"AH V - i m A: I - - tf s 1 if . '1 : .t4 like orient pearbatwridom strung. JfVem fte London Jti&erary . .-..'V J' s'- - I ( -OTHE DEAD MOTHR.a miwoul Persons Vif herjand &dld. , -th t JC. Whyi father she sfiUakens ft this ' " your mother's dead mjr child. . K' C.' -' ' f. sAnd what is dead :.'4"yLrvhe be dead, way tnen . us 91U7 sic v-V-. ilScj; I ,n sure .sleeps. Come;,, f5-;-';- rise. " ' r ' ;. h- XleVtoidis Very cold '4 ;t ; ' " P. " Her heart is cold; her limbs xe bloodlcsv would that mine were so ! r: c.i If she would waJten she -would, soon Whv is she wrapt in thia thin' sheet ? If I' " ; This winter morning were not covered better, 1 1 snouia oe cova ufcur, - : , -, - t . ,J No--not Jike her, 1 the fire '.. 4 v,.iitmt warm vou. or uuct ciomes. dui ner Kqthing'can warm agaih l l'A ' , ''i:V?2 ' ;X.C a' r If IrCOuHwakeiier,-H "x. h? would sxnjle on me as she always does, dldss me. jH.otner, - you; have . slept too -- z ' ' inntr. ler fae is pa!e and it would frighten tne ; - Jput tliat I know .she loves me. :-; - :' : hiT.( : ; ,Come niy :Child. - ; ; j . , . C C)nce, when sat upon her lap, I felt -'A beatuic-'at her side, and then she said " It was h,er heart that-beatj; and isade me feel " -fi Tor mv own heart, and they both beat alike, 'i ' Only mine was the quickest,-!-And I feel '. 3Jy own heart yet, but her I cannot -feel. . I'. Child t child ! you drive me mad ' Come hence. I say. ' . : v' ; ONayatheJV be not arigpy J jlet me stay Teretul my motner wakens, t- i y: . . . . ; ' -.T.r'' '' " . I have told you," r Tour mother cannot wake, not in this world, "But in another she will awake for us, . - JWhen we have slept like her, then hall we " ..CJy; ' ' Would it werenight then ! F. "; " ; : J I No unhappy child ! "VmM many . night shaD pais, ere thou can'st . '; sleep . .- hat iastIonj sleep Thy father soon shall Tnenthou wilt be deserted upon the earth s : - None will regard thee : thou wUt jbon forget i That tnou badst natural ties an orphan lone, - .Abandoned to the wiles of wicked men, ? , I And woman still more wicked, i 1 C.-:': w : - '. Father ! rather ! .. , Why do you look so terribly upon me. You will not hurt me. '':-P;V :V;.; Hurt thee, darlmg ? No ! jHas sorrow's violence so much Of anger, - - That it should fright my boy ? Come, dear- , . w r - .. - .1 -I ':7'i-v;C.yottiaKS; not angTy then ? ' , " I F. Too well I love you. I ' ' '. ' C All you hay e said I cannot now remem- - --;;ber,: i ' ':' 5or what it meant yon terrified me so, ; utthis I know you told me I must sleep - !Bcfore,my mother wakes so, to-morrow P Father I that to-morrow were but come ! 4 llCTlff Sale. " , The frill owing is Iit of Lands to i ne soitt i inc vnurtnouse mw aoeg : i:' ' hormih- in thd conntv of Anann. J!" ' T 7-7 J for fve 'Taxes due. ,fhreoh for the &2$f ' Jl and : 1822. . Sale to com. 2cnan; Monday the: 9fji ,t day of : ;w a." i uni w iirii aiiii l.iiuliii ur uiilii all. shall be sold, or tax paid : -V Alien urayiw acres on uuie xune s creen TloRea Liitle 200 t db Little Brown creek John S wenk -? 34 do - , ' -do ' ; IVrn Carpenter, jr -49 acres on Brown creek Willie Jones T5 acres on Gold's Fork" AIlenfcT)elaid 550 acres on Buffaloe creek f V. John fcefscey 200 do da do , . JR; G. Lyhcti 250 do . do ' -do W.'