V TTnuse of Enterfainment. ' - 4jslJV- j4flie subscribe Shaving-leased -fsti:) l the ttAGLE TAVEUN in Willi. ,; i! if h amsbofough, will on the first ;of fyA J a n n ar y next, open the same tor " he accommodation of Travellers As he wilt spare no ; trouble or expense ;in .rendering comfortable those who may call on Wm, he hopes to merit al aftare of pnblic pa trohage; He , would 5 also 'accommodate; i .few students with Boardi v j : , 1 :, -r JbhnfWt Smith. Nor. s. ; ' - i 13 oaw6w ; l -State of Nortli-Oarplinti, j " " Granville Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, v - - v. November term, T82 5v . ri ' JUotipn to admit to -record the Nuncupative Will of Fanny Richardson, dee'd. ' TlkN motion, it Is ordered that publication v " r hi made for ninet, days in,the , Raleigh f s Keriste . notifying .Giles. Richardson,.: Eliza -beth 'Bottom, andlthejlcirsof George Rich: 4 ardson. to appear atthe court bfsaid county f the first EJouday of February next, at the a Courthouse .in DxforJ, nd shew cause, it Any thry hay why she said bill shall ot be admitted to record! '" ' :u : ." ; :.-" v - - Wifnesa Stephen s K. Sfteed, Clerk of our said Court, at office in OxbM the first Mon- day of November, A, D. 1825; : - ; x STEP- K.SNEEv Clk. 11 3m. pr.adr.-f3 '50 Lands for Sal p for Taxes. TT SHALL expose to public sale at the Court JUL House in Avbeviue, ;. ttnncombe- i:ounty on he 1st 'Monday of January, .1826, the fol lowing Tj-act.-iof Ind, to satisfy the Taxes du thereon, for 1824, and cost of advert i- SO acres, on the : waters of , lEims creek, joining the lands.of Jos. Brittain, and belting1 mg lO unanes juanc. f - t i ' 50 do on Flat creek, joining lllos Revis, and belonging to Wm. O. Massey. . ,rt 200 do on Toe River,' in the Pounding Mill Xioy tv belonging to "SVillis Billiekshy. 100 do on lg-Mud creek, joining the land Jtjf " Anderson, and belonging to John Trnmrnell. - j ,100 to on French Bread, the Ifoodenpile, place. " .. :v, 700 do on do r knowft by the name of the Bowming place. - ? -- v ; 4 h WW. D. SMITH, ShffV - B n ombe Co. Oct. 9th. V . - - - Svtxt e of ?wt-tiT oiia. 4 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. . Court of Pleas and QjuaYter Sessions ! , , November Term, 1825. ' John UoaK & others, 1' Petition for Par- tition. Jas. HamWelon & vife. IT appeting to the satisfaction of the court - that thf: defendants in this rase are not in ljMta;ts of this tate ; it is therefore wder ec by trie crurt, that publication be made four weeks in the Raleigh Regfster givlnjr notice to the said defendants to appear at die next Court of Pleas and Quartt r "esstuns to be held for he County of liocki ngharn, at the Court House in VYentworth, on the 4th Monday i.f Febntan- next.an- answer, other .wiBtr the petition wilTh taken pro con"esoi .and he:ua exparte Wit ess obett Galla--way, Clerk o". said Court at Went wort:', the -4th Monday of November." 1825. i. V f;; RO. GAI LA" t .- V, V. C. kdt e of X orth-G ayolitia ROCKINGH VM COUNTY. Court of Pleas nnd Quarter Sessions, ' November Term, 1825. Elizabeth S need, Cl "; . ; ' "' f , "V..'- ' 1 Petition for The Heirs at Law of Alex, f Dowtrr. Sneed.' ' J i ' IT appearing to tlie sati faction of the court, 'that James Sneed, John Sneed, William Sneed a l S;illy Sneed, hirs at law of Alexander Sneed, are not inhabit tiists of tliis Stat t is' ordered by the eourt that publication be made for six weeks in, the T?il-igh' Register,-'giving notice to the suid defendants t appear at out next court of Ple:s.tan.l. Q.uorter!Sessior to be held lor the eonntv of Rockingham, ; at the Court House; jln yentwqrth, on the -tth Monday of .Febru - r.y nex,f "and answer, otherwise the petition will be taken pro cunfesso ai d heard exparte as to them. .Witness Vobert-Gallaway t 'lerk pf our sa d court ( Wehtwortli, the 4th Mon day of Novembe r, 1825. 4 ' - " ' ' RO. GAL LAW AY, C.C.C. & late of Nortli- Ca rolina, '. PERSON COUNTY, t . , In Ear-U T. . Nov emb er Term, 1 825. - .