-'.-.-f. 1 .11 t i i ' 1 ... - 1 . 1 1 f m A ?1 i v I , kFive Ptibfr nnumbalfjn advance.. .... .v.. v All V frli. ilSHJINJ Jir -fa: ; ftot Exceeding sixteen 1 tnes, peatly inierte three thnes for a doHar,and 25 cek9 rceiyttCe;d- ing pabtication v tbi)e of gjreftter length in tbe 1 same proportion. i .t. Comrmiincuthn? thankfully ; 'iMiML-i-.TT-ef ttra to thEditorS must be post- .WAVE.Itt.VS XIFE-OF NAPOLEON nx 1 :,.. l! A Wefar:fr ;&to A lowing hoi ice of a nat nf aork?lIf j X,e ia; of Pbil3t!liiav havno jija the : .press. Jv-, p:W: s j iVf.! . ti A : S!; 4 ( t Tlie Life of Bpnaptis :bythc autlicr V ofWayetly, is, -pl4tell f sVen octavo idtunies.'' t'Wc - have ha! an ; opportunity perusing the Svhp!ef (he firsV(except sheet -at the ; 6nil of thevofurne, not sent out);aniV t part ofthe secondhand hbpecL to have been a -'Me-to haVf give n Vn ex t rn f t v vh ich m ih t have Rerveo asa keyi.to, the. general Spirit tr ib ho!ef Ini this, howeve we are ' Jibppintf.vThi8 . extract wvuld have containe & :.i crjticUrn on i BurkeJSf celebra; 4e4.;.eaeicttohi,4n tempe anc? Jand a Kappyv medium of praise ahjJ censHre, which strike us as admirably il- J lustratiye of the, good, and common sense which blends o remarkably with the creat genius f Sir Walter Scott. ;The?:4rt:-tof the work which we perused, was a surama . rr.of the causes and eents of the Frenth f lie volution; .as faras the massacre of the owiss uusrus. s i wn orv, ipree cnaprers J inMjwpuld have brout; iV to Ring's Jlealhfjrwhlcii the ;powerli an (graphic hand of the author must have made ex - tfemey striking and;; imposing1 TVe;: art conipefleii tal sajrj; that thfeellngvitli hichoj read't ft were ytjioiebf cUsappointunt fSo many )tprks have been written, anoV by men it fweli acquainted wijhi jand able to 'pnrtray thcansea of the French Revolution, that vo thelaufhor oWaVerly can find. lit ".tie of novel or original to cnaio Jhuratien? tion.; CpDscioasof the tediousness of the rlieaten trackl' "rte, -has- employed ih -eat jpirofusin,iand most often neither natural-1 ly nor origi naly metaphor ahd;1 similes ; Yh1ch9 howeveri well theyrnayL suit, the tyfe of a novel, take frtm the, dignity, of historical discussion. The similes drawn from classical stores are often of the tri test kind, & in one. place we observed no fewer - than three ; successive sejnterices Jntlie same page, WlJich contained as many: la yf bored comparisons With regard to V the spirit of the work, it is liberal, yet deci dedly loyal. : The a1or is willing to give due credit to tle motives or the Con--stitutional and.; Republican leaders of the J ReyolutioQ, but ihe kinfff Louis XVI is ; allowed no faults but those which endear. turn la U5U He f s jpresented with all the ' yirtuea Vhich Charles I. possess edv while his onlv fautis seem an unvvillinorheRS tr . shed, the - blood of his -'subjects, arid too great a distrust "of his "own judgment.--- isureiy io an unniasseq mina, some great er and woe fault4'm in .; his- character', r 'Iibuis never could have been sn unnonular. arid his nerso'n v and authority sa retileil and despisfrom . v thecqrornencementjof the 'VrujlWVTherci is one xint in wluch" thesie, viewsl of the : French Kevolutiofi will be most grateful to to Iafayette. Indeed, we Sreacouainted with w historybf thesc-tinjes which exhi- Dits uaiayexte;in ; f t respectable a lightf , whether; airairdscharact blUtie;5 Hjsmotives are represented . as pure ; -his influence as gWat, and5ytH but i op e excepuortprbperl aiid eve n gener r sly exercised j heU acknowledged