- ) i ... 3r. "5 4, -0, 1 e ;f a 7- a- to;' ft,: re .-. of ii J- f police. f V 'OzuJ fcdvin? iriveri his note of hand i' it'lrv rll'trrv for twenty seven doltar ,.pfiii -r - . i.Jijrt'ftutl una ne is aeicnmneu ."V ' i L tA rv- Tntonthsn TTt1v. I. 55. due lst January 182T Tins r I2.rn all persons from purchasing or trad- tmp rtlficate for 40 Shares ofS 4hC Stpclt of VJO1 FeaVinthe ?w MtM: a. d; moors:' - - ipKCrFUlr ofiersVuT proton. flcesWthejc He may fonn! ;1wt Store. Mr I ' -, shop on Fayettevflle Messri. W. C ana n. fucker's Store, v h j ; . ' Isj rAT vmrs intmiblic Seminaries; is desi- ; KWo penmend;laheademy in sortie healthy 'part of North-Carolf i. v. Satisfactory testimonials aiid cointpetency can be produced. Letters ( post paid) directed to Ilaleigh, will be - Momptly noticed THO. L,.RAGSD ALE. r - J": Gales and Son 111., ...1 HTrAVrVjust. received fresh supply of the 'MjJ ATLANTIC iSOUVENIRi and FORGET ' uP.fJOT.forl827. The Eirravtnc:s which alorn t these Jastefiil woTfeiio say nothing of the judici- ter. are lujly worth '-thie-price of v the Book. t.-. , - Raleight March X827., v-- ' v - . ; '-T aa selections, ami iinc incrv.K- SilXXB 1 AS? AUCTIOBI. iugi,V1v i h 12th tlav of May next." at 9 f I rt'clock in th forenoon, at the Store of Mr. Charles Stuaftl will be sold, his remaining stock 'Scf Gooasr-Termsi casn..-;:,rl-tH-;. - r By order of the Trustee, - 1 . Auctioneers. i April 2S," ft r 60 tds Statelbf vtirtti-Carolina, ;"V,'lPiii;Coiintj. John C. G0ode, J '- : - . 1 . : .i In Equity. " . . K,: Charles L., Jeffries.P p V' ' f T appearing; satia'actorily tbthe Court,: that 1 ",th- defendant. CXud. L. JefTries, is Pot an n- ;;? ; habitant of ; this State It is orderetf, that publi- cation be made for six weeks in the Raleigh ,f -Register;. Notifying nijn, that, unless he appear ' ; within the three first diysof next Term commence , ing the M Monday dafti?r the 4th Monday in Sep - terader ijext, and plead, answer or demur ; the ff 'cbmplinant's biU will.be taken pro confesso a BRAGG, C; M. E. . ;b- ' 60 ;:4 L April 25. 1827. 6 - cbmmodiotis two story Dwelling House, eli gibly situated,! having attached to it, all ne cessary out houses and I a fine garden. " For terns f. appy to Je-Editor of te Register."" ' i Raleigh; 'April7! tld27.. 55- TltUS r SALE. BY virtue of a Deed jof Trust executed to the Subscriber by MiUington Richardson; that lot Aground known in the plan of. the City of Ra. leigh as No. 167, late ttifc residence of said Rlch antson, and containindone quarter.of an" acre, "Uill be ; exposed on, Monday, the 2lsf day' of nay, at public sale, ; at t lie Court House in Rul eigh. Terras UasiIJ. T'if P. DEVEREUX. .April 9th, 1827V ':j , 55-6w : OTICE. B Y virtue of a Decree of the Court of Equity for, the County of Wake, made at the last term, 1 wUl offer at public auction, before the Court House door in the City of Raleigh, on the third Monday of May ejisning,' that being Court day a tract of Lauid, late the property of William OliVe, dedllying pu thfe waters of Reedy Branch, ana contkimng eighty t -ahcres. : Terms of sale, m:iTc moniRcrertit, cne 'purctiaser executing 6ond with good Security. 1 v -i .: 'i II. M MILLER, C.-& M. April 7th, 1827.1 ' 55 6 w Managers offices, Raleigh &i Fayetteyille, N. C. 1 IJaion Canal Lottery, 28th Class. 10. 8. I3i 30L 48;H5. 38. 31. , The above are 'the wawn for determining t xxumoers - w lich the were Union le prizes in Caiial Lottery JSthfjHlals - U entitle c to the prize . i . . . bf 510,000 ,2,000 1,500 1,2V6 w. 30. 48.' 15. 31. ' 10. 