ColonizatioirGocioty.; : : 'j-tnf "officer and - Man:- :ers of the Auxiliary f T roToniiat'on Spciely established in this Ci l:''Wuestkt' the of State on Saturday the 141b, inst, at V.x vWk: in the forenoon. - . . r, ... . J0o clock in; ; . v j; G4Lt:c cec v l,,lv 12. K"'vl. 8t 1 f A incklayerla ficati- ons: particularly ? ? r irrri.re5 not sur- V bvany in the State. .Apply;to T- , j,dy 10, 1827V j 7,uA 81 Land ailioihinc the W!LL're solUiiu iucruiwi,wiwicrt' ai ms rnurt-Hmise in Raleiirh,' on the ' 20th" of . r ... K ,lf a mile of ine iaie-ousc,upqu wuicikis a . . it.. t' ' ' 1 t n WV erected, omiorabie )DweUmgr.Huse; ' nd other neccssary.Outbuildins. x good-Well, kc formeilv occupied by the lte , Dr. Jeremiah r fltle. "and leviedlgn to satisfy sundry executions ' ' 'in 3iV hands. . J 't - - ' ' J - r . t tit k-1'--t pi n- June 19. V.7 . .r . , 8ltS NOTICE. . O'j; the 20th April 182ar, 1 executed a deed to Lark Battle;!E,so.; of this county for iLots jo. 33 anu anf tw 0 tl'rs of Xots No. 32 arid 37 with j the. improvements thereon situate in the town of Le-iburpti'for:the sum of iwofhou dolors, payubje in. the IbUowine? manner, 1020, ine is lanuary. 182S, $500 , the 1st January. ir;o the whole bearini; interest from the 1st of .'January,-1 -:o, ana tor wnicn several payments, "t ljie saul liattle gave his bonds" without t personal security and the : three last' mentioned bonds re Tnauiing unpaid, JL therefore. hold the said JLots, and improvements liable to the payment of -the fcin.e, and forewarn' all persons from selling Or ptnehajiing' the said Ltts with the improvements tlu reon, until thes saiU bonds 'are discharged or pjud. --iM- '- v JO KL KING. . I rauklin county, 1 Oth July, 1827, : -3t-81 K T"K CITY OF RAI.TilGU, Is again offered for Sale ' ' '. V ' " ' J. State of North-Carolina, "Wake County, . Cotirt of EqintyfiSpring Term, 1827. Ihc Creditors' of William liuffin &. others, ' ..' 'Y.'i'ogeuiut . , ., i' ' v 'Thomas RnfBn", Thomas Uitchte 8t others. , fflHE Decree ot bale neretotore macie in 11ns ' i. cause, having been renewed at the late term t i i.Ol IT Ol Cii uiiv iui f I'umt. tc- tiie Cthmssioners shall ; proceea to sell on the rt-ai e tile late William Kuflin. This property has been so recently in market and particularly described, that tlieCoinmissioners jdeem it unnecessary to suv more at present than that it is'advantageous lvituatedi well improved, and possessed of ma- - V Tiv advaiitairt-s ovtr anv other esiablisljment of the kii.d in the Southern Country. They invite vhelvttention of strangers whoJ:an see and judge lor tnemseives. . f lt a Terms of s-le--One, two and three' years in , stalmehts, secured by bonds, to carry interest ; ironi'thef day of sale will be required. -'ilierre still unsold 30 or 40 Heds and Fur- ' ntureV.Deloiigfng,.lo the" Establishment, which "; Vdl be offered for sale luamediately after the sale ' ol the Hotel. ".T; r 7 " ? W H. HAYW()OD, Juif. V S ww v A.'G." KUFF1N, 3 CJ ; Raleigh, N:C. June 6, "r, :'y . 71:ts I :7 An impression betngabroad that the; i above Sale would nottake place, the Com-v inissioners deetii it proper to sy that' the fvtle will be riale - without reservation? State of North-Carolina. ,.; --Granville' Countv. : ' 5 s May -Term, A-i D. 1827. . X 5 Nancy 1. . Daniel Goofchj Pumfret Goochi Thomas Gooclf, J anies Goocby Tyre Harris and Polly his uife, ; Williarn Spragins and his ' wite Patsey, Wil liam doss and Sally his "wife, Abner A!cock and Riichel fhis wile, Abraham Laudes and Susanna his wife;1 arid the children of Par Gooch, viz. Rowland, Pumfret, Young, Win thenia, who has married Joseph Roberts, An i., Hubert, Uebecca, Susanna and Macon." - : Petition for Dtrutcr. .