. - ;-wv v,-vr i. -r r i r a " i .-rViC p ? A r: - , x s J V -rJ : ' J - s - - J , , ; ..Jm!. vVrvCTuMBkTjand Fridat, by V JOSTCPft GALES & SON, ?At,TOeoripcrannumlairnMYancfe fnr verv sticceea- 3 jhir publUAticmX eat1enffft m the i ct frotbrns bf MivETerett? oji the i 1 - h lc r ii ci1 hot h vthis winter ana the lastnd bbjecltons sg yarusarm mul Mnllecl havcbeert tfirfee! viagast Ctf that it iipoo tKemaUuhoWepgaging in an if-" gument Tich-woolcrviatTromMhsho I till -tiierBVjfibfi iempOin-k tlischnecte waj;a reply : Vvin tliat Js nSore. than'I intendeil to do unprovided: fur, eciijaUy meritorious' with -t kite a Irtr whnm ll i'firoVI thobjction: if Applicable; to Us bill, is - equal j applicable to ever)r other; , -Ifr we siav our uanu lroni lecisiaiuui iui wc can "render all justicW Jand do . all godd, to all i nl y 1 ncuniben t u pofc. u sve shall i stay l it foreyeh 'Tiir We jhave the attributes of !-imn?nnf once and'omniscience, we must be 5 content with .partial leg prnceedin? step by Sep, 'tq, dp rightjthings, and perfttrm'Ciu?!; kDowihs that wef Jeaveundonermuch Jlha siticumbentSupan us:r itvis-iwo qriure ywfsiricewe appropriated i nMjon tti indemnify the claimants unMer the t m-: '4i5ftfieaebjecfeonR'. the f partial: ioTts operation-; It has been;8tyl. I piece ? of partial legislation. -It has ? Kpn MiultthAf deleaves classes of persons l-?da treatyl 4 Did anyone ibiectto tnatap-nution propnationtthC.C:: ' a'clasi ; of cHizensequallymeritorioH were unprovided fur fyM tan earlierperiodive appcopriated hot; far -froth five millions to t ii krt !nimjiritR on France.! settle the attair ot the Mississippi -" - gpvernmenTr inr-ine ciai.ous' u atc ltnquisheil-byUhextreaty of 1800. - Why ?ovr: ir- nrivatft J'mAttprs. Ivinir within a it'' 1 L . A n M i.' MA :. fhr . while- verv often ' frnni troere accidental causes, one claim I ' gets through the committee, is allowed and nii-ten. hundredsir thousands of " others, are J referred to that 1 nfumittee of ythelwhole. Which'hever re- 1 oortsr and made the order of the d ?y fr ' tnat lo-mirrow" aim iu;iu.muv , aim "morroVv'whic '.ofvtKe'iaVish'ing'ekpt would any entieTnan :insisijiiai..uicwiuiiiii5tv ' CMarmsfiouid makef oneeneralctcompre- hensivc repojtjnc red to them, and refuse to act on one with- ..it Un nil ? ' f . '-' ; 1 out acting on " A ffain. ir. on the sc - 'Jof iustice,; it is i said that this hil 1 pes'not; make provision " for1 the rcalry meritori6asclass;! That it 1 wasAot the regulariarmyVfti diers tliat ach ieved the: war of the Ue vol u- iitrri; out themlUtia-JThis! fientiemandrpm & (MfMitcheliy said pafticiilariy ' oD;his) niState, and left to ?C oe inierreo. ui.ij. ue iiuiuiiiuui uije aiuc vi tlierfStatesl ; Iouhti sirtobe trie last 'tnuu on l his. floor to be tinseusible to the menUthifcVdVitia.: J;ixhaifet;the h feel, ' that district; which comprises the ever ' ,kiiVeiabrabley fi of . Lexington and Con .''4d:and.t 3 town.yJvca nu t) 1 oolc; ou t a ;tj, t,he: windows v'vis't'apa'tiora s hie spots', the theatre of v the opening revo I ution, ,of v which tne names are as familiar V-jCeyefy'iitfaft f oh this. jcfloori from " whatever listant arti:o6 vthe IJnion he 5ihy comev as to Hi Jfih the ' im niiedis te" vi -i cihity '1 Bit, s I. canhot'ay the militia ;chleved the rev jd ersjili kh;Thy darediiii d' end u reel feithing jyth ufiered morethari Ihe 4 roit:al ry they skflfered; deyotefl ly;;rivous- i (?.ih1JfaP.4iW mu3t still -V;y-'t!