as the leaner of his party, and becomes with ' out influence JbV the diminution of that por tv Vand lastly his treacherous i mnrison- ... inent ly? the Prussian monarch Is justly warmly condemned ' Some btthaichhrac- t ers. bf the Rev 61 u tion are ad on rabl y ske tch cd-;-DantorRobespierre,and Marati are scparaieiy, uiscnnnnated marked out by a cw acriKingv toucnes, "wnico .. convey in brief spaceexceilerit xiuUiries of their character. J5ut the description of the more remarkable, eventsthe stormins of the Bastile, the attack on the Palace-ftfVei-. sailles,: and particularly the in we owiss uuartls, are desrnbed with the same immKaole. hand,Vwqich gwes o much in terest to th e imaginary mob at Ed inbu rgli ; intheJIeartofMid-LothianIndeedthe interest wonderfully thickens as we ad aoco towards the Fatal period of the birth of Napoleon, until just before the trial of the kirig; Ihe work ha ajf the? enchaining mterestof irrnuiance. " Jts publication-may, therefore be expected wiih i the certainty tnegrea test gratification and enjovmcnl .the readingpublic." l' led from the platform nfTthe Church rn the A.napes or ,ine siaTions,:anaiinenQe mine riw(,;;iihen hi foot' slipped md he fell on kUtkjkffby a hupvy effort" of, reflection an f eoolhtss his majesty thtttoforiitartf his h'and,'pd: tKe-sktpprijh eyi:dve:le'epi his Headrora striking on the steps '.'the King jmjtediae v w the a- rm.f his; attendant aV- hisfaj 1, eonfe scenfled, fo - reassure them, by a gracioits swii,.'co n tinned ..to d escend . the hi It on foor as far as: Surene: -" iJi"' ' v :;.fThis is thej miserable style in which many ' of the courtly . editors iafm, Eu rope speak of the 'most ordmaryaccidents of niyaliife A mai! stumbles anoJfaUs, on his knee- awl tries to savf Hjmselfrbm fal- ling byufring 'buH1it"lMds?Thiv is callerlj a 'lappy eflRir,t rbf.eeeW- and coolne"ss1f kmt ftieril t nehoWens'eabou tv' conacscena io reassvre nis attenuants by ,a gmdoyirnile i that his royal 'ejrspn'.ha! not suffe red jainy injury ,.Giyetus our western wilds5 Where mind and tongue v arV free, nhl where; if niajri vjimb.les,-'Jie picks himself up again TnsUnctf vei out anV " h an pyj ; effort o f r e fl e c 1 1 on f 9 n tl cool nesTsl " The' feit is " leather arid piu- TTTE Citizens of Italeigh ' and its, s vjcinity are most Tespecifully-inforned th"s" on Saturday next, tbe 16th instant will be opened (at the store on Fayetteville Street, next beltfw ilessrsV Webb and Williams and nearly opposite ,Mt asra U. -ts. R. .Kyle,) 'n elegant assortment .9 peritlanien's V earing AppareK which eave been made, iu N. York; within the last riionth, by first i-ate work men, from very best mate.ials, and ; according to the latest London F:iseinns. of 'f' ' As the proprietor resides in sNew-Ybrk this Establiih'rnent will have the a'h antige of 'being tegulaVj snpphed tlitoughput the Season, with every newfarrd des'rable article, and of mvinj? its work execute dn the best 'ohd most fiishioable msnner V ' ' f- " VT ' ' . , Vl The present assortment does not comprise nnv common low-priced G; ods nor is it intended tfnt anv sndijshaU.ije.kr-nt 'wtuiifare now oflered are first ratty and will he sold as lovr.aa the sarite iruatifttXif GccU can be had in any of the Nortl friiC'ties.! ' K . ... L ; rr'l'be following is a part'of the present r.ssori rnent.'; ;-'- ;" .:. ' rrzf- Am t .,.. -j ; lnperial blue and black Velvet De.Ss Coats r Olive, grejen, and blueJ,Frocfc ditto , .? f ;t.i; i)puble Brt asted dr;bf4ind olive Surtputs :? ' 2,1 Prab'dtt;with.cape5: jv ...