-He Ha q; SynotT convened i n Salibuy on he leven Mtnistetsfe tnlrteenru jiver John 4 and is represented tb KayV been remarkably instructive and interesting.-- rjurinfcfheS v vicevas regularly; pcrformed-three times every daj i v1 a u9 i?nces iwenfi , largpj'tte?. Jri'iruPat (eft five 'esbn , S to wop imp.;ns v next meetihgof W&Syi& i'jln this GityVpxVsth; 'ft The President helMt Sateon Iii9 recent vit 'Balt with the attention, due to his distinguished ; station, tie vas inviieu .io a duduc am 'I ner, andahosans exchanged salu vith him afctiiM l$dgtnfc.JpF J or two i n cid en t s men tioned j i n ' the Bal ti --more papers,' which deserve hoicevas thvy. T fu rnish sa ,i pecimep of the President's ready - wi t and of; jus l i beral feel i ngs. Cy A you ng ihan, fulty V i.iC ot?er on being in- trpducedfncifrwhllehaking bipobfedr(P r, Vie cdnstitt jfj&n;)n Irispmd ihe a entitntnt y?ilbally my riearf'' said the Preiden i cndprmit me to add the kbpe tkitf youteonstiturtdn - Another individual shu9 3fr Presidentf tlkuKJ-Mffer am Jg!ddtpfindyQii)irt sident gye jhint harl hahcl and repHed JSifcin bur- happy Qahd free country we: canwwerm opinion wunom 7? 59 ' V. Meetings for',- fprmingf the Antr-Jaekson - ConyentionaRtchmbridf icontmue ! to. be ; held in dieiit? parts ofUVirgima ftThat . of Ahecitlzens' Qtlynchbilrg which took place;on'the:9th;ihs rbus erver held inlthat' toAvnA sAV meeting of the cjtiienVof toudonwas he Id . on ' th e 8th,thW.Meetin5arealso to take ptace ! soon, in the counties 6f Kipg-G eorge, Caro .4 lin eJxFrf (Jerfck i JTeffersbn, .H arn pshi re 1 rjdjr,iRich u hUany Berfceleyv CairipbelU Cumberland, Powhatan,C.he&ter field tLouisa Goochland and Hanover & in theXitj:ofiRic --:i ' the Admihistratroni but we haveuch con fidence in the in tegrify. pf the Executive . & in the disihCerestedness of hii conduct & motives, that we cannot but regret that the v opposition to his. course, is so unreasonable, and in tolerant inVits characteiCi THe ri diculous 'charge ; oi bargain and sa I e" f havng been quasjie of the people, for the wan W of; proof , to- sus tain it, the National Palladium)f Phila uelphia, has brouoht fonf arda new accu fiation,' supported "as. the Editor isays, by ;the,testiinony. cf two members of Congress In relation to this IWatter ih "Eyenifigf Ppit remarks--! We maydismiss from our considerate moment for they inlc intoin andmuVneregar ; when brought ; into cmparhidn ith the a trocious "3 and'darnnable facts and cif cumt stancesst,urged i homdl fastened J with theaehacity of the poisoq ed shirt of Lieha v on ' the back of M r." Ad ams" I t ? Ther accusal ioj is, to penrd intheelection, of viPresident l before the H buie , of Ilepreseritatives, r atteippted to infltiehceHhe votes of Federal members wntten ;pin)i for theFederat MngtecVed.J-esSi.s Mr. W ebsterHvhohud been in favor" of V raw ford and' when there' was no.prospecti v,uiseieciionwas unneciaeui net ween 3acksbnnuilitnsV wa 9 waited o by -MrC Bailey a mem berlof-CbriffVe saffroml aP' sichusettSr iwhdiounding: njm on 'the sub ject of the eleion foto Adani! becuselieibugli thatiinceof ejeciiun edeahstnwq from ofBcep'hat-Bailey JeftiWebsterl ami