- ..' IT appearing to the satisfaction of the t Court that Tyre Harris and his wife Polly, Wrm. Spntggins and Patsey his wife, and Abraham J.anles and Susanna his wife are riot inhabitants of this State It is ordered 1 by th?e Court that 'jubiication be made for1 six Weeks in the Raleigh Register, giving notice to the ' a"d defendants to appear at our nf-xt,3 court of PfeaTr and Quarter Sessions, to be hekl tor thecouhty the Court-llouse in Oxford dn the hrst;Mnday in August next and answer, otherwise the petition wiil be takrn pii confesso and heard ex parte as to tliem.' Witness SteQlien K. Sneed, Clerk of onr Court at ofiice iii Oxford; the hrst Monday of .Mav," AD.;i27.- - M v. Witi.ess STEPHEN K. SNEED, CPk. . lJrice Adv. ?4 - 6a-74 Valuable Property for Sale; UNDKR an expectation "of shortly moving to .4th;w.stei:iC03i6tr;,vltftVxifrv valuable lotat the corner 1 pf Faye'teville, and Haruet street i the corner huilding has been oc cupied for the last nine yearsLas a Mcddicine anil Drug Store. t . It i thirty -two by forty feet, two ''s.torie high, a perfectly dry cellar ov,the same ;'4',tWo teneuicnts, on main street, with suffi cient room in' the. rear for a' large family, one hobie fromio Jjlarget Street, now occupied, as a Urcery Store, a two story warehouse, a 'kitchen' "omikti hrtus wit hi others ; propeif tor a family. Thi property is in the centre of business 'I he trnc-mcnts areo connected, that by a small aheratiori a room ma be .made sufUciently spaci ous for.thniost extensive business. .To those ho are uiiacq(iaiitted,,it m.ty..,he said,sthere are hut fAw better, .Stands, it! any, in the Stale. 5- Tle h t on Hillsborough Street, now peen pi ed by the Rtv. John S; Ravenscroft. This pro perty is handsomely situated, about one huudred vards out i4 the limits of the corporation. Hav 'nj? toe advantages of town and country, it .- is eil worth tbv attention of those wishing' a p) asaut seat a jittle retreflfrou ttiebustle of u.sities8 hoMse, m ' Uha -ortit a 'two storv tlwr Hioir hli'fbur rooms - beiow ' and lour above K'a-.iv witltaJge fertile- ganlen, and a well .of uatersin tiu yard, inferior to none in 'the vicinity . i-t U Ic'i,. 7,,-, W4rkjJj- i-:fi-:' Al() 1 a tour acre vacant hij, lying, wjthir one hundred and fifty ywUVf the; eastern boundary ' t InecoiuoralHin. tlirecrlv on" tlie Newbern j-oadr ne w hole will, be sold on accom 1 nodat i ng. terms 7, yO From tlie abbve ' cit-cumtaricrs those tri- hv br I his is tiiefAr-noftv 7' i 1 - - -rH': i , C . : f - R AND0 LPI I W EB 15. Ja w 22, li2 . ?S-o aluivaa'. A,liCust next, (the first 'day,of the County Court) fir ready money; a Tract of Land, cogtaihinjj 55 acres, 1 &ng east ofjtbe City.and within w ta wit) jvsw uie 4 si January January, J 32r, $500 the. 1st .1 1, i-.arv. 182$ fland' $500, Remises in the C of Rajeih, on Tuesday the 2tli oVjuIy that well known and very valuihle " real estate, called the EaiHe Hotel b - longing to - . vii. io i ne, 8U.oscrDeivy in De readily ana tor?. c,t)1; ipressed.with a sense of the propriety-, .'.'ay, the ; irijperious necessity rbf cluing their a'c Se IUtsady.pwctieVHlrJbybo A DUlANII : I50KKF.LE1; oFlhe citof u. "New York, merchant, having on tlie 1.1th Novemberr 1825, 'assigned hts property - to , toe , subscribers, In trust, "Tor the benefit of his credi tors, as therei n mentioned, ' and subsequent y thereto,',he having made aii arrangement with his creditors, ior me paymeni or an ins aepis in iuu, oy which iuei coiiuiiioiis .sjgiiriicui, c annhlled Nowtherefore sion ma'dejn the said asstghme nt, hotice' is here-, by given to the creditors of the ' said ,Adrian H. Van. Bokkelen (if any there are) to exhibit and prove their demands before ls,, oh. or before the hrst day ot August next; and any creditor omitr ting Ro to, exhibit arid prove his demands on or before that time, Will be precluded from any dividend under t the said assienment. and the trust property so held by us arid remaining in our hands, w ill be re-as-sicrned to said Adrian 11. Van Bokkelen, if no dem nd be made on the Trustees. in virtue of said assignment, previous to that date.