1 b - , 1 X-4r- r-V'. ;N ' J 4 v Ours are the tlans of fair: deTiffbtfi'l peace- ! : ' - ' - - : UnwarpM by party rae to live like brothers." ; ;7 V - . 0 .? vT Twesda oeiuCT ISO,; lftSll. n o. 4 4 O- - , -.- - - , - J- . ' ; ..- .... -,r - ' ' ' ' ' ' " " : v , , ; - . ' -. ' ' . v V. V. JOSEPH; ALESL iSON,:; ; ;-: hFive Dollar f per Annumhalf Jn ailvahce.j J "A DVRaflSEMENTB v 1 Mime proportiQn..w. Lammnnicutton hTiktuily feceved.lLctttrs to tUe.luditors mutbe post r . .SUCCINCT CHRONOLOGY. . : r : i japoleoiv Ronaparte was1ornat Ajaclo inCor . 1 .wca; on the 15th of .'.-August,: 1769 ; -be received 5 Ai education m- Francv in the v Royal f btary Collie v he was appointed tieiitenanl th; 1st Of September, 17B5 ; Captain the 7th Februa ry, 1792, Major,' the :19th of tOctober:C1793 ; Comnnndant of Art'iYlery, at Toulon 5n Decem .: ber of the same year ; Brier?dterthe 6th of.Feb- xulry, 1794 "Lieutenant General of the armyjof the ml enor,-the 16th of October, 1795 ; Field Marshal, tbe 2ith of the sane October,?. Com- .; mander-tnChief ofthe'army of Italy vthe 23d of iFeMrtijinvanll was tnilmed in ihe same -year to : Jo;epaine de la Tlat'erie, widow of Beuahnrhols : Wiil dvith t!je expedition to Kjyjpt'theC 19thof May) 1798; arrive, I .t' -Uf-xandria' the Istof - July tembaVkpd.to return ,to France the 22d of August ; arrive 1 .at. Al'. xandpa.the ,1st f ,htly $ arricd xX'-Raphan., near Fj::iius, the 9t!iof Oc tober V was ; ijamed FirstsC5nul..-,the4' 10th of Januatyt'180 f ionsuVfor,Tv.fe, the 10th of Au gust, : of the sjme, yc'ar ;in r Emperor; the' 18th of-.MayY 13G4 s he was cins'tcjated'and crowned in ".Paris, bypopeljius Yll.tJje December follow-' ing 5 ' proclaimed A King of - Italy the 17th vof March, : 1805, !and -crowned vat tilari the -i6tU ny, he w as proclaimed ;a?d ;acknowleded, as Vrotecror of the Confederation of the. Rhine, the ;,12jVof July," J806 ;. Mdi .torofthe SuTs Con federation, th doth of Septi rober, -1807 : his . marriage Kvith 'Josephine" was declared null the 16th of. December, J869 on the 2d of April, he married., VI aria Loin's j, Archduchess , of. Ans- tthi - who was born ttie 12th QtVD cember,' 179ii J of thia marrias there was born on the 20th ot, e 3Tarc h ,v 1811, JNTh pnl eon -Tj;ancisco Carlos" Jose, Kinp of Home he tn ide his' entry .into Moscow, .": hc 14tli of S ptemler, 1 1812 V this was the apo- jree jJ" lua'gloi V j from which his, adverse fortune and decadence .be-all. ' :AK tho$e vations-which ' )iad alredv 1 declared against him, made fthe ' greatest efforts'to precipitate Ids ruin,' and con ; jaumrnate'his end. - 1 he-. Allies entered Paris on the ".night 'of the iOth pf.j March, 1814 (" he - abdi "Ckated'the llfh oV April ji embarked for tbe Is' . "bind of Elba, tlie 2jth f the same? month, ;and : 'arrived on tbe.4h of the following jthereherei fCmained until February; '1815 - In which rnbn'h ' he emUaiked f'r Francel'Avhortlhe arrived the 1st of March,' and landed utiCanes in tbeCulf of St. John t"he entered Parja the -20th . day patter Vhisdisembarnent rloat the battle of t atejloo , the l8thof Juhe, 1315 ; abdicated a second time : ;i a,iavf of Jiis son,' the 22d of the same mont5"i i he submitted himself to the protjectidnofthe ' English, and embarked i n the' Bellero'phron," 74; the 15tii s July;; ensuing, "and: wasVaubsequehtly carried to; the island -of StN"mele i, : and; died; ; ? without its being known of wtiat particular mala dy, the. 5th of May, 182i;i at o'clock in the xnunung. , U4V'A-1 These were Jus last words I leave the tppro Mum qfnty -death to the reigning houe oj En gkipd?'