i k v v v. t1 '1 -"..V T- ,rr. i. .as fK f V- f v x v 3 ' 7'TH B;,OLp;: MAN.;"5' VvVh'v' gaze re oii miv hoary hair, : 'jvA:Ve children Vouinr :ihd..gav? 'i WIR pleacn. wotcm tm j. 4 "Si. BheAvhVn tle fliihtly couch was sdre : wciiltLDpw my, miani kihc, Am r)lce.hT !i;nd upon my s-V And kneeling r:iy for me. vButtheh; there i:ane aC fearful iyf t ; 1 sought mv rnother's bed.; " C Till harsh hands bore me thence away, vAnd told me slie was dead. ' I niiicic'a a tair wHire Kose, ana stoic !?Vt:vi.V;To:lavit. bV bet side, i--jTosft awildnud 4aywardVboy ; ?t VJjocorn'd tlie" cufb pf fear. ;v .Fierce passions sliook me! liice a"reedf " V . Yet..iere itnie-ht I sleot.? -V i fTjmt soft hand madrnv bosom bleed! reeled rny Blest Mother !was it thine ? t , .' In foreign lands I,tryellfd rile,.- iiv putse was ?o.inuing mgn, Vice spread her meshes at my side V With gent le fore e .it lay t And when it breath'd. a voice of card NAStronnr IJic; lowly.ou : ' My foniituy only-one beware!. 5 f f MNor sm against thy Got!.? , 4 fTKTs brW3the plumed lilm displayed , . nai piuucs uie warrior uirong, : ; Or b?autys thrlllVng finers, stray'd ' : Thes manly locks anibne-. ' j That hnllow'd tourh was 'ne'er forgo riAd. ..now'thotth timehath set ''!i.-4fi-p$,t3r-e"al upnn'.ny .JiV-njeHetnpe..feel it'yt t-::'' i And if I erein heaven appear, A mother's holy prayer r ; " ' A motWer'svhand, and'gehtle tear f . , That pointi-d to.a Sayiour dear, : '' I' .'Havei led the wariderer 'there. ' ; -fc'pF prtli: Carolina , rke Count jr; ; ; , - Cqt ol I Pleas ami .QijtarTerJ Sessions t February ; V- v- Tci n,182r. ' Delany Pollard ) :. - Cae. y. -Y; f;v ; ? 1 . . Ordered that judicial attach- ' Jbhr Page. - 3 m?n issue. . ' - - IIeyiel on 4..-Page'i fight ii a negra in the .hnnd AJgerviaud'Mhis ngbt in the lands of the V.i; late Jiiest 1 !ar'sfehl, deCU':-"-.- y.;tr f .'r: ':- ;lV'flaV'" the tlefend ftfianXreides'heyond the limits of this! State -V It Is theref'tn e rtlered that publication be nadef ip . the.Rid' igh Re ister for six eeks that unless the J, pcferulant co.rpea. fprMfard on or. before; the next Coifrt of Pleas and ftuarterjSessions to be held , for the Qpuntyof Vke at the Court jHoiise in i Raleifth.-pn the third. Monday of May next then and there toep levy. and plead to issue, the jiuhr '.' Went wiljf be niadeaf)sbhitei,. and the property v ;V3ey,!?d .on condemned subject to ' Plai utiftsi re f -cbvery; t W j Tcsff' r ' R. S KlN(i, (!. C. (TgITATeligib and very crornmodif irs Stoe, i r J vv)thr a larje, dry Cellar underneath, next ! door below1 1)oct. laywoods Office, oi 1 Fayette ' , ville.Street vAppjy tb.' the Subscriber. JNO. STIJART. Raleigh. 1 837. 51 4t mi , n tu t'resDVTcry ot urange, win me t at Mur L? freesbprbugh on, the third Thtu-sday in A- kfrll? next: ..'The5 stated .Clet k3ecrrefe ' tb;. inform1-' the' Rre- threnrahdthev'Cluitches liiSider the cre of tliis Rodr, tic all the. Rccor.h and the Papers of Presbytery1 Iks possession,) were consunuxl. m - his dwejjiivg" house n the firstj of Janj.s ry last. i -woii1d be'wpU' thefetbre jfor tbosel members yhb hive aiiV papers iii their jiossessibri, to bring ihenvlo'lhe'jiexl mcetincr. if--r'i'l:. 3 WITliERSPOOK ;V ; Stated Oikhk,, : 51- ' "' ' "I 7 .r i t otate oi j ortij-uaroima. 1 . 1 -r: . a ; - 1 ' - - t '- .Wakij County.1' : '; h . Court of Pjleas and (Quarter j Sessions .Februarv jfoflmton OrigibaJ if tachment, evied in i - ine. nanus i,.aron. utrgers. ana "' John King. be fwinnnoned as Garliish ee. JK T hVingvneen made appear to the Court, tb tt IB the Defendant. huVreimived beyontl the limits "" oi'the S'ateier, therefore ordeeI, that pubii " q ition ocrna, 111, ,ie iiaieiti negisier for six ;, wee,!1 S tliat unles the Defendant c6mcs forward on 01 bt-ttre the next Court of Pleas anil Quarter 'ft. SessjousVtd.be held fiir the- jCouniy. of '.v-4tce'at 'the. Ctiurt .;ifbuse-i Ralcigti,fon the thWT Monday s'bf Mav- iiexU' tlieii 'ailtt tji-ve to answer, replevy av.d rdtl tuiuet.tvdgment final will be enti-red . up,, a im Vthe-pirp. 1 ty- levied on '.condenned sub Meet to Plaiutiifs recovery. ; V ' i ry statecf Norths Oaioiiiiit: y 1 1 , VhtsV i.dtiiiry. ,:. 