-pan's ' fcstate 857 acres on. Jones's creek .i Sol.,Etheride 175 acres on Deadfall branch 'Jesse Jaxon 794 acres on .Thompson's creek Wm. Hickett's 100 acres ori waters of Jones' no Ashcroft 285 acres on .Lain's creek . Barid Medow 395 acres Ion' the waters of - J noropson s creek .. r v , ' Hettvy i Wjardl X) acres) oh the waters of tjTiiompsoncreeK-; ir.!.-.-;.---; r,-:s..' i 1-ivid IFeldreath 150 acres on the waters of . ' '- Pedce river . . ;7' . i:r-" ; 'l ' "Philip ilutchmson 192 acres on Standback -'V- i-;4erry road . j . trfnjj Rebicke'e 100 acres J on Pedee rirer ? ' vosA i 1 . . 'Walter ttoss 200 acres on Pedee rirer Jne: Bailey 125 acres on Joness creek " James Brooks, 90' do do Ciiarle Gethinp's 250 do John Heldreh 133 do Jones Howard 130 do Daniel M'Rae; sr. 300 do do do do fdo Atjni? lfJ' do do' ilavkl Heltlreth, sr; 175 do; ; on the waters of Jones's creek' Charles Prichard 106 do. on the wafers of - Jones's creek: ;. : : i ' . Jamesrhomas 308 acres pn 'Smith's creek. , J te ph Bog-jsn 235 acres oh Gold fork creek Ifiehmond G. Daritlson 500 acresvon Lit tie Brown creekV-:;"'V: - 7 ' BichmOnd .G. Dayidsen a House and Lot in swaaesoorougn ; ' v :v. Henry Hubbard 100 acres on Grindstone crk Keason Rickett's 23Q acres on Jones's crek Ileason Rickets for 7 Bejhe well Talton . 100 acres on Jones's crek ' I '--'f: Obcd H.Xenkloe 150 acres on the waters ofi Ky. t;J-:i JonesVcreek v : " rlSmanuel .Seal, 487 acres cjiWadesboro road ft Bilte? Heirs J acres oh Cedar creek, y John J; Scroter 162 aces on Jones's creek: : V " John Stokes's heir 100 acres on tjfe waters ; of Jones's creek on Wadesbofo' road John Evanses heirs 60 acres; on the waters of j . r; llxchardson's creek. , .; : ''.-: Isaao Baker 200 acres on Crib'a creek John M'Kae (Ta.) 500 acres cm'Hichardson's ;.y. '. .v cree'kT ' v;''i"' .'.- -h ( jasepn jawers mo acres on wadesborer road 'creek: ; r";:i -V''v-; :V T v J. MEDLUY. Sheriff. isbonx IToT.th, 1824-i 60-t. Istet A xFEW conita of: 'Hie ANtCTAl W AW; REGISTER or thr UKIT ED STATES, Vots.. 5d; & 4th: (Royal 8voi Pge 1452.) eontaihinsr State Law Sift Rlaf;ripr; Eq. Counsellor -at Iiaw,' and ate one- qf the Judra ofthe Ciirait Conrt ot the Uni Bci States, ft5rthci third Circulg; Price I $55 -'3rpitimfvi.:r;ir;vrt1, t':i j ;:- . f This drhrinal and ectensiVe worlc, con tain afnll View of the laws, aHd 'pecnli ar Regulations in iacH of the 24 states, necessary to be known , to gentlemen' of he BarJod, Ettiye Office Con rey anenprs : -CreUura: Merchant t,4 Lahd holders; and, nther Citiaens throughout the United Stntes. r".;. t-: ;:. .. 1 The pigests beine: compiled from com- rnnnjcAtibns.in; '''WrStSna;.Hcch1ym'iosfe. etW by eminent lurists and; Prijfessors of Iaw for th express fnirpose fgving.a practical aTJd accurnte account; dfftwn from tn yactnalV survey of their existing odeB, of ibe rnost important lejsat ro yjsions :'an'd jiirHbcai'iristittions jnthetr respectjye Staies'i showine: in -what res pects tfiey aereW with ' the statute and cornmohilaw, of , England, and exhibiting trie variance wmch existi)etyeen the statute law' and' lk:al xeuiatiois of the different states; . together with' a -great body o f m ir ell aneous rp att efk con h ec t ed itti4hjunrulence of each state ; the whole iinenWd ; to convey to theBr, to Judges Eeciilive 'tOnlcrrsCon cjersi antV Citizens ofthe Uv States what ever is deemed esVehtial to be understood by thenX in resject not only of jt heir own fwrticufar law, on many important heads of it, but of ill . those ; p rp visions'in every