I7CT7N 1-MH B Y-.---.tt IV IM. ,.; t. ;r.t -t,4.v-v-.- AND v?,TSdfc j'.-.'.-r.-'.-'-f':- Onrs are the Dlans of fair: deliffhtfi'l peace, Unwarp'd by' party rage to live like brothers. "' I f : -. V'-f ' . 1 ' .' i 1 ' 1 - ; , -j.--.i-. -.. , -.( , -. '. .- .. -v ... i 3 1 - . . 1 .. . j ; , v; " . - - - ; I' . to published every ."xtesp at. t and Feidxt, ' by ; josfph gales & son, At Five Dollars per annum -half in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS Kotexceedingf sixteen; lines, neatly inserted three times for a dollar, and 25 cents for every succeed intr nublication ; those. of CTeater length In the irecgived..i.L.iittT9 to the Editors must oe post nai.d . -: j ':' STATE LEGIST A TURE. . " : - IN SENATE v i WKBXKSJJlT,'jAKrAHT 3d, 1827. ? j ! 'Continuation' of the Debate vhtch occiifrecl on theRcport of the Committee of Privileges and Elections, in the case of Josiah Tyson; whose seat as Senator from; Moore County , Was con ested by Cornelius Doxpd.' ..." J , : Mr. Fancy, (Speaker) would wish td be informed by the Chairman, or some mem ber of the' Committee, of privileges nd Electfons, whetherVil!iam TngUpd, j "whose deposftion Thas been tajtirij was jtlie same man who had been appointed an In spector, of the:EIectiorit and who voted as he saidi with an open ticket for Mr. DoWd, the petitioner ? ; Air, C room stated he was the same man. j . Mr.t Yancy then said, it woald seem, that one of two Itispectors appointed by tlie Sheriff was the friend of the petitioner; tnatJie proveu au ine votes taken at that seoarate Election were 1 un- -question bly legal except one, about which there was difference of opinion. He said that from the evidence which had been read ! he' concurred in opinion with; the Committee;ethat there was no very good reason for vacat in the sea t of the sitting . member upon the ground of fraud ; ar)d as no gentleman, who had taken part in the debate, seemed to rely on that part of the case,! he would examine the other reason given, to shew the election was illegal and ouhifto be set aside.' 5lf..yancy said, he had not heard of this question, before it was presented by the Committee m their report of this morn ing, but a few moments of reflection had induced him to believe, that the sitting member U entitled to hold his seaU The act of the Legislature of 177rdirects, that there shall be in each County, one annual Elec tion for members of the General Assem-bly--that the Sheriff Shall advertise the time land place of holding the electh for at least twenty days. That the County Courts shall appoint two Inspectors to su perintend the Election, .and if it shal hap pen that theCourt does not appoint In spectors; or persbris appointed refuse 6r ileglect tpVcon)e thefSheriflfof the Cdunty, with the advice, of three Justices of the Peace, if theyie present, may appoint In spectors j ancl if the Justices be not pre senti the Sheriff with the advice of three freeholders, shall appoint Inspectors! In the case before us, the; County Court neg lected to appoint these, and the Sheriff of f the County, conformable to a practice of many years standing in the CountyJ ap pointed the freeholders , hi msel ( : one of them was the friend of the petitioner,! and voted for him. with, an open ticket. AIt U stated in his deposition, that all. the voles given for the sitting member, except one, were given by freeholders d ply