorant persons,' and thereby save many valua ble'lives. ' -; , .. ; , - I do-not 'hesitate to say, that tbisnewedition of your oieuicai vompnmou, is ueciaeaiy ine oesi popular treatise, on medicine, that has ever been published ; , and considering it, as I verily do, a n aAiisl trntAm frtr ttnsafta vsf families o Miall as for young practitioners of medicine, 1 take! xnuch pleasure in recommending it to the atten-j tlon of our fellow utisens, both in. town and country. " .v?;;s;-:;-:- -''. - ; , 1 will only add,, if your book meets with that Encouragement, to which it is justly entitled, you Will very soon be called upon, by the public, for another edition. . , ? - lam; dear sirj with much respect, your friend and servant, ;: J -f .:- X'(: 11,.;' COLIN MACKENZIE, M. D. Jr. James Exetll. - i 4i . -h. rfhita&elphia, 'August 13.1816.3 Dcar StKt 1 have looked' over, with'-some fcare. the cony of the Ttrd Edition of the Med ical Companion" which you did me the favor to prFsest to me. J i y ; i Ji r : - By the addiuons and revisions given to his p0huiar articlss of merit are sure to be fol Tnfw Impression of the work, it is not only enlar , - 1 , . ' . , : , ' elbui exceedingly improved. . ' f lowed up.by pretended imitations j.there- sfter atatiiig so much, 1 need hardly repeat an opimon, which I publicly expressed on a former ccMibn"thatrwaiiaerit;:a;rn U B M r m mw w mm sh wMV WW which I am acquainted, KIV - .-,r-Compared- with the European Books of the same nature, it haSy especially in relation to the treatment of the diseases of our own country, at very decided Superteicjry'; ? r I trust that the success qf this IHerary enters Erise mat be equal to your very generous and enevoleut disposition. ' ! i? .i - , r-. l" - '.j With great respectf I am, dear sir, yours, -iic. N. .CHAPMAN, M. D. J J r r ?!fiPee . : 'T V it(yoPenniyrania -? Vfi :t Philadelphia, ?Decembct ;31, 1807? DcA.lt Sir ? ' j1 have carefully perused " y fur work, The, Medical Companion' nd take mucb pleasure in expressing my entireaprpbation of the plan and of thetility wUb winch you have fail to be a very acceptable present to the public Irr general, and especially to our own .country men. I am realty of opinion, that you are enti- . tied to mucb praise for the pains 'which "you have taken in furnishing us with a work, the want of which has long been experienced among us." Tour friend, &c. -!i ? : : n B. S: BARTON, MAD. ' ':ir '.ProfesorbfMdeHdMedicat Natural ' ' jmhi ory ana xtoiany. - . JfrtJamis Ewell. ; ? S mwmmmmmmmr 4 Charleston. Slay 7, 1 808. t ;t DcaR Srit t Tour ATedtccI Coniumion" coo . taias much useful knowledge m a small compass, J r 1 a t .e ''Pam'i lies remote from medical aid, will findibehr-ac-Jcountinposfessing a boak which describes dis sua it ihii m-uivi ij. .u. vitu i iires iaic9i u li eases so plainly, and: prescribes for them sojudi-4 ClOUSiy, as utu. lair iv iaic TiuHBUir UTnr iruiiiu otherwise might. be lost. '- f;!Mp. 1 4. - ' Xour most obedient servant; ir!, i : , : DAVID RAMS AT, M D. , 7 Jr; James EweUt.r'H ' ;"t' A few copies Tor sale at the Book Store of. on Sunday night, the 13th inst. a Nerro tellow belonging to EUiah Shenard f this county amed ARTHUR, conVlcied at the . last Snncrlor Court oftbe murderof Thomas Kin r. l Arthua is"a likely blackj about forty "years of ae. ve feet five or sit inches high high forehead apeaks slow, and, if confused, coughs an.d appears toLbave someJittle impedimcnton his uttermce? The above, reward will be given on his appre liension and delivery to me, ,pr confinement in .. any. jail sathat he be brought to just ice. v k"Ai the' fellow was convicted Of an' atrocious murder, it is' hoped that all due vigilance wilt be ?,4J?ed by fthe community to i arrest and confine " Onslow ConntyN. C. Aprif 14tb, 18?3r76tf ' . - - mmm - - A L- ' . - Kersons indebted to tbo late rTrm ?