&t.'ii : Odrintejienden "Otlerjn apnyfo ;d-I'y":WAsh GUteKnpx tiaHiy ettei ajtid " their5 tjrave ;asscaesCyIiknow -mny lliinirr :tiier;SriiecIia:raci people!, ''(i t h hV7 fo K i ii; ; 1 ; .k i 1 i j:net,ot a cwiulryLi m It- wak never objected: to that apptnm v t ion, 1 resume, that it lefi unprovided for rthose citizens who asked ind emnity of ou r small com pas, - req u i nug uui ic w w of ih timV otKhe Houe ft wliat twites ijlaceTfioes-notVevery gith Kratice t school o f set f gov e rn in e n (-and ttie coun- ets dtheHsent! patrioticlieaswhlch I ;x vrt5 a 1 1 w orK ; 1 ajt.n caoin e tjwhil of brave 1 (:Ve;'jreYC'utiunary- wartasfih (evrr ifiihp strumentality 6f the army; and. that, alone, t it stne minna acnieveq our;vinuepcnucuwv what becomes f Washington ? He ,was no njiliiaman: vW - j v f . -y But gentlemen objectfto the f provisions of this bill: even as a' gratuity. ;'riiey tell ns we are following the footsteps of. older tates.f; Thev burdens of England They tell na ofTa! borou;h, who returning from his. victories mustihave: 1 his priricelycastletand v a princely estate Mo endow; tt0TheyjtelI5 us of ' WeIlhgton on whom the public treasury- is 'lavished with equal - pro- fusion. ; Nowj, Arr, T confess'I :see nothing in this bill at pU aualagous to. al 1 this. , I see no prbvi sipn whi ch ought to suffer by a prejudice drawn from such a comparison i see, only a sum of money in be; divided a monjr fouryor ,tive hundred poor old men,' less than it cost to build Blenheim castle, to - say nothing of its decorations. .But l let that pass, for I do not argue ,ori the principle with the; gentleman from. South Carolina. who urged this point. - It is not this kind of expenditure, lavish as it is," which ;.has. weighed down England5 withah oyerwhehnlng 'mass of debt, and ; palsied tie arni whici else might long have sway ed the world. It is her vicious traditional 'poiicjrplangirig ujto aUj the wafsofall the nations, andTier vicious cons titutionwhich enables her government to carry tin these wars by annual loans of forty. or fifty mil ; lions sterling sanctioned bj a Parliament in which the people are, imperfectly repre sented I utter not this incondenVnation of the present interference in the troubles f Portugal, Iwhich appears from the facts before us magnanimous and right. But I utter it in condemnnation of her system, which allows her minister to use the lan- iruage which is now echoing to us' across 46 1 created a new eWorld in For one, I will not bow down the Atlantic,! the rtidies." before this . netv creator of .new worlils : nor' will I admit that this poor bill sancti ons any part of a system which- puts a lari ii-uaffi'. 1 k ? this into the mouth of a mlnistet Let' we, however, say, since the example iJr Eng:an(j been referred to, that at this . veryC.hoaiy While . we are hesitating and scrupling to give our officers of the Revo- thi9 4.0r pittance, the BritishoGi i.o ,ri,i nn.ri..:.n cers of 'the, Bevolutidn,: whovyielded, witli thei r legion&. be fore ou r fathers, are redei v inj their, half pay, punctually, in golden guineasrathe .end of every qu3rter:i" ? ' ii n aiu u was me meu uuu noi the officers w ho suffered : that of the offi cers there was always abundance ; there were even; sU perriumeraries 5 bu t. men were scarce, and the country was diyided into sets, or small sections, to raise them by a kind of 'conscription, each set to furnish it man lHencf it ' i inferred,, .that the officers were wel I off that the brunt of the hardship fe(l on the men. But the gentle tn an'w h o mad e th i s statem e n t forgot to go a little further, and tell us. what is the fact, that from iT80j;yyhen this practice began, the men re "used W enlist without a bounty of from o n 1 ? to t wo hu rid redsi I ver d o 1 1 ars, being abou : the amount, of their wages, to those