other.tate ofthe Union, adjoining or more Wore remote .necessary tn be fufiy known in order? to seeurts pronertv and under stand the rights' 'of persons in such, other ies isv cegara to real or personal estate, howerer circumstanced - - , ; ' V Amoi the inuroerous otfif r important ifijecisi treated of in these Volumes, the nihnnet of executing W ills. Conye v ances, Rtoff phages, and other securites. in the different States t together with special di rections -and fornix to be followed under all circumstances, whether made within or wiihoutthe State, in order to their va- liity, are amply disenssed and exhibited. iThe close investigation of so tnany lays as; exist' inach state on these heads, and the necessity of precisevinstructions and well considered precedents; imposed a proaigtous laDour apfn every gentleman concerned tn tnis work. Few persons except Lawyers and .Conveyancers, can Cdm prehei.d . th e di fii cu 1 ties which m u t h4ve been encountered, on this" article a lohe, and appreciate the value of Its perf jortoance, in every state ot tne union iTht fbllowinc is ah AlnhabetiCat table ofi the general title s", under which the information eontained iri these vilumea is distributed.' They imperfectly, neverthe less, indicate the extensive range of par- rteuiars included, which can oniy ,do,od : ajned from Inspection j J i Titles, of State Law and Itesmationg. Administration. ' Aliens. Alhivion. - At? tafchment. -.1 Attornies and Counsellors. RaH. Baron and Fethe Bastards, "pills of !Ex change. , Bonk Accounts. Chance ry) Decrees in. Choses in actidrf. Con veyances. Courts (U.' States.) Courts ( Stated CurtesyVt- Descents. Uistriba- . idn. Divorce. Dower.V -.English Law Bfoks. Entails. Estates tor life Fish ery. Fraudsstatute of. Fraudulent C0I1 vevances - Guardianship Interest Insolvent Estates. ! Insolvent La'-v. Joiht- tehants. Judgments ahd Executions. Landlord and: Tenant. Lands Public. Iiwi. Law. Boftksi Law. Associations. Limitations. . Leglture -meeting of. Letters of Attorney. Payment ot Debts by; Executorsf' &c. Promissory Notes; K.0ies ;or VOurt.- 7aiaries. oeais. ocai ofJCiovernment. Set-off. State! Officers. Taxes.' U. States Officers; Uses and TirustsVv UsuryAWills, ! ; ; opinions. jjTfle Editor iu .subjoining the following ofmiona of the execution of this depart- .ijnt ot the law j uegister, nopes to pe riquittedV froiTt thte imputation of censura b1 egotism, from any quarter : certain he (eflsHhat those whdare acquainted with" him, will not draw this inference Indeed be can make no pretension to any person al! merit be$id that of having Jobtained," with imfefatigable perseverance emplby- tqjoT nearly two years, tne principal materials from which the work is CQir- 1 ded; the contributions of gentlemen in thie several states . adiastiue: them in tleir presenvform, and reflecting the! publffca- V- -vl-. : LJ. 1 : 1 .Kffi..h:-o- cion ai an expense janu uuucr uiuiwvi, lOihim, almost insuperable. .