-'of WATsbV& MACffkjrV ar'e Informed that their accounts rravepeen piacea in-tuet.auds of fJr. JAMES TAT L0R.1W ho. is instructed to out in lit sect sj oay rcrnsia unsettled on the in of bepteaber next. , . , , . , X.WATSON,' " - . . U.D.&UCHEN. Newbern, Jul 8, 1829, nnHE PROPRIETOR of the, above Une,i b- JL ing lately . procured ; new and commodious Stages, and mddedseTeral first rate Horses,, with steady and accommodating Drivers, and haying also obtained the best stands for the comfort and conVenience of Passengers, Jiopes to be enabled to give entire sattsfaction to all . those' who may favor him with their patronage ;r iinvvr; . The rates of State fare .are as usual viz": from Raleigh to Kewberu, and from Newbern to Raleigh, seven dollars, .and for any less distance six cents per mile.: Passengers travelling through, 1 -!. r ..1 P? P1; i,r u"u! ,our I ZIIZZ: 7.iT ";?u .u- r.:i .m....,. r-1 - t r.;. 'v?","""-;:- - "CJ," 4M ttaieign, ana at jr. -osepuyeiii, or xo my siage. v-u m. ,, ot stages leaves ruur.gu ..very suesaay, ai iu 1 . v f r "'"w 1 N e wbern on Thursdays and Sundays; at 2 P M, 1 1 Leaves Newbern every Wednesday and Saturday I at 8 A. M. And arrives 10 Raleigh the lotjowing 1 rmay s anxt Aionaays at iu in tne mornmg.4 ue. 1 Iievtng the present to be preferable to any prevn I ous arrangement, and that ajt will; better-than any I other that can be adopted, contribute to the con- f venienceof travellers, the Proprietor will use bis I endeavors to give it permanency,: by preserving I tar-Line in itstresent unproved condition. .rT DiLUARDZrrorrU"r- 1 ""c or roes. ANTFTI: Rfl or fl1 Iikrlv Neirroes.' The hirhestcash nricea will be Ten for males between the ages of 15 and 26, and fort females ' o -- . ' . irom iuto years.ppiy 10 i ? . , , t , . ;- i J0HN GILDERSL1EVE. , Newbern, April 1st, 182973tf. i ? 3 rf" rm - S ilsTk bushels ground allum SALT, just re- J I f 1 ceived ner Newbern Packet, and for sale by , :, ".v- Newbern, Aug. 8.; C. V. SWAN. Chemical Embrocation, oa , WhitwelFs Original Opedeldoc, TRIOR Bruises. Sprain. Gout; Rheuraa- JL tisoi4 Cranip, Numbness, Stiffness of .Neck or Limbs,Chiiblains, Chopped Hands, aimgs of Insects external injury it is applied both to man and' beast. . ' I his improved IiauKJ is warranted to -jr a. . lr-r possess three times the strength of the old hard kind. V II is strongly recommended the Hon. Samuel L. MitcheliJ Professor of Medicine in the College of Pjhysicians, in the State of New York and . by other citizens of the, highest respectability, see directions round the bottle.) I he sales ol this article are not confined to the American States. Orders for it have been received not only from Canada and Nova Scotia, but also from England France, and Russia. fore as you value life or limb, be sure that j you ask and receive WhilweWs Opedeldoc, or yob may be dreadfully imposed upon.- : Price 37J cents per bottle.