? ' 4 - ' ' i ? - ' "' ".'';r - . . v.- ? , : , . - - .. - . . . " . v. r ' - . -v , . -. ' . : . TW'' TTi"- TW) TR" Th TT3T. Td2 TWJ Tf! T7 33?TRlTISE3 TDD t i - - AND ' GAZETTE. Ovirs are the. plans of fairi delightful peace " Unwarp'd by pavtjr rage to live like brothers." Vol. Wl. NOR THTZ REGISTER x JOSKP1I GALES :SON,: -. At Fitk Dollars per annumhalf in advance. AD VEiyriS EM ENTS Not exceeding 16 lines, neatly inserted three times for a dollar, and 25 f cents for every succeeding publication ; those of greater length in-th'e same proportion..;. .Commcst cattons thankfully received..... Lkttkhs to the Editors must be post-paid. . Virginia: Female A cadeniy, BOYD TOJV,Mecklenbiirg County. THE -Exercises of this Institution will com mence on Monday, Jan 9, 1 26, under the direction of. Jos. B. Warue, from the N. Carolina Yemale Academy, Oxford, and Geo; L. Baker, assisted by Mrs. Warn'e, Irs. Ba ker, and Miss Emma Baker, who. was educa ted in thfc. Korth-Garolina Female Academy, and has taught Music there during the pre seni year. a . ' : 1 : --v '. ' r - : The course of Instruction will include Needle work, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar; Geography, Mythology, Iliston, Chy mistry,HeJles Leltres,Natural .Philosophy i-.nd Astronomy. The morals and manners of the young 'Ladies' 'will also receive parti cular attention. The terms for Board with Tuition in all the above, will be $60 per ses sion, and no extra charges whatever wilj be m'd.-,' but at the opribn of the friends of tile pupils : the charge for tuition alone, will be from $10 to $15. Muic, (vocal and instru- mental,) ami Drawing, 'ill also be taught, the former at $30, the latter at $20 per ses sion . the vv hole payable in advance. Boarders will regularly take their meals with the family, and will in every respect be considered a part of it. Those whose amia ble deportment and literary , acquirements, merit such a distinctioii, wiil receive a Gold Medal on completing their studies. Eachypung L;idy is expected to furnish a pair of sheets, blankets, a coverlid 8c towels, or a charge of $2 50 tier session will bemuIe tor the use of these vHfngs. Dec. 13. ' , . 17-4t ACADEMY. THIS Institution, 'which, for several years past, has been conducted by Messrs. An idrewsand Jones,' will in future be superin tended by the Ttevd. Joseph , . I.abaree, assist ed by the Revd. Thomas Skelton and wife, from Massachusetts, Miss Ilainah Kennedy, wio, for several years past, h s taught Paint ing 'and Drawing in ihe scfiool of Messrs. Andrews and : Jones, ' and tJ ree other rb?e and .experienced teachers. The plan cf in struction in the institution, will be the same as that heretofore pursued. Except when 'parents or guardians have near relatives in town, the pupils will board . with the principal, will take their meals, at the same table wi h his family, and in all res pects be treated as his own children ; . Board" ami tuition, in f all the braViches of Engl sh study, and needlework, will be charg? ed at only sixty dcllars pr session. Mus:c at thirty Painting and Drawing at twenty. The foreign and dead languages, if required, will he taught by competent instructors. The school will be a cheap one. " The principal is determined that the rfc!iall be no cause of complaint in future oi'ejctra and unexpected charges.. No charges will be allowed except such as are particularly required by the pa rent or guardian. ,The government of the school will be strictly paternal the govern ment of kindness and of reason. The principal will feel himself responsible for the morals and mariners of his pupils, and while every thing sectarian on the", subject of rphpnon will whollv he avoided, he will do rj . ' - . 7 all in his power to give them genteel manners und to imbue their minds with those moral truths,' which elevate thejviews, ennoble the feelings, and give some just , notions of the jeal dignity of our nature. The first session will commence on the 2d Monday .of January next. Each pupil wil) be required to furnish her own sheets, i blan kets, arid counterpane.1 ' - v ! . ' .-; . ; . i .'