ESDA Y,: ISEPTEMDER 251 82 0f Wiiliaand ary College jnirginiavt iod Proper f ; ffMW6eSPt - Ethics ir ' tSatlii u tiop ife Dtthewj rjavhfHbbbVy, Cheek in:iutj'i&fo etl in the PWy C0W The JuryTemaifi(l oat about and rcrtuned wilb Iff. SenTence wa'."pa wlf9v. the prUoneiy and he VaiJtornUaUlj; brancieU o the left hand, in the presence of the Court; ; - A correspond ep t i ti Robeson coutt tjr. i n ftnTns y- ue preyail therein the subj ect of tlie next Presidency, thooh he con fid ent asserts that the Ad ' ministration party numberthTee for, one. He says, Mrjipiay is charged by the O. position,witlihav1n: endea Kandolph's lifelh lhe duel between them in ; 1826, er Mr; R. ; had declared on the ground that he did not intend ;to fire; at Ii in ? ai)d he calls u poti usja republjsh the "account of thisf merits' may becckinteracted,--The act9 wcre these ; Mr. Randolphliaving spoken of M itciiy and the President in debate with gftat ling their relation to caclrother, th Junkin oHthe puritan and blacklegs Kir, Claysent htm an-ifiyita-tiontiirtfiefined'yhich jw as 'accepted. -f Col. Tattnall and ajo'r H am tl ton were the seconds hf- Mi? Randolph, : and Gen. Jessop ' and M rV Joh n son of Lu attended ttheSecta Pities took their -stands, but before the word was givenMnRandolph's pistol went off acci dental Iy.;4twa v reload ed ana fipin par i fired without effcct. v Immed iately af ter the i report of: tne pistols Col.r Benton Vode up and endeavored to' stop the affair, but without ; success. Thj , parties again tuk their stations and M rij Clay fired, the ball passing th'roughMr.Randol ph's clothes. M'K Rnfesrveil hi2fir fand discharged !n niktol In the airobsefvincv do not - . i' - - . . . - ..-.-.-. fire atrou Mr;CIay.'!, TRe parties ap- Tcled. eacK other " simultaneously with extencleu nanus ana . ine anair enaeu. Mr. JejftttonU opinions. ;MTh e 1 etter of Thomas Ml Randolph of Virginia, haymg failed of producing its desired effect,. Gov ernor Giles has entered tlie arena, to aid hisfeeblettacand Kas sprMd before the public, an extract from' a private and confi dential letter addre85etoiim ferson 'in 1825, for the purpose of sustain. inff, if possible, General Jackson's claims though there is, not a syllable in it, to war rant the inference that he-preferred Ihe warrior to the civilian Even Mr. r Ran dolph ailmits, that JnJ84, : Air. Jefferson certain! vj preferred M r. Adams next to Mri Crawford. " Indeed (says tie) t never heartl Mr. J. spelkof Mr.' Adams from -the year 1792, without aclcno'wledgihg that he was an able, learned find honest man? to wh ich he often addedvtthatS"-;Mri"'clamaXw6ulil make k safe Chief Magistrate of the nion We wou Id ask eve ry u n p fej ud iced i nd i vi - ouai, wnai reason, lsi.nere lor,. supposing, that in 18251 Jefferson had chansed i! the oijiriinn which "he ; ex pressed of Mr.A- . . . - . : . . . - damg in 1 84j and which he had. entertain ed as far back as 1792 ? "There is none-i. heitfier is there (any to justify, GovGiles in unfolding to public view this confidential communication cf the departed Pa f riarch I -AVe will, however, Jet our readers judge . for. themselves':! f "r- DsxrSih.x I sea3r! do, and with the deepest affliction, the rapid itrides ' with v which the fedetal brxnchxf our Government ' is advan ting toward, the uwiation oF all the righU re served to the States, and the consolidation in it seJf, ot a.ll powers, foreign and domestic, & that. too, by construction which, illegitimate, leave m .limits to -.their power..