-.t' Firet'dnality'fcamblet'C'ioiiks;' wUh green clotlt u U In nir andeaT ktn collars ; , Do da Surtmits, withcat?e Tiofur ddUri Drab cloth Box Coatsi ?H ft ' Imperial blue."hl:ck, olive a,nd drab uassimeie r?niopns. Uidinp'Panfaloons-Slierrayaileys. , ! j Black, blueVburTa?id white Cassiniefe Vests ! Rich black Knj-llsh Velveto f "' FX ' Cloth and English, .French and i India black? Sillclo 1 Real Tartan Pla:d Cloaks s ; A " Lined Glcyes; Seal Skin Caps , 1 , Patent1 Susneti'ters; Fancy Cravats . . . i Readv made Linn Sliirts, triinmed " I ; ; . r atncKinet urawers and mwae nins. , , , Also, a few Ladies Plaid 'Cloaksi and many other articles lob tedious to enumerate. 1 r 1 The Subscriber, who for many" years has car ried on the business extensively in Richmond, Va. oeen appoiniea ny xie i-ropneior iws-.Apeni, and hopes that by strict attention to business, and a desin to please, to merit a share' of ptibl-c pa tronsrer , jTHOM AS LAMBERT, i Jli S. Bytthenext conveyance from Petersburg shajl .receive a further supply, which was. land ed 'last Monday from the Scbr Juliet' e, ami a mbngsf which is a case of Ccntlemens first-rate Beaver Hats. ' 'a:': ' "A Dec. 14. : a: i "j "2l'; . Shccco Female .Academy. f ;T CP if RS. LUQAS resprctfully informs her frien1.' 1 Stoimvveritt Cure Al " A"fi?- 7 5 Kzm Viririnid In stitulion for 5 correcting ylindim'erUs of Speech. -i l -VJ::.'1;, i ? . ; 1. public that be is qcalified to "act as 'Agent for Mrs. Leiirb-andDr.i Yate&i .'lor ,'thd Newi York Institution for, correcting -ImpexUments- of Speech,' for tue Statt? of Virginia.; s- ,;V ;i He may be found. at the Bniriswisk J 1 Mineral Springs, Va. 45 miles south of Petersburg. The' stae passes b:thelpringstwjce.a day ; and excellent accommodations on -liberal terms may ,be, pbtwneilrthere, ;i -lA-iftt'-Vih t.'H Mrs. 'Leirhs jsystem is jounded on , ratioti.il pTinpiples.. There' is no tricky nor ouackery; i n 11. -y no siammerer neea iear noi oeingcurqa ; nor, i, return ot"? hisdisease ' umeVous1, Certifi cates frontttb ;most respectable gentlemen, i whom the sj'stam hasbee aplaine'd, !nd frbm those whovay been,ctirels fa yit attest the cef tatnty & pWnwne'flrf jeighjs, djscQyfery.. These certjficates'ma oe'sdri byany who will apply. But-the repntatln of ;the! 'system5 does not depend on certificlites If any "doubt, we can convince tbenlfawyr stamrner, .we can cuire them. Letters .(pqstv pald) directed to Percival's, Brunswick, Va. will receive irnmedi ate kttcnlioiu SeptrSi--eotf. I ., i A I t P!:'Tkn&ncfTlr.,svk. S"ept28"1826. I CERTIFY with much pleasure, ' that' under the tuition of ;the ltevi; TrfbutAS P. Hunt, of Brunswick County, who is Mrs. Leigh's Agent in this state, for curing impediments of , Speech, I haVeoVen in. three days entirely released from a very distressing habit of Stammering contracted upwards of thirty years ago." . ' .- , : ': j ; : r ' v If 1 ever Stammer again, it must unquestion ably be mjr own fiiuit, as I sincen ly believe that all persons laboring under that afBiction may. be permanently relieved by Mrs. Leigh's rjSys tern." ;"I have.yet Verpaininga slight s hesitancy at theprontinoiatibn of some very Imrd toordst but I feel confident of being relieved even from that, in a very few days more. . , - . II. B. GAINES. CkN.tbe second Monday -irt February nexV WiJl I ' J -y , Surry CointythefbllowinS: tracts of .Land,! orl.;fi.t .Vftleasure lnVinfjrninjfth as much thereof i aa will be kUfficFeriti!tci. satlsfv the .Taxes, for the yeitr 165,! with cbsti; W wit s V -196 acres, eiven in by, the . behra :of JQeOrge r MJn, aajommg james Aiarsters janu, lying on ) ? 