rvv VenUy viic-usv:v .WJut nrea 'sysked to vdd fc-to en 4 cjJuy, Jan, several Stafc for tlc ' Jnna being,. the rule to govern the Courts of the Uniteil State Vie V.hUkbarvim.vi sows' hh -seed, vl.cn Edwin Prcrv one of: the niemrWft tthm the merchant adventures liis stock in trade; v," Upon this branch of the subject, Mr. f.. begged leave' to.-readi,apart of f an aMeTepnrt: mndc to f J1 Jf VirT 'legislature ; at its -list ' a ssion- ori the subject -tff lotteries f H' re he read-art x- Burke;.-appeared, f.vi:- -ualifjQd and took Will meet tlifs venin J(lF,ndav) iV the CoW Tcnci too untt?:eCapil-antl it is hoped Pre,i lents pr I)clcffites f the several ' Agricul tnr.l s.cu;ie tu the State., who mv be in tfae1 City,, will atteud. i The: raewtinff will con; en fet 7oclook. J. GALK5 S ci DI3. seat, '-piv I 1 ,-r'v v j wi ouiits, .... wss i ;cn up ana a greed to. VThe Senate' the., too!; ho. the f erventTtWVnust fall to thegt;wnd. i What other; a i way V& fcVit hut by ttbtt cry to ' obtain1 'i this' "as- : :Alr Honour, nrpcnnfnrl Wfi r:..i ;rf i , . . . T. 1 1 ; . ui uanKrapi uiii ; and agreed tarthe Aminil. cen am. innao ants 01 m e cdy r pray rnents reported brVthl .tfmitiW. wl ,h SiSiamjrc : , tuc gcnucjimn irpm ,itlcnmona; Has J(r-"7?ewent'on tor sav, that Jhe in were explained brMr.'IIa vne ami Mir: Vnatirt.uom the PubliciTreasun , 'Vbat. said LatJU malnia cci enaine, tnem to eor.aTcanOJ'to-pre otfor thef ferpncewiit point of vice, bet ween loiteries and that 1 1- irrpe' tf dbprtnfj measures j aqyance the i character of the 13 tat e andfltOj improve the con- f ..F ft uiecommoh modes bfnmhlmo- I counfy.? which v woald relieve them tnbch t OJx. TJis celebrated rif 8t;aritumentsfwhich he could not.'" IF lotteries 'tPe4St anJ have the effect of reclaiming "Jicrse got by Tiirf ;i;!iubn of thepeopiej. And what me; ! celebrated race bia if'rtsde'br 4Diito -b win stand the Season at mV stabled lid win sr to: the the times he wdl b let t' marct nn 9 rins rrJ dtinf teitnt-rtfier particulw- wilT be rrM ' Tchowniadue-ttrije. X&v.r? ' i , nurtures Jcr t...rvis ccrtatnlv i..V.'w!i -? ly j . pssiFUt" eTrust e es or t he:ltich;..ond cademyV ;ii '"f 1 : kiv Inst (tut ton vhicli , had iohe. mueK good. In : ..ht- 'rtpnartwgV their school, irhich Without our ln- asures so notimmoraL theh it WMnnttrtM al nil i. ?iv jure vi inosc csuiia, s juose wnicn tostet and the bi J now before thf s.Mt f rt.K;.t f - 7 " rw -XX' ",5,r ccreiarjr,rineiojipwiniriJetter Irum bisSi o?",Mteev,vrvt-rh? fffi T' M CMn presented' the' pe.itiori of lsch?I,e5iSu."f coiinectedith thebest: interests of oufr citim J ft is -.certainly good policy tpjcfcep Otir money at ;f y -i ihome, for persons, will venture and ir, no oppor- 4 tnntty eiist it bomf they will seek it elsewhere. L v V I lie could riot believe that tKe ruinous cohseqtien , i v e would Vafis .frlotteriebjth'then. st establishment of) our. KoyerntnentiiactSi have !tendrirv. . ' " J esiaoiisnment ot a bsid precexlenf. - lie. moved thatfon the nassace of the hnij-HKU-V ,A - w 0 called.' T c. v. fj,'j,-. u - f, . should bewailed. ; J Mr.$wain presented the petitioh of Nari-( He cy Chad tvick andMr Webb that of Mar? 1 A f Peron c.V e3reene,! V v i ne question on the Passage at the hi rcterreel to the Com. on nivnrr to AHmtr .i" Bt'snd'reading Having bill were nresented r f Benton t iMr.ah rose .to inauire whether liiK.;nn I' Cv Mr. Bleviiia. a hill tnnmen.l U I pea red from i; ne mv station till tU use nasuisnoseti of thissubtect - ' r TVfjirl:! VervTesnectfiillviir m v.r. i rf i;' , ' I . , . . w 29AZtfC. 