--. !But persuaded that the information-to be! erained from ihU compilaiionv when ex amined and fully appreciated, must be of hi hiehest utility1 to the Barf .and Uhe ablick. bv' supplying, a7 desideratum as ;li to practisirig Lawyers as to allothera desirous of knowinl'so'inething of the in stitutions and municipal laws of e Ame rican States, he feels justified, on this uc- cnunt. to promote its Circulation under the sanction of ohiniova which may be deem et more impartial Sc certainly inore-cbm-petent than his own. i 5 ': ' - . ; ;J; ' ; ' ' r -l . J' (The only difficutty' whicn'meets him, in this nartl U that 'of selection! Irom the great number of commendations received," and he can. certainly sy that thoe lew which follow are -preferred only on ac count of their brevity, f; , Extract of a. letter from David Hoffman uq. frofetifor of .Law m the, umver- tii of.Afarvland. vt'v. r am much delighted with the work as far as it has progressed. Jt will be in- i iluable to thecountry at large. ; '-UVfi ' After a fall copy, of the twy Vols; com pleTti had been receiyed by Professor Hoffman, aud iu reply to a letter in whict7 the Editor apologised for. usmg,r in a ci r cfJar notice, the foregoing extract, he 0b1 serveA I reeretv tliat -vou ailiould have dee med it at all : nceaary to apologise tor the use uf the little extract irrom u fetter : I4 cotPWvhofrcyerv that it Troald have been mow jwMahlW- it mi fnhbvi spoken more particularly ' 1 and to the ! riointof the utility and excellency of the woric naa 1 suppoexi tnat my recoie tes timony would have been either used, or of Extract of a letteffrbmD TV. Leigh Estr ,osf.nseiiQr hi ap, iitcpmona r a. . 'Let- me congraiulae you!oh your pro gress? which far. exceeds my utmost ex pectations. I have examined the important heads f which; compose eachrjof iho num bers, as they cam e on rsbfaryourends nave every reaspa to oe sausnea, ana tne pubuckrat large- must acknowledge, that rou nave tulhlled yourengagementaip,the letter,' . '; : J I':'-:' f -"f Extract otaetifr flnom JXJahleii IBreeH 1 inridge, J(j. Secfetary of taeiKeh tuckyi . , I "' "- , " 1 -V " l regret exceedingly that uiestiDscrip- tion for this yaluable and interesting work was not ; move extensively circulated in Kentucky but, am satisfied it will sell here.' . ; . v.' , . -.- ;t- Ex tract of a letter from Charle G. Haines, Esq. Counsellor atja Jvev- .am very anxious to obtain a copy of vour invaioaoie .-worit. 1 wui notice us niefits in th e' next, Law Journal.? ; I- ; We have, exarmnetrthe 3d. cc 4th Vo lumes of the Law Register of the' United States4.itist' ptibls!iedvbv Judge Griffith comprising a- mimmarv ot-.ttate taw and rteguiauons,. jor eacn 01 tne i2 states. Having taken the liberty, in December 1820. to recommend to the patronage the American Public and particularly to the gentlemen f tne Bar m the Unxtw States, Mr. Griffith a general design, in establishing; the Law Register, we are of opmton that tn the execution ot that branch of it comprised -in these Volumes, Mr. Griffith has completely .redeemed the pledge Riven In. nis prospectus; and that the work will be a very important add i tion to the Library ot every Lawyer, r KICB tiAHRISDN, -i-i I hos. Addis met. i 1 -I'l T Ios!Og0en HofJ'ma v r,;r T:rt i John Wells, ;i :Ai. .1 Saml. Botd, 1 i ' : PxV;' -tVS. Jones; New-York, Tunj 182.- KOTEi The -Editor, by I the! origimtl ftrros of subscription, proposed to confine his annuaT Volume to 500 pages' at thv price of S5, or johe cent a page, . But in order : td i comprise the whole - f this important subiect of State Law and Re ffulations'f f which it was one part of his destgh to1 obtain from gentlemen whr would undertake tne laoor ox it, apa-wmcn thev have performed) under one view, it became necessary tn occupy jt wo Volumes and to exceed, by nearly 500 pages, -thr quantity hf matter which, regularly, by the terms of Subscription, they were : . contain. . 