- Tke toother the detisions of .the Federal Court, the doctrines of te Fivsulen, Sc tlie misconstructions ot'the con stitutional eompacVcted on by the Legtstarure of tfee Federal branch; td it is but too evident that the three ruling branches of that department . rc ui eomoinanony to stnp tneir colleagues, me tale authorities)! the powers reserved by tliem, ana, to exercise, themselves, , all functions, foi rtign nu domesiic-Under the. power to regu late commerce they assumei : indefinitely,' that also oyer atrriculuure and manufactures ? and caH U rtrjpilation, 1oi, to take the earnings of one "of these branches of industry, and that loo the'most aeprtSdrd, and put tlem into the pockets of the thtTj' the most -fiiau-ishing of all. Under the authority to establish post roads, they claim that of cutting down mountains, for the, construction of rouls, of digging canals, and, aided by a little scphistry on the swords i4 general wcllure, a ?ht to do nbVciiy the acts to effect that which re speelficall y e nume rutt d & pertnHted,D ut u b at :ver they shall tlih!c or pretend will ; be for the general welfare. 'vAw what isSour resource tor preservation of the1 Constitution-1 Heasoft ai argument.. 5You might as well 'reason'' and argue with the murtile "columns encircling tlieiK:' . 1 e ttepresenttiyea chosen by oursj-Ivts-Uhey ?re J0jncd ir. the cprobinatiop, some fronrt' ipcor- ct T,w 5-'feOTWjVtt; " some :'rom" corrupt uffiiienryqtHirftoUierfto' outnumber w ,-lld'euyurh to" '3 fut ward' lQ vdviiU'.Cei . : , . . Tv: J? "?7v-. - ; .-1 create. ferincn; If- e ery infraction . co.npact any paryes, js xs oe resisteu ..ii .icc an jcui.v of if; none can eve formed which' would last .hneyeaiye;puvhave patience and long endurance then.' with our brethren, whire it ndor delusion t Give th'emtiniie''cforreflectioaTid experience .ot conseqtiences v ce p ourseiyei in situation.' to profit by the chipter ofaccidehtsr and separate from our companion Vnlvi vr hen . the stjI e alternatives lefi are th e dissof ufioh-' of our Union With, them" or Qhnjission tp govern ment Without v limitation : of "powers Bet ween these two evWvwh'en swe7"ustfflslfe'choce there can be no hesitation t but in themeanwbile the States shottld her watchful to note every, ma teria! usurpatipn on their.nghts -to denouhce them as i they occur- in ; the ; ipost peremptory t erms, to prtAest " against them, ras z wrongs to w f ucJr our present submission shall be consider ed,' not as acknowledjrements or "precedents; of rignr, put as a temporary vietaing to tne lesser eriluntil their accumulation shall v outweigh 'that of separation I would go still further,- a til give. to me ieierai memoers -pyA regular, amewi ment of the Constitution, right to make j roads and canals of intercommttnication V between" the States providing ' sufficiently against corrupt practices in Coneress flotr roUine. &c.V hv de claring that the federal proportion of each State,; of the moneys so employed, shall . be in , wotks within the SUte, or elsewhere with its consent, and with a due salvo of t jurisdiction f This is the, course which I think safest and best as" yet. - You ask my opinion of the propfiety of eiving publicity to what is stated in your letter, as hay ing past bstween Mr.' John Q. Adams and your self.' .Of this, no one can judge but -j'ourseitl 4--It is one of those questions which belong to the Forum of feeling. Thit alone can decide on the degree of confidence implied in the disclosure. w netber, under no circumstances, it was to oe communicable ta others, I it does not seem to be Of that character, or at all to meet that aspect. They arehistorcai facts, : which " belong to the present as well as future time. I doubt, wheth er a single fact, known to the world, will carry as clear a conviction to tt,of the correctness ofour knowledge of the treasonable views of t he feder al party of that , day as that disclosed by this most nefarious and daring attempt , to dissever .the Union, of which' the Hartford Convention was a subsequent" chanter,; and, both of these having ;faUed,' consolidation becomes the first book of their historv. Rut this opens, with a vast accession ot strengtu trora ttieir younger re cruits, who havincr nothine in them of the .feel ings, or principles of T6, now look to asingle ana spienuic government ot an aristocracy, lounu ed on. banking institutions and ' moneyed incor porations, under the guise and cloak ofKtheir far vorea-branches Of manufactures, commerce, and navigation, riding and ruling over the plundered ploughman, and bee?ared yeomanry. This will be to them a next blessing to the 'monafchy of their hrst aim and, perhaps, the surest stepping ; Kentucky EleciipnlA Louisville pa per of the Sth ult. speak9 of the proba- biiitT of the election in the District late! vre- ..