r ! ,' 'N(Q)MTH-(B.AE OEltt mAME 3RD "Oars are the talaris" of fair, denrhiil tieace.'i . - "Unwarp'dby party rae to Jive like brothers. : 1 . : -; TA; REGISTER Is pubrshircvery TcispJtTand FinriiT. by .lOSKPfl GALES & SON. ' if "f rln't-; lii-l-irtl ;v-:-:lfjil'iJ r umnc : ! l-ADVT-nTlS12MEOTS.V-- i- ---- .t- j Not exceeding.16 lines neatfy inserted three times for a dollar, and 25 cents' for every ' .' succeeinV nl.tonV thn r WMt " ,K. proportion uomncii. nrna l..n1.r..ii: 'J . ' . IZJ,-"""""? 'rYV-r1'" w "Virginia FpttijiI. U r1orn CLZ "cinicrtwttr isUUJiijf, amiuinciu, oexween inmy ana rorty-.NK-TlpHE Exercises of this Institution will com- GUOES, belonging to the estate of the late -JL mence on Mond-y, Jan . 9, 126, under John Williams, dee'd. The public are invi the direction of Jos. n. AVarne, from the N. ted to attend, as.tlie Sale will be perempto- L. Baker, assisted by' Mrs. YVame, Mrs. Ba- y one- half of the Negroes sold, will be put JCerand Miss Emma Baker, who was ednca- "P for cash, and the residue for accommoda ted in the North-Carolina Female Academy; tiorf paper r so - that both tnsTi holders and ana has taught Jkiusic there durinsr the Dre - sent year.' , W A The bourse of Instruc'.ion Vill include T eedle work. Beading Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Ceography; Mythology, llistorv , i;nyniistry,ie'ies lttresatural Philosophy nu .isiruiiDmy. me monus ana manners! 01 inc young lAciies win also receive parti- cuiar aiieni on. fc i ne terms tor Hoard with TiMtion in all the abovewill bf $60 per ses sion, ami no extra cnarges whatever will be " "u1 a "ie.Pyo" -?i .ne inenasot inc. uu iiu,fiiic viurKc iur,nnuon aione, Wl I Pel irOFTl 1L tf 515. Mlltir Ivnrol ami mefvu. ;mu p .r- r v v .iiauu-i jncinai, y an.- imwiog, . jtiII also be taug ht. the former at $70, ;tbe latter at $20 per s-s- j5ioi. tne ,.. fhr4? ,paHbie inadvance " Boarders wiUlrf gularly'. take their ineals wiui auc lamuy, ana wm m every respect be considered a part of it. ; Those whose a-T;a. ble depprt nyny n literary ycijtilrements, ivii. autu a. wisir'v umi, , wii receive a tifJIU Medal 6v comp te' ihg th eir studies. ' . ' ' Eachyou.g L;d ia t-xptxtt d td furnisifi a P.a,r DianKets, coverlul St towels or a charge of $2 50 per session will be made for tiie use of these things: " ; " Dec 13. ; - 17"-4t 2S OTts Carolina "Eemale --academy; f fTntS Tnstiltition.J which j for r past, hsbeen, conducted by Messrs. An drews and Jones," will .in future be superin- tehd-d by the)?evd. Joseph Labaree, assist-! ed by the Kevd. Thomaf Skelton and ;wife, frorr tass!ichusctts ,Mla Haanab1 Kennedy, ' yhoi f r several years past, lius taught' Pai.nt- 5ngJand Dmu ing, rin the school of Messrs.' Andrew aud Jones," and tl ree other able anVl experienced teachers.. The nlan of in- strurtion in tlur institution, .will, be the samelPol'y Miller uppear. at the as -nax nerexoTore purSTiea. . , t -.IvxTept when prens' or guardians Iiave near relatives in town, the pupils will board with the principal, will take their meal a at the same table' wi b his family, and 'in all rc s- pec's be treated as his "own children Eo-ird aiid taitJonv in'air the: branches' of foreign and dead languages, if required, swill be taught by cbmpeteht instriictors. . The school iU be a cheap one; The prir.ciftal is xleltrmihed that there sv all be" rociiiise "of complaint in future bf extra and Unexpected charges.