.w,..Pinq mi : ake s the liberty, to ??.S executed on the m seen.' ana orucn -- sonable terms. Baleigh, Dec. 15. - 17 4t WarYenton Females Aca- IT is already exttrns'vely known tli.it the Rev. E. ISrainevd aKl the' Uey. C; C. n'ronose continuing the Warrenton Female Academy at the situation formerly net Mo'ied by Mr. Jacnb Mordecai and recent- hv Mr. i 'junciccii jo ,v arreuton. . i T..t- .J-.-. icc nfide'ice or ensure' encouragement to their ejeruoiis mnie cause oi i- emaie instruction. We have had before us; the. highest testi monials cf the talents artel fair' moral charac ter of the Ce ntlernen and the Ladies.associat ed as the .directors and directresses of the pi oposed institution, an ! do with much plea sure recommend them to the confidence and yavronoge of the public. -, , V : ' lJ(0in Hall, V ? ; ? llobt. If.. Jones, , . .. ' ' Kemp Plutnmcr, Peter ii. Divi, ' . ' " Stephen Davis; Jas. Somervill,-; Sam'l. Hillman, . ' John Anderson, . Geo. Anderson, Philip C: Pope, Daniel Xurnrf, N Warrenton, N. C. Dec 14. " , 17 . 0Z.rhose Editors who have Published the advertisement "of, the TVtessrs. Urai nerds rela tive to.thehr proposed .A'catlenii; will insert the above, until the second week in January. ana lorward tneir accounts WitSi that oi the - ether. '-I': f :'V" i ' : : 1 TTI1S Institu'ion, w hicli, for several yearV past, hns been condticted by Messrs. An drews arid Jnnes, will in future be superin tended by the Revel. Joseph .Labaree, assist ed by the' Itevd." Thomas Skelton and wife, froru,Mass:ichusetts, . Miss I la iiiah Knnedv, who, fur several ears past, h.-.s taught Paint ing and Drawing1, in ihe scf.otd of Messrs. Andrews and Jones, att;!. three other abU and experienced teachers. The plan of in struction in the institution, will be the same as that ht retofore pursued. ' ' Kxt ept when p ren' s or pruardians have near relatives in to n, the pupils w ill board with'. he . principal, will f take their meals at tne same tuDie win nisf am.iy, and in all res- pects be treated as his own children.';- ! Roard audtuitKm, in all the branches of Lngl sh study, and netdlexvork, yid be charg- eu ht oniy sity auai-s persession. Mus e at thirty, Painting and Drjwintr at twenty. The foreign Smd dead languf ges: if required, will oe raugui uy competent instructors. , i ne school will be a cheap one. " The principal is determined that there s'all be no cause' of complaint in future of extra and unexpected charges'. No charges will be allowed except such as are particularly required by the pu- Tent or, guardian. The overnmmt of the school will be strictly paternal the K-overn- .! .... 1 P . o , .iciu oi fcjuum ss hiui ;f, reason. The principal will feel himself responsible for the morals and maimers of his pupils,' and while everv thing sectarian-on the subject of religion will wholly be avokled, he wil do auin his power toiye, them genteel mann'e' s and to imbue -their minds with those moral truths, which eje vat e the views, ennoble the feelings, and give some just notions of the real dignity of our nature ' t The first session will commence on the 2d Monday, of . Januar next. Each pupil will be required to Airnish her o-n sheets, blan- atiu touiuerpaiie. " . I THE Exercises of J this school will com mence oh the second Monday in January --t it; oj jjt i 1 1 1 1 c in ia i hjc oi jir. jas. J3. Johnson,' the gentleman who has foe seve ral years past presided over this Institution With sr muH o?-it:i I v' - ' ' n ' f VM M- SNEED, Sec'y Oxford, GrmvilSe eo N. C. " - December, 1825. 5 l' Virginia Feniale A cademv nOrDTOJKMecklenlur County; THE Exercises of this Institution will com , raence on Mond.V, Jarr 9, 1:25, under the direction of Jos. h. "Warn e, from the N. Carolina Female Academy, Oxford, and Geo L- Buker, assisted, by Mrs. Warne, Mrs- .Ra kelr, and Miss Emma! Raker, who was educa te! in the "North-Carolina Female Academy, and has taught Music there during the -present year. ; .! "-'" The 4 course of Instruction will include Needle work, Reading,Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, Mythology, History, ehymistry,Belles Lettres,Na'tural Philosophy and Astronomy. The morals and- manners of the young Ladies will also receive parti cular attention. The terms for Roard with Tuition in-all the above, will ;be $60 per ses- sion, ana no extra cnarges w-patever win oe made; but at the option of the friends of the pupils: the charge for tuition alone, will be from $10 to $15- Music, (vocal and instru - men? ai, anrii rawing, a'iii aiso oe taunt, with ihe family, and will in every respect be considered, a part of it. Those whose amia ble deportment and literary acquirements!, j merit such a distinction, will receive a Gold Medal on completing their studies. Each young Lady is expected to furnish a pair of sheets, blankets, a coverlid & towels, Dec. 13. . ' ' ' . 