1826. iixarv I w c;iJr xcapccuu!iyi-1 am vonrs. ftc.- w - f which werei;feaaml Yxl-in'Ji -C C.AtlfOUNr roser and said thaf Itan the lettAf inf frl 7 ... ... . " I . . . - - nv.v v. - . j - uiai , mc .".....uwiiriur wnose oenenc xne i p'u at ibi session, tor comrwnMiinm th. I womu'uoi inis Uav ti.tve thfi sorvi. i t" , . ' T - O T I ... ..f iL. -rr m " i - passed its s neice ;iTesi(ient. At what time jic wuuiu resume nis srarinn. tw9irn'.n county, which flllRinnual meetinsr of the Trustees of jt!.l . JLV Uni versitv oCKbrtb Carolina will ie hetci i;. . t ristty- at he Kxecutive 3ce on Vedns day the 10th day of J.nuaryr instant, at 7 o'cloti Itf- theerycnihgv-;'M- ; - .J, ; j r Vy appointment if the treslIent ' I : 4 .Jan. j , ,1 02,7 , . . . . - vaiw., uau ujc-jr vr uuiu nave (been, countlfianced so lontrl ifthev were nrodun. -j t,ve of the frrtbt evils which h:d been attributed - to them He should think not. tie concluded by saving, that he should always feel bound to vote for sirhnar toeaiures, .where their ajrft - was the public oofl. j , , . r iv ppi i-Hvp. l$i&Mfllifc rnade afe w observatldns In 'reply to , Mr. Pickett. That GentleiranKaih llrlHr ha. J '-remarked, tht he never knew any fraud commit- ' would ame; He could. call Iris tsit tentinn fr ma ?ny iBstanesi he wotdd mention one. tRat Arjn ,lf. 1 The Yeas and Nit vs Were then called. .and were;as fbllovs'-2i: xH ' v: lTMessrs. Alexander Rajrd; of Biirke BuIlockBurney, Bla;kwe,iBeartU of Rowan, 5?,a W -Pwyt EUiof t.;Foreman, Forney, Hray Gilchrist, Hollomon, Hill, of StI kes, Hawkins, S' 31'' f.ove f McMillan; McKay' Miller, : t; Matthews, Pickett. ifttllrV. Roberta feci iff these " lotteries, npr 3id hebelieve :they j S patghtr of Craven, S mith , Speight, of Greene,. hams, of Vfartin, and Ward. 37. - 4 i Messrs. Boddie; Bell. Croom, bevane. uavenport, uiiuam, of Franklin, llunter, Joyner, McDowell, Marsh, !McDaniel, Slcf.eury, Parker, - Salrear, ander' She ford, ; Sellers, Williams, of Beaufort. Wilson, of Camden, Wilson, ot Edgecomb, and Wasden.22. ! So the bill p issed its second reading, and was then ordered tn be read the thin! time M r. Hill, of Fra nklin. made an u nsnrr(.cs. fill eflTort to hv it on the table. It rush ed its third reading, and was ordered to be engrossed.. . ; -. - : A messare was rreeived from ibi ITnuoa , 1, i the money, and .decamped without drawing it: jt was not ; unusuAl tor, these lottery holders to t;:;nake .theff Jjaqkcjit one -stroke, ; as jbnas" Frost clid. Suppose, said Mr H. we should authorise . - lottery for ny purpose. and the individuals to - whom it Xia granted, lafter sellinf the tirV. t. . should refuse traw it, wbat claim havt we up ohtKem. jre-hadno ill will againstthe: Rich ie OTl& -cademy.--he wished therep wre flonrish-- ; tiraiuuiip-ns-in every counr of the State--for reed,?fhehW9n)f: the blessings of educa- - tion ouici qc ines&est antidote to this gambling spirit which pervades the community. But 3f we i authorise one county to draw a lottery what will ; "c Vc consequence r; r.very - countjr in -the . s.!ate has an equal claim Upon us, and they will ; o.iMr nvurge, ana ir-we rrani tne noon w. " " w'u ue .wuiiQut value to any. tie ; therefore doubteel the propriety of the measure, . as Well on the. score of policy as mnralitv. r - .::iW;;S object of this bill ras to y raise a sum or money, for ttte purpose of pu ting -: ah Academy 1 operatiorv for the diffusion of; icaniiHg-; ana mis couui not Redone Without re. 