-1 Kv charges will be a!lowed except bwi M j" w-uii tjr rrc4uircu oy me pa rent or fguard?an. C The government' of the school will he strictly paternalthe govern- inent of kmdnrss and f reason . '-' - " Th principal will feel himself responsible for the morals and; manners of his pupi's. and "vhile eyerv thing sectarian'oo the subject of . iriiiou m woouy oe ayoiueu, lie will-do alliri his power to give them genteel 'mamiers .nd to imbue tlieir minds with those moral Vruths,4 which elevate the views, ennoble the feelings, and give some just Lotions of the xeal dignity of our nitureJ u--x ''''!''. The first session will commence on the 2d fonday-of January nex. Each' piipil will 'be required to furhish her own sheets, blan 'kets, and counterpane." -' :1 z 5 - - ' . .'''.? I. '.. THE Exercises of this1 school will com mence on the second Monday in January :?iexT, unaerme supenntenaance of Mr. Jas. D:Johhsonv the gentleman whohas for seic tal j-ears past presided,1 over this liistitutiotr with so much abihty. - f -, x - j 'VV :i?WM.M. SNEED, Secy Oxford, Grunville co. N. C. . J ;-December,-1825;" -,; Vs :'' '- JAMES M'GIBBON, takes the liberty to inform thVLadies ami" Gentlemen of Ra leigh and Its Vicinity, that his Paihtirig-Room 5s at Miss Susannah Schaub'sl Favetteville-St'.: . ' .' . . .... wnere specimens ot lus execution may be seen,' and ordefy executed on the most rea sonable terms. Raleigh, Dec: 15. V 17 At A ND committed "to the - Jail of -NashVille', -t!L Nash county,, Ni C. bii the 10th initant, as a runaway, a negro fellow NED, 'who, was ' sold by Mr. Slier.wood Evans.of this' county to Mr.i Matthews or Mr. ; leriwether of; Gebr afia, about 8 or 9'years, ago; $ he; fiks b'eep HWIt. " this and t lie iidjoininiug ; counties ever since ; ahl 1 -understand he now; bV Ipngs to Mr. Hannah-of Alabama.' The Ow ner is requested. tp i'comef forward; firo've property, pay charge. and take'hiiD away.K ' WILLIE a. WHITFIELD, ''Jailor. ? NashTiTle, N.'c: Oct; 6X-' " iy I, Snf 7 " .XT. -The Editor of ihe.Cahawba : Press,'' will insert thtrafrre .5 times and fora'aTd his account for payment. ? 1 Erg! sb study, and netdlevwk, will be cb;.rg? ed rt'only sixy dofUrs p-rsessiorr. ; 'Mus cat thirty, Painting and Dr iWi'rig atfwentv.'The ToT8ae. rwiflh. ftubscnber qm;rs far sale. Five Hun- "-H. : dred and Seventeen Acres of LAND, in I waJe county, lying on the waters of Swift Creek, and about 7 miles from Raleiyh. l'ite fhp nronerfv of,Wm. nnrnmSl.M. 'which he VlU el1 $., terms on credit of mc or iwo VCtfi ror term, ail) V to - 4 V ,7 I - ' n f rtifiSni5 vto-'i i ' J1' .W'S8? 1 Or m his absence, to Joseph Gales or Ti- , I I : 1, it 1 r i .n 1 naif-Ig"!!, Ifec. lO " , .. ? 4 VXfT "Va tf Monday the 23d cfJamtarr, will be ex- 1 credit purchasers can be suited ' I - - - ,y ALLKN S. HXLLENGER, ) i isaac Williams; C Adm'rs. John AVilliamV 15-ts State of North-Carolina. Rowan C ou nv? vu. ui rjuiiv, ucioiicr term, lijo.i Litle Ilickerson, " - ' ' - ' - i samn Dalton, John Jackson, and Susanna nis Wite. am ThP nthA h r l. t:. - "uinn uaiiuii. uccrasra. " I not i . - . . IIL comnl innt bavin"-' shown th.it 'JnhW Jacksfin and RiLsahna his wife - are nnt residents of this State ;,it is therefore order - ed, that uhless the sard rJoh: Jackson and Susanna his wife, armarat thi nPTt'tm nfl this Court, at Salisbury, on the first Monday afier the fourth Monday in March next, and plead, answer or demur to the complainani's i "in, mat it will be taken tiro tonfr.n a-tn it - v iiieio.