qualifitjtfto "votel- Before entering on their duties, thev were sworn impartiallr to 'discharge their duties, and so was the deputy Sheriff. The. objection, then, to the legality of this election is, that the Inspectors appointed by the Sheriff," were not approved of' by Ithree Justices or three freeholders,- altho' they .were proven to be men of good cred it and character; There certainly was an irrecularity in, the appointment, but such a one as this House' was competent ,to legal- I7.e, II 'tne siiung tHeiuuer iias receiveu in the. County, a majority of constitutiouul votes. - . ' . 1 Suppose in this case, as is very prob'able, the Sheriff iid not advertise.the time and nlnrrii of the annual electioo. would t an v one say the election was illegal ? and: yet one objection 'seemed very: much like 1 the -This case, said he, my be supposed to be like the one before the HouSe of Com monk of the: last session; but a moment's reflection wil I con vi nee us it is not. I n that case, ybtesthad been taken at a place not authorized byJaw. . To the Iicgisla- tu re is given the po we r of presc ribi ng th e time and Dlace of etections -and aner'hav- . ing done so, it is not competent w give them at any other time or placei ' IQ there- fore, they are giveii on a different tlay or at a different place, than that directed by law, they are to be considered- as.no votes. The case ; before us appeared to him to be analagods to oue : which- he. would; state. By thev Laws pfscveral of tlie States,- mem bers oCpongress aVeelected by districts cpiii jxised of several coWttes, and it is required of thejretufniijg officers to make; their li'e- turns at some convenient placed within; a given time, Suppiise that a part ot the ot ncers make their returns- w ithin the tiine limited- by-Jawi;a'nd? comparing the returns ma Jpyone candidate v had been a:iven tn thedisttictVhad been re lumed in time; itoultlhavVgivetifie vther k majoritr.i.. What would the LIIousi of. Representatives do in such a ca$e ? he vas fnot mistaken, they have: decider that the candidate who 'had 1 received the la r"a:es.t numljer'of -.'constitu rional votes vva entitled to the seat, notwithstandingthe voies given;,were nor rei urneo in tune jo authorize "the returning officers to Irecefve them.r; , , - n The,case shows that theTnember;return- ed,: received a tnajority of coustitutiona votes at the election. His opponent, how ever, says tlie election should be set aside, not because the Sheriff did not appoint honest men to inspect the election, but be cause he did not call for the advice of three J ustices of the Peace, ; i n ; makinsr the a p pointment. If the votes given were such as were legal, iMs not very material how the persons were appointed who inspected them. He hoped , th ere fore, the report of VI 1' VIUIIIIIIII V, , II I VUIIUUI I CU III. Hat. TTti r -r ii' , . '. &ir. mu, or rranKiin, saia, nenau a case which he thought would romnlffl v bnivir the argument ol the Honorable speaker. : By the constitution ot isortn-uaroliha, the Governor has the power bv. and with the advice of the council of state, to flit all va cancies where the right of appointment be ongs to the legislature, by granting a tern- porary commission, suppose a uprnor- shou Id appoint a judge, for instance during ine recess or me legislature wunout tne council would it not be an arbitrary 'usur- iation, ana wouiu not tne