v 55. -rv-; ; ' ' . . ' Jlv r v f ),C! j. c - 1 S . I ! 1 ('Oara rc the plans of fair, deli jhtfi'l peace,1."' Tf V.j' ' 1 V".-' -V'i ?;. : '.;" : : a .Unwalp'd by patty xaffcto live like brothers.;'-, " ' ' ' ?J'lv' ' JV, V- " " -J Unwalp'd by patty ixag-e ,ta live like brothers. f " 'M'01" , . ' . r .. , . 1 i ' i 1 " ' - i i ! n - - L fc 1 irtuiA cvefvTtn:DAT ami Fbiiat, by ,nV TnRTPH GALRSii SON,v - - , 'At riw art per annumnan in T ; - ADVERTISEMENTSr - , . if j.. MlSSOLONGIII. Tie hUto'rv of 'thc'stesse dfMisoT6nghi ' Srif-ileVMtioti "of. the unfyrtttmite-weeks air pained-with ';a ;-i:'rly petrcil. It well khown.clliat after ,brifij disappoinf-' ed in all theirhop(?s .t asd; feeling their " mnirtc rfumblin"- under their fefu see- that va able to friVe "that r-kalkivTi'iesting jt to, attack the rear of Ahfe enemy Vn a reriai n day and ' in nnnnn ' i-.ii arrival b v a i ireneral d is. - charee r inusqttetrfa at Vvhic moment tlie - rarnson womu u.ms? if - v . ; vr kti cn i their wa v.througK the - besieging arinr On !ie tpnointid day i the popu lation of- Mtolonahi were asscmb.ed fhcrpreoTrtioed" three tthnusami ; souiiera. v V?r.w!iidinvifhcs whoi aiihoujrh , sick. Of thcniSel ves - strong' enougn to Owvcfine fetlueVnd:dai)gerof4th ?:ed'.t!cm! ihat i f they Mvere uhabla to -'escape the enc tnyt? they KiiyVr btf landpUt;to:3eaih K luiig rnd ecks of thfir. .children, as a protect irg f tat&niEanV therevered-re ! tnrs and wore, concealed dagger? ffhichleithertojstrikev thejenerirsey Ucurft'tKeiinoy'ijff VWhoe weakness forbadel them from foilow'r. tn the troops, joine thei desperately n-t-unr , ; de,d,' the sick v the aged, l and , the infantp, vresolveil to buthemse) yjs ir therurns of Almost all 'the families of MissoTonghi vere uiviaeu inTO xyto pans :,.inose wnfi warruirs were subHued jtoCteax5vam. the hrave$t hearts paratio.AU tlie jpreparatioiisbwere, - tveveri rendered ab treachfry of aBulgarian soldiej who Mi deVpfteiJ .to' Ibrahim and, disclosed ; the ; hole pla n- r " The Tu rkk suddenly a t tack -15 jJ iKe Jovi a rid themse J vesjinr C brist in 5plooJy TlVe ftcehe lUiai followed was ; aIr r mis, 1 But ane voice!: waSiheard among ; the il tney first threw .their, children. But the. fellst. ehtbbecame full , 1 1 wasa long t ! froni ' t fi e rain par t V t o th part oftli te Harboorvluch Was sufficiently ;deepiirthci Jnirpose p f death, iitji e J co n u e ro rs Van x for slaves, flowed close on their;vic- -i.v.. O ' t ' . ,t '-'1' ' " .' I i viui. oevenur'Women, apa. even -several ; children, had the adijress and the good for I tne(to:free!tjiemsei elvesop the na fthers plci nged i n to the flamesof , the bu rn ; tng houses 5 twelve - hundrcdr tfw ho cou 1 d Hiscov er no wiy 6 f.d e'stroyi ng t h e nisei ves,' f nto 'V;5lnrfs5pT ;4 Th e atten t ion of h e. conque rors was 9n d ra wn to ihe p-jwder magaai n 'Hie andtsolidity of the buihlingv inluced the tolievethatCth .jnhbitants hactbeejhr -ciint'afj )rTiy aodCapWaris (qqcot, the'prtmates.of the bjwn, wh paving i toccbtfipariy s, thee caryison "inUthetrpfo- garrison in; unetr v pro sortie,-conducted to the powderma- p?!ne a crowd , of m. oinen , and child r eh, : ying, cron - and be j?li 1 P; Wi U Tfliysel f hoH t to unitthem for eVe r.v- 511 niorhe?s 1 . -,i vi it-v.. 111 i , ci "si lacunar;, in tii: V-iVDrVidemberm t t )r eihtioti riugfio k Sc Wf Ml y X-ULKlif S ' AVEDl) INS as a ttwtiot othoriyears r ai "ofiidcifos 'I and 5thiEi king jU".