13: S5. Many of thnonWul r4i. 7 K- above J,ot- we naye again hat! J ? atnon our fPen(js, who we request to come forward and i L rl VATEf Mc IN TYRE, Juierj. Y virttiA r- vj'iJ ;.t ;.i.: 1 " ot Niri!i,.i.t::. .l . i " lt ' il , wL," nein depeiUhpif between Robert SltfndTh vife Suuina, as complainants. SJon.lL Tunstall defendant J 1 ball of. Ihat K n first'.Monilay: of iuie next. f oor for th, b-f ore the. Courthbu $e Ule t J f mt Northampton, a very va We tract of land! sitrid I e lvL Kf. i.. hereof ai c ve,ldanf aresaid.bc no 'much Wlfi tiS Wh '"rest from the 1st WMi ,UI,4iiV together with the1 costs of J- ' - . .' . . .1) ;. ' v i . . crm of saleCash.1 rL-v S-f w-Irobards, c; sJc; : jC thl lit term wt?V ? ;P:tt;-fwlll le pubhshed. tn ' S.i 'w ho wisl VMfcut ;tu.thwttl b. ttbfiiTn. ti. i , V K mnety-iinee acres, iS e l0t Iuud dw by N. J dreys S aT lhc Simorl Jefireys reai & sold to revton 'r r 1 TlecebtlyPablisbecl, MJNn"for 'sale,, by'J4 Gale &;Sonf Raleigh, XA Hevisal of the Laws of the State of North Carolina. passed from J182 1 to 1625.5 both years inclusive, withr Marginal Notes and .References. t .Price $"2. i x ' k t:V h.-A-'April 7i ;s yj W holfsale' Perfii mery4 ! I ; r Htj V SMITII PREKTIS 9. ,N( , 12. .Exchange 41 atretofTers to foreign noerch ants,-druggists JStcieir1 supplies of all articles in th per fumery linei t;His"gd6j3 1 af e of the best qualityi and i$is pricei lowfTher Consist of Fancy S op ir all their variety of form; style, and qual itv V Otto of Roses, by the ounce; and in -small ipilt bottled : ; Cologne 4 Water ; Lavender do: Honey dbj Esprit de "Rose j Essences ana J fcx tracts,! assorted m boxes ; 'Macassar . Oil i: An tique do. Bears' do 1 Pomatum, in ' pots' & rolls $ TotK, Powders ; Perl do y Vegetable Rouge JIair powder. Powder Boxes, and Powder Puffs ; EPrentisslfmir stded;-JRaor Straps ; N Smith Prentiss .elastic do. hair clothes, teeth, nail, hat, shaving,- and comb Brushes ; Shaving Boxes ; Cotirt Ptaister Durable Ink ; Milk 1 of Roses ; Cold Cream-f Almond Paste ; Lip Salve ? Rose Water 5 Soda , antl Seidlits? Powders ; Visiting Cards and Card Case Packet Pooka ; FINK SCISSORS. Of the last mentioned article, his stodk is probably superior to any in the. city, and his prices'timisually low. j ; Q Orders promptly executed, and packed with care.V v . --.v "' ' "::"- ." - New York, April 8, 1827., . ; ' 62 'v , h y'i'i Jailors Xptice. ; lAKEN up and corn mitted to the Jail in Smith- I- field. Johnston County a neero man, who says he is free and that his jname is Humble ton Ilarriss ; tnat tie was oorn in uinwiaaie county, Virginia, and raised near Tarboroiigh in this State ; that ne is pari inaian. 1 ne saia iciiow is about six feet high, bright: copper colour, and hair very black, and Inclined to be straight s he had for his wife, when Jtaken,a white woman, who said she was raised in Wilkes county. The said fellow followed for a livelihood, while in this county, the humble occupation of a ditcher, as well as the more lofty one of casting out witches, and.healng those that were poisoned. If he is a slave, the owner is requested to prove him and take him. If he is free, it is hoped, that some person who knows the fact, ( will make it known to the sa:isiaction of the subscriber as soon as possible. - ALLEN S. BALLENGER, Sh'fTV May 2, 1827, 62-3 w TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1827. Ifuus King. -The latest New-York pa pers announce the death of.this distinguish ed citi.en, which occurred in that city, on tKe 29th uU From an early" period of his life, Mr. King has occupied public stations of the highest honor and importance, and has uniformly discharged the trust confid ed to him with ability andj integrity. We shall publish in our next paper an obituary notice of him Chantry V 'Statue of Washingtox has been received at Huston, for which place it is desigqed, by the ship London Packet, from London. " ' i - - ' - ' ' - : . Execution. Joseph Sollis, who was con- it i vu m. me last ierm or the superior Court for Duplin County, of the murder of Abraham Kornegay, underwent the sen tence of the law on Friday, the 27th ult. The subjoined account ha? jt-n communi cated to us, with u request that it may be published : An immense crbwd of people assembled to witness a fellow creature launched into eternity. This is a sight the Very contemplation of; which requires more than masculine fortitude ; I was therefore surprised to see a largje portion of the spectators females. I have been heretofore in fa vor of public executions; I