W AY. ill - v - - !." . ' 1. ' - . . ' ;. . - - .r - ' f- -.It - J : " ' 1 ?. -i. k . . - r , i , w . '. " Ours are the plans of fair,' delightful peace; : : ' f " Unwarp'd by. party rag'e to live like brothers." k ... . . i 1 i i. ; i.. -'-.to! . -- rr V ol. TV. : bis ' R i: t HI i Is 'published every -Tttesi)a.t and FumiT, by r r JOSKPH GACES & SON, At Free Dollars peT annum half in advance. ; K 1 ADVERTISEMENTS - Kot exceeding sixteen lines, neatly inserted three times or a dollar, ana -p5 cents tor every succeeu - ing publication ; those of greater length in the same proportion....; Communications thankfully received. ...ettrstathe Editors must be : post paid ii IN SENATE. ' Jaxuakt 3d, 1827. Continuation of tlie Debate which occurred on the Report of the Committee of Privileges and Elections Ia4he case of Josiah Tyson, whose , seat as I5ensitor from Moore County was con tested by '. 'Cornelius' Dovd, ; , - ilrl SpaiklU of Crpven hoped the Com mitt.ee would pardon him for trespassing at this lateripenou or me discussion s upon their attention. ' He shnultj not liavetroub "led: the CouimrtteeiWiih any remarks, but r Jor the course which the debate had taken. j Xn; his Qpinion .thq! question was a plain m? , and , is easily t be decided. I he course which the discussion has taken, has given to it an imporiance, which he did not at.first attach to it;; The gentleman from Bladen (Mr. M'Kav) has bo.en the first who has taken a part in this discussion to bring any accusation of fraud against the sitting member, Wr- Tyson.' This pre sumption of fraud and corruption, is found- ed upiou the circumstance of Jno. Worthy haying been appointed : a deputy by the Sheriff, at the instance of Josiah Tyson; and that said Worihy held the election at ; Tyson's house, and , opened some of the tickets there given. - It is not stated when I Worthy wast appointed a tleputy by the Sheriff. That Vorthy was appointed a f deputy by the Sheriff at the instance of I Tyson, did not, he thought, in itself prove ; iiuy iusuic ysoii ivcpia siurc, aim jjiiitui without imnroraietvi wUh a neighbor to be appointed an "officer,; to collect his debts. This part of the subject had ben aufli- r cienty explained by the gentleman roin j I)upl n, (Mr.'Miller-) But, sir, suppose VVor hy to have bleen appointed for the - sole' purpose of holding the election .at !; Tyson's house : ; Tyson must necessarily have j some interest in the selection of a person who was to takepossession of part of his house for the day. Worthy was an old and respectable! man 5 why not then prefei: him without the suspicion of fraud -being attached to his conduct? Worthy felt some little anxiety to see how the votes were going, and openea some of the tick ets) and this is fraud and corruption. Reallv, the gentjeman from Bladen draws from very slight circumstances important j conclusions. j ' To grounds of objection to the sitting ; member, Mr. Tysoni arc taken : first, the election is not. legal, because inspectors ' weref not appointed by the county court, . nor by the advice of three justices of the - peace or three freeholders. . Again : that vthe ceputy sheriff opened the ballots when by law 4hey ought to be .received closed. Gentlemen in these jbjections, stick at the - bark without penetrating to the substance: they catch. at the sh !ow and lose the real ity. Are. the provisions and spirit of the cunstnufiuft complied with ? The spirit of that instrument) is, that each county should send a Senator, that the freeholders of the? county should have a voice on this fioor. -'l'he Ireeholders of Moore county . have; by the right given them by the Con stitutiiiit, elected Josiah Tyson; and this election, is to be set; aside, and their voice disregarded because a pi-lovision of the law has not been complied with." The ob ject of the law is that the election should be conducted fairly; . P ! i How, has thisl election been conducted ? The Sheriff appointed to ImKl the election ' at Tyson's house, the place complained uf selected two inspectors, one of whom, England, Vvas the decided friend "of Dowd, . 