- Moses Fuller, ; f . Bradshin Fuller & others.' 1 tf T appearing t;i the satisfaction, of the Court ! jf -that Hose a Fuller, one of the defendants in t ' is c vse, i s an in ha hi tant' of a hot 1 1 er S t at e ; It is therefore ordered th it, prbIication be ro;uU for three weeks in the'rfakigh.IUis ter;;for heskl f losea' Fuller to appear at the next t ? rm of this court; to be", held in Rox borough the sevenHv Monday after the first Monda m September nex.f and plead, an swer ami demur, or fhisl case will be heard ' A JOHN BRADSHIN, C. M. E. State of ToTiJoina; Court of Pleas and Quarter. Sessions, November Term; 1825 C Jer'h Morris, in right ofJames" Weatherspoou. . Willis -Weatbersnoo WpsVy Bird and Nancy his wife, Wm. Markham andCeUa hiswife Charles IltulsoiiRebekat his wife,. Abel Maynerd S Delia his wife, Fanny Wethersppon and Bethv.ny Vveatherspoon; ;. Petition for Parti tion. . "W N this case," it is suggested to the Court fi that Charles Hutsoh f and , wife . Rebekah, two of the .Defendants, .reside out of the State, and tUat the ordinary process of law cannot be serrrd on them It is therefore or dered that publication be made in the Ra leich feKister for four weeks, to come foi ward on or otiore ine n xx.w nn ot ynis courra to be held on the lhad Monday of February next, nt the Court House in Itale'urh, then and there to iswer to all and singular the al legaiona set forth in i Plaintiffs petitjon, or .t udgment will be entered pr co nfesso, ? and ' 't'l irVay r f petition granted, and iari order StatcsfcanVcf ltforijBarpiiia. v v V" Cjlaleigh, .Dec S, 182 5. I fflMlE hours of doing Business at the Prin- U. crpal Bank in, future, wdl be from nine o'clock , till one . instead of froci nine to jtwo o'clock, as heretofore. : ', "; By order of ,the Board of ' Directors, , ,W. H. HAY WOOI), Cash'r. oiaciiisf School. IT W.NUNN, respectfully informs the La- tf dies and Gentlemen ot Rateigli ana its vicinity.' that he will open his School on Fri day. 23 December; at Mr. John F. Gqneke's Long Koom. s Tnose persons wno leei a wil lingness to patronite him, are requested to send their children or wards at 10 o'clock, 'A." M. " . -' - The niirht School will also commence on Lthe evening" of the 23d. Subscription papers mjty be seen at J. F. lionefce's 5tore. Dec 19. ir-3tp accnaUou. THE urKlersigned devotes his prdfessional time chiefly to the business of Vaccinna- tion, and to he preservation of the genuine Vaccine Matter for the use of others. Physicians will be regularly supplied with matter for any period of time they may agree for. not leas than six years, for an annual fee nf five dollars. navUble in advance. , Tickets will alsio be; issued from this insti tution that Vii entitle any Physician or other citizen of the United States to vaccine mat tor: on the fi llowiriEr terms, yii : Private Ticket tit fen d'llar each. that J will entitle tlie hi Ider of the same to fresh aiatter as of ten as he may hve occasion to use it for three ueur . and Public Ticket at thirty doU larteach, that , will entitle all persons residing in the neighborhood of uny particular Post Ofice, flarffe townsand cities excepted,) to the same nrivilege tor a iKe penou oi time Pwvate Tickets ar. to be held by the Pur chasers themselves and for their own use; and Puhhc Tickfcts by the Postmasters, through whose particular offices all applications for matter torwardeU mnsi oe maue. VSftrgeons'bf the army, and navy of the U. S. will -be furnished- with genuine vaccine matter at all times, free of any expense. "AH the privileges of this institution and ad vantages heretofore offered to Physicians and pthers, will be secured to them agreeably to their respective engagements . witn . the un dcThrned. No letter addressed to the undersigned wiil be received at any ttoe, unless the post age tliereon is paid. ' - - , . JAMES SMITH. Vaccine Institution, Baltimore, 1 6th Sept. 1825. . 