17-4t rTlHE subscriber offers fat sale, Five Hun- X. tired and Seventeen Acres of LAND, in Vake county,' lying on .fie waters of Swift Creek, and about 7 miles from Raleigii ' 1 4te the property tjf Wm. Gilmour, dee'd, which he. will sell on moderate terms-oria credit of one or two years. For trn v apply to ; ,' - . li. R. JOHNSON, ' Or in his absence, to JoSenli tales or Ti- mothv V. JoneS. , -qUifica?Jbhspf neither ihef Gentlemen ot the Xutliea by whorn vibYV wilt be ast$tedre suf ficiently known to msnire the miblic with the former at $30, the latter ai $20 per ses- T appearing to the; Court that George and won . the who'e payable in advance. t f. Polly Miller , are, not, inhabitants of this Boarders will regularly take their meals State it .is ordered bv the dourti that publi- li4cib, Dec. 12. 16 MlfS HRNDBnSONAYish!nff,toetoseherj, business imrn';diately.oferr the remain-pL derof her Goods at cost, ymoug wn;cn are Silks ' Satins, Muslins, 'Calicoes,' &c.-; toge ther, with a variety of Millinery.- Those wish ing: to purchase would do we), o call and satisfy themselves that the ahove articles can be bought lower tliaiVany; wnere eise m toe citv, ''" :'J :A vrvj SiAi ri, ' Buncombe county. v County Court, September Tefmi 1825. VrfV l j!"-f; ViUiam Whitaker p;'pt'l i W. D. Pace and Jer, Jennings-. " :. , " ; '- .-: Orinal ttttachnrh'nt. , -,. TT appearing to the satisfaction, of thes Citr that the defendants D ?acle and Jer emiah Jennings, are not mhabtt mts of the state r it is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication.be madeJn the- Rateih Re gister, for three weeks, giving- notice. to the defendants tHi.tthav appear at tl)c next Coun ty Court, to be held for the county of Run cnmhf . at the Courthouse uv Ashev'lle on the 1st Mondav in anu:.ry next, then ad thee to answer," plead or demur,' otherwise judg ment will be taken'pto ennfesso, aud the same set for hearing' ex prte. - , JOH N MirXER, c. c. c. 1825. --: r; IS A she vjTl e, Nov.24, State of Nooth-Carolina. Runrombe rrounty.- County Cmirt, Sepjember L'erm, 1825, Zachariah Gaudier, . .. . . . a. ; v :. v-V; Wdllanii Cooke. ' ' ' Origin d attachmrnt. T appearing to the: satisf sction of the Court S that ihe defendant, jWilliam Cooke, U not an inhabitant of this state : it is therefore or dered by 'the Court, that publication te made hi the ''Raleigh Reg-ister, for three weeks, giving notice to the ocfenvUnt that he appear at ihe next Countv Court, to be held for the cfHinty of Rnncombe, at the Courthouse in Ashevill on the "1st , Monday ' in January, then and there to ans wer, plead or demur, otherwlKe judgm nt will be taken proebnfes- soana tnesame set T :-r nearn.g ex pane. JOHN MIlLeU.'c. c. c. Asheville, Nov. 24, 1825. . 15 1; State of North-Carolina, Gniiforl John Lindsay and county. Andrew Lindsay, vs. Samuel W. i ikI say. Egnfttf. fT appeifiring- to the satisfaction of the Court , . that the defendant Samuel W. Lindsay, is n t an inn mutant o. tins btate ana "espies inMissouri : it is ordered that publication be made six week successively in t!- Raleigh Register, reuinn the said Samuel : W f.?ildsav tnannear it tUr n rt CiiMirt nf F.nni tv f r O nil ford ronntr. ludd in the tow-, of GreensbjroiirS on the 4th Mondav after the 4th Monday of March next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to said b 11, or iUd-rrnent pro' onfesso will be taken and set fur hearing ex parte. ;'y ;'.;"'; A. Geren, C. M. E Greenahoro', Nov: 29. 