1 1 -V f 4 ' THK BLIGHTED flower; . i .tf J7,e Spoiler carfie. There. bloomed a lovely bttle flower, v Chill autumn came with frown severe; J . " . . . . . .... .. .. '.-. , -Ahd swept tne vernanij" The tree was strip V the- leaf Was sear. Yet mWst the "waste so sad and drear, - " 4 J- Thd fiowret neroh'd not;1-, - I- f , ' ; L - 1 ". i 1 i i i ' ' fl" S. Sri ''''' ' .NfiJ ' " ' ' . ' ?V And in 'the wild it grewj ;.; ' - ,1 warbJBsumne , ; 4 'And round it rttdc; secluded bower, y ,. j t A blessed fragrance threw. ; i i iern-rinier wiw ms umiuji- ,",, w , : 'Vm -' :oer autumn ravage, tfirew ; .; . . . . .;. , - i3o!d was ttte day and drear the night , , , - ; " '; Ant ;et the BoweUlt blight, fv r lv-v:ButbeuuteouVsti!l it,grevr:i .-t-"A-beWg' ofanifelic fbrfu,' "-vr -n p" ;.:" ' -: ; v - AU hea venly to beboht. ;? -s ? - - ; ; V' $ -."''f Espied and from the wintry stftro;--?.; 1 T-fi. The How en t Art his mansion warm, , ' -shielded frort thfe cdld.;,f ! f v ; - ' 4:..'V; wKife it shed 'a fragrance roun, ; f l .J: ? ? -i-jriH alUts sweets wtre fled ; .V-'-t;i,Tehlike;a..weedwas drooping found, eglected-troddento theground ; , ;v ': J ialewithereT bVighted-Iead ! ' " :X: i f Oh would'stthbu knb tha beings natne-- i -.1-f !- ;Tnesmansich.hnd tfs.guest ? : --u. MAN,-MAIJtot, eternal shame, Thou, anct.tnal neing are xne;snpm i;i S IV O MAN, i he.jflo.weret, doom'd to shame, a l X .i s:iT :'roWolV curst tliy. breastl " , t j j . i i in 111 K American Quarterly Review, No- ,2, just recciven dv , . . , v i X i: J, GALES & SON. -"Ii 1 s ' . . . K, rJj1; U Akt. 1:- Political -Economy. Lectures on tne Elements , f.f Political Economy. By Thomas t Cooper, M. D. President of the SouthCarolina College; and Professor bf .Chemistry und Politi- caI EcononVv,w:-.l-TC ' ,5 ? '2.U4iett'ciMrir8ma. The Father of an Only Chil a Comedy'? By Wm. Dunlajv. - Marmion; Ta UratfaV'.in five?acls. By JV Barker; Esq; Superstitioni Tragedy. By the same.- ' 7 ? : i SEbttrttrctinPhiletoiyhv The nature of things, ni?fltio fim-- tpnUted: from the Latin of ! " Titusf luicretius Carus, V and Illustrated with 'irvNotfea. Bv John -Masoti Cood.?s ' ' vi ;:"4Acjx' ?ae. ;An Es$ay Upon the history k ' ofi Music; in Italr from the earliest times to the pi tsenttlav. By Count Gregory Orlofi;- Senator of the Russian Empire,-- ' ' -'' i ; 'jAJfnericetiMicjpaphyJ 'Biography- of ; the ; "S'gAers- to the Declarationof Independence, 1. . vols.''-" . v" v--' '' ' '- . ' ' ' 6.'Ee-vffirm irterfirtvtTJcs. Precis du Systerr r 'iHyeroglyphique. des AneieasEgyptiens mi Re- ercs sur les Elt niens 'de cette Ecriture Sa- -y:r. execXtijC Par M. ChamholIion le June. j 7. JS-aiiirul n:s!ory. i -Exposition des I'r'ncipes fondamentaux de la Zoologie.- ! Far Mlc Cheva- .Iter le-ia Mai ck. -Nature s Article dans lexxu - ' - inmedu I Diction aire d'llistolre NaturtUe. Par !e (Jhevalief de la Marck. " . ,! . ;A . c ' 8: 4v&frtiLtsiu JiaraUve of a Survey of the t'r ln?ertronial and Western Coasts t)f Ausfralasia, L TJrTormed between "the vears 5S18 and 1822. , X Bv Capt; P. King.'R.N. F. R. S. F. L. S. cc. I ' - -, 2. Political Sustcmtf iincricai: America, or a ! " " General Survey -"of the Political Situation of the ''' several Powers of the Western Continent, with ' . 1 Conjectures on their Future Prospects. . B s I ; ';CiizeTi"tf the U Statesi' Author of Europe &c :"f:T VS. Setnir. Memoirs: " Memoirs, Recollections, ;,v - hd;Aieclote.:.-By the Count le Segur, Mem- - ber of the French Academy, and Prerot France "11.- French Uteixtlvre: An Historical W$vr of ; Z the ',S fate and ; Progress of French Literature, , 1 - smce'1789.V ; By Maria Joseph Chemer. Sum .-mTV;f French Literature from its Oriein down ''.' .; w to, 1 Ui' Pre sen! Period. lf '-'-f? i 'r f-- l'pJJf tf . &aphltm.i,. Life of Napoleon Buo- nap'artt- with a Pieliminary View-or the Re volntion. v By the Author of Waverlv. "J- Ivittx; . ' " ' - ' . Jll xrencu une 23 f a.;h -.v.'