. ; j - T1HE Exereises of this school will com J mence on the second Monday in January jiext, under the superintendance of Mr. Jas. 1. Johnson, the gentleman who has for seve ral years past presided over this Institution w ith so much ability. I " '- v ;:. WM. M. SNEEP, Sec'y. Oxford, Granville co. N. C. 7 17 "December; 1825i 5 Y o y iv cut ,Y a ut nig . JAMES M'GIBBONotakes the liberty to intorm the Ladies arid Gentlemen of, Ra leigh and its vicinity, that his Painting-Room 13 at Miss Susannah Schaub's, Favetteville St. where specimens of his execution may be seen, and orders executed on the most rea sonable terms. ' '- ' Raleigh, Dec. 15. 17 4t AVarrenton Academy. FTIIETrnstees, having engaged Air. Geo. fl. P, Wi hum s, of Vermont, a geiitleman' whose recommendations command their lull confidence,4 to take . the management and direction of this lnstitution.the ensuing year, feel authorised to recommend it to the atteii t ion of parents and guar lians. : . ".i ! It being one of the oidest,seminaries in the State, they deem' it unnecessary to say more. Ti:e "exercises will recommence on the 1st Mond y in January next, i ': ' . ? ; v Board "may be obt iiued witbmany respect able families. in town, ajil perhaps at. the A cdemy, on reasonable terms. , ' Y '' - lly orrder. (.EO. ANDERSON, SecV Wcrrenton, K. Dec, 1. 14 tlj ON" Monday the 23d cf January, will be ex posed at public Sale, in. "the . town of Smithfield, between Thirty and Forty NE GROES, belonging to the estate of the late John Williams, dpe'd. The 'public. are invi ted to attend, as the Sale will beperempto ry,, and the Slaves are, very valuable. Near ly one half of the Negroes , sold, will be put up for cash, and the residue for accommoda tion paper ; so that both cash holders and credit purchasers can be suited. , - . ALLEN S. BALLENGER," ISAAC WILLIAMS, C Adm'rs. John Williams. S December 2, 18251 15-ts Factovage" & Commission TVasvnfcss. flE Subscriber tenders his services to liis friends arid the public in greneral, as a Factor &' Agent for the sale of Cotton, To bacco, or such other articles of Country Pro duce as are brought to Fayetteville for Mark et, and for the purchase of Goods gene rally. . - t .. : , He will invest the- proceeds of any sales by him made, without commission, in Goods of amy description- that maj' be ordered, or pay or remit the same as he may be directed, paying the most particular attention to the orders of his employers in that respect. Having '.convenient-Warehouses for Stor age of Protluce or Merchandise, he will also receive and ship, or forward any Produce, or Goods that may be committed to his charge for either of those purposes. He promises prompt and strict attention to the orders and interest of his employers, and that his charge for Commission shall be moderate. JOSEPH BAKER. - Fayetteville, N.- C. Sept. 14. 98 3m The University of Virginia , "ttTTILL commence its next session. on the v 1st day of Feb. 1826. Iterr,braces a school, 1st of Ancient L manages,. 2d Modern Langua : es, 3d Matthematics, 4th Natural Phi losophy, 5th NaturalHistorv, 6t!i Moral Philo sophy, 7th Anatomy & Med ciri , 8th Law and Government with distinct Professors to each. To be received into the school of -Ancient Languages, the applicant must be qualified to commence-reading the higher L -tin clas sics, and those also of the same degree in Greek, if he proposes to acquire that lan guage. For admission in the School of Mathema tics, Natural Philosoph) , or Natural Histprv, he must bt well acquainttd with the ele mentary operations of Numerical Arithmetic, with Fractions, Vulgar. and Decimal, and the extraction of the Roots ; and to enter any school iTie"rnust be 16 velars of age, rigorous ly proved. Every student, is free to attend such schools, and such-only as he thinks will best prepare him for the Tine of life he pro poses to follow ; paying tuition" fees to the Professors he attends ; to' wit, 50 dollars if only o ;e thirty dollars to each, if two, and 25 dollars to each, if he attends three or more; rooms are. provided suflicieut for the-accom-moIation of 218 students two to a toom ; for their lodging and study, each of thim 'paying a rent of 23 dollars to the University. Hotels