iff ,.,- t .. , ?,f:vY v: . . ".t-i - - v --tr;4- : .v-Y-i'-- - t-A.v' 'V fV u it- v:. y V 1 V- 1 -vv (i V t S4 I- V V V ' i m t ( .... . . ; . f jaw DoUars per annum calf idvinci? ' r . Jtfnf ir Adding 16 lines, heaihr. Inserted three r ff efedinff publication"; thoie of gtater length thatikruVTecivcd-.tTTe to the. Editors iiSii CANAL rCONYlKTioN. Ilieclegates famtfuntiDgtopWs ii fcc unties in the State oFJYiriiiti ;k:!df 'Pennsylvania nd Ohio, niet f f lm States mom imraediatelv infer- este(f in ti ImpVoVcinent of tlie'navi fA tion-of the Potom'aciand its connection I viih-3 Western Yaters gome plMi ; srhicht-ull promise the early cbnSmence- men t anu mumaTe execution oi loegreax - pi tbe. first dayGen: Wivltr loneg, ilelegatlTi-oni the City of iVVasliington,, i wasappoijitetl gecrietary to the JHeeting4 rKen..tha' Ifet being y called qyerv the entlemtfc. present took thein'seats, f The netiajS.Dr. Joseph Kent, a de legate fibm theState of-Mafflandivas' Y , pomted; Chainnan of ihc .Cpnvention j iient exordium submi tted the following fanticnd i Western Waters. by acanl : leadine: from; tlic Scat of the General Gorernmentto therlrei? .Ohio, , regained a local objecv .ioneof .the' bigheatimportance to the States imme r diately interested therein, and considered in ? a national vkw is ineit tmaWe consequence to'th future union, secyrit? and happiness J Rtsolttd, 4Thuit. U "e,?rtedient, to ub 5 tifute for the present detjrttive navigation i pm river 'h or tide water, na- f v' Affable canaf by Ctrtnbeland to the Coal 1 4hnd to fce;0 ucn cnsu 3 soon ancrcsuiw 1 pr'aeHcae to the highest constant steam .'boat navigatipn of tie Monotigahela or Ohio rt I V ,C That the, tnost elfehl, mode of attaining 'f, whUrt iwinW I-v the incotuoration of. a n - Toini STOCs; compariv t cmjiwwvu.w, vui aid canal tlirovfg)fh& territories of the Uni. ky' ' iA St.te. in thJistrict of Clumbia,and v of t!ie States ofvVK-iqia Maryland, & Fenn.-, . -syjy3TVia;;ananzf , v,..-.lllM I j- appomtdeachftmo - I" 'iti prrtiare 'and pfesemiu behalf of tins as t V- tahly suitabIejemonals to the Congress ki i jtttht UnTtedStstes, and to the legislature i f. Several States'befoT? named, -request. ' --r: t?n ib&t concurrence in the incorporation of : j ' 'iiefrArv, m tljc inscription of fiinda for the i iju 1 7 tr rciww tjr - v w., Luc iicim rtthiry rcndH it necessary, i already giv- U . -en to tfcj 6vc'-nd. tor enlargement 10 I me extent rctjir.rea ovxne preccoinsr resoiu- appeara . to furnish,', with jprop er-atachdntaota; a sunlfeient basis' i ,Te it fJierefore reoleu that it will he expedient id purpose. - the natme ba changed - to? the ' tnion Canal' itl .'') " - i si t iiau povwicwi oc Taae ?or je -assent ot ;w)e ji rver mem Tne-.umiea -..'staxev-ami ot tnd tef-Ciinate at'. the - head of the steamboat ,T, laYip.on.of the Mononrahela or, Ohio river. 3'Th(friu!e the actSshalllo -easona- preacrjfeed, 'except of the tight to com A l?te Such'se v)i ana oi niinicuxficrviH. to accept the eloitiM a charter for the prof , ppaecf companyasHjtb the following jnodifi cati on l. vizi' That, irt reference to its enlarcr. a vie s Ue of PfnnsyTvama. to the atd act, and J I " Uat lUc t be" m?de to correspond in its de- tS twls n mi Wch provision. V ' 'I . At to two sections, Eastern and ll'eatern , the J r lfbrf.ierf.wWcb'ha3l jrorrespond-ln descrip I J tion Mhhthat i theFotomac ;Cnal by the Tj P?ean)bUf the said act t and the latter shall f f eciri n xie western exrreniuv oi we former If.