. ixSKJ Jl LjEa . - ; -cubenthy ofNe wman Jack? s.iijahTirky'Pyeek, ten miles, from Raleigh, husJiad soinrl Property ,lef , , to him byt-his re lati 011, Mr.-Wells,, of Rush Count, and i.ft he will XTifllTriT' . . aplvj tojthose who have the Esjterhe ruay. rt-ceive.itw . . I June 20 " j ;., -V f;--.. settlement ot the 76 HHAT'at,the Counfy;q;uxt I'ofWake, held in J -th; subscriberquahhed as ETecutof to the late will atid testament of'Josiah Billiard, deceased, late of the : City "of Raleigh,. atid therelore request, - all. persons indbted to the Estate of said de ceased to cCon fbrwarcla'nd'pay the- sanie and all those, .having claims, against . sa'd,, Estate, are hereby rejquested to "present uenv properly au "thentitated I within; lhe?5jtime :. pi-escribed by aW for payment, otherwise this notice will be plead : inbar.qfa. recovcry.y iS4v;.l4"U t; , -,; u M ERRITT ; D1LLT ARD,', Ex'r. WT.ake county. May 25.i 70 4w HORSES m ANTKI); rirHE 'Subserirr jn; cohttn"plsitTon o.f his re- ' ' f ff Wisli to purchae Six first rate UorsesVfVorn 5 M to8 y'tats ttldi suitable for the Stage." App'y ' Isoor.!? 1 v MLRUITT'DILLIARD. : L-f.il U: IuTetgh, June 27. - r-.H '"' 78 2t c;-v r 'nuivajno xne esi,oTTfr.s loia.ems nouse & Xotjln'lhSlown of Oiford;toVhlch'are' attach, cd ttbotfflOO acres of -1 and r aUo, his'Faim Ivincr lv- " ; '00 acres";' anil an uhdiv'idecLuidiety of a FannV ; ry liowjir bpcrl.tionl 'A particular description ,; wiinin j nuitrsrii 111c i u w u. awi (.uniatiiiiii: uuihii or 11 ie premises' is noc - given, as 11 is preomeo ev.ry pf.rson d-sn-ous ot jiui chasing, will take y ---i . ' . , ; JOS.'B."' LTTTLEJOHN.' Gramillrouidy'Jan: 28, 18er. 35 t - .-. i .. . . 1. Ui DUAWIKG. OF THE; INEW-YORK .CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY. 1 Class Number, TlireO, for 1827. , - :: :2i:;20J.a7.;5i:K 22, js! 48. 0; Persons holdingjpri2es?a)e requested to" come lu.H.iukuu iDaky mem ai.ir omce 01 - V 1 ,-V. ivYATEfS & M'INTYRE. RaieiKhT: c.; PIUN'PIYNU ?cauy extent &i at this fWtue., j,:FiVIfiIUT"E CAPITALS! iilT Intelligence v that we. have agin hacMne fortune; of selling five more Capital Prizes jn the Union .Canal Lottery, 'J9th clartot waicn the iollowing are the drawn numoers ; ; ;43. 55 31... 28.,, 10. s S9. 2i:, 4U 1 1 ( 10. 11; 41. - 2tou , 'Siss.'i.' 2,000 : i: - : . -21..2&41,. . J,,r--.r0V ' ; ; 28 39.; 43. - ;100. rJi. ' The crize F $2,500 has been Tsent to 'Macen, nnrrla i the 2.000 AO Tarhoroueh, N. C vthel- i ftOfj to Columbia. S. Crj, the 500 to Salisbury ; the 100 to Newbern. As soon as we are at libt-r-ty, the names of the foHuiiate Jiolders .shall j be announced An the mean time we invite, them to call or send for the Cosh. ' v r.tvV. . YATES fit M'INTYKE, Ualeigh, N- C. TRvoiVe -8a( lAotleY , 5TH To b drawn at Providence, on Wednesday, July 11, 1827, i' i ..':' 'it SCHEME. 1 Prize of :j v' " g6,000 ' 3; 000 , 2,500 2,000 1,500 -1,088 1,000 ' 500 250 - 150 100 40 20 10 is 26,000 "3,000 ''.V'. Ki f', 2,500 t 2,000 ' 1 -.8 "4G V 1,500 . 1;088 2,000 2,500 1,250 1,200 3,000 1,840 92 138 1,012 1.840 1,380 I 6,072 24,840 072 8,280 " 9,024 Prizes, 15J80Blanks, ' Whole Tickets, $3, 862,0 10. i Tilrote OA fld I m am jm M.m w t f ifutf Hi SCi. OiiflrtPTa 7.1 cents.?; -i t (TV .Orders enclosing: Cash or Prizes, (post paid,) will recaive prompt attention, if address ed to ' YATES & M'INTYKE, .V' - .. Raleigh or Fayetteville, Cure for Intemperance. W VR. SWAIN has left some portions of his Me , dicine lorthe cure of Intemperance, at this Office, the following are his directions for taking Mix it all with a half a pint of spirits of any kind, that which is most preferred is the - best take one table spoonful every morning fasting for four mornings, then one every three or four days for a week or two, then once a week or as often as an inclination arises for spirituous li quor water may " be added to each