thought they did much good, by exhibiting to public view the fa tal consequences of guilt. Hut from what I have seen here, at the execution, ami the subsequent yv.iw.bfc u nn. biuwu in nir evening, i am sansn ed tin )' have a contrary effect. No doubt exists on my wind, that the end intended t by a public, would be better answered by a private execution. Atter the clerical gentlemen I had done what they conceived to be their dutyj the Sheriff told the criminal that he had but a few moments to live, and that if he had any thing to say to his friends or the public, now was the time. He ob- Lserved, in a strong tone of voice, that he had nothing to say more, than he would not be in this fix but for Kornegay.V He was admonished by a humane gentleman present, not to die with malice in his breast ; to which he replied, " Kor negay was in fiuilt, he began the affray, he was to blame for all." He then with a firm step mountt-d the scaffold ; the sheriff tied the rope, pulled the cap over his eyes, and cut away-, the scaffold. From the want of proper caution in tying the rope the feet, of the criminal came to the srroiind &. broke the fall. He remained in this position (partly -lianging and partly standing) groaning -in Uie greatest apparent agony, ' for about seven minutes. ! All was now in confusion the crowd murmuring, and nothing doing. The sheriff himself appeared completely unman ned, and incapable of making any exertion to put the unfortunate man out of pain. At lenfrth a gentleman present, took up a piece of plank, pushed back the rope and suspended him in this position about fifteen minutes. A medical gen tleman present observed "he ws coming. to life." On hearing this, the sheriff had hira taken up and pitched off the scaffold again, and ended ms sunerings. l Upon the examination of a lad at Bait i- more, a few days sinceupori a charge of setting fife . to a lumber yard, it appeared that he was induced to perpetrate the act loathe purpose of getting liquor which usu ally accompanies the engines; when called into service. - : The followinz statement exemnlifies how near perfection the enterprize of our citi zens has brought internal navigation. This paragraph we take from a BaJ timore , paper, which contains the N. Orleans Price Cur rent and shipping News of the 31st Afarqh, copied froiu the Cindnnati Register f only 23 days from r the 1 time it' was issued ' at , New.OrleahsV'- ' : V ' ",; :, ; ,77ac JPes'tl against the IForldiThi Steam Jot 'Jjecumsehx has just arrived at Loulsvillefrom. Orleans, Ju. nine days, Jbur ItJurs-j ; Iwviog lost one " whale nighty and m miles.- rThTecuKisek ..passed s thirtcsn boats on the way. -Itnyiirbe recollecjeii, that whhin a very few years, 'the .citizcrii of. Louisville ifaVe that eDterbrizinr'oi3cer, crave that enterprutins: CitDrSHBEfivi a nublic dinner, for per forming the trip,iri tweatj-five days' i' '? p New Hanover tSuperior Cotcrt.Scyefr al criminal prosecutions'excited much in terest,' atthis;Court;rThe;ca and Jim, indicted ;6r.fe!brii9S9were nnj' ed ; the former, to the Superior Court mf 4 pampson, wnicn is now in session tne latter, to that of BraoswickJosepH Bryan was convicted of grand larceny arid J??Xj tenced- to receive ;30! jashes,iwhich Jvr carried into execution.'; On Saturday,' the last day of the session, came on the trial of Archibald Jolinston, a colored man, ' for concealing on board the Brig Sally Ann J bound for Boston, thereby to assist his es cape, a mulattti slave, named Frederick, an offence. made pu nishabl e with death. Much time was consumed in forming a jury, the prisoner exercising his fight of challenge,! in numerous intances. The prosecution was cohdticted by the Solici tor for 'the. State and Will iam B. Meares Esquire ; and the prisoner was r defended by John D. Toomer, and Joseph A. ; Hill, Eqsuires. The Jury retired from the box at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and contin? ued in consultation until within a few rnin- utes oi lm o'clock, F. M. when being sent for by the Judge, thej stated that; thev could not agree on a verdict. The le?al duration of the Court being on the eve of terminating, by the lapse of time, his Hon or the Judge, discharged the Jury ; and re manded the prisoner to jail, to await his trial, at the next term. Several State ca ses of minor importance, were disposed of. Very little business was done on the Equity side of the Court. We did not attend to Court, but we are informed that the demeanour of Judge .Martin' was such, as to give general satisfaction. ! Itecorder. 