18- CO" The intr duct ion of the Small Pox in to Noi-th-CaroJmii, about tour years since, and which occasioned the repeal of the Law to encourage Vacyination" was not the restilt of an ro stake made by Dr. amitn, as he was at first induced to b'Tieve. r It has be n since discovered fd shewn, that this fata) occur rence is to be attributed entirely to a wicked trick that was unsuspected at the sime, and could not have been guarded against by any nerson. For a n.ore full account of - it how ever, the reatier wlro feels interested is re fcrred to a letter addre Sv ibby Dr, Smith, 3d Februajy, 1 824, to Mr Cla v ; Speaker of the House of Ilepres- ntatives, and tt a subsequent report oi . coniiuiuec m vuiijrcs-' io wiiom it ws referred. This report exculpates Or. Smith from alK blame, and recommends the adoption of his entire - plun for tlie general distribution ot vaccine mutter, v . j . iVxon & Kent, MERCttAXT Tailors From Newbern. RESPECTFULLY informs the pnblic,tliat tht y have talcen the house, next door to Messrs. Shaw and Primrose Store, ' where they have on Ivand, a large and extensive as sortment of ; READY MADE CLOTHING, ' ' , COKS18TING, r . hj. yi -' ; . t Blue and black Dress Coats, (1st and 2d qualities,) Blue, black, olive, claret and green Frock ' Coats.r .. :; . ! Gent temen's fishionable drab . Box Coatsy, i A general assortment of Pantaloons, . A" handsome assortment of Cut Velvet - Vestings,'. ':';; , 4 ,V - -i,' ""- Valencia, Toil net and Marseilles do. Red Under Vests. ? f An assortment of Drawers. Blue and black. Camlet Cloaks, (with fur j ; :r collars. ' :- ' - v ; ; -. "- Plaid Cloaks with do, ' : ; - ' Ladies Cloaks ' ', ' 'li ': Gentlemen rViffled arid plain shirts, Do beaver Gloves I ; ' r ; Webbs Patent Suspemlers, &c. &cf. AH of which they offer for Sale oh the most reasonable terms for cash.' The above arti cles art manufactured in the most fashiona bh style, and not to be surpassed by ahv in the state.. .; . ' ; : '. Kaleisrh, Oct." IS, 1825. -ibO-tfi ; .'v . . i . i .i . - -- - I T'AS stolen from my shop, betw een the lOt 2 1 st inst. a , FO WL1NG PIECE of the folhwing description : she is what may be cailed almost a; hrst rate Gun, the barrel patent britched, vvittr rib br what is caltcd half stocked, the; mountings of steel metal, vhe figure of the guard is a scrawl uhder the hand, and the stock - is broken br craoked a- bout 1 1-2 inch below the fall, .of the bntch and extends to the back chamber, and if my memory serves me, she was' bushed & drill ect'with platanna metal, which many might takR to be silver. 6 As the Gun was lett with mprfur repairs, ' I will offer a reward of five dolUrs to any pers.m that will ive me .any; intorination of said gun, .or ten dollars on con viction of the thief. DANIEL PECK, sen. r Raleigh; Dec. 5. ' - . For ftalei a SMALL FARM, situated within two : miles o- the University, containing about 130 acres, seventy of which are in a state of of cultivation, consisting of forty acres dfyerv fertile low ground, and thirty arvs of go d upland. On the premises is a sthall dwelling house, with a convenient supply of out-houses, r: Near the house is. a. never-failing Spring of good water and at a shprt distance a. Chalybeate- Mineral Spring, which has become a place" of 'considerable resort to invalids v. .. Thisplace being healthy, oh a public road ami ear this village,' Jtmight with ia few repairs,?vbe rendered an eligible situation for any one wishing a summer residence In thcupper country; ;-The terms of sale will be reasonable and accommodating. For fur ther particulars, 'inquire of the subscriber. t , J . OLMSTED. Chapel Ilffl, Oct. 10.' - ; i . Wavtebioii female &e&? -as V IT is mlready extensirely known that the ' Rev. . Brainerd and . the Rer. C. C. Brainerd propose continuing the Warrenton Female' Academy : at the .situation , fotmerly occupied by Mr. Jacob Mordecai and recent ly hy Mr. Plunckett in Warrenton.