297 acres given in by Asa BnrhsTdes,'ftdjoin ing the land of Daniel WinUsor,'lyihg otr tfuhting Creek.. rv ret r;-rf-sa.??''-'1--'!'' , .42 acres, given in by Candis Keeter adjoinii.-' lSS36 a'e'res, e-iven in by ' Warren, PowelU adjoin intr Sardv liouthetti. Ivinir on Hunting Creeks t': 1 20 acres git en in Ky WilHam Arrtisfrongi ad joining T. Roby; lying ori TuTneTjtfCreeki infr'Wm. Wolfe,, lying on Grassy Creek"4n -t-i t ; M 1O0 acres, trivt-.. in bv Joshua llendrin. adioiii- ing'.l esse Sish; lyiiig; on ''the, waters! of Iluntink ;Creek.vn tf w i H -f -Hv-vf 5 '437 acres, giveri. m by tjesse? Srsh,! adjoining ittciirii aiicii, ly nig" - on uie waters or ' unuiir VA iv. - .... . 1 - 5 )L V I : j . - i tJ50 acres, not given mi .belonging jNcb'olas Michal, adjoining David Baity, lying onTutneri Creek, i ; , acres, triven in by Dahlel Elder,fac1ioininff Pleasant B. ' Roberts, 4lyjnr on Snow Greek. k00 acres,'j eiyeii in bf the heirs of Jesse Pritch4 ard,'ad joining 'James Murray's, lyins: on Beaver- . ; 160 acres, gii'en In by; Matthew Marshall, ad joining Jacob, Bates,' on T'6m's Creek. v" ' ' , 445 acres, given in bv Hannah Pickett, adioin- Elijah V arden, lving on Flat Sho?i Greek. 42.3 acres, injr r.award f Road. ;Dec.4, 1826. " tffcident: The Gazette de 1 ranee givtfsHhe lullowing account of an' accident that hanfiPiiwt.f. i,a r; '-- ictuay,..uunn!rhi4 -iwif to iaivarv m. ...... . - ----r, -.- is coming down, 'surrounded - m suite, tino or the bleep biair thai and the public; that' the Exercise? of. her School, will re-cbmmr n?e on tht. first , Monday in. February next.4' ' The Examination of j her pupils which closed on the 17th, of November, afforded satisfactory eYidenre to ail present, ofthe pro gress, they had made. : . I a" 'yy'-'y y-: Durinp' the present year an Academy has been builf," which will enable s her to board a greater number of Sf u-dents,". than hithei to,r who will have the vantage; pf her. constant attention- The re ti r e d a nd p 1 ea-sa n t si tu at i on of the Shocco Sem inary, its' salubrious 'air and good water; and the facility , "which it presents to Parents for commu nication 4'ilh their dhildreh, (being near the main Stage Road) ofiers , inducements arid advantages of which tew places can boast. - 1 4 .' MRS. X.UGAS stands pledged by her former success and the approbation of friends, to devote herself assiduously to the instruction a'nd morals ot her, pupils. , Having associated with her, an able Fjemale Assistant, the following branches of nseiul, Education wul be attended to, viz- Spel bng, Reading, Writing, , Arithmetic,1, Grammar, Geography, Astronomy,.1, Philosophy, Rhetoric, Chemistry, I-cgic, History Mythology, and Bo-i. Board and Tuition, $50 pel4 session-Music $20 perssion half payable in advance .- " "Warren County, pec 5, 1826- . J ' ... , . - ' . f (O The Raleigh Star, Tarborough Free Press, WarrentonReporter; and Washington Herald, will insert the above 4 times? and send their bills to this office for collection. nnilE Exerciseiof this Institution will be re- JL sunied on the first, Monday! in the ensuing month! under the direction of the. Rev. lDr,;Free ttimt as Principal," with . the usual ,&2dle &. Female Assistant 1. cachers- . , By a late regulation of theBoard 'of Trustees, it is made the duty of the Princiiial of the A cade my, to spend a portion of every dayin. the Fe male Department.: ' ';'-'"-'. "'-'' ' It is hoped that the Students :will attend as early