1 he opposer of Tyson, and voted fur him wih jari open ticket," and who; savs that there was Uut one vote offered and taken of its Jno. which he deemed j an illegal vote. This vote.cannot. make the slightest difference in the result ot the election, lor lyson re- vciveti xuMiiiiic man xju vvu. , oiia ii we lor the oiiiissiott of a duly of the . court or ot the SheriiTJ deprive ,(he county of -Moore m " y - -' ..-,.. i vpi vaqjuuM ve tin mis iiuui t . VlgcHii; Worthy opened t the1 ballots cofUiary . to the provision off the law. This imper rUinent curiosity to see how jtisi neighbours were (voting, is. to deprive the freehoUers ' .uuure, counry , oi ..ineir; coiisiitutionai privilege to bf liicrei- represented.; If by this cijiiduct, the; Vqiqe of Moore county has not leVj'fairlyplieaid, and fraud and corru ptioii have determined . the electiorr, Sit it uliide if but jlo'jiot :say tliat the Sheriff, oi: his deputy may, by looking at Si vote, destny the validity of, an election. Such ja decision gives to the Sheriff of the county, an opportunity of etti;ng aside any election when he finds his friend is about to be bi'aten. ? Can '. thei e be : any doubt thai it by thi& course, iraud aud corrupt ton ,.m1 beenractised; that Dowd: would; ot have beeniabfe tofsheW it. iHe Tins shewn too much zeal anti interest to sup "'sepiherwisd He hoped the decision oi" .yoiiaiiii; would bp such as to shew that the constitutional rights and privile ges of the people are not to be set aside tor the negligence ot the Court, or the misconduct of. the Sheriff. V a t li these few. remarks, he would leave the subjec to the decision of "the Committee 3fr. Speight of Greene remarked, that it had been asserted by the gontleman trom nlauen, that Josiah 1 vson had sou cited the appointment of John Worthy from the Sheriff, and had, qualified him for the onice. i nis was irue out it was eignteen months before the election, thai: the appli cation was made and the oath! 'administer - ed by Tysonl. , Mr, Gilchrist remarked, that from the Symptoms which prevailed, he - perceived the debate was drawing to a close. Be fore it terminated, he asked tlie indulgence of the Committee whilst he submitted a few remarks on this important question. ' .'I'o give the subject under consideration its due weight, we are to consider all th! consequences that may result from our de- cisiun. We are not! to look to the flashfof a day to the circurnstances of the pres ent moment only, we are to! consider its operation in times' to come. We are sent here to watch over the true arid permanent interests of our constituents; land whatev er preserves the elective franchise in its highest purity,' is, so far as this iiatter vvill affect it, the coure for us to pursue. In T77 the General Asse:ubly passed an act declaring in what mode elections should be conducted Among a variety ot provisions, it, enacts that wlien the county court shall fail to appoint two inspectors, the' Sheriff, with the advice of three justi ces of peace,, and for! want of them three respectable, freeholders, shall make the ap pointment, an" ,so on A hereby providing inspectors for the election in every possi ble contingency that ; might occur. l'he Sheriff .of Moore, irt: Hhe fullness of his power, disregards this salutary provision, and makes the 'appointment himself. He akes the notver into hi own hands, seis the law. at' defiance, and tramples on this valu?ib!e institution without fear and with - put remorse. , - ' 1 it,, . t ;,i gentleman ; from Greene as a sii-n w. -i tion of the law, and therefore unwoniiJ the notice of the Senate. Ii Sofas v.r: h : importance as the riglrt of' sun's;":" ii.