. ANecuote: opgen: Hamilton. During; the Jifel time .of .tlus distihguished atklesniau, "and w hile. oil a journejr to . Albam, lie ' bnctd to put up .for the night, at a tavern ju one of the small Tillages on i the Hudson , river,' where & Mountebank had advertised a display of Lis ingenuity at shght-qf-hand, slack-wirt ,,.&c. on . that evening. ' Induced by. motives of curiosity J . and a desire to w hile away, the tedious . hotirs of a -.vinter's eye rung,- the Genera Hook a frpnt: seat in the apartment allotted fdr the ? performances.' .rlli3 keen, piercing eye did novVeseape, theobi . se; va'fon of the Jugjiler, ;;who;steppinf UJ ti . Vim, andhanding him a'sHyer dollar, pblU?jy re , qustel hiin to hol Ir . adabg,,-.J hatliiiigbiWcape', h8- fi;if ?ly itbut his Jc t, o'k&lge?: li : hjrmit$ Cif 'JiUirrlng the joke,;f ery readily accepted the dollar, and .clenching' itfaih iii hi hand, waited in moruenury expctatun of soraettempti" being .made to extncte jt from his grasp, without his ; pnvity.-; -t he Jujgler ;wheneyerx heCatternptcd .," to perform a new trickT would fi st casrj an ; epV " quiripg'gj;nce;:it the General', as much a to say, now look out.for the dollar," when theTormer 1 Urotild immediately look into hts bahi to Con vince himself that he was yet in possesjioh Vof it. Af'ter.the performance had elided, the vMoiinte- b -nk reqiiestetl hts ollar.Tof;,Ge'l"H.S who, xm v , Ktm ning it obseryexl hat hel,ebuld discoyt lina tebankr";-:;Vdtt'hfad6t; the room, -wheiir I perceived that if ;i didLnot d . something tu divert vour atttrntionr'ybu wotili uceci er rv tncfcj attemptea .1 tneretore gave you. the dollar to iuild; Ahd ' mariai(ed to t have jt abboib ; so 'nidchCof r.our; attention, - ihHI ot through thv peiforraaiice '"niicK".bHiefJhi'l.hr ticipaipd,' whehywi, :fiitfixe -me.'.- Gbn- -H Vit is' sid.VWas hieh?Vi aroused : .. ith this chefd'ouvre of ther.Juggkr, Jno pro ; Jotexceetlinfrixteerilinessneatlyinsertedthre 1 timesfor a do!lar,and 25 cent s for eye'ryswccevd in niiblication t those of ereateV leneth in the. uuncea utIiet)ebt'-trjck"-pertormel ihat even K .tag. i ': 'S' SchohaeJpjJ)U VAKlKriES, f y ' ; V . j- . ."-' . wijtteubytheJmHlifiinu eut'eidjt; against ourl iIltlaiSySierii& Bii re.i I y nil 'tliitr.it vail e i n titri ni ug ? ; iniqr;. miii , us ve ll'i otheiTi'pu Hurncan e, or ttt e,mpt?ihi- cl iuiU a rainbow - fee Arcuo-yho ku t ;hir.ihe goiuf the countrjr tn bu legislai t or ; t h ie f it u r) ha of ivh--im;are ? oft i a v e been' in j jf iifii ee r rV$ij t J in r d er io sil . Ince 4 ihe tbnj;ue of iiiaiice forcverr ami u,..y,y;wii! endeavor f) 'set Aithva lfv ,! th'e Viuitibbrietia ad ' 1 . It i i He bu I va r 1 : o f nu ir cn u n tr vj 1 ht butja iicii-evidtMH pt opositton, can . ,ut beyd pjj neifliy : j ru i'ne'i) ' A'can yv oufdjitit H eudt r :i t ri v hi I plaint r . . 2 "It makes a very interesting spectacle rnr iittie dovs anti sreat sins wnicu i certainly a matter of no small; importance when Uis considered that - many of our cou n try. to wits' is not bi eat with, a she w ' of wild animals, auoveonce in irt or. utrce V 3. burning a natfon fticnt of powder; it makes wa y wun a goou ti e a i o I v 1 1 na noui STltpere and every ' thinj; tinder hen ven that i villianous ouht to be attacked vi tt armiu Cand blown 4 skj high", sky h'sh'Va Johnny. Rrttnlolnh sai h. - AgYin, it renioTes from the face of the earth along with the viliianous altpetf,a vast leal of thats.k infernal drug which is so oueiisive to?weIl bred nbsesi,' that it tiught to nieet with no quarter whateve in a i polite an tl CHmtian country, :vroV ; i4. It teaches men toMove their enemies H 6 w ! t ea ch es m eh t o I o v e th e i r en e m i es qtiothVf : V system of wurfare: teach ;inen to love their enemies ? ; A mst hetofodor way of-lovin. truly, ?''