-Lttter.tfc5 MtAnwurthe post. Wle Fabre, a frencnf wnier i rwiM'.cni-c-lebritv. contains. & number.- IntereMinaj tHali, ; -ith,rcspect,: tothaf L.niAr.nM "evrnh.'' Vriift. .brdvcry .x and ineir. Wives, any imcii clnldren, pensbinyriby famine, ine m ient a cnmmajiicHiMm to thc-otily cor'p that h able to v frnre khera ; any.. u C c our. vrounueti, were capaoiei ii inr.i.i rj vv" aritticrra oe llier rrie 1u n used to ;fignnjgt mained hi expectationo tath, thoe wh Jere n the poii;t f ichnce and to new" darters.;- The hardieM enairm' women. r savs M. Fabre : 1 hpr! edd man to ii-hts next. a -.' i t . . . . I.".--' r .: , . - lo tne. ' to t(ie f ea1 ;Mafi.r precipi- T'here ws verjylittle of the teit themselres into-tfe wells, into whicV my!unclej5He wore a creat b ranfjutlly preiMMU tfieirirflants tothefir !;5-fevtl effenty I'L'Ui i ; omtt..at feVonfe'it 1 la breatciiiiiipri 1 Ui p .uu ted on q na r t l t he to wri, -'T vd V&ara?iVnl$;w mI ta.B50i;wasr: tU!caiastrotbe5of were alt vtnrmelm;theU! school., He lved twenty years ivithA an old fashioned wifeand as they had been born &; bmusht np toge t her, t hey got'; along very wen a nil we re JasJVearty, t h riving: happy a cou -ple as aoy that are. to be found to this . day in nnanuaip. out ine eooo 5 woman fiien at last and' mrr Uncle' c'otddvnot endure al life of single bleRsedness,?as;somercalt it: it was veryU wretchedness lo'him. so he' married a new - u ite with rie w.no ti'ins, new fashrons, and all the etfeeteras oXth'e modern'schooU He, though tth'e did al very wise thing He ; tapped me on the finnnfff or tuet o, u'dm - . cif litif lfiuti fit he weddins subpr : " BDb.V said he, in half a whisper.! - ' gpt ' ma rriedi there . ig nothi ng 1 i k e i f J Cert i n ly, ' si c V- for I reverenced his counsel, but if you please I'll stand by and look o-it a little -longer. " 4Vhen the btit.le -and; noise was over, - T went 'down to the Date to spend the sum mer with my uhclev The good old dame had, begun the work of reformation V cun ning as a fx, she had bVoke ground gently at, first. ".1 Therej wassa rich new mirror linns low in thetparto'nr ; -a bold encroach ment; for the old gentleman U"sed "always to hol(tthat looking glasses,were only made to;sh?)Ve,by,! and that nobody who dn't weara beard eVer ought to look in one:; accordingly,' hfsloVn glass had hung chin highfor a rjuarterof a centtiryi and none of his own childrcD had .'ever seen "their own .fares1,' until they knew the use of a razor. One after another ithe old articles of fur niture were displaced, and ne w carpets, cha isi f a b! ev $ci i n it rod u c e d by my good aijn $ and-Vvhepey erher : spouse" evinced the slightest disposition to be angry, she gave hi m a good na t iired chuck u nder the rhin. and asured the dear fellow that a good tvife ;was always mispress of her own hmifc; and that khe was d termineel toj be a. good "wife, and rule theroast in her Pwn tlonncil. Beside, she