dose, and sweetened or notxas the patient likes ; if it should prodace much sickness take less, two or three teaspoons full will be sufficient tor some. Those who have been in a habit of taking ardent spirits frequently for. some time, will on leaving it on feel debilitated ; when thisis the case, take some Peruvian bark, a teaspoon full in some mine or 111 wine and water tnree or four times m the day on an empty stomach ; or they may as oftt n take ateacup full of tea made with the bark of dogwood, red oak or to lack oak with some snakeroot, dittony or hyssop in it. Chil dren sometimes will get a craving appetite for ardent spirits, they will be cured fit, by giving them some of the medicine diluted with water, half a teaspoon full or one or two teaspoons full according to their age : as directed for adults. ; May 26 1327. GEORGE SWAIN. Slnton Canal JLcttcrj? OF PENNSYLVANIA, WVi Glassy To be drawn on the 25th jlay of July 1827. 5 SCHEME. 1 Prize of 815,000 1 -jl- - 5,000 1 4,000 I 3,000 1 2,500 L ; 1,716 2 1,000 5 - 500 8 - " 250 ' 10 , 150 25. 100 . 46 ' .r,7... ; -50 .94-; ::';. 25 1150 10 8280 - 5 13 SI 5,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,500 1,716 2,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 . 2,500 2,300 2,300 1 1,500 41,400 1 9624 Prizes, 299,216 15,180 Blanks, 24,804 Tickets. ; Whole Tickets S5. Half 22 50. Quarter gl 25. OC Orders enclosing cash or prizes. (Dost paid ) will receive prompt attention, if address ed to . i. ' ' 1 ' . - YATES &,McINTYRE, : Jialcigh or Fayetteville, N. C.i State otVNorth:Carofiua. . . Rockingham" County, ; ; Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, May V ' Term, A. D. 1827. " f Peter B. Stubblefield and others,, , Thompson Harris and wife David R. Bodv and , ' wife-and others. A . t v : '. , r Petition for Partition.. ; (T appearing to the satisfaction; of, the Court; that Thompson Harriss and wife and David l. Body &. wife defendants in this cas..ir not in habitants of this State, it is therefore publication be male for six: weeks successively in the Raleigh Resrister, eriviner notice to th xhr defendants to appear at our nx?nnrt Af Pl. and Quarter Sessions for "the countv of Ttnrk iiiguani at wentwonii, on ITie 4th Mondav of August next, and answer, 'otherwise the petition will betaken pro confesso, and heaid ex parte. V itness' Robert Galloway, Clerk of s;id Court at Wentwoilh, the 4th Monday of Ma y, 1827 o 'V, - 2?BEHT GALLAWAY, C." C. Price Adv. - ' . , ' 6w-74 State of Nortii-Uaiolina. I Surry County, : May Sessions, A.' D. 1827. '" ; .. Polly Hoppis The real estate of John Hdppis, dee'd 1i a : thi 'Tf f riM"-."3:u-reaent of this ; "State it is therelore order h-o- th . . i- - , ": . - !"svuii uiaipubhca-tic-n bemade (or six weeks in the.Mei Reeis ier i nav me saui I ugh Davis and Sal Iv fris wife. Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Surry, at the .Court-Bo! lord ton the" second-Monday in' August nert -nleari amuw ,7.,. V UgUSt next r "vl''ow ivi'i'-s aupear at the novt rn..- K irr , - v- ."-"". "'"erwise the't)etition will be heard V.r'.ivMV ;... -v . ycu.l,on av..,.t.. J 4 i 4 :7. V" . J uts ie nj je n t ered c- . - - - j j. u ii I in o r . Trice Adv. 2 s vPST ? t - e ""wnof the Court itHughD.iVis and . Sally his wlfc. n,l A l:,:cly irci-o Girl for "S: t, mt 1G vcars ofce. Apply to the I'rmtcrs. ; abou Mav 14. HEfPECTFOLLYvOtieis nia proiesJona cr vices to the citizens of JUleigh and its tit cinity A. .' 'vU:h.nii He may be fount! ati tii snop mn 'v'". Street, next door below Messrs. - nti 1W Tucker's .St ore. " m -f Haleigh, April 2g, 1927.: 15 FOR RENT, " A commodious twostory Uwelling Mouse, eii: imJ' gibly situate, having attached to it;all he-, cessary out bouses and ti fine garderi..Fof terms apply.to the F.tlitnrs of ,lhe Register -1 .Ralejgh, April II, . r;t. BEEP at ?ORE QB. 1028; Ni. VV COMMISSIOWKBS' OFFICK, SEALED proposals will be received by the Commissioners of the Navyi 'iihtU the 31st day of July, 1827, for the supply ot . 