- Harkee , one tii,-menti-frientKthere is no; warfare about it on the contrary it is aentle as a t'uck- ing dove,5' and as peaceful as ever a toy shop in all tht country, Nay, r it,Vteii;he men to loye their entmies almost, to their own rut n i n t ru t n t n e y 0 eco in e e 1 1 a mo u r . ed of blue ruin itself- "-They hug the Mback Bet t y " th .it icon ai us i t to thei r .boo ms; snd hanjr upon her lip until at length they- are glad to find a fence to hanj; upon. ; a 5 It w;ikes the soul - by tender; strokes of art' by'; those pbul touching: sr rains of m tnic so J ir.e! od t6u s y bear out - f windy. sheepskin; of blown from the brazen throa's of brayiri" bbgiesi or sweetly arid Jngen i ourIv. liautnered out of a tititinabulary tri angular bit. of steel. vi": ' - - : 6.' It mak s a holiday for nien full firbwnfibm five ail i ba!f to six f;t high auii between 18 and 40 years ,of a.-Men a bso'utety require a;phyd.ty.of airne kind or other j and if 'hey yere not xirawri. ou' thre,or four,times a year for military duty would unquestion ably run maM with (Jomes ie confjneoent'and breaking -jVomtheir fielys'and'shVn89 Would prick up their ears and 'prance-and. kick, to 'the manifest dan ger of nil civUizt'd society. ' -: - ; 7. Being confined chiefly to tlte piorer class nfiiur cttizensV.it. helps to diyst th.m ofjthe little cash tjiey Jiare' in their pock -e i a n d p r e y.cn t s i t f r o 1 1 i b e i n g 1 on t s o fa e , which solitary dollar miglu.tithervvjse be And herein it is a lulhhnent ul scripture-. irom nun tnatjiatnr. out sl precmus i tt t le, Vshal I be taken a way,' t-ven that w hicb hel ha t hi Berkshire rftiencarit ?f. K ti, iJC'iz consequence of ,tle failure of tha Boston jjf j GI:Us pprnVahyv' .fold on Viesday 4th iDecember next, the ,entir stock of .. - h el p n g n g .! o t h ; C om p any, ;coi isistin of forty I'oxes aborted Fancy Glass VVafei a?ich;as rrum b'ers, , ,'Dec.mtef s; of yarijms - sizes ;nd; shapes Glass ;FitchersCmet Lamps andMpgthecary;Bot;ls, &c. V-; ; hffi si&ii&oM ;i5s 4C;At:hoice assort niciirotf New and Fresh import, ed br'Goos' ffardare sortmeof of Cutlery. ' . - "lEitd'-rstd fJotes at Jlank, at 3;74 and .6 months iAtl private Sale: com pie te assorthent , of Gro 4 !;; ;;;r wilkings str co i ; ;::iFayetteynte;bv51827 Reports jf t JiB rt.7 ;1'he lYepofts;bf Oases decided 'at-the" last'teTrn of the Supreme Court, .tvid be published in a" few daysVIJJo attention will be paid to the old Sub-' scri ption Unt. ' Those" ijentU-jnen who. wish the numoer win encHtse ; pe5t. paia, m j , yv ztmork, Uale''ghitonejdollar and hfty;cens,'ii ceipt, of which it will be : sent to them ;by r return bf madu-;,; ?i i;Toi Joiir Hey men SlioemakersiSn HEuVcribeVivishes to employjtwb pr three ATILLIAM J. L,OUGEF naltf'ghNov.;l2th; 1827. -- : ' 6".l;4vv3t Jivii liMple31mtt inlVa ke .jnVlXT!vaua a. - nam e 'of Vest-il fll,' lyings On both , sifles of S wift &HyiinamsE CVe tatiortbf Governor IS raich,'about nine miks from Raleigll,ioir the lVadt gina ly hy. of the late occupant of hiat namet aUimwhen far-: triers had ch6ice;6fihe ! bestjands in t hereon htry The ijyhole: Tict J oh Jandcbntatni, ?C wo Thou sand ?TWoHibidredindvTwen?res 120bf whicliTis 'prihieahda Considerably portion of it fine low; grounds. The residue Uj well-timbered hmg-leaved Jine Land, and is sup posed to-vaftbrdthebesttranjgeforca hogs th . the county. VThe f tsbetween 3 and 400 laeres, on which there ?is a tolerably good DwelliDg-Hoiise and- other out ouildings, .onTas handsome; ad 'Jiealtbful a 'site as can ,be found m'ihe county, or perhaps, in the State.f' There is a small Grist-? lill, which is con: renientfor family and iieighhoiirhobd tpurppse's. 7 -The farm is in good .orueri ;and that i and ' th landnray. -Aiewed,,; on, application to. Mr. T.ho mas HoweU; on the premises ; and the icrrns sale, whicii, will b accommodating,' will be made' known on app lion.: to J.'