-oii : j for upon it depends the pi ojM-r x '! rV o: it. These inspectors have imjtonatu u-! ties .assigned them. i hey take, iu tho in s instancevan oath of .office. ' .They alien.'i to the qualification of voters; -whetiier uiev are .freeholders, pay taxes, are resident citi zens over a certain age, a. id loan v other points they are to decide, which all must know, who arc acquainted with the bitter contentions' that prey ;il at elections, par- inspectors. The (forms prescribed in this au, -are luseparaoie irom jne proper exer cise of the1 right of suffrage. Conceive then, if you can, any distinct portion of povyer in the, whole. scheme oi our political i.iui ic, oi more vt ii interest to tnef com munity than the one under consideration. Surely no one will hesitate to say that this very power delegated to the Sheriff was intended, with others, to be nrotected bv this most solemn appeal. And sir, if duty oe any tning more than a word xf impos ture, if conscience be not a buir-bear, we are bound by thennost sacred ties to va cate the seat of the sitting member. It i impossible to delude ourselves and evade it And if these considerations will not avail if the will of the citizens of Moore, m mis parucuiarv must be obeyed in con travention to -the s;ime will virtually ex pressed in the Election law, then he will retain his seat contrary to reason, contra ry to sound policy,! contrarv to the most solemn sanctions and obligations, and con trary to an express law of the State. rees for i 1 ticularly in times -jf excitcmerit. 'i hev are constituted a tribune, and receive and reject votes' at pleasure. To do all thi. witl understandiug, they have-a right tw call and examine -witnesses on oath. 1'hey possess, in short, the attributes of a court of justice, arid their acts are to be re:urn ed into court under their seals,, and marie matters of record.' I istly, if their pro ceedings are not agreeable to the rights of the rival candidates, an appeal lies. to either branch of the General -Assembly. Such is a brief sketch of-this institution. The weighty matters conlidt'd to it, proclaim its importance. And are we now to consider itsi downfall as a nrattel of little conse quence? and recognize the acts of a spu rious court, unknown to the law andfiti di rect violation of its provision ? If we do, our mode of election will be a niere mock ery. The legal barriers around the ina lienable right of suffrage are already brok en down. The evil of b id preceIents will be flt.. A door to fraud .will be openeii, and time alone can determine where the mischief wi 1,1 end. It seems to be admitted bv gentlemen on the other side, tliat an election held by a Sheriff pursuant to advertisement on a day different' from 'that designated in the act. . . . . . - . - should' vacate the J seat ot the returned member, though all the other torm's were complied wit h., ISut if actions arc. good, or evil, according to their tendency, and therefore jto be allowed or prohibited, an infraction ?f the law in the . rticulars un der consideration, jmust be fraught with more serious consequences, and should al so meet the frowns of opposition I We are told that for the improper con- duct of officers in conducting the election, they a re liable W hea vy fines ami penal ties. Whatever bearing this may have tin agents legally appointed, it must lose its force wh6n applied to persons acting in a sphei unknown to tlie law and not; recognize At the threshhol of our legislative ca reer, said Mr, G an oath' is administered m these words,- 44 You do solemnly and sincerely swear, i tliat you will be faithful zed and' bear ! true allegiance" to the State of North-Carolinalt. aud to the constitutional pbibei& aito&autJwriti?