14 w State of Xortli-Carolina. Rutherford County. Superior Court of Law, October Term 1825. Woody Rurge, O ' t . v Petition for Divorce. Elizabeth Rurge. S ' IT apperintr to the satisfaction of. the ' onrt, that the Defendant Elizabith Burge, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is there fore oi-dered by the Court, that publication be made three months in the Raleigh Regis ter and -the Catawba Journal, giving- notice to the Defendant that she be and appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the countv of Rutherford, at the Court House in Rutherfordton, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday of Marclinext, then Land there to answer, plead or demur to said petition, other wise it will be taken pro con fesso and judgment accordingly. Witness, James Morris, Clerk of said Court, at onlce, the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday of Sep tember, 1825, and in the 50th year of the Independence of the United States. ' , ja:es MOUK1S, Clk. State of Noi-tli-Carolina. 's ' Rowan' County. In the Court of Equity, October Term, 1825 Litle Hick erson, : vs. Sarah Dalton, John 'Jackson, and Susanna his wife, and the other heiis at law of Jb- : nathan Dalton, tleceased. . HE complainant having shown that John . Jackson and Susanna his wife, are not residents of this State : it is therefore order ed, that unless the saul John -Jackson and Susanna his wife, -appear at the next term of this Court, at Salisbury, Onthe first M on day after the fourth Monday in March nextj and plead, answer or demur to the complainant's hill, that it will be taken pro confess as to them. i v It is further ordered, that this interlocutory decree be published for three months in the Raleigh Register. r S AM. SILLIMAN; c. m. e. October 11, 1825. 1 3m State of North-Carolina. " Ashe county. November term, 1825. j Catharine Miller, j 1 The Heirs at Law of David Miller, decd. i - I'etvionjor JJo-ioei. cation be made in the Raleigh Register for six weekV that unless the said George ant Polly- Miller appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. to be held for the county of Ashe, on the 2d Monday after the fourth Monday in January next and . an- J swerto the petition, the petition will be Heard s pearte. Witness, 1 hos. Galloway, Clerk, : office, this the lst Monday of Novemoer 1825. t ? , s Thomas Call o yva y. C I e rk. 14 6w By D. Earnest, D. C. gi OMM1TTED to the Jail, of this county J v on the 17th inst. a nesro man who calls I himself BILL and says he belongs to Samu- jelEverage, of Currituck county, N.'.C. ,The I owner is requested to eome forward, V prove property, pay chargts and take him away. k JAMES E. GIBBLE, Jailor, nMiifort N. c sntf 27 . ii-- - ) 8 6m pr. adv. 7 . tblllawa. hOM the subscriber on the-l&t day of Ja nuary last, a certain negro boy by the nntne'or ISAAC, nout 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, jSellow complected, long straight nbs piques up his forehead, broad square shoul ders, hedlow-fboted. li-WbUierrnarksV' ex cept his. back Well marked with' a' hickory. It mav be tliat he has nrocurred a free pass. Any person taking up said negro and confi n incr lum in Jail and contriving m word' s tliat I get him again, shall receive Fifty Dol- Jacksod's (;reek,. Randolph ? 4 qw county r -wov. ou. y S('ai of -Korth-C : l"f y . Wilkes County. , I la- EaciTT September Term, 1825. Wauffh Sc Fintey, CharleP. Gordon, Zach'h. H. Gordon, .las. H. Gurtlon, Geo. XV GiTdon, Thos. T. Nappier &liebeoca his wife, ,1 no, Brown Sc Mary hiswife, Sarah C. Gordon, SarahGor do'i, Nathaniel Gordon and Thomas Sea well. V Original "BiP, V md Uill of In- janctiou. g T appearing to the satisfaction of the court I that the Defendants are inhabitants of ano ther State,' Mid notice by publication,' beiny waived as to all save-Thomas eawell : Or derec therefor, that publication he made m tle Raleigh Register, tor three months, requiring the said Thomas Seawell to appear :t the next Court ot Equity, t be held -tor the Coi.mty of NVnlkes, at the Court-II oue in Wilkeshorougfi, on the second Monday ol March next, as.d plead, answer or demur to sdil bill, r judgment pro confess will be take, and the same set tor -harincr' ex- ijarte. O. BARRET'!', C M, E. T?ty XS oar s Weav A, FOR RANSOM and T I AN.NTAH. y ASOM -ana way from Mark C Duke, ? Esq. about the 10th of June last. He is a very not.d fellow,. hisright knee being very much bent inward, stutters very much, and nas a very aown iook jus aress vvnen he went off was light-colored homespun, but he had with him other clothing. Ransom is about the common size, and .37 or 38 years years of age. Hannah ranaway about about the middle of July. She is father above the common size, and 34 or 35 .years of age, and has generally a very pleasig countenance. The above reward will be p iven to any per son who wdl deliver the said negroes to their owners, (about 14 m les be ow Warrenton,) or confine them in any jail, so th t they get them again, or $25 for either of them. JOHN BUKUES. Nov. 13, 1825. 