- -' .. . vVolotiroejpjr, the comme ncjm ntand the com. v 'fletion of fwthi ve-tiona of h csfral, no other ,,r A lbtfeitur Arhall h; incrrrsv iafter the eaa- fern setuoi fiim ued. fr failure to beein l r wjoue me Consent of "-'msylvania- is A V -'in VidaafHnlfieVneniftd kfeit shall net Y "be ; " ' -UpensabW, req9ite6 .the validity f U v ' PX exte"d,the Union Canal to ' .U'ih' cnnsylyahiu-,e. ?- V ;t , it' ' : ? b6t jutand; fckpedient;if ' 1 n-t spluteljf yfttsszry. to lhnH the-interest f ' . : wckpiciic. the PotpmacCompanv, n i'Vvslr( 11 -"wi uarvai, in me raocje 4 V' -VtoVj fl y f tjie titiRinma reVi?Hitior of the : ; , rci-?r which la WtW-i-A. - - , llbe s-.tfie Mirface i:.aJ fnTr I vj 'Rvrtntn !trn')0 ' .tivt-'.'.'-j.f'j '.i.tf?tlTir-' .- v. v. - ,: i 1 1'. JH . ? ; r-Ur" tr- v - v v n';ir-!x.oisxon, oi expresea a l i 1 iVntfieV Of the. the three citit if the' k subicrlptioif to. the amount, necessary, pf 2..000 dojlara.in the. Illowjn; proportions, 2lltb bVf the State ?6fristryland73aith bv: the Stat e of Y$fgifiiC 441th bythe .Uiuted States; ani 34lth ;by; the: District citle ii be divided I oeiwsrnjicm nccoroing' .to air equiutoie ra ftiortH fixedby themselves. , l,.i H beearrte'sly olicite:io obtain the whjile.of fi v miicitv vi-mc vjii.v(i imev i ins suinn'iwm,- TCce,;vaoje ip iourannt! InatalL'entvjUpoii the issue of certificates ' of n ifesi.nox;xcccainjr live percent; arid irrcdeembl, for! thirty years, and. tojuafahttfe ibe repaymepjt thereof on apecihV;1 pledge - of the public lots in "the City, of Washaiigton, of the United-States Stock la the iCanal, ' arid the public faith1! - . X lia ywe nrsc instaimenii oi. ...ut- Joan ne made payable, on the 1st of March, V$2$, and last on;tn lst','ay of March; 18129. 1 ;H . ' ThaS the interest of each Statend Cbrno. ration, upon its proportion- bf th said loan be paid into the -Treasury o tnef- United tate accordlrig tof the terms 6f the loani anjd the principal sum at the expiration of tbirtjr years, the? period to'ffe'fixed for its redemption. T. A iThai in the'ev nt of .'a refiisal by the gtv vernmcntof the United Stated to Negotiate tne said, loan.: each. State , ana uoTporanon nn proviap, xpe. anion ni 1oi-, hs repec;iTc subscriptions,'" in such manner as mav seem to ittbestb f :; ' v That the makiminn 'profit of the said com pany; shall not exce ed 15 per cent.' after the entsfe jcanal shall have been completed :but if,' at any;time'.afteV 4he, completion of.the Kastem Bection thereof, anil before sufficient funds halt have been"' otherwise provldtd the anal shall -yield ajnett vincome; to fthe Stbclcliolders exceeding 10, per, centJperan- mmvsucn excess snail oe appiiea towaras the extension of the canav until the Western Section shall have been completed s And, to give more speedy'effetrt to this provision the President ian ibittors of the i Untoh jCa naJ rmwanv shall be authorised to borrow, nri mar nepotiate. throueh a suitable! airency such excess, or on the tolls mf a hxed part hereoflevied upon certain conlmoditica paa- !ihe saM section shall have been, completed. And. irafter the' completion of the enure ca nal, the Cent, per first, torstren next to the multiplication of ascendinfir lock? from tje river Potomac to the -level of the cabal," wherever. th convenience of the adja cent country may require it r iext to lining the canathroughout with such Vails of stpne as shall accommodate its, hanks to the use Vof steams boats and -should' the dividepd still exceed .15 pet cent?!then the excess shall be an'phed - to the jreductlonaccordiug oTsome equitable scale,! 