i tauglit my uncle that his handsome furniture entitled him to lo6k a little aboie his neighbum 5 to claim that quality; which should, as much as pos ;ihle, exclutle the idea of equalhjr,) a vulgar d)icfrine that had lorij been prevalehtyin the Dal e '.,':- -5 v'H-"' v: W-, t y gnod 11 n c! e : iel 1 ed ir ci after inch to hi worthy spon se, unt ilS he Whole houe wasrfi it ed :1 p" in 6 y I a fid a com mon farm er, woulti ha rd ly k now where to. set down his clumsy foot in it. She Obtained oei him a wonderful -ascendency somehow. 5 rhe ot-td beis d ties.; it is true!he lookeil 'sofrowful and signed deeply, apd took his broad brimmed hat and "cane, and trudged over Jhe fields to neighbour Hotlge's, fo sit and smoke his pine again ion idd bak chair;; by the great ch uhney; plaf eji'n ftfjwh ? ii he seemed loth to go b- ck agiinjjf but hev loved peace, :and alvavs went hortie at tea-time. '.I M y.aunt wa- a woman of talentsi. She did one thing at 'atimei 1 She was surer to be successfol in j,w for she bent al I her .ndnd to the single ob jecU It is this singleness of purpose 'that reiiioyes mouYita ps. 5(She had pow set her hH'nj se to nglj is. ; as she ca lied it, 'and from sundry hints and preparajionsT T began ere long to surm ise that she intended - setti n g dandy about rimmed hat upon his' hale rou nd h eadr a shad -bel ! ied coat' of grassf green; .with dark; (ivory bu t ths f ji vest of tie genuine bid school,an( like materials and- trajpingsyelvet sipall chjhcs buck l es,and ery la rge shoes,-a nd made a very portly venerable appearance 111 tne sun. uesKtes, ne useu spectacles and tobacco, and trod .fiat upon his feet when he walkedh s l.K I C . 5 ; . 3 My a'tint began i her5 second campaign She bough t him a wig and a quizzing-glasg declaring that he; looked fifty, years tooold for her" i n his old firshionsand f he got them on too. The old man was a little testy, but she . took him by t he arm anil: brought his bald pate and. spectacles be fore t he m 1 rror she? w as a fine looking you ng woman, and hi y; ti li cl e,1 1 thinks fe 1 1 W f'itt le ash a med to appear so oId& A t a hy rafehis as thear gunientshe used45v!lls tobacco box, went n ex t;' M'y.unc I e scold ed my aunt reason edand she bea t h pi gV h c u rged i hattobaCco was Jnectfssa rr to preserve his teeth, but she sent " for ar lentist and had them plugged antl scour? ed, till he fairly cried for. mercy, and assuV-- e d lie, d e h 1 1 S t t hey wou 1 d . last ' (or e ye rV; 5; Cilultiny uncle's Tiie tiext time .this gobtl bid lady ;went to town she proughtihiin ja new suit 01 orignt blue cloth. Thecoat and: vest '.world; riot Aeet round hinv pr.eightdnche s-but'ipy auht gravely told him, : yirJiusbanjL 4 was p Vt lo -I q'ok J ike.a ; p u d d i ng bag, ; A h e clojhes were of a perfect genteel shape, aiid sjze, and if they did'pt- fithenthat was.all So after bandying a . good many more hard . - wi- ; i'.',-i',i' 2' tJ vvnrus inan naa oeeu useu- 111 jus uuuse ue s W eeYness i n h er! d isposi tioni ..ho wever. an d ht aVsu'red him iOver. arid, ; over as he -jat jrasDinc for breallv beside;,her,tJaat5l.- Avtfuld s -irotrquit genteel, ianrd vthe clothes .'