1 - :, y ', Coutt of Pleasxand tiuarter 'Sesions Fcbniary 'fl-yryy' y.iTprir; I8?7. ; I-" I ; i ' Stcplcn Jphns" jCte- uncial-attachment,.! or- J ' f J,f?;l;'-yTel amVvea.p.u the Ueft's. -I .ri'V' m '-y.itii ,-fright inme landswof the late ltv:yvniapVKing.JPnc linrthfil.l, decrhv -i j yB Tlmving beejm)de api4?r:hat thh Oefeiul r !!:...JS.Iant resides beyond ih hmits of thii State :-r 4 y i therefore orderelJhat publication; be made ' t 0? $n the Raleigh RegUterTfor weeks that unless "the Defendant comes forward' on br before' tire - V xt.Coiirt; nofi Pes , am) tler j Sessions, -4 lobe held iorjtheccountv of .Valr. h r-.h... UOUsJiii aucin IiW tile third M-rtfto . Tet V??1 iWe to teplevy and plead to d sue, the judgment u il! be made abs,h,teand I lv. t'.'l X " Irvusa condemned subject to intif - recovery - .Test, B.S. KfNGC.C.. 11 mi i T r 1,1 ii ' 1 - i i ... i a ' - ...si v-,i s kT had a mother once.y Jike you, i.vir. V er rnV pillow fArT ,;". ;:;,'K81 fromMiv crveWtbe' briny "dew -4 . . 4 Aim tnoucut stranire sieep engnain u. uei um, i cr vw iC '..v.v.U a X,wlv. r'eniarl. I " s t Car J, the projv-ciors, O C1tv:l-K7Tr,i: Kvy.M?. U af;it:An to these. contrlbi :i;hat eye; t.knelf me dwn invoe - V ; v iarninof our country, the - v , .An i sale i a ..loneiv vraver, , i - . . 1 , r r . '; ; Arel,' stiirmy tempi; seemM to glow .WAmt flown. 1 full and wept i U.A i' " tb' )p'ameMKe,-pro"ns' of'vit'ue brbwicbneearu-h , , ,. And pleasure bird my eye r .'.''firet stiirfW Aan soft nd coldi' ! Z ;v l'.MiitainJcV 'swiiy, "rV-'- v." As Therl amid mv'curis of p-old X',yy r ' ' -1. 1 hi ; TNT a' 'proposal for a new Journal, recent lyMssu 3 bv rqriectableJ house in'tNis city, it is Bta- that Vrr? has been frecfuently expressed, anI for IvoiiwonsideraWe time past," by . men of. 1 the hij;h8t literary anrt pr)tessionai ranit fu our. comrrmhity, tKaf ;P1iitidelpIiIat p'osessedfribt es rC in.r?Adiral wnrk'of a "isdlul arid perma- nent .charaie' erlevoted to polite; learningvaJ to all the branches of moral and political Science tn wMch' Amicana haV a particnlf interest I V m VW I This , state nent excuea no ju-uc ui iovwi mns of those whd. recollected that the Port F6!?o, h d' been published in this city tor up- wards of a qutrier ot a cenwiry, wmiasiwuT aim Ah.eiP. ftUt: T)uriorvthis er50d-t3 paees have been enriched by conmoutions, nov owy from v " men bfthe highest literary 5t protess'onui lm our,twn community, but jyom ; persons rank of that descri prion throughout the whole United cM f the Tlnlted States Travels in Frimce ancl Ceneva, in'2 vUs. SvoC by a gentleman of dis'inctioh in the South 4 Kssaj s oy a ritr,!. !nn.o n(hvn v,himc. bv an eminent lawyer in V rinia. Sr ; copious .ami . lauiiiMi .. its . numerou V biographical memoirs ot .aisvii miishrd Americans, that a gentleman of h.gh reputation, of thisVy,1 very lately sohcited per mission to emplov them in collection of Jlme,i- Ti-nfihv, about to be puOlisneu oy Messrs. IlUC I1C W. JUUI Mill. 1 . ... itions to the polite JW Foo has ren- ' . ! ' Z-A hnllitlp aid to he t inn Arts, Having- pur- lislietl several hundred ngravings,ou which larC sums have been expended. . . . While1 the Pott Folio .-pursued this long and successful enreer, numerous works of a similar chaVact erappearcl, whose editorship, was con fided to gentlemen of high reputation.- The literary.-and professional men of Philadelphia witnessed the rise of these enterprises and tney suffered them to descend to the tomb of all the Cahulets without expressing the slightest re- $?t.' The proprietor or ie run runw m-jr therefore be permitted toquf ion uie piupuc ty of th(f assertion which has elicited these re marks. ; ... .t-., - ' No one will denv the . right of establishing a newjournal dvoUd to science and polite litera ture. A" increased -int-rtest may be awakened bv competition whicji may be useful to all ; but but it is not liberal to do so by decrying others, or treating with s'iht those .who have been en gaged with advantage to the public in the sime iaudab'W pursuit.