oh:the1s,ucccedini:d 'a lett pr to. quiet his fea rstas .:Ad ams's Pdge. butdesiftd some prpbf ihatit came WM r. Ada Ssha taile dirtSi VbV oiis In the tetter, as;G'onii iIii itrriC'-''7i:' .OiiV ? iviAJ 5 r "Vl pu i9iacxury?r-uiai.i eosier He "vH 10 OtlierFederal members ?wl vusmity to the federalists- JLliat this letter wu? ?,lV -TrH "1U15BF- in l ' " 'i" n"' i The Virginia universityi was ,not as ful- : Shat aVebstermasatisfi attended this session as ws anUeinated J Tni: calumny to :;vhich birth V7a3 ,csrcclv l.cn, before "the following coriclu e!v . .'utationof it, appeared ih?the Nevvv lork;Aencani to sa(eiipbn :e-A(Ac5Aori;toa t h is story bwhjsoe ? or by whom soever .vouched for,' is utietlviunirtieand 'iotfMuiihfiadotbjQ tfic base na tu res! tha t havp i 1 1 vein t ed'and circu- taieu inis ioui lie, rwje.jeave ine.iasK or vin dtcatinrthemserves beftire the:pub1ic.?FS ;oi nee 1 ue fprejj was 10 we havV nbjincthel be a base fabrif tionHe;Supp'oses us coined 4ayephiaiitotbaVe itseffe ucsjjraie, wnicn requires, sucn means uor Jv corres entofthe NationalJournaL u nd er -the signature of tticus, states that during the month of- Jartuiryl825the very? t i m e' W b e n, ac : coird iig lo Itf aj or Ea t on and otheV frlehds of 'General Jackson, Mr. iuoiMcj was uiM igMujg iu secure inc oec retary shi p fbr M r; C i ay- M iv wa s Ab sent froni the ci ty of Wasliji ngton Attend ing to his law! cases in -the' Pennsyl vania .Courts H e m u s t4 h ave felti prod lgious i uteres t vin j the political proceedings at .Washington, when he could thus-absent himself fora1 whole month,5 and that the' ve ry month before the election by the House. The returns from the' Pennsylvania E- . . .j.-. .... v- i-j:-v j V--- ;. lections, so far as receivedi show a. great accession of strength to the Administration. In tile counties already heard from, where Mr. Adam's votes in 1 824, j amounted on 1 v to 2594, they are now 1 60- , ! r ... 1: . , . 1. - . .j.....;' ; . . ' ' -- y'WewJtrscyffl elections in this state have just taken place, and the Trenton True American' gives a list of the returnsjas far as received, of the members elected to the state Legislature. It is as- certHined that the 'Administration has a -majority in both?Hbus ' The Tennessee Legislature Have elect ed the Hon. H. ' L. ,Whi te a; Senator of the United.States from that State, for six year to commence from the4;h nf March, 182P This is taking time by the forelock. ' ''. , ' " '' : -y:-, '-.)-''."'. -.1' j The Legislature of NevYork having,at i t s present session, repeal ed the la w 'im posing a penalty for travelling on the Sab bath, except Jn "cases pify necessity," the clergymen of Albany hiave discontinued their attendance tu open 'the dai!y sessions, in the usual form of worship. The ninetecth of October was celebrated in Norfolk, by a splendid .Military display,, in? which they . vere j 6i ned ty se v era I com panies from Washington Cityvwho ,were invited to co-operate in the ' observance of thisTday so 'memorable inj thethistory o f our Re v 0 ! u tiona ry s tru gglel X " J " J. 7 The'ceiebVated horses Eclipse anil Hen rv were sold on the second ay of the New" York Races arid