0 1 1 r f- ; n1 i v..t -r,7 "rnatiU nfsi-'TkR. ,.- ... comVout IK AFFLICTION. O Gnr ! the secret Tear, Cf evcrv worldly frood hercft, t With everv eartniy U my oTrn; t . , i T.:ow,"thc oua Si rar.Mi:, UMt, , Thop be inine and Tuor 'OnC I c inr.ot mourn au comfovti flown, . , :,Tor ricld rnv spir.t to despatr i ; . . 'i;n,i"M' flv nnward to thy throne, . ;-:-And hope, and love, and joy arc there X AVcre tl.rre 'no eve to mnrk Tny frrief, -No ear each A'nsh'O tlmb tq khow s i; M iir.AVEv impart no kind ndicf -' ' :tw dreary m crc'riir MeUwi; - i i. i ' T ?. fu'rc plows vrilh promiM bs ; - ' . 11 hcai iU wounds sustain'd m this.. . inintled with a Ahousartd woes , J r: Roal res; tmM ntay drink it Up, ' 'ii-cM l.c-ar'st the solitary ! v .,r rr..:, f iiMiic thine car." -- " i iLy prtvaic.wo eludes thme e-ye . . gather and.ifiTuselinfornution in'cvpf part of Ar..l 7,;h the tear hast powr to dryvy y r lhe, Union ami to provide aivadditional channel Uu power the T.oirnwinjr s-ul to c hcer i; j forti,0 re clprbcation bf liprht.and.sehiiment he r cm 1 deem, when Tuor art irtfi, v twecn ' all the -American States andvbetween - AiTictions sharpest.panas severe y-; those Staesnd turonei Their clesisrnS Hfiti- i , . As -tned'tcioe that. lfcc bestows: ; , . .. ThW -:TrtKU?K,hAvoon 'twill close !7 j 1 1- . Ho-jtf soon will rraya :Rinff cease! , - ! ow soon sl'all toil r.nd sweet repose, - And achlnff-hearts otrhal peace 1 ""v . " "m' ;v; . ;, . - ; r.ffV.ati".ree.m'ne-m 1:fa rad hour, , i. Au hof t. svrccl snoUicr of the soul! And trust in Ahnihty P;wEa!( r, . ':And T.jfcnliilence.in thy control., . , v t t Away hfc'a troublous waves shall roll I; J Vet h " the'sea'hVpr tear shall failjf , t sb di'l rcach.'n-sy final goaT 1 v Y;v' : .-.rt llr jvr-7 make H36 XMCDS TOn. Grc cr e viilcl Pitt . County. C7:6?i J?V?r 700 A'Aow, CrnLrh 9.2brc:gh end American JA- fZ ii SubscrVorebes: U are to anncu ace to the u-r nd Philadelphia, they, are n:blfed, An jna- ?Tiir.milU JS5wrAlllt;iii.' I f r enment ot the Review. :sThey MV7'. . v.. . -nt.. e. I nt and dnh S'Tiatriotism. alert,- . .Vri; Mcttorasiiire. btet nutant even under certHin ; :i.vitvanccs,tn them - JUST PUBLISHED, "I I? - i V'Cy R eV1 DlCAi; and PUY3ICAr. SCIi:NOK!Mhd --Vth'T t xter.sive .P"rchases on those tcrns,. thev - Ciianman, 3IU ProfeWor 6rtlifrtniitutes I t - - .- dqscld lby :aty House In tlie Union. Ti-.w-are fcinimcr the, Articles ;-r r 4 1 'to ioiiow f ' C i. . 1 L '; : - :f;:r 4 incbUck av.d blue Cloihi ind Cassimcrcs , da :,v'. rric-Hey colouv-. Io--.. --do- Jp, l's.r Ulath, fashionable colours .. . . . s . f ' '!.vC-wbitt and Plaid Cloaks- . - . do'- "J 'V .-I. c? x 1 awVCirclme Pla:cU ,'ci sted and Lainbswool Hosiery of trvery ' 11.. . nn,i Pmrimr isnemlen ' i r' rrjeii aiul A:uclC.Tuc . Combs wellassortcd i ' 1 " .c ndDiessinCpitw . ''.-r-- : C: l.cocs 3-4 &"4-4, in great vaTietyj; . . C .biic Jacoi.ctt.-iMnll and Cook Musun t r; .; 11 and tiired' Swiss , th- ams nnd colored -Muslins r ' . no, VFlajr, " KnRUih & German i!k Hbdkfs ,n Vha-U nnd ilhdkf r :!'.,.. s Kai.kui aml Ciinton prjpcs, different :on llitrjjiufr, - Ur7i'jvei:asf , goou Hst-o; i.iiih . Me no' black,, white '""l brown Beaver Haa r ' Yr, 1 '.h.; ''do r 1 and u 001 uats tiutereni- s.zrs- Lc ., I vson; Gunpowder," , Imperial Tea and -sn Cheese", T pnme GhewinJr Tobacco .doV GliHS tittlU-rlUxlS. . .-, : v 1.. . 'I . . .. Vf , SIIOKSo T Jlles-Morocco, .ivul ud1 Leather Eh&es'and Pumps ' y "1 , t . j -i r-'-Ai .Prui Sho? I Uootoes . ' i..'-' 1) 5oou unci S! . of every desCrlnlin ,rciV Pu s. v-K.,; Shoes nd Uootees t f every description - ' ' ' r. r - " 1 Irc.jrues f.