6T, the tolls levied upon jtbe said canal. y . - V; 1 ' 1 i'-. ofrlelegates; be appointed to. pre pate and jcatise to he prepared; in behalf Af tis 'Assemhlv, a suitable memorial to the tatjs of OhioY soliciting1 thev co-rperation of ' that? Stkteap , the completion of :the! Un!ohCanal, and its ultimate connexionwith '.the naviga tion of Lake ; tirie and that for thef latter purpose the memorial shall respectfully su jest the expediency rof causing tlie codntry( betweep the northernmost bend of sthjs river f ?hio, 'and the southern shorei of XAkeEjne, together with the waters of .Great Beaver and Cayoga j Creeks; s nd all otlrer inerveni ng waters-near the said Toute to be Carefully sur veyed with the.jvlew of ascertaining the prac ticahiuty and probable cost of a Canal, jwrhich, fed by the latter, shall connect the former;" - JThat a letter be addressed by the Chairman, of the Assembly, to the Mayors of Alexandria, fteofgl f ov n, and Washington! appriznisr thro them, their respective Corporations, of the procetldiiigS' of tliisAssembIy,'' and inviting their zfcalous covoperatioh Sn giving to them affect. Jr J TTIiat another letter be addressed by ; the Chainnantin behalf of this Assembly, totlre President and Directors of the Potomac Com pany ,rirVquesting their concurrence in the measures recommended in the preceding re solutions. , r I ; ' i ' ' t ft h - lv .That the authority, to levy tolls vbe, varied so. as to- authorise a tbll,;not exceeding three cents bushel, per hundred miles, upon Coal and, Salt, or five dollars per ton on Iron, and the manufacture thereof, or three- dollars pet tonvpef' hundred milev on aU Merchandae, of ten. cents on a barrel of Flour J- ) V v rlietolveJi That "the. committee beforenamed be,' and they are hereby authorised and re? quested to use their best exertionstto obtain the most favorable reception' for their memo rials, ?to ascertain and ;cbrnmunicate.l ta the Central Corresponding tjommlttee hereinafr temarned, such objections, if -any, as are op posed to t he prayers bt their respective me morials, and. to- devisellf possible, in conjuno. tiorf;with the common-friends of .the Union, the meitns of obviating all the impediments to their success. ' . -,-'c )' :Jfif6lvcd,!Thit for the last: mentioned pur; ijose' the' Delegates of the respective: Coun ties and Cbrporatiop vrepresente! in f this As sembly -be regarded ascxrrespond!og.Com mittecs, jd thai.' "persons be appointed a. CJentral Cwtnmittee pt . Correspondence, iifer,! with Committees : before named ftp hokF stated meeting in the City .ofyaaH IgtbnJ for the purpose - of consulting upon a nil adopting : in behiJf of the Union Canl swell measures as hiai seem , best .calculated to "assure its .certain a"f id speedy acComphsh con- sub the conuaittee':ta vwhotn occ" Teierrey . pc . int. lst Into the probable difference lof ex pene pcwcenu canai-ou iccxr wjuc anu.cnx or, Wjieeti , u . v : - . . V s .v'2d: Into the ad vantages and disadvantaeea likely to' result from-increasing the .width of ;OnAnbtion dCMr-'.Fenwick of -Mary land jiheTfoIIoVmfflteutiqn was refer- on f n thft inmA t:mmtrtpi5' v p t 'R&otved That this n.eetinrand the friends of the