purchased oy Mr. W B. Ludlow of that State Eclipse for g8050 and Henry for S4I00. I At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the' Bank of the United States, on the 12th ihht the following ge ntleuieri were duly elected Directors of the Office of Dis- count and IJrposite at rayeueville tor the ensuing year, viz : 1 1 : I John Hiiske:? ) t" ' p' ' j . . j Peter Browne of RlleighJ Charles P. JSialhtt. ' ' j -THemi Jif 'D6naldsQr ! r i Pichard F, YarboreugFu I fflishai StedmarU ' y : (David B. v Crane. ' 4 v 3 -Thomas Cf Hooper. C ? ? av ? v -swici.iuia iiivr, vooii; iiu?r.c, isijuur, wa: unaimuuusij CirtlCU 1 IC3IUCU. Ul UIC UtULC IU1 IIIC CUT sain2 YeaK VvtHtv' ll. Observer. 1 It i with "pleasure we remarfcj the in creasing interest manifested by, the. public in , t h ose two great subjects', Eu u ca t i on an d Internal Improvement, l (The . letters of 'i Gafltbn have had ; a endency more thattvaHytnibsrWV recollect within several vears past to exciie -the;pubHcattention I anr tb prouibte Inquiry-Beides being tlie suuject m cumnion couyersaiion,, iney uave d ra wn ti Cpthewri ters ; w ho ai- vylj qua- lined to discuss these questions. lb. ; Considerable quantttiesiofGoods; have Been received jri ; town'''sjicfi,ojir ?Jast by boVts &trwaggons from M an evident itnprvement Aalsot4 Jn the nrt'uuce? uiarci 'Jo inaiiuitiicf.wuoie One Hundred Landiteertrstndentsqoly nave as-yei matncuiateuy tnougnraure, are ex pecthehar eVen$lanjfjro jAz 3 however to be, dria bled to -i state: l fta. V thosetwho areaiMh: institution beem to keep in View ;tKe object faVwhich they camel seen iur. ai 1 ey s 1 e 1 1 er. 1 o t he 5 K 1 ror ?o theiBoston' Advertiserin twllichl lieC pro- t i t.UihThilcilledT 1 '-lied avery absurd and preposterwsjsppoint men t. Would ' 1 1 h av e been vni oreso in fact, than now to call-Gen. Jackson to the Presidency; orhe rcnuires undivided stuel v. attenuoni ana a neciliaritaielhiS'ifc'iim'p great nationlone cxpeHence (brrstud theliscl iarce of c uttes.ip ti mat eiy con n ect edi withi i fy Mrf Ad a tn i h as ,11 su m ed ; forty years pf his U felunder; 1 &el eye and instnic tion.fi)fi1iW'asojjnjttim n tj u ,5M on roe? eiM can, noiif.ciioiitttn ijren jacKsnn iivaea e ex pi an - ou r belief .that he is profoundly ignorant; of th element of poiilical science. iHilife'has been directed toother puruits,& it is impo s i bl.ehl hat be can k rip w J t hose t hi n 2?s y hicf k require crea t c al&ti ts,; arid the-s t ud inn s f oi I bjCryearsi-tolacquireti.hem Heaven has wrmight a miracle in hi fa V or,1 and cotrio.unirdted by irit u i i on, that W hich iesd fa vpu red mortal St obt aifi by dint of fa b- una 11 u 1 on 2; -e x perie nee. uen. j. mnsr oe 9 1 U I in o re igno ra n t v b f f t li Cv sc i enbe o P'gu vrnment, thantMr. Jefferson was bf ?that pfiAvasand he vmustin tnith" be stillness pre pa rid to fu I fi I tii e diffic ult and c;rii nl i cated dutiea of thp Presidency, than Mr. Jefferson '-.wastb ? lead a naririys A? shoe maker cannot build a house; nor can a car pe nter make a pair o f s hoes. Th e o id er of nature, and men's necessities, carry them to follow different pursuits and acquire dif ferent professions