'Manslaughter. A curious trial came on at the last Columbia circuit court. Capf. Moore, of the steamboat Olive-Branch was indicted for manslaughter. A Mr. Dickie, while the hands were lowering the boat to take him ashore, was thoughtless enough to jump in and capsise her. and he was drowned. They might just as fell have indicted the man that built the boat or the farmer who grew the hemp for the tackle as Capt. Moore. Of course he was acquit ted. Beware of counterfeits Ten Dollar Bills of the Newbern Bank, Letter D. pay able to S. Watkins, date 5th July, 1819, are in circulation. The execution is such J as might deceive the most experienced the plate is nearly a fac simile, and j the filling up uncommonly well done, though the ink perhaps is not so dark as that used in the genuine JN otes. As these Bills con stitute our principal currenc', the public will of course be on their guard. ; Pet. Int. SOUTH AMERICA. A proof sheet from the office, of the Mer cantile Advertiser, contains the following intelligence from South America : - i New Fbrkf Mondaif, Jlpril SO. -r A Bogota paper of the 18th of Februa ry, (received by the Athenian) contain an official letter from Christoval Armeno, the Colunibian Envoy in Peril, to his Govern ment, detailing the insurrectionary move ments of the Columbian troops in Lima, the substance of which is, that the superi or officers left in command by Bolivar, had been removed and sent home. The troops had renewed their oath of fidelity to the old Constitution, and had retired from Lima to a neighboring town, to wait the directions of their Government. A revo lution in the Government of Peru, in the same spirit, had taken place ; new officers, appointed provisionally, were managing the Government, until the meeting of the Congress, and every thing was tranquil. The letter is dated at Lima, 28th January. Mexico. We are favored with papers from Mexico City to the 1st of this month, brought by the Eliza. It appears that a revolt broke out about, the 10th of M;rc!f at Durango, the capital of the State of that name, instigated, it wa said by a Priest named Arenas, whose emissaries had ser duced the troops to unite in a project for obtaining certain reforms. , The troops had gone so far as to arrest the Governor of the State, and to dissolve the local Legis lature, but it floes not appear that any blood had been shd. Placards had been posted, calling for the son of I turbid e to govern the country. The General Gov ernment was adopting; measures for.the suppression of this insurrection, which did not appear to excite much alarm. . The Generals of Division, Negrete and Etha vari i, (Spaniards) suspected of being, a bettors of the revolutionary project, had been arrested and committed to prison. ' ! The Mexican House of Representatives had approved of the Treaty recently con cluded with England, and it would be confirmed by the Senate. , T From Carthagena. Captain Shipman, of the Athenian, arrived at New York, who left Carthagena on 4th inst. states that the country was considered in rather an unsettled state.' r The British residents had sent a requisition to the Admiral ;.at Jamaica, for a vessel Mof, war. to .be, seqt down for the protection of tliei r. property. The apprehensions arose more immediate ly from the troops being sometime withou t rations," than from the dissensions ,exi sting amon? ths chiefs. ' . - . . Account have been Jrecelved of the late the CoIurabiah iVmy in that cbuntrji who declaredagainst'JBoliyar'liad been fsent prisoners to Bogota:. . v7' A v - i Aiic cjicuiu-ijoai, jjouvarnauarriveu irom HaranquilU; with 500 barrels of the carn of. the bri Burro WS which vessel was to- tallr losf aud sold aa she lay ; Th0 Steam boa t Aroaori am ved ;25 th f.larch, from .Para-; --.;r'- -'. ' .n"r -J; - Extrdcivf a leVter.JCarihasenaJfartK 51. V, Our. marker is ma perfect state of stag I nation., bverynne seems at a togs as to what maytake place. - It is' known that Bolivar andSaniander are ;nmy decidedly Jop nents.' rAVeillbtyecommend the.ship- ment oi any tningT nor,rf; w .win, .to see property,;: introduced therei We give r no. quotation because it is tmpplitic o fir a Value, or to knoWwhelhewenajrlnof in a month hence have, to leave the country ? " v.r '' r: '- J--i" .- .'t f .r , - $4J?roh C aracc A's.We1 ha ve from C a raccas a Spanish handbill, datei the- 2l instant, under the head of , White, Flag,' and signed One of.Man-,!'; in. which the a- doption of the Bolivian Constitution given to Perufcs strenuously recommended as the only refuge of Colombia from7 political shipwreck.A7flC Gaz O- ,' We have private accounts from Laguira of the, 5th instant,' which repfeserit Bolivar as aiming plainly at the'Dictatorship nayf that he i already in fact Dictator, making I a ws, proclamations, V &.c. to suit his 1. oyfn views, and. none daring to gainsay them; The Constitution appears to be laid 'aside. The troops in the interior were deserting daily with their arms, and forming. them-1 selves' into small pillaging parties. In the neighborhood of.. Barcelona, the negroes were reported to be in open revolt, and ' to have assassinated two of their, officers! One of our letters says,: under date, of 5th April, ( new dutie's are now levied 5 the tonnage duty, which, heretofore, was one rial per ton on Colombian, American and English vessels, has been raisedlto tw ri als. A few days since the U. S. frigate Constellation, and schooner shark, made their appearance off tliis port. The latter came to anchor for a few hours, but the frigate remained outside, and both soon departed, without paying us a visit,'a cir cumstance that, in the preseut state of this country, was thought very hardly of by the Americans. Ar. K Jlmer. ; Arrival at New Vork. The Commer cial Advertiser notices, in a postscript, the arrival of the packet William Thompson, bringing pnpers to the ITth March. No extracts are given, and the following para graph contains ail the news afforded by the Commercial i V 7 ITie London Courier of the .'.17 th states, that the Greeks have repossessed them selves of the Missolonghi. The same pa per states, that it is no longer doubted, that important negotiation have .been commenced at; Constantinople, for the pa cification of Greece. , Freb troops were leaving England for Portugal. 1 3ethodisfs. The systematic method in which the affairs of this denomination are' managed, and the union, and concert a niong its preachers, give them an influence in the community much beyond what, is possessed by any other denomination, in proportion to their numbers and pecuniary means. Their, newspapers are more ex tensively circulated probably, than th,se of any other denomination, considering the time of their commencing this mode of in struction and influence. The 'Zion's He rald," published in this city, continues to circulate widely. This paper, however, as well as every other religious paper in the Union, is quite outstripped in patro nage, by the ' Christian Advocate and Journal," published at New York by the United Stales General JIethodistConfe-rence- We are told the numbfof sub scribers to this paper, is now about twelve thousand. Ch. Register . Eailivays.' Extract of a letter from a rentleman travelling in England, dated February 14, 1827 : " The engineer and myself having completed, to our satisfac tion, an investigation of the railways; of this kingdom, he parts from me this May to embark in one of the first packets for New York : Although 1 have been for two months; examining railways, I am in a greater state of admiration' than ever a bout them. As to