- The Port Folio has always fufnisheil a vehicle and invited contributions from all who were competent to adorn its pages. Instead therefore of a complaint that there is ho such meilium, it should have been that it is not sufficiently employed. The Public may rest as sured that notlng shall paralyze our efforts to preserve the character of bur Journal which it has so JnW maintained.' J Port Folio Office. rhiladelplaa wit . Subscriptions for .this work, received by Mr. Dasvel Peck, at the fost umce. 49 3tpd. ' ' - v - ' ' Navy Commissioner's Office, 12th March. 1817. lAi:e0 ah frame and promiscnou Timber JOT dfiips oj. inv iint) x'.rtguies y toiuups fBlHE Commissioners of the Navy will receive 1 proplr!ak until the 31ist day of July noxt, fdr furnishing Live Oak Timber, cut to moulds, ( which thev will funmh) for s'ups of the line, frigates flmd sloops of war, and the proportion of promiscuous Live Oak, cut to dimensions, that m.iy be required, say (5000 cubical feet for each ship of the line, 3000 tor each tngate, and 1000 for each sloop. The timber must be cut from trees grriww in situations not more than 25 miles from the -sea, deliverable at the, following build ing yavdis, viz, Portsmouth, N. H. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, and Norfolk, during the years 1 828,' 1829 and 1830, say on or before the 1st November of each, year. Persons offering will be ple ised to state parti- cularlv their terms per cubical foot,for any one of the frames, with the proportion of promiscuous timber required"; also, (should they be disposed to offer for more) their terms per cubical feet.for three frames collectively (one of each class.that is, a 74, a 44, and a sloop,)with the promiscuous tim ber, designating in all cases their prices for the frame of a ship of the line, of a frigate,' of a sloop and for promiscuous timber. The offers can be made deliverable at any one, or either, or all the yards above mentioned ; but the terms per cubi cal foot deliveraMe at each, (if a difference be made by the bidder) must be distinctly stated. It is to 1:lc understood, that the Commissioners will selejCt such offers, , and assign to each bid der such portion eff the timber required, (not less than one entire fi am e) and designate such yards for the delivery as they may judge-expedient for the public interest vand further, that no-money will at any time, under any circumstan ces, be.k'dvanced, and that none will be paid, until an actual, delivery of timber ; that bond, with two or more, sufficient sureties, for the faith ful discharge of any contract, will be required ; that tliQ. amount of such bond will be one third the estimated .aniount of the contract. Moreover, that as additional and collateral secu rity, ten per centum of the avails of each cargo will be reserved and1 withheld, until the contract shail be fully complied with to the entire satis faction t f the Commissioners ; and that, in all deliveries of timber; a -due, proportion of the most difficult pa:ts of the frames shall be deliver ed, otherwise, it shall be at the option of the Commissioners to withhold such amount, in ad dition to) the ten pe cent, above mentioned, as they .-.may judge expedient for the public interest, until such deficient: proportion of such difficult timbers shall-he delivered ; and it is further to be uiulerstpod, tint all payments will' be made at the places of delivery. r .Those who may offer to supply any part of tivs timherrare turi her requested to state parti cularly .their own residence, the names and resi dences of their sureties, to forward letters from such persons, stating their willingness to become sureties, and also to forward evidence of the com- petency for-w hie bf such persons as sureties to the amount they may become bound. All offers re t b0 sealed and directed to the Commission ers of the Nay v, and endorsed with the following wbrds, vjiz. '-wOffer to furnish Live Oak, under the advertisement of 12th March, 1827.';' Tie timber is to be inspected and measured accordmg to the rules established by the Hoard. a copy Ait wiucn may be obtained on application to the Nivy Agent either at Pensacbla, Savannah,' Charleston, S. C. Norfolk, Washington, Balti more, Philadelphia! New-York, Boston, cr ports momh,;.,H. - -.',., -yr i-,A , vAny bid not made ip Uniformity to this adver hsementi or,that may may not be received within tbe.tiiAe herein limited for r scejvingbids,' cannot be considered , , . , 41-taw-t3lJuly V t Cuurisellor at LawC 1 ATE! of Oranjre Count vJ has recentlv setlle JLJ himself at AVayrtesborough, and ' tenders his orojessioiiid servioes to tbe citizens of , .Wayne anct the atijacent counties. . . - 1" . - j , MarchH, 1827; .