. me ycrr casj,oy ieung a nt- fore, she got : six thickneisses of flannel Joflf and as he had grown Jn,his wayof tires sincMrather toq- larg, she fitted up a set .of her old stays, ana compresseu-.nia roiuouif ty alittfeVmorewhen' th'i clothes wentpn indbunoned. 5- She bad a good deal.Lof I Afry Helens standing i establishment still daine'fVowed. that at present, in ! his new rcostume, he looked justlike a tiirkey ; . she got lum a small pair, of ib'ots,7v Which were j when got on, to the infinite dissatisfaction of sundry grievous corns,-which had been o ndistu rbed by pressu re for vca rs M v u rC cle could n ei ther w a j k nor, br pa t hew i thou pain ; but .diet anil exercise were prescrib tui, anu ne was a suuuueii mati. lie Went limping about .when I left liim, and the lat words he said to me i were, Bob- Bb-- t a k e-ca re 1 1 1 w y uma rf y,5 ; w i tb a long breath and a sih betiveen each word. .! have heard since with -infinite reeret that my uncle is crazy 5 -that wheu i he oen in the sun, be pritests that the shacioW of iiiitfiuj vfiuuearc is missing anu mat tne devil in the shape of a dandy, pursueshim at every., step, . and always keeps- some- now net ween nin and his lawful; porn?, old fashioned shaUv 1 1 . is sad news, Messrs Editir?v and you 'wfl I pity wi th me the sorrow of the poof old man. :.;. .- ': " : . .. Drentoh ' Emporium SELLING OFF. THK Subscriber, being des'fous ot decTioing Mercantile Business, wiir dispose of . his whole stock in trade on. accommodating term's, and will also with the goods rent the) store and warehouse if required. , The goods are well laid in, principally wiUi cash, the assortment . cene- ri and of great variety, consisting of ..dry goods, groceries, queen's aa glass ware, painls, medi cines. 'The store House laree and commodibusi 36 by 24; with a cellar underneath of same di mensions, situated on Fayetteyille street,' on as good a stand for business as any in the c-ty. loijoung man, active ana enterpnzing, wno was disposed tb embark t in active and extensive business, this would doubt less prove a very pro fitable establishment. Until a sale or dispoisttan as above offered is effected, I shall continne' busi ness as usual : but as I am anxious to.d cline .as soon as possible, ,wUl dispose of - every species of dry goods at unusually reduci d prices. As groceries are already sold by me, and 1 believe by every store in ? this place, without profit, the current prices of them cannot be reduced. -' I tender to my friencla and customers my sincere thanks for past favours and hone (while I conti nue, in business) to share a part of their custom ril , r . WILLIAM SHAW. ;f RaleighMiy 15, 1837. V ;643t, .University of Nbrtli-Carolina i II R. Public Jlnnivermrtf Examination of the Sttidehts of the University of North-Carolina will be held at Cbapet IlilL on Monday, the -18th day of June next, and continue from day to day tmtil. Thursday the 23th, which, last mentioned dy is appointed for the .?nnua Commencement of the;College.rv.;:;.i.;.:4);;v; ;r,:V-,1--r-. 1 he iollowmg Trustees constitute , the Vom tniltee of Vititaiioit for A.. D. lo2r.: , 55 Mis lSxcTv.li. Ix. Ourton,' r -vvr- ' ' - . " President, ex officio.5 ti Rey. Dr; Joseph Caldwell, ft 5 5 : . Thomas P. Devereur, Esq. - ; Genl. Solomon Graves;, -:v 5 55f 5,. ' : Jam es C. 