in the Session at may ber "as their doing so will greatly facilitate the proper formation of the several Classes. r' - " -.' -.M - - " " Dec. 1, 18?5. WE, whose' names are. hereunto subscribed, do certify that we have been instructed- by the Rev'd. Thomas P. Hunt, ot Brunswick Cou:.y, Va. in Mrs. Leigh's svstem ot correcting, impe diments of speech, .and that we are satisfied of the certainty tnd efficacy of her rule in affbrd ing permanent relief to- ull stammerers1 if they will apply her remedy, & is our own-fault if we are not entirely .c-ureti bv it-t.'. " V ; .... .: , JON. FRENCH. Norfolk, Va. C 11. li. RAINES Petersburg r A. M. A DO UK, ditto, V J. P. KEEN, ; ditto, J . B . ,B URTON J ditto, r , m w w L AT AVETT HOTEL, Till Public-are- respectfullr.'in '' formed, that .in consequence1! bf the recent death of Mr. Clement Trucy; thejsubscriber, wlio has been employ- ed in -the management' of the LJl FAYETTE. tQTEL has assumed the superintendance of it. Tins nw and spacious builning, (which has bee4n purposely erected, at great expense ior an Hotel ) is now in complete order for the reception ami accommodation of Tba.veu.krs and BoAunms. Besides the advantage of a number bf rooms with single betk, jfire-places and belh, the Hotel contains several , handsome DnA,wjir& Rooms. and Apart mk5tts particularly suited for the private accom modation of Travelling Families.? , - j . ' BOARDERS, with or without' Lodging, can be. accommodated. . , si ( y .i - : ' The FuHjri r.PBK and Bebhino are , of the bes quality and entirely new,,andxach bed is sup plied with a VIoschktto Net. t . ' BATHING ROOMS are attached to the House, supplied with water from tile Hay Mount aque- luct. . . . , . :.. , :.'" ;' '' The BAR is richly supplied with a variety of the choicest Liouors, recently selected for it in the Northern citieSi by an experienced Judere. Large Stables are conveniently placed sin the rear 1 he subscriber is determined to conduct the House in the most genteel manner, and no efforts shall be spi"Wl to render it every way worthy o e it has received. WM,, TRACY. 8-1 aw 3m" ' V 4 ' n , .st'ven n by Jackson Carter adjpiri BinghaniV 1 ving on the Wrorda Gap t TUO. ir. WRIGHT, Shft v l 21'fir ?( pivadr $5 Remaining in the Post-Officp at Raleigh,- on the ! 5 -..p.? j31sfoT December-.1826' ' Armstead Elizaheth J-Mftchcll JasJ jf -r ' . a rnnti ritio tirii rt thr rnfinnif Oct. 25; 1826. 1 " i:'A New aiul Ghea)t Seasonable B B. SMITH has the pleasure of announcing to his friends and customers,' that he ' has just returned from the North with an extensivs assortment of superior . . . . ,v , Seasonable, Staple Sc Fasct, Dry Goors, selected with great pains by himself at Auction ami rnvate aies misiewYorlc ana piulaaeiphia. Consisting in part, of v ' ' ' ' Superior Blue, Black, Drab and Oxford mix'd Cloths.. ., . , ...... .1 ': '. . ; ... -iA Ditto nlue, Black and Oxford mix'd Cassi- meres and Sattinets. w . . . Blaefc Silk, Cut Velvet, and Valencia Vestlngs. Circassian Plaids, and Black Bombazine. . , j Plain, Figured and Twilled, Bombazettes. ' ' ;, Irish .Linens and Long Lawns, rverv fiiiei ). Bleached and Unbleached Sea Island Shirtings Qcheap.-J." v - ; " . r r- Rose and Point "Blankets. , ' ' ' Negro Clothing, (consisting of Negro Cotton, Satiriett, and pi iin and -striped Linsey Woolsey.) i Elegant ,Cambi-ickJGine-hams, (new'style.) ' . A most beautiful assortment of shaded Calicoes and (2hnz-warrauttd fast $olours, and many ci mem entirely new patterns.. . -y-Curtain Calico (very cheap.) ; ; .4 and 6-4 Cambrics and Cambric Muslins, (very , 4 and 6-4 MulJ and Jaconett Muslins.