12 law 6v. THK Subscriber having qualified, and ob tained letters of administration in Northamp ton County Court, N. C. on the estate'of Ma ry Mungar, decd. and by the Jus wlill and testament of Eiizabeth Bridfiers, a certain legacy was loaned to said Alary Mungar du ring her natural life, and after tier death to b : divided among several persons specified in said will: .now it appears' that a certain Joseph Grizard, if living, is entitled to a ccr- tain uistrioutive snare oi saia loaneti esrate . This s therefore to'fcive notice to the said Joseph Grizard, or any persons claiming un der him, to come forward and receive their distributive share of said estate, as I hold it ready to pay it over to the person entitled to receive it ; on failure to do so, I shall otrr wise dispose of it, and plead tins notice in bar ot tneir recovery. . WM. MADDRKY, "Admr. of Mary Munrrar. Northampton, N. C. October 13, 1825. 4--6vv. State of North-Carolina, E Jo;ecomb? County. Court of Pleas and Quarter 'Sessions,, November Term, 182S. Williani. . Triin Stpnhpn. Robert & David Lang, and Sha 'rack, William, Ell i, Elizabeth & John Mooten. . T'S. , . y I -t Petition for Par v tit'uin of Land t.nd vision of Ne The heirs at law of Pris- cilla Tarlingttm, Polly Rogers, John Rogers & Stephen Rogers. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court X that the heirs of Priscilla Tarlingrton, Pol- y i?og"ers and John Rogers, defendants in this CHse, are not inhabitants of this State: It is ordere i, that publication be. made in the rtaicjiro xvcsi!iit'r jur wtefKS, unless uic said heirs at law of Priscilla Tarlington, Pol ly Rogers and John Rogers, appear; before the Justices at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Edgecomb, at the Court House in Tar bo rough, on the fourth Monday of February next, and plead, answer or demur, the peti tion wdl be heard exparte, as to them and decree made accordingly. . ...j , 15 Test. MICHAEL HE ARN, c. c. State of North -Carolina, Edgecomb county. ' 1" Court of Pleas aud Quarte'' Sessions November Term, 1835. L William Mercer, ! William Balfour. Original attachment returned levied on two Lots in the town of Tarjorough,l known by the plat of the town Nos. 66 and 77.' "T ap pearing to the satisfaction of the Court i. tliat the defendant, William Balfour, is pot an inhabitant of this state ; it is ordered that publication be made" in the Raleigh Re eister for three mouths, unless the said Wil liam Balfour appear before the Justices at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessi ons to be held for the county of Edgecomb, at the Courthouse in Tarborough, on the 4th Monday. of February, next, replevy the pro perty, and plead to issue, final judgment I will be taken against him, and the property condemned to satisfy the plaintiff s demand. 15 - i Test. iMICH. HE ARN. c. c. House of Entertainment.' ' n . t g .'. The subscriber having leased ffg' the EAGLE TAVERN in Willi: ili! K amsborouHi. will on the first of 'Jkxegp. x. January next,'open the same tor laaaal- . . o ' - . ' . - - - , the accommodation of Travellers As he will spare no trouble or expense in rendering comfortable those who may call on him, he hopes to merit a share of public pa tronage. He' would also accommodate a few students with Board.- T 1 i 1 iX-:; Joliii.WSrtiith.-' Nov 28. 1 oawGrr finEIl United. States Fife insurance- Coai. iL j pany of "th city of 'NewYork willin ,:-ure Buildirigs, Merchandize: Furniture, Sec gainst loss by Fire, -bnapplicatioivto'the subscriber, Agent at rayeuevrie, .or. to o UirdsalL Raleigh. ' J. 31HDSALLVAgent is; FRIDAY DECEMBER 16, 1825; , 'vVVfe regret to state that General jEd mun'd Jones: the Senator from 'Wilkes county, official has been called borne from xhis duties, by the distressing ihtel- licence pj the death or ni3 eiuest son, whom he left a few weeks since , in per feet h ealth, and of the sickness of others of hi? faniilj. 