- ' . ' ....... . . ' JACOB LORII.LAUD, , I.EFFERT: LKFFEUTS, - . DYEU ItRAlNERD. ' New York, i June 12, 1827. 79-3t Kaleich and Tarboroiish S tasre. THIS Stage will leave Raleigh every Tuesday and Friday at 4 o'clock, A. M. and arrive in Tarbrougji every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 o'clock, A. M. Returning, it will leave Tar borough at 4 o'clock' P. M. every Wednesday and Saturday and arrive in Raleigh every Thurs day and Sunday at I o'clock, F. M, Seats fropfi Tarboro to be taken at the Hotel. Raleigh, 21st June. 76 Raleigh and Newborn Stages ?- ' : r . A NEW arrangement has been, made respect ing this Line of Stages. They commenced oh the 1st of April to run through' both Ways, in two days. ; The Stages now leave Raleigh' and Newbern every Tuesday iSt Friday at 4'clock in the morn ing, and arrive at Newbern and Ihilejgb on Wed nesdays and Saturdays by 10 o'clock, P. M., ; so that Passengers will for the future, only be on the road, between the two towns t-wo days, in stead of three, as heretofore. 1 have good, tight Stages, tine teams of Horses, and good, careful Drivers, and Intend to use iny best endeavors to continue them so ; so that nothing shall be wanting. on my par to render the .Passengers comfortable who may think proper to favor me with their custom. J therefore' solicit the public to travel -with me y my rates for Stage-fare will be as follows, viz. Eight l)oLtAns for a Passen ger, from Ualeigh to Newbern, and the same from Newbern to Raleigh, say aadista'nce of 120 miles -for any shorter distance, at the rate of 853ents pVr mile, allowing each passenger 25 pounds of bsiggage. Servants, where they go with their owners, as waiters, will be charged half priced but in all other cases, full price will be expect ed. It w ill be remembered, that no heavy trun ks, packages. or bundles of any kind will be received for conveyance, for any person - whatever, but any. smdt articles my drivers are 'at liberty to take if they think proper to do so ; but it must here be expressly understood, that I wiil not hold myself accountable for the, safe conveyance of any article hatcverj not even the passengers' baggage, but 1 will endeavor to "have the best attention paid to them.' ' This line of Stages intersects the Fayetteville and .Norfolk line of Stages, 'both in goug and returning nearly at the same hour, at M. Cox's Esq. near vVaynesborough. passengers going down will pay their passage at uy house four miles' from Raleigh ; aid those coming up will make payment to my son Joseph J. Dilliard, who they will rind in Newbern, at Mrs Scotts, or at Kinston, at the; House of John Gatliin, Esq. '"'" MEUITT U1ELLVRD, Proprietor. ' Grove-Hill, May 8, 18:7. 63 6m " N. . The Stages will leave Raleigh tor the future, on Mondays & Thursdays at four o'clock, P. M. nd come out to my house, and leave there for Newbern on the next morning at four. A, M. ' 7 . ,',V M. 1 ' DRAWING ( i OK THE? Dismal Szvamp Canal Lottery, ;-'. ::' i7' SEVENTH C L?A S S i 7 - L , 2A, (SO, 44?, 5, 4t 2. The said numbers were drawn m the order in. which they.stand above, and which determined all the prizes. 7 27744 60 26:44 53 5 26 58 5 22 267 3 26 49 5 22 49 &c. Sic. 8lc. gl 5,000, 5.000, 4,000, 3,000, 2.500; r 2,000, Wre invite the attention of the public to the NEW-tORK LOTTERY, which "was drawn to-daythe drawing of which will be received on Tuesday, morning next, until which time we shall coidinue selling. Vye also invite their attention t6 the Washington Lottery to be drawn on the 4th of July, See advertise- menls.) YATES & MTNTYRE, , 7 Raleigh, N.C.' NEVVMAN's f!KLEB RATED The Hunnc ? at the Bottom V A PATENT having been issued by the Presi dent of the United States, to Edward New man, for his valuable improvement on .the Grist Mill, the subscriber is fully authorised and em powered to make sale of Rights for using a single Mill, -or the Rights tor using Raid Mills in anv County, or iu any Sate in. the Union, except Louisiana.:;. '.'