- - . Arnmatlp-Snnff w . i.. i . ' .'" - I r or many vears ceieoratea in cases oi va-1 tarrb and Headache, Dizziness, Drowsiness,! mf mf t, I eryoiis Weakness; &c-Cv ltis fragrant anu graieiuiio inetneii, oeing rouiy uoni- posed, of roots and. aromatic ; nerbst - 4 ins article is accompanied by a certificate fron Dr. Waterhbuli late ProfessBKorihe Tl tv and.Practice of Phyiic .njhe Univet Theo rsity of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Price 25 cents. Detergent Bitters. They procure, ah appetite ; assist diges- ion ard are a most excellent medicine in the jaundice. They are ' alsos essentially useful in Fever and Acue. Price 12 cents. Sold at the Bookstore of - V t TflOS. WATSON. JPORK, BEEF, &C bbls. Mess Pprk v ' v . do. Prime do. -"' do." New York Mess Beef, 40 10 A few doz. bottles fresh Lime Juice, : - 1 Just received and for sale by 5 . i ! .THE Subscriber offers for sale bis House and Lot Nol "3467 on Middles street. The Dwelling is , large and in complete, order, and the other im- nrovements on the premises." embrace .'every: es sential building,, all ot which are. nearly new, The very pleasant locality of this property, and the accommodating terms ,on which it may be purchased, if applied for soon, render the present offer worthy the attention of any person 'desirous of procuring a healthy, and in other respects de sirable town residehce. -A v '.X t:f 'Z''w '1'-' ; For conditions ,pf sale, be. application may be made, in my absence, either to Judge Donnelt or WIIililAM DUNN. Newbem,v.June 17, 1829. f Claret. Coffee fy Sugar. fl3VBRAIFOnD & CO. have lately KJ receiyeu,. per the William IV Ferrand, irom stBarts. - - 1 m ...... 9k superior Medoe CLARET of -the vin! sLJ tage tof 1826. part of which bhiv; wilt be sold It. has been selected by a com Detent iud?e. from a large stock of wines, and is offered to custom ers, unhesitatinglyj-as pure, rich, and full bodied. A 'few bags prime-St- DominVo COfEE, and lew. ?irrels very good West India SUGARS. I a jjOOi cords of long leaf yellow piae WOOD wanted Apply to lu8.v C. V. SWAN, ftaeigVT. & Western Stages; 'a rut t ..- - j - ' . ; uasti j a i FOR THE STfcAM-BOAT COIORUS, -j i '. , ipap.tainr. Chadwick.. , ; The Dassa?e frotn Beaufort to Newbern, ' , I or Newbern U Beaufort, , t - $1 50 From Beaufort to the, Cana!r J - 60 From Ihe Canaljtb Newbern, ' v.:: f 00 From Clubfoot Creek to Newbern, . i 75 From Lucus Benner's to Newborn. - ;,r ; j 60 For Children aider 12 y ears qld and 1 .pcriiniL ihuiu1 H""" K-n4.h .'.;.Li!Wl one Tr,,nk with. ut extra cha ge. : : j- e bf bstrel, from .Newbern (o i! 1 1 i , R,nrnr , 40 From Newbernio L, Benner's. . '20 ,20 From Nejvbertlo Clubfoot's Creek, From Newbernkothe Canal 30 Frn Beaufort o the Canal, ' '20 Boxes, bags knd bundles will be charged ac ; AU aney to be paid to the Captain, c OS board -the Boat r All Freiffht to be osid for on delivery rv Merchants and others sending barrels or pack ages are requested to mark them for the person intendeds .;a -.its't-o'Hitisfii . C. V. SWAN, Agent, .Newbern. B. L. PERRY, Agent, Beaufort. February 7. 1829 A T Amrust Term of Craven County Court, let trs , Af? Administration i on the-: estate I George PA vnoCf deceased, were granted to fhe subscriber. , rersotis indebted Jo. sata estate, are requested to make ibmedlatppyment, and those having claims acainst ir, are required to ' present them for settlementwithm the time prescribed by Act of Assembly, or.they will be barred ot recov ery.. : y tj vvtliL.iAMvrniaiuo, Aam r AuguU 15, 1PC9J-s, t T August Term of Craven Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions; the Sub cnber qualified as Administrator of Davtd W.' Willis, deceased All persons indebted to theestate of said decased are requested tq make immediate payment ; and those, having claims against, it. are required to present mem witnin toe time prescnoea Dy iaw j i ' i- I or they will be baried of recovery. t,m- ? JOHN TEMf LETON, Admr. August' 15,?.1829.i .r- ' u ' d n J?UA. 7 r?X gV FFER for sale, the following goods received . V-r this day per! schooner Susan Mary, from New York ' -; i'iSVi'K 1 hUhi-I C;' s 12 pieces 4-4 Cotton Diapers J , . ? 