- . -... - presented by F. Johnson, being contested and states, in addition, that," a list of a- bout ei?o hundred and fifty voters from . Tennessee, Vwhb had voted for Mr. Yan- " cy, had beenSftscertained by examina tion a?ong; the state line." .Mr. Yan ccy's majority over ' Mr. Johnson, inclu- dingvthese alledged Tennessee voes, was only ninetj-nme. Rtifus McTntjre has been just chosen a Representative to Congress from ' York District, in the State of Maine, by -a ma jori ty of about 350;yole8 over Mr. Holmea, j(latery United States',. Senator) who .was the other candidate. i Signs of the times. Tre National In telligencer states, that there have been 46T new subscribers to that paper within the last six months, and only 77 discontin uances of subscription Dry Culture. in compliance with a rule of the Council , of Savannah, the stand in'g committee on the subject of Dry Culture made its annual report on the 28th ulr. which was greatly" in favour of the plan" adopted some years ago, fcf cultivating the low grou nds in ttie vicinity'of Savannah in corn and small grain, the atmosphere being now clear and elastic, and the uuinjber of deaths. having annually decreased ever since the dry culture; was adopted, so that the city and its vicinity are much plensed with the change.; It is allowed that the mortality in 182$ was greater than in the two- previous year,owing to the prevalence of a rash fever, which prevailed in other parts of the state, & to the city having been visited that fall by a number of Irish ca'nal laborers. The Com mittee complain ofj two or three proprietor of land whn have not paid sufficient atten tibn to the- keeping of their'canal entirely dry and in good ortler i rregu I ari ties' h ich icjr wn i iiup: reciiuciu i The Niagara Exhibition. XV were a- mong the hum ber who though t tha 1 1 h ea n- nouncemeht of a vessel to jjoover the. Falls of Niagara, was a mere trick to 'fill the pocket of those who kept entertainment for .man and beast ta.ihat quarter, by attract ing cfowds '"to -witness if. But the con detuned iesHel was actually precipitated on r-the appointed day after losing her luasts a hcl; bei ng red u cedjio a in ere hull, in pass- ing the j-apids; i"Vf -,- " ' ;" ; Tliarn ulitra .Kmi't fff nutrnna hir . n t - a iki u v vviv i. w r.jjvs i;ci a lis lit cscil l bo both Khoresm In her fall ahevVas ilashi ed in a-thousand pieces. V,' After, betne cut loose, r I w bears swam, ashore. v liiere were lR n board a buffalo, two foxes a" raccooQ, a dojv a cat,' arid four geese The dog also escaped onhurt rThe, buha lo Was seen to pass over the Falls, but was noc:vtsioe, aiierwaus.r vv nat oecame ot tjexotheranim1alaiah6t known ;feipt twt of the geesej and the ca t, Jwh ich 'were .t&kecr up afier" passing VthefallsTuhhurL ft'ia ?aid that all parUcswere sotdelightea that it is already; proposed to t 'upWrize- thing' lao're.spl.ndia next eir. ' B linn Ts CC Extract of a lcUeKdatcJNeTo-QrhcinHiugttstl. vThp 'yellow I e v e r xagea-1 mmon erate i y , mrffOrt:ripnd in instan.ce.ofsuicidc;occUrred .jn.vHfrt- ford'. .; Perquimank; Cpantv. . D6ctorafe EiWidker k nativevwe believe of Maryland, but for 1 raonthsor!moea"praeticin physi-. ciari In Perquimans Cunty --lately noved to this coufitv wiilrthel intention :: of 4oca- f ihjg-lMfiiseiff'., He-was however f alcn'very. lit, ana was anvweii to reiurn-io.i'erqm mans Cou n ty i which he did a fe w Veelt s since, and iroov tnat: lime nj&s snown aironz ympoms of insanity ; On 'Monday last he did, notappear, at;, breaklast,.. when a messenger was sent tanis room ana receiv. ed for answer that lie would cotne directly lhiswasepeated two or threetimeg. After 4dinner the doctor not hafina: made h is a ppeara nee, the Ian d lord we nt. to'his room and found the door locked : he called, but received no a n s w er fie now became alarmed, and getting: on a shed entered t,ne room tnnugn a winuow, wnen lie found the, Doctor lying: on the bed," which with himself was covered with blood,1 and -life entirely extinct, t appears he had;delib erately taken a. knife from among his sur gical instruments, with; which-he? divided tlie carotid arterv and jugula'r vein mak- ing a wounu in tne siue or nis. necK aonut twoincnes in lenertn tie ieit a note on the table bidding his friends i in Hertford and his mother tarewetl. - v Doctor. Walker was a young: man, and it is said was highly esteemed by; the fa cultv in Baltimore. Heaiso stood hidi in this and Perquimans counties as a physi cian who might at some future day have been an ornament to the profession. .:;)' "T: '.' .'' ? ;-i'rY 'v.-r.. r -'"rf -v The Office of the U. S. .Bank in this town has been removed to . the house of Mr. Uobert Donaldson next door above the Lafayette Hotel; .This has been done in consequence or a representation i tne merchants and other dealers at that Bank, of the inconvenience of its former location. The new banking-h ouse nas beenneatly fitted ut, and. is very convenient to the principal business of the towni The pub lic cotivenierice, as well as the interest of the Bank will be promoted hy the rem oval. - -; ' Fayette.- Obs. v Late accounts from 'Valparaiso," state that during the latter part of May and first f June an unusually heavy rain- fell at Chili, which swept off most of the grist mills and about 1500 houses at Santiago. It was estimated that the Ilamae would a miit totwb jmilJions; of dollars The river rose so rapidly that the mail was. not received at Santiago for ten days a dis tance of 90 miles Alex. Gazette. - - ''liCguntejfdlersitye mentioned a few days ago, that the principal agents in coun terfeiting the twenty and hundred doilar notes of the Bank of the United States, had been arrested in lhiscity. Wc have nowibe pleasure of adding that another of the gpng by the name of Wallace has been convicted at Pittsburgh, and sentenced to three years confinement in the Penitentia ry that Watson and Simpson two other agents were seized, with alljlhe" counter feited money they had taken to , Mexico, and sent tbNew-Orleans, where : Simpson is nowjn pHson,and Watson will and still later, another named Newbold has been arrested at Fredricksburg, in Vir ginia. There is good-reason tohppe there fore that th e - wliol e e x t ensi ve scheme of fraud, will be counteracted, and its authors brought tp punishment.-iV. paz f The Lexington Reporter, f the 1st of Sep tember, pives list of the members if the Legi., lattire of Kc-ntuck y, designatinu the' V according' A.o their preferences on the Presidentiiil question, hy which it appears that there are, in tne Senate, in farorf the . Administration, 21 ; for General Jackson, 17. ''Inthe HoUe, for the Administra tion, 54 ; fur Jackson; 45. r The elections having been made with refrrnce to the iqui'sdon, it is clear that a majority of the State of KentoCicy, is in favor of the existing Administration' . T Prophecy ef Jlt. Canning is stated in a London paper of high respectability, that Mr. CaKKiire's death was predicted by an atirologer as fr back as the year 1701; and of course, some sixty years or so before the Premier's birth This astrologer, whose name was R6bert- Jfixon published a book at the time before mentioned, in which- is recorded the following- singular de claration, amounting, if not to a prophecy, at least to a ' perfect giicss : "In the year 1827,3a roah "will raise himself, by his wisdoha, o one of the most exalted offices in the state. His King will "invest him-with "great poWer, as a reward for hit . zeal. England -will be greatly; rejoiced, A strnhg' party will enter into a league against him, but their envy arid hatred will nbt prevail. The power of (God, which reigneth over all. will cut him offin Thisprim;, and the nation will bitterly bemoan her Joss., Oh, England ! be i ware of thy. enemies. - A great friend thou wilt i' lose in this nun.,',?:';- ; v-.