.. oi J .'.'': Persons wishing 'to piircliase "Rights, ean- di rect their letters to Samuel Morehead, Postmas ter, Mattinville, Guilfurd, N C- aud"they will be immediately attended to 7 The superior advantages of this ,Mill, consist in4heJ errinding being done so near the centre where thepower is applied the small size of the stones, ana ine appiicHima, 01 pressure iu su, nlv the absence of weigrht. The running tone is placed on the spindle, and lacing upwawls to f he bed stohewbich is wermanentlv fixed. The I iressure is applied to the centre of the runner, nd the erain introduced into the mill through the' eve of the bed or top stone. , ' The smiple construction ot tnis Mill, its great durability and cheapness, and its ' convenience and usefulness to al and stock, and the water- power can decided preference ' 1 March 30. ' 7 v. r-. 7, 52 w6w tm6m l'he Editors or the." Register are authorised to act as A'gents for the ale of Jiights, in Wake county.--, ": .'-.-j 7,7 '. i- ' Otate of lWb-Carolin...-;r4 - Greene County- '-' I tOICpUrtof Pleas and Quarter Sessions,- ; 1 v:. May Term, 1827. , -;Av-r'l lleary Vestbrook use of Moses WestbrooW V;,f .Tl,omiAiaridge Original attachment. ' Le vied on the defendant's interest in ithe lands of-hisbrother " William t ' Aldjidge ldec'd v At;jv ' i IT appearing to the ? satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, .Thpinas Aldridge, . is riot a resident of this State ; brdered therefore, that publication be Irriade Isix Veekk successively Jin the Kaleigli KegHterfor the' said defendant to appear at our next .Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Greene, at the Courthouse in Snowhiil, on the second Mon day of August next, arid replevy, &.c,'or judg ment final will be entered against hint, and the property levied on condemned, subject to ; pay-' inent of plaintiff's demand. , Witness,1 William WiiriamsVClerkTof said Court, rat Snowhdl, the -second Monday of May, 1827. . . 7 Attest. Wll. WILLIAMS, Clk. pr. adv. $2 50 ' 77 6w State of North -Carolina. ' Greene County. ! Court of Pleas arid Quarter Sessions. May Term, 1827. 7 Wm. Tumage vs. Seth Eason. Original attachment. J ohn Ruif summoned as 77 ;.."" Garnishee. J-' '" ' ' IT appearing to the satisfaction' of the Court, that the defendant, Seth Eason, is not a resi dent of this State Y ordered, therefore, thai pub lication be made six weeks successively in the Raleigh Register, for the said defendant to ap pear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions, to be held for the County of Greene, at the Courthouse in Snowhiil, on the second Mon day of August next, and replevy, fctc. or judgment final will be entered against him and the proper ty levied on condemned, sujbect to payment of plaintiff's demand. Witness, William Williams, Clerk of said Court, at Snowhiil, the second Monday of May, 1827. -Attest. WJ1. WILLIAMS, Clk pr. adv. $2 50 ' 77 6w State of North-Carolina, Greene County. ' ' Court of Pieas and Quaater Session, x May Term, 1827 Richard H. F. Harper, ' ".. - ' ; Thomas Aldridge. Original.attachment. Levied on the defendant's interest in the lands of his brother William T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, Thomas Aldridge," is not a resident of this State i ordered, therefore, that publication be made fur six weeks successively in the Raleigh Register, for the said defendant to appear at our next Court of Pleas aad Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Greene at the Courthouse in Snowhiil, on the second Monday of August next, anil replevy, &.c. "or judgment final will be . entered against him and property levied on condemned, suoject 10 pay ment of plain'. ill s demand. Witness, William W illiams, Clerk ot said. Court, at SnowluiL the. second Monday of May, 1827. AlteSU VA1 ILiU A VJJK. pr. adv. $2 50 77 6w State of Tennessee. 