15 do 6 4 do 4 do ... 2 do fine white Lineu Drilling, 2 do French Canton Flannel 40 do German Yellow Nankeens 4 dozen Mens and Uoys Palm Leaf Hats , .1 do Ladies Leghorn Flats T-, r; . - , 6 do : f! do , fine white4 Cotton Hose 6 do stout mixed Cotton half Hose 50 do" Clark's genuine Spool-Thread' 8 do Thread Cambrick pocket Hdkfs 60 lb. best quality Sewing Thread, assorted ;.: color 'kyilTi ..'IMiilssM:'' 4i i i -9 pieces 3-4 and 4-4 Bonnet Cambrics 10 , do , coarse and fine Long Lawns 20 i do ; 5-4 bleached Sliirtings 15 do K 7-8 brown Shirtings r ? Belt Ribbons. Corset Lates rV. .. Pins, Cotton Bj ; Newbern, June 2JX 1829 Pins, Cotton Balls. &cl &c.' t -.;U ii4 Sri State of North Carolina. LENOIR COUNTY.. 'I Court nf Plttnjt nnA Giinrlur Sr&sinn- Julv Tfcrtn. - -. iroo w Watson Wilcox; . , , Original Attachment WandR. M. White. TTT; appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, JL that the defendants in this casf, are not inhab- dered by. the Court, that publication be made six weeks successively in the North Carolina Sent i -; hel, that the defendants appear at the next term isi0 vr a uiaic fiiuicaniu.viiH liiciciuic us of said. Court, to be held i at, th Court House in K iiistou on x the 4 first Monday in October ; next, then and there to -plead- to issue, or judgment wilt be entered up against them. t ? WiTwrss, Dallam Caswell, Clerk of said Court at office, the 1st Monday of July 189. " f D. CASWELL Cerfc. a! July 8 1829.- ' ? " ' ': ! s : t; i -h. xai. h:jxv uj jl m ND committed, to the Jail of Craven County, on the 14tb tost, a-ffegro Man, who say his name is. John Carpinter, alias Abraham, that he is free, and a native of Fairfield County; Connec ticut He is about 5 feet 10 inches high s 21 of 22 years of age, of light complexion, and had on wnen :akentignt domestic lothmg.4 From the contradictory manner in which, he accounts for himself, there is little doubt but he Is a runaway slave.' He has ' no. free papers, but exhibits a paper professing to be a'pass, which is believed to be a forgery . i The owner, if arty, is requested to come forward, proyertproperty, pay) Charges, ana take said iNegro away;. j.uir j iisy JORDAN S.,CARROVVf Jator Newbern; August 22. 1829. , .-' , AP? AVAY from the subscribe at1 Fieasa'n't JLV Grove, Johnston county, some time past,' two negro men,. .VIRGIL; end SOLO MO IN.. $ Vir gil is of dark complexion, spare, builtj about six feet high, thlty-five years of age, f peaks slow, and when. spoken to has a down look, and seems much agitated if taken on surprise. . No . particular marks recollected, j Solomon: is inclined to be'tjf a copper colour, about fiveeel eight or ten inches high,, about fifty years of age, speaks slow in ini telligent and plausible, and professes to be a christian his teeth. ,are jnuch'r decayed before, has a large mouthy his fe.et.and. hands have the appearance ofhaving.beea burned ; his ; thnmbs, in using his hands, bend yery; far $ he, riails 5oii his, bands and, feet appear Jo. be affected ith a tetter, He -may be lurking n or about Newbern, or at the Egypt Plantation of John,, Washington, near Fort Bara well,. Jti Craven county.'as he bad a wife at that plantation, belonging to MAlVash gt0&i .d vji-.Tf i,ltri ,-,;;.' t ' I win give the above reward to any person wno may apprehend and lodge them Jn,- jail, Vsq that 1 get them again, or ten dollars orj either of tliem. ir t'j?? JOHN; SANDERS? ; Sept: 27,162343tf; THE Subscriber offerr- for sale his YtVfTrT:iNritrnriSP.