for their dieting have been also prepared, and let to house-keepers of the most respectable character, with-any one of whom the student diets at his choice, at the fixd price of $10Q for the term of ten mom hs and a half. The vacation now commencing will end on ihp last .of January, and if is strongly recom mended to all to be ready to beein with their class on the first .1 . ' lay of the session ; tnose wno come at anvl time after, must s'lll pay for the whole year. The stu- dent finds his own bedding, fuel, candles and washing. All'expenses(exrlusiv.e ot clothing and pocket money ..re' estimated at $230 or 40, of which tuition, fees and rent, must be paid in advance to the Proctor, (on whose receipt alone,., produced, they can enter any school.) and the Hotel keepers expect one half for their diet in advance. Students are free also to board in the neighboring village or elsewhere, as they chue, paying in that case, tuition fees only, and a rent of $5 to the Universi y. All letters and applications respecting the premises are to 5e addressed to the subscriber at the University, near Chailottesville, by a letter, to whom or sub scription with him, (but not verbally, 1 lodg ings in a dormitory may be engaged, which, however if not occupied beforethe first Mon day in February, will be let to other appli cants. ' " A. S. BROCKENBROUGH, ' . PHOCTOB. Becember'l5. 19-3t Notice. ON the 12th of-January next, T shall offer for sale, at .the late Dwelling House. of Edwin . Smith , dee'd, on a credit of 9 months with interest after 6 months, the 'following Property belonging to the estate of said de ceased, tojwit : About 30,000 pounds of seed Cotton, all the Stock of Hogs, Horses and Mules, aiid a new Cotton Gin (never used,) about 130 of the Hogs are now fattening, and by the day of sale will be. excellent Pork.' Bonds with approved security will be required of the purchasers. v; JAS. H. SMITH, Johnston c'jy, Dec. 1 9. Snecial Admrl i- ' : ; : .1 i fHjOuisburs: Female Academv.N rrfll E Examination ,of the Pupils in this In- jl, suuiuou cioseu on uie Ota! instant, en tirely to the satisfaction of the Trustees and of the parents and guardians Who attended the same. ''-r . -, ''. ' j The- Exercise of the School will recom mence on the 1st Monday of January next, uriderfthe superintendence and direction of Miss Raisey of New-York, who has presided in the institution for thelst two years, with distinguished ability, zeal 'and industry. Y ; V , WM. PLUMMER, Sec'y " -" to the Board of Trustees. ". Louisburg, N. C Dec. 17. . 19 2t' H ill iards ton Academies. R. TflOMAS G. STONli.having resign ed his charge as Superintendent in the Male Department, ;the exercises of the same will be continued under the direction ofMr. John JST. Bffinett who is of exemplary mo rals, and well qualified to discharge the du ties required in this institution. The exer cises of which will recommence on Monday the 16th" January next. , The Exercises in. the Female Department will recommence the first Monday in January, under the superintendance of Miss JYtria Harriss, who has tmicrht two years in' Gran ville county an J, her services highly approv ed. She will teach the following branches, V ;z. Spelling, Heading, Writing? Arithmetic, English 'Grammar,' Geography," Drawing and Pamting qn Paper, arid Plain and Ornamen tal Needle-work. - Prices of tuition as heretofore in each de partment, viz. fUr SpeULn,., Heading, Writ ing and Arithmetic eight dollars, and the other brandies ten dollars per session. llor dm y be had with James Hilliard and Wm. Burt, at .thirty -three dollars per session By order. WM. BURT, Sec'y. Ililliard'ston, Nash county, N. C. Dec--mber! ' S 0 Hillsboroiigh Female Seminary, milE First Session of this Institution CIOS- fe ed on the 17th idt. at which time at wnicn time an approved Examination of the pupils was sus tained in the presence of the School Com rriittee. The exercises of this Seminary will be resumed on Thursday the 12th of Janua ry next. Competent Instructors will be in readiness t that time to meet the wishes of those Parents and Guardians who may com mit their Children to our ca-e, with a view to their instruction, in either the useful or ornamental branches of Female , Education. The Superintendant, deeply impressed with the importance of rightly training those who are now the daugters. butttre shortly to be the wives nd mothers of the community, pledges himself, as before, to exercise a pa rental watchfulness over his pupils, and to give such direction to the in.