$.; .whichvare' ' 6r niay be established for the go vernmeh t thereptVV The Sheriff on "a certain contingency, is yestea wim powers to appoint inspectors in th e manner al read y described. He neetl not repeat again the; importance otv this tribunal. It is thclace where the people meet to make their free wil 1 offering, f The box is. the grand reservoir of political pow er. Intelligence, integnty antL firmness, are lnuispensaDie m tne? ciiaracterot the Navy Commissioners' Office V j December 22. 1826. S : THEfJommissioners of the Navy will receive Sealed Proposals, until the 15th February next, for the supply of the following Mast and Spar Pieces, delivera ble at the respectivel Navy Yards, on or before the 1st of July, 1827, at New-York, - 2 half spindles, 2 fishes, ' ? . 4 heel pieces, 4 si(1e trees, t-mam-mast. 2 fishes, and 3 s'uie trees, for fore mast, 4 quarter spindles, 1 c 1 ch-ck, and 1 paunch, 5 for mizen-mast, ' 1 for,. and 1 mim top-masf, . 1 lower half-maii) yard, 2 main and 1 mizen-top-sail-yards, ' 2 main, one fore and 1 ruizen-top-.aHant-mast, 2 jib-booms-, 3 flying do. and 1 spanker-boom, The above for a 74 erurrshin. 4 fishes and 6 side trees for main-mast, o fishes, 3 half spindles, and three side tree lore-mas;, 1 spindle, Jt c!ieeks, and 2 paunches for m'zen- mast, rpvtfic:-p'rvlles, and 1 paunch for bowsprit, fore ami 2 in7en-top-niats, . ; 1 M n, 1 fore, aiid 2 mi en tM;;..S:iiI-var.1s, 1- Jiia-.n, -i Fore, uyd 2 niiesi-top gallant-nine's, l J'P i ! i 'v", -2 iy),r dj.:od 2 spankd-bo- ' he abo; e iin; u -44 jrnn siiio. I fore and 1 mizeil-lop ruist, 1 t'ore-top'-llant-inas', 2: m.iin-yard pieces, V . . j "'. 4. how sprit pieces, 1 sprit s t-il-vaid, 3 lop-gailant-yartls in orre piece, 2 syjindlc-pieces for main mast, 2 riches. 2 heel nieces for fish. 4 side trees, 4 heel pieces for side trees. 4 cheek pieces, 2 heel pieces for cheek. - 2 spindle pieces fur .foremast, 2 fishes, 1 hee 1 piece, 2 side trees, 2 heel piece?, ! A!! the pieces for the niizeii-mast, The above for a ship of the line. 2 half main cheeks, 2 fore side trees, 2 main side-trees, 1 fore fish, 1 bowsprit piece, 1 hee! piece fr main-cheek. i neei piece ior ip.re cheek:, 1 Unit maiu-vard, 1 half fore-top-sad-yard, 2 main fishes, J mam spindle pieces, 1 lore-top-gallant-mast, z nan main-top-saii-yards, 1 mizen-top-sail-yard in one piece, 1 sprit-sail -yard, 1 jib-boom piece, 1 spanker boom, The above for a 4 t gun ship. Washington. 2 paunches for bowsprit, . 1 sp nule, 2. hshes, 2. Side trees, 2 clieeks, 2 heel pieces, 1 paunch 5 o ,-un.. oi.Ln;.. -tor foremast i. spinuie, 4. cuet-KS, x pauncih, lor mizen-mast, J torv?, z mam, z mizen topmasts, 2 fore, 3 m.i:i, 2 mizen-top-gallant-masts, 1 spritsail, 1 ftre, 1A main yards, 2 lore-topsavil, 5 ma.n -topsail, 2 mi z en-topsail yams,, y 3 fore, 3 inain 2 n.izn-top-gallant-yards, 1 cross-jack-yard, 2 jib booms, 3 flymg litto. 1 spanker-boom, 4 lower-studdincr-sail booms. 1 spindle, 4 side trees, 4 cheeks for a -fore or, mam-masti 1 bow sprit pice, 1 swingirlg-boom, 1 main piece for a mizeii-mast, 2 spindles', 1 fish, 5 side-trees, and 4 cheeks tor two main masts,! 1 spindle for mizen-mast, 1 mizen-top-gallant-mHst, 'The above for a 44 gain-ship, r. 14 spindle for main-mast,! . i 1 cross jack-yard, j , The above for a sloop of war. ' : Norfolk. 17 side-trees, 2 paunchesi 2 cheeks, 1 half main yard, 2 half fore, 3 mizen-t .op-sail varus, ;- .. 3 jio-boonis, i ': ' " 4 flying jib-booms, ' ' 2 spanker-booms, J " . 5 swinging-booms, 'and 8 top-mast studding-sail-booms. : ! ' The above for a 74 gun ship. " . i - - The, Avhole of tie timber required above, must be got straight, of long leaf, fine grain southern heart yellow pine. . Persons wishing '. to ofrer,maybb tain schedules of th e : fttmensious, if necessary to regulate their offers on appir itjon to the Navy Ageot at either .i NEW-YORK, - f' '' .'