the phenomena of the Hetton railway, you can scarcely believe them to be true when in the midst of them; it will look to you like lihodomontade to speak of twenty-four empty waggons, weighing more than 30 tons, being forced up a hill, alLthe way by steam, at the rate of eighteen milesan hour and ihisupon a plane a mile and . a half long. I came, down the same plane, standing upon a knee of the hindmost wagon of twenty four loaded ones, weighing all together one hundred -tons' they descend the ; plane by their; own gra.vity at first slow, and with, a sol em n sort of grumbling '$ but when the acceleration gathers to a head, it is as fearful as it is beautiful They are the popular -mode of communication here. Great Britain will soon , be covered, with them.r We'could not have constructed a good one without coming over . to examine the defects of the existing ones ' here,- for it is only the perfections which appear in the public: works on railways.'-fP. Aurora. JFatal Temerity. A few evenings since, the -following . .dreadful - occurrence took place : At the Star inn, in Bedtuinster, was a caravan of wild beasts, and the' keeper being in want of an attendant, a person who had froni his infancy been.'accustomedj to the business, .offered hisv services, and, was accepted" He was however, cautionel not to go within the reach of any of the beasts: this caution he ''unhappily ;uegVected. A partyxame; to see the animal s, and as the lionr wals asleep, the roan impt ud entlyv wen t into Ms dehTl probably hungry,rand alarmed-at? the pre sence of the stranger, darted'forwards "-one of-hL . pa ws With ' which " lie ? seized the showman by the snouiuer, ana , at tnesarne moment with the other he : y ery d read fully 'lacerated the tface. The miscrable-niau cned piteously and stniggled to get loose, bu t ins efforts were in vain, and the lion now infuriated, 5e?7i-d him by .the th real jwitK htsvoaihV ftniJ held him tn that t a.iron.untn tieaiapiiiape,ri';u n ui u: . ble ufieiinsof ifie victim. -A fjcntlc:. happening ' to pass vhi li vex! inthc ht:r' . -borllood tmmed lately brought pistol. .cl.. another1 person called to a lla'clisrriith, y;!;-i .had -a piece. vf iron i red -hot, to 'albni r. sistancc ; but it was twenty minutes befr.-? tne. anmiaiiwouui quit nis ; prey, au.r; his'inouth was much - burned 5 at I c I the head. of "the.iinht-Aiyrinadifell frnr 1 ;w javvS a specfac I. Isrtoo nornble; fr descnp i DodT'WaS'tirnvn irm cageV? iWC; u nd erst a hd that'' d ndf- nrdina- ry circumstances tKeraniniaJ;;. yasxceed ingly quiet kndrdjly sb.raueb so, in-.. deeVf jdia fe twos worn fii ti'd i vvo.fchil d feu ' hadactuallf beta in the ca?e with hi in' the prec etiinir day; - ;DiRvlJRbJhave;m vojrag;intmr good ship jWiiioti and U-: mire her (accommo'datior airl the good order which 1s usually prevailed on boarq y but from -what I laye Jateljr' o verheardv rund'rstatid thHtsomepart of burcVeWiare officers, ; Which if e5cleU)nay;7pn,uct; trouble. It appears5 that their design is iW pu 1 1 he v jp'resent "Pilot bu t fbf fiis birlhi and m'itke aFilbtioifVth.Ow is as; bold , a man as ever poTnted acannony but bold tiess is Hotthe -qualificatlori for - which z, Pilot isto be iit valde wiirexcusejne UViclejfrl kaythat in th cutnsnection is of more, worth tliah a. ikiunl of boldness, if they could both be" weighed. Your Pilot; has long studied i to make him self acquainted; wi ill our.native shoalsj and witb foreign straits, and hi atfentlun is so devoted' to the ;Chart !,and Compass, "that when I turn in ;anirbr, A feel, us safe, as if I were landed on 'ferra lirina. Since I have. eeii "on! board -the JLJnion her guns have rarely been fired, texceptlbr " rejoic i n g, a nd I h ope they never will be di ea n I for any other purpose but ify pur Gunnzr is shoved iii the Pilot's place, his fondness C'-r, the Cannon's sou tid, may possibly lead hint to intlulge his favorite amusement, at th hazatti ot tne stitp's vompanyv v iy tear have led me to make these reiiiarks, which. I hope you wjU excuse,! from ' " Yoaf ipectful nepheWf v -.;; . . v JACK TAIL From the U. States Review chd lAterary Gczcftc Aii essay, on the art of boring the earth for tive "'. obtamment of a spontaneous flow of watef.