4 ; 3000 barrels ot Pork, ' , v ! 3600 barrels of Beef. '. Mi : One third of "the quantity of Pork, and one tliird pf the quantity of Beef to be delivered at each of the Navv Yards at 'Boston,' NewrYork; and Norfolk. The '! whole to be delivered by the 1st of April. 1$28. : ' ' ' The said Beef and Pork shall be of the Very best quality. The beet s!i ill be packed from cattle well fattened, and. weighing, not less than 400 lbs. and to average 550. lbs. All the legs, leg rbundsrclods, and 14 lbs. from the hecks of each animal shall be excluded, and the rest of the body of the animal cut into pieces of 10 lbs. -1 d. -.i.. ! each, as near as may De, s .nai iwemy pit:t.-s will make a banel of 200 lbs. nett weight of beef. ' 1 Of tlie Pork, which must be corn fed and well fatted, all the skulls, feet and hind; legs entire, shall be excluded and the remainder of the hog, including. not more tnan tnree snouiuers to eacn barrel, shall be cut into pieces or eigni pounus each, as near as may be, so that twentv-tive pie cm will make a barrel of 200 lbs. hett weight of Pork. The whole of the said Beef and Pork, to be nar.kd with the best clean conrse white Turks island, lsie 01 May, or 01. udcs s.au, -vi rjth five ounces ot tne Desr, sanpetre 10 eacn Darrei.- .The barrels n w hich the said Beef and Pork shall be packed, must be made of the best sea soned white oak, or white ash tree trom sap, and fully Jiooped they must be branded, Na vv Beef." or ' Navv Pork," with the contract or's name, and the year "when packed. The whole of the said Beef and Pork must un derm insnection at the Navv Yards where the deliveries are to be made, by some sworn inspec tor ot the State, to be selected by the Commis sioners of the Navy,' or to such test, inspection, and examination, as they have, or may hereafter prescribe, free of expense to the United States, ahl the barrels must be in perfect shipping or der. ' . ' , . ' '. ' Each proposal for furnishing the Beef and Pork, must state the place of residence of the bidder the names of two competent persons as sureties, and the place of their residenc -and ten per cent, will be reserved by the United States on all payments until the contracts shall be completed, in addition to tht bond, and all payments will be made at the places of deli very. . , ' -; " The proposals must be endorsed oh the back,; offer to furnish salt provisions. ind must state the' prices of the Beef and Pork respectively,, deliverable at the several Navy Yards aforesaid. Any, bid not made in conformity to the adver tisement, or not received within the time limited' herein, will not be considered. March 26. ' 2aw52 t31Jul Navy CommissioRer,s Office, ! : V 12th March. 1877- . Lav e Oak frame and promiscuou , Timber for. Ships of tle Line, Frigates $ Sloops of War, -riHE Conmssioners of the Navy will receive JL proposals un,6l the 31st day of July, next, for furnishing Live Oak Timber, cut , to moulds, (which they will furnish) for ships of the line, frigates and sloops of war, and the proportion of promiscuous Live Oak, cut to dimensions, that may be required, say 6000 cubical feet for "each i ship of the, line, 3000 for each frigate, and 1000 for each sloop. v The timber must be cut from trees grown in situations not more than 25 miles from the sea", deliverable at the following' build ing yards, viz. Portsmouth, N. H. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, 'Washington, and Norfolk during the years 1828, 1829 and 1830, say on or betore the 1st November ot eacn year. Persons oHering, will be pleased to state parti cularly their terms per cubical foot.for any one of the frames, with the proportion oT promiscuous timber required V also, (should they be disposed to offer for more) their terms per cubical feet.for three frames collectively (one of each class, that is. a 74, a 44, and a sloop,)with the promiscuous tim ber, designating in all cases their paces tor the frame of a ship of the line, of a frigate, of a .sloop and for promiscuous timber. 