who. served froui that time to the end of the war.1 . I speak, sir, not only what is well known, but: what I can v prove by a living witness very near me ; my honored f j;i end (0 eh Van Retisse laer) was i ncludd in one ot tliese,set9;farid : paid, as his own shire of the bou p ty to the sol d ier f u rnish -ed by that set, one hund red silver doll ars. This was at a time when a silver dollar was a different thing from what it is now. -This is "one great ground of the discrimination originally 'proposed vbetween the officers and the sbldierss - though, for one, I am in favor of extending- a proper provision to the-latter. ; . -..:'y, -:ry-s-. v - ' yM:A gentleman from North Carolina: (Mr. Alston) has told Tis that the great ma9S of suffering was on the part of those who staid at home, not on , the part of the army, offi cers, or soiijiers. Hut, it was the "'deserted Wifedind jchildrert,! who suffered; ATheir fiirni were wasted their stock consumed their sustenance; plundered, the - feathers scattered frim the bed, and, as the gentle- man pauifticaiiv added, even the ticking carried . off. . A, singular argument, Mr Speaker! . The officer or the soldier was well offV M'as enjoying all the: luxuries 6f an AHencan,fevotutionary camp. ; it was only his wife and children who are to be pitied. - vl should have thou2ht the gentle triarr would not have had to look very deep toto nis own neart to nave telt, that this was the bitterest drop in the cup of sorrow and despair, .too often presented to the lips of both; officers and. men; that- while they were encountering the hardships, and bravingithe dangers of ,the field, the dear est object of their affections, those who a- jone inKe;:i( 111c, 10 live, witnouT. wnom existence 19 not life, were left at horae, at a distant f home, not merely languishing in the'absence l of . their natural protector, but i ..I v, - i 1 , . pining tor ine oreau wnicnnis arm and nis presence were needed to procure them.''; 'C Sir theaM and 'the wants of these ven erable men have been held up by the same member .(Mr.' Alston) to-the ridicule and derision of ithe House.-- He has told' you they thought no" onV was" liviri from those days' but- themselves : 'tliat- they .V have itched their time; and when all ivere dead arid gonwho cquld give us a true' account of tlie matter, that- thejr earner down to the House -to- surprise us into that donation: which We should not make, if we knew the t-eal facts 6i the case,' Y ; He tells us they 1 a ra hanging? on . the House.; ? Hanging on the House ! t. Nobody has hung on me, sir. One -short, modesti well digested and instructive pamphlet, about 12 pages long, laid f on our tahles, is all the importunity ; to which , I have been subjected. Hanging on', the House ! I would rather sav, the House is hanging on them; hanging like a millstone aboti t their necks., It is ttiy firm belief at this moment, that the 'House of, Representative of ; the U. States is staadintween these y eter ans andjUiat y provisijlforv thern, vwhtch I believe the people would cheerfully make, if able to act upon the subject in their own individual and primary (capacity;3-y v f I hopetherefore Ve shalf makeit jrst for t jie pjBSceiwfiiM matiirely prepared, arid rests, in my opin ion; toacertairi extent on peculiar grounds But I am in favor,- also, of provision for the Hbldiers; though the y the bin are; . I owp, digested lessto my satisfaction.- At all eisfintsTsir I hope the amend men t now. under consid e rati on will be rejected V as unauthorized J in principle, and in prac t i ce whbl ly destru c tive o f ! the, main objects of the bill. ''.Wllp: State o JVoTWl-Civroliiia, : -'nqolphCountjrl:, I ; N:- Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions, - r ': i February Term, 1827. ? " Samuel Smitherman"! . 