-r Servar.l 5. - I'M.: ' -'a U iiicC 1 tJye A -tmtr.t of U'H-wu's Yarc, T.ith jrr..nv y Ucr crt.c'tt ; th-t cannot cnv. merited in adveinsement.- r-i r UAZLBTTf ?v,U011EIlT. KYLT -?.avt:rett of cverv tiescnpiHM,,',- . ; tt IV- r; - V- r..rssv Unsey Woolscy and Plains, f.M- fccrams wear . r 1 . .;., V. ?z :;n l f crnf.Duare niattkets ,y.r ' , " .K-d,; vh'ite. blae, green and ycl?ow.t Flannel and . -ieen larze "J " . , vjpVasctts and notnbszinc assarted c0i0UTs , f: 'i:iere Bliawls and Scarf V. f 'do-' 14 J;rr -.ind firitation do ' do -"sJ r white, blue and pinkJDhjn Crape -J, i r A - . Urgery in Rutgers- College, liew-York, commu- Kf ."TDortn, pr. carr-injr offsaid fel- .e IfaLanpisfrmK , j Plicated by Dr, P. Ctwaiadt r, with a .plate. ws.il will give the above regard for their dcli- xc:, -white, blue, pmit, green, an.13 enow 1 10 QunrteTj Pcritto. Kvrpedn IntdUitncc-BUy ??'y P rne, or confinement in any jai!, or for in-' lence ; f -A .1 s ' ' A v " Wc--"1. On;the MutTon tf the Plood in the umaton so that I ct thim afrainor Twentv- do . - . ' - z r ' vein by David Bau-;y, M. hTIxoryandPrac-; F,ve lls for any oneof Uiem. ' .duck Senchawsand SarsiXftt adk, hec of M&cie. 2.,Ca3e of rttheumatism of the ' I NAT! IANH. WIHTFlELD Leghorn and Sjraw B nnets , . -h-ii it, 'Aj. Hert cured by Acapuncture t 3. 'llheofTnr- , "ckforl. lnir Couhtv, ? uJ- y 4 4 Furniture and CamoricD:mitwt;vc 1. Ur Emetic. PhMleVV-t':&W,rtot: the . ' NoveniSer 15th, 1826, ; t -'?;,ivP. -r.' i - t i.i.uuAiin 11 v : 1 1 r if j- 4 a . . ., ...... i. jt . t ...ai " i- ns r- 1 ' -Plain and f.,nred. StUin a..d Lustrm Ribbon m I r.d I. j;r iul EdirPdadc and white Bob- To.1' " ' y v y, -iy Aneurisms ; 8. A Oabe.ot PophUal Aoeunsm, in " . y . , , , .-tp,- w .1 - u'.ttr ,,,-)v: ' ;-H a.ulCi.V.oiy 77 hich;the Femoral Aitcry wisfbund tobdiU V' aUanfe Xtej ,;r.o.vt-;.V..d ,'M . u U y.nSc - ft,l mto two, trunks, which agah, relnnitdd whr re John mtth Wrn W' S ; - iris'Unci. Lawns ei. - le vessel pas-es. through the temloiroftthe tn. ' UkU&'vl ' if.r.l-'ere. Tab and Httia Diaper . - "kH' ...i' . 0 ami.Ja.Mes Hopkins, Executors of the'last will ' 1. ul' ft. ct:.: Dowlas, 'TlckJei.tor-, .Qzita- KV" 'X&?Muf7 y.'3 testament pt Hooked raTIaiid: decMyand .. " - . . : . .. j , . ' ' I iU.l Ibl lilllilV4lil.j IIICT,.IVV.1IIIII III lUUd ilnillJ.'- i liirt Pi.llnnI 1 1 U T s , J . 3.1 4Jt 0 4 Fyftstlnrc and, AproiiJIiecKS P Domestic PJ-VuKetl assot tt-d t,:k .: . I iie" l)ot chestcr and other Uedtick'Ks,, v y 1 tom c.otton;n. 3, C, TV 8;10..U, 42. J3, Gi- cpd Illness" Moyntinp-, Hardware Cutlcrv rvedi-h and'Enjf. lion for plantatloius, ;T: : " . ' Ty- ro'v fs.ortcd ,; . y ," Jr Jts. , - Squ .re do - i Jut Nads aV. sizes, . , . ; - . t powdey Shot' am UarLead 1.- ;y 1 .1.1 .U C. -.dies jr.. . rcc.v- Cti r. 1UUDSAI.L, Cash cr trr - rjiven for Tallow..- 4w? On Ilia fii'st of "i.Invcli, 1827 Br JI. C. CAI.2Y & 1. LISA, The First Nuuibcf of llic, ; ''llmciitaiiQiinrlev1yItcviciv?.: TTN thus Rrtnmrricmg a new Quarterly Journal, onaU ns far as it can be so extended.',;. For- that nrf. jmynrti.iTit-- wiMi as ureaiitii xt survev "'.. . - r ' 1 . ...11 t.v. t ...I!A.. antl -vaneiy cisupjecT, wiu uc nivanauiv biuuicu. I n Phitiviclnii.i. t he UiiV'of . man v gentlemen' cf superior ability i and scholastic "ntl scientific ac-i q'Mremcnts, has already iheen secured ; nut us Ictkrc TvhcreTer situated contributions nrefavit ed fnmv writers throujiliput the Union, to wlirm personal application may not be. ..made ; and the publishers pledge themselves to pay liberally for sncji articles as suau .ocunenrd in mc wui r. The " duties of Editorship will be confided to a design of the American Quarterly Itcnew, its tte and the common and known contents; of the rxistinj models bespeak ' them sufiiCiently,: preference must nc frivento worics and materiaJs, to principle , and opinions,, spe cully intcresUhff nnd useful io bur own country, whether thev be of domestic or foreien origin. Merc party or jocai pontics, polemical nieniogy, involving Injurious and imtatlnp imputations, nnu whatever tenns to ni3turo essenuai morau, fundamental ChrUtian faith, or republican theD ry, will be rigorously;cxcluded. As the, work is' not. meant ao, be devotcu to ther views oriavp "rit e ends of any membcr or section of the Vnw n, neither will it be to any exthisive or partial doc trincsinVny of the admitU-d suhjects. i The ut most latitude; of opinion ' and discission 'will be allowed, thaj islcompatihfe with the limits, tem per, . and general , merit to be required in eacli articieH'he resources :and connexions of the proprictorslare anph; as to place ' within itlieir reach copiou .hiformaticii of the cotemporary literature and public concerns of the princip d rountrics of liumne and America : and they--wiH sedulously-. avitV. themselves of all the rmeans'of. le Kino, wnicn xiieArcan cranianu,;.ir mc .-u- scarccav neeuto American irt spi cmpnatie, reso cjrciini stances, is atrait Ay!iichhoula ilkstmitisli it anu every similar production of thwecuntrj'. -: . 7Vwa ef Publication. It will be handsomely printed in. octavo, ; and will appear on the first of March. June. eptembrK aml December- The nrice will bn. FivB Dollars - per snntm 4 '( icntle men at a dbtance, who desire to halve it forward ed to'Ahem..- will please to transmit the-' amount of one year's subscription to the Publisher's. ' b v N, Gliapman, M. and Practice of Physic and Clinical Pi-actice in the Uipversityot. Pennsylvania ?iv- r.. uewecs, M. D.: Adjunct : professor of Midwifery in tjte UuU vertjV of Pennsylvania;, and Jo'in.J. umlman, M.IT. prues.sorof Anttomvana I'lsvsmiov inline Medical Golleeof New-Yb; k. 23 x for No- vcmber,;1826.;i4rif: i'x . -" - r";4'- Contents. 1 . O o servat :ons on the Inflaenza, or Epidemic 'jcatajTh, asit prevailed lt Geor,;iar in the winter and spring, of 1826", by Alexander Jones, 'M. D. t 2. Note on lletrption of the Tes tides," etc. ty Ew vseudmj;s, M. l, oi uii:aieston. S. C. ;rSiFevcr treated with lar;t- doses ot Sul-. phatc of Quihine.tn Adams county, near Natchez," Mississippi, by Henry Perrinei M. I), ? 4. On Leu- Vitality-ami the Vital Forces, by Samuel !aek sen, M. 11. i'rot'-ssor, 5iC c.c.-; u. xjoseryao:n on Inflammation oft'.'.eConjuctu-j by lsyac Hays, il. D .one of the Surgeons of til cPentisyl vania tnrtnafv for Diseases of the Fyeand Ear ;'7. On the Disi6n or.Eximct'on t.f Mercury bv Tritu ration, with Observations and Experiments on the 0!ie Mass and other preparations of Mercury, by George. V.,CarpVner, of. Philadelphia ; -8. ; Re markable Spontaneous cure t Aneurism, -with 'Obscrvatio;.i oh .Obliteration of Ait? ries b V. Ham DarraclVl.p. with a p la c i 9. Observa tions on the Morbid Effects' produced by clrink- in. Cold Water, by Daniel Carrol.M. I5.10. -A TopoCTaptiTcal and Medical Sketch of.Tinicuni IamL' lenn. by Gei';f Se" F I ehman. M.t D Cities ll2 Gase of Fracture( Scii!!, with Toss of .1 IJUlliUII V -'v. utmwj m j .iii.i. Muuta, . .'I. j 12. Case ofTuraourr sueccsstullviexkrpated, bv David L. iJojjers, M. D..I.ecirer)n Oprrktivx; Aorta- CJlceratioii, Supouration,' anU Oueni'njr of the AmierWmal Sac; wftltbiU Jlamurrhare. Surgery. 5. Strictures of the "Urethra 5, 6yD'.s- Ter.-10. Expul se of alad'tnih?' -Hicinorrliai' Cuse aof,XJfcrine H Kmorrhae. inwhtch the Transfusion' of ltlood ire ..fV:Unea Albal .Wa yl -Antidote ti, Pruisic Acidc 14. The Mad Vill.ce. peculiar Op,atioh for iCrtittiCal Anus was per, fcinned, ia, by Philip, Sym Physic, UL 1). fl i: p--."