'Johnston, cq 5 5 Col. Robert "HJtmes,Vv5t ":;t" 55s5, v Genl. 'lliomas Love, 1 ' Hon -Nathaniel Macon;y 5 5H5'5 ' ' Hon. James Martin, -f , vr;5; 55: i FrederickvNaslvEsjo5 Uenl. Komu 1 u s m. oiiu nd e rs,, -" . John Scott, Eq. , ' , ,v ' Jolin. Stanly Esq.55:v5 ; Genu Montfort stokes, .s Col. James F. Taylor. All other of the Trustees who may attend be considered, under an Ordinance of the Board, Memoc of thii Committee. - v: -r - r On Tuesday, the.26th day of June, C,ty day before Commencement,) a special meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held at the University, for the purpose of receiving the ; Report of, the 'Hoard of, Visitors, upon sundry Resolutions here tofore referred to them, and of considering'otlier subjects of importance to the Institution.:.. To obtain a general concert cf ophion in these matters, and to superintend ,with incressed yigi lance and .'care,, the Anniversary; Examinations and Exercises of the young gentlemen of. the Cohege, a piinctual attendance of t tjie Committee and of the Trustee srenei aJltf. solicited andesc- pected. ... : .m-i 5 5vio.;; w'i-Ji By order pt the. Board, . .- 5 5 : . ; v.. 5"v 5- r.;;: chas. manly, ; . 5 " ?,1 ' 5 S SecTruste es University N. C. Raleigh. 15th May, 1 827:55;! K,My Raleiglf catieiny. ; fl 1 IE Semi-annual Examination "of the Students JL of this Institution will commence-on Mori j day, the 4th day of'. J One and close!, on the; Fri day following.-; v;, vje;,'? ?' r v--.; Parents; guardians and tne tnends of the Insti tution generally 'arejrespectf ullyinyitetl to at tendV? t A if W. r K.? GALES, Sec, 'pro tem leiglMay;;182rX4 OXFORD iS alcndFema!e Academy FBIHE Friends arid 'I Patrons of, "the above SemU 3. ' riariiis are respectfully oVvited to atterid the K-rnminitmivs 1 nn MoiKLtV the''.' 4th' of June; the Examination of the "Male; Acr.ilemy -will ctm mence';. Ileport tpJ be .read: und: honours', tp be distributed on Wednesdav . morning, i immiale- IV ill ICi t Willed Hit A4lllllliivi V ..Uk. A. Academy will ? commence and close witb a miiij- cui exiuuiuon, c&c wii i.iiui.vajf cvcinng. . , . hc summer session H)f "the Female Academy; will open on the following Monday. ,liev.-Joseph iuuaree rnncipaivinai-oiiuc aiaicAcaucmj un feette,"' Warrfenton i Reporter, -Tarborougb ' Free Press and NorfolkHerald",' will publish the'above dvpTttmpntJfoiir times and Atorward -their' ac counts to the Post ister; xforoVL: - .v.,: ;blank 5 T all kmdsfbr sale at this QcV. i 1 - der James D Johnaon,r Commence on 3lon- - 1 : nr A:;BUIlTON,'Sbc.? t Oxford,":- Carolina; May 5iX82r.-r-'-63-t J i G A LKS-&;SbNhaWat':Wpgth Wcei veil the first No.,of .the followincr valuable ;Vrk; Th parceljiaslain at Petereburfr ah unreasbna ble time, ; Ther Subscribers can nbv apply, for -! . America n Quarterly Review. T : ATFXY published, bv If. C.?CAnKV;& T; i A 1.KA; the first number of the AM E'ltlCAN. QUAKTKRLY RRV1BWV : At. I. 