- - 48 6w 4 PRIN11NG In general neatl rexeWt'ed at this Office. , 1 Stutes.v rom its pagejHiave been seiecxeti sev- I eral distinct volumes of " -olid and pt-rmanent ari 5 i cnaractcr . svu:n iin- .... U-l. ' ftVr, !hv John Qu'nc' Ad ms,oV the pre- ':.Mu.t,1)&' Sold,:, v-. ; .1 ATY;AVAKB FOREST PJL ANTATIONVfertfle LiL and well improredcxteosiTely :' known 'as one of 'the. most "healthy beautiful and desirable places in ,the;State, sixteen miles. from Raleigh, onthe mail road from Raleigh to Oxford," and the much travelled roadtb Louisburg- and Petersburg-, rs again offered for Sale. -toill' positively hehild nt the lest offer if for riedr half it vdlue.t would be 3 most eligible situation for ' familv from the low country; .Letters addressed to the Pbsiinasier IFuke Forest; iV will he duly attended to, and ainie description ;of Jhe placfe and heighbor- CAtVlN JONES. ' Feb'y 21827. ;f 48 2wp. 2stc-v - Debates . firIE; Publishers of the 'Register of Dfbdtts are a. under the'disagreeable necessity of announ cing to their readers, that the publication of the Second Volume must now necessarily be defer red until afterthe "adjournment of the present Congress. ' It'was put to press in June last, and was confidently expected to be ready for delive ry in October, at furthest. It proved to be a much heavier work than was anticipated. An! acci dental circumstance caused an interruption' of its progress for ninety ' days; and; on resuming" it, we found that time did not allow of its com . Te tion before the close of this Session. More th n seven hundred pages, each comprising nearly the quantity of a newspaper column of small type,! are already .struck oil and tne wliole. volume will comprise, it is calculated, more than twelve hundred pages. . The delay of publication 'occa sions us a considerable loss, and to the patrons of the work no little disappointment. It cannot be avoided now, however, .and we. must bear our loss, and our friends their disappointments L with patience-endeavpiing to avoid a recurrence of like delay. , ; The volume now in the press, being volume If. will be Completed and published by the first of June next ; and volume. III: comprising the Debates, 'Laws, and State Papers, to which the present Session of Congress gives birth, shall be ready for delivery by the first of October, f So far from proving to be a work of profit thus far, br promising tb be for some years, the pub lishers find it a.losirttr enterprise, at present, and naye occasion ior an tne aiu or inose wuio uunit it valuable tb the country, or may find it useful to themselves. Orders for the work, therefore, from booksellers and individuals will ;ie thank fully received. GALES & SfiATON. 31111065, 1827. Ttie celebrated anil thorough-hred Race Horse, WASHINGTON will Staid at my Sta ble in this place the ensuing season, which will commence on the first of March and end on the fifteenth day of July, and, owing to ihe hardness of the times, will be let to Mares at the low priee of fifteen dollars if paid within the sea son ; twenty dollars payable on the first day of January next ; ten dollars the single leap, to be paid when the mare is coveredj ;:.and thirty-five dollars to insure, pavable when the mare is dis covered to be in foal or exchanged, with j one dollar to the Groom in each and every instance. Persons putting, or becoming respons ble; for a class of six mares, shall be entitled to the! sea. son of a saventh gratis. Good P sturage will be provided for Mares and grain &c. furnished at the market prices. Every care will be taken to pre vent, but. If will not be responsible for ecsapes or accidents of any kind." j Washington is a bright sorrel full fifteen and a half