..Kt-.i-1-' :..--k.'r!Cr,i. !.!-. ddiiifir'ii H'ranslatranbf Oertiu oii l)Lsensej( oi'the Heart. &c. Herners M'itcrn o Anatrmy 5 TninslationoF t.Pf III 'Df-WfS VStT-T! 1 T1:f-iCa Vm rv-i 1 n 1 . TltB ivntlr ir mikl ilif.l tti' tr?, and from te arrangeapent ;tf Jhe publishers. theyjiavc no doubt ot securing the, aid of mariv others, Vhosp contributlbriscr :nnot fail to add t Acf7i-C-i)Z;7.vi,---eTejvbrn-'i,r.6irias'i :-Wiifkonj gentlem.iutot mjjii literary reputaxion. v . With retraTdto the subjects which are 'embra ccd in the mw:i7efe7icc.De PhoSpriovi yirit.pua the Court il VtWMW "r"re-oniereti ny uibLsdaoiahctore,;j: b; GodtJau, M.D.Cascs n th HMeiL Hf " m? for 6.WCCH ot KciTotw Irritatjo,vcxhibitih4rUhe efficacy of flilnl! 'P C,teri J7Vinff-nrt,cc t(?the ,d told ,s a remedy, .bv Sackson Cisc of A 0, Court of Pleas- phy.V.afmnl)rSwnbbvA.J,Coxe ;EractH S Slri5?,0J !Le W' for the Cnttn-y bf 1-. ..- 1- tT I." 1 ... t. ' - i -v.ii1i;iirii,.,,i Uie UOUn lnilSO n Wi.nl.....t . iyv vi i.iivv. .iwiv i,wwiO tujr ..-' Hii;rucr, M-. D. i .Qt'aclc Medicincft and Quackery V Pro' fessionai. Iiintij jAterarv A!ices.Gv fy. May, August aid November of each year subscription. frye'dollars jpe .annum.. Geiitlcmen at a distance, who desire, lo have it fo'rwarded'to them, are.Wque! edio transgiir , the? amount of tions from person who. hate . used. Screws and one ear1 Eutjecripticn., : ; y 1 .V- V : other Presses,' befertf umu this. - As . this -Press L' Among tiw Contributors to this worts we to no occupies but a smallspacc, . ind tcan be bu'lt in Jouotl many of thejiblc$t phystcuus in this coun- : the Gin house, and (he Cotton nacked ia an -1 j Raleigh. JG d, S; on.vV JV-vctteville, Jaine Illadlock- V - '-4 y f T -V" ,"'Ct 01)1) fc.l'VHN fiYbTi:?.! Scheme Ko.9,.cf -the -c 'ucii cry r7 Tlic holder i f two Tj' be crtahi if I'-itain-n'? t;: ku&t One l'r'..e ami . may draw TJIltr V ? The wlmle to be drawn ,IN ONi: PAY, itud will: take-place- in li.ilti. more on the l?tb f Januury. f. -1 " ' 4 Hir.iir.sT iHixKt.'f '2Q,'C cob oia&rnc. ; ; ; , X ;l5nie of $20,(100 U 20,000 ...... " 5,000 5,000 . . f . ..t. 2,000 2,000 r; t wKOOO- ,T ; i ( , j n 100 - j 200 x; 15000 -..vt10ll ;. . :2o ,Vf--;l0" , 00,000 1 153enPn7.W, 5aml'ins to SI 14,000 V- (T'Not one Blank to a Prize XThe nvhole bay- lh in (Qftn, tiichii8miml At Coiikn's Omcr.s, can btr had the MOMENT THKY 1 AUB DllAWN. Tickets r f5 ;5C) I QuAu-rnny - -CC; 1;25 2 60 i HianTHS, -'- - ;G2 Halves r - To he had, in the -przahri variety of Kumbert I C urnd liven ij at . .v I Lottery I $ Exchange Office iVb. : : 1 14, . Alarket bireetJhtttimorc $! Where both the creat capital prizes of One Hun dred Thousand Dollars were 'obtained in the lale Grand State ' lotteries; and where tlic Highest Capital sold in the last Grand State- I.oterVt was obtained, and Vfltcre move Cui 'it'll lrize have. been obtained thnn at att other Office' in. JtmcriciL TI1IUD -GLASft OlVTIfK; ; ! Grain Stnte Joftcry: of Virginui." I- T"T!!l3r ''AY-1W.15 .'JS ONK DAY, ' The Drawing will take place in Richmond on m t - THiitK prj suAjiv ; j Prize of 810,000 is 810,000 : .4,606 5,000 ,1,000 J 200 50- t;v : io 1 5 , 2,000 ,1,000 : 2,oo. 1,000 t 24,000 G446 Prixes, antotint;ng (o S4D)0O '-V'QCP The. whole payable in CASH as usual at C'OtllVs OFFICfclS- , ,t. . , . ' . . ?Ticl-:etsonly fS"00 I Quarters, 75 cts. ; v . it:dves v x -r50 Kihths,1 37 ctW- : V OU1) Kits fi oni any putt of the United States, either by ma'l (post pail) or private conveyance," nclosinfT ihe:Ctislioir i Prize Tickefs in any o tliQ Lotten, win meet t he tame promnt and punctual attention asiC jn pei'sonnl application. J. I, COIIEN, Jr. Si