'Reiving aid from other sources- than were in the ': r rearh of the Institution If he understood! the " matter; therejeciioajof the bill iwas contended for, tin the jgroundof the immorality and impoli. key of the measure. - He thought a fair statement of the case wa thisis the evil which would re - ysuh from the passatre. of , this bill of sUffident magnitude; to counterbalance the food f'whlr.b ' would flowfrom5 the auci?essful operation of the a bill to fltnrnd : nn Art k ft s . . t ? J- " . puoscu in 10, to aonoint ctninissnniPr cqntract with Jer. Land for land lor ihe use of the county anl lor lavin.n- tutfsf nn - -.-V Mr. Sharne, a bill to establish New Hope Academvvv ia Edgeci)m5 county, and to incorpirate the trustees thereof- v ,Mr;.Hdl of Wiimih5ton, a bill supple menfalto an a concerning the estates of persons dying iritestate (provides that when anv norsnn ivliir Jo 1 ... Hses or neglects' to act, .it may be hwful lor three Justices to annoint nn, fi.U discreet person to act as ex'r). Read and r xtrpVQ 'didarj committee. - 1 J--' biN to amend an act passetl in 1819, to prevent the fraudulent trading with slaves. RefeVred to the same com. -Air. Cooper, a bill 61 amend the revenue laws, by laying a tax of gl5 on alfgatei of entrance to race courses ; and ivjr. js.iii9,-M bill rpnuirin w m certa he tain. . Under the cfrcamstances, it was thought, inexpedient to Vro infn an:iii.l or a piece of r'r ciccuuo 01 a rresiuent pro te,m of Currituck, Pre of the Senate J and he therefore theK ii inusc .aqvisaoie tnat the Senate shoul now adiourn -; ','t : . Un mouon of Mr. Ben S tammerini - cured .SiaEi-ibscrbeJ duly ;A authorised to act aa Aeent for IZr. C. Conn xVjf. of New-York, tenders hfs sei- ! t thnc ireiwiu o hix buiiuh'q win imneuiments ct; is .founded uponfrationat principlcz, theretore, f. v ccuaicuo nowv acijourn to lues-l "pessary to be observed, need fear a -return c uajr uexu, ? , i ;iV-i:.., tne compiaint-'For Further information, 3nlvto s r - . ; - VVvi. ;;HaIeighVJaf. r;C--.D-".T :ilMAN. House of Rep t; : : ' .3 - ... 1 f , - IIS, a bill rpnuinnnha PIa.),.. of Commons, refusinff to ballot for Judffe l I m! rhe s?ra c.iiuu!.i5 toP w jjivuatu wjr inn .oeiiaie. es at or within half a mile of their : ... Ei. HOUSE OF COMMONS lAonday. Jan. 1827.- Un motion of Mr. respective court-houses. t h e 1 r fi rs t r ea din. v. V 1 HURSDAY. Ilf r Oft r Reed introduced a Resolution,. re ferring u to the Naval vCommittee to con sieler the expediency of establishing a curri niUnication across the Isthmus of PanamaV vn mouon t Air. Livingston, the Judi iary yommittee were instructed to tjuire mro the cxnedienrv f Mt.tK; ..w MwA..vnr.uiiieiu anu proot oii convey ances of land. Sic. io the District of Co luirtbia.v a.: ' :-y'.lt' v '. ,w. ".v'r.t-, , On motion of M r. Carson, the Commit te on- I nrliun a n:. . ' i . : . ""aiis.was uisirucien to in- KUIUAYf JANUARY 5,r tfiT. - 1 . 