- - . . ; , . -. . -. , It is further ordered, that t!ii?lnterIocutory dfCiee be published for three months in the" Raleigh Register. SAM. SILLIMAN; cm. e. October 11, 182i:. ? 1 3m State of North-Carolina. Ashe county. ".. r Kdvember term. . 1825. Catharine Miller, ' w -.J The, Heirs at Lav' of David' Miller, dee'd. Petiiion for D-wrr. T appearing to tle Court that George and .Polly M'llcr arc not in' abitants of this tate, it is-ordered by, the Court, tl i publt ition be made in the Raleigl Register; foi cati or six ve-fc tUAt unless the said George and next . Court of rJea and Quarter Sessions to be held for the cDunty of Ashe, on the Sd'MoiuKv after I the fourth Monday in Jamiarv net and an. I swerto the petition, tlient-tition willhe hearrt I ex p'-arte. w itnes, Thos. Gatlowav, Clerk, fit offica 1 hfe the 1st Mondiv of November J ,Tho mas Oal lotvay, C lerk. e 14 6w . By p. Earnest, DQ. FactoTaser & Uoawuissitm nnilE Subscriber ' tenders -his ' service's'-, '.to I S bis friends and the public inVenetl. a a Factor & Agent for the sale of Cotton; To- nacco, or such other articles of Ponntfy Pro- duce 8 are brought to Fayette ville for Ma5k- rr, ana ior xne purcnase ot Goods gene ; i He will invest the proceeds of. any sales by him madewithout commission; in Goods of: any description that may be 'ordered, or pay or remit the same as he may be directed, paying themost particular attention to tlie orders of his employers in that respect. Havmcr convenient Warehouses for Stor age of Produce or Merchandise,1 he will also receive and ship, or forward any Produce or Goods that may be; committed to his char ere for either of .those purposes - ) ; 1 ? He promises prompt tand strict attention to the orders and interest of his emploversl ana.tnat his chartre tor Commissi on shall he moderate. w JOSEPH BAKER. ; Fayetteville, N. C. Sept 14: : 8 3m ' - . d. .m i - ... . . - , Additional Colesvliost; 'ilHE Subscriber, u ben he advertised his it J Pocket Book lost, some weeks ago, did nmncLi me luiiuwiiiir iuics. WHICH were also contained therein,-viz : ('" ! ; f A Note on Ifartwell Porter and Miers. But ler, of, Sampson county, for $6, given in ' Au- gust, 1H25. ';'-. :X'. '--Xi" X TJ- : Do: on Henry Dardih, of same "county, for aim some cents, given in ineyear i4. .' rPo. on Jesse Tarlington, of same count vj for $10, given in August, 1825: i ; :; j; C", uu. on ivir. rtousiop, ot - Liupun countr. wiiu n.ciiin, ; aianiy; ; as security, ' for: be tween $7 and $9. given i in the fall of 1825. - ' : Do. on Thomas Sutton," of Sampson countv, for $4 and some cents.'. Credited for $2; gi ven in fCnv. nr' n 1 QO'i ' irDo." on John M'Gee, of Duplm, for 52,'gi-r Do. on IfenrV Allen. stated in the; first 1"' advertisement, 4by mistake, as e-iven b-'John r or James Allen,) of .Wake, for $55. given in I ' ,J . October last.' : ;5 "' :X) :-V 4 V ;. ' -J'RaleiglvDec. 13, 1825. iteceip ,, given some time in the present year, by Mr; ' HiILV Sheriff of Dublin. - for a debt against " Wm. Tumage of that -cdtinty; Dec. 13, 1825.. - . - - K ;17. r ' .: I George Knott makes bath before tne that he above Notes and Receipts were1 contain- eu mm lost Pocket Book a ..