1 Gibfcon County. -A'pril Term of Circuit Court, 1827. Caleb Howel, Complainant. , 7 . V3. . '"-!.' - David Reed, Respondent. Ix Eaoiry. Original BilL - I ' "MllS day came the Complainant, by his Coun 1. sel and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, by the affidavit f Benjamin P Tyson, that the said David Reed is not an inhabitant of this State, but an inhabitant of Chatham, North Carolina : Therefore, on motion of complainant, by his counsel, it is ordered by the Court that publication be made six weeks successively in the Jackson Gazette, printed in the town of Jack son, and also in the Raleigh Register, printed in the city of Raleigh, North-Carolina that . said defendant be and appear at the next term of this Cotirt. and plead, answer or demur to complain ant'j bill of Csiiplaint, or the same will be taken as confessed and set for trial ex parte, and -the matters thereof decreed according to the- prayer of said bill. A true cop3'. JAMES L. TOTTEN, Clk & Master. The Rill charge, that in the month of August, 1825, complainant contracted with said Heed, ol Moore county, North Carolina, , for oOO acres of land, a part of a tract of 1000 acres entered in'the names of John Gray and Thomas Hiount, in Gib son county ranges 4 & 5, ami section 5 begin ning at a black, oak and dogwood sapplinsmark-' ed II. R. said Blount's corner thence along the line north eighty chains to black-oak and pop lar sapplings, m irked H. It. said Blount's cor- ner thente along the line west ene hundred and twenty-five chains to a: stake, said Blouijt's, and Thomas Coor's corner thence along his line eighty chains to a s ake, bis and said Blount's corner thence along the east to the beginning ; for which he gave said Reed 1500 acres or land in Moore county, ami conve'ed the same bv 'ifc- nerai warranty, atuii ami entire saiisi cuon,.ana that Reed executed Ins br"d tor title to said oOO acres m inc peiiuy 01 vwu, u nc uiu u sa.n Reed would make a title to &id o0 acres, which by the termsof areeiueiit he had a right to se- lect out of said 1000 acre tract, conhning himself to the xorners or aia tract or aujoiniug a part sola to uenjamnrr. lyson u. tie nas laid ott Sl,ltn, vui wi biu t.1 t.w. wi 1 wwm.s, ouiuin- I . . - . . - . . ..I boundary of imr said Tyson's corner on the north boundary of s:id tract then east liUtl poles to a dogwood oewood and I eiim- then south 240 polesthen West 200 poles then north 00 poles to the beginning Said R.'ed was to convey in twelve meiitus, or as soon as himself or his agent should come to the coun try. representing that he or his agents would be there the ensuing springthat he Uastatcen pos session, ana - mue 1 improvements on said 3oo A. has sold out and - mved acres-that , said Reed rrom wuoreiuouai.aiiiwu.iijr, .o.umiiiauu p 1 dl. U .... ... .. TkT . f that he is in considerable uecuniarv embarrass - ment that he has written that it is wholly "un -- certain whether ne or his agent will ever bfhrt to convey prays a decree for the 300 acres e ; fore described. Sic. . : -. ...... .. ." JAMES L TOTTEN, Clk & Master Twenty Dollars lie ward. n .UNA W AY from our Mills. at Wilmington, JLm four or five weeks since, a dark Mulatto man named CHARLES, 26 or 127 years of age. about 5 ftet seven inches in height, and stoutlv ... .... - ..t . - 0 . ' bttiit. We purchased Charles' in January, 1826 1 he has wrought with our Carpenters most -of the time since.- He was formerly owned bv'Mr." Louis Headie, of Melville's Creek, Beaufort coun ty, 15 miles below North 'Washington, onl'am- 1CO. : blanks: For sale U this Office, -.TT ZT7. - 1 C; ;.VMV' ' : ' 7 " ' v: -V v FRIDAY, iULY 13, 1827 ; u iVa preceding colunin-wfyur papery will be fou n (1,511 n tlr v remi 1 4 turns receti 1 tl y adopt 1 t. I: ' T! . . . . - t . . 