! :g jTriisfablicaLieiiU VrnmvTA. ? ' rHH Subscribers return their grateful a e- knowlec!erner.ts to the public gener-'ly, for r-Ui:- an Ihrps byas Iduhya: I . ttc- .7- ,y x - . .. ' . 11 " i i ... i. i - .. . " " , - - FROM v.TUK SSRW-YOllK TIMES. ' " V " V ' - -, '4 , stanzas. - w -; e ' . "Every tavl knon eth its ?rii'frni.CProyerl5s. V ' There's maoy'a brow that wears a'smile 7"- J ' Above a heart of care. v ' ' " " ' And many a laughing conceals The vritliir -3 of des.jr . wwn. I'uiHiiui uic onil StlDuKl sec 5 i ..i bosom's dark reces ' V v.ould not that the wrl1 iWnoM l, t V. Its utter jMclinesaM.. r X . ; " ' - -- " . The cro f1ettnUthe joyous icene C:inot dispel pur frr 'ei i - ' In pleasure's F?mdy rjllttering train , r I iv vain we .seek nli uf. --' Tii ere lurk a sorrow in thi heart - P ' A deep corroding-care-' - 'i -- ' vTVe turn us from the ' mirt-hfiil throng To iev the.Anguish there. ; - : ' -vaIn nre -""i'ltya smiK-v to llghtt , The 'uinsofthesoV 'f, ' . p-M r.n - t-rpc by as .duit tnineiita c . ;t; ..nv.ee.' They have rdJcd to heir Estabiiirr.ent, Press and Qwlser :?.Iachi nry to finis,!; piece goods of all ki.uls, equal to im por ed; yiz: Cloths; Casirores, Cords, Velvets, StufTs, Silks; Satmv Crapes, ttosiry; &c. Gen tlernenN Jflarments "of every descrlptioTi scoufed renewed in color, or dyed and pressed to ap pear" elecrant . on' the fcurrmpari nlan.T-n flips Dresses of eVery.tlescription, dyed to any shade, ox block c nged;to other color s tsilk and satin dresses to rip pedin order to fiih tliem with rareiiTkffancefM Eetrhorntand - SSrawBonhets Djeacnet: and, stains removed, or dyed and trim med to t he latest fashion Ribbons, Feathers, Gloves arid Stockings ' jclyedtc janjrJ:cjpIoivi Xa dies' I'elissea scotivetT dyed and. pressedAlso Merino and other Shawls scoured, and the eolrW i revived equal to new."- Andiron moulds and other i stains i completely removed from li nens. ' Cam ! blet and plaid cloaks scoured, -renewed in color, - and turned to appear similar to new ones. ' Vir ginia or Iomestic cloths, consistintr of rnttnn an I wool dye jl nd pressed to appear elegant." A l 90, blankets scoured, raised dressed and 'pressed' eqtist to the Torkshire mamrfacture.: IuIieW ami "Gentlemen are invited to call and view the,' spe cimens of Colors dved At the establishment - Th ey" warrant all their jeolors dyed, which for uiniidMvjr .urn uui juuiijr idiHivi. ijr surpassed py aiiy similar establishment in the union. N. J). 4-Gentlemen's clothes neatlv rernirrl - with despatch on reasonable terms. Those who P.: ccntaimrj 224.acres,v. .with.'crszT -1 :ed tp work four cr f vs hr J3 uhd. cne ether Trr. ct.'n ! i nin'i r,- of 318 acres. wIr dirood nwf'mVnA.'... J all other necessary uildings,-inostly'Vnew- At a C'rcult C Cn'intv- r twetion, held c fourth Monday Catharine Willii: ether, rry . e: th3 i cond llonC ' after the :crc!inr "Ian eery Juris ,er,lC:3. . ith c. cxceflent'-AppIe -Qrcliard on it'ciear' f ,t VSm . ' CIn ed land sufficient to work seven or eight hands to ,.e"7-w",,ams, her,hasband. r J . - ' - 1" 11114 M r. hi V: A i' In Chancer'. aavaniage. i ne premises , may be Seen and the I WW . . . , Minne.. luianis, ay uer- diu terms known by applying to, the subscriber 1 7vT Dioiteto us in Chancery, praying that which 'will hi'V-.rv'lnw'iinfl -rnmm;L 1 she may be divorced irom Henrr Williara3.Vhef "is (cruet ana innuman conanct.ro 'parationi and ifo his separation for his debased moral character .andit,appear- iricrtO the -iiisfar.tio r c; Ctwv that h'r Mirl H enry Williams in npt a resident of the St ate of I Commission r Busiufiss,, JIN HIUHWUNU.? .plJE Subscriber, formerly r of .the house of , , .vm...v..,...iv,,: vuvi-, ft tr, j lias removed to Richmond for the purpose of selling ent toNhis riTanairementi'oil CtimnuiiiiiDrt be thankfttl-for favors and Iwill the dicharge of his dutyf His office is in a three cf nnr TlmV t)!1.ltnM ...Ttt ?rt e a j .'01 i J - "?,--,,',v.."",V,fl-6 wiuuii o icci OI . iJ5IOCKOe VY are-house. Orders directed tol.im in Richmond, or left at Johnson & Duggcrs, of Petersburg, will V3 ' i - v . BENJ. W." MOSS. Dec, 22 Alabama : It is ordered bv the Court, that nub lication be mde in the: Alabama J onrnal ainl Ila- leieh Rerister. TC. f! ' for fmir siifriv wlr. at least ta o months before the next Term of said r He will jprij, 1827, in the town of Marion, the place of igence in I holding said Court for said County, -for :'lh said nenry vmians to appear tIln ami there an swer the bill of th ftnifl nthl-fn AV;i1intna -.lnc wife, and. cause to shew, if anj' he hsve, why the bill of Said Catharine-nrflvin? for divrr frnvn said Henry AVilHams, shnuldot be granted, i f WILLI AM STRlGFELf 6w; C CJ : The la; -li. pre? 3 n t for the C ".vir. oeen nn.vt QUr sand Quurt ..-mjwnarto i f 1 t L.f - I v - f. i .Till and; ament cf 'tl.e I'IS flassam, of the Citv of , Ralei-h c3r v persons indebted to the Estate of V,p0 X whether by4ond. nW. h.K.lWj ! same -and oil hIUhcU as have c'aVm? pa-y ! Kina against a.nd Eslate,to make known i 1 toth.emr that tbey majy ia !doePS?,hn: charged. .1 : . - uuc &e c . . J. GALES, tlL M. MILLER. Z1 t .Feb: 22, 1827.' rpjF;. Subscriber-in contemplation of v v - oval to the AVest, offVrs for sale his 5?1 an iot, in tne town of nrrcTfT: tnki. r .ed abont lOOacfes of land : als,, his T-rm? wvthln 3 miles of the Town, and containing!" acres : una an tituiivtriffi t-nr,, r . " rv now in . rfnrr:1inr." .. ; : ..i." , ufl every person tlejMro?is 25law4w T s of. the premise is ' not irivtnl as Ft ia n"3 every person 'vteMrov iciPi m.trKne ' occasion td view them. ' . ' - tis Granville eonntv,-Jan. 28, 1827. 35 - a COTTON WMILL, be received on Storage at the Store- V V M . In vain "e seek in solihide ' - . - - s Thke calmness of rebose; - ' . 1 In vain we. court the stilly grbv; Neglectful of our Vors. , . -h Grief stilwUl hover oer the soul, " ,jnd we,mu;st yetndirre " Misfortune that no charms may heal, , No human art may cure. - , ' ...V- : ' ALFRED. time of receiving them, weather nermrttinfr. leh 13. 4t. JOHNW. HINES. Odd and 'Even (Sy stem. n AN A WAV from the subscriber on the 18th Houses ari.oinin. th. 1. . N Dn mulatto tellow, bV- the name etteville. at which W n,,,!,: "fV aoout years ot, age, 5 .feet o iinclies -y c..,i : i.,. V. ail j. I IHIJC WI1U " 7 l'"-'"' iv VUIIIIUI lilU C iC K(Th einlli mii.li. ......... 1 -1 . I UvQ I VU I I ULIU?-tll Tl fl f 1 I .1 which, will be ber,! it they desire it, shall be advised weeklv of lNr"yL"v" V11' " P8"" '"P" T "" -"-rV Vcr eiiTer . - - - r x r .v . -. . , - . . . mi- ... I v"ii-- vi j buiuri iioiiip man rnr ani o r i mi. sir T 11 p rpenonrira r. aver T- . iree days trom .the roixneAifrKet, ana may depend upon hi. i I ' r? 7 r" T" , ; .V J V:V . -"'J1 V IUS OU0 tic "ivii act iniA . .wt. 4V . . a - i. . -a - k w w m i iLiti n i.iii r. r iimiiit 11 kiim-bwi vvk. i i rr rm. 