-. ;f-,.:J : JMorgan truth. ..Th e rece nt tria Is at the Gene-' ral Sessions fur Ontario county, we liave already stated, resulied in the acquittal of. the perscins indicted for conspiracy to kidnap .William J.Mor-' gan. " These trials have excited, as it ws natu rals they should much tinterest-an .interest which yill continue to be felt more" or less, pro bably for. some time to cpme Although the persons named in the indictment have been! ac . quitted,' it being proved that they ; werenbt: eon- ccmcd in the re rio-al of Morgan from the jail in Canandiagtia ,o r:r- suhsequeritly, yet seyeral addi tional and material facts, in relation to the - fate of MorgatiJiare been elicited ty the testimony s - It appears by the .testimony of Barnes5 Sibley, that on the J lih Septerobe fcaving been arr ested' and brought; from BataVia to Canandaieual on a chafere"of theft'. ,Was'- exa mined and acquitted before ' Justi oe'Chi piriaru.. Immediately one of the party accused Morgan of wing him $2 ; be confessed judgment, execute mi wu lonuvKU wen, auu no navmg oau, ne was commiuea. uij e nigm oi tne lui inst. Morgan was' released funder the pretencei1 of f rieiidship, it b eing Ailed ged" that the . debt, was rdischarged lihe w,aa thfn seized by two persons; j hci , n' 158fet. nnd'threatensxice more to 'Jay. waste ;this i 11 -fa vo'rtedci ty,"2 ? ' V ! 1 gggea or otherwise prevented fromivjjiffrtbei MwJr; 4- ' r - J Pease inser" ;nc I alarm, and forcibly put into a ' carriage, -hic I - , i v: ?j . V r 1 J. Cditmbia TeU?eoj3& ; , StfptUtV ; ! carried ;lit-i fc a.ord'alitndj.. ciit tin miles Oelow :c. .zr. rr httehew tranferred iti nnofhp.r r.. . ixrf. And rrntrvpd thenr.i imntt M.-Uidge-nGrd tt LewistorT.trcrcTje'wa tuns ferred to'a thircl carriage, v. and c-m'ad down tto Fort riiagaraahd confined in he powd;r-liouseA CorytlouFox, the driver of the cafrii J from; Lewiston. -states that thiwas on the evening ofj the 14 h September ;thaf he 'drove to Colonel. King'sjat' Youngitown; and 'thencedowti ,Ttea& the boryirigfnod, aout'iialf alrnje Troci Tort Niar:ira where. Ke left Morrant anl theueraons by whom he hiq been taTcel anl returned.; ' The last witness states also that the onTy . persons; he I knew in the carriaer with 'Morgan at 'that time were CoL King, and Mf. v Brace the sUenit , ot Niagara.' L"1'1"- A 'JjT- - -Thc fate of Morgan ia atill wrappetl. in. rayste- ry but these.' are tart lief aisciosures i pa tne. pubhc h:ve had and it may be5.reaso,nabiy be Iteved tliat all the facts of this hih handed out rage will b Bnilly brought to lightr-drrus. v.. Tlieltica OlSrver state, that the Di- tricr Attorney. 6f ' the' .city of , Ne w-Ydrfci has declared that he vyouid proceed no-fur ther in the xonnsi racy, xa'scC him nr dia? char;et! his du ty and accomplished ever thing in his power. vt : Tobacco; "pasised $V to $ 7refused tn $2f to' $UCQti6nt 8 to 10 cents. , Corn. 21 a $3 Wheat, red 75 to 78 cent, white 8C1 to BSBa. con 8 to 8 cts. Mrandy, new57vto 30 cts; . -Crrflce.'