1 eu ,oje ti rusiees ot ine university,' at & meeting held at Chapel-Hill which vvtl J' il. I it !- t'SS 7Wv-. j-"- - frkllhllPS naA a c- In l,ra ,rnr--tmn r. .m -m au iuiki j J w t lull.' -v . -j at our Unirersity, and thus render .it ac cessible te every citizen z, to put down eve-, ry species of excess, and, dissipation.; 1 to excite emulation among. I he students, ant! toguard with greater; security every tle parttncMt' of the J n s t i 1 u r i 0 n ; ' 9emi to1 be their rand object. AYe understaiid tnis to be a commencement bnlyI:of a policy and system , which the Trustees are deter-: mined to carry on to the end. Aware of the high responsibility ihcarrred bythem in accept iii)? 1 lie trust Ielej;atefi to tliem by th Legislature, :lhev aiu dcterintued thnt no exertiohs on heir part shall be wanting. to niake'lhi, our onljr University,, worthy.' the patronage' of a Urge ami jMiwerful Stale. Hie digrace no longer rests upou us of being obliged to send our youth abroad to be educated. We have an Institution which, under the fostering ca rejind direc- of those to whom its Interest at e confided, is surpassed by. very ' few, if any; of the Colleges in the Union. 1 ' ' It may not be uninteresting perhaps to some of our readers at this time, to . see a stateiiient of the variuus .professorships, with the nauies of the several Professors and Members of the'Farultyl' 7 ' : ' ReVfcJosiipa "!ALWEi.i, D. 1. , 1'res'tand ProProf Moral Philosophy. Rev. E1.1 sua. MlTCHEt, A M. Protr. t;hemiiiry, Mineralogy & Geology. Rev. Wm, 11oipbr. A M 7" .'.f : I'rof'r, Rhetoric arid Logic ;t 7 Jamf.s PHiins, A. M. J . 7 --7 ; - Prot'r. Mfctht-matics & Natural Philosophy." Ethax A. Andrews, A. M. ' ;:.7,i ; - Pji'oPr. of Ancient Languages r lrof'r of Mnlern Languages 1 -Turous. J hji J: W.Tcrtr.. A. : ' (UtiVKn W. The. n well, A. Silas M. Andhiws. A. IS The following gentleman have obtained licences .to practise law" from our Supreme Com t, since otir last : J- '7 7 .. Superior Gfcrr Richmond Pearson,' Rown ; James II. Sunespn, Mecklenburg - County Qoiirtk -John T- Gdmore,, Bladen ; Alex. .JL M'Reje, Cabut7n; James C.l Ikivris, Mecklenburg; John MacQueen, Cumberland. The U. States Rank declared a divi d oiid for the txst halV y ear of thi'ee per cent. The Hank if Newbeni has declared a. dividend'tnr tlie last six mouths of three anil a. half percent. The .Bank of Cape Fear has declared for ; the same period a dividend of three per cent. ( 1 Lewis MLane, Esq. a member of the Senate of the U. States from Delaware, declines servfag as a Delegate to theHar. riburg Convention, to which he had bven (appointed at a;meeting"of. they citizens of that State j because,' though he is not unwilling to co-operate with his fellow-citi- zens in proper a.e;isures for the , advance erests of Manufactures and inent of the int 1 Agriculture, K appears to him improper that he should. by participating in'the de- liberations of the proposed Convention, f in relation to particular commit nurse measures, on which he may hereafter be called to act in his public . representative character." 1 The followirij appointments uitVmvthe Stateof Pentistlvaaia, haye been recent- ly made by the Governor of that State. viz Alexander Tomojc, be President Judge of the Sixteenth Judicial District, in place of lud.'W anr,Mini..l K c,..,m- i'.... . Alexander X. Hays, -Esq. to be Judge of the Tt;t,.; r-n 11.- 1 , ork ui pjace of Jud?e Tlomsolh U1,pttinted to' ti,e sixteenth Judicial District. , t - i n, irv'n fir., T . kov, - tr" P'b,ish M?1 "er . , I ' ' I . . r e x rvn ril ivh t t V it Iiilfur Irnni I ..iti I . -U.,.. vv u.....atn.H1, with ihe forcible and, appropriate retoarks f the VV heeling Gazette upon it, publish- eu 110 uouui, unuer pine sanction ot iir. Clav himself,' who was then on the spot on his way to, his home in Kentucky. I he General out reiterates the stale charge ot bargain-and jlle,,? as related to -hitifbv aa informer, who had been. ' iafurmed" ) ' . . . . uoon the suDiect, and then, after havitisr 1 .. 