. Gales; - V ' Haleigh, June 21, . J7.V;.v, :f 59-tf. wrm a .4i . KiL-i, ..bmi :bw fi rm h (HP ; i first rate Journeymen bhoemakei to whom steely ;Work;anl he oeSt p 'earlyap plication be made vto k?;,?? :; ' .CdTHING'STOS;:':'; Three doors beloie the Newbern JJank, Itdleigh. " - . s- - - 1 :-- f . : , i- . . . . - - -V.-'i'. - , 1II1! Subscribers present their sincere thanks to their .friends -and theypuhlic(ib general, for the. liberal encouragement hitheru received, and respectfully inf orm them, J hat they: have just-returned from" New.' York, where, they pur cnaseti a x pi end id assortment ot uoous in tneir line, consisting of . . - - , . " , Supr Blue' and Black Velvet Cloths,' . . : Urab, Rrownand Claret 'do - , ' j . Steel M5tt - : " . e - do '.V ' " - . Blue and Black Cassimeres,",. s - , Drab and Steel Mixt f do - o; Elegant English Silk Handkerchiefs,- " ; , " ; - Firs quality of Black do . J" , ; , ; Common - do , do i- -. ; . " . ; . : . .' Bandannb and Flag. -do : ... ... t .i;:,T ; .; ' . ; ? Also, a "great yariety of Fancy Cravats . t - and Slocks ', ; -" " . , vv s Superior Horseskin and Beaver Glbres . -... Patent .Suspenders', : .' Common . do - , , ' v - . Limrswbr.l Shirts t-; - LambswoolanrI Cotfon Drawers . V f ;v 4 j. .Black, Drab nd AVhite ;Beaver Hats of the first qu lty 1 -x ; ' " r , : s . Second d. made to order in the latest J . New-York and Philadelphia Fashions. - Tliey have also on hand a vareneri.1. .assortment of RE A 1 i Y MADE CLOTHING, manufactured from material, recently.imijorted. nd uinler their own inspection in New bcrn andjn R leijr con sisting of , f , . : .. . ' x Blue & Muck Dre.'.s CoaU, . - ; BUi, Gre.en, ;laret &. Olive Frock doV-V Blue U Drab Box Co t3 ; . ' ;, V 'Drab over- ditto ; V ' v - s , ".; Blue Cloth 8c Camlet Cloaks: ' ty .;. '. A variety. of Cloth & fJassi mere Pantaloon - CurVelireV English Silk, Toilinet.-fc Valeni . ;cia vests. ' : ,:;'-, ( , Blue atd Black Cloth do.: Gentlemen will find it grv-atlv to v their adran- tae to call and examine tne above goods.as they intend selling lower for cash thnh any heretotore offered in this rturket. ' , ' " . ' 4 , . i ;" 'F. C. ELLIS 5t Co.' N. B. They have m their employ a number of the best woi-kmenihat could be'bbtaine-il.ai die North, which will enable them to exreute all or ders which lhey may be favored with, -in. .a stle that cannot be surpassed r ; . . - . ' Two or three additional Journe men -wanted.' Apply to 1 ' , . - ' ' . F. C: E. 8c Co. Raleighi Oct. 23, 1 827 . ; r . CEIEH RATED t . - ' v TVic Runner at the Bottom A .PATENT having been issued by the Presi ill det of fhe;Uriited ftates,' tov Edward New m tn, for his valuable-improvement on the Grist Mill,; tbev sitbscriber;j tuliyjinfhbrlseti and4 emr powered to make sale ;of Rights for using a single Mill, or theHBghts foj usinj said vMlls in -miv County,' or in any State in -tlieVOnioni 'except Louisiana.;;;!; i; i Zr'-zi: ptz Persons ' wislnng toi purchase .Bights, can du rect. their letters to .Samiiel M orehead, . Postmas ter, MaVtiiivllle, Guiltord, N..C. and 