hands high, eight years old this spring, of great strength, power, muscle, bone & sinew; was got by the celebrated Race Horse Timolen, one of the best sons of Sir Archie, out of the famous running mare Ariadne, by Citizen, Wildair, Spa dill, Silver Eye, and thus unites in. himself the blood of Carolina, Reality, Vanity, Sir Archie, CitizenPacolet &. Monsieur Tonson But read the following certificate from the most eminent sportsmen of the country, as to his blood & per formances. ; j We, the undersigned having been in. the habit of seeing and ing horses for a time past, take pleasure in rendering justice to the stallion Washington. " His runs, two, three and four mile heats, have distinguished him as a racer of the first osder. The runs of Ariadne, his dam, gave her a high station on theTurf,& the raceof his sire, Timoleon, are acknowledge d by all to have been among the best ever run, & the colts of Timoleon heretofore, and particularly this fall, have not only been, ood but great.-. Given un der our hands this 16th day of November, 1826. '.Wm. R.'Johnson, William Wynne, Wm. West, A. A. Wyche, . N. Gee, I Thomas McGehee. Henry M. Clayj James J. Harrison, Robert R, Johnson, John Worshami Arthur Taylor, Washington's first colts were dropped last tifi- spring and that they are excellent will be ce ed by Col. Robert H. Jones, Mr. Wm. T. Wil liams-Gen. Robert R. Johnson, Mr. James Sti- mervll, MrPeter R. Davis and all others who have seen them. PETF.R MITCHELL. Warrenton, Feb. 6th 1897. Twin Lever Cotton Press. I HAVE this day sold to Mr. John C. Stedman my Patent Right for the State of North -Carol in a, to whom all aoplications will in future be made. CHARLES WILLIAMS. February 21, 1827 ' , j , TlIE Subscriber having purchashed the Right for the State of North-Carolina, of the TWIN LjEVKR COTTON PRESS, will dispose of indi vidual HitjhtA on the origihar terms. County or District Rights on reasonable "terms. This Press being now prettV generally known, iti&deeroed unnecessary to say any thing' iiY commendation of it, sb it has met the approbation of all who have witnessed its operation. ' Persons desirous to use this Press would do well to prepare the timbers, (a bill of which will be furnished on application,) in order that they may season before put up J. C. STEDMAN. Raleigh, Feb. 22, 1827. 41-w6t ! TXmU 33DiRS; J. GALES ec bur nave just received the following: The Atlantic Souvenir for 1827, published by Carey &. Lea, Philadelphia. . - Foiget me not, for 1827, published by A iker man, London. . ; - York Town, or a historical romance, dedicated to General Lafayette, 2 vols. . v t - - Lady, ot the Manor, by MrsiSherwocd,3 vols. vRoivIett's Tables of Discount or Interest1 new edition, 182G. .'.. ; ( , I A treatise on Physiology applied to Patholo gy, by F. J. .VI Brbussais, . M. D. translated trom the French, by John 3elU M.. D. v The influence, of . Tropical Climates on 'Euro pean ConstitutionSf'bethg a treatise on the 'prin cipal i diseases incidental to Europeans : in the East arid West Indies, Mediterranean and Coast of Africi by James Jphnson.M. D. s : .A Treatise on the diseases of Females,' by Waj P. Dewees, Si; D.:of Philadelpha.t? v:' v ; Lexitripn-Medicum OiHMedicl Diction,.new edition,' 18i26, by Robert Hooper. M.-D fourth American from fifth Londou edition. ; aialeigl), March 5,-IBZTi :h ,,44 Selling rrjHE tockof Charles vStuarf,. consisting pf a laving been 'on hand s "more" than nine- months, and .the: very reduced prices at which they will be sold rwill-nake,it aii object, for those yishing bargains to call. , "- - : ' . ' ' -Raleijrli: Feh.7 '-' - : 37 -Z ? J f ' Notice.- iTriE'Piblic are informed that the Drawing jbf I i- J -the pjrford .Academy Lotjeryi; thirq: ' Crass, will not take nlace-,. Holders of tickets are re quested to return them and-receive tickets 'm other Lotteries or the cash r f To prevent-Unnecessary: .trouble, theyf will please return them to he Agent or Vender from whom they w;-re purchased. " " ; IrATtib 6t 1IN l ,x Itti, Managers. Feb. 25. 