- ; ;ti j; GALES, J. P. tt - Of almost even dcxriplionfoT$dc. JrliUiarastori citilemie8.. 5 'R. THOMAS G.STOE having resign-. . elhis charge a Superint'enclaat in.the 31ale Department, the exercises bFthe same will be continued tinder the direction of Mi'i Jokn JfABmnett who nj.iMssnnett vrno is ot exempiarv rao- JfW ; i, and well qualified to discharge the du- iuuiicu m mia itiuu nun. ; i lie c.cr cTses of which will recommence' on Mondrfv lI,I.16t Janiwt jiexC . s4 . . 1 required in this institution. The exer- I u c .. I uic uisnuoiiuajr in jaimar, under the .superintendence of Miss' Mria 'T.;::ru" ifl1"'1: ed inc vuuiiiv aii'i iicr scrv ccs m?u v annrov She willteacb the folio win-benches. Spelling, Heading, Writing Arithmetic, KnglisU Grammar, Geography, Drawing and Pa nting on Iaper, and Plain and Ornameri- t d Needle-woi-k. t'lurs .! ijuniii as iiereioure in eicn ac p trtmt nt, viz. tor Spe!lm , Reading,' Writ- ing anrr AHtnmettc: eitr'at. dollars 'and the ot:er branches ten dollars per session. Hoard m y be bad with James HiHiard and Wm. Burt, at ihiriv-three dollars nersessinn ly oraer. , i; v. s - : . WM. BURT. SecV- , lu yaraston, jx isn count v, N. C. uectMnrter 1. 134t HillsborouIi Kuraale Seminary rgl'IE First Session of this Institution clos- ttl wc um uiu j-it .wnicu time .an I approveu r4xaTm nation of the pupils was sus- I tained in th ri-friri- rwf CK',.1 r m'ee. The exercises of this Seminary will be resnmert nn nnrfl.ii' ,fl , P I ..r n4- . .... 'j vum jticm liisimcior will tie. m I readiness: it that time to meet the wishes of those Parents and Guardians who triav!r.nmi 1 mit their .Children ,to our care.rwith a view to their instruct on, in either the useful or ornamental branches of Female EluMtinn TIle "perintendant, deeply impressetl witli th importance of rightly training those who are now the tlaug ders, but are shortly to be wives .ma motuers ot the commumtv. 1 ..1 . . , . , . . . 7 pledges himself, as5 before, to exercise a na- I rental watchfulness' over his pup Is, and to FT' ve such direction? to the in tructiovisbf the Seminary, as shall adapt them to the eternal as well as temporal interests of those com mitted to his care. , f .. Even- thine: 'taught shall be tauirht tho roughly and with a view t .practical life. And although the lighter gratifications of fe male education, usuady calied accomplish ments" shall be attended to in their proper place .and measure, yet the chief aim of the Instructor, shall be to fit their nnnllkfrn- usrfulneas. by inculcatincr. both bv nrecent nnrT vurr.nl -,t.. i. " ' i T M w.,, j V' vcuf 'tncVf'' jgovti I . . - "limn wimiMui n, in temp selfontroU and the morality of tie"10" lhe hier branches of learning are UopeL , , , " to Parents and. Guardians at a distance. who may commend then children to his at- tion, the. Supenntendant engages to provide tli em with b, aiil, "nv families convenient to the Academy, and where al 1 Attn will be paid to ibeir .morals- thr?i. monnN and their, comfort. , , ; o ' t erms ot , I uition at the usual rates. Board can be obtuined. in the most res pett J5llie.s .$10 per raontli, jncludiiig wouawasumg, candles, &c. ---- L -X- ' v w- M. GREEN, - Hillsborough, Dec. 1st. 1825. 