I lv-: .-f-.?:.--v"; 7i?--V:i-' !-J;:,rY T'- -iO :-' " - v ' - r-ii'si '. i ' iii.. u'.r-;. 'ir- -?fH--vwV- r; ,vr rr ; 1;-.. -.---'.' itecMrp j possess Jlmt JiiBiMJ) fhe Wlbw- frcin tow'fdrf ihembers sT vouli le ctoi and.weredn? pert ftawn towns, Hbat they should be inen who e Kidjt, ttat DwTica ftt least ouu acre at iwwt $ ana nu vijc 44 eldv m -the ofj Rleigh'ii the of thVproceeiiis tttii'4'fCdnvcntiori farrthc-bcncfitpfthdl Institution will: be ingpaptfSCf- ' eiMi by the Je pilaifesia i 1 ; 'MSES MWSM espatch i- i uCvr-i ! and vmarchcavacainsi the; left i wf mmmrWM ffp?M" jmsp hmentllOpOID Wtamith; mediation: gTaildt 1 11 M 1 jafptxitfetirj of Sepf 26y: statfes .ff a Cjpefnrcti t&e maad r at rassagc jbadje&mbty air . .i-r -m - y : 1 -. t I i f r ?f3 : Tr Randolph Coutrty. r " rpHt ; case heing"' teferre ' to; ijie, the wb i JL deaiffned, to take an cclount, and report jo thfe next CojNq pRrtfes concerned! thxt I shah prdoeed totale the ,?noyt "oh the first Montlay in February n ex, Tit rthe Clerk ;4;MASterbffice;ih;tlie lXpersons IhdeMejciJta Ihe late: Jinn; of ininedUte rvavment to-ther subscriber.lWho niay beTonnd "at all hours of thay at the house of Wilftiro Shaw;f Pt-":- N. B.I Oh . the first cf December v jshall place ; oil 1 opeiiwmnts. w for -collectioil Pctober2, ! J-.'v. iw-HillAJ ...:iiV..J ' ''YiixwHVFl I ' Si I Woiinded. ' ' 'Gee, Riego isitakenpri8bn- Xifiiid loxf Sale. .--4- .,,-r:r -'i-T il r-fe orohosed tliSt nohe but, free white ciu-1 Pott nin nraV.fW: mik ;W-Tto Mnr. ' I 'j -1- : -7'-,'-' -v .. 7 -J " .-- - rrii.i'r i - ; . -"-rjp - iriiiiirivr-iii ltir- iiiucnxsfrj i r u-, r and hra familyiafled ilthe head-quartersf theDuke d'Anjiou-1!' Nov. 15. t j ISw v : tjf the Gtno- renciera tnareniiwns mmm n.ti. iri hiT m, rm.mo. branch I f ; -ni?a the Amen f lUft, Jmmi 5d th rkmiTtj- halt tWt I Imv rth -4'AivinnKi'iwwMxin.. fit OibraIt?ir papers ai) letters, i to Jtlie To 4 rssetl ofi tfertJUTi fppphnl' or. rprmtp? to 1 5?i ol October. ; atiatnl numermis arhr.left A I.RASE for five vesrs will.be mrenfor & V ; Aote; -He;haweeivtio; objeotoi tothe confirmatory j of ;meabbve important EleVeirHujidrd Acwii'p-iUnd;ij6iifel u Mr. Jiirnton observed,' that there mnon 4v fc- t i , i Ji?; i t .: r' .'.-v;' Land hes on the ?hanks JoCtheNeuse, and on- v . it ? ttcasitv fat the imeridttjen in relatbn to fd-1 "yw. - : , 'x A: i r U v liv ten miles from Kaleisrhi" The soiLis well inIprners as a Senator is 'recTtiredtthoId 300 i. uteres pi -una iu 4 icc G IBSALTAR SfiTi 3.i--SemiK)fiicial I a'dapted : to the growth lof Cor.and Cotton. Mr. iitngviM moved l . , -:l 3 I wjucii no aaen couj 1 accounts irom ot-jiarr announce, tna 1 lt- v U1 uc ur an caccjwuv icncc. a - ow i-- '.''tji-'' I Ti-.SiwTfv JJfcn VtmiiijrkfiaAvA I nouseai Overseer house, anq eero ou- ;-it-' ;- tatmjttrf&evahxeof "? v' ". I eon fj:- ffc .1.. P vM J i-! prmleges of the Siibscriber.-'V : - -i .Ylucttttbesnfipl agreed to:UrljrtUtamonn an. naio 4h -et1f Sw; 1 ;i . .v . i 1 11 v. j! SARAH STONE. 