4 -v rJ. vs. l -. C Attachment, levied on land. Neil McMillan. S - '' 'jrX 1 k"V IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defendant is hot an inhabitant of this State ? it is therefore ordered, that publication be made six weeks in the Raleigh Register, that be appear-at thenext Court of Pleas rand Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Randolph, at the Court House at Asliborougfc, : ort thefirst Monday in May next, then and there s to ptead, "answer or demur to. the said attachment, other Wise it will be taken nro confesso. and adiudired accordingly; Witness Jesse Ifar'per, Clerk of our said Court, at Office at Ash borough, this! first Monnay of February, A. D. 1827. ; ' -A Copy, ' 1 ; L JESSE HARPER, C. C. C. State of .V o"t-tj av oUa, J J ' ; v Randolph Cou nty. h '''';K t - Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, i, i February Term, 1827. , Daniel Craven an J Wife . ? Petition for Tob; Hendricks, adm Mothers 3 -V;v;, appearing-10 xne satisracuon or . ine jouri, JL tliat J ohn 11 e ndricks, f Theodatt. Hendricks, and Hiram Hendricka, three of the Defendants in this case, are not inhabitants of this State ; jit is therefore ordered,', that publication be made six weeks in the Raleigh Register, tfiat they appear at the next County Court of Pleas and. Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Randolph, at'ftie' Court House at- Ashbo'rough, on the first Monday ot May next, then and there to plead, ariswert or demur to said petition, otherwise it will be; taken pro confesso, aiid adjudeed accor dingly. Witness Jesse Harper, Clerk of our said uouri ai vmce in Asnnorougn, iie nrsi Monaay of February, A. p. 1827. ; A Opy, . JfcSSK llAKi fjlti u. u. ; Officr of the Ami rica-s Farmkh, e' : v Baltimore, Friday, Feb. 23, 1827. WE wish thWt every friend of this Journal should understand, and that they would have the kindness to make it known, : thatto any one .1 l..:n - : ;i . ' wuu win procure jour suoscnoers, ana reinn on their account $20, we will send "a fifth copy of the American Farmer without charge or, any one who will procure five subscribers, will be Al lowed to retain $5, on his remitting the remaki ng 20. We beg also to repeat, that all whica is necessary to be done by .any one, wishing to subscribe, is to enclose a five dollar note by mail, at the rule of, and atldretaed to The Editor of the American i Farmer, lialtlmore and whether the money be Teceived or' not;, the paper will be for warded immediately, and the actual receipt of each number of the volume will be guaranteed bv the Editor. , , - 'x . i ne American jr armer is ptiDiisnea weekly, py S. Skinner," Postmaster of - Balimore,1 printed on fine paper, the size of ordinary, newspapers; folded so as to make 8 pages ; aboutrone-half or four pages,5 devoted to practical' Agriculture; the remainder to Internal Improvements; Rural and Domestic Economy,! selections, tor housekeepers and female readers; and Natural History and Ru ral S ports.; i A minute index and title page to the whole volume is published," nd forwarded with last uumber of each volume. A s,mgle number will be sent to any one who may desire to see specimen of the pobHcati6n?'?:r;Vriv 0?-?&: The American Fanner' is circuited through e,very state and territory, and is written for by ma ny of the most distinguished practical farmers hi th ifninn. 1 3if.!t:... the Union. 6w. "H" v GALES. & SON . have just' received the 93 . 