'jTh" unexpected addition, M almost one third, with the, extrabrdina rv exnense and difficulties which attended the oubticatiore of this branch of his w.rk. eemed to the Editor, at first, to; justify claim upon his subscribers and the pub lic, to be iti some measure compensated. at least to the extent of actual jexpendi- ture.i unaer fi vicwj nr siarca-ina; two dollars WQUia oe expectea irom snbscribers for! the additional 500 pages, and that the Book-Store price would be 5I4rather less in an one cent a page, tne ordinary rate for American law works in Uoval Svoi size. Nevertheless, on reflec tion, and although gentlemen have, with out any exception, cheerfully - sub milted to this, ;he Editor holds himself bound to tne letter 01 nis engagewicui., uu ui -wnts are directed to deliver - these vo ¬ lumes at S10, jthe subscription price, to such of his subscribers as may choose to nave! them at all, and Booksellers ?o dis pose of them sit the same, j As the.woik is but just cofnipleted, vnd pnly a few co pies sent put, te diflerence "vfhich .has been naidii by jthosetd whohi tfiey IhaVf'. been delivered, jwill be retu med as soo as their name are ascertained. 1 '" L The result of this is, that the Digest for each iStatejll cost! the pprchaser abyut 40 cents, a suni not amounting on the ave rage j to a tenth part of the! postage paii on letters! writ en, and for the packets of manuscript' transmitted to the Editor, in relation to every such state.) ' i 4yfj fThese Volumes, 3d.' & 4th con tain abisTJNCjT branch, and no way con nected With the 1st & 2d. which comprise the ! Federal; System, and are in pre p araiion. 1 So i h atfjburchasers or snbscrt bers, need not necessarily, have the 1st & 2d.' ; , : v -: ' "' N' 1 It was thought most adyisab e, to nt- elude " State Laws and Rtgulat 10ns getheri "ione jbodyi .and to publish them first, as being of most immediate import-ance.- ' . ' , .' . 2 ' 1 JUS PUBLISHED, - r 1 NOBfT HC AROL1NA. 9 IOR THX TI1S I -1, j. 4 -'! Orders for which . will be prompt - ! j attend ed to, d dispatched to any part ofthe State. i NOTICE 4atffMnndivi the 1st dav of December M V nt ilffik !f nnL ihe next fair dav I shall offer jibr, sale to the highest jbidder, at the Plantation ot the late, uapt. juenj. wara, on Shocco Creek in Warren county, the re sidue of the perishable Estate of saidxleceas ed, which was Jeft unsbloVin Apriiilast. .con sisting of Plantation Utensilsj some? House hold Fumiturd, Cattle, Sheep, and some likely Horsea ; also the Crop which a been made on the plantation this presentyear, whirh l emect j will be" about two i hundred Barrels of Corn jCBlade Tow andj ShuVks of the same) ami about isignt 1 nousana rounas of Seed Cotton &c. &c, -I j 1 v -J Terms oFsale will be, nine months credit for all sums over four dollars, the purchasers giving bond with approyedecujpty--fdr all Durcbases made not-enceedUncr four dollars, cash-will be required; by i I 'J'V iirtms iruKi jus, Aonvn . , Trarrco cxwntyt Oct. ?9. CO. irnAVE received a reneta! I assortment JKfH IDL Seasonable Goods, which were bousrht in New-York by a Partner ofthe Concern, se lected particularly for this Market,5 and trill be sold as titeyjwere bought, 4lel very cheap. Tine and Superfine Cloths and C&sumereV Domestic Negro Cloths Double raiUrd Drab Goatmtr f i . Green Baisbi Red aod