'MnHnn T inlni. - . .j , - . J . , TIC3IETS S2 50- To'ledrawhon tfie 14A Mnrrh. 1827: j :.. , . i IN BALTIMORE. the earliest,information of any material alteration in prices. JOHN MAC RAE. January 4th, 1827. : . 28 law 6w i Wesister of liebates. ble-cased Silver Watch, marked Norton, London, Nf. 334. with n. sviti-a wairii k;m - The above reward will be paid to any person who will take up said fel'ow and 'deliver him to iue suD.scnoer m Jran;re countv. or to the Jail JTew-Fbrk. j 2 half spindl ?s, 2 fishes,;-v ?' main-masf. J ; A.COAT STOLEN. ., ' it V"e? i c,r . Wa s -ke n f rm a room j n M iss r ,E. Occddy's house, 'Anv person who tnay see T a- n:ro with. such ;o it will please give, infor , V: i niatmn, thereof, and if re Cove r-d-a -liberal reward .::w,nbep:ud. - - Peb.12.. . Ccftifica e for 40 Sh'reof - the Stock of .tne.iianjc.otCaeFt-ar. mtliA n-.m n"ii... i x .andrrD. Mo.re,kb-ring fost; -appr.ction will be - uia'ie.iMrjnft renewal ot s-M -qeniric-ue at the f ' .vxpirai on xt three months from this dte. . ' REBECCA MOORE,, Mbninistrutrijcf 'li ; r I 5 4 20 40 100 100 x 200 15000 r-rirf. fk,.i;i:.vAM e n. n , , . v -"v.11" ""y tM 'ouars it securea J ';.Tj' c;-rr vT jsepaz.es are m any Jail so that I get immed;ate information. SCHEME. Prifce of 10,000 ' f '5, boo ,1,000 . 500 100 I 50 1 .so lo - ;; I .v; ' 5 . ;.'. O 13 '.'January 3d,h827. 'ouwSrri' u I; V l? ves Oiurdn1 Seeds. ' IUf;T rece;vedt , a supply of Garden Seeds, V w arrantedlresh and genuine.' v j. - ' 1 " C: 1). LEHMAN. . ; sfitution for correcting Impediments of .... - S'ffcTf.V. i , --' - k . THFUcr. THOMAS P. JIUNT informs the public that he is qualified to act as Agent ; ; - for Mrs. ,Leiirh anl T-ir. Vih ork lnstuution .for correcting Impediments' of Speech," fur t!e State of Virginia ' may he found at he llrunswrck Mineral ' Spring,' VTi. 45 miles sr.irth f)f'.t4ttf(.i-..n.n. i-i.. ; stage passeaTy the! Sprhi- twice a- day 4, and . excellent accommodations on liberal terms mav . - t he objauied'there. ' - " ' ; " ! ' Mrs-Leigh's, aystem' is founded 'on rational ;:v';InitcipIc3..-';:.Tlewinr,trick nor quackery in ' '.,,,''iNo stammerer peed fear not. bemg cured ; v ;;nori return ofhts-duease.- Numerous ceriiri . ' : catesfrom the' most vpspectable gentlemen to , - ';jfi-nrii..s.oKeii expia;ne.i, j.nd tiOm 15471 Prizes . ' 14529 Blanks 50,000 Tickefs. Whole Tickets r : Halt do Quarter do 810,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 2,000 ' 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 SO, 000 S30,000 cing to their, readers, that the publication of the econa volume must now necessarUv be defer red'until after the adjournment of the present Congress. It was put to pres in June last; and was confidently expected to be read v for delive ry in Octpber, affurthest. It proved to be a much neavier work than was anticinaterl. Ann; Dec. 27 bEYMORE P U It YEAR- 26 3t Stammering cured ! ' 7 1 Subscriber being instiucted" ami duly X authorised to act asMgent for Mr. S Boahd- xv.v- u; icuutrs uis services ro mrm i t i . xiian was anticipated. : Anacci- persons who are afflicted - with impediments o dental circumstance caused an interruption of its; Speech. The svstera bv Twhic! ittevtourii? progress for ninety