5 following : ; The Atlantic Souvenir far 1827, published by Carey &. Lea, Philadelphia. 'r , v Fotget me not," for 1827, published by Acker- man, Londoner :., ; . Xr York Town or historical romance, dedicated to CeneraLLafayette, 2 vols., - .1 'sLadypt the. Manor; . by. Mrs.' Sherwood, 3 vols. ; i ttowleti's Tables pf Discount or Ihterestr new edition, 1826. , ' , 4V ' A. treatise olt Physiology; applied to Patholo gy, by ' J;v.;' U roussais, ; - M., U translated trom the French, by. John Bell," M.-D. ; Tne influence ol -Trppical Climates pa Euro pean Constitutions, bemr a treatise on the prin cipal 'diseases- Incidental to r Europeans- in the rast ana y est inuies, xvieaiteiraneau ana Coast of Africa by :James Johnson,' M. D i";- r J A Treatise on the diseases ofFettiales, by Wni. P. Dewees, .M. D.-of PhUadelphar. - ,'t'.V;' J- LexiCon-SIedicum or Medical pDictiohary; new edition, 4 826, -by Ro-rt Hooper, M, D. fourth American from mtn - jndon e.mtion : . ; '. - Kalsigh,, March . 1827.. r -.Kyj1 i .i-44- ' ;FIRST BALTIMORE LO'ri'ERY a ? COHEN'S OFFICE BAtTiMpnE, V H. , , -February 14th; 827.'j''; scheme W.1 10,6f the f "-" AND STATE LOTTERY ' V J l OF MARYLAND, :-f ' - ..Arranged oh the Odd and Even Svstem',"" By; which theJiolder of two ticketsor two shares is'certain of obtaining cr One nz 7iic5 SCHEME it : 810,000 310,000 :;5000 :;.;5,0pa .C 2,000 2,000 rlh2.000 , 5,000 r. 1,000; . ':4 40 100: 5 50Q 100 50 r 20 ;;io,; 100 00 : 15000 1,000 1,000 30,000 : ' ' - ' S60,0Q0 15,471. Prizes. - "5. Net MnmdmW-itiiM Every prize payable in Cash, which usual at Cohen's Office may be hadthe momenl tliey are drawn. ' Tickets, $3 00 j Quarters, ctS; I 1. . Halves, 1 50 J Eighths, 37 cts. To be had in the 'greatest variety of numbers, -: ' Odd and Even, At . : '; t y2 'A K- Lottery and Exchange Office. 114 Market 3reet4; ?;i-'. . ' ' Baltimore 1 . '-1 '.V Where both the great capital prizes of One ffun dred Thousand Dollars were obtained, in the late Grand State" Lotto ies 5 and where the Hig-hest Capital of 20,000 Dolfais in the last jfJrand State lottery, was as usual paid in Cash the moment ,jt was presented & where more Capital Prizes have been obtained than at any other office in Ame ii Order from any part of he United States,, eilher hy mail, (post paid) or private conveyance enclosing the Cash or Priz Tickets m ; any of Lotteries, will meet the same prompt and punc tual attention as if on personal application. ; . . , Addiess'to - - j-'s 'tsf'-!C- , I. COHEN, Jr. & BROl'HERS,' ' ' v ,v '; Baltimore (C-CoHETfs Gazette tf Lottery Register, Will be pubhsiied immediately after the drawine. and win contain me umctai i-ist, ot the Prizes it wiil be forwarded grutis to all who purchase' their tickets at Cohen's Qc?, andv who signify" their wish to receive itl v Bulti more, Feb." 1 4k 1 826. law t 10M. t'-v'v; Prizes amounting to more than " .- i lOOJOdO DOIiIiARSiaCl TICKE I S ON IsY FOUR DOIIiS: Delaware Stat6Lofte - Sixth CIass i 60 No Lottery by Combinatiohg drawn ballots: Tjp.be drawn on Wednesdav," 14th March.0' ' '-' - -scmiM&m: - ; 1 rrize ot 810,000 ..is : sio;ooo 5.000 " - - ft ruriri 5.000 2,946 lOO, , 500 ,2,960 5,000 5,000 '4,000 A 4600 5,100 2,040 '.13,050 ; ,5,900 . 5 'i 10 ; r . 20 , - 4S ' - : ' . 102 - . 102 1632 . 11475 ' V 13,395 Prizes;, 20,825 Blanks, 200. 