-.:;.r.O '.' PHILADELPHIA, U V 15ALTIMOUE, v - Vvvv? .t -yi f "j ifi CHARLESTON, S. C: and V-C.'-; SAVANNAH,, The proposals must be made per cubic foot and must state the names of the WretiesI . v f c T v Tife: timber when delivered, must tinderrm' ih nspection f and measurement agreeably to the printed rules adonted bv ihnnrnminn dated September 1st, 1826, as practised at the several Navy Yards. " i i I VveaAv Gut Aei Seeds.; gyST received, a supply of Garden Seeds, w. warranted iresh and genuine. : , 1 C. 1). LEHMAN. Italeig-h, Jan. 15, 182T If ! r ' XlHE exercises of this Institution will lie re JL vsumed on Aronday the 23d inst. The char, ges-for tuition will be as rfollowsfof Spelling"-Weading- and Writing:, Srfar the Qthr branch es yf English and ; Arithmetic Grammar, Geo- graph v &c $8 and SI 5 for the Classical "and THE subscriber grateful for past. favors hopes1 Scientific studies. . Tuition money, must be paid by assiduity and attentionto merit a conti- jn! advance. A small tax .for wood, See will be nuance of public patronage.. ! He has the plea- required of each Student at the close of each sure to inform his friends and customers that he session. " E.-:lllEWER, Principal. has lately received from New-York a larere and I Jan. 15. r ' ' ' j ;-: Y l ? -SO'St'-' well-selected supply of articles in the' Cojtfec- ' gA . . , , . ;. . . ..f - Ti6rAn line of business which with those on J ViOtVCll laKAJlgV; 9: hand makes his assortment very good, consisting- nrmE- subscriber 7,Win employed: one of the- ' m part of i v - a --J!LJL r Soft Shelled Almonds Prunes Sc Figs Brazil H t.can Madeira S-Nut3 Filbert and j Shell Bark J Cakes, Candies & Cordials of every cnption Champaigne I Madeira ! 1 Port & Urines Claret j r Fresh Lime Juice St Lemon Syrup Sal lad O l N. Y KLnniri Annies Spanish Liquorice - V ; Fresh Tamarinds ' 1 l Olives, Capers & Ahcho vies ;.' "' '' ' , : Spermaciti Candles - Pearl Barley5 " -Prime chewing TobacTco Lorril lard's do - do des- do . Cut do Spanish Cigars Newarlr,"-N. ; Jersey," as" Superlhtendahr; of his." . Shop, and having- laid in' 14 well chose; stock. of materials in NewOTork'anid Philadelphia," he will furnish those who may, want t any. rthing- in his " lihei 'as low as they ?cari be ' purchased at any regular shop north yuf AhisI f; 4- -? T " ' He has' on hand a handsome assortment of Carriag-es, Gig anrl- Harness, of almost cyecy. description ; some of - wliiclV .-are ;now!finishfccQ!: the rest in a state of forwardness.; all of which " Com'n & Torpedo ditto! will be sold atreduced prices, for caslt xof ne- i. loslien Cheese " ' j gotiable paper. iJie- work,.; in every, instance. Water &, Butter Crack-j v ill be handsomely finished; and warranted to ers A handsomb assortment of Ladies Work' Bas kets . - ' Market ditto assd. sizes lil :.- V:.V : TJtoJ COBBS. Raleigh,: TST.'C Ian. 182r. : 1 St. Augustine prunges Fresh Smoked Beef Dried Citron reserved Limes & Ginger Cologne Water Sc Po matum Pough- Nutmesrs Sc Cassia Bologne Sausages Cod Fish NeW Brewed keepsie Ale With a great variety of Children's Toys, &c The above articles are all perfectly fresh and of the best quality and will be sold 'low for cash.5! A liberal ! discount wid be made to persons: buying Candies to soil again and furnished at the I shortest notice. HENRY HARDIE, 23 5vlrw State of North-Carolina. : v f I ' Rutherford Countyf -: . ' In Equity.