days; and. on resuming it ;0 r to,i lMMati -50 25 65 Tickets and Shares in the mPtst variptv until . ... , v - v i ui esc in. oession oi uonaress irives hirth c if addressed to B. C. DUPLAINK, Ra leigh tr Fayette vt 1 1 e, N. C. 1 i . . O J we iouna mat time ma not allow of iu jcomple tion before the close of this Session. Moreth r. seven hundred pages, each comprising nearly the vjMuiiiiijr oi a newspaper column or small type are already struck off ; and the whole volume will comprise, it is calculated, more than twelve hundred pages. The delay of publication occa sions us a considerable loss, and to the patrons of the work no little disappointment. It cannot be avoided now, however, and we must bear our loss, and our friends their disappointment, with patience endeavoring to avoid a recurrence of like delay. j The volume now in the press, being volume H. will be' completed and published by the fi-sl of June next; and volume HI. comprising; the Debates, JLaws, and State Papers, to which ;the present bession of Congress gives birth,' shall be is founded upon 'rational principle's, therefore. no person who will adhere strictly in t ho mIac necessary to be observed, need fear a return of tne complaint. For turther information, apply to Raleigh, Jan. 1. C. I). LEHMAN. , GRANVILLE COUNTY. N. C. - w v7 Jaxcauy 10, 1827. , . ! m m m r 1 !' : . Iinia is to mtorm ifie Public, with a view of "dicing this School preparatory to a College course as far as circumstances will permit, we have engagd Mr. RonEni- Tixsin, a voung gen tleman of excellent classical attainments; and trom our knowiedge of his talents as,an instruc tor of youth, we lve the fullest confidence that ue w.u most taithtu My devote himself to the in stnicti'm of his nunilR. ; a rtlcSnl.-.n -i. be' impartial and evident, and as a 'teacher emi- nriiuy successful. From full opportunity of So far from' nro vine to a wnrV t.g Jr or promising to be for some years, the pub lishers find it a losing enterprise, at present, and have occasion for all the aid of thn whn tKtot- it valuable to the countrv, or may find it useful to themselves. Orders for the work,' therefore, from booksellers and individuals will be thank- iiuiy received. GALES & SCATON Washington, Feb. 3, 1 827. State o&rth-C&rolina. r ! . Iefiotf County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sesston'p, January Term, 1S27. Thomas Campbell, , vs' C Attachment levied &c. riijan tiaser. j 1 State of Jortli-Caroliiia. Court of Equity for Wake County. " October Term, A. D. 1826. ' uaonel Holmes U Ft rebee Williams, Gbrnpl'ts. Rachael Williams widow of Tsaar: Tl Ai ; ander, John C. Samuel, Isaac, TheophUinaud Charles Wilhams (sons of Isaac), Ferebee Wil. hams (widow of Samuel) and Henry S. Willi-j own ui tuiiu, .'iiuiaei rvng", John SlKaV .iiLAaiiuci ii-iv:ty, jjeieniuiits. : .. 'flMHS cause coming on to be heard upon the X Certificate of the Clerk of the 'Supreme tion, u is ordered by the.Court, tliat the rule-for ....6 .