VPicu Whig r rfapaciousPair of J2reechesiSl rV Noan of the Nevv-YorkjEnquirer says he can put the whole state of Delaware into his breeches pocket. One of Mr. Njahfs pre tlecessors in office, as' we read in the bok of Judges, committed a variety of depre- uauuiis on mis auversanrs uie rjiiiisifiics,, burning their corn and slaughtering'their. men- wjih the jaw-bone of an ass ; but all this, is nothing to vhat the Ad a ir.s Philis tines have to expect; . Mercy on them i A whole state i iimned into the breeches pocket of the J udge, andperhaps' after ward s la id a t the fee t of the gra rid hu 1 ta it of the Herriiitag. ' ' l-'VU'hi Yilt is bat a few days since Mr. Noah de clared that Little Delaware had a heart big enough for the whole unibn. " This will help the imagination in guessing the capx-. city of the Judge's: breehes , v : JV. Galaxy. - - The Spanish bri Ainigosu which ran a I loui.or tne ortg. Guatemala .ratKet, 00 Tuesday iiight last off Smith's Island, . .and for whos e safety the most serious appre hensions were' felt by the'jLVptaib of the latter, has gone op the Ji y w it hi bs s of j i b booing fore topmast, maintop-gal lantmast and bows stove inNotf6ik?&eaM . The flugtista Constilulionalist-ctintiiris an account of an attack made by an 'Alli gator upon a feuiale'negro, who was go ing into a swamp with a basket of corn up on her head, to feed hogs.v She was struck suddenly and severely oil the- breast . by this r ferocious creature, who attempted to devour lier, tearing her flesh and clothes wi-h his claws. She extiicatei herself with .' difficulty,-: arid fletfe pu rsued bjr t h e Alligator she sought shelter upon a log, one end of which. rested upon a stump ; her cries brought to her assistance, several slaves from an adjacent field, who killed the Alligator and relieved the woman from herperilous situation. - ; . Effects of War. It is remarked in a statistical article in a French Journal , that the effect of the wars pf the revolution has been to diminish the stature of the human species in that country. ( This is explain ed in the frJIowing manner : Soldiers are formed only of men who, for their physi cal fonnationj are the elite of the youth of the country, r For the space of thirty years there was an itnmenseonsumptibn bf such men ; antj in the mean' time the care of re-peopling the country was left in a great jpar U to those men:whowere not ' large e nough. strong enough, or well enbuch form ed, for sohliers The- large proportion of men who are ot a short stature is proved o be the following factsJ ' According to the bpv e rations of the conseriptiori in France for theyearl826, in;the nuinber of 1,033V42 young men who were examine!! bvlheotncerf bf the revision 280,21 S wereTejected because. f hV WPTA nut fault fnot git inphaa 111 hoinhf. 1 an incu longer inan ours ana consequent iy lour ieei six irtcnes jr rencn, are e to about lour feet nineand;:half inches bf bur measured ftertlr rejection of the above proportion of men for the : French army it is ascertained fnm the inspections that thirty-seven in a hurnlred 'are under five feet one 1 nebcin heiK in a hondrexl over five feet two. inches'.