15-tt.w I The' Editors of the Raleigh gtar, Newbern Sentinel Edenton Gazette. Favetteville Ob- 8erve.T 'aPc teT tiecorder, and Western" Carolin.,an are requested to publish' the e I1or.v"ree; successive .wesks,' and for f.ull,cir.atco,inSj lo ie Umce ot . the tl iUsborough Recorder for pa'ment. J; GALES & SON have iust recet d the following NEW BOOKS from nilatlel- phi i : Roberts on Fraudulent Conveyances, hew edition;"'-"-;"t,' i:::rX :-' '.' rarriss Chem stry. ; ; ; v "i X XXs XX Bos tock's Physiology. ' . ; . , Annals of the American Revolution inter- 4 spersed with numerous Documents, An- .. ecdotes, and Engrayings, with remarks on the principles and advantages of the Constitution of Our National Government; ) Rls Biographical Accounts of the prin I . tcipal, Military Officers, who were instru mental in acbieving our independence.' Tredgold onjtailways.: , . ; , . . t . v Babylon the Great, or a dissection and de monstration of Men and Things in i the i ' British Capital. ; ; ' f .-ru ''" ":" '"' " ; Husband i Hunting,' or the Mother and , diughtersra.tale of fashfonable life, f The Troubadour, or Catalogue of Pictures 4 and Historical Sketches. . . tl':V, 1 i Ladies and ' Gentlemen's , Kemembmncer, for 1826.: -',v-: ; . .- , Ingersoll'W Onitibii:';,?;--. Lights of Education. 1 v : J " -Ramsfbrd Villas s f j Beciprocal duties of Parents And Children Erly Lessons,; by Miss Edgqwortli. Dec uuon; : The Week. 'Eveiun 'Eveiung Entertainments. JOHN Iw.PIj(LLEN; w pectf ully informs the Public 992, fllll flAP 1 4 tnat he has reseryed Rooms, in ii'msc wr transient tJusloro eYs, ii hom he will feel pleasure in accommr ; lle wishes it to iw&'e'd, tb'atibereatter-7 Dstel of the Union Hotel, his House will be lnstem tyledthe Citr.Horsx. .Nov.24-tf if ' n i-.. S N APTHJfOICAt; TKACHER is wanted In this institution, well qualified to instruct youths of both sexes in all the bmnches of an English and Classical eduCfition7 dnd to pre pare young men for entrance into the Junior -!, e -w.- s CI.ass of 4ny College in the Union. His -mo- th Grt .nrl f - the Greek doubted It is the desijm of the Trustees to contract with a Gentleman who wlJl tak linnn him. self the sole management and resnonslhilitv - . . . -i . . . . t --V-oniprenenn,ng ootn ciep.r 5ema'e? PP? same,w.th Teachers o" his own bhoice, and furnish eve ry other necessary, m consideration of which. he wdl be entitled to regulate the price df tuition, and o receive all the emoluments derived from it.' ' ' - This plan is recommended by thereXPeri ence, that salary employments do not stimu late to tiiat industry and zea, wlmh are ne cessary to the successful progress and repu tation of a lare School, and has its f mida tion in that pnncinle of s-lf We. which prompts ithe exertions' most -where interesf lies,- j by indentifying the' interest of the I eacti-r with the character of the SchooL i ..ar, i? ' i.'A - :. uuf -auor un? to tne puoiic tne surest c. ran ty of having their children faithfully taught. The Academy lot arid buildings aresituat ed in avery pleasant part of the town, on one of the prmcip il streets, and in the neigh borhood of the Episcopal and Presbyterian Churches: ? The lot is larare. and w.11 shad ed in the. front yard, which cnmmnnfrit with the street over a stile : The main build- ,nfT and wins: are three stories hitrh. with' a I double Portico irt front and is sunnduitecl with a beauuful Belfry the lenerth & breadth " --.the main buildme is abmit 6t. "bv 4.4 f?et divided into large apartments, separated IarSe halls- or passages through the cen tre. They are sufficiently canacinus tn accnm- modate. a School of 200 scholars and a fami ly, and the lot is supplied from a Hvdrant in the front yard with good and wholesome wa ter. V r :V?r; . ."