-.mi.Mijf UC( rniareii ana rthat ulias copies of the original bill filed herein, issue as to I ine ueienaants wJioare returned residents, and that publication be made as to those residine j nut- it tl Ctnt o H.! M. MILLER C. & M. Of VTake Court f P.niiJfir It. 1 appearing to the Court, that'4he defendant j. is noxan inhabitant of the St.it . it k- , tv i i to liirn Twenty DoUavs vReward. S" AX AAV AY from the'Snh id. instant, in Caswell Cnuntv, on the road lead ing from Richmond to the South, a Nurro YcU ,ia.iic oi i.ewis, ag.rd Ubout 21 vears about 5 feet 4 or 5 inches hig rather a round! r- "T "e.vy set tellow,. about a copper co- v-.j .n.s.,jr , iimu on wnen be left me. 9 -.IS ;aPPy. iJnt-the repuutfini of the f System does f .noti?penu on oeYttfre.ites t If any doubt, we can -convince, them If -Any stammer, We can' ; .oire vthem. Letters JTpost t paid) diivcted to .TTcrcyal's,-BmnswickVa.--wiU-receiveimmeJi- ate attention--t -'. , cn o ...r t.: s.. -PsTKMf ncRo, Va." Sept. 281826 1 CERTIFY wttbmucht pleasure, that under - the tuition of, the , Re v. Thomas P. IIcnt, of .' R runs wick Count v.' wh m Aire T i'tw. j. .. this state;, fir 'curing, impediments of Speech, I f have been in three days entirely released from a - Very distressing habit of Stammering contracted . upwarcisornMTyj earsgo." C , V J ever, Stammer again, it must unquestion - ably be, my own fault, as I sinceMv believe that all persons laboring under that 'af&ction may be permanently;! relieved by .tMrs;-r. Leigh s Sys tern. I have, yet remaining a 'shglit hesitancy at the pronunciation of smne; teryVrd' xtrirj' win i .jcci eonnueni oT oeing relieved even from ,r I a roundabout -coat -of doubli. ww. mPtht .rf.,rMk:" . 'T uc-nauc in ine uaieia-h ll L , . ; . "'f is KeglSer tor SIX weeks, that ., 5,1 " ovxn.cn inaice inoroiicn u in nw nn.i i . . .. ----- t,,vtrtnt hj- i . - .... - . no Parent or Guarolan, WhS mav con, VVA 1e of fas.and Quarter Ses- C''n5.n.ot loMect. I purchased this to his care, will have any reasonable hon Court- l" lttc,,u ,n "'cnrnond, of a Mr. 'Randolph inir nrocress in earn nir hn;nt..i t-u l . . " niomiay m AOnl mst MnarrI ran k Kf..: ..1 , . I " : "-viv-v viw 4Kaui5 mm. ...M.uara can oe ODtained in respectable fa mines ot Uie neighbourhood, and at moderate ?r'TJh$ price of tui?ion for the languages js$12 50 per session. THOS. II. REED, ALEXANDERTSMITH, HENRY, L. G It WES, ' CHARLES L. HEED. .1 : 35 1 Attest. D. CASWELL, C. C. C. Januar 31. ( tliat, m a very fewdavs more. :. WE, whosenamcs " bereonio subscribed -uu ceriiiynarwe iniv.e neen tnstrucled by the i ; ' 'IhevM.fJTIiomas p.Httnj iJn'msw'ick Countv, t crimehlofspeechiand.tl , . ij;-v,vt'.'"v:v.'""m vuivauFvi hit line in anoru ,?,',0ing permanent relief to nil stammerers if the v , - wu Vi' irr rcuicuy, ct. 1 1 is i)Xi own IaUlt if we ."'."-. ny nnt'".nfVnl ......1 f.!J-.-' .7- ? i . . ' - Jl. 11. AINES Petersburg,' r a. m: ado u ir, . . . d,tto,l ,J. P. KEEN, ditto,- j . n tun?rny ;;t ditto, - . a wm i IM. -t the lianok Union Society , . .'iu.u-n r.jjistopai c-iturcii will com- . . , mence at Vhitaker.V Chaj?el; on the first Thnrs- , ; uay m . azarcii rxvs. v ana continue four davsthe two first days will be taken Up In business of the V Society ;r he -two Xt;day3 will beappropriatel toTubliaPrcacbii'tg,' the, Administration of tJie t Ordinances &c. &c ;All 'peron friendly . to : a ' reform in the doveiprentp9f the Kfefiofist E- piscopal Churchare recjjtieiriri ittcndt liiere win oe ausiness or r great; importance be- - j. tore tne society mat ot lorrnmg a Convention, . the .time and place cf, met ting -of said Cohven ' 1 For the information of those wl arc jnorant , , of views. I .wilM nierely: stateU'bat we,wish . to bring about a rt form in our 7mjrcb