1 " ' i - "I i fno ' i rMtitirira nnnn '! Tfann.l .t..,l..':. on ednesdav and ves terda v. ; Both bills passed Su,rS ,nr the expediency of refuhdinff' tu ; i S'e of NorthiCarotina.4 lQ Qrwl dSi- ves terda v. worn nfrtrtM. . t. a .... I ' ... n lien iiii uiue iwii u :i y s . i entirelv;witli the conteed election MrTsorivA long Jdeq'ale occur re : sketch of which shall beT giverW r he vr.. , in favorof the sitting member retainih- Li seat ,wa$ SO to 25. Edmnndsnn. Mpccr, Jove, J warn, artioi Donoho, and D.ir gan were appointed r committee on that part of the Governor's Message which re lates to the Cherokee lands. v TK fMl,.n.: ii .. ' -... .v.iU..iug iciHicineu were annnunc- were Academy in question. I - 5neman; from Tranjchn., that i o?;c to this gaijjWmgjsjjirrt f-T the pronacration of Senunari I 1 ad been the would be found i n a De uionroC the country would warrant fthe ; un.iu. in every cotumy at, tne tpubKc expense; thcrewould be! no -'necessity; for ; resortinprto.this modeof rearing Academies ;j but ; ,: are, gentlemen prepared tovote for such a Jaw or m our present embarrassed affairs, could fthe v people spare tne ; money necessarv to -carry the V:; into efrecrt; nowwilHhisrbill operate ? tOes lit put the hand of the r-nlWm 5tW i W.. ..fpocEet 4.'- tlOTiS its first - reading. Messrs. IVewland, Poor & Gary, Pf onmnne nn. ik D .1' 1 -wucu. w UIC ilillliarV emilll tttA. of this Hous,, , appointed j to enquire nt" MS"1, f'' the expediency of altering the time of hold- tf fePa:g!' of Craven, Pickett Jand ina; the Superior CourU : MPS ! W1n V ciimpose the Library committee on Martin. B07 man. Mb.n u I ine Parl rhebenafe : whereunbn Messrs. ,7 ' "v., iwwuiiuj, uunii9 Ferrand, Blount, Edwards, Cox of Lenoir, R IU Jones. Snriiill. Ojirv "n;i-:r,e mil was received from the Senate, for J;ch smn.aid State paidl to certain JnX the better regulation of the county courts duns of .the Cherokee tribe, ! for reserva ot INash & Northampton, providing for a t,,ons o ad which: they 'acquired under select nuinberf Justices to hbld the Courts lhe treaties of 1819, between the United with payment for their services, whirh i,,,i States and that naiinn nrinnp' ; , - - -. w.. iiuu I -" -" . 411UIUIIS -- . : i .. . - I - 1 1 " ' l? - . riday Uec. 2J Ai e iouovring letter was! laid by the -rv, Wl uic noase n itepresentatives. iiuiioraoie oouy 7e Speaker of the Haute of Me pre, en in fives ' IB: YOU Wl I tllHo tn l.u k.A... ,, , J . v. u t inc (lOIISC .r-Weefer our reader to a commuhicatlba of,the Vice-President of the United Stated toCongressy Fewpfrthemi 'wej:rcsurnst will for a i moment believev thit the hfi'h- tnintieo gejiueman who is tie object of this me niarier so unnfirfsnt .c t-'-v adjpu rn trn ti 1 Tuesdays to- allotv tiine to investigate. the subject3rThe accusation is grounded - on acts connected with certain. r acts of Mr. Calhoun whil admitted by I V. fi1 4 5Fr Al fre" oore Strange, hebestanti-i Hill, Marshall and M'Nair. J. A. M r. Ferrand. one of 1 1 ?m om ka rr. Onslow, ami, Mr. W. W. Jones of New UariQver. appeared, were qualified and took, thfir seats. " - ; - V f Whitehurst presented the petition ofLIiza Hope Cox, of.Craven, pravirig fr a Divorce. Mr; Torrance : presiti"tetl the petition of ..Mary Caldwell, of Iredell: Mr. curaonston the petition of Susannah Tin j. ' i iiirM wm m iti i jit i a i ww , w w mj . iua c: i iirr nniiaR ...w.,.9 iuvii u. oncuiirrii. , wpta n i nv. . . .k " .. . " . ' , r- .r ... pointed on the part of thii House, : i cation adMih ; CnCl5sed Communi- zn deven cr; JGIyah On motion oMr.?M6reero ilu was sent to ihe Senate, proposing to rai?e 1 3 K ' X a select joint committee; to whom smihp y - .oHahcockJ are the persons concerned ia referred the men orial l JShtioo - thi Member, T ) transaction, i . Our limit will i,ot per- Societv . 