-" Fro nv the se fa c t si t w ou 1 d , seem , lH a t a ft ter rej.ee l ing th e f propqr t ipiiof, bn e third for want of; jsuficiehtjse, - one hal fthe oldjers of Hhe?Freneh ar.my?arQ..nnd.f T fiyeTfeetlsix inches of ourmeaureiin rcrte. This bemir the- racine season, observes Kicn.monLompifer ve gi ve place ta th e fol lb wiug art tele f rom the 'Nv: Y; American ifeJlSti rArisibgular tliat JthreTrierV-5dibuld;all ei th 6 r nVi t aU lie n iBejifdlgoneoJpw heaCwasto! n u lit iiiiljcpftege, was ;a liaftdo .ji r.st ru t.t untiL it was too; latef,thVm; to iye their )jistance.it is !ast rangeesultjW; iiThe ? yerdaywer well attended ,Thie result of them was a disappointment; to most of the knowing one3. SCounUPipee andeannete iviavbritesetsey mare was but little known and lady Flirt was hot reiiedj; upohA byebetbff 100d : that Piper would lead Jeanette thefirst itwb milei of the first; heaVand AnothervtlitadyFirt iisroul'nbt' taMtoe first Keat, save irreav interest 'to that heat; which yas run Under the whip -.tho -after Had 1 Iid Piper t he itr. two m!!e, vtl ll.tlie calculation.?, Rr.d'greatVodd in bettin. :rif.:tte fell ': U "'' -ithdranVViTlia second '.ieztf.. .ernlfMarc led V thf mile beu.rt ...iplc. .id cand she.a heat!; th of Piper pull d up within tjie distance Jpst, sup posing ne Ji 1 ranxue iour-rouuoanaw wismng to sav? hisljorse lbr another heat, tbe-otber, ri ders followed his example,: Betsey Kanspm all the while spanking-alpng"," and haying .ihed near a fth bf a mile before the other? oiind uul-their; mwtake ai?dcpusued;iJer1ierJ and the; conse- tienqewasbei.wholeeiasdhUanc Palestine' theibnlyicmidcMhicbn try; risca in Mount- Hermon: passes thro lake Merman aivl Gensesaret then fio,wirir; almost due south through an eitensivV plain till pjss-, ing to the east -of Jericho, it flows into tlie Dead Sfiu ear Jericho, it isvdcep and yery rapid Wider than the Tiber at Home. .Its Jength ,if :a- bout 150 rniks. ' The banks are-steep, about 15 highr so th lrwbtch! hi iwever, curiosity'ot superstition " impels alnvnst every pilf'm to do ; some KVaiwly imagining- ii . I had,survevca,r; Kiys Cn8teatilnann , tot great' rivers of America, with that pleasure, whictr somutie ana narure imparl ; iiHti-yisnct uic Tiber i with erithusWm,5 and' sbueht . with ttie sanie.jnt erest the ' Eurotas : SndCephissus, ? but I aui not express whaf I feltt at the jsi1it ot the Jordan. Not xnlj' did-this . river; remind me of ren'ownedantiqutty, and one, of thq most ScquP site poems ever confided to the memory: of mart ' uunis sTurcs iiK.ewi.se preseniu co niv vieiv inc. theatre of miracles' tif my reKg ion. J iidea is the only country in the world that revives iii the tra veller the memory of human affairs and of 'ce lestial things aHdwhichby4iths coixiynationi produces in the 'aoul a feeling which no other xe Uion w capable of exciting ; i it IForctsttr9 Sketches. 'At the'resldence of her brother, in'Tennes'see a few week ago, Mr. Calvin Nicholson to" Aliss Mary B. Joncs, daugiiter -of 4he late Mr. licddin Jones nf this eounty.p-;, ' j- ,;t'-v xi&iiyi?l" At Rockinphtun,ilichmond county, on the 12th; inst. 