1: . r.,i-:,- tenea on the other side of the nyer. 1 1 tion fcnAwn bv tb ))ami o noKioT on the Bfcp. 8;i-lT1ift jiffisirftnrthff Krianish t Roanoke, in the cotirity of Bertie. JThis not wish to deprlyjfc ci-1 Ylnnfiitinrtnllaf a am nVarlv rlnM. Ind is too well known! tp require Any parti f iarsrer suni, as he did not wi .-Vr:.t ;,- --.H2ie.ua ox smaii estate 'irom a seat in tne ger itn,- -ixj utTjx ,-V -,;-if--vatev . , T ' - ' 1 .1 ' ,1 J. ' 7. . . , r, , 1 1 may apply to the. Rev.i MOSES GItLIAMJ - W- m- Fisher was in'favor of fiffinjr -the! "blank IV CI oanu rem, ana ine 'isle I near Windsor. ' . :t H 8. S. ... . .... ' !,..., , . I W - : . I . ! 1 1.1 . . I tritii asmanesr sum. lie jUia";notrjDinsider i -.tjuwduj anu are nwiui vraconp.ence k ; whM w the value of lan a jivbwu ...atut vu . v1,'' i pieces oi cannon. ,f dollar an acre would be a more 'correct est-1 t,sr!J Wheiv sa,4hs weJ e TLt , VJ,; "DETUHNS his thanks vo his friends and ;T iee hjbngtwoqttalit:catitm.fwe-tottfin .T-14 -the .public ai Boot anr) Shoe Maker, lamiiy 1 them! that he is nrrared to I execute all oiv , ine j snpnesi notice. as superior and Materials the pimIoo ?4va1 best that can he nrocired an iPhtlsidmhiAl I, icres'mlh tlie same sum. We have already a-na: J i " i xlhe flatters himself thafesome bJs s old friends - . . - m m m m m ms m- m m bk . m m m m w m u u m m . m m m m m mm ml j w mmm m m m. m . ' i . r . i Ln : . - jr. :ana ot tnrvame ot ysu, snail vote tor a Sena-1 f","-. . r."-"-0 Fw-Yr-j J Nov, 17. : , T ,rf -y 1 'Iwj 1 3t .- i :. -.,.-.' til .x,.-..-; 1'e, vafiie k3 ikcfly equal ai practicable ;r arid I tllC King of Spain ; - 00, min-htbe aSreir bountrv in the Senate as r' ; ;?foT.' lie wished hereto observe the cril?:"" Uadiz canitulated betbrri thOwm-. Jilt the miblic in e-erieral that km account of flnuciKtn oezvi ecn mcmuers or tne Denaxe ana !'-. . . .- - . . i 4i v . i . . ' -. " .i - - - . . - , esnf the House of Commons, niejr -exe intended to represent the landed -,:--.-i much lower than he h&s-bee!nTh the habit of doing-, for ready tnorieV, as cash, is the -object TL-rtmrt of n Irtter. "T , " tiiaa aitab, Oct.- We have important 0f W1 mcchanicsV He has f emnloved frbod i oota parues can urc; agxeez therst stylet I $5 00 6 00 500 4 00 3 ,00 100 to 1 25 ing of Coats, Sec. 73 cents, Vest 25 cents; Pantaloons 25 ceaita..- and if hot pleasmer him-he will be paid for, his cloth. - j The cash'wiptie fcqnired in all cases iixiiii punctual cmiuufrs. . : ;;- Raleigh; Novl7--::l-t ;irT rr -TT t v I ai at iary was in ecstacy. i ne. King was I A, Dress Coat made in r-f -: wjIXT v vil" I ieine ana-tne ael niantaao, rresiaent i Surtbuts or frocks in the first stylel -- H4 4o of the Itegency,rwith CTeryY demonstration" of Secondoualitr -. K i - if1felMf22J Hoferi.cois,::;:; ;:-f-; f If i1 lcrt,fc, i Hf1 saiaV-emigrate,,tO avoMassassmoUon or per- pantaobnsV ' - 1 I I IF "w i5? w- a Z"L lii r .vl-: r7"I iuc reucn- wiu aaipwnejn an Vest..U liwT?" wttr,. v'? '"f I asynim on hoard then' fleet. The noyali&tsl cutt 1 . -.j-?