-.truc'ions of the Seminary, as shall adapt them to the eternal as well as temporal interests of those com mitted to his care. Every thing taught' shall be taught tho roughly and with a view to practical life And although the lighter gratifications 01 fe male education, usually called " accomplish ments" shall be. attended to in their proper place m. measure, yet the chief aim of the Instructor shall be to fit their pupils for usefulness, by . inculcating, both by t precept and example, moderation, forbearance, good temper , self-contt oi, and the morality of the GaKpet. '" To Parents and Guardians at a distance, who may commend their children to his at tion, the Superintendant engages to provide them with b.-ard, in. families convenient to the Academy, and where all due attention will be paid to their morals, their manners, and their comfort. j' :' Terms of Tuition at the usual rates. Board can be obtained in the most respect able families at $10 per month, including wood, washing, candles, Sec; W. M GREEN BuPtRI-TEXDAXT. ' Hillsborough, Dec. 1st, 1825. l5-;4tw The Editors of the Raleigh Star, Newbern Sentinel, Edenton Gazette, Fayetteville Ob server, Cape Fear Recorder, and Western Carolinian, are requested to publish the above for three successive weeks, and for ward their accounts to the Office of the Hillsborough Recorder for payment. J GALES Sc SON hare fust recei A the following NEW BOOKS from ailadel phi i : Roberts on Fraudulent Conveyances, new edition.' ( , .Parris's Chem stry. Bos lock's Physiology. Annals of the American Revolution inter spersed with' numerous Documents, An ' ccdotes; and Engravings, with remarks on the principles.jtnd advantages of the . Constitution of our National Government; also Biographical Accounts of the prin cipal Military Officers, who were instru , mental in achieving our independence. Tredgold on Railways. . Babylon the Great, or a dissection and de monstration of Men and Things in the British Capital. . Husband Hunting, or the Mother and . daughters a tale of fashionable life. The Troubadour, or Catalogue of Pictures and Historical Sketches. ( . ! Ladies and Gentlemen's Remembrancer, for 1826. IngersolPs Oration. . Lights of Education. v Rainsford Villa. 1 Reciprocal duties of Parents and Children. Early Lessons, by Miss Edgeworth. Patience. , 1 Decsion. : x The Week, V Eveiung Entertainments. -Raleigh, Dec. 13; 1825. , I OfJ W. PULLEN, res of pectfully informs the Public, that he has reserved Rooms in his House for transient Custom ers, whom he wiil feci pleasure in accommo- dating. -:i e v r":' .- He wishes it to be noticed, that hereafter, instead of the Union Hotel, his House will be tyled the Crrx IIotxi.. ' ' Noyi 24-tf V ... ,; - v - ayetteViWe Academy. A PRINCIPAL TEACHER is wanted in Jt. thislnstittition, well qualified.to instruct youths of both sexes in all the branches Of an English and Classical education, and to pre pareyoung men for entrance intb the Junior Class of anv College in the Union. ,His mo ral character, and qualification for teaching the Greek 'and Latin Classics, must be un doubted. - - - ; It is the design of the Trustees to contract with a Gentleman who wiil ceupon him self the sole management anil responsibility of the School, comprehending both depart ments, Male & Female, supply the same with Teachers of" his own choice, and furnish eve ry other necessary, in consideration of which he will be entitled to reguUte the price of tuition, and to receive all the emoluments derived from it . . ;. This plan is recommended by the experi ence, that salary employments do not stimu late to that industry and zea?, which are ne cessary to the successful progress and repu tation of a lare School, and h s its f uVda tion in -"hat principle of self loye,,- which prompts the exertions most where interest lies, by indentifying the interest of the Teacher with the character of the School, thus affording to the public the surest garan ty of having their children faithfully tauglrt. The Academy lot and buildings are situat: ed in a very pleasant part of the town, on one of the .principal streets, an rl in the. neigh borhood of the Episcopal and Presbyterian Churches..