1 he otters can be made deliverable at any one, or, either, or all the i yartls above mentioned ; but the terms per cubi cal foot deliverable at each, (jf a difference be made by the- bidder) must be distinctly stated. It is to beVunderstood, that .the Commissioners will select such offers, and assign to , each bid der such portion of. the timber required, (not less than one entire Yjame) and designate such yards for the delivery as they may judge expe dient for the public interest ;. and further, that no money will at any time, under any circumstan ces, be advanced, and that none will be paid, until an actual delivesy of timber that bond; with two or more sufficient sureties, for the faith ful discharge of , any contract, will be required ; that, the amount of such bond will be one third the estimated amount of the contracts Moreover,.. thatk as, additional and collateral secu rity, ten per centum of the avails of each cargo will be' reserved and withheld, until the contract shall be fully complied with to the entire satis faction of the Commissioners ; and that, in all deliveries of timber.'a due monortion of the most difficult parts of the frames shall be deliver! ed, otherwise, 4 it shall be at the , option of the Commissioners to withhold such amount, in ad dition to the ten per cent, above mentioned, as they may judge expedient for the public interest until such deficient proportion of such difficult timbers shall be delivered ; and it is further to be understood, that all .-payments will be made at the places of delivery. . . ?v J .i . i Those ywhoA may offer to supply any part of Ihis timber, are further requested to state parti cularly their own residence the names resi dences of their sureties, to forward letters from such-persons, stating their, willingness to become sureties, and also to forward evidence of the com petency of such persons as sureties to the amount for which they may become bound i. AU offers are to be sealed and directed to the CoiivmUsfon ers of the Navy, and endorsed with the following words, via. Offer to furnish Live , Oak,- under the advertisement of 12iliMarch, 1827.' 5 ; . y .The timber is to be inspected and measured according to the rules established by the Board, a copy of which may .beootaiped on application to the Nayy Agent either at Vensacola. Savannah, Charleston,. C. . Norfolk Washmeton. Uahl-1 more, PhUadelphiaNew-Yorki Bostonvcr Ports. moutn, tj? .m dtr,f .v .-.' bid not jnade. in conformitylo1 this adver tisement, or that may may not be received within the time herein limited for receiving bids, canuot be considered, ; . ' ; :'41-iaw-t3Uuly r yon T'1 r l.Lih i it. . .... 1i C - DOAnn or ttx jTXEsy His.cxceilency.jps; "i:iint. Gqtkti-v tinmi.ii.H:Tanev. i Esfl Rev. George Koerts. f av w i Hon. EZ. ! naniof rv Honi Stey'nsoft Archer. HorrrThps.r B.;Dorseyi Hon, John Herbert; Hon; James Thomas Hon.: John Nelson., Hon., W. : II. Marriott. H on. Re v'rdy Johnson. Rev. 3 P. K..Hensnaw. Solomon Etting, ? Ksq. TatTil ? Williams, Xsq. Wiliam Frick, Esq. y. Isaac. McKim, Esq. 1 v Dr. JamesSteuartrji; Dr. JL J. Sentunes.. 1 Dr. Dennis 'Claude. ; : Jas; W. MeCulIocln Es, Dr.' Henry Wil Kins. ' quire.;rr-'T i CoL JoburEi;lowarur COHEN'S OFFIC El 14, Market-street, - .i i7a'mrr. vUcv-Jth..! 827-5' try LTnder atlthoritv of the Act of the General Asmblv (Dec session,- irao,) wc iierwnii present to the public, the FHst Class ot tae 3ia- ry land , . -f v .', r i j( 'J i v V - ' l'-f : -1 'i " I ; , Literature Lottery, jiw whole to be drawn in 0E DAY, ir.the city of .BatTixoRB, and under the superintendence of he CommisMururg ppoi sited by, "the. Gover or and .Council. f j.; ; ,.; - ' . . i HI.GHKST PHIZF., , . - JMIfrl JANT SCEHME i : l v Prize of 820,000 is 320,000 1 10 10 10 20. 