Govern . , went, so asto obtain an equal re presensation. of the Local Frencuers and Laity, in the law nnk . ... WS department, c; with the Itinerant Pre:iph- . en i who, ,at this time, wjth thellikliopsand Pre- t sidinsr Elders,Jiave. "and do State of Nortii-Carolina, -. t Jiu therfi rd Coun ty. i In Equity. -October TeTui, 1826. Arthur Uronson, Ooold ILiyty 1 j Jas. B. Murray, Peter A.Jay, j -?Peter XV. Hatcliff an4 Eliza) Dill to foreclose f 1 nompson, EsCcutois & Ex- V Mortgage. jecutrix of James Thumpson, Amended.0 Idec'd. , . J vs. . j I ! 't - Augustus Sacket J XTappearin r to the s:iHsfa that the defendant m this case is not an inha bitant ot rnis pstate : It is ordered by the Court that publication be made six weeks successively ... ...v,w.,.,8i, vc8ister,tiiiaT unless he appear at uie next ourt ot Equny to be held fr J?uther- iprci county, td the Court House in Rutlieiford- iou, on ine t uru Mqnday after the fouih Mon- i;-' " y "tai,! men ana mere to answer ca or aemur to uomplainant's bill as amend ed the same jvill be. taken pro confessoand set or hearing ex,-parte.- . I rJfWy T' WUCHET3', C. & M. i "w. ioo : ' - : 91 fir,i . Roper, agent for J. i T. James. Mr. Roper tld me, this fellow was raised by his' father near inning urir, uaines i.itv 'Aimrv xr .j- , which place, Petersburg ; or Rhrhmond, it is like- v.,IB. W1" ",m Ior- torwarn all masters of ves sels from takinsr him on hrkoiv! k, .7 - ...... Hitiu anil ail UiwMrom emptoyiivf him in any way whate ver. I will give the ove reward for his appre hension and confinement in any jail so that Feet mm again Should the above Negro be taken up, I wish information' .given' to Mr. Nicholas A .nompson, Leasburg. Caswell County,' -'North'- v"",J ",iU ! ' rE'l'ER WIEU February l0tb, 1827. -1 i 'n'e f f ""cer will insert the above ellVtig off Stock at Cost. a o,. ox .nanes Stuart, consisting of a n;iD ...... T ,,u summer , iiLivcy e soia ;.t cost & oharres The good3 are )o ge. havinir been nn h-rrl m, .:.. . oera ui. r.. I w? " , ' .v.yvraa.nHie monlhv uia res. sn-wi Anf f kj i. i a --. oi, winci Tnfv.tii i o.,f.?n,h gratis. Go'p'stu w!. LV.T" te 'l a" tb. w1sW 4 heel pieces. 4 side trees. J tishes, and, 3 side trees; for fore-mast 4 quarter spindles, . : J ; - v ! -.- 1 check, and I paanrlS!0.0;8-" ; 1 fore and 1 main top-mast, .. ; . . , ' " 1 lower, half-main yard, Vt C ; - J '' . 2 main and t mite n-top-sall-j'ard, ' ' 2,b-boom 3 fTymg do. and lpahkebcm - -Theabqve fora74gun shipi : ,.4: fishes and 6 side "treea for maln-rrwst, : 3 fishes, 3 h;df spindles, and three side trees for :'z. fore-mast, v.i. . .'V - :- y. ; :i spindl(v4 cheeks, and 2 parhesrrnizej .mast,.-;.1;'. .- ; y ?. i . - ; . r 2 quarter spindles; and 1-pauhch for bowpW l tore and 2 mizen.tnn-Tna!tcv - ; 1 s .llower half main-yard - -v; ';.rv v . 4 main, I. fofe, and 2 mizen top-sail-yar-!a 1 Kfa?' 4 f9r!l?d 2Jmi2er-top.gallant.maSs. - 4 J4 boms 4 flying do.arl 2 spanker-hooms. The above f9r a 44 gun ship. - fore and 1 mizen-top jrust, ' , . . ; 1 fore:top-gallant-rnasl, V ; 2 main-yard pieces 1 0?y " ,s. 4 bow-sprit'piepes, ? k :?v" vy ? 1 sprit sift-yard, V" , ' ,3 top-gallant-yards in one-piece. ; 2 spindle-nieces for main mast V fishes, 2 heel pieces for fish, ' VV ' ' - 4 side trees, 4 heel pieces for side trees, 4 cheek pieces, 2 heel pieces for cheek 1 2 sp.ndle pieces for foremast, 2 fishes. I hec' .