'Mr William G'.JWebb, to. Miss Clestla-O. Gootlrich.'daliphter 'of Mafvey GooiIrich, Esq f , ' lnx Chera Cv a few days agb Mr.VOaoi'et Johnson, of Connecticut, r to Miss Elizabeth Blank, formerly of Charleston; ; - ; y ' ' I. On tli 9th instant, in Virginia Mr. Isaac Her. ron, aged 101 y eai's, r tu: Miis Ann Simpson 5 of .Cu!peper coun y.--ZCs7" I . - -v-h -'i-' ''--V t-' la Lincoln county, on the 20th nit.. Mr. Jacob Huffman, to Miss. Susan 'Shbok.TI y . !. y ; In;Rowan coiintjvori the 27th ult. Mr. Bryson Moore to Rfss Nancy Hutson. .? Also i on the. 9th inst. by the Jtev. . .Jesse, ; Itankin, Col. William F. Kelly to.Miss SarahArnn Gah her, daughter of the" late Nicholas GaitUer, Esq ; -.X '.ivi py:yym"mmxH 'yyy v In Cumberland County, on the 7;h Inst, in the fifteenth yr-r of her'age, Ann (Gilchrist,"' dauh-: ter of Neill McBay, Esq ; -rx' .7 V: .. 1 .In Fay et t e vile, on - M o nd ay last, Mr s. Seort At his seat, ; near; Hockingham in 1 fttebmond county, 0 General Benjamin . H. Covington, of a short but severe attack of typhus fever, ... Gene ral CoviMijton was Clerk of ttte Superior Court, of r Richmond county and principal Olerkf the.Se-- nate ot th State. - "V - :r-y -:'.f M.?;4v -i : In 'Rutherford,; N.'' C. on' the 28th September in the Blttiyear of rhis agc,Mr William Smart. He was among the 'firat settler's of - that section of Country ; and has left an aged. widow, and a nu-1 merou3 train of descend:. ts, to lament his. loss," In Charleston a few days since -Miss, Joanna England, sister to the Rt Itev. Bishop'England. Near etersburgi Pike county,1 Indiana, on'the 1st. September last. Mr. George Campbell in the 53d year of his age, son of the late Col. J.: Camp bell of Bertie, and fori some years a' resident - of Orange 'county in this state. f ' f ; v ; Miss E. Geddy can accommodate. ten or t welve Members ofthe approacUi : Le gislature with Board. y Tlibse who prefer riJnn out from her dwelling house are ieques.ed to ( make early application. :. ' fx ' y- 'J :y,y October 22..: y..- , 10 .t.:-'. OrpHK semi-annual Kxamination of the Students jil attached to this lnstitntion. JwiU commence? bn Monday the 5th November and.end. on the Friday , follow ing. V-f-i y y yy$ -H- Pafentscriardians and others are respectfully invited to attend. . Si-".''. , -j : '.By order,"rf : r;'X. ' ;: 'f.X: 1 H?:rx: ' WM.-HILL, Sect'y. . f . Raleigh d Oct, :.;yAlt. yyyi'y-:f:,y Three -door belota Xthe Newbem JBanfc, Jtaietghi V! t:- '...i, -'. :-. Jt . ..... s.;-v..-. .. "V'.:- irri :."'. - x -V" ' '; ';-,:r?y "'HE Subscribers present their sincere thanks , I v v4o their friends and theipubllc in "general, for the liberal encouragement hitherto received, and respectfully inform them; that they - bare iust returned from New-York, where they pur chased a splendid assortment of Goods, iu their r ; Sup'r. Blue andBlack Velvet Cloths, i v . j , Drab, .Brown and Claret do. ' ' ;'' vi Steel .Mixt') '''"-i?fvddV;- ''Blue and Black Cas&imeres, -1r J"; "Elegant English' Sipc Handkerchiefs, X First quality of Black do ; - .' -:; - Common y '"t do; y -do ' ; - f Bandanno and Flag , do . urao ana aieci 4mxis il,, . uo Also a great-variety of Fancy Cravats 1 T r ! Superior Horseskiri and Beaver Gloves f. Fxtent:.suspenaers t.yt,'.i ?.,5x Common " y dA'-v-'B i, :.'