20 40 100 , 150 300 9000 10,600 2.0CK) 1,000 j500 fv-2ft0s Kit): ' r- 50- '10,000 20,000 10,000 ? 5,000 .4; 000 - 2f)00 "2,000 -2.000 -K50O 1,500 20 10 '-'5' -''4 i 0" n " 36,000 9662 priZos, aralVtnl 14,000 dols. "v 20338 only 30,000 Tirkets. 03 he AS It for the whole of the Prizes can be h:i !, as usual at Coukm's 0ncr., the incmetd they are drawn. ( - : ; v " : , " -i ' I " . . '-Moiie or DnAvvijto. Tlie numbers will be put in one wheel as iisti.il, and in the th r will be pttt the prizes above the denomination of -Five' Dollars, and tlu di-awing to protrvess in the usu al manner. The 9,000 prizes" of Four DoHnr f e be awarded to the tickets, the numbers of which end with .the' terminating figure of either pf the three Jirst drincrt numbers of ftijfereni terminations The ? Five Dollar Prizes to be'awarded to'the; tickets having the two last figures correspotiilmg' with the two last figures, of - suh number f t?ie next dnwn of different terminaiion. This mxle; will permit the whole lottery to be completed in one drawinsr. and a ticket dr.iwincr a -superior prize vill not be rior one also. -- restricted from : drawing an mte- Whole tickets, $J. Shares in proportion. Orders from any p"rt of the. United States, either by mail (post paid) or private conveyance, enclosing the Cash or Prize tickets in any of the Lotteries;-will meet the same prompt and punc tual attention as jif on personal application. L r gy:1ddrt8S to .'. , " - : J. I. COHENJh & BROTHERS, Baltimore. Raltmorf,'Mav 7th, 127. ' . . - . Econom y is the Itoad to Vealth. ' RALEIGH l-y Dyin &Scoaiirig Kstablisbmenty THE Subscriber returns sincere thnnks to the Ladies ;md Gentlemen I of Raleigh,: and the public i generally, for their liberal patronage, since his commencement of business in ..this place, and hories by assiduity and attention . to merit a: continuance. He fias added to his Eta bhshment n'iofet m-tchinery oPthe latest improve ments, 'Which enables him to forward business with more dispajtch and in a superior manner ; piece gbods of all kinds finished equal to .import ed, vizi Cloth?, Cassimeres Cords," Vtlvets, Stuffs, Siiks, Satins, drapes, fTbsiery, &c. Gen lIemeiiJi,;G.irmnts6f every description scoured, renewed in colour or dyed and finished, -at the shortest. notice,1 in as much perfectum aslat any other. Eitahlishhient iii the Union. His mode of Steam-Scouring,r extracts all kinds" of grease, paint, tar, &c". and is admirably calculated to pre serve clothes during the 'summer season from moths,' &c. Ladies' Dresses -of every desbription dyed to any shade or tol icka changed to other colours. Leghorn and Straw Bonnets bhrached, or stains removed, or dyd ahd trimmed to the latest fashions! Umbn lias, ' Parasols;. . Ribons, Gloves: Stockings, Shoes, &c. dy-'dtoi.any other colour. ' Ladies' 4,elisses dyed and pressed, al so Merino ahd other Shawls scoured .and the colours revived equal to uew, or dyed two dis tinct colours if requested, each Shawl answering the purpose ofjt wo separate articles, or the pre sent colour preserved on one side, and the other dyd to amy beautiful colour or shade desired,' North-Carolina! or domestic cloths consisting of cotton arid wool, dyed and pressed to appear ele gant ; also cotkou and wool in hanks or skeins dyeil to any colour. " Military Uniforms, Epiu lets, Embroidet, &c. cleansed, arid restored to their original brilliancy. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call and . examine new specimens of faahiortable jcolours for the present summer, dyed at this establishment, which he warrants equal to 'any ever exhibited to the ''view1 of. the public, and wplch, for brilliancy and durabihtj'; .cannot be surpassed, by any similar establish ment in the Union. y f v ? j , , N. ft. Gentlemen's T Clths : ueatly -repa-red with dispatch' 0n reasonable terms.., .All , articles sent to tle estabHshment to be 'dyed orscourvl, will be rea.ly fpr delivery in two or three days from the time of receiving' theni, weather per-' mining. - -.f-.f f. s:. :' :- ,t.