'lhey will De immediately' attended?to; -.'lyi t -;c r TUe -superior a: vantages cofthisMill;. consist in. the srtiidng Pr mg jlone jSo, near,,t he centre, where the power applitd the small si r.e of the stones, and the.bplicat!Hn f of pressure to sup; ply. the abence f weight, 'The running, stone ts pi'ced:jn ine jpmuie, anr. jcing op warns, .tp he.feed stone,; wliichvis permanen.tly fixefl. The' -ressure i applied to the centre of th rtlnner, nd the gmin introduced into' t he - mill throujrh the eye.of the bed or top stone. . . ' , . .rO; i he simple, cq ruction ot this ..Mill, its $ret durability and cheapness, and its -convenience and usefulness all persons having large families and stock, and the facility- with which -animal or WAterUpower can be-apphel,have given it the jreided; preference over-all the inventions' '-of tins' kinrl,--w.ith ier!bnsr whb carijuclge sucli tiiingsjcorrectly. XfSASlUEL MOUEHKAD '4 i -Agent tor Edwiard INe wroan, ratentee,? Siaieil OV;- .hfvj-i.j: . wuw vuiwin f.: J ;. J The Editors of thV Regist er are authorised to !act as Agents for i he sale of' Rights, in Wake county v ';' 1. Ji ' K J ;VltN nis sincere 'thanks to . his f rieftds 8t the pu blic y enruUv, for the hheral patron age he has heretofore receiyed.nd. be jjs leave to inform thein that he stilljpontinues to c rry oh t he Vculoring'littMness at his oUisttiid one door above Mr. "Richard Smith's Store ami directly opposite the Pst-ofHce .where he lias in his - employment some firt nitt wbrkme.u and gentlemen wish i ng e x pe dition, can have a suit - of clothes - made in iD''not:.inferio,f' stateifUe has also onrhand i assortment of Sii-perfihe-.CIoths,a has at present some Ifeadt Made Ctothing which he will sell cheap for cash,' or oh a' short credit to Hlsnctuai'Ctonie1 -iNBiAH orders' for work,' promptly attended tO -ife J--Cr.- ;r ; J'i'-VI ' -ff--f - Si luft-r. '. -Raleigh !Oct.U9th827;;v; Cpxford;tIeniies-v '--; p, -;';-1 K , f-;-4 - ; '"s riHFf examinatm of t tlte Male ademy be J;rs oii'Mbn Iteportwill be read Wednesday.- morning; ' "im- incviiaicij ai ici wuh.ii 1111 vi wic s coHie-Acaac-ray . will take; pjaceand the exercises . wilt 'close on FridaV ievning"'withVk7'm The attendance of all Auferested is respectfully The "winter session of these Institutions' opens on Monday 7th Jaiy. f ct82& The ;Male iumler the care of J, D. Johnson as heretofore,' The fe- uiaie uiiuer xnai oi iuc utv. jos. jLADare. r.TheiKdentoh . Gazette, . .Norfolk Herald, and PeteKb'urgh-Ihiel.ligencerA;jril! publish the above tnree weexs ana iorwarar taeu" accounts, to thej Pbstlister of . this place. Hv-H vfii" V c Oxford, Oct, 20th1827. fVt?. '-11 i3w? I ' : ' -1 1 " m I f ff"fin folio wing .are the drawn numbers" iri the i.-: -York. Couso!id?.ted "Lottery, 9thXlass; for 1827,va: r . : ; V " i st. - -;; 2 j." 3d, -" 4th' : . 5th - : 6th ; 1 ' VATCS & lX'iNTYKB. V ' 'CLOTHING STORE. H E subscriber - informs, the;! public, that die A'k stilf.contsnues at his old Stand, , one door a bore Messrs ll. 8c R. "Kyle's Store, , whererhe carries on htsbusuiess in its ranous branches For the liberal support, lie Iras unifoimly receiv-r ii- - .-..... ea, ne u-naers nis sincere mantes ana trusts mat - "-'-.: . i nis assiduity ana uttention, united witn a expo sition to please, wilt continue to secure fr him a share of patronage.' : He- keeps constantly in his employ the best Workmen; wh eh will enable mm iQ execute an orders wmi n ainess and despatch;- , H e has also on hand, a very general as sbrtme nt of I ' ' -J -. -V ' - . - - ' " f Ready Mide Clothing; .J Suitable for Winter, maile of the best materials, : --f ,'and consisting m par, of . , :-fr-;'5 Blue and Black Dress Coats1 . - . , . ' :' Blue, Olive, Gr-en 8c 'Claret" Frock do. , -t f. Blue and Bl -Ck Pantaloons - ' ; -'--' ; v ; Black Silk, Velencia; Todinett Marseilles -it . 