appomtment be consiuereu nun ana voiu r 1 ne case is analogous to this ; by the act of 17J7, it is provided that when there is an omission on the part of the county court to jippoint inspectors, the sheriif shall do it, tith the advice of three justices, or in their ab sence, he shall consult with three freehold- ers.v INow, il .a shenii neiriect to comnlv with these requisitions, a ndajSpoilnts in spectors on his own individual responsi bility, arc they nutulepally cho$en f They certainly are, and the election should be set aside. : ' ' ' , In like manner, the President j of the United States is constitutionally author ised to make: appointments by and with the! advice and consent of the senate. Suppose during the sitting of Congress the' Pi-esident should 'of himself send off a rni. ister to an v foreign coo rt, would not every one denounc the act ? et thciSljerifF in his capacity, committed as cross a violation of the law of the land, in appointing inspec tors contrary to ine aci.or assemui vL as tne President would by usurping such a stretch of power. . He thought.' the present case a plain one, and he should vote against the sitvins; member. DRAWING On the Qist day of February, 1827. Only 7980 Tickets. North-Carolina Lottery ..'. ' rm jhb r.ESEFiT or ; THE OXFORD ACADEMY, THIHU CLASS, To be drawnat RAtEioiT, on Wednesdays the 21st ot Jf eoruarv next. J. B. YATES & A MclN'TYUE, Managers. . SCHEME. c 1 Prize of 87,000 is S7lOOO 1 5,000 , 5,000 2,500 1,500 1,32C 1,250 40 20 10 5 21 500 1,500 1 ,320 11250 108, 108 108) 275V- 4 . 0 320 U60 I 13 080 770 3,084 Prizes, 7,980 CS39lt00 4,896 Blanks, Tickets, ? In this Scheme, composed of 21 Numbers by permutation, producing 7,930 Tickets, juid with three drawn ballots, there will be six prices with three of the drawn Numbers on them ; 24 with two on ; and2,754 with one only, of the drawn numbers on. theiti. ; " , . ' ( To determine the prizes, the 21 Nos. from 1 to 21y inclusive, -will be placed in a wheel on the day of Drawing', and three of them be drawn out, and, that ticket having on it, for its permutation numbers, the three ndmb;rs drawn from the wheel, in the order in which drawn, .wjul be en titled to the prize of ?7,00Q. And those five other tickets having the same numbers on them in . the following-orders,' shall be entitled to the prizes affixed to them respec tively, viz : . - ' :: ' :. The 1st, 3d, and 2d, to - - $ 5,000 2d, 1st, and 3d, to - - 2,500 2d3d, and 1st, to - 1,500 . . . 3d, 1st, and 2d, to - - - 1,320 3d, 2d, and 1st, to - - 1250 Those 108 tickets, lhaving two- of the drawn numbers on them, and those 'two the firsthand secdnd.in either- ordr, will each be e vtttled to ii prizt- of v'v ' . - : ' $40 .Thbse, 108 tickets having - two' of the drawn numbers on them and those two the second' and third in either birder, will each be entitled to a prize of - . , - ' $20- - 'All others with. two of the drawn numbers on them,i being, 108, will each be eiititled tb a prize of - .': y $10 , . : And those 2,754 tickets, having one only of the drawn numbers on. themv' wdl-be 'entitled to- a prize Of - ji"f Vt V"i U7:i: V?;J, $5' ' "Np ticket which shall havedrawn a prize of a superior denomination can bo entitled tbh infe rior T)nze-iKs-i-''rA ".. i Prizes payable forty days after the- drawing; rizes payable forty clays atter; tne- arawingi subject to the usual deductionof fifteen 'per t.t Lv, y-Hy -ivX- i; ' i:V ' ' resent price of: Tickets, Halves' $3 00, ana cent '. rresent price wuarter? iv-,;r "-'f?,!' .