- a But the quaiifications of neither the Gentlemen or the Ladies by whom, they will be assisted are suf ficiently known to inspire the public with confidence or ensure encouragement to their exerxios mxne cause ui remaie msiruviion. We-have had before us the highest - testi monials bf the talents and fair moral charac ter of the Gentlemen and the Ladies associat ed as the directors and directresses of "the proposed institution and do" with much plea sure recommend them to the confidence and patronage of the public. John Hall, ' Robt. IK Jones, ' Kemp Plummer, " Peter R. Davis, ( Stephen Davis, Jas. jSomervill, , Sam'l. Hillman, ; v. . - , . . John, Anderson, Geo. Anderson, 3 Philip C. Pope, , Daniel ;Turnei . Warrenton, N. G. Dec. 141 .,Vi.'"! 17 d3tl hose .Editors who have Published the advertisement of the Messrs. Brainerds rela tive to their proposed Academy will insert the above, until the second week, in January and forward their accounts with that of the other. . - 1111 ) " ... I I - : ILL BE SOLD, on Saturday the 25th of November, inst. at public sale, on the premises, a Tract of Land, containing 444 1-2 aereSjlying on the waters ot Richland Creek, in Franklin county, adjoining the lands of Ir. Bartholomew Fuller, c Mrs. Har vey and others, and now occupied by Mr. Elam Yarb rough ; six miles east of Colonel Southerland's. A negro boy will be taken in part payment, and the balance in one or two yearsy to suit the purchaser. For further particu?ars,apply to the subscriber in Raleigh, either by letter or otherwise. J. D. BARR. Nov. 6. f . 6 ot CJThe above sale is postponed un til Saturday the 24th Decenber. Nov. 28, 1 825. j j 12 tds MVVton MaBtiuicotter Authorised ! y Special Act of Assembly, . for the bem fit of . GOLDEN FLEECE LODGE, No. 4, N. C. Priire $3000 2000 100Q 500. 100 so, 10 5 JS IS is . is . is IS is n $3000 2000 2000 2500 1000 1000 1000 '7500 ' - $20,000 1639 2361 Prices . Blanks 4000 Tickets at $5 i $20,000 Drawing to commence in MltToir, as soon a sufficient number of Tickets shall have been sold. Superintended by the following Managers: r '- . - ALEX'R. HENDERSON, JAMES RAINEY, . f ARCHIMEDES DONOHO, r JOHN R. CLARK, THOMAS L. STEVENS. SAMUEL W ATKINS. i Orders for tickets, post paid, and enclosing tne'--i;ash, -will be thankfully received and punctually attended to by the Treasurer in Milton, N. c. Tickets Five Doll ira. each:- Tickets to be had from Agents residirur in the different townsvillages and public places throughout tne state. , . w By order of the Managers,. ' . PHILIP H. THOMAS, Treas'r.T tate of X o y t-C ar 0i Wa , ;. Oranville County. i 1 Court of Equity September Term, 1825. tfoong iav ana nis wiie y; ;t ' i j Patsev. Eliiah iilli ms & I V Petition , for 11 his wife Eliza' jet h, Fred'k l.sale of Land be Adcock' & his wife Fran .- (longing f tb, .the ces, John Ford & Rebecca fEstate of Absa- roro, vs. - I 10m r ora, ue- William Williams 8c hisv fceased. wife Nancv, & Sally Ford. J . IT appealing (o the Court, that the Defend ants William Williams and wifei and Sally Ford, are not inhabita ts of this State ; It is therefore ordered by the Court, that publica tion be made in the Ualeigh Register, for six successive wevkk, requiring" he said.W'illiam .William's "and wife, arid Sally Ford, ta ap pear at the Super or Court bf Equity to oe held for the county-of Granville at the Court House it Oxford, on the first Monday, of March next, then and. there to answer br de mur 'o the said Petition, otherwise it will be taken pro confesso, and be heard ex parte. .Witness Thomas tl. Llttlj john- Clerk and Maste of said Court at Oxford, the first Mon dayofSt ptember, 1825. . ( L h THO B. LITTLFJ GUN, Ci M. E. ; i tatei oC NbrthtCarolinai PERSON COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions " September Term. 11825; t . PetitS?iC?r the visibn ofthe Real Estate v ;f William McKissack; dee'dt' 1 r Sarah Villines, -. J Robt McKissack, Wm. Evans and his wife Mary, Jas. McMullin and his ' wife Janett Simeon Cochran and his wife vk tiie heirs of Nancy '-Villines; the wife of Auram vuimes, and the heirs of Thomp son McKissack, decfdJ i r. ; r. ORDERED by the Court, thatpublicition be made in