imbf!IKI, . Jtclt Sett. 1S26.T lUtTiMoaE. : 0d COHEN'S f7wf? U Lottery Itftf&r" wilt ne published Immediately after the cirawncr. and will contain the Official Ids of the Prize it will be forwvrded. "rati, to all who purcbase their tickets at COHEN '11 OKFIGi'4 and. who s'ffniJy their wish to receive it. ' "tl Ono Ku!i(lrel Dollars lie ward. ANA WAY from the! Subscriber, sometime m , in cpie?iier last, lour isegro Juen, viz LSMC, SCIl'fO, JERnYSand fZiStfrf -, 1 S A AC is abo- it tlii rty years of a e, of middle statiire.Knarni.i 1-. u-ith thmWkV ..r y r f ".. i..w nun ivs vi iuw v mil upon his lutckVr? He can rcadta little; hasjsome knowledge of fifritres and the cafoenter's trad. has a dsnWncast fook when snoken to. Itc ti.td on when fie went offa blue cloih coat, oltvc volor- eu.pamaioo.,s, ami a Castor hat. ' : SCI HH is about 5 feet 10 or 11 inches nlh, spare marie, and about the same ajr of Isaac.., : JElUtY is a stfMit felloe, abiVf 6 feet hihi and 26 or 27 years of a?e. asd has a sulky look. : KASEY is about S jfect 8 or 10 inches high, vry stout, bet ween 45 jand SO vcars HlUge; and limps u littleUuvalkiiig, caused by haiinir 1m thigh broken., . - ' 'A lexpectwthey arc "endeavoring to pet north wardly to some pon slaveholdingr Stau as jsnac for some lime bad a d spositiri that wav, and no doubt h is. enticed the rest away with him, : I ex- m v. mi vumjKiny wnn anotner of myrnenrt'o men, who went oM' at ibt' ?i,W i" - c 1,JJ-d in Granville JuiU ,":fr"Ma.s', fr"yese,, loitiiefrf ar libreby.' for , State oC.Vovttv-aYoYma, KocKingiiaui Countyit mms:rator of tbe late Matilda A Smith; DC :,'o "r" " case,' arc' not tnha Se next and answ SSIi JSfm an! wiU be entrr Wnstthem. Witness. Uo. Gall, fl-rt nnt fri? against them.' VVVitness. Un. f I'l I tnitro vr 'llr of sAid Court, at AVentivorth, the 4tn Monday of November, J82S; y 1 " r- - HO V CALLAWAY, cc.;. s. finUE inventor of this 1'resa will remain In" Ra m 4 20 GO 100 200 GOOO 1 i omiviivHe IlUSOfinfl nnrt. Arl. Jl' leih afew weekss and pulpiieup for public examinatiMi.y.,j nere have peen ot built m YiT rinia, the pat season,"and Uiave . recommends weather; The Presses very durable,- and va I ton is eafdy pht icto five yards of bainS;. cuiires-but two hands to worc it. "4C0 lb of Cot - The V I wnoie cosx isaooux : ovy. nir. i-. Meuman furnish TModel3 and Patents. Price $2J, ,-" Coun tvvritrhts sold oo reasonable terms..' ' ,.iiv. y .w-.V ClIAl'LES AVfLLIAMS ' '.Dec. 20,'' " -v "r J , ;' .2 -3tfc . . ' ' y-; . " . - r ,-; ' , ..lit .-11 . ! 1 ' i , . on, that l.i;;hly valuable 'i'r.i cd and occupied tyi i oih. i n a ! . 1 1 1 t ' l r c 'A 1 1 f w s .i n 1 :t of jL-nul, nov. r-vj , i..i.;n ; coat n:;-cs.Myir,-'' cm the south' Rule, of !l()nnoke ftoiito fculc. , o: lUunoke nvcr, in tlic county "of W:ui?r.f carll.j ILiI'nT .e, Edioinintrthcluids ot i iih .in 1. tr.n. . p.tLittl...ahd AYiliiim son, sen. ', 'he. low; rou'ncUt at4 "extensive 1 rk:hr -The iniprovtMcnts thrcnn ccusit cf a comfortablei. And' convenient dwelling houseV .otjethcr ;w.illleverv otlier vnec ssirV ovit build- in.:Also'ftTaliiflbWOvtVshot'.li,rilV nfcwly built, Gin llfluse-i-Cirtton.GiuV&cr Likcrisd iip'wards' of OncMIUndred Neroos, consist in? of men'.', wrt- jrn'cn, b.oy& anu;j?irlv.uis Jikelv as" any .inAhe- State tpSP1? n h'f;e,4i'aKfcJctUorses,;xi.iiles,1 Cattle and, iiopsl(iselio d niuvl Kitchen Fur-i nlturc;f Plantation Utensils and Mher cfVects, alf of juiuch ure ; ot , tJieirest .kind; : This Property wili,hesId on a credit until frlt 'day o No vember nextv with interest ir mv date." s;"Thc sale wiltposiuwly take d .ice,"n)d tie continued from day to day until the winkle indisposed of." Jlond with undouUled secimty.