.vr" ; Lm bs wool S hi rts it.lX' j ' Lambswool and Cott on Drawers u - v Black, .Drab ami .White licayer Hals r IT. . . the first qualitY-vr'a-- - iVK'.'i- . wcioivi ui'f minis; v viurr -ill iiic latcSV 'f - ; ' New-York and Philadelphia Fdsliibns. -They have also oi hand geneiI Vasoliment of READY MADE CLOTHpvGi ' manufactured from mateiials, recently imported andunder their own inspection in newoern anu iq iieign, con Sitting Of;-' v5 ".-J-";.-;-- .J: ;; 4 a 1 Blue & Black. Dress Coats .",4"-' , BUie ? Green,' Claret St Olivegreen Frock doX ,Blue cc Drao isox ca3 : i. , - 4-; ,? Drab ver v ditto.J?.i;-;.u-----: Blue ClothJBt: Camlet Cloak - v V" ; A variety of C loth & Ca ssi meres Pantaloons r I : . Cbt'yelveV English'Silk, Toilinet, ft Vadciv- -'. . cia-vesrs.'--' - :n:v- tS .V I Blue and Blax:kciolii 4o 5 ' Gentlemen will find Jt greatly tojlheir fadvah tage to;caI and examine tiie above goods.as' they intend selling lower for cash than any heretofore ottered in this market. - j , .-V ' : F.C. ELLLS St Co: K K- B. They hare in their employ a number of ine oesi workmen inai couiu oe oq: !neuaitne North; which ill enable lfem to execute alFbr-' ders which they may.be favored with, ,in- a style - Two ? three additiooal Journeymen wanted- Betsey Ttansom,: who ottcourse j took the purse without further contesti;3;:frX' 5-; . - v X.: --.J-y:: i-,: $. '"-. i-y -Tortl; Aneric. ). tiALr-j i Uvicis, No. IVi- for October, lC2r. nr.. V " O C T it i . AltT': J. -Crlention s ' t. ... .t? r .CohstitufivnT : . he ; Dohates," llesolut''n. r: . ! Othef 'Proceedings, on the ;iAdontIbr"of the r. err1 DrtstttutionVas recpmJriended' by.th'e GanV er : jhventibot Phifa'IclphM on 'rinVli" i'v 1 l SeptembeViii??'. pdllected .and. revised I ,y J -,'nat hTx EJ1 ijt jYoU .1 . L Co t inijTg- th D t j 1 1 c 2 in JlasSachusettand NewrA'cck.; ' ' lite vroie tGil lllu ? ubserTr.': -rn ; CrI- . tiqties'sur le Roman de Gd -Btis" lt SaiitlJ !anc j par JA.Lfornte'..' - ;. ... es of a Tou r, to t e I-a k es,. of, ta i; 1 1 r ac t er i; ' ' Custornsof thehippewav Xidians, and cf "Inci dents connected Vl t he Tr eaty of Fond du LaC. lByTliolna: 1-MfKenney. r v t-'Yv-- Iloliri rig's ItyviahfofyjjPafir&rS erv:r Popidar Poetr tptnlaffd by jo?ir n vr; ' V:'::Life of. Majors CtrrfaiffAr. t&eEneffih u. ifurmtr, Lite and (drrcspotdebce of Major Cc: wrisrtt ; edited bv his NJece, F. I). Ciiiw ;t. . . - vcoptr's funncfii Economy. jectores on-; the Elements of Political Ecbhbin . 13y Thomsi .Coojer.t;;;!.- . ..UTi; ; x, ..; ;iYIH Steethcs&f ITenrv CliiL ,v The Speeches of, llenry.Qlay, dcliveredin tlie Congress of the United States ; to which is prefixed a lJioplu- Speeches at Lexington and Iewisbiirtnv Hn.i b--tore the 1 Colonization -Society J at Wasliin tbethWrNwithiAddres rto his' Cbristitu v -on the subject of thelaleresdei,oal TJccl . iyJtoofy ' Crammar 1 bemoan aUempt t f)nn' a Grar of theAEngtfsTr " those bf rtiie Latiir, Greek, " and other, i'c: . iJarigaags-HyWihi Captain C Jey eland ' Yoy age iVo m C ! :tot t he Tforth west Coast of America- vyQart'erly.TUst;of T r : ih " - 5 Notice; jlBfi' 