1 ' ine colonization jo the IIonsf Repre8ehtathe : mit us to enter into detail r bat as it iV i; I J.ll f m .i : - or anr one ? sNo: like all other sneenlai t tlavwood. anil l r. P'.tt it holds outr.a nranVt A v iI pntAl tLnsiii;.,.. r i?::1:l r : c n.t " .t , , v,--v7 " iu t .-w v.. pv-uii'Mi ui iwiitii 1'ope, oi iiiorin a large sum ov nsauin? a nriflll nn amntn! ik. .j ..L , . . . . I ' -. w ( v. IS 1 1 UI W II 11.1 1 I gain Tiemcn taiic about restraininm irKluIgirjg a gambling propensity. It cannot be doiie ? rfit be attempted, the only efTect wijl be -4t -a cliangefrom better lb worse for, they will fcaic on in seiretHt cannot be checked bv ipro i i mbttorv ehactments for it ia inherent in die h. , ture?fman. Ifa man buys' a land warrant, is it his intention to migrate;where thejand is Iocat- : No nine imes out of ten he bdys on spe- culation, and, the, principal portion of the trahs actions of the world are undertaken for pnrnoses '"Pnlationi'-indjthey-- originate in the same spirij. which influt nees ,the adventurer in a lot. 5;ry n. ail nazara, JSvery . body acts i on thefftmncipte of gun jl Ve are- then, strictly tsneakinffiall -SdventureriLlUTh mwhonf buys $ip,00a worth of goods inNew-Vork and j insures their'safe arrjyal in port, by paying a pre- uucs ... . vvj an 1IUCIH1 UU HIiriKHPI TIIII 9 . r'mqfue Which' constitutes the essence of a lotte ? '?ry -."Does the Insurer establish his office, to nro- 5 imote cpmraerceu-no; butto enrich himself i But i the Trustees in this instance do not wish tn nut I t f oney jutotbeirpockets---noVtliey desire load 4vance the ppiness sdf mankind in general, by VJV ? " ii...uiwci,,.H uus oiii passes, so T lar from encouiginsyiexous propensities, it will 5 gtvebirth tothostjlity 6f sentimentf as , regards h,uh':,,,s vj Hiiuauy mrning out; a large num- this: be an shall pay filato nf f JwKOfiriveanertuncls for carrjing on her ; mighty system of Internal Improvements from Jotteries. But Were: her farmers bowed down ,-andpoverished; ? No, ejuite the re irsei--. tne lotterieaare supported not by them, but by ; thoie gentry who if they did not risque their mo' iey in tlus way would perhaps make aiore un - roetajye usef XIIe hoped the bill wonkl pass; -pMrJTJeake. felt thankful for, the able assistance :ueiivefedJum;;wh!chperhap&;made it uhneces i Rf ry for him tCsay any Jhthg more on t he eaub r ject r but he begged the indulirence of the Se. teTwfew;rop from Frankhn, m the Temarks which he: made,! refer red to some tnann per nfT a T.ntt.i--r. eUl.nSrh's tickets, decamped ;.with the moneys-If he infehrlprT tr Ineinn. k., vation, that there was anV nrnKKIlt tiler J:decimnm.nt .1 . .1 I t. w."W.fn w wega time. were referred to the Committee on niv,. and Alimony.. ! : ' .'a--. fr j McNajr Resented tjie petition of David; Standback, of i Richmond, Spraying to be exempted from the payment of the ,tax imposed on a ga re e reeled by him on a public road Referred ro the Commitiee on Propositions and Grievances, y Mr Newland presented the petition of Laban Ellis and many ; other citizens ot the coun?y of Burke, praying remuneration for open in"- a public road -reffrrAd iA vommiuee on infernal Improvement. a communication of Buncombe, on regard Mr. b wain Presented from George I). Philins. the subject of amending the laws in - - .v..vwn ,c,ci cu iu me commmee on Agriculture.'