'Jmeric iericin JBi!rrafhy. T.S A An" . Amri rcan fiiosrj'phictd ttndlfisAorical-rDietionarv'&c, ur " miani . Afie,n, a 7 a ,iiograpnica Dictionary containincr- a Brief vAccotint of - the First Settlers, arid other Eminent Characters liir New Enjrland s .bV Jchn ? KITint; T)'. li. 3, Jliosr rapliy of the Signera of thel Declaration of' lnde- pendence, by . John Sanderson. ! - r i ?i i '11? 3igonoinefry?. Elements of XnslytidTrig- wiumciry, fiarje ancj Tspaericai, oy jr. t. ji. .uass- lit." ' Eulogiat on Adams and Jefferson: A S elec tion of Eulogies, : pronounced "in the- several States in honour of those illustrious Patriot and Statesmen, John Adams ; And -Thomas.' Jefferson; IV; . Fossil Jlemains'-VislGriti Uesearctiea on the-Wars & Sports of the' Mongols Yrid Uoman? hi wiuru c.iepnaniSjK 11a iieasis were enipir y ed or slain i and the remarkable local agreement fonnd in Europe and Sibet ia-Vrby, John Ranking." Doctrine of Contracts being, an Inquiry how Contracts are affected, in Xawy and - Morals. ; bv Concealment, Error, or inadequate; Price t hy Gtihan C Verplaiickr " :y4? VI. Secret Vwriials':'ihe'Ofd'rConeret- cret Journals of the Acts; and 'Proceed ngs of njxc, irom oe nrst ieiiug inereot,.to. ine Dissolution of the Confederal ion. by Vtbe -ntlbtV tion of "the Constitution of, the'United'Sutea V 1 1 1; i Kent on ' Ameticdu Lar. -Comm e n tari es oil American Law, by . Jarhea Kent.- " . - fYenct Jlevoliitiori. The" liife of Napoleon Buonaparte, with a Pfeli'nii rraVy Vie w f of the French Revolution,' by the 'Author of VVaverly". X- )Jtogtikyi'uhMablellJje, XI. Symmes's Jkea-ja S ymmes's ,:'lh"eorv ' of Coneentr:c ; Spheres j demonstr ting- that5,the Earth is hollow, 'V habitable withn,v and widely open about the Poles ; by a Citizen of the Unit-1 ed.Stat'es'JTfr'V.'4 f?.?-1 W'jZ': C- H -v-' ..XII. ' Greek: Conlrovenh. t.' A narrative ' of th e material Facts i n tcladort to the' Bu i!di ng of the tw Greek Frigates, by Alexander Conibslay los.A; ' 2. Report Of the Evidence d j,Txeasona of the Award between Johaiinis OrlandOs xnd Aiu dreasj'Luriotlis .Greek I Deputies, - of lthe5one part, and Le Roy, Bayard & Co. 4nd ;. G. : & S. Ho w .'and, of the other part ; ' by the ?; Arbi tratbrs. J XI I. tSovyentrs. l. - Forget me" N6. ; a CJirist mas and K w Year's Present; -v 2. The- Amulet.: Th try a The Year's Presents Ttie Memorial. -r r ! - -v Txbms - or .PcatiCATrov. This t work Will an; per on the First -of March, June, September, and Dt cember. 1 The price will be $5 ner annum. UN ION tAN At. T:I ER Vrf 5 Twe n t y-Niri th vC lass. To fie drawn on Wednesday, "the 1 6th da ;0 v 5 i v o.Mrte, 1 8 1 5- 5 5" 5 SCHEME. 5 ' C V , 1 Prize ofSIOOO is l6,QPai5 1 :5.000;'f f5;000 .5f -15 4,000.5V "4,000 55 S,000;3,000n t :5 vs. 5' 2.500 -51 55 2300 5 5 : 5 2,000 , : 52;0005f . ! . ' " . ?.y, : '. J '" "V 1 ' : Ui ''- -v. X , '5V5 10 :5T0". 40 102 ,204 1550 11475; : Cl,500 51,500 Cf 5 i,275. '- l,2r5.V' 5l)00 55:'5,6oo;:; i 500" :5 :;5''5.uod'V ; , : 5 200 - 100 ? '';5- 50' ,v:r':.10': :55-;-5: 4,060 4,000 T '5,1Q0 Hi C -5y f i . ; W' 13395 Prizes, 5 ? - . V" "!S1S6,880 20,825, Bianfcs-S4,220 Tickets.' '5 5 V WholiFicWets 185- 5 Half S2 505 :v5'5-T-::F50uarter Rt25. - ::v'" ; - - . '-"- wjismwGToir cm: LOTTERY. 55 (Byk authbfiiy of Congress.) : V IV be ! Irawri on Wednesday, -the 6th day K 'C "if J U wr 1 87 5 5 55 . : . 