Ohio' and Cheameake.CanaV xrenerall i diAavqw . all opposition to ahy lateral Canl wnivu iv 19 -pratjucavn? up ?naitp, icauuig ui or from the said Canal, or to any future; exten sion through any of the tates'adjacenfc there to-7-jiha, 1 on -the cbntraiy", they heartily - ap prove and are disposed to co-operate in eve ry improvement in the 'navigation -of the - wa- xer-couTses leaoing to r;Trom piesaia t-anai, as tending, to increase its general utility, and to i enhacee the ; profits" of the' undertakers i A" "liVvcry Stable -. TTS Opened for the accommodation of.Tra" " veil era andtherS1, twenty Jnr thirty yards south of the PosuOrBce s whijehj situation is of that eminence as to Tenderfit; at all times perfectly drrr and sscbnveni'ent to all the Taverns nd privater QoardinglH.ousesin the City. The proprietor promises his patrons to keepra "Ood supply of .Provender and -an attentive Ostler. ! jh K u 1 -i f ? : -"I : m WILUAHl SMITH. ' ' Raleigh, Kov. 10.1823. i 1H1 6Q3t T; - Wfy befgiyen, but no Aanks, to any per Y V son who willjippreTieridtrhv.r,3ppren- tiCe WilhanYB. Cone, who ranawiT on ihr 30tK nst and delive? hm iome atPoplar I Point, Martin 1 Gountv. He is I about 19 or wemyivears oi age aoour nve Teer eigntor ten inches high, slender built, lijrht complex ion, blue eves y I had on' when he, went away a Aran cotorca rouna jacsreT a,nu vest, ana a blue mixed pair of' pantaloons, "all of sati nette.' . o . -! ( j All;: persons whatsoever are forewarned harboring; feedinglodguSgkeeping, or con ceanng ine sam. wnuam u, uone ; asineaw will be: enforced auinst those who may do it with the utmost rigor! f : M . -' KM 1 m P. . BEKJ. P'. S&APB. Poplar Point Oct. 31, 1823 A ! - 60-2U 1 JBSTABUSHMENT. npHEf Subscriber has the pleasure of an- .noupcmg xo me puouv iiiatne nas reel ed a commodiou building on the western side of, Kayettevjile Street,.and opened a- ; - hest;okatorv & COKCr.RT HALL. ts' He has on handPrcsh Cordials, ot various kinds; prepared with Lioubr iof the first Qua lity; Cakes, Candies, Preserves Jellies. Pick les, and west .India Fruits of. every desenp- iion' among wnica are many rare) ana new ar ticles, never before4 offbred in this place, all of which, he will selVas cheap as they can be TMirchased - in ew-York v, Hisf catalocrue i ,too exiensivc. ior xne umirs oan aaveirisc-j ment, but the public are invited tq come and taste and nidge for theroselveaJ i Orders from a distance will be ; promptly attended tocfor A"j- paiii.iiv mat uvij uc i. cuircu, wiu liescan be furnished at the, shortest notice with every delicacy and rarity necessary for UaUs and Parties. ' -V;- . J ,t - - I - J s . I , It ' . lie has also on band some chole : u 1 : I' c ; i.1 groceries " n , '; Consisting of oldvlfadeira SndV other Wines, in bottles f bestCogniadvBmndy n Holland Gin j Jamaica TRum ; and some-very superior Whiskey 'Northern Cheese fresh Crackers; S panish ' &g&t4,r, &c. &ci all ' of which fha ve been' selected by good judges!, and iwiH be old on reasonable terms; )J j ;.. o Suppers, Relishes,' &C-! will be firrnished at all times, and Private Rooms, ibr the accom modation of psrtiesi wh ether fpf Gentlemen or Ladies 'will be-.provided, secure j from in trusionv 5 and every ; attention jpaid -.to' their comfort and enjoyment, f A supply of North ern and other Newspapers wil be procured.1 He has a large Hall, where Musical - Instru; ments will be kept tuned fb, r . si ich ; Amateurs as ma- choose to amuse themselves And a first rate fine toned Piano, for JheTiise of the Ladies;: whose company will; at all times be considered an honor, ' ahdV4 who1 are respect fully invitedto attend andnmuse themselves whenever they; may think jfroper. iM, --' t The'Subscnber has also odTiandj for sale; several fine'Pianos, from $100 to $500, of su pLerior tone and ,,workm,anship s "and a cOn plete supply of Tbhing Keys, Bridges, Screws nhd Strings, Harps, Violins, Guitars, i Flates, Flajrelettes -Tambourines French Horns, JJrumpets Military Dniins FifStjand Clario net s the latest and ,mostfaMionable Songs, Instruction Books : for rail Instruments, and keep sa complete assortment 'of the above ar ticlesjand" obtain any; others,! and in any" quantity that may be wanted Ji T 'li ; : The subscriber has employed a Confec tioner who has been raised to .the business. and who'is inferior tot1 none 1 in the Union; The Concert llall is adnurably adapted for a Ball j ioom,' and tie subscriber solicits a con iinuance of the patronage he has abeady te ceived in that line. As he mill be assisted in hi Sttrerby his family he wDl as usuaVcon t jnne Vtd rec'crvcr Musical Pupils. (- Lessoni report' the . reiult? of such inquiries -to thi meeting'.;- . ' t.& r Music of every 'description., v f laving Agen cies in the; principal; cities .of; the United Stated he wlil always have it in his power to wui aiso pe given, xo-grnuciucj? i iuui, qn anv Instrument. V.'' f ' ",'-L'".' Raleign, Ocf. 16 1823,; -Ct ) j ; ;5-ff z " - t atthx sToma 911. ; oatxs & soar; "aaxxiea. 1 Of t the Reports of, Caes argued and deter - .'mined in the" Supreme Court of &ortb-Ca I rouna, for vunefrerml823, by , October 30,1823: v Vr FTpiIXigubscribers hive removed JX.to their-New EstalishmenV ; Ccomer of Fayetteville-and Mar- W Vl n tstreets? wnere they have, and - r- -r-' : w?ll conUnufr. to' ieenx an c-xten- Sive assortment pf V'- v.t which they1 warrant Freak imd Gentdnp f arid ?N. B:An addrtionai suddIv shortlv extecti tH VrtrA -VV.i.V ' i 1 , ' . TT 1JB& ife;J&dent:.of4U'faM& State a a. pursuance or urw, i maxi wojrRoxf r, t. sident bfhe United States, do berebr de- will be. held at the Land Office at Fnihklin in the state of Jilissori, on th"first Monday in December, next; fo the-disposal of such of the bands' situate with ip' the district i of Howard cqurityj in said state; as have been relinquished' to the Unitedl States orior to the 1ft day of October l1821tmn4er the pro visions of the acl passed on the 2d'da,v of March. 1821. entitled An art for the relief of the purchasers of public lands prior to the i 1st day of July, 1820, as are situate n the followirg described townships and fractional townships, Ivinff nort& of ibi jlBtoouri River. and west of the fifth, principal meridian, viz : i Inynships 44 to 54 inclusive, of range 1 1 West. 44- 54' 12, 45 : 56 i 4756 48;, 56 48 52 ' 49 32 52 ; M 52! 51e52. . i3 -15' 16&17 18 . 1 19 'i A i - kt t i ! 22&T23 Also, at the same time and phute. will be exposed, to public sal el a erreeablvtothe nro- Lvisions of the fourth section of the act, pass- ca oni xne zin aay. oi i April, riou, emmeo f?. An s act making- turther,. provisions tor tbe sale of the public lands,' such. lands situate wiinraxoe aoovemenuonea towjismps . as have: becQme:fQrfeited:'taJthe'!'S0mted States prior to the 1st of October,' -1820 for failure to Complete the payment within the period prescribed by law. , ' ,' The sales will, open,with the lowest nura- per oh section, township, and range, and pro ceed in regular numerical jorder.: ' Given under mv hand, at the Citv of Wash Wgton, !this 12th day of August, 182. . 