42 By his Excellency, II. G.; Jhirtoju Gover nor of the.Stjtteof ' North-CarolhuL ) : WHERE AS !it satisfactorily appears tn me, that ne JOEL MITCH P.LL has commit ted a murder on the bbvty of l&iles IfafJilamX has subsequently fled beyond the limits of the. State". Now therefore know ye, that the aboe reward will be given to any person or persons who shall apprehend the said Mitchell, and have him com mitted to the jail in Halifax county,' in the State aforesaid, or to some other jail, 'pa that he may be brought to trial.- The civil and military au thorities of this state, are heieby required to aid and assist in tne apprehension and detection of the said Mitchell. Mitchell is a free man,.qnite black, about five feet 3 or 4 inches in height square built, and walks in rather a stooping po sition, with his head leaning to one side; lias lost one of his fore teeth, talks fine and rather through the nose, complaisant when spoken to, by trade a bricklayer and , plaisterer, about 45 years ; of age, but looks younger. - in testimony wnereor, 1 nave causea ine great seai 01 . xncaiaie 10 De hereunto affixed, and . signed the same at Ralei-h, the 19th da v of March, 1827. 11. G. RUR I'ON. By the Governor, . ' . . Johx K. C amtbt.-lij, P. Sv-c'y. Qr" The Richmond Enquirer, Petersburg In telligencer and Norfolk Herald, will insert the anot e weeKij , ior eieriu. weeKs. .. , .. Office of the Amihican Pahner, Baltimore, Friday, Feb. 23, 1827- WE wish tu t every friend of this Journal should understand, and that they would have the kindness to make jt known, that to any one who will procure four subscribers, avd remit 'on their account $20 we ..will 'send a fifth copy pf the American Farmer, without charge or, any One who will procure five subscribers, will be al lowed to retain $5, on his remitting the remain ing $20. We bet;- also to repeat, tiiat all which is necessary to be done -by any one, wishing to subscribe, is to enclose a five dollar note by mail, at the risk of, and uddre sued to The Editor of the Imerican Farmer Jialdriore and whether the money tie receiveu or not. tne paper win ue tor-; warded immediately, and the. actual receipt of each number of the volume will be guaranteed by the Editor. . " The American Farmer is published weekly, by J. S. Skinner, Postmaster of lialimore, printed on fine pa -er, the size of ordinary newspapers, folded so'as to make 8 pages ; about one-half or four page?, devoted toprac:ical Agriculture; the remainder to Inter .al Improvements, Rural and Domestic Lcommny ; selections fr housekeepers and female readers, and Natural History and Rural-Sports.' A minute index and title pate to the whole volume is published, and forwarded with ast number of each volume. A' single number .will be sent to any one who may desire to aee a Specimen oi the publication. - . . - The American Farmer is circulated '.through every state and territory, and is written for by ma- ivor ine mosi aisunguisueu practical tarmers in tlie Union. . ' ? -6w. ' J. S. SKINNER.. Coac talcing, UVgs, &c. THE subscriber haying employed On of the . best and most experienced workmen, from Newark, N. Jersey, as Superintendant of his Shop, and having bid in a well chosen stbck'of materials in New-York and Philadelphia, he will furnish those who may want any thing m his line, as low as they can be purchased at any regular shop north of this, He has on hand a handsome assortment of Carriages, Gigs and Harness, of almost every description; some of which are now finished, the rest in a state of forwantness ; all of which will be sold at reduced prices, for cash, , or ne gotiable paper. The work, in every instance, will be handsomely .finished, and warranted tb be well executed. Orders are solicited. TUO. CORES. ' Raleigh, N. C. Jan. 1827. CAPITAL PRIZES. 24r.G00. 10.000 DOZ1I1ARS. , Nevv-Yrk Consolidated Lottery, C!ass No. 1, for 1'.. 7. '".." Sixty Number Lottery Nine Drawn Ballots. SCHEME. . ; ; . - 1 Prize of S24.000 18 824,000 10,000 4,000 1.865 10,000 , 10.000 10,000 . 5,100 . 5,100 3.825 1 1 1 10 20 50 51 102 153 .1530 11475 . 10,000 4,000 1,865 1,000 . 