'aad Cloth Vestings-Vf.' - " - t-. Fancy- Cravats and Pocket' llandkerchiefs , Wootls'iock - Gloves ; V jf,' --t ":;, 'Common .do v .-.v t v Suspenders and other articles of Wearing . r AppreL : . .. 'r."";.;;-:. ''"' alex;campbell.v; ;italeigh Oct. 271827. ::: . "OCj One or twp additional Journeymen '. will meet' .with employment and good 'wages ; on ap plication as above. - ' :'i:y:if .'Wanted aLoi two Apprentices to the Tailoring Imsiness, from 12 to 15 years' of g "1 -'v : ' : v , ' ' I2'.lw4wv; - -Siv Ware. BF.RNAUD DUPOY respectfully informs; his fnends and the public in generaL vthat; he has just returned from the North.and has opened an elegant assortment of theabove Articles, which he twill -. dispose bt at very ; reduced prices ifor cash..""' ' . , . "": -:i--iJ: s All kinds of Gold and Silver. Work manufac tured and. repaired in the most elegant style tind shortest notice., He hopes that by his punctual and assiduous attention to business, to merit a coiitinuance-' of that liberal encouragement fhe has received since iie commenced business.; ' '.;- v Baleigh, Oct (8. - ' - - - 6 8w . V " Louisburg, Franklin County.; fllHE subscriber having contracted "With. the ' 1 ' Trustee -i of this Institution, ; to superintend thV same for.the'ensufng year, will givi bispar ticuta and p ronal attention to the instruction of such youths- as may be"entrusted rtb his charge. I lis long experience in teaching, authorises him to ay that 'twere sha l b. no erounds for'com-j plaint of his attention; "both to -he pruffres;-on ins j 1 1 uscjui itirowicujjc mm au iiicir mu ral deportment, .j The terms 6t" .tuition are, . - - For Reading, ''Writing 4ind Arithmetic per ses sion-i$8,--.; :x'"' ;'-i-v : - r or ..a i oiner orancnes usually xaugnt Acaa des and Coll?ges-$10 J-v ; -1 The .subscriber would takelto board. wkh him, ri pr.a 'dozen students at $40 per session. . V " ten C. A. HILL, A M. - v.vv;;;i7'7w ; 12, 1827.- f ffIIlS beautiful specimen of American Li tera X ture, anti of the Fine Arts, as well as of the.1 meciianicwlones of' paper making - aau prmting, ' ' Tlie Dull Levture ; - n; 5;Tlie V alentmei-1 i , "0:-;- A; Lakv- Scene, s ; ; ;v ';-' TlmDelawre Water Cap" i" t Little Red Riding Hood, ; ' J -Anne Pagei srcnderaud Shallw, .'Moonliglit, ! " ";.'; ; ' '.;' w; : .. CattiikiiiFalls' - il""! - The Faithful Friend V ; - ; Ischia and Procida, ; : ; - ;-v . .Ticohdeioga, "': ; " - " !" ; . ; '" terary .fes In prose1 and "verse, ' by lercival,-Mf llenj, Pickering, Bryan, :W ashington I'ryi ng, ! Paulding, Mcllenry, Mrs ; Sigourney, lrs. ;VeUs,'.'Miwt 'Fancisand other celebrateil American authors; J ' 'Just received, and for sale by ,4 .,".-. ;, ILL1AMS HAYWOOD have received the t following VVines -.and: Spirit V selected in the New -York -Market,7 byan txpencnced.CoTn- mhsioa Biercnanif wo assures vnem tuar. uiev enenne. ;L.isbonl'; rt-,2-. ;Swet Malaga ;cogiiiac BrarulyV - : Jamaica iium,-- a. ;-;...'- -xX45'"i:''- DoRand Gip; V T ? .; Families 'wishing to be .supplied ' will do well to ycair.au d examine thequaliiy and,pns of the - Raleigh. Nov. 1JT, 1827T , ; : A -.V Tht Union CanallZoitery wUi beJdraitn )l?Prizef 210,000 IT Prizof -2,500 5Q Prize of 10Q .- . 51 Prize's f 51 Prize of 7 . 