One of the Gazettes of this Ute, summoning the heirs who reside with out the limits of this State,, tb appear at the next term of this Cburt on the firsi Monday, of December rlext, to shew cause, if any they have, why the lands of Wm. McKissack deceased, seised and pbssesseo" should not be thvided among his heirs at law, accbrcW to the act of .our General Assembly,' hi such case made and provided. - - . V - ; ' Test; ' ; -. , ' ! ' JESSE DICKINS, C. C is 1 1 3 5 - 10 20 100 1500 . i BLANKS POR GAhB AT THIS QFJEUCJEc. :'. Seasonable Dyx QooSbW r Brm SMITH, tx. Cor take pleasure in in-forming- their Friend and Ciistomers, and the public in general, Ihatthey have jufet opened an excellent & ex .ensire assbrtmeht ofl Sunerior t S E A SONABLE STAPLE: and FANCY DRY GOODS, selected at thtt lowest Cash prices with great ' pains by one of the partners ! in tthe: Cities of NEWYORK and PHlLADELPHlAand mbracinar almost eV erv thinsr new. fashionable and desirable, arid as they will be sold for cash osit, they hojJe to share a liberal pronortion of the business, as they will be found on examination to be as Cheap as any1 other House in the City. 1 , i They consist .in part of Superior Blu and BlacW Vejvet CLOTHS; Ditto Blue, 'i Black, and fashionable Mixed Casimeres andSattinetts; v . Splendid cut Velvet, Black Silk and Valencia u Vestings, Gentlemen's and LadlesVCloaks, Real Tartan. Circassian, and Caroline Plaids, Bolivar and Barjje Stripes, (beautiful goods) uomDazetts ana nomoa nes, Irish Linens and Thread C .mbricks, : . ) Domesticksbf every description, very cheap, Rose and Point Blankets, . NEGRO CLOTHING. - Ji most splendid assortment of . New Style Calicoes & London Chints, (some very oeauimn fiauenis.j , . Cambricks and Muslins of all kinds r : Rich Swiss . Muslins of the most superior quality ; .; ! Mandarin, Canton & Nankin Crapes embrac- ms every description, ; j7: -t " ? ,; f A crreat Variety of Merino. Cashmere, Valen . cia, iik, i-.4ssiere aiiawisanu scnri9, Superb Brown. Blue, Lilack & Pearl colored Gross de Naples and Gross dete Silks, Bandana Handkerchiefs and Crarats, Thread Laces and Edgings, -Rich Feather . Edered Gross dete Maraban ' Gatise Ribands, s , Handsome Belt Ribands and Gimps Hosiery of every description, Woodstock, Dogskin and Castor Gloves, : Large Shell Combs, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, j ' 4 cases fashionable Hats, ; . Fine Morocco, Prunel and Calf Skin Shoes, A variety of first rate Knives and Razors, ! Eleirant China Tea Setts, Cut Glass Tumblers, Wine and Jelly Glasses Fresh Imperial and Hyson Tea, -Loaf Sugar, Cheese, and COTTON BAGGING. Raleigh, Nov. 28. : . . 12--tK; TayetteviWe. T OBERT J AFFRAY & CO. have received AY from England, their Fall Importation of DRY GOODS ; which tht-y otter to re sponsibl country dealers on as liberal terms of credit as are given by- any house in the United States. !n : Their assortment comprises almost every article of foreign or domestic Manufacture that is required in a Country Store in North Carolina. " ' . . - They sell only by WHbijssii.r. i' : ; Nov. I, 1825i ;.. : BC ftocco TfemaVe Academy. TyffRS. LUCAS respec fully states to then JLrJL public her intention of re-opening her Academy at tlie above piace, on the second Monday in January next. k f The retired and. pleasant situatidh of the Shocco Seminary, its salubrious air aVid good water, and the facility which it presents to parents for communication with their chil dren, offers inducements and advantages of which few places can boast. - 1 Mrs. Lccas stands pledjred'by her former sifccess, and the approbation or Friewds, to devote herself to tlie instruction and. morals of her pupils. Having associated with her, an able female assistant, the following branch t-s of useful education will, be attended tor- Spelling, Reading and Writings Arithmetic, Grammar, Gebraphy, History, , Chemistry, Astronomy, Philos phy and Botany. In ad dition to these studies, Drai wnjr & Pairitinfir, Plain-and Ornamental