2 Thc; bil I to alter the time of the meetir g of the: Legislature of this State, passed ihe Senate unanimously on Tuesday fast, and is now under progress in the House of Commons. This bill provides that the next Legislature shall convene on the last Monday in December, 1826, and iffef tliat period, to meet annually on the secord Monday in January It is believed that the bill will. be pasieth The bill to establish Courts of Eqiuty In each of the present Juicial Ciruifs to hav e j ur'sdiction of al I , causes in E -quity, set for hearing in the Superior Courts of Law and Equity, was nega tived in the Senate on Tuesday ilast, on its jtliird reading, by a vote ot 35 to Since the failure of the bill to Vest the right of electing Sheriffs in the peo ple, in tlie- Senate, a similar bill; has been introqtuced into the House of Com mons. x Geology of the Eastern Section oj our State. V e have in two of ouij for mer Registers given sketches of the Re port made by Professor Olmsted, of his late tour down the River Neuse. j We i . . , . shall now add a few other particulars, tnentijmed in this district of country ; and, in our future papers, detail some of the veries most important. geological disco made by the Professor in his first and second Tour to the West. About a mile west of Smithfieltl; the road crosses the strata of blue Slate, whicl rest on a ridge of Isinglass Rock. Between the stratu of this Mica Slate, oc curs the beds of Iron Ore, which pay be traced for several miles in a north- .i .- r easterly and southwesterly direction, and is believed to belong to the same depns t as that which otcurs in $ash countv, a little souUi of Tar Rivef. rhi !ire is Of the kind called Brown Iron Stone, coritainina: from 50 to 60 per cent, of Iron, which affords bar- iron o this ' the best quality. What renders re particularly valuable, is its proximity to the sources bf Limestone, on the Neuse, which is of the rnost suitable kind for a flux to separate j the earthly ingredients from the iron. The Professor Suggests that Pig Iron might be ma.de here with great facility, , and that tie manufacture of Castings migbi also be carried on to advantage. j Six miles southwest of Sm.ithfield, in a ledge of Slate Rocks that present a bold, precipice on the , banks of Swift Ceek, is found the best kind of Alum that the Professor has found in the State, though it is believed there is a sthTsu perior kind occurs on the Catawba Ri ver, in Lincoln county. It is of a clear white ground, occasionally tinged with a flesh red, of a compact texture, and . r J , . . . i r inferior nardnessj it might be taken for Quartz. I wprpni 1 1 f i r nil- liu h iv ki riic.i u i t.. .1 1 1 1 1 Te eastern half of the COntv of Wake, is composed chiefly of. GneFssJ and Granite Rocks, both of which at- ford useful building stones, but they .i ii i. r i u:.u . . vv ijul viiiui ui ou aw. u iius iii. v' De ' ' i - been observed, any other mineraU otjson. a kind and affectionate: brother a sin- peculiar interest or importance. On cere and generous fnend In him were cou , I I x ,. e .u . . centrated all that ennobles our nature, and the eastern line of the county, m the renders us fit members for the enjoynient of direction of Tarborough, on Moccasin human society. r . . t- orJl i rnllprtmn nf Slafp Rock uieciy, is o v,uncv.uuu Ul " " . ' ' where itas . supposed good Yoofing Qlatel may "be obtained. " The durability and elegance of the Granite so extensively employed as a building stone in Raleigh Louisburg and Warrenton, are' too well! known to need a more particuVar des cription. ' " & r r. -vr r.. yet perhaps the most prominent sun - ...:n k nr.aanf..l' t ! . v - . . , the session for discussion nave alread- been! introduced, lti- the Senate the .y propu3ition to aboiisli Imprisonment fol iebufaI in the-IIouse of RcpresentaV tives ; tha- proposition; to Mamend, thel Constitution of the United States in re , gartl to the election, of -president and . VicePresiJdnt. : h-flJ Vt ; ' The 'Btaniling' Committees in botfi " Houses are appointeu and we are a. tified - to see ' t hat our . Repre s e n tat i y e Lewis Williams