-- All kindscf jMantuamaking and Millinery done with neatness, ;and in, the .mosttashiuiiablff man ner, at the above EstabTishmerit; V V 1 JOHN BRISSINGTON.' June 15, 1327- 3- ' - - t. i-t-.-.u -f tf-731 The Exer. ises of the Franklin Male Academy, will be resumed on .Monday, the 18th instant.' 1 .'-: ' ' The Session of six month. Terms as follows For the nidime.ts of KnglUh, as! Reading Spel li ug, . &.C j $7v Geograpjiy, Anthmei ic, Gmmiriari &;c. 10. .v Forthe languages and higher bran cues ot the , Mathematics p!5, in .advancer At the close; of the session a small tat on each stj- deht fori ItJe experise'of fueT ur.d'c)ntrigencisls Instructors5 sometimes 'nforise. what'nth'oruMt would be equally-obligatory on them and be ex pected byleverypatroii of.tlieif schools-an.! ho nest and faitlifril discharge 'Jpf, ;duy?,(Non pro v'i r . ' i ' r - PTTAtt nnrlin.'b LouisljiurgJune 3 .Gales) and Soii "i , t no H AVE just ; ATX. AN' received av fresh stippTy'bf the ATLANTIC SOU VENI R,and. FO RGET XlEjOT, for 1827,. The EngraviogSiWiicbraxlorrr ..tiiese, tasteful works, to wy notpihg.of the, judici oil's selec'tions; and the Interesting original mat ter.are fully Mforth the price or-the Bsok'.' ' 1 'w . I ' ,!" - .rre doors below fiankofX ;ti- cj.i J r Rtiblic, tht l.iy h,7w ' just received, consistin? chifiv r . t Clythip. made un in Newbern . . .""tf imported from Ne-v-York. All of tvi be sold.wholesaleand retail, onihJmo trea able terms fur cash., - - ieaso;,. B. Persons having ac-ounts ith F e roquestetl .0 come torwa. d M.d iibVfT Vvr'iisuch acP": lis are f t lenient. , - -Mil 1111 an stir u I-' Ai College of New Vork Tins hTs" work" Is" published otyfhelst of r v . August ami ifdvember. aV$5 a year Mav ! Subscnptions for.. t.his . Work received bv t Gales and Son. ' ,Vi " : J 1 ' "June.1,1817;; "K ' x'u v ' w Brf.tuhex or.THi BAjrrisrr DeoxisATiT Feeling the; deepest interest for the prospeYitl ofr Zion and 5 the 'salvation? of "souls, Ve btliet' it important , that v something' should be doc rnorethanS now in existence,- to urovcAr i! us.iogeuier as a ooy, anq to exc.te. the public to consult the things wu'ch';beloWto their pi sent peace And r tuttire -rt hcity,'- We therefor, believe that iftlvere were a meeting estiblUfa by .die na.me.of the.U.iiioo Meeting of the BptiJ Denqrninatioivof North Carolina, to meet anui al, Tf". P'ace to tplaceapd to "continue fotj or ,five days ; at whichthe preachers of'thV' State- would gerierally attend ' and continue" preacbng, praying, &cr.- and consulting eact otlier on ttie.-state.of Zion, commuiucatinj Uieir.' views and feelings jVrely if -with the blessTn- Qf Heaven it wouldefTect tjie.objecl .aigned.' ' ; ' Feeling that we-are, actuated by the purest . motives, and "that we have the spirit of God pl" prtibating such measures, anil that it is in com pliance with the injunction i ol theDApostle, t!ut: we shojdd not, d'irsakei tlie, assembling cf our. selves together,. ajd .tlat it.y'dl meet with tie general approba'.'on of'our;' denomination vv have 'appointed' the first 'iimon 'meeting to be heM in Rileigti,- cbmrriericing on Thursday ni,t before the fifth Sabbath in "July next, and conti ' nue till Moivlay .following. ? 'J I We do hope that the I preadiers of this State. wjll. take a deep ipferest in Hiis meetiugj and feel it their duty to attend ; and those who" cas visit ns'from neighbduririgSUtes are respectful ly inVited.,i 'i-v-:vi -i- v v , t By order of tlie meeting. - .';"! ; , 1 , RESPECTABLE Female to take charge of . A the School under the patronage and sup?N, intendance of the Rideigh 'Teuulu ''"Benevolent1 Society; - IV- ? y i5 ? -It will be expected tliat whoever 'lundertifces'. to toacH the Chihlren, shall b? corripetent to in-.' stnict them in the rudiments of the English lar. guage, the common rules of Aritlimetic, Writing, Sewing and Knitting.' . .