7' . "'-- 5-1' .15, u.au"'i.f . . v'.! 10 20.5 - . 7 l,O0Q - 10,000 f 10,000 ,:i;500 A C -;;;:i:fO'5,20Q 50iV,SL550 xni,J-''onin 1021 MrK.;t-ri0.!Ci Hiif o n.WU'ctl wva! -r m . mw Raleigh or Fayelteville i Tickets in all A"oh7ier,n:lMtleriero fespec - tability'can be bad at the''NortIerri5priceaiei - ther of our offices torGeorgia, jNortn or bouth- Carolhia, Banfc Notes', and, .:the Prizes f those lotteries always received'in. paymeriVforUcketsV or: the cash paid for them on derriandiilt5 r or the cash paid tor tnern on aemano. . sTi '1 ti " - ' r-t i '-i - ' ' ; " : " t -i-1 " ' ' - ;Tlie Subscriber vwuo,has pre- sided several years in ' lie Seminiriesi'isdesi rods to" superintend -an . .caderoy in some Lialtby part ot wortn-tjaroiina., c-.Ui.aciory tecum: r.szh. of character and competency can be p tq Juccd Letters (post paid) directed to llaieiri, Will be - J"-.". ."' - . . ... f - . . . - prorapiiy .Kouccu.. -f . ,- . , . . :-.- V 5:.'- - t;V"TnO.L."llAC3DALK. e L'terary. Souvenir or. Cabinet of Poe- nd Rcmaiice Atlantic:- Souvenir r a'Chnst'itias arid New ;-i683';;.v5:;? ota.ijanit:' oi,xm prtii :. uarc mi -. :TESOIEp,;,rrhata:;DividdcfT;., T.-.ttcKets or nares can oe naa in ine greatest 1 e fifteen daVs thereafter.' - - -wlcirs enclosing Cash or Pze(postjt5aidV Vf jir.W will receive prompt attention, if addressed to 5 .;55''7 OvV ' ' ' 5- ' . t - - A 1 oii:ii Jt I ivr,- I a JJ AI A WAY. tromr our Mil t CnPaoerh)p ejjst;- uru!;r t! : Webhj& litliam$; s this day C : I c . :mutu8l eonsept; '-' 'y... H' -.. . All tfios iriclebted, are reqifre ! to ma?: 3 ; mediatr settle merits "5 - ; ! 5 ' u ediinesy Drj;j, c. r H JI '.Su hscriber having become prrpri-t- . C"the estabUshrrient recently ' ccnductc ' Webb! &, AViUiarris rorTn-f bis friends : an. ! ; pubhegeriefally that, he intends keep; staritly'.tor Sale, -a. large &d ieiterisiv of M.ticlne, Paints, - )"ds,V" letter's ,;f ' Sbp-FnUure5Surpcalirtrjrr, c. :.c . iPnysictansj 854':mWahahiv deafinsr.- iii -t 1 bove articles will fuvd it to their, advint .1 - - calland exHmine his assortment,' as he in5 1 selling low for Cash oT approved credit. V Hehortf -xpes'lils-;- S urrimer surinH. reapect fully so bcits a ah aire of public prro 1, 55A;'fe? 'j55fred)wil? .ms.5 Having d isposcd o t in v i l : o r iri the late ; concern:" of AVebb St Viliiuir.v t - . A "Ifved .Williams, I take pleasure in reccrr.n: e : ;. inghinv to.thej,eonfi'de'r)c'e. and patronage, rf r . ' fi ierids and the public as'a' yoting. man -well q -1 tied to : discharge 3fie duties ?of. an -Arcth c: ' -. (having been engagfvjih me i ' t 2 ! or seveial yearsv) w - F hope that" that share i of pub!.,: ? . . L besiowetton .hTrnJ which i have r; . 1! uf. successibmofj .years' iri Busuiessand jfcr'wh:c.4 . fetl deentV indebtetL v .v. ' :; s : : Mav 14, RANDDi riT 5 ?;:Oi:;G: '-51 5 &ltiabtePlaniciiaiii .v. npilAT valuable Farmj: lately ikno:i X. iiime bf;West:Hi,.Tvibrori belli : wjft&. Williams's Crefeks, adjoining: th e. tation of Governor Bran c hi about ninernilestrc , Raleighf on theKoadto- Hay'wood, sett!