- The lot is large and well shad ed in the front yard, which communicates with the street over a stile : The main build ing and wing are three stories high, with a double Portico in fron and is surmounted with a beautiful Belfry the length & breadth of the main building is about 65 by 45 feet, divided into large apartments, separated by large halls or passages through the cen tre. - They are sufficiently capacious to accom modate a School of 200 ncholars and a fami ly, and the lot is supplied from a Hydrant in the front yard with' good and wholesome wa ter. '' . I -. - - -' ' - -. Few prospects can be more inviting than the present, to a 'married gentleman with a family, qualified ito assist in the school, or capable' of taking boarders, 'and such a per son the Trustees would greatly prefer) for it combines , the advantages of two fold pro fits, to be derived from teaching and board ing children from abroad. And when it is known that the Academy is situated in . a town with a population of 3600 souls, & that there is.no Academy within 60 miles of it, in which the h'gher branches of learning are taught, the striking advantages of this offer cannot fail to make a strong appeal to the interest and enterprize of the first taents in the conntry devoted from necessity to the vocations of Literature. , The Trustees will lease the buildings, lot, &c. from ihe first day of. January next; (when the present lease expires) for one year: af ter which they will extend the term to. any number of year3 the contracting parties can agree upon. , Letters, post paid, may be addressed to the subscribers at this place. LOUIS D. HENRY, ; JNO. W. WRIGHT, r Fayetteville, August 10. 97 2m The first Lottery to be drawn ! GRAND STATE LOTTERY OF MARY LAND. To be drawn on the 15th day of Februaryhext. This is one of the most splendid schemes ever presented to the public ; the magnitude of the capital prize viz. lQ0,000vind the low price of tickets (which enables almot ev ery person to purchase.) Solendid prizes $100,000, 30,000, 20,000, 10,000,5000, 15 of 1000, 10 of 500,50 of 100, 100 of 50, besides a proportion of smaller prizes, such as 20, 12, 10, amounting to the splendid sum of $308,000. Ticket $10, half 5, quarter 2 50, eigntli 1 52. Tickets wilt be advanced to $12 on the 16th inst. ,till which, they may be! had for the low sum of $10. Foi tickets and shares applv at Lottery anU Exchange Office, 166 Market street, Baltimore, Where in the iast State Lottery were sold the following prizes, viz. . No. 11258 a capital prize of . 38010 the hezt capital prize of 30,000 10,000 1000 1000 500 500 ' 500 500 . 500 17234 a prize of 26359 do 2 i614 22676 34992 38720 39854 do do do do do The above prizes were drawn on the 9th of November and were sold at Allen's office besides a great uumberot smaller prizes, a mounting to nearly $50,000-:-aiid in therlate State Lotteries the $20,000 and the 10,000, and in a former State Lottery the great capi tal prize of 100,000, and where have been sold arid paid prizes amounting to severrl millions of dolla s. ; - Orders ftom any part of the U!ted. States either by, mail'post paid or private convey . ance, enclosing the cash or prizes in any of the lotteries, will meet with ' prompt and punctual attention ii addressed 16 S.St M. ALLEN & Co. '16 2t w Baltimore. THh, subscriber offers tar, sale, Five Hun dred and Seventeen Acres of LAND, in 'Wake county,' lying on the waters of Swift Creek, and about 7 miles from Kaleigh, hte the property of .VVrn, Gilmour, dee'd, which t he will sell on moderate terms on a credit of one or two years - For terms, apply to R. H.JOHNSON, Or in his absence, . to Joseph Gales or Ti- ' .