Needle-work, Painting n " Velvet and Music, will " be practically taught. ; - TERMS: Board and Tuition $50 per session. Music jJ20 per session Warren' county j Dec 5, 1825. ' ";' V' " The Star I Halifax, Washington. Edentbu apd Warrenton papers will insert the above lour umes. , .. , State of North-Carolina, I Mar. en. county. . ! In Equity October teTmi 1825: Edmund May field, complainant . , ; : vs. - . v: : , Argel H. , Hanks, . Warren Holden, ' Richard Russell, Benjamin Beard, Burwell Pitch .'; ford, Benjamin Norwood, and DaVid Moss, ; defendants. :, i - - ' f , Qrijrtnat BIL . , 1,'i 4"HIS day came said complainant, by , hia V counsel,' and it anpearincr satisfactorily that Benjamih .Beard and Argel H. Hanks; -ire not inhabitants of this State, so that, the ordinary process of the law can be served on thehV : it is therefore ordered, that publica- non dc mane ior six weeks in tne warrenton Reporter and in the State ' Gazette, that tfl said defendants B Beard , and A. II. Hanks do hot.appear here at the next term of this Court to be held i'ot the county aforesaid, at the Courthouse in Warrenton, on the third Monday after the fourth Monday in Marph next, and plead,' answer or demur tb 'said Mil, the same will be taken for confessed, tnd set fof hearin? ex parte as td them, f 7, A bopy attest. -. '' ' ,'; i George Anderson, C. M.'E. - Warrenton, "Nov. 29, 1825. 14 6w ? f ? ! NpHtH-C AROLINA. , 5 i r Granville County. f ; - ENTERED i on rthe Stray Book of said eounty, by Valentine Mavfield, a bright bay Horse rno btands to be rseen, 11 or ? years pld, his ja has the appearance of be ing broken, and his right 'hock considerably swelled, appraised to. $35, by John Peace & James Bl .Ckley.iv Said v Mavfield lives' on Foot Creek, 13 miles south of Oxford.' 1 ' Also, on ther 16th tNoyember, by - James Cheatham, a sorrel Filly, about tw years old next spring, no brands to be seen; her. left hind foot marked with white, with a snip on the nose, . she is about four feet high; Appraised to 15 dollars by. Wm. Amis and Littlebury Crews. Said Cheatham resides about five miles southeast of Oxford .' '- . : - i V' t? YANCEY, Ranker. . Nov. J. n 7tp IiO0c A :T last November Court.4 a ha v tw;. a. XU property of tl st.-:t.:' oyr mpm?oroughby. mistake,! presume, he thinkins- h!mt E ea nkiner h'm n . his own horse.. Mr. WnmM. m.i. w. . . NC. dunnct which m" . . " . : ". ?i seems ne was unable to discover his error-hc still suppos. mg him to be h,s horse, let l ira loose think, irrghe would continue about hi plantation he has never .mce been heard otlHe w a horse of ordinary size4 ami tv .iui.. hartlhis hind feet are white, extending teu of tweyleinches above the hoof his ears are remarkably, small There are no other particular marks rememhered. Any inform atio respecting-him will, fee thankmUv re. Ceived and liberally rewarded by the "Sub scribvr, living in Orange county, N. C.-nea" Murphey's Mills. . i N. B. IntelVrge'nce can be directed to Haw Riv;r,Pos Office, N. C. , , The Editors of the Raleigh Star, and Car. olina Observer, will ph ase pive the : above four insertions, and forward their acounts t the office of the Register. l- , - ? . Warrenton Academy. THE Trustees having engaged Mr. not P. WiuLiiMs, of Vermont, a gentleman whose recommendatrons command their hill, cbnfidence,vtd 'take the management &nd direction, of this lnstitution the ensuing year feel authorised to recommend it to the atten tion of parents and guar tinns. -It being one of the oldest seminaries in the State, th-y deem it unnecessary to say more. 'The exercises will recommence on the 1st Monday in January next, -"; . ; , -i Board mar be obtained with many respect able families in town, and perhaps at the A cademy, on reasonable terms. r .'- By orrder. ' . . j' ; GEO.; ANDERSON, Sec'y. Warrenton, N. C. Dec. L I4 tlJ gy Marion Academy. 