$ill be required b'efore the. property iar delivered andsliould any pur chased tail 1 o comply with th ese terms,. 1 heproV perty w3!l be re.s .1 1, and Ihe first purchaser be held responsible for the 'deficiencyi :t - -c ' 'I :r Any person ,wi&iun; a itirtner tiescripuon ot the abirve ii perfvy can obtain itrbv" ret'efeni toAVilliiun Baton; William IK IM tteV AViHptm 7;.-. JinoTnY ..P1TTSJ. ' AVarr en county, N..GL, Dec. 25; K xr.'-'2&9 ' ' - r ftiii 1111 ia 11 a iu;iiiii . , ; S tatc of Noitli Carolina, r ; ? (.- Court orikiir-.- October Term 182& 8 " James Brfclscv.O , -; ' ' r ' V t. Injunption ; , r' , . Aupftistus Sacket S ' ' v i , ;i ; , ' V .V- A ! IT appearing to the .satisfaction of the, Couvt, "that the. Defend j ht In tills case.Ur.ot ahinha hitant of this State V It is ordered by thcJJoivt uist p in the 'publication be made, six wp ei:s, s iccessi vely ie Haleiffh'Ileisterythut it'ilfsln appear at theneyt Court of Kqtut)V; tOLb Jiel) forUUher ford county, ai the Clouvt irouse;innut I liierfortl ton on the 3rd Slonday afte theHjfi Alund Voi" March next irnd-" plcadf a"ns we or "demui "the ComplahianVs' bill a ilJ be taken procoufesso, afid ? S later q f NotI h : C avoli h f Tn fc4uiiy-Oc Arthur -llronson, Voold il) $ZiQ-f ?: :-.;?y Jas B; Murray; P?ter;A, Jay, V Aii Pcttr AvI naclifrandElixa Ililkto?forec!o v'llmmnsom Eiecutoi s'fe ul-Mortfsa'arci ' '-" . ecutriiw6f James Thonjpsbh.'f ., Amended. s ; ?! I dee'd. v : r. r ; -. ,,;;4;-it V- '. . ..- i i- ,. . W " -i -r - , ' -1.4s----- frTTappearin Un .t he 'satisfaction of t!ie Court, .M. that the der;iHlant in' this easels not an itjha- bilantof this Statv- : It is"orde"rel bv the Court: that publication 1 made six A'-'Ceks succcstvely lit the llalHh lleHstcr, that unless 'he a'ppbaf at' f.e next Court "of Equity to be held' fr linther fbrd t'ouutv, at the Court House in :..itliern-di tcfin the tlurJ Monday aHcr tnearthitah dav-lii March : next, then and there to answer (plad br demur to Compl.diia'nt bill as Vmend-- ed, tiie inVc will be takeii pro confess j ai set Tor hearing vx pavvc.: - - - ': ; T 1 , iv - Teste ' v.,;!- ; , V'::i,f,;;:!-' ; i.' -.--'1 1- T.cF-mRcnEnvcL ; . Dt:c. 12. 182G. Ky-:. -: , 25 6wpdc ' - , ." .j. 1 . 1 ' : 1 -r 1 A -TCyWelro, withsnVme "mile of WillfamstbnVahc '' at Mr. A. M Stade'stlweltin-houlei vthin tltrct nulesof the s ime place, on the 15thJan.lS27, at a credit of six ninths, 10 to SO Nejjtoe aqd a number of Horses, Mules,' fatted Hurs, Cattle, Sheep, Fashing- Utensils, Household Kitchen FurnitiuV:,1 and a large quaiulty of Fodder and so muchlof MrSlAnV's odicr; Pr6pertyif nec& s iry) a9 khall lie' sulKcint to pay; all his itcbtslli The alc will be continued from day to rdy.t(il that endlshall be accomplished.: - , ; ) I- Xfr. Slkdcs er-ditdrs arc invited to' atfpnd, as the deficiencies (if any,) in the' amount of sa-.es, will be divided amonfrst them.' And should they purchase property at tne 5me, iney win uc per mitted to pay for it in undisputed claimp'provi . ..-" . - . .. '. ..1 -'n i . dett thei 'assent to the principle set forth 11 th .deed concerning pro rata payment; v - , , .. r - ' i ll. i UluNElt,. rusxee. ; "k ; Tins da TubllsiUeA, ; BY J. GALE& SON, : v ; JSol'MW'Ol rHawks Reports, Containlnir the Decisions of the last Term ot t 'i ?. v the Supreme Court, y ;y;- it l In the Press, and will be published in . a few davs. a' Uevisal of the Acts of.AssemSJy passed si n e 1 820. w ith a. copious I nd ex, r by ou e of o tr most eminent legaLcharacters-which w;dl make. tlie Revisal complete ,t0; tne preseiit time f J) tiiving andPai lUing Sclipol .:J IJBS j LVlfUNtf fwjill ;TeachM?tra an( If . Pa'ntinpr, on .Velvet,, paper ancu &aun, her tisual terrhscf Tuition to comnience the Is of Jaiaiary.'