. - The fullowinir bills were nrcnfprl 4 Bj Mr. Shipp. a bill allowing Jurors' in the County and Superior Courts of Lincoln, to receive payyfir their services and a orii 10 empower Joseph Houston, of Iredell .county, to erect gstes across certain roads therein mentionetl. , : . ' . By Mr. Strange, ia bilt to authorize the Commissioners of Favetteville in slorf speci d Justice !r said town, and to amend On motion of Mr. Sw;iin. it wia Resolved That the Committee on-the Judiciary he instructed to enquire into the expediency of providing by law for the arranging, revising and digestinu the whole body of the public Statute Law of North-Carolina,commencing"with the ear liest English statutes, in fo.ee in this State. On motion of Mr. Shepherd, the House took up for its second reaeUrig, the bill con cerning granting licenses to pradise in the county courts of this. State. The bill be ing put on its passage, f Mr. Martin said, the age at which voune-men might receive licences ought to have some limit, a vnwy wci"C IU DC attained the ag-e r T H u'Jcr U,IC 5 DUl seeing no necessity frt Ina Kill 1- 1 .. . . . . J .uuiu, ne siiuuia move f tnat it be indefi nitely postponed. ? i : I Mr. Shepherd did not expect an v opposition to the passage of this bill, much less' did he expect it from the gentleman from Hertford. It had been said, that sufficient discretion and legTl know ledge could not be acquired earlier than the age of 21,: and therefore it would be improper to give the Judges discretion 10 grant a licence in anv case at an earlier rinA ..,-11 "!c. o . na". n some occasions, exer cised this discretion in favor of persons of ext ra- ununary tuients. He could mention .listinguished .1 a ... ...... ... An imn.!nit. .t.' t . ' . I h(.h.ta: tlia hioliAal .. . 1 . ill . .... luv.iiuui Bcnsp m .in rv m4 .. i wiuiv uiiicai uiii inni in ina iinmn . , . . -. ... y- 7 - "..mutu rci .... . c . r- - w t.nw, K".- lR tne station which I occunv. er,ml 4 I wilUno doubt, beisiftpr! t b K, ... " 1 ' ' w I ar. '. ' i -' ww kw.. it CI,-rgeV have! beenoV against me of th KM?hPOn Mr;Cil,1M ! most prions nature, wd ihUfSoult to fWhetherihe:chaie.o degrade me from the hirh i., .a:.k or Wilful mttreoresenictimt. s , ' - V We'state rith mpathUitis regret thit 5 house of the tle Mr;aherspooQ in been placed by the choice of my feUow-citizenS, and to consign my name to perpj tual infamv. ' :Jr,mmff ,nVf tiStii I tbe House; L am sensible, that under our free and happy Institu tions, the conduct of public servants is a fair sub ject of the closest scrutiny, and thefwest remarka. i.WAimful:diachargb-of tents consumption Mohdar the 1st inst - , ouc, aixncKS issume the! r0iA;t ..ij. .L..'- - - ' . Mr.VimejrJpoon leftl thiai city i 8atcr the vicinity of HillsBoroughVOraTige c uht -j, , VJ ti uj nrr, and ai i j is con r w.v, A14 i.mccr wus assaiieo. now- ever base the instrument t,eA :c : r! ..nuence, can look for, refuge only to the Hall iV 7t " ,VVC "ePpesentatives of the People. ,SJfihd. royelf unexpectedly placed. , . . n. Wednesday morning last, it was for the first lime intimated to me, that charges of a very sc , "6' 't,cre lougeu in one ot tne U.!::!ifrtraen,! VfIuri theday, rumor --w., Hricra io me same ettect reached me j but the first certain information f thh. for the betier regulation of the town of jected to. . "V . Fettenrille. ; j ? j 1 U L : Mr. Martin said when youths ar