-; Prona del j 'sirdus of purchasing, can call and ex ominA ihe brernises. snd eooaire -the termsWhibh will be very accommodajlngv . . . john Q sincey: Newbern, Aprils, 1829, rrrTTAS iust FTTAS just returned from Philade lphia wherU ..1, ANpPIJUslSHEUS. iJOL he purchased a large 'ok of j , other.Qrticlesammg iqhicfy are . i Skirting, Harness & Bridle Leather, . Hog and SHeep Skirls, ' i4 tfuttaioe anaaressea jueer pKins, Calf an4i Gatj Skins,' ; . t , . i Harness, plated, tinned &c japah'dy 1 Mounting of variotis kinds, f i ' ?m I Travelling Trunks of all size's A -.fi ?,3 J'ir'il -i. :.vM;tt,i?s 7iaicu uuiuis, r r v ! Side and T)asb Handles, , , ,Vr' Oil Cloth, Spectacles Qasesf Sic. j s I i vON CONSIGNMENT, j STILLS from 30 to CO gallsVeachj vith copper arid -pewter worms. Also, a light WAGON for one or two horses, with Harness complete, which 'will be sold low for cash or on a short credit for an approved note. ' May 16. ' s''..';'v-ii;,': . i fs-H';V,i. 'liV? iDkpARTMENT-01 StATsT, I ; Washington, 25M - August, 1829. fXl HE Proprietors of all newspapers now taken 1 by this Department, are requested todiscoa tioue sending the same after the. first day of Oc tober next and to render their accounts to that datet And notice is hereby given, that'no paper win De paia iur aiier iiihi tiuic, cAt.rpi sui.ii ws may be specialty subscribed for, ' subsequent to this notice. - t v'-'-i -::"iU -is i-.iii . ? i .WM.C.H.WADDELL, Agent. , , NOTICE. HERE AS John G. Kincey has made an assignment to the subscri ber by Deed of Trust, bearing date of 8th inst. of ail his Estate, both real and personal including Bonds, Notes and ' Book accounts for purposes specified and set forth i-in said Deed j and whereas it is desirable Id have uie uujeci oi suiu Lreeu carricu iiuu cucti as i 'early as possiblelMt becomes: absolutelv necessary that all persons who are7 indebted to said J. G. Kincey. either' by Note or Account, snail roaKe iniaieuiciie payment etth e r loth ej s u bs c r iber or (osa idf t Jripw G. ICihcey. who is herebv Stilly authorised to coiieci ana receipt tor tne same. . . , .Aogusr 10th 1829. ?iu , THE Dwelling House on Metcalfe 's treet, lately occupied by Captain - v nits. Appiy ai tnii vbcci August 15 TNO.' G. KINCEY1 has iust received by the al packet schooner Philadelphia, from Philadel- . . . . . rr hpia, the following articles, w men ne .oners very low, for. cash ! ,,-. ; 'VJ '' -,.; . An invoice of DOMESTIC GOODS, consist- Brown ana oieacnea pnirtings ana oaerungs - Fine, superfine and pre m. Bed. Tickings 1 piece superfine 4-4 linen do. Furniture. and apron Check,, real 'indigo . dyes, 4U yk . . . . Indigo Plaids and Strrpes, . Brown cotton Drilling, ' Cotton Yarn, or spun Cotton, -j:' v Brown and bleached cotton Table Diaper, , '-'-iIndigo blueiVreaving .Yarn. . - ,v: j - . . ; .An Invoice consistingof .., f ; -t, s . Gentlemens best beaver HATS of the latest fashion. - v ! ' Gentlemens Castors and Rdrarai, ir " 1-6 doa. fine wool Hals' ': ! ; ' : !An invoice of Umbrellas and Parasols. ;); s. An invoice consisting of a , handsome jsssorl. ment of Shell Tuck, Crescent, Curl and side ' Brazilian impressed tucVConibsy ' ..' i do Crescent, Curl and Long Combs,' ' Mock shell, Tuck and Long Combs,- ., do flowered . do. ; . : v. j ' ,., , ALSO, . . f . A few pieces supf and coin. 5-4 Irish Linen 4 " Sheetings, " v 1 piece elegant 10-4 damask table Diaper, 5-4, 6-4, 7-4 and 8-4 common -do. v ? 