- i NORTHiCAROLINA, ' - ' ' FIRST CLASS, : (AuthoHsed by Acts of Cohgress and thfiXe : ' gisktuxeofdrjth-Carolma.) -j ioR THE BENEFIT OF THE j " - . - . - . . - . - . and : '. - " imvmMsto n (Kanal. f - ' ; , ' . : j - Thirty -sir No, lottery by Permutation Fird t Ballots to be drawn. V J- B. YATES & A. M'INTYRE, Maitagxm ' To be draytm the X5A of March, 1825 - At the City of Raleigh. 1 i Prize S20,000 is " 15,000. '10,000 "5,276 - . , 5 000 - 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,27.6 . 10.000 9,300 9,500 15,624 83,700 - - - . - - 214,200 ' 1 i 2 18 S(j ,186 372 1,302 13,950 - 1,000 ! 500 - 50 25 - '" 12 J 15,870 Prizes. 26,970 Blanks, - ' 42,840 Tickets : : To determine the prizes in this Loltervl the 06 numbers will be se verally placed in a wheel : lue 01 arawing, and 5 ot them be drawn out j and that ticket having oh it the 1st, 2d, ami 3d, drawn numbers in the order in which drawn, will be entitled to the prize of $20,000 i ' v 1 ? t And those five other tickets which shall .have on them the same numbers in the fol low ing order, shall be entitled to the prizes. "cu 10 litem respectively, viz : The 1st, 3d and 2d to $15,000 2d, 1st and 3d to " 10, 000 2d, 3d and 1st to 5,726" 3d, 1st and 2d to 5,000 3d, 2d and 1st to 5,000 - Those 13 other tickets which shall hare an them three of the; drawn -numbers, and thoss three the 2d, 3d and 5th, the 2d, 4th and 5th; or the 3d, 4th and v 5th 'in spme one of their seeraUrders will each be entitled to a priie All others with any other th we of the drawn numbers on them being 56, will each be entitled to a prize of $500., v ; -Those 186 tickets which sh til have two of the drawn Nos. on them, and those twa the 1st and 2d, in either order, will each be eiie' titled to a prize of $50. 1 - , ; .' : Those 372 tickets which shall have two of the drawn Nos. on them, and those two the! 2d and 3d, or the 4th and 5th, will each be' entitled to a ptize of $25. . All lloWa ti.'in. lOilA 1 . I VP - JJU iiaving any otner two of the drawn Nos. on them will each be entitled to a prize of $12. - v And all those 13,950 tickets, having but one of the drawn Nos. on them, will each be entitled to a prize of $6. - No ticket which shall have rlraurn 5 of a superior denomination, can be entitle JL I in inferior pri2e. ' ' to an Prizes payable forty days after the drawing uu suujcvi 10 me usual tleduction of 15 per .Tickets &, Shares in the above Scheme for sale at. Managers' Office in Ua Ralcih. .1- -;- ...v.-- Vhole Tickets K6. ' Half do. , s 0(J ) .. Quarter do. 1 50 ' Packages of 12 tickets, embraclnsp 1li 5fi Numbers of the Lottery, which nmtf F cessity draw at least $25 50 nett vith so many chances for capitals: or shares nf may be had at the same rate, viz : , Packages of whole, '&72, Of Halves, 3G, Of Quarters, 18. v Prizes in any of the LotteHes of Connecti. cut, New-Yorki NewJerspv. i.mm, 1 Delaware, Maryland, Virffinia. and ton City, WH be received in payment! ' : (CT Orders encloring the cash or ' priUs rpoit paid J for tickets or shaves in any of the' above Lotteries, xdll receive prompt attention, if ad. aressea to ... - r VATES 8q M'TNTYUE, t, , L ; V R-leigh, N. C Raleigh, Dec. 10, 1825, - Great Kargams. IriSS HENDERSOK wishing to close her 17JL business immediately, offerr the remain der of her Goods at cost, amontf which ar otiivr., oauiis, mujiuin -ai;oest- etc. '1o "e ther with a variety of Mdlinerv Those arZu ing to purchase would do Well to call Wa satisfy themselves that the above articles can oe Dougnc tower uian any wnerc els in the city. . v . .. Raleigh, Dec 12V I7$t Notice. ON Thursday the 19th Janiiary nextj ; f.iH be expo. d to sale on the premises, to tlie highest bidder, all the right, title and interest which the late Mrs. Mary . S. Blount hd in a certain tract of Land, near Shocco Springs, in Warren county, adjoining tlieV lands ot Gen. Wm. Williams, th e-late August tin Alston and others Terms made knewa on the day of sale. .; . , motny w. jones. . Raleigh, Dec. 12. " . 16 , - : ' 'v .' . ' v - - "" : : ...... . ' . - . , - 'K . ' -v - - -: . . , 1 . , . . -. - - . - : - - . - , - i , .-; ...-.-. .1 ' . ' . . - . v . 1 . ? ... - . ; .. . " ' . . : v - , . . ' ' ' . '.'' v .. - i" - . - - - , - , . - j - : j ' . ' -v