500 200 100 .50 25 12 6 18.S60 68,S50 1 050 TIZCS. ' S171,100 ot 1 ickets. Whole, S6 Half, $3 Quarters, $1 50. Orders from the Country (post paid) will meet witn prompt auenuon; it audressed to . ; YA PES ,& NPINTY'RE, Italeigh or Fayettemlle, N. C. V Tickets in all the NORTH ERN LOTTE. RIES of respectability can b had at the North ern prices at either of our. Offices for -Georgia, North or South-Carolina Bank 'Notes, and the Prizes of those Lotteries always received in pay- ment for tickets, or the Cash pakl for them on demands " ' , , Raleigh, March, -1827 V v - : - , ; - ,.v JOtlCie. 1. fir-,! THE'Certificate for 40 Shares of the Stock of the Bank of Cape-Fear, . in the name of Alex ander D. Moore, being lost," applicatiohVill be made for the renewal'of said Certificate 'at the expiration of three months from this, date.y ' . v' REBECCA MOORE, VAdmuustriitTh: of v ? u". ..- . v:; .; -:A. D- MOORB.'v"" 1 - ' : J: Gales and Son : HAVE jiist received W fresh supply of Uie i ATLANTIC . SOUVENIR, ' ahd FORGET MElfOT for 1827,. iThe Eugrarings which adorn tnese Aastetul works, to say vnotnuigoj the j udict ous SeletUoris. and the "interesting" original mzU . '.general- assortment pi winter amf summer ,d6odi; Will poRitiyelybe soldatcot;& charges. The goods at e ' cfe'neraliy ;hew, none 'cfruhem I J ter, arct4)'yworth the price of the Uook. v ' A POCKETrBbOKMlSST 7ir.n?I -ST .trayelJiBg'bnhc read to rav Rook'contamincr nnw'rd5i p;ft i".n Rank Notesi-one waVa $20 note oHl iVS Newbern. - the Kdane.e "ten nnA . K confained ajetomm -ndation frbrri Mssrs. r &. Son, as to my so .riety and industrv,.a nr; not ice to attend muster an I . other paperJ will shew to whom the Book belongs. As tV " was all tlie mcmeyT possessetl, I hope' the Wnir w'1!.f!ecrint.erestedln fts heing again restored , tne, and 'should any negro or suspicions wv, person offer a twenty tlollar note at anv'nf A . - - w tup as above stated. DAVID (BKAYMEI. X Ralegh, Feb. 19. THE NEW YO H K M IUROu; 'And XaitiesJLiteraru 'Gazelle. "- JLDITEO BY . GEORGE JMORRts. Here shall voung gejuus wingt hi.s eagle fhW j f.J. .1. .v: 1 r k- . fa''. " men ticw-uiupa uuatviiiij irwui iqs pmrries of light.'- S the. Mirror will? soon complete its for ." 5'ear, the editor ,1 tin seasonably nresen - himself before his numerous and .highly respeC table'patrohs and the public, with sentiments ol profound respect, and.a deep sense of the obligv ions which are imposed upon him. ,"Tb say that his revi'ard and encouragement have, far execetj ed hik high expectatiorisi but be but: a dir.tex. pression of his feelings for the pleaisure pi those feelings isvnmeBisiirabry heightened whec he reviews the tiames of jjiose. who-make upthc great portion of his stippbrters. Tfi . be distir,. .guished with the counteTiancey ind favoiir of the j wise and virtuous,' is at all times rlattering..to the I pride of any manY but to a young man, ita!!(h!j :a charm too great foe" language td express. m Vry motive; 'therefore,'- Which yspring from the strongest impressions of, honour and grj.titu will be called forth, not: only to preserve, bu to 'improve the character, of a publication so kindly -fostered, -aud so frenefoslyysupporte(L Ve have unremittingly endeavoured; and shall here after go on with increase;! zeal in our endeavours, to cull from the: varied fields of literature, tte cliiicest ' and most fiagrarit flowers, is a just, though humble tribute, to our fair readers With a view to render the Mirror still more ac ceptable and valuable, we propose, on the.com-m- ncement of the fifth year,' and to continue it with each returning quarter, to arebmpany it with a splendid Engraving, executed iii the finest style of which the state of the aft in this ccuntrr will admit. It is intented to present,.in succei sion, the most accurate Views of our principal Public . Edifices, followed by .correct historical . Descriptions, so as to preserve a knowledcre of tne period ot. tneir tound-tion, ot 'the uses to which thev are applied, and of such other cir cumstances connected with them, as may be worthy bf preservation. y , ; ' ; ' To tht. se who may, wish more fully to under-. stand the character of the work, & to commence their subscriptions' on the. opening a new volume, perhaps it is proper to say, that it is devoted (though not exclusively) to the! following sul- jects::. . .'