.The torth-CaroHna purple oval rape. Known nere as me jsaoeua - grape inn very luxuriant oeannn many: r me gpardens i n this Jrillae. - A triend hfts-hand-, ed tis five large bunches on a stalk o one foot in, length; and not. bigger than a pipfc stem.. . Brooklyn JV1 K Starl W -A t Yankee Stages ': against Hit ITbtfdJ- Wednesday last was ; the annual Coni roencement at Providence- I At 10 o'clock on the horning of iht day, the Providence and Pawrucket liourly Uoach left the Ho tel of Samuel Tv'Ed wards, in the latter plSce, witli brfjy-one passengers, and ar- riveu saie in x'rovtuence. --. .. - ; y v . ! Great product: .K farmer I in Madisoa county, Tennessee, planted, in-the.spring oF 1826, 6 acres of land in cotton, which produced ir,000lh's . seed-cotton; -We have this tact irom a. gentleman recently from Tennessee. -This may no (be consi dered great produce in Tennessee hu t,wiih us it would be hard to beat, Pe. - : An opinion has been circa laled that' :t ""i death of MK Canning may Iremove sotnevf the impediments which stood in the . way of commerce between this country and. the colonies oi ureal Britain. is generally understood that the dispositioaof Lord God erich, the new.Premier, is more favorable to the U. S. than was that of his predecesr sor ; and the suiestion h4s been thrown out that this would be a favorable moment to press the question upon the consideration of the , British Government. We have an able and vigilant minister at the? Court orSt James : one who to great and an ample knowledge of the irne inter- j ests of ou r coti ntrj, u n i tea a competent ac quaintance with the precise sentiments of the present Administration; k We cannot doubtlhat he will avail himself of everyl proper occasion to promote the principal objects of his mission nor can i t admit of a question that hisTmstructionsxdirect hi m jo omit hot opportu nitjr w hiclv oSers to revive the anhjecV and to .p'ress it on the consideration of the .English cabin et. j .. ' .... Nat. Journal, 't "Valuable cargo on the New-York CdnaL On, the 26th of August, the schooner; Ma riner, 5 Captain Beldcn, arrived at Bullalo, fronV Mackina, with l a cargo of sir hundred packages of tur, for the American1 Fur Conipanj,r valued at one hundred and fifty thousand dollar This is the largest car go that ever arrived there. i Speedy JwahVfOnfiWednesdayweek, a rencounter took place in Dihwiddiecountv betxieen Robert Woqdwanl and vLaban Eppes. in -which toeJatter vvas killed Oir M ondaj ' last,Wopd ward -marexami ned by a calledourt, and the Superior r" Court for; the' county being in session, he "was tried on Tnesdaj; found gu i I tf murder in th e 2d d egree, and sen tenced on AVed -nesday to- ten years confinement .in . the:. Penitentiary, wh ere he has, 'by this j ti me; been safely lodged. ; ' We believe ithis: has been the speediest decisionor V criminal case that has e ve r occu rred in Virgi nia J Jlepubltcan' y A- A . . . M-Pumpinj? of the human (oma-The inetrtt ment for jmping poisonoits Mibstances from the stomach, was used last week, we understand by the physicians of thi 'tpwn-? with the jnojt cohv nlete success, ylt was employed oh a cjentleman who had a wallowed a prodigiouit dose of, muriate of mercury or Corrosive sublimate and laortanu m, and that too four hmtrs after the poison had been swallo wed, and - after he - had been-ini a state of convulsions and total insensibility for at least two hours.' He- was in a deep 'state of insensibility wlren was introt.iuced into the"toroach. A pint and 'a half :"of lime "-.water ( the antidote to the poison) was first injected, ami it was pleas injr to;: witness the Jmmecliate gpnod. effects. It was siil"ered to remain a few .minutes; : and eveo before it was w ithdrawn from the ; stomach the, convulsions Jiadceased" and thepatiertt articula ted several Words as distinctly as the apparatus in the mouth would permit. This test, however, was; unnecesary, as a quantity of , the poisonthat had not been swallowed proved the nature of it. Ve are happy to state that the paUent hascor Vered from the effects of this dose. . i ; We the ymtite ceadily " publish Ahiscase . be cause, we jirej rather inclined to believe that ' thla may have been the first " instance In "Which the, instrumenVhss been employed in rthis stated--And as;y e' understand tliat the j