-'. v-i "iH . - t k.xx 011 upoe, uci hjvc ej.j&xud v .mcu.cxiy e s P?tib ,scnator shall rhappy men, in tWs state of thirnri are the in TtrJo?3'3(ipcres'ot Ua W toWxi property I f atuated -Prench oulWa ahd "emieTants. whb q sth j,0f fiPPa.-' v:v 1 have taken;i very actlre part in tJWiKJPcleBsrtftP subscribed --Stirigrawef ofije4;the(royisio. bertft? 1-ar-, f-- ? 1 ? r 11 : X I JL Public that.: beW aeent siioDlvihe V5nfd topersonalrTirt&in tbwns : he wished Almo eveVv man o Vaccine Matter to th United Statea Army, tb Jeil hd -who; haS liadWac-1 He is compelled ttjkleepr constantirdnAand' I " lldSO f Undhewild the trrwPuhl end with theam- the United States lrmail.4t supply pfr 1 , r If iM!33 kd .rOOtliouA paiffn. and that there wai ; not 'the smallest Lfettv:i 1 ' -mVht he Jf!s m auantitv. he wouldbe eauaji .noo n,'.nV .ilKrMr An i iW1ninrrkitta ,ta N!irK AmnmpntfilraTft that imi&.&tit Amtcejcruttr procur- eaa4d-toWtnberof acres: than 30p; fly to America or England, It "is , calculated pThV fee will be f5iorch supply, but ; r thoujrli rt wsgkt be worth $6000. ; He hope I-that nine-tenthn of thft SnanUh tjeonle. ihclii-1 should it bv anv accident fail, -pn the sub. XV i11?3 ? Pl-fe dingthe'peasauh ''H an of things es sent witnout wHPi njeno i pat down by the sword." ItUa, thought that I receivea, .a trean supply .win .oe t , ixiriiyijjw jrom um- neitjier despotisnt nor tie InquiMtioh-wiHbe any aaamonai cnarjre, . ir'-Aptr..;- V. berianfl JTpropoation cd not be con- reestablished m Spaing and thati$idinind r)The;subsber;ll beundcrthe neces- . fi&xt&P jnftg on the right aa pre- advised to give a Constitution wortihy tjr of hottalng letter .iroimtjid Post Office Vent etofed ajr an ; extension-, of-that the TtietermsKrant upl th fiostagepaid.i iii ; IvtfPi? not yetfiwar K f ; JOHKKVEREM t r l5 by 'Brieovriiraent tita' had anr'agenirttlie- .Agentibrppring-Vaccme Matter 1 1tsfritn44re. NoirtW Charles SK jv l-9t. S a A" :tifiPt hare bronght the uhimktmn, did -nSt arrive 3vhaejct! that quantity. oUndf bat possess -if-'- i - KTTN obedjence to Ja vdecree of the Court o 11 Eoaktr for Guilford - Corintvl mad in- s suit wherern the Executorai of Sterhnr Ruf. firt dee'dV- are 'Complainanta and Samuel Hobsoiy is detendant,t i shall expose to puo I f w ,p Estate oa'iijaere. present pan-1 vT. A Trp ijrtTlf i?KftT WKn ;nS20.00a!ifemave 1300 1 . lijc ieEgmltihe I 'L- itA:.i rKAl;'-TkA.fSrt.'-siiiilinir .ahiri Mentor. !Cant; 1 .TTrL.ljri WV WWi VIMllliMVITVIVil . W-XaSk. U1C 1 . mm.'mmmmw,- -mm. wm mm m, a.-- a- . i ' . W r -T . W M prMtoonaii Thonipsoii, arrived at thia rt)rlonBati llcJf? Hp?!SrSS pebnthatSaayi gsareapId,rso f "i Si pixvi-tftikdaatfn tv know, bTJieemTalsfrtni Gibraltar. A -OTJ, wnMSONh v - ..utfS'-,w -h- - 7 ,; t. i iiiii i i L i" " i ii i .... - --- - mmm pl" ' 1 ",,,-Ift" " -I Stat 6 trt KoTQiiCarolmat K. H. vnili the first number of our semx-week- j' paterV and as it i tue 'first attempt to exjtentl a Journal.ip ttria State! o more than once a- "Week, we can-only aiiecess to i ifoTroniltfe'appar nccessi free consi 4000 at one-Re?rreselitatii-c firr nate . atJOjOOOf tthenth hext ;ns nall taj mtnein prarjCWoiSclD: is proposed tnat -thsessiopbfi! J-er slatuf'enSjiioi'ei anhu-TMidihe Gouhetl )QE$plac rj inhnwits tojqffiefii lujthe&t tr; nor-lho Is t jnpp anntp;tfts.; $ity of Raleigh ij? e ai wera C ble. SeatfbfGoyei ' j The: present Constitullon ijfi' ed are published in ptoiMlel fitiz, '-z ti'&r: V-L.lil il.. Tl- Zj.l'iTi -'i.'