White Flannels 3; 3 and 4 Foint Blankets Tattani i - 'v-- Carolinesind ; ? PLAIDSL DojlesuCnei v Scarlet printed Rattinett Plabi and. figured Dombazettal Black Bombazine ' V , . j Plain &' Bordered Caaslmere ShawW Angola.:-:, 'i:;;:V "! imuauon AieTiuO) ana D n A. y JUCU OassimeTe:-- j iv" Merino Handkerchiefs ; Casslmere loints v : - ' Canton and Nankin Crapes Plain and figured Silks Black Levantine and Satin A very handsome assortmentjpf CaHeoes Japan Victory'and -Seeded Robes Plain and elegant figured Muslins ' .s Black. and coloured Suk velteta wnue veivev xor r-ainung , Thread Edgings and LaceS Cotton '; -T ,"-"l . :- ''" Worsted, and fOSE. Gentlemen's Woodstock ' Buck and Dog-skin & Ladie9 Kid GLOVES. - Silk and Castor' Cotton and Silk Umbrellas Factory Cotton and Turkey) B4 Domestic yj,-: . Russia and V SHEETINGS i Irish ;-; Y " . A complete assortment of Domestic Cottons iy pieces Cotton Bagjrmg f 2 Rolls fine Carnetinc A large assortment of Gentleipens' & I : Ladies" Coarse Shoes and Brogans'fof Servants. I. SAOXS, K JLSm &, VUi keeR a jaonstant rtjp: ply ot -y v.7: ; ,'" jLoaf T --i- jLump & C SUGARS -'j'!.' 1 Brown , ! Tea and Coffee. ' ! j fImestidandImportW!lJjuor i;- Tf ; , :': -.-v";; ALSO, fSwedend C BAR IRON. - . f E English - 1 S rl A . 1 . ' j , 5: 1 ; Such articles in the Hardware line as v " 1 are in general demand. -' They will continue to receive additions to their Stock throughout the season,. A large quantity of SPUN COTTpN is expected 111 a iew aaya, iroia uis Aianuia torvat the Falls of Tar. River. 1 Raleigh, Oct. 30, 1 838. ; 58-4t FAYETTE VlLLE ACAD EM Y.1 nnHlS Institution now aifords advantages ,1 equal to any in the Southern States, be ing conducted uponthe most approved; prin ciples, and provided with -superior l eacners in Hranrli . nC TT(Aill arA iOpnamnis1 Bdication.This, with its healthy situation and moderate charges for Board and Tuition, must insure it a liberal patronage. -I The strictest attentiprt will be paid to the conduct and morals of those attending it. i v i , f:;.'4 : "M TiHMB. j; 'j : L ;-'- Female JJepartrnentj conducted by Mr 9. Be ! f rhilton with Mtittani Teachers, 1 Radiments. ner Quarter.. I f .,' S2 50 Readlncr and Writiner V r. V 13 English Grammar, Ancient and Mo- : : dern Geography with the Use of , v the- Haps and Globe?,j History, Chronology, Mythology, Rhetoric; Belles Letters, Composition, Natu- ' ral Philosophy, Botany with Plain J ' and Ornamental Needle Work. ,6 Jlliistc ta usrht by M a darnel Villa, in' the beH ' :''t . ' ItaUan style, f : Per ann. taught in the Academy, $60, or $20! ... per UariCr .;;.; ;; .:;, Jf"; i !" v..: , - . ; Fer ann. taughf out ofthe Academy; $100, per quarter $2$t ' ' j ; , . 1 ' Dratffinff,'i?ainting', and theFrench Ianguage taught by liaising, kitatiie of France. Drawings and Painting, per quarter $6 -1 French -'f ' Lv' ; v. J 'i ;- ( 6 50 Clatrical I)t$artmentr under 2lr, G. JJavi' i ; .Vk- ,.V:- 'mo.'i ' ' . !.' -;- The Tatin ' snd Greek Languages, . 