-t ? Orders, inclosing the icash or pni:ejas f a-' bove, (post paid, tor Tickets or snares, : wur w re , 1 ccive prompt attention, n aaa ressea w , .V- Baleigh or Fayettetille, N. Cv Oth; 1826.-: ' r:;4" aletg- Iiec. 20th npltlE Tritstees of the Nashville Male Academy ; .m. fake, pleasure in informing the public, tha? thev have at length succeeded in employing the Rev. Jo?m Armstrong, as. Principal in this Insti- tftton. This Gentleman produces the most sa tisfactory testimonials of his pTe-eminent qualify tions as a Gentlefaan, a Divine, ad a Teacher. He h a graduate of tfistinclion in the Columbian College, p. C. from which, besides his Diploma; he brings the most flattering testimonials of cha racter and acquirements, from the Uevd, Doctor Staugh ton; President of the College, the Herd. O. B. Brown, President of the Board of Trustees, besides the hi irh est recommendations from the Uev. E. Baptist of Virginia, and very many other distinguished names equally satisfactory. - - Mr. Armstroncr has taueht the: present year in the Cartervllle Academy, Va y Dr. Wharton and Dr. .lames, of Va. and others, afford the most am pie testimonials of hissuccess in Teaching To all of which the Trustees would -superadd that in an interview with' Mr. Armstrong, and an ex? animation of lifs credentials, and method of Teaching, they are abundantly satisfied and can, with pleasure and confidence, recommendvhim to the public. - f ". the School will cro into operation on the 8th' day Of January next. The price of Tuition will be $8 per session for Reading Writing arid: Arith metic siy tr rcngitsh Grammar, tieograpny History, &c $12 Foiatin, Greek, French,,. s- tronomy, Natural and Moral Philosophy, Mathe? matics, and all the higher branches of Arts and sciences, to be paid in advance. The Trustees lave obtained from Chanel Hill, the System o. Studies taught there, and the course of - Studie in this Academy will be precisely such as to pre pare Students From this School tt enter with ease the Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or e veil Senior Class of our University. I ' The Trustees are well aware of th incrnvejni ences that a young man I a 0019 under, who enters College having pursued course of studies d'F- icrcunrom mat Kiugni m tne university, anu they are determined to have an eye to it. . Board can be had in respectable houses inthe Village at $37 50, per session. , 1 he chnmcter of Nashville is so well establish ed for health, that it is deemed unnecessary to say any thing here. There are several never-failing Springs of excellentvater near the Academy The Trustees are convinced that no Acwdemy ever commenced under more favorable auspices Indeed, if a distinguished Teacher, healthiness of situation, cheapness of terms, and vigilance in the guardians of the school, can recommend it to a generous public, we are assured that this In stitution Will he very liberally encouraged. Ity order ot the B:ird, V H. BLOUNT, SecV. Nashville, Nash C'ty, N..C. . Nov. 25, 1 325. 