-yy,:,y -.-,,'!.; .v.s .f-ytii' .. -.- ' ' K. II . Portrait and Miniaturej; Painting; by; J MARLlNGl December 20 23 3t tJlerlitsyiyf th $ Super ip Co urtsf 14 ND ckher gentlemen lipidinlrl Subsmptiorts X to the NewvMap !of Nortti-Caroi na, are ic- Ottested torreturn the san by the 1st of January nTfl. :ThV will Oe stv triKjd as t nresc-iii.Ai"rin, in jhe tneaivtime, to suclvpvrsons as! will be like ly to patronize the work, wli have not nau an opportunity oH tloiriffi so already The price t mm subritjers 'will Jbc:: i0.Verjr fewliowev veri more han thpse subscribed, for. wHlbe'priiit- ed. To remove ;any objection that mayde iirgf ed Pgomst subscribing be understood,- that n&ne bf the scriliers set uon ar iiciii uik v-a ,imhc ; .;s Kl - v este, , ,.-:,v,v-fv-"f ( . ( t:f. umcnFrric;JcMrf Dee. I?, 1826.. .V" , . ;U:-1rir6wpV bti held fjound, if the Map is Opt correctly drawn;! J Tract of Land lym fottr tr. finished intthe-best mipiier; aiidofahe best ma- ' prom he returns already Received j: thefPab- er. psher is warranted in.bRjtevjnj?,,tnt.a subscrip tion of not less than one thQiissnd uames wtU be .tQ of r?ti(ril t!irV fjrmctN ancT i"pnerallv obtained rin Nrtlr-CaroHna.amoii!: Vwhorpfare, 1 "1, r -'tW jtnnle Orfchuhl 6n it, t: c i III Excelksivcyithe Governor; all the: OfMCers Efficient to vvcfk sevefS cr ei-ht i r.yf the State Government residing atermeAropbliP, f ntoVe ' -"' The premises 'mnv. be r-r. rrJ ' & re MemVersof both Houses of the Legpslaturc, "rjjp ?n0n , by applyin.to the r - " liberal proportion f JhelPivifessi mat Gentle ''hic'h5ill beVervdow- and acor. -J.-r: men.'alaree number of thHt;most.;resp?ctable; r'ty.xvUh'ic. Tnirchas.j l-.m. :. Mercnams a;np: 7-ratiew ourypo wn.j to, wuom t ' j)etJ. 20. ble.' c- fi; ij ; ;;-- : ; ;. , .y v r1 " " - - I 'Hie Publisher taks this oppportimitv to ' knowledr?. his obligations for the polite aiU'Oii t 'J.'L V'. v ' - - - - tidirwhlctx has been unitbrndy paid to, his rapjui- frG J v ire - cations tor .assistance;-in tne- pr work, ' and ; especially.. to those -gcntleirich vWho have interested lhemselres in pror-irlnir thejsiir- wui - vevsof th 2 'several 'cottnties,T'XAiiyTinibrtp:;'.i6n calculated' to benefit ths work will still be than I ubv received. - , ..tf Juki .i t' Fayette vilie, D.ecclB -13.: '.j -2i j. . I.r.S a SON have -O' freneral i assortment of ' Amon; them are the fcillowhT narrative' of theTr.ive 3 and.tilscoveri TV hi;aton.Brp;0'rts,;lltli vol. ' L ; and Anna Thcltoyh,ef,AYaieri a Tide tK rr ? Prancls Pet riatk'or . ' 1: The A.lret..U; , rir" vols. The AdrentufesnAH l ;Lm' , India yac6rGaM - ienbur, VnferivYn: ' ,"tcd "en.Adyenturesa novels vo ' e discovery" J f I ur-rpaufU, 2' vols. '.- A H reat,se..o Diftr t itir a view to ctaVI , . .skefeKesf iiKra;r;c V Vie. Mills, EsqA; vols, in nap;--:1 . .; : . . . - Narndi f h,, t.snce pa boanl .tli?-4Jenhon, wi..,: ?. i i u e Iinc,PaI events which occurred ' VI thatlJnp. liy Capt.: PL Maitlanrl, f i Mioirs and PoelicarileWiRsf the lute J.ne t ..Baylor, Withvatrattg from Uer.CdrrespoikleHfte' J ny-Isaf'Iavlor;tyV V-:j - . i - 5 Vjsit to C0lpmiiiaia;i822 and 1823 Co!o ' A' Sketch: of the Intermi Condifonohlie United . ';Stat?s America and of their politicd rcb- 1 -!; Z V "'' Wl- WMn -attributed lu jroieiica, ia:e iiussian M nktcr tn ttie original Gfck. wlUi nole and' :i - of the Father. By the Uev. Henry M; Mson, r ; A-M. Rector, of -gt. JohnV Church, Favcitc vme.:N.c,f;r ij: ;;.:,. . Pickering's Greek and 'EnrfiA-Lexicon n:y" ''KdUlon-?' p : : ; ' '-., ' . The American Orchardisf, or' a practical Trc s -on. the cult ore' and Manage m eyt 'of Apple J and olJiltn l-iijtj;Trfws,t.:wiU observations on ' ; in' Cider ah I Vinel adapted to the use of A- ;aencan; farmers, and all lovers and 'ctdtiyatois of 'fin'e' fruit. I '-j Tr i4j?