- ..'it.- may pe nau at tne K$gupuic.e v 4 In 8)nie3 the fir copies ,f ith'i: pamphle, Itiieollowing oinUsic;;vc made in the 4Sd etioifCetheA?oru-- 5th ' line f a istncta lor this purpose; hen;4istriA8haiibe; eomposetl'of rrJcoumie jarmca ; Oixoxinues onxiguousro eaca Mito in the- er b convenient tTKtor jsucn a pnoncauon A press has been iil klb countries, iaVe 'cniakeh, or an enumeration of 7 aereu as me pai aamm 01 iauonai inhabifants under the uth rkv rf th( ajroverninents, 1 IbertjJ; vlnall despotn nolitifhl rlisr.ussions mi a form, 1 Jin-ohlb the useful:: and - important;' elfects of Nevvsprs t condu and mwleration ii';i"ifeceM tfiele';rtt:bu?fe iriur 'rll extended countryj who have not reaped benarfit, and acquired knowledge from these, penoaicai recorqa ; 01 passing events. L'Y-. , -.. k:4s- l If it be true,' as a celebraf el writer says, that .men gencraUji ; are compell ed r to 'sieatri not delibratel j iakf a khowledgb pf the world as it goes, then are these 'f rolios oliiourpages'oumy valuable, as thej furnish; a, cheap and summary mode of obtaining information of all domestic and foreign transactiQns. There is no medium of cirfculating Hpw - ledg'opihi-'or mformation so rapid iy -ana soi enectuaiij ;t. usuirugii ; jjuue Press. $ ' Tune voice thte, State Xegis latures and of Congress isheard by , the people; through these orcaris of commu- nicaxion. i 11 nas iucea viuiouiy :-fe.YeseT5laj; beirig,tlie day fixediby littV ior'thetannu'al.nieeU flnternat Ihiprbvemenrspp this -Statej they convened ccopf 1 nlvp :f rcentt- his Exceijecy;the vjwrnov t" dent of tlfe, Board, D. Cameron Mpnt , ; -fort SiokesV Duranl Jlatci'om' Turner - and Jbii n I).1 Haw liih?-,f Esqr y Directors.; . " - ; :". : TheCanal CpnvfAtion cf Delegate ; which metj.tWashin op thfcj; v 6th instant,! iuoirned on; the Sfhafte j aniendin'vlanuVjadoph i'ercer'-1-. Reporter The name -of (ae , proposed : I Company is changed -from- the Uniop Canal," to that oT?i ra marked ithat public mfen would re say tessiwere there ;no Vehicles to convey their observations to tae paople. Jpe it so-it Is at the same time a proof that they are holiest towards Itherr constitu ents,1- sincetheyseek -not to disguisje ..-' - 7- ' "1. - J f .11- !' t ' i ' T,neir senaments irom;,xnem. i Beiievihg as we do, thatitie liberty and prosperity of our con ntry are cop nected withfre;enquiry, j liberal dis cussion and a. jgeheral "dissemination p whateverf relates pphti cally tp4he Gov " efnment and the Constitution, we, can7 pot but bene vcihat the increasing taste for periodical works and their conse- duent inultiplicationV arfc favorably to tjiei perpetuation ofteE) uecuuub ; 1 1 principle? " of & Th(Xegislature4of this Stat0 cbnfen- ed in, this city yestercjay and la VI majontyoi tne menioersj ueiug present SothHpuses were orsized.