'Natural and Moral Philofiphy, to-- gic, Astronomy, Maxnemaucs, ueo. , metry and Algebra,' j . ; $8 I, , . English Male JOspartment. , Rudiments - . ! ' $3 Reading, . Writing, Arithmetic, Eng lish Grammar? Ancient and Modern - Geography with the Use j of the ' Maps and Globes,, ' - '- ' J . Pens and Ink provided tpe Students with out .charge. A tax of 25 cents each Student for. wood, .watery &c. J s v 1 - , ,' Iloard, including all the above Branches except ibfusic, $35 per quarter- payable jn advance. -. ' . - j i '. . . :4 K -I:'-. W. HAMILTON. For the satisfaction of Parents St Guardians the following Gentlemen may be referred to. ; J. A. CAxsaojr, Esq. Prest. ol the Schoo Committee i v f , RevM, R. H. Mozxii April 30, 1823. sow. 321 Notice;: A LL persons indebted to the Subscriber iOL :are requested lo come forward and set tie tneir accounts, either by note or other wise. As my contemplated stay in this place is short, .those who neglect, this invitation may expect to be called . on in ' some " other way! For tfee few weeks (Ijahall remain in thia place, I shall keep a general , assortment of Dry Goeds, suitable for the seaSon, which will be sold as low as fthey -can be obtained in this place. The supply I have lately re ceived, and shall continue to receive. while here,' wuT make thy assortment good. Those who wish to purchase either- Dry .Goods or Groceries, am requested to call and examine before they purchase elsewhere. . I ' . ; i , i ' ' WU.tWlLLlAMS. RaIeieh. Nov.13. 1823. cN '-" " u . Zt 1 J , 1 HIRIS . unm ioe u ot januryj aiegro warn" accustomed to Cooking & ah' kind? ef Ueose WesSt, Apyta Fcaters ; . p IRD S A I ii fflt&JS? "w?w ; opening M JJU wju w-woyi receive oe..bVtic a Tv tlieir a.ciiai' . ? ;.v-.iv-- ' 5 ; well 'adapted to the present and 'apnf&clf ':V 1) searon-jVaonjwh Blue, black; brown. oEveAnd drab; .f dm . $uperfinbste and blaek Cassimcres, i ytid A jrreaijvsjiety-of toncy colors : v'4,':i An excellent asscrtment f blue and tnfjted 1 Sathjetta, With other colours, somcwkca'' Care:jDf"verr superior quMity r - . x A A larget assortment of .low;-priced Cioatluh r ( rserrantswcarvt,:; fg - - 'n Val'cnctatS5Fahcy Vesting; of the tno$t fisfl v .?r:6nsbW-patterna v ry.r-? '.' i h thdia aifd French Florentine for VestlK Ueal and itmlaUonTaair Plai ls f Snperidr Carolane: Plaids for Ladies wear I k andfiffiired !BbmbaiettSf sli coibw If Rose', Point, London Duffel &,Stripel KInw , ketsJqf all sizes;. - White; jredV anyellow FUnneUat a I prices Green Baize and Flannel 1 .:. , Drab and olive Uanchester Cords, w hichare; f very cheap L . ;. Z-'-,,.-: Black Silk and Tabby Velvet v Black find assorted coloured Bombazines ; Iferinol Shawls and Hsndkerchiets 1 ! v Cloth hawls, plain and figured ; .V 1 rV - A great assortment of handsomo CalIcoes,-cf the latest fashions and patterns ; ( I, 54 and 6-4 dark Manchester Ginghams f 5-4 and 6-4 Jaconett Cambrick, jwith soxae 4-4 and 6-4 Cotton Cambricks, all qialhie ; Stnped and figtired fancy slushns toe Lady Vdressesi handsome patterns 1 r . y. 44 andj6-4 plain and figured Book Muslin , '..V. Mandarine turapes ana Koes, eiejrant goodF . Nankin and Canton Crapes, all colours , Crape jShawiv Jul sires j r ; r. . lack Senshaws and sarsnets, very supenof "- " Fibred and plain ItaUan Lntring f j ; -French Satins and' Florences, all colours i ' , XtalianSewing Kilks, blue, bl;.ck and assort . ei cnJours, of a superior qualify A STtod assortment of Ladies worsted Hosier vi Ladipa black & ;whitd cotton Hose, all prices,! f Dof-- Io do English c French Silk Stockings Do l do do do do f it Gentlemen Men's white and mixed Lamb's Wool Host; Uo V do j Half Hose, Men's; Best uckskini Gloves, -Ladies' eaveT 'and ,Ktd do. ; Do; English and French Silk do. A larffe assortment of Ribbons. Domestic Ginirhams warrartlctl fast colors 4-4 aiid 6-i Brown Sheetmsr, very superuir goodSjatvery reduced prices.1 .. 