individuals in this House who had been thn ft youred. Cases of hardship might arise, in which young men of rare Menis, but poof, might with PJ o5nt5ty be !,cend before they reached the age of .21. And, in order to miard of the privilege, there is a clause in the bill to protect the clients of such young men against any loss that.might arise to them from their being under age. Mr, S. thought this discretion bight be safely left with the Judges ; they have now n way of ascertaining the precise age of the ap plicants for licences'! if thev uv thev i aF.J. and they are qualified, and haye testimonials of not be ob- crime ot narticinatinr in th nt. c . . tormed with the Government through the 13 e- , -I r: wlUKl 1 entrusted with the h7CZ m Il.saur,es, and that the accusation ' rv." "iiy presentee as lhe basis of an Official art rt tT.A.vtr.w i - . . - " fl,.th, 4 u r F , "FPraen1. nl conse quently, to be placed among its records as a last- 6 upon my character. ir fr i' 1 ;vX. k OI,,my nt-e innocence in .this and every other public act. asid that r h .k. incapable, in the performance of duty, of bemg influenced bv anv athf . .,7 ' T.v t "'c mmi a aacreare- prd to the public interest, and resolved, as far x,uUm cuwi pan extend, to leave an untarnbb- IV aAT a . A a. A . a cwy preceuing, any itia believed tliat he was absent from home attending tohi3 ini nisterial duties af a stated r cbr cerjt prayer meeHtigpnTthelstMondIy; in the month, Boast ftPtthyseir of to-morrow, tlioiT knoivest not what aay may brin fcrth-" nad-ci The following gentlemen have obtained licences to practise law , in the Superior and County Courts : r.-'i-i---- ' :: Superior C9urt:.Mmltthx.r6"'t " Carleton.B. Cole; ditto ; Wasbingtcn ttcrr! sn; Charlotte t Clement Marshall, jXnson. ; - County CurU-TeVix Axley,; Uaywtd; , The ,Geoia;(Jacon) Mcssesgeif,' state that the Legislatare,befcrit3 aeljourntncnt "n me oio nitr appropriated 1 C3.CC 0 dol BfMr. Alexander, a bill to amend Q he extraordinaryjacquirements which the e-en. Tfpel eFectua act. entitled an arr t . ... Uemen from Stokes had snoken of! thev m&ht destroy torever v..vuc, , jcuKieuuuro' countv thev attaint I gal age. But he was unwilline- tn cry a Dill to reneal tli A CitW I sanction a nractice of this fcinrt t n-.. section of an act passed in 1803, to extentiH11".11 f?und to be the "se, that students were my character. .-V--V A--- L ' J. C. CALHOUN - ! tv u- Vjce.President of the United States. Kul"SWIh wee ay, iBo. nc jui isuicuon or a single Justice : and to zX -'iy - auu discretion at tne age amend thaeveral law! iu force 1 in tl.U ?l' thn,0f.e?:jfe- He knew nothing of the State relative !, 2!l r . ,S existence of thU bill until he heard it read z and fi.r f! 'Y r recovery of debt be- he little thought it was the ' pwdttcttenof a ren- A? f thC?eaCeA i tlemanof the bar. The gentleman frorn Stokes ..0y wcic acvcraiiv reatJ the tirat u sccuon Dinas tne nronertv.oF the. wards theTrusteea OShmond 'ere of pereonal natureV Jod not be allowed: 'fa-Z is:Hi .Masked' lMi t :mJ&A Xm'' r1"6 rcumea He had exnertA I , im- .iiurre in He had nan i fro it in'nr.. ' j. r onlvhisJ hnt.o.i uTt;"? jounce, ,not 1 wJ. i a similar fore w.: 'ar nature, k there- Hut whv iV ,k ,ea1ft,hen ne s lim rise. ri r7M thf &ent,eman 'so hostile to Ibtte rK?Juse they are games of .chanri -.ciore immoral. : Tf.t e. he did not ,i;n7 b. !?? trn mir 1 . - - . . I co ; ws chanc .rilV rnnoili... . t