'. ' J ... ' ? Ir,'' John:Sv'; Hay wooUoldest-'so'n of the iaie'JuhnHaW bv thelislAtureTrieasifrei-of the- State for fhetat rating fur; Comptroller bkeVplater theerisuingearr b f.FaY et t ey il 1 r yAaJ "4rim& Hendersori0f '-cum be n J.1) amesiesramlofrtsaln J oh n H. Greene, f 4 Warren, James r; G rant, of jlilifaicv 'rhoroas : BlackwelL oIr Rocking ? ' ha mD livid Stone,of Raleigh, James Houze, . of FrariklinV Samuel Dowtie vV of iOran - ille; Anjbrosei'K. Ralmsev,V)nCliathami K.- vv ? Lroqiiroaivoi ;ijenoir ,ana:ArcnDau - . - j. .... t . M'Nair- of Richmond. ; , ' . f y.' We. have seen 4 a mod e I of a Railway, b v 3tA Mr. Nash, our" Engineer vhiclrseems pe- culia-ly adaptetlto a country like ourSi It is'wHat is c.illed asingle elevated Rail K way a nd ? may be! a) i k e ; ady an t ageousljr u geil forUhe ; transportation of heavy bur- thens or" the i ;rapid conveyance of 'persons. Its utility. has. been tested in England, and it recommends itself tor usV on' ' acc0jjn 'Df :-A' v i. iVASTV;: AAA' r- : AA.i us economy. v ine . aaii . is io oe oi woou tvithilron castings laid on its surface and ' l;eyed to. if, for. the; wheels of. the,carriage .to ru n ,onh . 1 1 m a v be ' of any desirable size A accortH ricf to th e prbbable t weigh t Tit may have to, sustain and is. to be set. on posts vi unecjuai icpgiii,; ;so jasio.. -.preserve a per? fec leyef on ;ah: . uniform - plane. "X the osf swill b6 fastened cross- sills prolecti he'fceveralfeetr from each '.side. - so thkt.plabk'can be'laidovyn to form a path to cnss;ravinesv6r ' any depressioh.of couti try, thus avoiding the expense of culverts and embahkment8T ?A shed; riot unlike -a covered bridgej'can. be, put; up to protect the; xviiofe wrk' from the weather the coi . .w'f,1 ' A'-':AAA siration ot al ways hay ing,a. dry, path v. to use, as well as being at all seasons effectu aUyiiel tered J ay;'c1iinterbalancet 't ixrn ?expnse for this jjarpose. J ; f ; Mr: N-b nisbvnstructed a ' double " evditRauwaiji ; hicvi8J'on 'different principles-from vanJ -hitherto rinvented. - It will have all the ail vantages of the single Railway for shelter 'and .bridges,? and U ; better adapted for the conveyance of large ;burlens. It consis's of two Rails made ' in all respects like the single one, placed . a few feet a part: tin the same.Ievel and pa- - ' rali el to one another, the ;whole distance. Qn tliU Railway four wheels are to be u- isedjtwo on each Rail.. ' Between the Rails ' a box is to be attached to the wheels which are' c on n e c t ed w i f h- each other 6 n t h e Ra i I s . . . ..,.--. . . ... -, ... by t ru n d I e4. bars. On the outside of each " Rail ; is another box attached in the same, in a n n e r ; ' t h e e ffc c t o f w h i c h i s a hv a v g , t o . keep the wheels in an exact upright; posi- , t iVh t h s avoid i ng a 1 1 lateral ; pressu re" or friction a great inconvenience in all Rail ways' hitherto' made.4 ' The lateral friction " being obviated, ther surface of the castings may be.' made sharper, V consequently,; the friction is 'still furihelr diminished and the castings are less liable to be worn down or flattened by'useC VIndeed VthV wheels - of the carriage of the model turn quite easy with a considerable weight on them, with-' "t ou t mrfyin'g ithe carriage ' though t they , a II are of wood. The surface1 of the Rails ' are of wootl also, grou nd out. and Jixed . as . ;. the .castings are intended to be ; but;when the whole are fitted out vithjiron, there can be no doiibt tbat'the'ifaetve power on the weigh tover a pu 1 1 ey n ecessa ry to d raw an hundred ' pounds will : be "considerably diminished from 5 what' it is on. any 'plan heretofore adopted;; . V: i; ( - i ' ." ' ; A meeting of the citizens; ;ofNewbern,' nas been recently held forj the purpose .of memorializing the next Congress, on the subject of improving the nay igatioii of the several sounds' anl rivers - which A empty t h e m? e I y es i ri to "the Jo ce any;a V Oc ra c ok e bar, and particularly iithe. Swash, w hich it is supposed mav be removed by the, con slant use of : Dredsina: Machines T.v i plated Meeting inXartefetv - was held as proposed' on the 1 7th inst. and -. not