100- 50 ' ..20', - 8 : if." i1;. H. -r g 102, 660 ; 34,220 Tickets. " - -"'r: ;- -V'tI' V GO" ONLY 1 BLANKS TO A PRIZB.' V ' Whole,4 Half, $2 Quarters, 1, - 7 (E'-Orders enclosing Cash or Prizes, (post paid) win receive prompt auenu on, ii auaresseu to" I V YATES & McINTYRE, Managers, - v. - sv ; 4. Raleigh j or Fayeti e vule, :N C. v V Tickets in all' Northern Lotteriei r of "respec tability Can be had at the,Northern pricps at ei ther ot pur others for , Georgia; North Or South Carolina Bark Notes, and i the "Prizes f .those lotteries always received in payment for tickets,' or; the cash paid tor them on demand: J.s FIFTYD OLrARS JiEWARO s A BSCONDED on Tuesday night last from the ItlL suo3criber, a. bright! and t-y 2fAyn)ulattb Woman, named CAROLlNE, with her huld (a girl; very, bright; about 3 years old formertribe property; of Wni; Gilmour; ; Esq." ; She "is-'about 20 years of age, slender made,, long4 black hair, wliicl she, wears tucked up and with curls ; has a.smUe when speaking,-; or spokefvto--She isCa goo i Seamstress and Nurse;' arid is at present Vin a jstate, or pregnancy. ? ;. rYb'l : '; -She; dresses very heaily and' fashiorlaM vv an-1 has as-1 good clothing as.any lady, all of which she took; with her; together with' her bedstead. bed and beddiner. She-wilt without doubt nass for a lreet woman, as tite satisfied she was "entic ed away;- by some white n&n now minis' place, who of course would-, provide her With the ne cessary papers.. She may call , herself Caroline oook, as sne is sometimes, called so by ner com pamons. 1 will irive: the above reward . for the deliverv of aid negro and child to me in ,tbjs placer oi set i-ung mcui m any jaii,, so iuai ,i may ger urem again. . ii taKen witnout the state or Virginia 1 wui give an auoiijonai reward ot 5 doliarSi Petersburg, Feb! 23. , , -. J.42 3w Thej Subscriber iwab ihaaipre-1 lided several ears lo public Seminaries; ia desi- side rous to superintend an- Academy jn some f healthy part of -Npjth-Carolinav ; Satisfactory testimonials of character ahd- competency an be produced. Letters (post paid) dlrscted to , Raleigh; will be promptly noticed., ' v "s- ' j : y ' - w t -. , A ' rT0;:U RAGSDALE. . tlravt UArctf -1 fte Whole to be drawii IN ONE' Uitf,1,rw amines irayenin.:, ;-, vV v- ; DAYnd will take place in Baltimore, ' ; The beds are principally new and in fine Crder . ' nj 'ONTHB'Uth-MARCH-vI; 3-efea',J,W' a aaa waw and the Subscriber pled3i)irmx..f to spare I BELL TAVERN. 44 . , 1 ' t' rjlllE Public are respectfidy lnformed,'thr.t B. Subscriber has taken that spacious buiMir. ; in the town tf -Wind . lately occupied by James Palmar; as' a '1 ,Ti.'' -Tne-.-buildir. 1 recently -nridefone a thonnigb;, repair;--.uul , now in complete Order: fbr the reception of Tra vellers ancj Boarders. It contains seyer 1 tcotbs wi -for.tue;;6ir.:. -lotion pains tomerittbe patronage of .the public; ' M ; .Windsor, N. C. Jarilr 1826.2Z 6wj Is : fr Wake County.: r- I : Court of Pleas and,QuaTter ,vSessions---Fbrcr.r-v' i'",vCil82:;; '.'- Delatiy.plla . "H .'.;;.' .lo!m'JPaeKvJ ;; Levied "on j.'Pag-e's right .in aiiieo.intlie liand ' . of A.. Page--a nd im his rjglt in tli6 land of tlis - 1' .late James Hartsfietd,,decd -" , .r-- ; - IT ;.h'av ing-been rnatle to appeaAhat!theDeferkl -: arit resides' beyond tho lirnita'of thisStaj e 'i'lt ; is therefore, oVdered1 tht.publicatioti:be made ::i -the -Ralergh i ttegister;for six weeks, that iihless tlic i Defendant c6nres forward onu or before tae " nex t : Court of Pleas and Quarter iiessions to be hell ; for the Or--ty of-Wake'atthe, Court Ilbuse-in Raleigh, and tlier ment wiL levWd on co very.- 1 t - thirWndayf Mayf 11x1' sn; : r ' vy and plead to'issuei the j ud- le bsolotei aiid -the; property; Coemn'ed subject P1 'Intiffs re- ' ' V T.s0.-B; S . ivL 3 C. C. . ;.