operatioti --is j so easy bbth ,tb the operator -"and the patient; we cannot but think'it should be widely - extended; Melancholy instances of poisoning;' areut too irequentiTlie action: ofoisoniisoftehW speedy, and the discovery'- cf i bavintr swallow. d them ia frequently so '"late: as ytotaily to pre-' elude; all relief by swallowing remedies, in con sequence of the insensibility of -the : patient. This operation s then the only resource left juiu ti is cuusuiAivry iv ,kuuwLiuxi it- is so Tcry i irTn ihU 'cf. ' c. A. - e it.7dde. rjjt of fn the co tnt v ve?e indisp.isli; Ltttleb erry Vi I c o x . rIn Varre:ioInty, Ivr. , rt r i advanced agfa a man unl vers- ' his many virtues. - , : ; " At Mechanics Xlill, .tit lfoc cn t 15th instant, Miss .Lyd?a !" ' " vom:W : daughter of Mr. David Hen; , 1'lJyc i 4 and nine months-' In-hp-T ? f,-r n.i. f renta'and connexions have to mrmrn the I 1 a most dutiful childanl rn c.rjcticnate'rclitu . She-was amiable iohrr t'! !ti tnorU i.i ! -conduct, agreeable in 1 - ! "rf; n' .1 ;dvr, ready to relieve disttvjccrd . wJiin in tit c reACiK..Commimicxted.. , V " :Iit Mecklf rt'jiirg oo-inly, lUh Inst. Mr. iNfr'c!; Hoyd, in the 85th year ot Lisa-re Tlie Moccr ed, throufjj'hrftit ;his' ldoglifc, - sustained'. tin utiun peached aitdummpeachab!2 chiracfer. , Atthe residencevof Ct . I'rv in Il indGlpIi, i j Korthimp Jon county, on V.-.z lZih v day s iJness,:'Mr. Wjtlliani D L r, -y, city of llichmoVid. ? ' -1 ' 3-- ,r -v nwiwoTP nst- f.fter Hr? l:te cf t Of.tlielJnion Can tl Letter 1 N.- oSd'Clas . 4; 52i 56. r' . - s .The Ticket which fh-ew the 'I are those which baring on them f-.number,-- V..;;,V. : ' v - , . ' 91 28. 3$ ; 3, 4. 36v;52 . t . Si AH other TicJcets . wkh three t t LNos'oh Wr entitled to a Capital PHz.. , - OCT ! v; 36 Capital Pnzd tjf $25U W3S s; two jentleinen of thLs place. ; , ' . Tickets wiilNos 58 and,55 is entitled to - v . ; 4 and 9 36 and 52 36 and 54" ."iHl! or- ft tin A A. Tickets witlTany oVhcf two 1- - - do .' iL . ' ' one 6 Many of -.'the above prizes haire been tc!d at Yatesa MTntyre". i - - Restw Vac? Crtziea In the Ne yv-V ork L ' . wnicnxiraws c weauesaxy xne iJpin instuir. a? bepremoer W:-fcis9iNol7',s: ' -: J" Will take placV inthe City of New-V rf , the following splemVidPrizfawill be J I Prize ot 220,000; is. 2,000 2.000 1,500 1,1 CO 5,c.:o 1;500 1,1 80r 1,000 9624 Priiies, 1518 nianlc5CSl24,c: WHole;Tickets86,'fy;Ha1 S " .- Quarters 1 50J o ;t '. ; Ticket in this-Lottery ."will be sold u:. ; 1 uroay tii-jiit.-:tv v UalejiySepU 24th, t827. .1 .: ryWiil bedrawn? in Providence on -; 7 - October, 5d 1827f The Scheme com:'; :i ti following handsome Prizes - , .1 Pi lie of 810,000 , is a r " ' ,000;,. ; 1,650 r ; l,;?;;.!:' :i nnn " - ?- , 2,0 1,C o r 500; 50 ' 150 : . 100- . 50 : :t r 1 1,. 15 8 ... " 1 .: v ;9624 Prizes, rT 4 j 1 5l80Btahksr ;v i-. yyWIwTickets. tii-.nJIves, C2-Qai:t,r Sy Orders from any jart of the court ry end the.casjor Prize Tickets post paidy AW L rypromptly attended to if addressed to ; Raleigh or rarttevl : ' - rnVHE purchaser of the CAGLC HO' sJL the ,CHyof lUlcigbV late t!ie ; William Uufin, dec.i iiaviiv foiled to t . with the erma of the sale made p.n t.he f ly, the Commissi' era will agVin, er pc? ; hiable Property for Sale, on Friday t' -wf October next!(that being- the vr perior Couri) upon the terms pre , latiadverUsemenWtofwhicIu : tnore;particular description cf thi'j jircpe: The Sale will be made before the - Cc:: t! door, and v possession be riven on tha ' 1 ' October. - Hs1eigff,N'C "Augiist 25 r . SMITHFJKLD A' fTTTHE third quarter cf thi3 Inlltm! :JL mente on Monday the l-i!i cfC ' The subscriber is happy ta be r V - to 1' the public,,- that lie na enpioyea Salmon of Fayetteyil2e, toy tabs ci Eemsle Department . v y; - rlnstmctionwi!! be (pveh in . !1 1!. Q3The$lclitorS .2 I."- ..1 :vr5. m $bo j i v U . . , 5 Vy:-. y i -' 3 20 : ; 46 7 ' ..- C7 1 1104 ' 4,8280 ) .0 n