5rPrize of . - 51 Prizes of ; 1 02 Prizes of - :1 530 Prizes of f; TO -60 ,50 ;40 20 '; c 4 tl; Prize of 'TlPrlzXof -2 Prizes of , ! JhPrizes of -5, Prizes Qf : 1 800 1,160 1,000. - : 600 '400 10 Prizes of f 0 Prizes of 300 111475 Prizes uf -4: 200 W hole Tickets 4 d b iar. Half dollars. 'i'.:- ..,0-Qrs; 1 -dollar. " 'V, - -Onlers from ' any "part of .the,, country :po5t paid) enclosing the. cash or Pri2e I Tickets,- will be promptly attended to addre? s j- -.; ;.- YATES & MclNTYRK,-' t ( t ; . - ..'- lialeigh or Fayeueviile.. Nov; 2. 15 For f?ale nt thio Oilico; .contains ine iiiowing.--ngrav:njs pyc -American Artists, nnd principally from ceKprmlod paintings byrnativeAmericansi f''UHX''- i : . Beautifully embrossed, Preseatatiort Plate, and highly ornamented case-- Z.'Z''i:'A t, - ' The Literary contents consists of brfcrihal arti . are 'of thejfirst oqnahty;lhty are enabled to sell them deap tor Caahi- ; ; ''i'''''"'' t 1'- 8icilyt:o.:.;r.4:V.5-v.W I . S- . ' PROSPF.CTUS "-. .- or Titr. - : - THERN AGRICUL TUUJl L IS 71 HE.ti'ant of a Work to which 'ur' Planters ' e ;'iL could refer for information, relative to the Agriculture of the Southern section of the-Union; has long been felt, and has long been submitted to as a necesiary evil,yfor which nt remerly w;t. at.fnd ; Witli.aufilciency of talents anti f ehterp:ise, to conduct experiments, to draw in ferences, and to detail them,- yet fav we prt -sented to the wrld, -the Spectacle of a h:gh minded and enterprising agricultural community, - destitute of oiiginal agricultural works, kdepep.r'v ingsolely bu cr .1 commu iications,orForeign pu; lications for uV. r knowledge on these sunj : c. Whilst others ? carefully collected and r e corded "the exp ....--'ce bf their, practical Furn ersV-we.ihave" permitted ' the hard-erried know ledge of our fathers to perish with them. Whlht othersx have been . straining everv nere in the Ciiuse 'Ave have been mere lookers on. WluUt they have advanced rapidly, rs have been a- tionaryior ..atest4iaye prore 1 but slowly.". From ;what cause has arisen the : : p incritr of the North over he South iin a!l vl. , relate i to Agriculture ?. UAs it been '"that they : ' z I a turned their attention to the subject, '. t: 7 alone have made -experiments .and - pro;.: tnem f-Not so --The Planters ot the south ; been as enterprising and as active in their 'Sc. ches,v as thos of th North. But whilst c " -coveries i rnade by the latter arl brouir; : ": di;ttely into notice, by.thi. ir perioflical j: ; tionst those of the former streknoaTi but t , for, want .f -a proper vehicle ?of com mu ui . J n. Hence it has been that fbeir.improvemen: .vo been more .rapid - than ours . and that . - ; : this'day so d rficient in this branch of I Such being. the' case, does it not becc Planters to -come forward and assist in t sent undertaking, -and contribute. f: cm ti time Buch tnioi-mrttion as may-be of service t cbmmunity.lTliis.wbrk willbe divided ii; to . -parts. Partlst,;6nginai;--Part;2 l, Sc'?c; 'c :z . ami Reviews- Part 3cL Agricultural Infor... nion. - Part 1st wdl contain all Original Ess ys on A ir riculture, I 'Hbrticulfiure.'.Botanyi; -Rural All 'air . and pmestic.Econmy, Not only tlie pres t staple articles of the" Southwillbe attended to, but also the introduction of new objects of Cul ture,.such as the Grape Vine, OliveCapers', Tea, Suirar Cane,' Silk; Worm 'and others, which .have yet been uhtrie !,and 'of ebujese" not -1 :-. o n lOU" far they may be chmatised. ;. Only that b .nca Horticulture . wilt be for the" piesent alter.; ; J t which relates to the KiJLchen Garden." . W'hc n f.jo' proper time shall arrive, we are prepared t3 ;;ivi directions for pie cultivation pi t ie Higher br-ches-'.