Vhich ' conclusi7n elusion which "su?ne;- it was a con .!STnicJl uncled as immoral th. . i g ."T c9mncrce 4 and 4 ma-1 .';t Mr. Donoho presented the fnUiiwinn. auiuuuu, winwii wus auopieu Jtesobed, That a . Committee be re-appointed whose duty it shall be to inquire into the expedi ency of establishing a Medical Board for this State, and that they .have leave to report bf bill or o- U:-On motion i . .of ary, it was, i 1 f: ife&?. That sq much of the Governor Me a- a relates to a wen regulated and efficient patrol, Increase of privileges, higher penalties for neglect of dutv. and a oroDer rernnneratln k- referred to the Committee on the Judiciary and : "r r. tuTs tcavcsi-o report oyi oui or-otber- Wise. . ' . . minors to their clients: but it leaves t hem 1ik.. ty..to defraud others. l- 'A. h: ; i: -t. After a few other remarks from xt Kh.nk,J the question for indefinitely postponing the bill; was carried 63 to 48. " ; '..; .- ; : A number of private bills then received their secona na tniru reauings. Amongst others, the Kill ai(KH.M. AXv. . . " a, - win ouiiwrwuij We commissioners; of Favelte il ... .1.. . .. : v special justice oi tnefeace for the W1?. FMyetteviUe, after some opposition from Mr. Elliott, one f of: the members from Cumber NINBTj SECOND SESSION. ; j fcTlie MittedgevUle Recofdct tti thd 2Cth ult states, that the Cavalry Ccmpaniea pf lyashingtein,- Bald wintand iatnatn ccatt ties,; are called into servitii aniler the com mand of Col, Everett Hamilton, th ccn- The feillowingj gentlemen compose? the committee appointed by order of the House ol Kepresenfatives. on tha Ciii.;0f vr.i. appeal eif the ice President to that bAdl aeiIClisf the "Indian rnurtlcrion the Cauth- Mr. FJoyd, Mr.- Wright, Mr. Willianisi ?rM"ptier The Legislature tvhich cd Mr. Campoell, lr. Clarke, Mr. inkersoliv u tl on the nst empowered C' Mr. Sprague. : ; : J 4 , i; "pvemnr to send despatches without delr t l . a -- a. z v m . On motion of Mr. Alexander;?. HeJolvedJ That the Judicial- strticted tov enquire into; the expediendy of so a mendmg the laws with reeard to ConstahlA.. as to ensure the more speedy collection and pay mcnt ot aebts placed in their hands for collection IN benatr. . I ? Op the 28th ult..the resohl tion submit--SX 31c. Johnson of,- Kentucky, for an inquiry jnto Jhe expeilienc? of .changing the Judicial -System of the United States; so as to make the Execution Laws of the j A. billwas reported to establishan ad- i uunai ; cxecu u ve l Jepartaien t; '? to; the ; Little; Prince of the Crept ?JS i f r demanding the surreneier cf the rhsdc; j to the authorities f GeorHaA-s e,- w BELL TAVERN. of Georgia Capt William leaker of ttic on hi return home, was killed . from his carriage, when his horss k. with: torn How f 'il this practice ii days experience THE Public are respectfully mfome&t the' subscriber has taken that spacious buildinsr m the town of Windsor. latelv Copied bM? James Palmer, as a TavernW The h;M;n. recently ? undergone ;a;thoroti'm ! i4T' n f rihe beds ate TirinrtnallvV i'" 111 .i'-1 vVInr tr . ' ' ; The bar is well suDDlTed with tfhnie-. ti - - - ' ir . .;- ' uVru,ir,Jr attended" to. " . r f 1C6 fmseu to spare i pains to merit the patronage of the public. Windsor, N. C.' Jan. VwlelI Tf nTCfPi rrr ...i, no IcyThe.nev. Mti Gnr.v.n r r f;v- iTiu5u,rwin aeuver a discourse fW t: nefi t of tb Weigh deUfccvz I: :Cj. PreiJjy teriaq Church, , : ft ; . - - u f: r i