'W.L:l W T" '1 y. A ' ' '. . ."W Mi r ' -V-WWW nyine rresiaent? . i hiunnut. tGEORGEGRAHAM, -A xj' , t Com'r of the General Lknd Gfiice. ' , s Printers authorised to publish the laws ot theUmted States in the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Ohio; In diana, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missou ri, and territory of Arkansas, and Pittsburg, in reousj jvania, are requested xo puousn ine xoreg'oing procjaroauon once avweeic. un til the sales take place, and send their ac countsj receipted) to the ficefor payment. , fienerul .Land. O f- Augl3 liwts J3y authority of the Stat & d Aorth-CaroliTta, For the Repairs of St, John's Lodge. No. Ill ! rvewoern. vi ttntit? lip 1! Prize of w w w x. .$5,000: is ?5,ooa ; 1 of of of of of of of 2,000- ' is: 2,000 v IjOOO isi " 2,000 2 r mqtd ,2,000. jlOQisV 1,000" Ht':20 1 100 20jp0 50 'jis,5 i;ouu 20 ' U K 2,000 ; 2138 Prices.! 3862Bhjinks; 50()0ckets;at i This Lottery will be driwh in the old and popular way :' Qtj JMihe XHizetJtoating from the commencement of the TDrawinfir. . t - ! P Prize payable ixty ' fay 'after the compter 'fJJnnjr-'ttfef t9 a deduction f X Prizes pot demanded within Twelve Months from the! date of the last claya Drawing wdl be forfeited to the Wheelt An official list of uic ,seTerais -xrawing wui oe.ionvrucu w each,of itliift jplaces where 'Tickets may be vended .by the authontyj. of the Managers, and also published in the Carolina: Sentinel, printed it this place. V-'J I " , ' j t' Notice; will be given. in one of the "News papers panted in Raleigh Fayetteville, Wil mington and Washington,! and ther.bentinel in this ;pbtce,v of the commencement of the Drawing", and abo of its completion t . . T vWicxsTSCanj be had of the Managers, at the OflSce of ihe CarolinSentinei; and at the Book Store of Mr. S. Hall, in tnis place. Letters addressed to .either of the Managers, with the Cath enclosed, and pottage paid, will be procpUy attended to. h : f vt : ' ' , ' N ATI 11. SMITH, ' WM. S. WEBB ' T.-A." PASTEUR. n 1 . r ; TT.IV S PORCUP;' - Tv sp:arrow.;u J Newbem, March, 182J.; , , . - n" Tickets in the above Lotterv. can also 1 VTtCnr tTTTV YCtTTTA . - . : ; a -r !". .., . . ttm v 4. mil-s jvorth' West from 4MIi, arid st cut 3 L;'rpilea, from 'Cales Vfornierly: Isaac Hun ter's) ' fmllsitdioimng theIand of AhnonA Beyes, ; Burwell Ernies and rclliers ' a!. ; ; " 20 Acres arexleared' the test Veil timbVrer . This tract is of good quality, hd its vichY. to a SaW mill, makes It more : valuable- Dart "r.- - culatly as building tlmbtr his decune scared ' accommoditihgand the Utfe tinqtie'stidnabr ; 'Apply, tpjrcasr Jlvrtts.rUtd: iiills- ' borougii or to ?.v'- : ; -4 V 'fcoSO; SCOTT Who. have,;tbr jale a likely Irp Wctoajs abJOyfcarfrftJ,;,.;' rvovemoert.;, . . -'.59 3t . feet 8'or 10 inches hierh. a tout bony fellow v r. v " ,'v;i: VI jC j 0lVi A TRACT "OF LAND," sontaimr f.b .s.'c xiOOicresJyin'on- tlie-rad, IsadL WaNAvXy' from thi-i Subscriber, oivtl ' liM' 3d inst. arery bright Mulatto nan PmeVT C " JFRR V . Ite is about 24 years of ace.