9uhsCTiberbeinj;'desirb4ts td.'r.eraov3 t Containing 380 acres" lyinjj Ttiles belr Cr i-pel-Hilf; on tbemailjrbad Ualeigh. It is w 11 adapted tb;thcuj!rirreVfc Cott n : and Tobacco, has tblr?ib!y'. g"bd buiM'ings on t. - a'Whiskeypistillerv ulajjtMwl Ape Orcha: I -it has also aineV Storehouses and is consider--, edjo'he a good Stannfor a Coibitry Stored A " more particular description is deemed" Onnec .sary, a it is presumed every p peron'desirou 3 of purcjiasmg . wi 1 1 ukc, ocexsjun r , -. yc w . 1 u c -. v ;onngNegroes would be taken in part pay,nep iThbsev who'4 wUhtd purcjiase such i'ract o:' Land; woulbwell to apply tb the subsr. ? as soon as-possible; - i ' '5 . ' - -'.VyrfinOSEPHAUBEE -Jun. I , Orange cbunty,-. Sept 1 5.'- . -';. l. Sw " :y-: rSpjeadid -)cheme f - 1 i -J-:.-.:; . v . xtt wTti ot ict'. v 1 Q'tT : ; - - , -To be druwn pu Wednesday, .2T.h Nav. next, j .:-?This.-is the most .prilliaut ;Schems which Hav been offered for a long time'; only 14, 1 90 Tick ets. Three numbers cannot draw less than $500 J The 39Ti&ets having on" theno 1 first -and second kdrawnnumbers.onlyr w"l be entitled , ? 120 The 39 do- withthe J st aod 6th will each be er. titled to $10Qf The 39 dr.. with! the2d and 3 to $90 j 39 dt;' with al and 6tli fo- The 3. do. with 2d abd 6th' to 870 j and the 39 do; with the. 4th 'and 5th drawn Ni)s.ori:e;ch, "$n0 ; and the 78 Tickets having bn them the 4th aud 6th, or.5th and. 6th drawn Nov. on them r;ch, $50. $3;XK of Jthe $4;SqO Fnze will oe . paid in Aibiv ny lamts, the balance Jn cash. . 1 Prize of 850,000 . , ;, - -. sc.: - .- . . ' r-- -r H J- Vi 5 Prizes of w ,000 : O,.;: . 500 . ... " ... 120 1 N.100- : .t50.;: .rom: 60 '50 , v: 4446 v. .1 r.J TFhtiiit&ket yr p ac Jiuis s SO, Sixteenths I V COT Orders (l-bm any Jplirt of the: Unit ed S enclosing 1 he Cash or Prize Tickets 1 be -te. err : promptly attended: to if a ddressed tp . ?: YATES ,&"'McINTYRE. r : Cg v : ;. ';' Ra le rgh br.Fa " - - . . MMir. loiinwmg.ans.tne.aravnfniRibers cF. vf I Ne w; Ytrk Consolidated Lbtten S eve tl pll 850V54 Capital Pnze of 1,00 - .;' c 4, -1 3,-; 44" ! : , t. -1 ,i; s,:c- - -' r Besides many others jjaYeJieenr!d ; Y.ATK5 & miKtyui: ft jDraws to : morroV; " Renew yourni zes Oct. 2. 1837. - ' " V r ' ' .... " : :T. - OR Sale pn accommbtUttng tcrs, eleven hundred and ninetwtwb acres cf Land Ivi-'. . within five miles of Oxf'onl, in Granvdle coxfntv" Situation highf an V healthy ; about 300 acre cleared audi well inc!osel and Jcomid sV po tion fresh land. The land generally i -1 pi ; , J 1 ui'u. iu. iiic-.'.vuKure.) ..01 ti;rfl, Cctt itol Tobacco: Terms made known bv -cer,Vor.::if. Absent rbyJoseph'B. LUtleioh Oxford, SepL'15. liuhav'?iy : - . ... Tjcom the subscriber o tht6tT ibsf. la r;eT- Manf:j)y?tbe name f ilAllTli?eet 9 cjr! inclwts higlvryellow crapWibnV;a!iout i.'S,yeai j of 'agV.He carneawayJ with hima "lurge'bun. die of homeTinade cfothes.; lias a rr?d scinr err hia forchead,l expect? her wifl sAts:.. to -3$-' byhr nameabf JAMEST DAYi 'widv J rU4.. uiiv puxposc. ; i wn give aTeasonaoie 4 . i, ard to my person apprche:jcin $uid uerc, j V V I . - MQ3UUA BAIIIIEH Germaaiet, r : fi.- r- Jidlmhorme t .... - -. - . , . f"