-( - .-.-;'--':,.. .ri;:' ; . ..." i Part 2d.will contain "Selections from 1 : r i-n-AVorks bn 4he abcye subjects, so far'as . t:oy uisy be"apphcable tothe'soirand climate of the t; erp ection;of the Union, or may in sur. ' be : of.;use ; to.our planters.-Revi e ws cr Ii Wbrkv'as may trcaof the Agricwltiire . f States, or "sii i cli as may either directly or t n d i have ai influence on us,' will be" iiisei te d .in ' : part ff the work, vf-' ; . - ; f --v , v Part 3d wdl-cbntaib rief-Ag'i'-nUnral 2,V.i;. ces,' so'Jthat bur Pihtera may- not 1 re main i j- o rnt of , what is going oh, hut may have an cp ppttutKty of knon hr; wJatis'done in the di.Ter ent parts of-the wcrid in aid of Agriculture, i: is hoped, that this;knowledge, will be; .,;-..r to our enterprise,' and Cause us also to uUe fix -1 , exertions;- Here also will btr inserted " r. !it Agrr.cultural, Horticultural and Botai.'-cal 'Vc & joccasionally some notice will be take uci't. contents. .Advertisements of Airricultur-1 V.'c - anu irapiemenisr or anrciner wutcii ,ir.:' n. est the Planters generally will be put 1:1, ; aienarate fheeti and attached to eac!i r.urr.b -We hope all such as are favourably C -pes, the work will assist lis in ccntributn -4 it ges,' and also In proclirii g subscriber f. j- j We request, all whb are disposed to co. -.:.; ..ii I cn V d to h . ' m ij mrwiuuiu us uieir eommunicauons as eailv possiDie i nose who have made experiment. with Grape .Vine, OJives, Silk ; Worm' 3, rv r.ny ether artlclesiew to our States or can give anv in.'.r matio relative. to them,;'w"e . particubrly solicit tbcotnmunicatewiat,lliey may know on the rubl ;-' ;;:r - -terms. . - - l This work will be printcd oh good pm-r. -- it nit- u.itu sue , ai issuers' ucr an nr.;, ravnoie on tnedcliver'otthhr;t r.nK,- Dollairst f paid in two months after. iniO: - Tie fiit numher;will be issued on the 1st Ji. uary.next and -otv the first -of eyeiy mr 1 1 ! c ceeding; in numbers Yf from o2 t 50 p:-;e, t corapanied with engravings "when hecessV, Sr- f?'; C ; vn'-john.- d lega!;;:. Charleston, August 7di;.1827. :;pcrubscrtptibns tor ,.t!;Is jfiubl ic - ii c :i receded hvJoipn Ortles ti. Son. UALKKitl, N. C. M.J ETBR. 'Igratef I for the r ror?, age-'she has heretofore received, hcg le i a to inform ner friends and thpuM c jreiier.;lr" that she has engaged with MiCa.J, Sniri to "tl tend to her business, an;l tiTat'she Low ket-w t- Stare IoMS f','thr North .rn, Southern i Wts" U-Tii line of JS ages. ue asaXo procur . v. ral cotwv nienl and comtortabfc out rr c ms w hi zh "will eaubli her to acccrnmodate f.f csu ortirtdn" members of die ensuing L. j.is'ature. . Her BrL shall b constantly supplied ? ith the choicest of Lquors, her stables--well ; ;ovuled with Com, Fodder, Gat Srsd attentive Jstlar. $:Septenher 1 1th. 1827. e " S5-lau tf JUr t UHLisiiED,; G A L E S's , " NORTH-CAROLfX' FOR 5 rlONTAlKlNG, besides the u.i d Aslr: i - - - I i vt.i..,i..: -'"L. ..,f..i , 1 ":- s culture ; a variety ot jvaiuabie le lines. iiistructive ati l.'entertaininir ma'ter - The Almanacks may be : haxl w i'tibiisners. J. GaK-s St Son, in Kdwar.! Jr-HaIe,Pt inter, in , T?-ti Mr. Salmon. ILViL Bookseller,' t ;' "iTe r of ami retail oijuosloi me atorece; ,.j intb- : September i.0. f " fi AT eoraft tir. p i ' w in,; burnt, a: 1 .r.i 1 hadscrr cf i i them -, i e c: l:-rdon Jchr.-on, cue . I Dec. 1 for v. icb note I think v;-1 but if it skoufd not b- I trading for it z r:.;d ; :i. , ri "S r .s . u r. i.: nt rar-.tb." : '' " V f p no:; fyr it cn tL ' 4 ':"' 4

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