- ,Barilett Yancejv Esql alected Bpeaker jpf the benate, and Alfred Moore, iSsq. Speaker) of tHei Jlpuic of : Commons. The foiroerwithmTp ter by 1 tz Votesbftran tes-ere:65;janH::54.1r ol(l Clerks Legialafajrje shall have iptefy ched r Apt! imtil 'the takinc bfthe census, or an r-; ) numeraxion as-aioresaiu, me ouuo unai fci.' t- .1 1 -K' .--.-.-r- -:: i - - h-..,. : ue aiviaea lntor; cc j r ) , ; I , TWe hearda iew daysjEb, that th Steamboat, North -Grfolinr ncomij ul) beiweexi FaytfeviU'rrV'Wifm!' on, nkdlrun foul -of a Vsn: ,il .tutii..j ' with a valuable, cargo ofdryiw)dspJi bioard but we .have since ' been grati- fie:to;4rhVithattJ ; ithv.ih : accident Jrntwi ceivedt andininju wW bablvVfiftv' dollariwill Tepair IV 151 - . , - The Cape-Fear BeeinWefipnntcd at v 1 jVymington ;has comcjut deciddly' V j ;on vtKjJw lowinlc is air extracVirom the remaVks-r I contained in the' last Recorder oa" the Subject:4';. -t . l. V ;!;1'; , 1 j ; We - sh&uld hardly suppose i tout readet1 V 1 would expect to be presented with any othel J . name, fron ajm6ng the present candidate?, or J ' indeed any other that might -offer that ii hf mmm B Crawfird. rTbontmversy: C has -not passed by us unobserved, an4 the mi i rits'of.tAp'.cadiaateas by the;diJ j ; We liave gathered nothing from ;the discu5 f. , sion that could Prevail witH tis to alter iirfo- i i uldi) pinion, long sigce established; and founded t;n ahdpoqrlceepers 4 wefeapjinted.: s The CoTurentlon : held in this city Jast week br the purpose' of agfeihg upon sucH amendments as they deemed ne cessary to the Constitution of the State, lirought jthelrbusiness toa close inthe afternoon of Saturday ; after which tliey partook of .a public Dinner provided by Mr Gbneke, to which tHey Were irivit ed by th citizens. Coli Polkf assisted by CoL 3. Hawkirisi peier Brqwne Wni;hljovJan,-Bs4rs jpreaidetL; f A number of patriotic, toasts -were given, and the meeting; was . 4nteriaineUi by songs From the company ; and music from Mr. Gonker-so mat theenJng T?ras peni T:grM,iiviviauyi ana riaimuuy. serious enquiry. ana renecucn, ; I v i;:'; - 'A-1 -." iij.iuiucut.ct uiv i vim. v k.uk tea - . - v. : rnor otthafc j State, bvej- Miu I albot Uie t f can ;Troup is didatelpy a ricnrity onites i J ami' that out. of the 166 membersiiofbqth Houses of Iheegislatu appb$itiohi couio; not ' oe ootaineu to M R CftAWFonp for theVPrideiicjJ iiiirii ' " - '- ' ' ii rm Z: lJ '&m i i fE!ffNSYLVAiA.--r 1 1 guDemaiorci contest in this State,, which has -just j'er-' niajpnityoj reirded a the foil triumpli of the Itu v-,' publican pyd, orulai nbniini. tiona mm i '.. The lbllowing persons have died within few Weeks in Gates Countv. ifi thii State - . Mr..llicajah:Ri4dick'aged 58 ; jaxnes Git-': -' img,. fcsq. f jar. John tDuie', lIr"Jamc Pruden-; Mr. r Isaac Lamb Mr. Oc ray Coi - t lanu, ana jut. VYin.jUrouiers,au rari&drkuccd as ntith?it ntivialitiand litf jfe;Asblfajj& retor&l 1 rmony.: 1 1