5'-. & 0 nf ttt i 0 nuv isti. flUIE subscriber, grateful for past favors hopes X - by assiduity and attention to merit a conti nuance of public patronage. He has the plea sure to inform his friends and customers that he las lately received from New-York a lrae and well-selected supply of articles in, the Coxfec tioxart line - of business whicjh with those on I land makes his assortment very eooiL consistincr m part ot Soft Shelled Almonds Spanish Liquorice FresliJTamarinds Olives, Capers & Ancho vies Sperrhaciti Candles Pearl Barlev Prunes & Figs Brazil "1 ' Jecan ( Madeira :l Nuts Filbert and Shell JJavk J Prime chewing Tobacco Lorrillard's do d6 . do Cut do Spanish Cigars Com'n & Torpedo ditto Goshen Cheese , Water & Butter Crack . ers . ' " A handsome assortment of Ladies Work Bas kets - - . Market ditto assM. si res Fresh Smoked Beef . Uolojrne Sausages Cod Fish Cakes, Candies ec Cordials of every des cription ; i Champaigne V ' Madeira I ,.r? port& Y Claret . J Fresh Lime Juice & Lemon Syrup -Sallad Od N. Y. -Pippin Apples , SU Augustine Oranges Dried Citron .; Preserv ed Limes & r Ginger Cologne Water St Po matum ; Nutmegs & Cassia , Ne-.v Brewed keepsie Ale Pough- With a great variety of Crhildren's Toys, Scci. . The above'articles are all perfectly fresh and of the best quality andv.;l be sold f.iw for cash. A liberal discount Will be made to persons buying Candies to sell again and furnished at the soonest notice. HENRY II ARDIK, " 3 d-.ors below W. & I). Shaw's Store, Fay- 1 5wlaw ' etteville St. Fifth Class For the benefit of the , Wiljibe drawn On Wednesday the 7th of Feb. next J. B. YAes & A. M'Intyre, MufiajersC ; ' . Prize of 820,000 is 20,000 10,000 4,006 2,000 1.500 1,020 10.000 10,000 4,000 5,200 200 1 3,520 53,040 J 0,000 4,000 2.000 1,500 1,020 1,000 500 200 100 50 " - .10 10 .20 t20 , 52 52 1,352 10,608 12,120 Prize?, ; Whole Tickets, ,:... - .Half'.-' do . ' ,k -1 , Quarter do . gl36,880 $5 ' -. 2 -50 ,,1 25 f-lflCj Orders pps paid, ipuuetuaUy-attended to if addressed to . ..' ZA'is' , , RALEIG H OR FAYfiTTEVlLLE; N. C: ; v G eorgia, North- and South Carolina Bank Notes f'eceed in paymfeiit. ' 1 -r " ' ? .4- -. Deeds, ; , , v jRw?- sdt ct thir OJicu New; and G hedp Seasonable ' ,13 ; B. SMITH has the pleasure of announcing MJfm to Ins fnemts and" customers, ithat he just returned frnm the .North assortment ofjuipenor- . ; Seasonable. Staple St FahctD selected with great pains by himself at Auction anu f nvai e aies m rew-i,ors ana rniiaueipnia. , il . 1 " lVi."I iLlJL! Consisting 111 part, of f Superior Blue, Black, Drab and l Oxroao mix'd Cloth.. ; . '. ; - mM strut atiint. - " . . ,y--'-'ji -Vv.".;-.-!, Black Silki Cut "Velvet, and Valencia Vestings Circassian riaius, ana uiacK liomoazine. Plain, Fifftird and Twilled, J3omiazettes. Irish Linens and Long lAvnsf Tvery fine-.Y Bleached and Unbleached Sea Island Shirtings cneap.j . - Hose and Point Blanlvet. Neg-ro Clothincr. ( coilsistinff of Neero Cotton. gatmett, and'plain and striped Lmsey Woolsey.) 1 r uTi l v icjjani vaiuui'itK uingnanis, iiew siyie. - A most beautiful assortment of shaSed Calicoes and Chintz -warranted fast colours, stud many of j mem entirely new panerns. . . . ( . -' Curtain Calico (very cheap.) J .4 and 6-4 Cambricsand Cambric Muslins, (very 4 and 6-4 Mull and Jaconett Muslins. f Plain and Tambor'd, Book and Leno do . j An elegant supply of Plain and figured rtal Swiss Mtrsixxs, tiom 50 cts. to $; per yard, and among them some most splendid patterns, for uresses. . . - - . Some new fashion. Mandarin Crape. Do. Nankin and Canton do. Best plain Black Gros de Naples and- Levan- ti.ne. : ' - .' . .. S uperb Ih oxvn, nine, BUick. ' Pink. V Pe arl Lo oted Clros de. Naples Sjlk.v : A great variety ofeIegant1Jlino,CrtsAntfsf Vossimere SIiavls and Scarfs from ?2 po to 5XJ5. J- ine white t lannel - ' Wide ?2tfw'(f Belt'lJibands. . Gloves und Stockings of all kinds. Fine Prunel and Morocco Shoes.