--- .-pieces v - ,,rTf V1 2 side trees, 2 heel pieces, " ; ly.y VV " At" pieces forthemajzen-mast, . , y The abbve for a.sliipof the. line. ; . 2 half main cheeks, 2 tone side trees- -2 ma.n side-trees, 1 fore fish,- ; V X i 1 bowsprit piece, 1 heel piece for maincheelc J half fore-top-sad.yard, 2 main fishes, ' 3 0 ,m .'sP.lndle PceS, 1 fore-top-gallit-m , i 2 half mam-top-sail-vards, f ...-rr" 1 mizen-top-saiKyard in one piece, - 1 spnt-sail-yard, ' ? . . 1 jb hoom piece, 1 spnkw boom.- r uvc ior a gun ship-. V 2 paunches for bowsprtt. " ' p nuie, nsnes, V side trees " T - hi i a 2 cheeks, 2 heel pieces, l'paunch 2 cheeks, 2 heelpieces. 1 naunrh'.C foremasj lS!r?!f f. 'WncK. formizen-mast, i ipe H ma.in ? mizen topmasts,5 : ' ' Tli e celeL rate. d anil ili.n -vruU)H-U4CU lvace Horse, j " tVdSHINGrOtW will Stand at ny Sta hie in this place the ensuing season, which will commence on the on the fifteenth day of: July, anl OWW to the w'1" .- win oe jet to Mares at the low priee of fifteen dollars if paid within the sea son ; twentydollars payable on the first day of January next ; ten dollars the single leap, to be paid when the mam ,s covered ; and thirty-five dollars to insure, payable when the mare is dis covered to ho n fnol .. 1 ,1 ; . - . :r j " W1 Auangeu, with one dollar to the Groom ,n each and eVejy instance. a class of six . "J oiiirac Will Dr provided tor Mares and K ?"r?e-;, Ev?ry care wi" b' token pre- ' T1. . .... ;i7S S"' "5OT sorrel fifteen and a varerams to call. Raleigh. Feb, 7. TUie llatsl 'fHE subscriber ha i,, - : H n,. T Jf. iiv,c VP I. anrl . oners tor sal, a few first iuVltl naif hands hieh. eiht v-. u; . b... ..v.vngui, puwer, mils;; e, bone & sinew, wac I V -1 TOOJ Jastor anH srot b-,- the celebrated ii " S?eU ' was wr equal if not - : an? ra fiKrcu ""' 4 "wieon, one city. . . . anyin the ciiijui on ai liiip. riiir i, fv i i inp mare Arin. , .-nous naleigh. Feb. 6. R. SMITH. 37 V i . State of jTorth-Carolina, Y:. ' " 'thertord County. ij- vourt ot equity.--October Term 1826. james lindges, ; , i rs. v C i Injunction JJS'iKu -rus oacj Citizen, Pacolet & Monii.- , . " the tollowiner certificate from sportsmen of the country, as to luniiHuces. We. the URderso-nfl no;nn. u t .1. . . .. r- .- . -n.-v.. wccn in nie nanit pleasure in "'"."i .oir ; Arcnie, m,,,, T. ,,. , . - . ' -nf tn' - H wucr, may obtain lonson.-But read T th PA,,cIve info,med thnthe, Drawinir of offers ;m,f',15e"y tai.'regi the most eminent 4.. e Oxford Academy Lotted, h rTcLsf " - fPPtion to the Nvy Agen to his blood & per- not take place.. : lloldew'of .&kets 'ire v r- r ' NEW-YORK, ' - 1 J t0 P.etorn them and reeivW ' PHUDELPHIA : " - u t .i. . , . .. other Lotter;c i . ucicets. m : , - r" ' i i nTC.' . flying dittos - t ji . ; lowestuddmg.sail booois 1 spindle, 4 side trees, 4 cheeks ibr a fS : 1 bow sprit Pce,Yswinging-bbom ' I mam piece for m T.n . v - f 2 spindles, 1 fish,' 5 side-treei .and 4 cheeVs ' Tor two main masts, ' : . V , 1 spindle for mizen-mast, : v y : : 1 mhsentopigallantstif;: Jj'ilr v ,1 spindle for mam-mast, i t- ; y : y: 1 cross jack-yard, L - ?' -V J ' h j The above foVa sloop of war: . 17 side-trees, 2 paunchfes, 2 cheeks ' . 