-"Further, it! will be ex-1 pected tlrit the teacher will take charge at bed and bord of sichr children as the Society have, or. may adopt, to be supported, clothed and edu-" cated at the expehce.of the Society.. . r -; A small dwelling.attached to the $chool Room , will be furnished to the person' "who uhdertites the services ab'ovemeritioned. u T 1 'Application niay bernade totheTresdentc, Managers, or to the Book? Store of J. Gales and Son. ! '.r. Vy . I . ,r: -v - . . May 14. - 'Reports of 8uprenie Court. flIIE -Reports of Cases decided at the last term ' L of the. Supreme Cmrt,! will be 1 published in' a few dys. JNo.attention will be paid totheoW. Subscription List.-Those gedtlemen who wish' the number, will enclose,7 . fxi paid, to J. Wn-; mpe, Raleigh,' one vlolUr and fifty cents, upon, l he receipt of which it "wille sent' to them bj return of rhail. - - 't--il :r - 4 ; -May2,il827.-;XJ. ? -; ?-''"-' j - Estate of North-Carolina. . .-.w .' - V Surry County;' 1 ' ..' ; : : - ! My Sessions, A.: D. 1827. . " " Charles Steadman aritl" his wife and others, - -i :; " ' '"-' v -rsl:r-;- ' 4 ; The real estate of .John H. Hoppis, de Vetition forpartilin : of land t lie , JT appearing "to- the sntislaction of the Court" that Hugh 1iavistand Sally" his ' wife,' and George Hoppis are' residents of another State i. It is ordered byj the : Court f that publication be made for six week in the -Raleijrh Register, that. the said Hugh Dayh :nd his.wife Sally, & Geo. Hoppis arpefaf the" next Court tof Pleas and. Quarter Sessions 'to he belt! for ' the County of Surry, at the Court-House in Rockfordonr the second Alooday in; August hext plead answer or demur; otherwise, the petition will be heard et parte as to them, 'and .judgrijent entered accord ingly. . ! Teste, Price Adv. ?2 . .,j6: "'Vii-liams,' c c- S tate of Alabama. ' :il ' i: . : x '. Petrjr .County.. , . ", t ,':v. At a Circuit Court exercising Chancery junsu;; t tiort,' helcl on'the 4thMonday in Apr 1; If v Catlraririe Williams,- V'-v- V'r'-M ; i w a .It.-; .UK tn' Chancery :- , Henr'. Williams, S ; o J -' ' ,v v'il THERE AS Caloarine Wilhams, by r ebUiite4oikin;Ct)anc1y.lptsynS Vj". Tnay be divorced' from Henry! WiiUms v she husbands for his -cruel' and inhuman conauc . her before separation, and ,the cdtire b:kiT nint of her thvsaid Catharine, as well j wj thevsaldllleiiry'sbase and iihmoral . conduct And 'it appealing to the Court,: that the Henry. Williams is not a resident of the btie at least two months before the next terra -Mr CotirtJ to be"hol4eh on tlie second H o nosy . . B the &.inh" Monday in October,; 1S27. in tl of Marion in said count v, for the said Henry liams o appear thenUrid there; to ans ""i i of ihesaid.: patfiarine - Williams hjs w cause to shew, d any he has. .wny, a Catharice . praying, to, be, divorced fv saidtHenfy"sh6nld no be granted. ; - n 1 -WILLlASr STRIXGFELLOWC THS ibllowiug uarnbers were Wheel i , . , - 1 13. tSO--o7. r 53. 1 16, 21. I Persons holding Prizpf are reqass' auu renew lueruni mero':'iri quauty.. urat and Black' ilea vrr Hatiof tV I appmved itashwns.VpurtklyS6 approaching season Tv ali nlvv'0 sreneral assortment V .Vk.. ' . tJ r w JLsitiir r ."X . I , By lL"CvtCarey,& J. la; PWladelDVu : PHI LADKIiPil 1 A JDutlNAL ' I lc V . . il ,Kt jscai sciences. pi T ed.b.v ?aM-P..Vrofe7 the Institutes and Vractice of :PlViic nd rr! ' icVl piucYice in Ulc WiictKVcjitSL. wr;p?-inw5r.DiAdjbnMt lul wiferr ii? : tb UTiiverslty of prnnsvi.: '.V' and i'Johw: W-Goi.ti M. ; D; : PrbfeVi: . Vatomv anirf Thisl6irV in Hiitf.. w' Alabama ; it is ordered by: the uoun u.- r hcatiori.be1 mnde in the: Alabama Journal !eisrli;Retristj. N.C. for four successive , i ,July 91877 -

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