-' ' ' '? Plain and Tambor'd Book and Leno do. ' - An elegant supply pt" Plain and figured real v f . . -m. -J awiss Musiass, rrom ou cts. to $a peryan', and among them some i most splendid patterns for ureases. a- .7I. v" v, .rr?-a -, . . t . , Some new fashion Mandariri Crape. Do. Nankin nd Canton- u U do I'- " Best plain? Black Gros de Naples and Levan tine. - , T r '-A- . , -v 'AfriA A ' i -.. Superb JJrown, Blue, Blach, Pink, &Pearl uoioreu liros de Naples Silk. j , - A great variety of elegant Merino ', Cashmere ti Uasswiere bhawls and Scarfs,:from $2 5a to S25s Fine white Flannel & V ' ly, - Wide new style Belt Ribands- r ; - " Gloves.and btockings of all kinds. . 'i f f "a Fine Prune! and Morocco Shoe . ' . ' j h 4 cases elegant yHats, (some tads and medium onms, ).- , , - - " - - ' . f . Cldidren'a'Wc Chih Cans: 'v v: - " IMeigh, 0c 1. . 37-eo4t Andrews Nelson Ayera Alfred r . s Boyd James ' '. Burns James If. " , Beyers Joseph Brasfield Isaac C. Braddy Martha Bridges Elizabeth Burlnegame .Henry Bell Nathaniel " ; " Uoon Daniel Al Bledsoe Richmond ' Bedding Henr Brown Joe. , .')-:. , Brazier R". H- B." , Brogdon Wm. " '. .Beasley Elizabeth Barnes Mat-lt -Bennyfield' Heriry -Bell Lavina . Bullock Joslah Chdvers.Saily 3 Crawford Wm. It. ' Cooper Richard ' ' Clition wney Carpenter Benj, Clifton John , Cooper Blunt Collier John G. Cross John V" Christian: Cyrus Coolly Hannah -Caid John )aughtry Turner , lunn Grey 2 Dunn Boiling Dunn Jeremiah Driver Warren r Daniel Robt. T. -Dupree Wm. Dunn Mary C. Davis Mary Ann . Daniel Wm. H. " Fish James Fulghum Matthew Fowler Wm. U. ; Farrer John Freeman Joseph Freeman Kinchin Freeman, Wyatt 1 ' Grady Dawson , .; Goodm VVilLs George Abner Guthrie John Si. Muneliam Wiiu" ; ; Moss 5 Willie j i Myatt Sarahi ; Moody Thos., M cCuITers Sarah Newton James ? Nance George w f Nance? Simeon 2j ,,iaw Njnm J.ru i - Nicholson Anderson ; Newby LArkin , i Ogburnjohn-' ' Obve Isham 2 V w Pa Ilea Turner. 3 1 -r V Poyner. Alfred ;Br 2 Porter i Peter v Price John ' hilips Elizabeth I " - Puller Stepben;Dr:' 'ri , Pool JIt-ward: '-t v . , Purkiris David . 1 Parish Nelson II.' Prince Jbhrf j ; ' Pearson Stephen 1 -Parker Wiley' , rVJ t-erry xm icnoias 1 Powell WmJ .;i:' 1 Previtt Zachariah ' . PoPard, Joshua Petteford Laurence Pare John- t Revis Wm. , r;Jf Ragsdale Benjn; 2 Rose Chas. G Roberts Solomon - Reagan John ' ' ' Rice John j r llhodes ( Jeremiah x ::- Rencher Abr&m -t Ray Dicey j' : ' Ros Jas. D " s J y . . ' Ray Epbraim v ' . .Reese Ed win' D. ' Rutland. Drusilla .; Roberts Georgo -' Shaw John 2 s'jv. . SimsBurwell 2 Stephenson Jdhnnf .2 - Olimu dull Stephenson Stephen 2 ! Stanly Frank ' t Sun Lodge Western r y i - t,. aleAcsdemy ; errniblic.nhat tbef h.Vve"at lentrthrsuccceded irtjeitiplovlngllic Key. Joiiu Armstrong,! JiPjincip ;in this In sit tvtwnThU Genileman produce .the most ss- tisfacVofy Vestimoniajs of his pre-eminent iqualifi tioha as Getlem Jfe ii jt graduate ''b'f distincnonii? the Columbian c6llegeD Crpm w.hich,-b Kejinngs tiie,'mosfr flattering ifesaimoniaU'of cjia- .' rac'ter and acquirements, from the Retd- Doctor isTauijmon, f resiaeni or n;e wiege4 uicucv.u. d. BJBrWnpTeide of Trct e ?s, besides tfc hiihest ?Tecbmbren'1:ti'cint 'fw the RevyjFjpptWfof Virginial aiHH'ery.rnarij Uct... o!istfngiiishtd"niii eqU'Wiirclory; i Mrnrmstr6n,7(has .taughy the ; pf eshn.t ; r in ,. tWfr -VAtWilIe" Ahckdemv. Va Dn W hartc -..ci " Dr, phy, U ames,.tor Vaind otlilf .i. afTrcl, the fr. !i1test;monralari)Fhli sirccessJIn Teaclji'S-. all of which the sTrosteeswA'uhF Mii-at in mrnmryjew itli aminationt -o.fi .I?i redenf ali andmeXLc ' Teaching," they areabundaiitly.53tisfied and can, with rileastire and-confidence. recommend bin tq,thepu6lieFf,u1 !' fl'ti !