-,-October Term, 1826. Arthur Branson, Goold Ilayt,?! . v ' ' J is. R. Murray, Petr .Jay l 1 "; :' -; ! Peter r. KatclirTand Kiiza ' Bill to" foreclose" Thompson, Executois & Ex- V ''-Mortrrao-e .ecutrix ot James iiiompson. decd. 7r I vs. ' : j v ; Augustus Socket IT appearing uto the satisfaction of the Cotlrt that the defendant in jthis case Is" mot an inha-; bitant of this; State . It is ordered by the . Courr," that publication bemade! si weeks !successiv-l v 3 doors below W. & in die Raleigh Retrister, ihatiinless lie an near at - ctteville St. Amended. S'olVce. ON the second Monday in February next, will pie be sold at the Court House door ih Uockford. ed. Surry County, the following tracts of Land, or for bearing ex parte as much thereof as'will be sufficient to satisfy Teste, -'Jt T.' F4 J3i!j,CHETflV C. & JL me i axes ior the year lifZ5t with costs, to wit : 196 acres, given in by the heirs of George Lon, adjoining James Marster's land, lying on Fishing Creek. , 297 acres, given in by Asa Bur nsides, adjoin ing the land of Daniel Windsor, lying: on Hunting Creek. . ' ; k - 42 uo:-c. vf.x en in by Candis Keeter, adjoining All-n Sisls, lying on the Little MounvainV ; ooO acres, -given in by Warren Powell, adjoin iiiriicAi court ji jLLiijuify 10 oejieia isr ijutnev-' ford ComUy at the Couj-t, House In Rutherford- ; ton, on The third MorfdaV after the fourth Mon- : dav in March nexti thn -nnrl thfr 1 s hxivdr ad or demur' to 'ompl'unanty. bin as amend- , the sime will be taken pro confesso'and 'set . -!- . ' t-- - - - 4 iDec 12. 1826? i25..6wpcT. '' J : i Wa iro n er I Wanted VfE wish to ihirii immedateU , for one year, a sober, industrious and honest Wag-oner. ; For sucji, tht! highest wages" will belriven. bv v coirnnar rec mmended. I . ; j - Vf Apply to tNashville, N. C. Jan..6. t, iJ. FETEUS-& WATSON. 28 3t formainmas ing MarAii Iouttie-tr, lying on Hunting Creek. rwnriv n u- t -i ,,7 . 1 20 acres, gi en in by William Armstrong, ad- TK ? l T forme.Uliat the joining T. Roby, lying on Turner's Creek.b - !fkn .lhatl buiklingr 350 acres.lgHven' in by LVon & Keelv, adjoin Ut H'Mr, ing Wm. Wolfe, Iving on Grassy Creek. James Palmer,-as a ;I ayern, x The . building- has 100 acresgiven in by Joshua Hendrln, adjoin- ijtly .underffone a - thorough, repair, Wl :is ing Jesse Sish, lying on the waters of Hunting "ow n complete order. tor the reception df-Tra- . i .v.vu. UUUUCI9.:. iv cuiiuins sererti Creek.' 437 acres,; given in by Jesje Sish, adjoining' Richard Allen, lying on the waters of 'iluntincr Creek, .-.!.-; ! " ' 250 acres,Hot given in, belonging to Nicholas Michal, adjoining David Baity, lying on Turner's Creek. 72$ acres, given in by Daniel Elder, adjoining Pleasant B. Roberts, lying on Snow Creek. i.U0 acres, given in bs the heirs of Jesse Pritch ard, adjoining James Murray's; lying on Beaver dam Creek. k- 'j j 1 160 acres, given in by Mailhew -ufarshall. ad- homing Jacob Bates, on Tom's: Creek. 44o acres, given in by Hannah Pickett, adjoining- Elijah Warden, lying on Flat Shoal Creek. ing Ed ward Bingham, lying on; the Word'sGap Dec 4, 1826: rnomc witn tire-places suitabkvfor the accommodation of private families travtitingi v 1 ' The beds are principally new and in fine order. , The bar is well supplied wtth choice Liquors. " The Stables will be partcularly Kttended to, and the Subscriber, pledg-es 4iinfeelf to s-iare im pains to merit the patronag-e of the public. ' ,,1T. , T JOHN FOLK. f mdsortN. C. Jan. il,4826V27ry ; - I HI). R. WHIIJHT.' tllifT 21 6w l lpr. adv $5 A List of Letters REGAINING in the Post Office at Oxford, on the 31st December. 1826J and if not iaL-n out before the 1st of April, 1827, will be sent to to the General Post Office as dead Letters :i Arnold Ira E." Anderson Martha Mrs. Bradford John Bryant John F. Bowers 5t Nuitall Bullock William Bullock Benjn. Dr. Blount Joseph Bullock Erasmus D. Bullock (icorce 2 Brintle Jacob Barker Jofti Hrummit John Bullock Richard 2 Bullock St Norwood Blunt Mary 11. Miss Bonner MirV Mrs. Burwell "Sally -T. -Miss Bowers William G.: Carter Jesse Dr. Locke John Littlejohn Jos. B. 2 Loyd Zadock : . Lindsay Caleb Morris Matthew ' Mitchell David 3 ; ,1 Mallory Mary G. Miss Mallory Charles 3 McClenahan W illiam Montague Youngs McClenehan John Mangum D. H. . Mize Lewis . . Nuttall Joan 5 Nuitall James &T others