-', . .''. -s?r- :'5jA Few prospects can be more inviting than the present, to a married irnti man i'itl a family, qualified to swist In the school, or capable of taking boarders, (and such a per - sonine i rustees would greatly prefer) for combines the advantagls of two fbprbJ ms, to De uenve'i from teaching and boar 5- mg children fnm abroad, 1 And when It is known that the Academy is situated in' a 1 town with a'popuhtfion of 3600'souls. & that there wr.n Ararlpmv w;,l.?n fin fi. : taught, the striking advantages of this ofivr cannor ran to uiaxe a stroner anneal tr thlw Ku,ui aTO 3m iri &nmu - - interest and entemrize of the first talenta in the conntry devoted from necessity to the vocations of Literature. ' ' ; ' The Trustees will lease the' buildings,' lot, &c. from the first day of January next; (when v. expires; ior one year : at- for one year : af- 1 the term to any acting' paf iieVcan 4 . - number of years the contracti agreje upon i Letters, the first Lottery to be drawn ! GRAND STATE LOTTERY OF MARY .... . ..LAND., t . . ; - ., To be drown, on the 1 5A day of February neTt. This is one of the Wost splendid schemes ever presented to the public the magnitude of the capital prize viz. 100,000, and the low price of tickets f which enables almot ev ery person to purchase. 1 1 - " . i Splendid prizes $100,000, 30,000: 20,000," j u.uuv, ouuu, J ft or 10 of 500, 50 of 100. 100 of '50 besides a proportion ' of smaller I prises, such as 20, 12, 10, amounting to the spienuKi sum or poUo,UUU. ' f -""V"'J: - - Ticket $10, half.5; quarter 2 50,' eignth 1 52. ! T.ckets will be advanced to S12 on the 10th mst: till which, thev raav' be" had fnr the low sum of $10. .; ' For tickets and shares apply at Lottery and Exchange Office, ' 166 Market street, ndt? Where m the last State Lottery werr untd the followihcr prizes, viz. I No. 1 1258 a capital prize of , 38010 the nezt capital prhe qf $30,000 10,000 1000 - 1000 ij a prize oi - 26359 do 2i614 do ." do do do do 22676 34992 38720 39854 500 500 e 9th The above prizes Were drawn on th of November, and Were sold at Allen's office besides a great timber of smaller prizes, a mounting to nearly $50,000 and in the late State Lotteries the $20,000 and the 10.000. andin a former State Lottery the great cani tal prize of $100,000, and J where hive been sokl and paid pr'uea amounting to severrl millions of dollars. vVi ?VtJv--K i " Orders ftom any part of the United' States rimer uy miu post paia or private convey ance, enclosing the cash or prizes in any of I the lotteries, will mtet W;th r,.m,U I punctual atteation if addressed to ,. I ! . - , iJiuuiuL, &iikx i O. M al. AJUl-ittiN S CO. ' J j-3 4 .Baltimore. If C CJ . . .W .... . . 16 2t , - 4 iMOlsTET LOST. VWednesday morning the 7th instant ArnW h j-.-.-'t VZ": , - vsiiucc nunQrcQina ininvuo iar wMi 1 -v"-;ii. vfjuwiiiniucinay-sw 'on t , . 