7 7 sEa'tf fiS :f -f :1q r y I fret wAifeWrnf I M H',fj,r.7i I f J? cCWinR,ma$ixifliu2 .1 SRCcSrr iTJhat iio person .who shall deny' the taine o'r Goir, bcmiakeiimw uX inoiiths ticxi before i to vote ior h mcmurr ui uic pfjrti.v i r .. .. ': : ' TT'Inif.n! I frex'mhitJ! ir&ii a fJ the ace xif 7 fnu sout officers so appoint- m he day of elcqtiori, shall. lie entitled btwrrmbsioned fy ihe Gbvern: f stablisliiticht anVjbri S StmW twcl tno vebe mplealfe'atte hv wtiiclr lie reidest X" Zfr " Vll J te;- Jv jl ri Ahe mainle miriiiitrvi ethtitrarv tn ..o tiU. - v"t .nzM 7?r' -wr ' V j !iai tie urueyes .rpgni,- or n a yoi uniaruy , any-. personally v,eii- i ueu iu at n omiji nerci n itit Dreacliers ot treasona-i . . . . .. . . . . : . ... . . al trial and pun isliment. ; StateiBliallhold tnbre r than ne lncrati ve office, atahy one. time : Irovided that rio anpointr oancies.; - 7- 7; .v. 4 -7:, ., 1 7 :-a 2 i-. 4 J ""'7-'7:v; 47:7 -v, I -i7-, , rt7J i -,i ' . -- 777W " -7-v -7 :J V .'.d V'.1 ' . - (liousc, before they pass inio las. ors or uptn nouses. , -M S Si fThat eve 1ir .hf tt.Sciiate .or: House "of WiiaTeri ' or- apiMiuitecl to I A it, v 11.1 ilnvprn VmiV bmcc pr place of trust, before ;tafcing his seat, or entering ani bear test and be signed by fkhefCle v 4uit . w iimuMiuBwj Vwrw. mvi prelum i) 110 1) 01 irauu. an;tii uui ue cunnneu in nnsuu, auer uc- jfiGoi byjopifbalioi of both JIo StpC - ;Htaiui owii a?iJ: po5in tte S(atevafreemd tfyKi&M youth; with f c&M;lmUfa noptrsqnishaU be uih salaried Ifo the mastersi uaifi bv !tlie nublicV as inav enable ilnl v ftrineiiracred and nronfoted. in 'one Or more universities aiiali bcfcei.b liy him pas j bcxasibn i4 feEc. :?$61 Thatithe iutureXegislaiur o this State shall re- may; ramire ;anr8n a nat luo-JLeuiaraiiun oi iniguis m uereoy ucciarcu to uonsuiuuon oi piia aiaie. anu ougm never 10 anv nretehce whafeVeH'U-- 'jyccss of ithe - feEc. a i That any member pf either House of General As- lemMiarlie p hly shall have liberV 4lis , ottviovip "UYcruor lur uic wiic ucih simii ac iuwcr jiiy act or resolve, wniciT ne may tninic injurious TvO xne puouc, Mo tlrair lbraa apply micsums or money as snail De votea oy i pr any individual, and have the reason of his dissent entered h r i OciiSralimm "fcwritf be ac noWer f CTantitic the iiro-lkhl! nin&f!: ntioii niihllc huKinrs. utiiiikm'atAnt of all the wcution;jm menibei of buch house i iahalKbthcw moiort made; and seconds miw repricvo wivu tiienuHi atiiiiigr U4 ) 111,3 WMv fKiuu j , tioit, sirair-ue.taKcn anqjejixereui on tn,e journals :; Anu iuauin torgd Johntfoii and" 'rjc -'w .MoViv'-- Bcavfrirt SenaiW$jJVashmgt6 md (hi8loic$w8 nalor i Cohimbiis and Robtsari one Senntor j .and- BtMtoj Ihiplik ) shall be hHttelnd tht ruxA ' 7,0- . i-v v 7. 7i,"j747 ''7-''' fe-i'V ?,7r. !7 ';'r- '..; '. P -f' f y - jjLuWic or ' jiepvescTt iaivccs Sfiut-t -when sitting Jbr Hk&pii$e$ithe shall heori oath oiK " rence of twthirds-ffifferiemft peach mmt judgment' h sttcH cases iliall not extend fitr- iner jnan remavat jrom amcei anw atiqiiaimcation to nolo. anu office of honour trustor 7rro fit under this &tnt rand tti&ttdrtil! wi&z(:uiie7Uy iriui,?anty;piini8nmenv, iu qonung ip law, (: . . mii.iv umvvrs now jilting aiiymc& vrMVpmni: exercise .or xjib nnaxs ana a&s Kdv e Mie sole? Senate and merit AshaU continue tn the tie's of ph eir respective offices fca now vu taiu auworizea unless on xms conwiivimomt is of- itierms&fareet& f XJlric dWldwsriip -tMMkf making the several amcndniejits to the coifStiiuUon f cna wnzem are iivi mcgnsisieninereimm z uH TtirazSfTCCiionSm prosecutions, ciairns t ana contracts, - oj any .lesciijnan shall continue as if the said amendments had noMheett oeg. uizy qj Mateigtiisnau ,pt? mePyoj y.- hfydihgjthe the placed qf residkn&qf tVeycliiecerls itfffitiia$e? id, j0 J3ilir thai purpose, 8pe&fy$ Hons intended to 'tiBymtuls 1 t flyrwM.w!iHw-v. wiwiww t' v. wwifcMrvv, 1 uuiLitCiicu, ui lcuci ,vu uttii snivel jwi..vr . fAiiJ Xiit case of hisdeaihi abMtii of msimceirom tne otate xherihithlte:faUrkt& -i a n w Wlmp& iWrioJtie hMtWhwMk Juijmer taj sucn vacancy grant the next icensits w rotheans times in th e House of Item time? iiiffiej$enatey wheiimiv such Bill sli th&fsiim I sfiatit&vuMish& toilieMi&rt shaUlbkagrle yxwp-thirds vfeachtflq W the a three Separate' dawfi in eacJ the samt;chafy i W ri'MX 7 iIYf VI I Vi l UVll : . f - -: - . P.- :; f i - V 1 . I i . t . 1 i : f 7 Jjr i poac pairs wmca arc ji am ocut uo xae ,y , 7 J J I Mr. 4011a A. Cameron, a dweate froin yumberlana? cpuntr: ip. ; i amendnienis to the! Conatitutioii as miy be thouMit f?eiuiible, 1 1 da : y ; ? j 'hrtft A:-7 1 St. f ' VTOr;;-: : a Repor which beiiig read ordered, to be tne , i;onmtunon as proposea to oe amcnucu 7 t ".VV. 7- - Metiourned .tillvfr VII .7 otion,; ;the FRIDAY, KOV, .-.-.rJiT.-s't1 -.- -." Mr. Pandas, pjbjtea p-tomi: ) 1 :. 'i.mr -- .. ' . t 1-1 -'TV ' H ;".' T7'' 7 Hi4-", l1? 1