4 Teacher is wanted, to take charge bf J, this Institution by the second Alonday in. Janu ary, who is qualified to prepare students for admission into the Junior Class of the College at Columbia.' Testimonials of moral character; and competency will be required. To sucK -an ont, a salary of Five Hundred Dollars will be given. Those desirous cf the above situation, are requeste'd to make ap' plication by the 15th December nex at which time an ejection will take place for a Teacher. "Application to be made to Exos TUbt, President of the Board pf TnisteeSi Marion t'ourt House, South-Carolina, j f OHN J AY C LARKE, Sec'y pro. em."" 'N. B. Board can be had in respectable fa milies at $100 per annum. Marion C. H. Nov. 15. - 11 eo3t ? Warrenton Female Academy.' The Rerl Ei Brainerd and the Brainerd, ' Rer. C. C HAVING purchased the situation recent occupied by Mrs; PLUNKETT, sa Fe inale Seminary," purpose to continue tho . snme for the, Education of Young Indies, in the following branches t V ' -; i Spelling, Reading, Writing,EngIishGrara marj Modern ,and Ancient, Geogniphy witl the use of Maps and Globes, Projecting Maps, Simple and Compound Arithmetic Mathematics, Elements of Composition; Mo dern and Ancient History, Astronomy. Mne monies applied to Chronology, History and Astronomy, Natural History, Elements of Criticism, Mythology, Natural "and Moral Philosophy,- Logic, French,, Spanish, Italian ana (if desired) the dead Languages;' Chem istry, Botany and Minern'ogywith a curseof I-:ctures 'thereon, Music, : Ornamental Pen ma nship,' Plain and Ornamental Nedlework, lira wing and Perspective, Painting in water: colors on paper, vellum, ; velvet, and satin, Paihti ig1 transparencies and "in distempora styles and Crayon 'Drawing,- I V . PAINTING IN OIL, . . ! Making Artificial Friiit and Floive?-sin War", -GILDING, JAP ANlNG, B RONZlNG AND Varnishing.. V :- ' ' i They will be assisted by Mrs. B R A INERB Miss JL. UKAINKKD, (the rceiit Directress Q the ll'dlsb Droueh Academy. V and Miss "S. IJRAINERD, members of their family, .j , TERMS PER SESSION. As prcVidusly established by. 'Mrs. Piunkett ' Payable in advance . ' English Tuition; in all its branches 1 -" " - 'Dollars 1 he Languages .. .. , kUSIC ' i -- , '- Needle" Work "J 5 : '' -' ' ' - ' '" 'V - Drawing &c. as above, for eath ! J or per session - Painting in Oil ' P - . r - . Making artificial FruitSt. Powers -; hiding &c.f -'k:r : '- - t 10-? Children, in Spelling Reading and i i WHtihgT only : ?ia Board f?' J .l'.- - . f 50' Pupils may at tend Jlq any of the above spe cified branches, at the option of Parents annV-GtiardUns.H--i:-vr:-; ' . The first session will commence on the 2d Monday in January, 1 826. There .will be an examination in June and November at the close of each session. The only vacation of the Seminarj-,i will 'be4 between the Novem ber examination and the commencement cl: the succeeding ye:r. ' ' " ' ' - t - - Though ... nqt .required, it is desirable, 'far many important r .asons, that , the Young Lp dies should hoard with' t he Teachers They : will be under their more immediate inspect- tionr-the Teachers wiB themselves more re sponsible for- their conduct when iout schobl-v-iheyi will also have tnahy more op portunities . of .improving their ; minds and manners, while members of their .family for ; -s such, strictly and ftrulv, all Boarders will ne consiaerea ana treatea logemer witn many other advantages. ,. Those who board with them must come provided with a pair o Sheets and Blankets and' a Counterpane, each as heretofore required in the school, ' f rThe TEACHERS' of this -8rminry begi leave to say a word on the'important subject of morals While their attention will be de voted to the formation of lady-like m miters in. their Pupils, thejr morals will be still more ihe subject, of ,Wxious watchfiilness. Evep solicitous as they wli be to win the affections. .of their Pupils, thbse who preside over the- Seminary .wdi avad themselves of that ahee?r tion to instil the principles of morality. J -. . -I - v Warrenton, N. C;?! 1 awtc, ! -ltk Not. 1825 V 0 4 & - 15

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