- fivA .i ' v thick lips, high red-cheeks, brown course ' . f iair, wther straight. ? He isataophoiudere v -C ; and rocks as he walks. - - He has a very down- -V cast look, and will be easily cbhfounded it. V closely; questioned. He makes Coarse siibest occasionally. He probably had on" a xlarfc brbwn Tor black ' lomespun Co. ind. Ah'td ' woollen and 'cotton pantaloons, jand ;Carned-( heUded and confined in fcwifurdr jail i I can; not frUesa , Wiiat route h'e.m.ivlmv tatce. ne wUJ pass, for a fce person I rexpect as he is nearly white r h e cbd So before; and called ; . Vunaelf William Thomas.:; r f , -' , f - ; away other clothing, which cannot be particur f larly described. ' 9- v"' . j 'J ; fie 'absconded lastvearj andwts apnre- 4 win give Hie aoove rewaTo to;' any person ; ' that will secure him in jaii a that 1 get hip '. agaiu,: or deliver A tomer u v " 4 ' ' - l JOHN WcADEN- ( , c CatweU -Aw. &&, 1 823. i . . 60-3 V , ( , POSTPONEMENT. 4a - . ; THE WAKRENTON '. Will commence "over the. Warreptop Ccui'i,v ' :Y ' and tontinUefourdava. ' 1 JDav-A SweenstakC One mile: heatoi for three years.oldcoHs ami fillies ITnUapce- $100. Three or more, to make a race. ' : :T tC rThexProprietof pledges himself, t have the. Tract m good order, ?1 Stablts aC Laxier tumisoea tuce iiorscsgratis. '7 : - ROBT. R: JOHNSOJJ, Propr:-t; . ?WarrentonN. C. Sept. 13, 1823. "Tf A BALL will be fumished on th ofthe 2d and 3d daysMlace, by : A ' .; . V . -r7, t-R;R. JOHNSON, Prcprietcr;:' ' .s 2d lay The Jockey Ghib Purse, &QQi fhree nile hejats-Pntre T20. . Uov.if , j hung up at the usual disccHiat. x. i ;r Zt -U v 3d 2ay -The Proprietor' Purse; $2CD- . - - Money hung up--TWanuie heats Entrcr.tc? j. U ' irtAjraA Haridy Xif'nite hc:.t3 " Entrance $25. ' - .; (MV;' . fJTlHE, Subscriber;' Contractor ibr earn !r ' il he United States' Mall between RalelJ :. . . and Newbern;; respectfully, informs tlie Pur lip,' that he, has commenCeil ruhning Gta f : for th accommodation of trayellers ut:ctt J '.7 i Uie fbll0Wng regulations ArriTe at Raleifeb, bVisiliy at 6 ri; Price oE Passage' tHrxmniLO-' J?rurn Raleigh td"Bmithcdf- f trthlelt llejrtl I;; "tichtPaisen vilege taking :age gh:n,f 23 When ''a greater treTht is taken the er wHl be subject to a reasonable chr-rtre "Vf hen" ft does not inteTf?re irk! th- cc 7 v fort of Passengera, the Stageyill reced e "'!, cuuTcjra.iiucv, 4 runu, j-apaiages, uc- t.-y l . left' for this purpose at the', Poet C zf Rajeigh,- and at -the WsxhSctcntllcU - ; , Newbern. ..; - V . " ton Hotel, to-whom Paiserjcrs ,r j tvv sending articles ii the Stae, tJily C .IT menu-; -; -. 5 -' V t 4 hope that -hi endeavors. to . j -rif ,tt. "tY means of tea vellirifr rmtr ... - teave Kaieign ;every Friaayat 6 pvra y. Atriyet Iewberuori-MiSndi at 2 p cl v-v : . ieaye;Newb; b Appncauoni ior conveyance'xo btf iW-i- " - i at Rakish to llr. Jcsiah'Dilliare, r.t iffY- t of jhe Cross ITeys, and at lie vL'cr-tV' seph BeBrEsa. proprietor, of T'.- . -V Eastern part of the State, wi! yhc compere . : edby the;encburagemr.t,h ?ball feA;civo f from thePubUc-.vno eirAinm . ' wanting pp hm part tO-.rei.Vr the' lite J-Cr- thy of such support i'.t: ifit&.St Waynewcir . . ' vdle.thusafTordirjt-;:rcvinv , , a more .expedition c - - - 'Alt yzr.iz to il.z i; tefer c. Tried. ' at. South; than '! r - J r : ...i. t W Y' t ft-IaL. ii v mi niL.1 i.Er:j Agists i. iu if i Hict i 1 in ns.w s -v : -- - - - r m V 1 s.w.t Mj- tefundiYpTtToa'etiirTjanyje'resQm 1corrpnyiheresplutwththe&Uo . r - "t.::.:;.; tV j - Ml-