- . 4 cases elegant sHats, (some -wide arid medium (trims.) ; . .... : l hildren's Ttir & Cloth Caps. , , l '. Raleigh, Dec. 1. 17Teo4t PAYETTE VII. LE, N. C. ;; ;: i tie fUQiic are respecuuliv in- formerl. that in emwennenre ot" , the J recent death of Mr Clement TractL the subscriber, who has been employ- i ed in .the management of the LA FAYETTE HOTEL, has assumed the superintendance of it This new and spacious builninef, ( which has been purposely erected at great expense for an Hotel. is now in complete order for the reception ami accommodation of Tiiavki.i.khs and Boahpers. Bosides the advantage of a number of rooms with single beds, fire-places t and belUt the Motel contains several handsome Dbawixb Rooms and pabt- mexts, particularly suited for the private accom modation of Travelling.! amilies. BOARDERS, with or without Lodging, can be accommodated. : J , The FtJBsriTCBE and Brddixg are of the bes qurdity and entirely new, and each bed ; is sup- "plied with a Moschetto Net. - j ,r'";v. ; BATHING ROOMS are attached to the House, supplied with water from the-Hay Mount aque duct. ' . ' ' - . ; " - "- j The BAR is richly supplied with a variety of the choicest' Liquors, recently selected for it in the Northern cities, by an experienced Judge Large Stables are conveniently placed in the rear : The subscriber is determined to conduct the House in the most genteel manner, and no efforts shall be spared to render it every wily worthy of orthy of jceived. ACY. a continuation ot the patronage it has recei WM. Tit : Oct. 25, 1826. ; 8-1 Law om tammeYvntr Cured. ilr. Leigh's $ r. Yates Virginia in stitution for correcting Impediments oj speech . ,r h . ' mHE Rev. THOMAS P. HUNT informs the ' JL public that he is qualified; to act as Ajrent for Mrs. Leigh and Dr.. Yates, of the New York Institution for correcting- Impediments of Speech' for the State of Virginia.' ! I fe may be found at the Brunswick Mineral Springs, Va- 45 miles south of Petersburg. " The stage passes by the Springs; twiqe i a day j and excellent accommodations on liberal ; terms may be obtained there. ". . jMrs. Leigh's -stem is founded on rational principles. There is no trick nor quackery -in it. No stammerer need fear not being cured ; nor a return of his disease.; Numerous certifi cates from the most respectable, gentlemen, to whom the system has been explained, nd from those who have "been cured by it, attest the cer tainty & permanency of Mrs. Leigh's discovery. These certificates may be seen by any who will Spply. But -the reputation of the system does not depend on certificates. If any doubt, 7 we can convince tnem it any stammer, we can cure t . them. Letters (post paid) directed to Percival's, Brunswick,' Va. will receive immedi ate attention. . ) 7 Sepr."'26 eotf. s l al Pete bsb cue, Va. Sept. 28;1826i, " I CERTIFY with much pleasure, -that under the tuition of the Rev. Thomas P. Hcst. of Bi uns wick County, who is 3lrs. Leirh's Afrent in this state, for curing impediments of Speech, -I have beeu in three days entirely released from a very distressing, habit of