- S tateiof North-Catlina' ; .s Vakie County. ;v" " Court of Pleas and 'Quarter Sessibn3Februar,r it: WmVlt. Hinton,Ti prigtnal irhmeSn Vieied iri i-the toad Of Aaron oirersra'r. 1"" Jolin Kingi3 hesdmmoned -as Cjamisliee .fi IV having been-tnade appear to tlVe Court, that 'the Defendant hasremoVed Bevondthe i: nitt- pf tlle'State i$heremr ttrdered, t' t publi-: : cation be made in the Italeigh . RegL . for six weeks1 thatonless "' th'e.J)efeidanf.C.ome Forward';'; on or before the-next Court of pieas andQuarter ; bessionsto De aeld lor tjie County bt fVak- st the Court Hoxisejultaleitrhbnihe tbird Monday' of May Hext; theft ;apd .there 10 :hswer"i eplevr 1 aod plead to isiue, Judgnient final will be entered, Pt and the.property levied .iV'ttidemned'WubK''. jeci jo j-iaiiuiii a recovery.- c ;rS tate; ofJSTottli - CiUtI j na Court pfPleas antl Qtiarter Sessioni tJh;- . , ; !. TierhTi, .1 827, Stephen J6hna7t;ajuiicUittaVh cnt, 6: ? ; j,1 v.aIv v " vwiun iisJ JLCtt Sv 'i vi- i :v'.'ii fright. in the-lanVls f K&iitA WHliam KincCj James iHartsfilhrfe:rtl--'tI. IT having bee nrraade appear that the .Defend-' - - i ant resides beyond, the limits of this Stlite : I It is therefore ordered, that publication be tliade in the Raleigh: Itegjitr, for 6 weeks; that unless' ' the Uefendani comes 'Torrd"'6''orbefbre-;"ther'' f iiext . Gourt .of '.Pleas and Oi)aH fteer-i-55f - v to hheld fbf the county of tvake at the Court i ; 5 next, then and there to , replevy 'and plead to is. j ; sue, the judgment ' will, be made- ahanlntA c 4 v the property levied o ilondemneddbVct Plaintiff recovery iestV--' IV ;';P Wilhamsboro-Female, AcadeEiy ";Tfi.e;Pl?sSn fewonmmnced; ttie $d.Mon. will ha ve .tb pav from the time of entrance nMn f . though it is desirable for mahyf easdns. that tl v -should come in as early as possible, n.-Vv " - t :f TEaMs.;f FoirfBoard : andTuitIon, inxtudiii-:: eVery braoch together with lhecientinctudi ! exceptvMusic Painting and;Drawing. 260 r?r Sessioa:Music $25. hpMinting. aitu Drawir - f 1. ' The prfpils vill?be required to bdar l in curl family; as , much useful informatibrt rhay be i-n" " parted m theinteryalr of itiidyy iridep e n d e n tlj : ' . of the care ; and tenfion - due to their conversa tioh, tiianneifs ahd ' morals, lafhich are taostly'-'aU tended todurihg those hours!? -r.v'lh--1 ,i 1 Each young lady must be provided with a.cc- quirerViUin iorwarq,inetf accounts for.pavmerit.T ' VtetingVbf thd Bpard oft Internal lfirpror . whhdd:atFayettevrU-on I n- uayneoaot.aiarctitietrii of which all perscu fjnnsubscru5er: cf th 1-est-and'ino$t'.eiperiencdrkm:en: -fr--T ewark ;er4eyvas$uperintendtiit,cf F-f? Shop,- and havfn laid in a well chosen etc " maUriaUinNe-Yorkan4 Philadelphhi ha fwrnjhtHOse -whomay, warit any, t in hi Krie as Jowvls ey can be - pure! ' - - reguiar sopit .i ofthis-; ;-.-- A Hevhas ; onTiand a hahV1 - rr- - Giesvartd Hon description i ; sorne cf whi the rest in a state of furwan will he SoJcT K redu--d pric gotiable pa Ti4e wc'V w ill he han-. ..ie)y fini i be well executed.- 0;d T"0. i y :7 c:.j. Sin' . Tl v,GAtE3 Bt SON Lve C- supply of, V - , 1 UIW nat it is not generall v n o wo that JJrs, O'Brien's School Os in operatrort; take this method lof giving it further pub licity: xJ i 4y f i the present month, and will cIos6 VornW' time in J une, of which timely notice w ill be ri -; .vehfr5-r::;'r'-: .''v;'" "Parents and Gtiardians irfe appri thetf v - vcnei, oiansei, pairxI Sheets and two towels, ur t:- -v'. FENCER O'B HI ElS v"! M dhamsbpro Granville cdan22;:l827. v h yj ousiHcss wiui we Hoard :wiu; please t takn'dticet:'" "GAliES; Sec'y.--" r; Raleigh, Fehr iSi tJ ', ' which will be sold unusually lowV s lialeigb,,rcb. 2, 18i7. . '"- t .. .,- ., ... . i - ' : - : i ' - ' v ' i . - " " 7- -v . 1 ." -.-.,.- L i ' .1 ;. ' v f I -. I-