-. ; ' ?Thc Scluol .will go into Operation on the ' day.of JanuaTy,next,; The price of!Tuition wul be S3 persdssionforReading W'riUog and Arit - metic$ 1 Q yr ' English Gram mar , GeOgraph Histbrv; Scc$12;for Latin, Ireeki j;rencli, A r. tronomvJ Natural and Moral pniiosopny Aiatrrc; maticsj andaUthelbigher 'Hranclieis of Arts c Sciences, tobepaid in- atlvance: I he 1 ruste; i have obtained from Chapel !HiU. the ' System t" Stulies. taught there, aqd the cturse of. Studio -rr. this Academy jwill be i?recisejy uch as to nare'Stndents froni this S6ho6l to 'enter wit' - theiFreshmab; Sophomore; J utnor; or even Seme: Class of our Untversitv. ' ? j fThe TrnsteesUrefwefl awart'ofthy5conveni ences that Na. young; nwlidojjr lender, h er. College, havjng- piirsueu a course D stnciies li ferent rrom'ltb'at' '&uglit inth'ejUilyity,-, and ' they are determined" to have .ail. eVe to-it. . sKtiam can-oe'iiaa in respecxaaie nouses in uio Village-atl32 0;.cT'M5ssioii o4 ; r niie character of Nasliville js sp well establi - ed for health., that' jt is deemed unnecessary jt . say ariy thinsr here. ' There are several never-fa'- f A ing Springs of excellent water hear the Academy. V a lie ' rusiees aire convinced ujai no vc-iuen - ever conynenceti tinder more fk?or&iilcr auspic Indeedif aisUnguishid Tacher bealthin ; situatioii, cheap n.essof terms,, and '7 vigilance "n : the guardians of the sctiool, c'aiv recommend it a generous public,' we. are assured that th:s 1 i- , stitution wtlL be vef'y libelyericoufaged. - i By qrder bf the Boards ; ' 7 , i , .d.'.t - IL'BLOtJNTi'SecV. Not'.' 25; 1826. nnHE stibscriber gTitefal for pis ors ' i Mj t by .assiduity and attention , to ierit ac 1- nuance ot puonc paironge v nelfcnas toe, p.. r sure to inform hir'tHencls aud ctistomers.tliat he lias lately'received Tro'nYNew-York a', large f-nd wellselected supply"' of 'articles in the Cc . . r:c! nojrARTs Hine of .business which with the Vrt hand makes his assortment very Ood,' consisting Soft S helled . Ajmonds; Spanish Uquonce ff Prunfs-St tigs;! Fresh .Tamarinds ,: '? . Brazil , c tiUves, Capers &;Anch6, AJ,'A -i.t.- " -- . . - ' -JNUtS Li Pecan"ii Madeira'! f Filbert and Shell Bark J 1 Cake Candies, It CordiaU of every cnption , , Champaigne Madeira i ron cc r Cltret . Vies b K SpCTniafciti Candles' ' H vPearrBarleV; .' V : .i' t, mroecnewing lOD-rct ,t Xo. lards do '. d. , r des- f . da .;.; Cut -do-; , .snanish. Cigars,- . , 'Comii.&. Tprpc ' 1 dlUo Goshen Cheese '; ' AVater & Butter Crack- ;f. mes :ers;'v.. Fresh Lime juice $c A; handsome assortment. r ., oi.Aauies ,voric uas- . ' kets -. , . N. Y- Pippin Apples I ' "Market dittb ass V si i St. Augustine Granges 7 Fresh -Smoked Beef Dried Citron 'v . tUl Bologiie Sausages " trreservea Limes c. ' ...voa Jcisn: j(. Ginger' Cologne Pough- Gardner Charles T. 2 Sugg Joshua j Gower Wm. Gregoiy : Wm. Grande val De G. i : H utchins Merritt ' House Ransom Horn George Holt Elizabeth Hubbard Willie Hunter Reddick . Hood Chas. A j. Harwood George Haywood Sally 1 j Harrison Wiley llorton James M. Hendon James, :. ; n Hunter Jocob : , Hope Xl'ms N. .2 Hinton Geo. W. Hall Thomas Hawkins Clinton 1 Harris Ned ; Herndon V 8c Co. Handcock Wm. J. c Hill Nathaniel Haywood Zilphy : Harris John ; " Hendon -J. ! Hassam