1 7;. ti '. i-t 0 poured poison into his mind, lago like,. re- c,.,memls , ihe UenMo,lAt lamethiag he aaecls ho much to deprecate in others! The charge thus insidiously and equivocal- iy Jiii has atiui 1 17 to the proof, i W e venture to nredi this aftiir will tillce the General in atnor unfortUD;ite'predicament than any of his ! . - . .. J tormer committals'7 upou paper. . Ument to C2l. Ma. Neuvillh c. vi:l:i-- r : i? .l: U,HCUJ;:U"B;. viaui.c,iu,mi5 Country audf always considered ii bene- berpf Deputies said, - i v fthoselwfioac j . : - - wiMWikuiiais i tv i ana mai noinn v m rMvn th. ide, Air- U lay now prononces, as he rtr.1, u.oou, daughter cf Jo na done repeatedly belore in his public rZlr:S: ? 7. L resses, to be- slanderous and infamous. t.V YV:. VSI??5 cl Co- i ' I i .1 . - - i ,",,vl iiiavopner a; natch, ta false and -chaUenges. his calumniators Mrs Ann Jones! eldest daughter 'if the i-.t x AlilUn iia.Jiitut in. Alii' I'.P.t, fj T ITifitS tile 'IjuI aii. irfk tn. Vr.-,i .h.ii'fl. - there yoa wil nud thelndrts aremc;i y4 will findamoHsf iluim learned m.igistra.tes.wj.1 hy merchanti; skilSufraycanic- t btif 1,1 United' States, a countryJvhfcJi .. t lionor frA u other eatisesi, and esteem for a grent rnoy tlUii,, the Indians are inert lirutes. VVt Ctiba w h other Spanish colonies' and yon will finvLa it has jnst been told you; fnanV coVmiats treating tlieir Uves as" the Patriarch's' did.1; There, at least, jroti will have the jcnrisol .tion to leara, t'iat the poor slave ia riot-withcHit vp-,wvIo it'jo ?ec' S'ich is, Erentfeinen. the naternal 'aw of the Spaniartls, 'that anv Slack can redeem him- ' seu ; it isjot in the power ofhis iister JUjre Vent it j1 every year the' authqritie tlefmriina the pric of n'dempuou, arid the fi-.tV' 01 , U.cH, by. Ilia labor7Wi,e slave his maijefnp th recuisit.- sum, he carries itto tJe;magisLrate, wht i.airn: ditfh""tleclar. s him Itee, C " 7 7 -j"- . What is trie comeauence It is that thc TtA land of Cuba alt reckon more free-.l b!acks mn ail ttw othrr cohnMs ofth 'world put tether. i ,f That law, so liumaive, exists . but witli" -thi Spaniards. Well I witli the Scwniard. the skve pop ilation doeVnot diminish. It' reK.dtj IIihm'. gentlemerii fcom this observation, ahvl .many o- -Uteri which concur to corroborate; .it, that thedt cay Of Uie Colonies, that is to sy the decrease tt the African rice, in theVqst Indie, is owing prineipalty to the vile sWem which has. but too ong ahiicted humanity. : 7 ' v - .-. " t - -lv will saV. with the 'Minister of :Mariiie.' that ' there are indeed qtlestions wfiici " Cannot, whictt' ought wit to be d sctftsed i rt this t rib un V. Hut, gentlemen, these questions," ynt ailwe.l " kno ! how. to solve them in 7 your-'.tn it:. hearts, l.ikci me, you will oifer-tip fHuyers, 4it to let. loos ; all on a sudden, :meni'wln4 "springing from state of brutism, to pass to th.4f of 'an unbounded free dom, would enjoy it 'perhaps but to renew thnso fatal and crimuial excessc wich have desolate-l the XV. Indies but thit'by cletrrees, and in the course of time, wjiich" renders every tliusr easy aiiu possmte to tio for tnose poor Atncaii3,wh also are men- f Ah ! does not reliirion eive theriVk as well as td 5'ou; creiitleineri. the bread of l.fe and will not JSoU receive them us - well a you. -selves in , his immortality 7j--to do'for thein, I V our, w,,&s aivvay s so gpott, so patemaf , didfor.theirowh'subjects. ; For tq say it, gentle men, mere Was a time When this beautiful k ng- ttoro was a land xtf bvinfaVe-. 1 WeftV. it' was hang of Frarice who, dir.Lgarifii V the clamors of superstition and 1 ignorance s'oid tbe k'rencfV cannot, must .not, be viUaiiis.'