- r. ginaily by .Jotfiph. lmej the Gramlfdher r 7 tl. j late -occupant ottoat name', at a time v. I i mers had choice of the best lands in th 2 coir.itr-. The v hole' Tract of land tout- i Two Th: 0 saridiTwbv Hundred -arid Twc ;.crcf ner.r 1200 of! which is prime J land cons portion of xt fine Jow ground s. Th? '"""due welt-t'mbered hrig leaved Pi he Lin.1, 1 posed to afford the best range f ttl 3. r.v.-.l hogsintbe county tTIi farm und:r .. Iiivitlc s between 3 and 400. t.zw ',on'vhb thcra i,. a tolerably goodDwelljiij-Ilouie, and c" r .:. buildings, on avharidsomei arid health; 1 a.Itr. as can belfoind in tlie countyt or p?t',; " atate.-v .1 here is a small GnstlXtH,. v ..." Venient fopTamily and neighhourhocd p i: : , ; The;fayro is iii "good orJer, ?nd t:it c. . .... j Kndrtayl viewed, on appl" in to ..Mr. 'I,c mas Howelln the premises ; -hd th'tirr3 :? iiale ,f which vlwill ; be accommodati r. ' i!! I ; ioade known on application tO 'J. Gal.r. Baleigh April 26182 ; . literary: promote tne cause 01 Literature t:.J. to m adilitionalinterest . to their r ariniv . r the s'tiidents of the Univ'ers't y have c .crc 1 theTbllowing; resolution, 1 . Ti .t vidual i who. has. been a':regulr rriemb ; r w I jfj' tlie Literary' Societies, attached to the versityf shall bo chosen -.every :i jcc zed in -4 to deliver va public Oration in the" Cell ; - 5 el, in the day preceding each anniver : mencementi",:' in compliance .with thi3 i troh; the friends! of : II terature are ' i n fw r m .. the ilton. Archibald p. Murphey . hz. been pointed ito deliver an "oration, cn tr 2 the JLlialecticV Society, Hnthe ;Cc!'?j C!: on the 27thMjfJune ::'next.; .Ve r I slate, tbat this; appointment l:r i L ; z . ed," ,'and that? th. resolution T has net ceived the rip probation of the distin ru dividual, who , is to bef'our Orator, but 3 c . the Faculty of the University. ye s;..-cr hope thatllwh'o; take; any interest in itz I eraryi character'; of die .stale 'willencburr- c atteropt; by. - tlieic , attendance at the 1" - 5 - place apecificd. ; " , j,.-.. . . rv By border cf t!.r '-i.!' l -V -.'DiALccTic zee::;': Chapel Hill, April. 19ih, 1827. ' Z2- ..' npilf E undersigned,' having been ciu: ,,.1 , jl nue preaeni .uoun 01 rieas ana k j sions fur the counmiif.Wake, as Execute: 7 H . - .VI. ."i ? ' - last vill and Testament of the lite Dr. Gillett,- of Raid county, calla upon til p :lnu Knnt fit n artirio. .' m K . . c uereoy cauea xo present tne arr. thenticated within. "the vUme'l requ'r. .1 for payment, otherwise ti nctics v. Ill in bar of a recoyev.s.l ; , , -jp-r V 5. - L,rVake county; 32d;May. Bank, be and the same is bcreb v d--' I V.'-J W Pyo.va5- elasttdf year, payable at Italt 1 j onlay in June nett, and at tiis scvc - . I "jOl four or five weeks ' fjnee. 1 man named "CilABLCS, 25 or. Z: .abmit"" seven inches in 'he'- butit. We purcixcsed Cnar.es in he has wrought with cur p : time since, lie' was former" 'jLouiS iteadieV cf 1! si villi's Cr ; Louisneadie, ct isslviiii'scr: ty,-15niil3: below'; I with" Y. iicW :5- ; t , -"VVe have cme cau:? to i j have joined some'rur.a-.a) s i 1 Sampson or '.vyake.Cc'.i-.tv. j V' e will gi ve Twe heu3ic:i antj clalivery luu:, ( c : rryejtefille, Hay 1 ICT

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