Norman Thomas W. t Peace Margaret S. V Parker Mary Mrs. . ' Parrish Shadrach Pettiford Anderson Clerk & Master Equity Paschall Edwin G. Davis Absalom 2 Dickir s Martha Y. Jlrs Davis Cyrus, Sen. V Davis Winifred 2 Eaton V.iliam L.' Farrar Alexr. J Freeman Evan Frazier Howell Frazier Lemuel Frazier William Pretty Littleberry Powell William ':' Person Elizabeth Peede William : Quails William , v Robards Nathaniel RoSs Peter W. : Roley Sally " " Sup'r. Court Clerk of Stone Parker F. 2 Fan-bank Nancy Mrs. Saunders John Freear Jolui Shew Edwin Gooch Daniel . ' flovan Andrexv, R. Graves Ralph W. oreen Lewis Col. lubbell Ransom 3 lenderson William' lutehcrson John 13. lunt Thomas T. Iunt Edward -I o ward Allen ones Daniel 2 ' Jones Nicholas ones Isaac" N. -inkins Sarah .' ' ackson Sarah " ." ackson William ": ones Wiluara . Kindred ElishaTJ. Shew Edwin Sneed, Stephen K.. 4 Smith Grizzy P. ' : " , Taylor Wm. V. 3 r Taylor Joseph Jr. Taylor Lewis ThOmasson George " ' Umstead Richard . : ' ' Vinceot-Jacob i 'i " ? Washington John' ' ' "Webb James - v . White Caley : ? - Washington William : - Wortham James L.Dr. Webb Samuel v -' 4 White Philip . Webb & Dickins 2 "Young Smith X i v s ;Vanbey Absalom '3 King George JAMES M. WIGGINS, P- M Herlftrnl Ciiurvv' ':i-r-: Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, November , . "; ' Term, 1826i ' -V- -i :.; , ' ; ,Thomas Mane v" . - 4 Kl 5 "v x - nV" ' ,Cm "f Original attachment return- John Saunders: Ce? vied on lvnd. r ? v ' - XTappeanniT to the J satisfaction of the" Court, ' that the Defendant in this case is not a resi- " ' s (lent of this State. . It is therefore ordered by- -the Court, that publication be made In tl n.f' '.- : i Ieigh Register for six. weeks,1 that unless t he D fendant appear at . the nexti Court to be held thr luvwumjr iicnioro, at $he Court-"louse in Winton, on the fourth Monday of February next an Iep!e.V-v tb? Prperty so attached r plead, thatfind judgment viU be .entered and execu turn; will accordingly issued I - u. iii.. w.w i , rm, oik, r - OV I January 1, 1827.r ; .. Kockinghaw Uounfyl - v Court of Peas and Quartt-r Sessions, X November Term, 1826. ' -, f , ; . , Jane W4 Calland, v. i 'i-- i Johh Smith, , Wm. W. Smith, Tleuben Hopkins - .and James Hopkins, Executors of the last will and testament of Booker Calland, .decd, and Eliza Calland, Wm. B. Calloway,' Jcilm M. Cal- - loway and Smith the Husband audd mimstrator of the late Matilda A- S mltli. Dc- -fendants. v i'.''-;f " ' r 4 i 'i"" ithat4heDefendunts ,n thi case are.not inha-: bitan s of this State : it is" therefore ordered by , 'Ourtthatgiubbcation be rnadt for'6 weekJ " in tne Ueigh Register, giving notice to the said" defendants to appear at the next Couft of Pleas' Quarter Sessions to be held for 'the County of Rockingham, at the Courthouse iri Went worth. ' oivthe4ih Monday pf February nex and answer'' " otherwise Judgment and decree Will be entered against them.' Witness, llol Galloway; Clerk of sail Court, atWentworth, the 4tli Monday of November, 1S26. jrT ' ! "; - : ! RO-: C ALL A WA Y.V. cv - -State of NortB-Carolina, ; , ; Rutherford CounYv. ' r. -Court of Equity. October'fcrnil826. T . : : ; InjuncUoh f ':''-.; " . Augustus Sacket l J ; ' ,7 IT appearing to. the satisfaction of tbe1cout--? i" that the Defendant in this cas is not an inha.' -bitant of this State : It is ordered bv th that publication t be njadje six weeks, successively- in the Raleigh Register, that unless he appear at T the next Court ot Equity, to beiield for Rth:- ford. county,, at the; Court House, in Rutherford- ' '' tonpn tne Jra MonUay after the 4th Mondayiof uiaiT-ii ncAi,auu picaa answer or demur, the Compbi nte bOte set down fr; hearing ex 'parte.: M:' -'v T. F-. BIRCHETT, C; 8qM. r. 1 - Dtct 12, 1S26. 25-6wg4 ' i . . . 4. 1 . . --. January ,1 826. :8-tl5Feb. Janit: 182r.