- , With hints toward forming a hew theory bt ; . the rise of water. New Brunswick, Tuiluiue and Letson, 1826, 8 vo. pp. 46..- '..' The siiiect treated nf in lhi tiI ' rtiT-(nMl- is one of great importance to many parts cf our country, in particular, to the j city and State of New York and the- Southern States The work before us embodies a gibod deal of information & many useful observations; respecting It,' an4 de serve the attention of all who are 'o aiUiaied as : LVf AX IV a w v w. iiiuaailIC JJ1 UVM1 w ota JJ ply of pure water. ; A considerable par t of the v work before us is occupied with a minute e tat v ment of all the experiments that ha.ve been maae -w uuiu waicr oy oonng uie eartn, anti the deeree of succeis with which thv l,rv O . " . .. r J , Deen inacte. in many .01 inese instances, ine most complete success has attended the op ra tion, and the water has been made to ov'erwov. at" several feet above the surface V in othpr- the? water has been brousrht to within a few feet from the surface of the ground ; in others; the expe riment has been ' left unfinished. ' This part of the work is exceedingly valuable 7,. the remain der is occupied j witli some suggestion? ;toWards forming- a'new ' theory of the rise of waterSi; There are certainly some difficulties 'in the pre- . sent theory- of the fountains and , rivers that issue from the earth, and the author, has stated thera with gTeat' ingenuity and force.-- A vurieiy of facts are iwarslvalled to the imperfections of the the authoV has suggested. 7hertheory ; is thit of a great central effort, which hot J oidy keeps matter from gravitating to near the earth, put jtlso forces gases and fluids towards the surface. km a TT"tillarv FrSml M lofVin':w t rillw ' water may, in all cases, by 'boring deep' enough 5 the surface. 5 The instances in which this, cxpe- rimnnt ha been surcessfiillv tnadei r cirti'inl - - - j somewliat-extrortlinarvr and 1 seem to justify great perseverance onthe part of those who un dertake ehterprizes of this . kind. v Whether: however, the theory, which tbe author attenpt3 to deduce from these and ' other facts be Veil tounaeo,-we musi iot ine presenx oe peimmea to doubt but the subject u a curious one, and deserves consideration '; Irt the' mean time, theik pamphlet before us has no small practical valued independent of its theoretical lBenulty. I v . Snow fell in several places to L.aNorth, tn th firt of fav- f!'i:-''' In Northampton county, on the 19th inst. Mr. John Moore to his Mary Randolph. ; . .- arm - UiK . Wm S 1 T m Hannah Shorf-also; on the 18th .inst; . llr. Ro bert Short to Miss Catharine Kogers,; all cf llali. fax county. .. . ,v ..i ' T In Montgomery county, on Thursday evening last, Mr. WiUiam Cade" Merchant, ofFavette- vilk, to Miss America W. Legrand. " . rr ? ; In Fayetteville. on Thursday evening last, by the Rr. Mr. Mason, Mr.' Anthony W.r Uorton to Miss Issabella Jordan. "Also, ' at the same ' tim and place, Mr. George W. liutton to ll'izi Susan Jordan, daughters of Dillon Jordan,, sen. Esq. s in urange couniy.ine jtey. i'rnomaa rLynci,' to -Miss Mary S. Bingham, daughter of the Rcw In Chester District, S. C. on the 17th ult. Ilr John nighairi, to Miss' Nancy , M' Dill, cf I. lee t- Ai " tne sam day,'in York District, 0. C. Gen. Richard D. 'VLeuu of Uncola ccun- At midnight, in Philadelphia, vn Sunday the 29th April, the HorblelViUiam -Ti! -hfnan. , Pennsylvahivin the Tlst yev of his ae. Raleisrh Acad emy fBllIE. Semi-annuy Kxammaticn of tliericlcrnts JL ':of this Institution iU conrnence cn I Ion day, the'4th day of June- and clssb ca. ths Til day following. Parents, gaiariS snSHh fiicnujfcf th T:--; tution generally, 'are respectfully invited ta t: tend. ' ' Raleigh, May V;l82r. - - ' ' ' ' C2 M Yv Office continues open for tha reception of Students.

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