3-4 Scotch table Diaper, . , xi Russia f do. , . ,s Fine Irish JLinens in half and whole pieces One box fresh London Mustard. - OstBiMDFORI). & CO. Hore f his day received, per schooner-Trent, 'from i'jus3f -1. i u tNew York, ' f - '- SOME OF WHICH ARE -AS FOLLOWS,. VIZ ,A few.lbs. best black: Italian oewtng bilk f dox. fine white Cotton Hose, .. . . r, , Coarse and fine w hite mixt Cotton Half Hose, A few 'doss. '! fine white worsted 1 Ci ditto ditto 20 doit.ilow prlc'd Romall 4 MadtaSs Harfkfs. piece o-4 oobmnett Lace . ; A. few doz. Thread Cambric Pocket Haaksfrom ):m fine to jeilra fine. , - -Z. aiv : . : .--.I A few Irish Linens in half pieces, grass bleadi pieces' super Prints half oT which' are a,n eq " tire new style, and received by 'the latest --' ; -." arrival from Liverpool. T-if- A few pieces SatineitM fine .and comnton-blue and black mixtures. An assortment of plain 4-4 U&4 Jaconets; from . tuai ac iu tcijt uucawuku his auuiucu lu.i ; '3ri . - L u . -i. . .7- ,.. t . . .-- Newbern, Jul v 13, t Tl bRTTMadiraandMaWgaWINliS, JLi French Brandy, Holland Gin and "Jamaica Rum, of excellent quality, for tale by- - J " V, ; JAMES KAY. 1 Tfl RACTS fromt jhe American vTract ; .IL:, Society rralso from the , Union .Tract Societymay beJiad in any tjuantity, at the Society's.pricesi by . forwarding orders, with the C&sbf' tO'.'irit frixuKiiiTu&tk ' inA:VNVi:.:f 5 v 7: ,ib. irUr "cu .o PW.?D0WD. or f v "t-,feTHIV; HUNT..? jC U LLLS. itllYAFJvSj8 Laf uperior quality. M "le,.by ? . , ' J- j -v PAMPHLETS, CARDS. HANDBILLS, !,.. BLANKS, c. c7Vaty cxtWtdat this OJjtce. m flf.l H? S"bKhber. haying added the Man, j i -U: ufactory.ofjnoveabletvDe. to hit rotype stablrsbment, respectfully solicit, 1 ihare of patronage of the Printers of Penn syivania and the adjacent States. : j . Having a practical; knowledge of prin jing and also having' been: longer pracii" cally engaged in the' bugineslof Sicrotypi han any other person in the United State, Ve hopes to-be ab!e from sucK experience' 6 give satisfactibn ttt tbdse tvj0 may favol iim Vith Iheif orders: Frbhr ah Intimav icquaintance for a nntnber of years, (nearly f8ht?) with the' business of type foundij fie hopes to be able to produce type equal to any offered to the printers of the United States., '. rr ". ' i ' .. ; v ! 1 WKPi thpogfi.'!ov,i!! of course u the same ar others , in the same busmen Nor ij he attempt to violate truth, or h. ;sult coramon sense, Nby, pretending i0 lny (for there are no oihert faciJities at n sent in this city, than tfiere tv'ere 12 year agu, wuen me type were Iront 40 to 50 cent, higher than at presenti) nor have . 'Hij; priming iypf been so greatly reduced,9' as to beer a proportion to- the reduction in the prices type ; But the reduction has been ind ced" by ' competition, erui an overbearin disposition in some of those founders wl have grown rich en the heretofore enormoDf proofs on type. . , ' . '"- All sizes of type ptairlanid ornamenfa for book and job . printing, from 14 jnt Pica to'Nonpanel, constantly on hand ; such quantity as tot supply any order J snort notice, in tne choice of Book Ietif pains 5 have been taken to select such facu as