Margaret , IliJlinos. y Job nson Warren , Jones Wm. Jones 'iSthelctred ' ' Jackson Lee' ' " Jones Ridley Jones Archd.', Jones Mary Jones Jas. Y. V , Jack Wm. If. ' ; , Jones Josiah " 4 Justice David.'jr. ioyjaer Matttiew I a Lord Ilemamm LUther George Lee!Agnes y Locust Anderson McCullers'H.A. i, Medlin Luanda . Merfiott Benjn.' :; . Jan. 1, 1827- r- t. -- Scott Joseph Snipes Sindy .R. ' ' Strickland Matthew jr ; Scales Abram - 'y , Sugg Elizabeth ' . f 1 Seagraves AVm.f t 1 ; Smith JohnlLj g yy Spice; Wm.) :y Seawell Elizabeth v , Sneed Robert. i . Vf S mith Jesse. y Steele George, " Sexton James 1 "Sledge DilworthV . Smith Alexander Sturdevant Eliazbeth Sears Barbe'e 1 . Scott Charlea Sugg John j , Sugg Osmund SIiHmblyJohn Speight Win. r' , . .Thrower Jesse Temple Burrel -, ' ' Thompson Reuben . Taylor Angus Trewolla Henry r ' - .Thomas Sally - ? .' vTaylor Littfejohn : Uttty Wesley J Woodward Pleasant Williams Benton 4 "Wirrrrinc T a ft iw ' i 1 ' ;; AVatsofi Grey J? "Williams J ohn . -, . Wilsons Uinphey . u: 1 Williams Solomon. ; Wobderd Jas; i s ': ;WieU Matthew . ' Weathenpoon Jesse: , J"Williama George" : . White John .f St , w ooa.iiioses -t , )yit ; Wright Jbsebh V Jf f Watford Joseph j i ; . Wobdmrard, Joseph!; Yates Basw ell Cl j DANIEL PECK1 P. ' New; I Brewed ' To- ; keepsie Ale; t ' ; . , , VT With' a great variety' of Water malum yt Nutmegs & Cassia The above articles- are all perfectly fresh and of the best quality land will be sold low for ca,sh. A liberal, discount wi'.r. be made to. person buying Candies' to sell again and, furnished at the l m. a - i - - - ' . ' shortest notice. 23 Swlatr 11ENRY IIARD1E ' -' 3 doors : below W. v . ,:D. thaw's Store, Fky . etteville. St. -. " 3 i The French Si Spaalsh Iiancniaccs, TFRofessor FAtjpreylbus to his departure for ' LSr the north, pnjpnses delivering a brief course ot lectures on the-beforeraei...otied languages, -An accurate and fluent pronunciation rf the for- mer, can oe acquired m Jijtun, xh ot.the latter m seven., lectures. - ; ;'''v v .'. i'f -. ,: "f Ladles and gentlemen who may be willlnir to become .subscribers, will please 'gi ve their names to the Editors of the nicgislef, or to the Prpfes- "I sor at the Eagle Hotel, where .every further in- formation in reetrd to : the... system! fee. mav be obtaihed; - , a ?:A . yy': --, The hours of attendance upon the lectures are , to be regulated by the maioi ity' of each class, and should there 'be a suflicient number " tf female c subscribers,, they I will receive; the lectures in a; separate class. -. J .-.V,-'. , S i :f 'A r - Mr. John Powell havinsr nolhelv: tendered t!:2. use 'of tlie Assembly-Saloon which tiU be ke comfortably warm, the classes will be lecti . , nere. ri 1 h. f y.-ti " ,U n 'a . ... . ' Terms ot the sessional course cf each eth!n:';"el' ten dollars. - ' w! v-.a :'-'"?..- : - References, ithe.Gbyrnor. Mesrts. Gales and Son and John K. Campbell. Raleigh,' 25th Dee.' 1825. 24Tr The above Letters, if not taken out before.the first of April next, will.be sent to the General GommiL:- A-yy ffO the Jail of Bertie County, cri tl ? 12th da v 1 1 of DecV; 1826, HEGRO T lAiratcut years of age, trho calls liimself Yi ' :intp: V "Hs says ne DeJongs to peter. Bay ley; hung in Ch-ir- lotte uounty, ya( and to at tie was purchased of is requesteq to come forward, ; prove prcpe, ty pay charge and take birn sway, cr he y.'U dealt with as the law directs- JAMES PALMER, Jail .r. ' Post cflfice as dead Letters. J T7lni5CT, In 9 Dec. 18, 1SS, ;tp 4- . ' ' : - I.'-. yy . ". ''