. tt wasuWotheV Kmg of France wko enacted this beautiful rd i - nance :; FroTick signifies -free many iherPwe -v4U thiit i Pruned, 'the iXinieikUTthiit -uHa The new; Bridge over TaVRtverrat 'tlils place, (says the tJarboro' Press) was corn- iieteu 011 Saturday List- and, ve anj 'Vj ineu in stating, .10 me euttre satisl.iutiou f the CmmissintJers; i Mr. Greene llosv of Frankliny the bulliltjr, is jastly ntitfdd 10 praise ior ine expeuitioua and worumat tike manner mwhich tlie work; has ee executed ' j -IV.. he Moatreal Courant:. ; 7 ; : a - ; ! r The Hon Col. ;j; Itamsay, of his Excellent the GoveVnor iu Chief, ha lately arriveti, wiumJepar hes . to , hs - L. celleucy froVn Enrantl.. We; u n d ers land that, immediately; upon his reaching thu Governor, a "ntessaire wa 4pnt tu irtintnofi he attendance of the Sulicithr General, th who!e;pHrty kre :;t.i 'inoceeh-;fiirihwitH-10 Quebec, to examine the despatched. - It is rumoTed,bfut we give it only :a$ a runVorv that the lespatchrs contain instructions of His t-xcellency to take awuy the cnititu lion hitherto enioyfd br this'coau'trv. Fz tti plact; it under the. control of the Governor and Council which measure, it is said. was occasioned by the. dtfilcul ties' Whiclt constantly distract the PniviDcial '-Parlia-innt. - It is not very prob ibfe that tins re- pore is ctirrect ffof is the Cohstitutitm was granted; to this ctmh try by. act, of a rl 2 a - meat, we presu me 1 1 coal a be taken away only by one unless there wai a provisto iu it.. 1 t . 1 - .'. : - - . . - me act ojrwhicu it was grantedy that if. it proved not we! I suited to' the' country, it might be" talceii'away? ' ..Certain it is, that, the despatches, contatnVsomeihing or" a strong military, force t is : coming oat to this conitryi fort what purpose wccamioc divined' 7 .'-- -.-'' .7', -- ; - '77. V" ' V """-''"". , 7:- The Ship Hercule, arrived at York. I brings Liverpool papers to the 30th May. i.ue.oeuiforguian, ine itepresentative u Brazil at Lisbon, having died suddenly, is suspected Co have beeri poisoned, lie was a strong friend to . th-e Coustilution It i stated, that Lurd Cochrane has captured five Turkish vessels, . iThe Jiishop of Lotw d on hai stated 1 a the H ou se of Lords,; that the, King is. decidedly opposed to. the Ca tholic Question. Tne amount of duties paid at Liverpool the last quarter, is "reat e r than ' e v er before k 1 1 own. 7 ' v " - 1 t , --. - ' '- . "T ' " . " - . .. I I ... - ' ... - - ' !. .. - ' t '- i - QC"r BinkershooVs"Adlress, is! -well 'written but we do not a pprovVof attacks of this , kind especially where Jthe person is -not a candidate for popuiar favor. It is enough iljat the jucn:ent a m:tn offers his services to the public, th it cus tom has sanctioned all'sorts of attacks 11 ni him while a man is satisfied to remain at home, we think be ought to be secure froia public puliticai censure. . ' . t . n: --, MARRIED, In Duphri, on the 24th ult. Cok Joshua Hose. ly. of lSo MX lof JohiT. Bryan Esq. of that Countv 0 1 : ri lnir County, on "the 28 h ulu Jesse Las- I n Tuesday eveninsrthe 25ihult .'Mr. tr,-?,, I t" r ,Ula' 5jaaSTUt:rcf Jj..zti lii- I tins. Kaa. all uf rhnw.n iinnt.. . - rt .' ?-. -. - . t"Jf" ' I' ' At Newbern, . oh Wednesday last, 7 - ii I "eii,inneoinyearot hi a e. il wa3 boni NewJersfev. hot UtA Ki.. "nJ IpectabUinhaWntWthattowti. Bertie County, lately Mr. Thomas Thorsn- i respectable punter, aged abtmt 0., Greenville, in Tennessee late! v. tlaior a. i lexander Sevier, formerly an ofTiCer c'f the il riaa orpsot tne Usited States. On uzxli? 0f the invasion of Washington, Sarin-the lite vrxr. s co.u din taj r L 'n.Z, ..ib.. - o - . . l tntiwj. auuui uie ; About tiie clDa- cf tha war, Major .S importance to Ttne country and probably will put, at rest Jthe. existing diffical ties, which we should not regrt. It is certain Ct that Jones, Esq. both of Onslow." J ' - !- ner resign