- " vtt .'-. '' ' ' 1t' ' -' The Qykj' i 0ra9)e contai nin jj pjai h; E " pt v for Coocervpu thi? most Economical p.. i fur private launiies. - - The Gentemj:n's llemsmbrancrr for 1827, con. ; , tainiri an Almanack," Huled pafcjes for Mema j randiirrij, 'Xnnu" or Ilates of Duty; Information." coucernnijj Pat entsPostOSice Establishment, Fnlera OoycrnmeRt-fifjheUrltecf States, J ecutivel, i.eg'isl.dive,' 'jtidlcial nd Territoria', Intercbtirse "wjth' Forejg"a!' Nations Governors Ljcf the $tate Nary -Liit, Marine Corps, i 1 1 Army.liist, . v The I.advj's liamembrancer for 1827, containing5 ' an !A!nanack.TiulefI fCs for 11 -.owiiiloras-i POetlc and' Pfose'elections, Iew Cons,.. :. Enigma s.Cludades llebases, ' Atiipr ;v Fa-- voriUf. liancJirArketlftg;,Tables, ;&c. Gales . Soil hatr pn iiand a preat vancty npfninrMaps, JeiTersonl Mlison ei"&c'ic: fl.taicf.:.eyety:uescrpli,on-tr very ex tensive cbllectioB on Jiand new pieces retcuLu 1 added.?4N''h1' '-zi-'P " 1 v Gates 5c bon win receive nuosenpuons io ui3. North-Amertcan llevieW, published ."quarterly S5 peT annom.' - ' . American uuarteny ueview, per annum. fUnitexlSUtes Review ".and Literary Gazette, - $5 perartnum- . . j " .. -" Frankli Journal - ana - aieciianics iir-azir.r, $4 (pcr annum," 4 . ; " ' ' , ? ' ' , ; ; . . - Natfoiial rnte'npencer. $6 per annum. - - CO Orders for any l?ooki-noton hand, ,.wi i be executed -.witli'promptnessVand reg-ul.irit;. Raleifflu Dec. 19. - V ' J t..,; . DUAWLNGOrrilE North and South-Card inn Lottery. FirvST; CLA54 . ' hhht - the folio tfihsr -were"? tlie r irrbei s which" 'were4 ttiis da v draw; "rora 'the V"leel, vIt. And ttiatthednumbers were .ten n t1 r order in! which they staiul above i 't hut is( io s v. No 25 was the first that was 'drawn ; No. 29 y the fCCondilNoJ jwus the third - No. 19 v-; the fourth and last drawa number, - - y, t Witness our hands.' at the tow n r " Fayettev. ?. this 20th of pcc i26.:. ! ? . ''yyyjy'yyy J Jrrdaiieu, - fM ::;yy -4 : - lnd cJWoitable. . 7 " - . ' i A RUITXN: ;?-. Decl 1626.? - ' ; -.21 'j.: fc lh, 'y.,.. , vy-:. -- vill ' : ;0 U .!--;01a:Xr2;p j the t.:cTt:-entcfLT:ATJ!- tlejohns U Locher, cj Oi : Winch, is rnt inti;-:-' c ti. leather. -They v qrsli. ; - . nlei jl Oct: HY J, 112 U , . rxn anu,entral Africa, in 1222 '11 ; j Vy ' Ibyorenha c! .ui;ton nd Uie late Dr. OudiW -c- ' ' !-' 7 whhlaps. Plates, cc. : ' , v'-'-" .';p:i Ilife of the Chevalier Paul I usymonu pn-;Pttlral Ecosionn vn Tremainei r ih -r. J -,4- f . 'V r".r T 1,1 -"ynnement; o V ' Man Port er. 4 4 7. , y lh ' to a ArL-ia .y rvryy';rrt - '"ciaeirc Hecollccttons bf iffe Pl,-l,,t,y i: ! ; - Oifisasefito. wluclvthey are liat:Je, and their ' . remclies. vl p which js "added,, the most 'ap i $ provet bietbpd of Manufacturinc: and nreserv. ptStatfpriefprM of an in structl liini'aipiimcliara links, bf 'every idesvrlpfiAinrMaps;1 VTE,.the Sitbscribers hvin be. a requested to superintend .the -Drawing of tl.j :"oithar oithUlarolirta Lottf rv. First Classy do hereL.y iWllAVINe;'renfed .te'Hctel for t- e iTlyteL ; lV Wlr. Tsh benrearedf.?, , 1 1 b the: axommodatioii cf ,uch Genllv- - !di i I kZl', - may call on me, an,, pro.;..-- i'23i lh: ' ydjuU ? done ta rc::.. J lialeish, contauuiT i-crt ; . y - ... t i . land wellinclosed; to worK iou?cr;vc , ... Llvantase:-: Also, ens dtherl i ady -. -other,iof 313'fccres,' wdha-cooii Dwci . ;v I ftjiy.,.iv.- ' . o , ... 1 ' . .4. . i on n.r osectitaonoruus-1 t'TAVI; received, on cor n ' ii ;i i 1 j 7

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