6 ' ..v, ' uueyer wiu return is to xne ueyd. 4. Labare, in Oxford, shall i-e cdve.Ds.ew Ui U f lverai year laborand is all the owner possessed.. The money was in JNorth Carolina Bank Notes Oxford- DectStfc, 1825. post paid, may be addressed to ' lu.?ae tfekets which shall U.' V. -a subsenbersat this place. " "e drwn Nospn them, knd those twol r , ? tt ; LOUIS D. HENRY, f"' or u,e 4th and 5ih, WiU each b JNO. W. WRIGHT, ' enJed t ptize of $25. bd Fayetteville, August 10 97?m . All others, being 1302 havin anv'nth y NbRTij-CArtbLiNrA : .Chorised by Act s of Congress and ihe Iu& , Kiiaiurc p? iortumjaroJma.) : ' y- ; J'OIlTHii IJEJCEFITOl TlIE " JL- JLi f. Thirty isirNb, Lottery bvPermufi , - ; Ballots to be draw 7T' V J. B YATES & At M 'INTYllE,' MiarAoxasi To be draym the IStk if lihteH$25S At the City of Kaleigh. ... f ; f Pnz6 -S20.000 ia ' 10,000 : ; 15,000 .v 10.003 v. 5.276 V 10.000 18.000 , ,8,000 0,3OO "j-:i.'9,soov ' J5,624 83,700 , S2H,206 5 ooo 1,000 .1 500' -50 - 372 1,302 X3950 1 5, 8r0 Prir.es. 3n;emiil? iii'tos Lottery, tha olthVdat on tne day of drawing, and 5oi th4m be' drawn ' outi and thatticke h.;-A- : .hersjn tbeovdet inwnicil wdl be iHed to s the prize y prize $t . .,iUTC nveotner tickets which shall have on them the m-.i,u.. 'i , 0,n? !eV shall be entitled to the nrkt 1 wm respectively;" ri iVrS'.'c: r ; The 1st. 3d and 3d frv jm r Sri. .w -ii"- SZiZZZ? otl, 1 st and 2d to r 5,000 i a'J ana 1st to i 5.000 i I 1 DOSe loothM'tirVt.rl.:-i. .Ctn ' 1 . ' " p w w 'n snaii nave Ofl l"em tnof the drawn numbers, ami thvWn I ,c -ad and 5t h, the 2d 4th and ?th. 'erat orders will each be entitle! - ot 1000 :' , ;V AU others with any other three" of the 'drawn' m?S? n hentbeing 56A will eaih ba cnH!ed a P"" of 500. J b K. - - 7 UWUI which siiull have turn tUl VSe UckeU wlch shall have two oT hf m, Nos: on them, and those two th &t a.nf 2d, ,n either order;' will each be In? titled to a prize of $50. : ! . 7 c two r,f th v :i .'y omer. - ; .it nuj. on luem will ach K entitled toa prize ofil2; " fW.. 0 And all --those) 13,950 tkkef s, having but" " v " 'I ts oi p o - No ticket which sbjill h,. .1 1. i I . Of frt o ;Vw.: v-.i-uc eniiuea prizes pble forty days after the dra wirig J and subject to the usual deduction of 15 r. cent. , , t j . ; t-.-v :( ; , .( Tickets & Share's in fh a b for Sale at" Manao-pr nm- 'n Raleirh p ? v 0 ' vnatt do. s qq Quarter do.' V5Q i s , i ui ucsets, embracinrr the 55 Numbers of the -Lottery; which musf of nt cessity draw at least $26 50 nett,' with so Lnr t chances for eanita!Vi .1U may be.hit at tK- . - r""-- - .f w. a41xIV; i-ftitr, viz I 1 nfiIaTves 36, " x-, ::x J?iml ?he tteries C ConnV. cut,- New-York NeW-Jersv :-.-p-...i -71 t I ton City, wdl he r;rT . ; - Mf .j"imes9yJ receive prompt attention, ifadJ jetted to ; v s :, - ; - ' J c , YATES & t'INTVnn.! t''-- fX .'-V-T'r;J .- 3 from the Stable of the tuS , .even miles south-west of naleip-h hi Svl3-y itorse, witn H ilars: mam and tn. z 'st spring, about 5 feet high, compact ve t huilt - and in trnriA .t,lW:JrL " ' paces roughly He had no shoes r vwiiuiuu i. . imn . taken'. . " :Ten dollars Reward Js fibred fbr the rs : coveryof the Horse, or Twenty, Dollars f h t?PPbel0, oflbe Tf andtheretia; ortbiIprse.::; fLVivAV - - - '.'i.'VJUi:S. , . .. , mr . t.owui creex uec i , . s i I 1nnmimin (.i1J1m .lt : '' ment, on .application to the subscribeilvif 1 In Mm canton. Burke' eoi.ntv. , 7! V ' JOHN if. BOAI:A l! r-, . 6 " ' -C .; 1 ft ' --.'. .4A.-".Vv ' ' - L.- " JIM 7 .