3- 4 and 7-8Brown Shirtings; at all prices -1 t,: Bleached SVeetings and ahirtings, allwidtlO . ;';.: and priced. ,7 .;:.-. , :: i--':-:;- -j;;: rXK v;. Linen and CMton Bed.Ticken i 1, - Three Cases rish Linens 4-4 and 7-8 .wide, warranted Field Bleach, which will be sol2 .;".very low ':!:,': ';,';'-'; X'-';' 4 : 6V4, flj-4, 1-4, Tible Diaper, very handsome ; 3 Towelling f do . , 1 . ; ' : j i , .! : Irish Sheeting and Renting ; I Black Silk Hanerchiefs, very fine r Ctv. rats i:r,K:-y"-v i:-- . Plainlandjguredearl Buttons ' I i A very, handsome assortment of Shell Comb of fashionable siip, at , low prices 1 f t A good assortment Vnf Common Shell Comba, Superior Coat & vst Buttons :' : t t ! 7.' A gobd assortment of Corr"- tmttons. j GoatjVest, & Suspender Button Moulds 1 Spaol Floss St Ball Cotton of the bestquauXl. 4- 4 ahd 3S Apron Checks, Indigo dye ! ' . r: ,f. " ' ',-" r ' Alsd an cktensive assortment bfevery article. In the Grcficery ami Hardware Onei wltb a laree ' assortment of .Mens: and ! JLadiea 4 Shoes, and also a general assortment of Ilata of all qualities, .y : l:, .. . j ' j The above Goods being purchased lately in New. Vork and Philadelphia; principal! for Cjasn, t - very" low prices, warrant us iuv saying,; that eyery article will be sold on such; terms as will give general satisfactioh. We will also receive an additional supply Of, Asm. goods every month, which .we are determine ; I v HAZLETT K ROBERT KTU2 Raleigh, Oet. IS, 1833. ; ; 55 new books, yim p J. GALES & SOITi have just I received : from Philadelphia, a variety of new Rooks -i amoncrst whichare.. the following : 7th. vol. Wheaton'a. Reports : . ! ' i Roberts on Frauds, new edition r i . ." Vols. 19 & 20 Vesey jnn. Report lncleacj an index to tne wore- Veser & tietme'j Reports, 3 vols The Art of Invieroratinr Life Memoirs of the Rev. Dr. Scott, by his Son Professor Griscom'i Tour in Europe, 2 vol i Miss Aikm's Memoirs bf the Court j of Queen ! FJisabeth tir ','.'--V;-'- --.. :,V I Mad. Campan's Memoirs of Marie , Antoiaette Thetile of William Pentt 1 i - Las CacV Journal of the Ufc of Napoleog u I Honaparte, 6 vols -y "-,; 1 --V . I Koningstnarke or the Long Finne 2 vols The iWerness, or Braddock'a TUheS ToJsf. The Pioneers, 2 vols - r 1 'W Peveril ofthe Peak; 2 vols ; Quentin DUrward, 2 vols ,'t;". Lights and Shadows of Scottish Ufo Rinran Gilhaixe. 2 vols. ' " ! ' ; Commoa Praver Books, of different slze 1 and in various bindiners. Vr ' ! I 1 An assortment ofScho ol & Children's Books., V October 30. - --'rf. 5 NORTH-CAROLINA STATli BANK, AGREE ABLY to the 2d seetloti of the art olinai an Election of nineteen DirfrtoTS of the ! Principal Bank is to take place tannally om the lt Monday; inUcc-mber. rThjb Stik holders of said Bank are therefore ailed upon iu uicv aitu lioiu sail i wcvuuh, i.v4 iu , to sucn other busines n relation -jqine gene ral interests of the . Institution ."as imay be lodged necesaary, on Monday, the 1st day of December, at 9 o'clocK in uie.jncrning w Uankin Ralioh. 'f , ' :.. a By order of the ioaia ' .' ' -; 1 Wk. H;AYWOOD, Casa. CCjT Such Stocklsolderf as cannot conren ently attend, will please to send their prqx ea. ) 57-tn .' QftU Hatb3 pay be had at this tf?c .V- . .1 N :. v.1 . ... y :$';; ' . . ; " if

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