1 lialf main yard, 2 half fori .'3 jio-booms, i ,r iV! " y 14 flying jib-booms,r; V-L- : ;2.spanker-booms,;, y i : . " . Theabove fopaVsn,. . " 1 beot sfe heart yellow pine. i y V?11 so"thera or&b schedules ofW SSJ ?y. .tq regulate their ent at ehher nave aistintruisned him q to ..r n the Raleigh Register, that unless he appear at E rSJ ? high Btation on theTurf,&the raceof the next tTontt rf PrVr.;.. v - l . f , rl . I1IS s,re, Timoleon. are a!knnulA,?...p k.. n . ?Cf n aUong th,e best ever run & the colts the next Court of Equity, to be held for Jtuther- ,M.,r couniy, aj the Court House in Rutherford- tiii ifii iiirr .irri ri nni t o ).f,.u i 'a t - icr inc in Monday of March next, and , plead,, answer or demur, the Complainant's bi lwill hP inVr, n r" . , fv,. n I . u, awa , T. T. BIRCH ETT, C. & M. : ..25-6wpd - "- ium tnem and receive other Lotteries or the rh , e ,d , inF horses for a time past, take , Prent -.unneces ry trouble th vn rendering justice to the stallion V refurn them to the TerdSiT His runs, two. three and four wh-n they.w. re prcJiased.? op V'r.from Feb. 25.. . A 1 ES k My"V? Managers : bxaie or XovUi-avoUna, ' , , . Rockingham Countv. f ' - y Court of PleasKand Quarter Sssmsj f . November Term, 18261 r .-: y '. v Jane V. Calland, . : : - BALTIMORE, - ' -r'S?.T.ON!s.c.0d printed .rules adopted bv thi T -dated SeptembeV IrtiR hC ComiPJsS10ners, several NarYar the 1 January 1826 2S-tl5Feb. Dec.2,1'826 - -Ve Cor.t '.. isn or intend tn !ovA i." : , I ;v btith a Lcform brought about ; r..::,i.! . mannert;so as to prevent apl inhe ehur and fr the promotion of .Christ Kinfrdon: aV,i Hen . :ythebctttrto unite his membcK, -"!?aona lars ' : " Prest.' Roanoke tJ ? it1 1 '-i rTeVv. l827. v -U- SL.E. C jonn bm-tb, Wtn. .W. Smith. VL . . nd James Hopkins; Execuforaonne ' iSSS ,and testamentof Booker Callan,? II i . Eliza Calland. w n r"aiIaiMV dec d, arid loway and :-lLZ1 ;u?, my John M. Cal--mSiTT. ?fn,th.yHusbandand Ad- tv ot thebest sons of his dZSttlz . 9 lais in time. -t - .t "- y'' -- .y.Fcb, l'isz-, WM. B., VADGIIAN 41 , - - x u, w. me cons ot lirooleon heretofore, and particularly this fall -, tlJJ, UCC11 Kuau uui great. iiiven un der our hands this 16th day ofNovember. 1826. w5 R d?hnson - Henry AL Clay, . , wi awnne' - Barnes J. Harrison, Wm, st Robert R. Johnson, A. A. AVychc, f , John VVorsham Gee;r V y y .Arthur Taylor, J Thomas McGeheeJ : ; J . , Washington's first cojts were JUroppei: W spring and that they are excellent Will be certifi. ea Dy col. Robert H. Jones. Mr. Wm r rr, V hams..Gen;:Robert RS JohnVfJili 'I : 8 ttianTrV"5: ct,on of the' Court! V cZ y" -ommendatiori from Messrs.;-Galef ' ? t i yy ' '3 ; ypRTRnwiTnnrV t !e In fK Atreai.t-u' A n:"r ior o weeks w,-,n .w-1 "fcM,s. M'c oeionjrs.- as tnn HarrentonFeb. 6th 18971 'V y y v defendant .""l.I-V? -n,ce-?oi 0,,.u 0 . ri 'c cii ,ourt-oi Pleas 7J .;rjS.r ." ,e .Vourthoaso.jn WeBtwnrtl, ir1.'""' Wnty ...II,r Me at any rf.tl. will Dleafft Creen Bobb.tt. i - f -v.viiuiiiiniF itnutMvj. r r-. r . . .- , - - -f . J "r waiance- tens anl tm f oTtrt Notice: Vt ' a ' "IT. -rw,lltcu - JoseP afeep :tmr v" vuc Monday orFebruarv.nW 'Zi T lUfCS r?siiops in Ralehrb. inf, rmatlnn i -ma mm . - iirur . a i z . l i . art r i t - wijuauhv r i t . 1 ' . . . . . v; Wih; ci ""J rr" ??ea.to note rf Juae.nt nd aefce wm be:ente.M .r: to Mr ; him.: " :r---uiomaKe payment to -"nn. fitness, R6. Oanoway.rdtwl"1"8 co? in HIeiirli r'on ur.iay. and did s. 1 4t 4 - - - . - - . - - - T - . i i - i

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