!' .' ;- " . Orip-inal .Moral Tales either fictitious, - or founded on events of real life-! in the United States of America. y The Censor comprising a series of numbers pathetic, satircal, mdral humorous &c. deno uiinatedlhe Little Genius. : t ' '. i?wew-of publication's, foreign or domestic. Grii-infrl -fis$atfs-oti literature; morals, history, voyages, travels, American antiauities. thefkiit arts, &c. '.' y - - Female Character manners, beauty, dress and education' ;y ' ' .-. -. : - - . Jliriericdp' ffiotrraphy- or historical sketches of the livesof such persons, oft both sexes, as hafe become celebrated for their heroism, virtue, for titude, talents, patriot isin, 8cc. ' : - Literary Intelligence pr notices of ne w. publications-:-y. ,:-v y''yi'.y '-''V- ':' : The Drama comprising strictures on the Nctr Yorkjstage. -'' , ' y f ' . :J)esvltory Selections--v?iih occasional remiirVs. - Anecdotes humorous, literary t historical, &c Passing events "of the week. 'l . " .' . Poetry -original and, selected ; Together with to any other miscellaneous sb- lectsJ whieb 5t wn1rt h nimcppturv r.nw !nnii. merate. " ,; '"".:-y - 'i ": :'." i . V': 1 . The Mirror is published every Saturday,, for. the proprietor, by Daniel .Fanshaw, at the Ame rican Tract Society House, No. 87, Nassau-st. 'The terms are Four Dollars per annum, payt ble in .advance. .. ' " " . ! , ' Nea,-York February, 1827 :. " . - : .' ' : - : 1 '' r Subscriber, j wbo has pre sided several years in public Seminaries, is desi rous to superintend an Academy in some healthy .part of North-Carolina.? Satisfactory testimonials of character and competency can be produced. Letters f post paid) directed'to . Raleigh, will be THO. L. RAGSDALE. - ' ' 1v- : 41-tfl Feb. 15i 1827. Valuable" Property ;for Sale. , . . ; ' t-.t ' -i' j I"': T SHALL offer for sale to the higliest bidder, on Tuesday, the 17th day ofj April next, at the late Dwelling House of Dr; -Jasper Gillett, dee'd. in Wake Cownty the whole of the pro perty belonging to the esate, of said deceased, except the Lands - at 'Negroes, wh;ch will be sold privately, f providetk suitable offers should be. made. The property' consists of valuable Household Furniture, all of which is new and of excellent. quality j two yafuable Gig Horses; S tock of Cattle," Plantatibn utensils, and Kite en Furniture x a1 parcel of Corn, i Fodder ; Ba con, and Brown Sugar. A shop of Medicine, with shop Furniture; a viluable Library of Books, consisting of Medical, Historical 8c Misfeelbr.eo Works ; one Gig and Harness; one Sulky j three valuable Negroes, to wit,' one Man, and two likf lyyyoung ' Women ; about 150 'acres of La! I1, with a vrv comfortable Dwelling House, new and well finished, withiconvenitnt out houses." allof which are new.. . Judging from the patron age which the late Dr. Gillett received at n place, tiiefe can be no doubt but this is one cj. the best stands for a Physician in all this pa"1 c the country. ' Ttrms of sale twelve months crp ...w, n.....n . security before ? the property 13 changed.; sale'to continue frbm day to day until all iss - v. - -v x i f: J --vf y JOEL KING, Executor- . - Wake County,' 5- ?Ci.n , r March24, J827. 5 rff V DRAWINGS. 1550;' 51,-49, 1, 44, 2C, 5. HE above are the drawn numbers in k 1 t.l...- W T ntt.rtr 6th C'aSt' wbirh mve nur Office the sale of a consiaer- - portion of the Capital Prizes No. 15, 30, 5 il. entited tn $10,000 1, 4449. to$5,00r-l8,' The Drawing of the Maryland State Lottery Ndr 10; i also received, in which we Pve5o been fortunate in the f disposal C P"ZC 7881 drew -the Capital, of. $10,000, o, $5,000, No 3376,1,000 t Ny 4742 1,000. 16291 $1,000 ; No--16227 $1,000 ;. ho. W also al.000.? H olders of Prizes are : requested to, them for: payment, or receive- Tickets .in v J Lotteries see advertisements- y 1rrLKY I . . v YATE" EOtelNTYKC .y stores or shops in Raleigh, information will nW beyconveyed immediately to Mr, Green BohKn I . had the Book in Raleigh on Saturday, and di not discover 1 fiat 5t u'mc niil inmt - " ' -- .Ml IIIH'KPT "A" aleighi.Marcl) 17, 1827; J " ; ' T : u- ' t - .'v , - .' ' i. - -