Stammering'contracted upwards of thirtyyears ago. -- ' '- It 1 ever Stammer apam, it; mustunquestion- ably be my own fault; as I sincerely believe that all persons laboring Under that afQiction may be permanently-' relieved by Mrs. Leigh 3 .Sys tem.; : I jhave yet remaining a slight hesitancy at the pronunciation of some very ftixrd wortfe. uui 1 ieei connaent 01 Demir: reuevea even rrom that,' in a "very few days more. H. B. GAINHS. WE, whose names 'are hereunto subscribed, do Certify that Are have been instructed by the Revfd. Thomas P. Hunt, of Brunswick- County, Va. in Mrs. Leigh's system of eorrecting impe diments of speech, and that we are satisfied of the -.'certainty and efficacy of her rule in afibrd ing peripahent relief to ' all stammerers if thev will apply her remedy, & jt is our' own fault if we are not entn:ety cured by it vl - s Hs JON. FRENCH Norfolk, Va. H. GAINES Petersburg, A.M. ADOUE, . ditto; ditto, Lditio, : J. P. KEEN, J B. BURTON flip? V: (;Fas2iidnablX5 Hatsr S ; V" r C 1 B Tl 1 V T T r.r . V ' Ji-' il. - Ti: 1 T . i JiiifVAJcitiurt. j r.iia, at; ine. rasnicnar) .. . . .Olcthins? Store; tivo doors' below. the r AiAr?i v : . OSS I Ttnrttf . run Prtttt-ni7i S?fi.Jrt tnc inet rasivrl ni ,i - i with an extensivs j Assortment of .FASHIONABLE;,, BEAVBU f s .r.-,- I It ATS.-warranted 'of the first clitalitv. which ' v r, GODS, . I win he d!snn.P(i nFoifarrommnilatintpfms. - !' KalelpJj.TiTan) I. " 1 x'-.jg-a- 1 ys. i-'r ' 13 Al X inst.:abri.trht mulatto fellow J byN the hamt if ? ot uuo, aoout ayears.ot ' age,5 ,tffct inches ' . ? t yxiy high stout made;; veiyaetir.yandj bitick sp'ol; hl.jf en he is verj'treckleb for a pegro he- had .op - A V f. when he went away, a white hat,. brown panta loons, drab colore home rriade coat hhda drub big coat with a'large cape f -life had also a dou-i h ble-cased Silver Watch; marked Norton, Londofti j-- No. S34, with . Scott's vatch bill in the case;u ; The above reward will be" fiaid to, any person who will take Up said ' feow and 'deliver him to ; ' the subscriber in Orange :butily or to the Jail i t or oft Guiltord coonty-ij-or .Teo p6llarstif secured ' m anyr Jail so that I ret jmmediate information. ; SEYMORE ijiYEAU-, 1 v-''v-;' ' ; -.26 St , . . i ; U 'C. it.- - & SPA3. TZr.2BS3,v: ' 'Navv CoMMISSI07E;s, Orncf; i - December 22, l82&?-:: r u II E Commissioners of: the Na v v wil 1 8 receive. Sealed :Prdposal3, t, il ihc 1 5th February, next, for the supply of th Tol lo 'wingMast and Spar Pieces, tleji vera- ble at-the respective. IN avj .Yards, on or. before the lstofjqmo 827i at i i r ;'" '.'-V ;-' JVew-York. i .. - 2 half spindles, 2 fishes, - "? 4 heel pieces 4 side tree?.' -S mam-mast:' 2 fishes, and 3 side treeis, for foremast, - ' ; 1 fore and 1 main top-mast, ' j ; , ' 1 lower, half-mam yard, , tylXuC---. ' 2 main arid l mizen-tbp-sail-yards. ! :i l : " t 2, main, one fore and 1 mizeh-fdp-lTapf-masf, I a jiu-uuuius, j jjjt ii uu. iiiu spanKer-uooui,,? , b The, above for a 74 -gun ship. - , j -1 ; 't-' 4 fishes and 6 side trees fQr main-raasf, 3 fishes, 3,aalf spindles, and three side trees for. ' : , fore-masf, i rv- :"-' v.''v;':V-v.'V:;:;- ' 1 spindle, 4 cheeks, and 2 paunclies for mizen- 2 quarter spindles, and 1 paunch' for howspnt, t 1 fore and 2 mizen-top-masts, '1 v, i r ,V V j 1 lower half main-yard v-f ; , t : . iJ Kl'.V,v:'-i.I "V 4 main, 1 fore, and 2 mizeh top-saiUyards.: 