with-. standing that county v is , cut t up Jby water cou rses; which are -. f requently im' passable" oris hundred and twenty fr i e nd i of the ,A.d mi n i s t ra l ion a t ten d ed . ... Let t ers we re a 1 s o' received from distant parts of the country from .influential . gentlemen ,who . assured the meeting0nat a' great majority of Ulie people in their respectiye'neighbdiirho are friendly to the re-election of John Q. AtUms.. .' Our correspondent says, thun t this county may bV put down as decidedly for the Adniiiiit ration. -'The proceecl i rigs of the irieeling'fchail.nave Paper, if practicable; : andi we will 4 endea- v Qu r to make: Vt -"sov P.f-flames jM an n ey anl.Wiliiatii II, Borden J Esq. ii ere ap-' P'nttrd i)efpgu es tuite -'prurjoed' Cbn- TetKi ii, il;,; city. :-VV' . ' - 'J'1-. V jij reierence 10 a puuuc noucc , iu 11ay' pajperj i will t h e fr e em e n i n Way n e C otiniy; K a v e call ed an : Administration meetings ; to; appoint A .large Meeting has ' also been held in Camden County, and the second Saturday in rext;month, is fixed upon for i meeting in Perquimons. I 11 " 5 f -A' J C Small Poav-The hopes entertained that this loithsome disease had subsided in E- dentoh, have been dissipated by the occur- rence ot two new cases, out ot me lmecte premises., s;' V i v A ri e ri tire ; chan ge hasf be ettTtriadel'in the State: OneioGeorgiab tu reV now in seskiony; Hines Holtis the newlTreaVuVerT.hack e r Ho w a rd , C om p -troll er, Everard. Hamilton, . Secretary of State,' and T.'Mi fchell, Survevor-Gerieral. f k RIL : Wilde is elected a Representative in jongress, wee Mr. r orsyin, cnosen uo .i : ; . Cr SENATE.;;,:tt, V.' W J 77mrrfay,-;Arot.:'22.j: ;j' ? : Mr: Gray presen ted a bill -to prevent the falling of timber in, or obstructing the run of C arra W ay.C reek, in Randolph Coun ty. , Read the first time and passed.. , On motion ofMr. Picket,? the following references were male of the various sub jects e mbra c ed i n the Goyer n or?s M ess age, viz ; jSo mucK as to relates Ito , Internal Im provements, to M essrs. .Q wen,i Brod nax, Deberry, - Williams of Martin :and Be thune a , , V..- - f.. t -So4 muclV'as relates t ri Marsh I Lari ds, . to Messrs. Speight of. Greened M 'EachinV Ward, Jones, arid Askew of Hertford. So much as relates to PublicEducation, to M essrs. Shober, Drake, Joiner, Franklin and Whitfield. : v x i ; . ? So much as relates, to the Judiciary, to Messrs. Picketf, Bailey, HintoB;, Lock, arid Reinhardt. . . - , j( , , ' . So much as relates to procuring from the British Government, documents relating to our Colonial History, Messrs; Wilson of Edgecomb, Davidson, CM 'Mil an,v Mont gomery and Ramsay. .. -. - So. much as relates to the selling anil surveying ' f the Lands latidy, acqui red, from! the Cherokee Indiaris, &c. to Messrs. Spaight of Craven, Alexander, Love, Thompson and Williams, of 'Beau fort. . ,. . - .:. ' - VOn motion of Mr. Owen, so touch as re lates to tHe alteration of the Tariff, con templated by the i' Woollen's Bill" was referred to a joint select Committee, con sisting on the pirt of the Senate; of Messrs. Oweri.'Picketfv Speight of Greene, Spaight of Craven, arid Brodnax. 'I he House . of Commons Subsequently appointed on their part, Messrs. Settle, Eccles, Fisher, Blount and Wheeler. ,; - ; - ; ...(:. Messrs. Burgin, Speight of Greene, Will iams of Be a u f ir r; Jo n e s a n d N u 1 1 a 1 1 were named as a Committee on Militarj Affairs- : -.:; . :-"'. :. Mr. Burgin presented the petition of sundry inhabitants of Burke pr laying an al teration of the boundary line' of the 1st Regiment.' Referred to the MilitaryCom- mi t tee. .'.V;' aaM': l FridayNov .'On motion of Mr. Pickett, he Judicia- r y C o i n m i 1 1 e e, w e r e v i n s t r u c ed t o e n q u i re into the expediency of increasing the offi cial Bonds of the Clerks of the several Courts of Record, d this' State, and also of amending the act of the General Assem bly,, providing for thedeposit and safe keeping of said bonds. 