Esq the indefatigable ; (Chairman of the Committee of ClaimsVv is again appointed to. that station. ;r . On Saturday last John. Tyler of Vir :' ji nia ; was elected by, the, Legislatdreot " that State, Governor, for the ensuing, year. General Floyd, a RepresentaVr tive from that State in Congress, wa also a Candidate"! The vote was, Tyldt4 s lSlT-Floyd 81. ... , y , :'"r' . On the same day,-Thomas ; Ritchiel was elected .PrinteV to! the State,1 by a -, a majority of 22 votes over-the Editors of the Constituiional Whiff. , ' ' " . Look ok A. Counterfeit Twenty Doi lar Notes of the, State Bank of North'1 ; Carolina, are in circulation, and said f6 1. be well executed. 4 .Expedition. ; Copies f; the .Presi dent's message were carried from AVaslY- ington City to Baltimore, a distance 'of thirty-eight miles, in one hour fy fortty fi?e minutes I , -: : j lr. John Bennett, of Sampson coun ty, aged 75, vas found frozen to deatU on the 3d inst, within' ashort distance of his house. He bad left home the , day preceding, with the intention of beiiif ssent. several days;; but having desp. ed his business sooner than ex- pected, he endeavored t get ho me the sume evening. . The nighty was re markabiy cold and dark, and bein un- able to'find his Way he wandered aboufc . is is. supposed, until he became incapa ble of exertion from the extreme, col diV and perishejJ from Its effects. "' f The packet ship Manchester arrived . at New York, bri ngs accounts from Li? v verpool to Nov. 8, but furnishes no po jiticul news of importance. Acctn ding to letters, he-markets had experienced no material variations; but owing to the , fa'dure of one of the first Houses in Lion- don, extensively connected with the Uy States, a panic had been created and the different articles of our produce had be come rather dull. " - ':':' 'v 7t . We learn from Richmond that on Sak' turday fast. Mr. Allan McRae, one of the Delegates of the. county of Chester field, in the. Legislature, was taken with, a sudden illness in the7 House, and ex-, pired before, he could be removed from he Capitolv A fer niinutes before, Mr. Mcltae, thoughiot in perfect health, was observed conversing cheerfully with. 1115 melius. Edcnton, Nov. 25. i ' OnWednesday last Elijah Smith, a native of Virginia, seaman on board th schr. Sea Flower, Capt. Dough, of this port, while lying at the wharf, had hia right leg and left arm horribly shat tered by.the bursting of a swivel Which, he fired, that it became necessary td' amputate them, the former above tho knee, the latter above the elbow. lie survived the operation something mor than an hourV and then expired. What an awful lesson is' this. GcreZc. . Departe l this life, at the seat bf Gen. Ed mund Jones, in "Wilkes county, on Friday, the 2d inst. his eldest son, AVm. Rufua Jones: - -in the 22d year of his age; ; ' ;. , . I ne death of this amiable youag man, hs created a-chasm in the society i ! which he lived, that will not soon be filled. He was vencircled,in the bosom of an affection -te and i -- j . uii.iiuiv ind hospitable society, of which he formed a conspicuous member, enjoying all the, hap- Viness derivable, from. such a situation, and SSSf. approached the happy circle and summoned w !"e-.non. eterau rest. Un all . called to act, he performed eyery duty .which. I tievoiveu on mm in a cmnv a ml ait;rMw..r i . ... . J 1 he Dispensations of Divine Providence, I oUifht at all times to he submitted becoming reverence and humility, however affecting tiie circumstances. ScdUtressine-thi situation in which -we may be'placed by ther riNwiiun iw jjfciucrc. mai can unmamlei the veil of ? futurity" and develope the" mvsteriea of IleavenV Who that can tra-- vvrse the mazy recesses of eternitv, and on- . (erstand the designs of Jehovah ! 'it is he a lone, who commands the winds JSc the waves, mat Knows lor wnat purposes fie hath I '-.XjCU HIT WiU iC V 'know, neither shoi Is it so ? MItis th V Let my will be done ;ff It h not for man to uld he repine; or say. whir uiejoru iuaigiyetn, aud the 1 Lord that taketh awaj.'f Let his friendif- 1 theretore be consoled w.th iihe belief, that" 1 dthoueb his earthly tabernacle of thJ-r- 1 world has Leen dissolved, yet he ha3 a home, 1 beyond the: grave, ahousie not made vjtffr J hnd; tertfa in ttoa Mjoaress."