4 main, 4 fore, and 2 mizen-top-gaijant-rnasts, 4 jib boom 4.flying do. and 2 spanker-booms, - The above for a 44 gun ship. j ' ! , ,: , . .f PhiladeH h ia. ,1 fore and 1 mizen-top mast, 1 Ibre-topgallaht-masllV i1:' 2 rhani-yard pieces, : r' 4 bow-sprit pieces, "''s:i- '1': 1 sprit sail-yard, ; . ; ' - ' ' 3 top-gallant-yards In one riiec. V' ; 2 fishes, 5 heelpieces for fish, ' 4 4 side trees, 4 heel pieces for side trees 4 Cheek pieces, 2 heel pieces for cheek," 2 spindle pieces for foremast, 2 fishes, t beef piece, ' . ; -k l "" 4-, 2 side trees, 2 heel pieces -'.Vf : ' x;. '-" "; "j .: - All the pieces for the mizen-rnast, - i x " I ' -. , The above for aship of the lineV - - : ' ? 2 half main cheeks, 2 fore tide treesV'T-? 7,: ' . ' 2 main side-trees,:! fore fish." "?. K ' f a 1 bowsprit pieces 1 heelpiece ftir majn-cheek,;:"1 V! 1 heel piece for fore cheek!, 1 half main-yard t . 1 half fore-top'sail-vard. 2 main fishes . - 1 If fore-top'sail-yard. 2 main fishes. 2 main spindle pieces,;! 'fore-tonlanfimafl'' 2 half main-top-sail-yards, ' 1 ' ' ; l mizen-top-sart-yard m One pieces 1 sprit-sail-yard. :s ? 5 f 1 jib -boom piece, 1 spanked boom? ! , 1 tie aoove ior a 4 b g-un hmp? ' 2 paunches for bowsnritli 4:; 'i 1 spindle, 2 fishesi 2 side treeX ,. v ' - . 2 cheekst2 heel pieces, 1 paunch $ mainmast 1 spindle, 2 fishes, 2 side-t&:es, 9 ? - v V. 2 cheeks, 2 heel-pieces, 1 paunch J,1??" 1 spindle, 2 cheeks, 1 paunchfor mizen-masr, J 2 fore, 2 main, 2 mizen topmasts, t - - ? 2 fore, 3LJmain,v 2 inizen-top-gallahtsina'stsi i , . 1 spritsaili 1 fbre main yards J ' 2 fofe-topsail, 3 main. topsail4 J mlzen-tc 1 11 ; yards,, . ' . , : J-W'-K v' '. 3 fore, 3 main, 3 mizen-topgallaht-yards,1--' ' 1 cross-jack-yard," 2 jib-booms, 3 flying ditto. 1 spanker-boom, 4 lower-studding-sail booms. 1 spindle, 4 side trees, 4 theeks for a: fore or 1 bow sprit piece 1 swinging-bboni V , 1 main piece for almizen-mast :4 : U ."i v spindles, 1 hsh, 5 side-trees, and 4 checka ffr" two mnin mo eta :,"' : ' . .'i --- e 1 spindle for ipizen-mast, - , 'f ! mizen top-gallarit-mist, ' . VI The above for k'4-i gunshipi VV 1 spindle for main-mast, '.?;l 4: U '. -1 coss'jack-yard,!;---!: ;.; iv'.-y Vf-rf-J The above for a sloop of w2livJm r; T-t- 17 siderlrees, 2 paunches, 2 cKeeksv ' " - ; ; . 1 half main yard, 2 half fore, 3 rjuzen-top-sait - 3 jio-obrHsf ? . ' .'....-, ; ' .': .-j.,-.3' 1, ' 4 flying jib -booms, f T '"2 spankerbobms; &X.Ml:;-i:ir - 5 swinging-bpyms, and 8 toj-maftudding sad-booms. r v.U-. v ,;! .? Tlieabo;vefora74 gun ship. J-v-pv: ' m. ...ul -t. " . ; I:" uc w note- w iuc iimoer reauired abovJ tn be got straight, of long leaf, fine grain southern heart yellow pine." v . .' ' , r r v , ; -: ; of the dtmenaions9 if necessary to ; ree-uUte- their offers on application to the Navy Agent at either - 3 NEWYORK m.' l ' ; BALTIMORE - v'i.V- v- V. ; Norfolk, ; . j; ; ::-. ; ; 1 chaiuceston, crahU'l t : .v ;1SAVAKNAH,: V --V V 'r' The proposals must be fcd-ewji felrSl ' must state the names Of the sureties. H ' '" 1' The: timber when delivered mdsf Undergo the , nspection - and . measurement; agreeihl ,' La tL 5 printed tuled adopted by ,the Commf- Isner dated September 1st, 1823 as practised &th$; several Navy- Yaxds,'--"As ': isJJ.-i 4: j January X826. ; V A Stlrcl I : i -1 :f AS ".I . .'r 1 -r-J f - -1

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