are .generally , approved for symmein jjcaiucBs, uiiu. uurauiiiiy.; ; He also keeps a complete Printers Ware house, (the only one in this city,) and ea iiiiiiiaii a .vtupici0 iiuuug UulCe At Ijfj siiurt uutice m ' , jr : The following are his PRICES at a crt dit of 6 months,' for approved notes oriel ceptances or a otscountoi o per Cent, s be made for cash Six lines Pica, and all larger, : Double fica; to 5 line Pica, 1 : Great Primer. English yt--r: Pica, Small Pica, Long Primer, Bourgeois : Brevier, j t Minion. , . : t t i I. Nonpareil, . Leads, " : Quotations', 7 , uc writes vn ornameutai and ran type have( been reduced in a greater prop; tion. a ' " "i Old type, received In exchange, at 9cJ per id. ... , ii . ' ..... A Book of Specimeni will shorilr hi puousnea. , t j . STEREOTYPING will be done it it lowest prices, in the best manner, as hm toiore. Publishers of Newspapers in the Staa oi new Jersey, Pennsylvania, DelawiiiJ Maryland. Virginia, Worth' and South Cn olina, and Georgia, who give the above: conspicuous insertions, shall be entitled it $2 50, payable in type, or settlement b account. , j.ho k, .To the Printers of the United States. VF late the prices of all the materials used" Jr making Printing Types, have been grei)j rcouceu, anatnciaciiiiy oi inanuiaciuunggrr increased.. The subscriber therefore hn tt 11 1 . I f 1' i A - ' . . t tl induced t a make a pronortionable reduction in M prices, which, from the.lst of April, have been d stated in the annexed list. ! i The character of the Type made at this Fouadd is well known to the Trade, who are assured fM in reerard to the aoalitv of metal, finish, aud en rability, no deviation has been made. iHe has on hand a complete assortment, andct 1 stinnlv anv auantitv nn m chart notice I he iU4 w y - J J mm , , . . . V bannv fo receive the orders of bis customer1 which will have fmme'diate attention. Merchants who have orders from abroad, fl have' offices complete .with Presses, and e'l hmg necessary for a Priuting J.8taUIIolu put up in the most perfect manner. i Publishers are requested to give this advert mont a si r in lhip niin.ni n few timet. W ' ceive payment. 2. in tvpe, or in settlement A their accounts, , . " RICHARD RONALDSON, PkilaMpW mm-t! -'",';' . :. ..i-tl .0 .craved prices. At six monms creait, ior tr, paper, or at1 a discount of 5 per tent, for cm" Pearl, per lb. ' $1 40Egrlibt N onpareil, 1 1 90 Great Primer, Double A1 Minon,. j -ta ,y 70 Brevier, v . t Do. Great Primer, Bureeois. .... o Large letter, plain, Scabbards aud Quo Small Pica; V . ' 38l Pr, 301 tations,' The prices of other descriptions ofijP'j .-K.i!ntt1. Pari ii fmA : OM Tvne recent i payment at 9 cents per lb. ggOBEWABD. RAN A WAY from the Subscriber on night the 6th inst. four Negroes, vis. ; . ISAAC, aged 24 years, yellow, complexly a scar on the cheek, having the appearance ing cnt by a knife there U aisoawi... -r one of his eyei. 'f-', '"PKTER, ?ged 18 years, dark Complex""1- ilCTTrroged 25 yearsdark B,P'?,I ber cbUd HANNAH, a mulatto. 7 or .8 J'1 !Sfhi'negTpiie in Jones or Carteret Tpountles. 1 will Ki " "' " w j.ll.ri I r .k. n..,a.. hrin nfliued. or teUdO"" J for the menTnueoTlortartrwoBis J child. if delivered to me er secured to any j that l tet them. ;s U? Ci iiTJt: , . , Onslow CoontyJufy 21st,, 1829. a t?it .4 CI A T:tT YiT? Tx 2Vtc4rnri( 17, 1. nplHharf LOT In Craven street, a-i Ji- Mi'.isaaJcfTaylor,f on the North, an j titelhetnk 61 iNttrbern- -For

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