1 . , t On n.otion of M r- SherranV the same Committee were instructed; toenquire into the expediency -of so ; amending the laws concerning Bastardy, as to give one Jus tice of the Peace competent jurisdiction. ;. Miv Hinton introduced a resolution pro posing to appoiot .Mr. -Joseph Ross to take c h arge of t h e Public Buildin gs a nd keep them in a state .of preservation, with a salary of 100 dollars attached to he office-. . .- . S .. ": . : .'. , - .Mr. H. also presented the petition of Henry Gorman of this City, praying to be appointed to take charge of the Public Buildings-which Resolution and petition were reterred to the Committee on the PubT li'c Buildings,. Y ; ; I Messrs. Pickett, Askew of Bertie," D i ve ri port H a rrel l and B easly were a ppoi n t fil a Committee on the part of the Senate, to ioin the Committee on the Tucarora lands, named by the House ; . - , .Mr Shober presented the petition of Christiana Cruttendan, praying that, she may have secured to her, such property as she niayhereafter.acruire, and Mr., Dob son presented the petition of C John Caste- ph ens of Surry, pray i ng to be res t ored to credit. ueaa anu reierreu. : Mr, Speight: of Greene, presented. a bill to repeal an act passed in 1823, concern-' ing the Roanoke Navigation. . Road tht; nrst time. t v - ' If. Saturday Nov. 24, 1 824. ;. V LThe, Message Vi'rum the House of Com mons, proposing, to refer to a select Joint committee, that part of the Governor's Mes-i sage relating, to the Cherokee La ri d s,' was laid on the'table, on motion of-Mr.Pickett, : jM'r .i ShubeV from th e committee 'of Pro positions and Grievances, ito whom the petition of JohnlCastephensjof Surry, was referred, reported ia bill to . restore vhim to credit, which was read the first and second .timevvk :;.;-;; v- I -f ' J ,'' - , The bill; to prevent the falling of timber in , the run of Caraway creek in Randolph, passed its secoml and third readings, and was ordered i to he engrossed; J M r. Deberry : prescntcil 'the petition ol -Elizabeth. Culpepper vf Montgomeryy Mr. - V Washington, praying respectively , for EM- vorces -wnicn peimons were reau ana re - ferred; A&0m ;he::resignaHoriof7J Commandant of the : Regiment of Hyde county, was read and accepted. ai On motion of Mr. Speight of Greene, the committee on Internal Improvement were instructed to eriquire and report to the Se nate, what progress has been made towarefs completing the. navigationoft?Roarioke and into the practicability ; of ConipTetingthe sam py locking in, rrom xne oasin atrvy ei don's Orchard, with ; the';1 probable expense of completing the0ame and hef practical good w hi ch would Cresu 1 1 to t he S tate froiri effecting the same, fvi The bill relatirigvto the subject introduced by Mr. Speight on yesterday, was referred to the same com mittee.;1 ):AAr-;:;: J 'a, .; Mr. Montgomery, presented a bill toyest the right of electing Sheriffs in the people, which was read the first time ordered to be printed, and inade the order of the day for Wedn esd ay nex t, i h e o m in i t tee of the whole. . - -- --a, A r : V HOUSE OF COMMONS, t ; . v;! TTiursdayy Nov7 QQ I s A message. was received from the Senate, proposing a bal lot to-morro w for a Treasurer of State; vice Joh n Haywood deceased, arid stating that John S. Haywood is in nomi nation for . that appoi n tin en t. ' This propo sition was opposed, but after some debate was-agreed to. r' ? .. v . A-i a A-- a-.;.-.-;;-. A message was sent to the Senate,; pro- positig to refer to a select ioint committee,! so mucn ot p he brove rnor's m essage as re lates t o th e Tu sea rpra 1 a n d p, a nd naming for this purpose on the part of the House, Messrs. Hill,; Stu;irf, White, Blackledge, and" Montgomery. ( ' " , - A . message was received from the Gover hrir coveringxertain Resolutions froni the States of Maine and Connecticut on the subject of Internal Improvements and a Communication from the State of Ohio, on the amendment of the Constitution of the United States. Thi message also Contains a suggestion from the Governor, as to the propriety of reciprocating the civility of other Slates who have sent us a copy of their Laws, by transmitting to each a copy of ours. - Laid on the table until to morrow. ! The H'iuse proceeded to the appointment of their Standing Committees, viz : , - Of Claim-!' Messrs. Perry, Hardy, Foy; Dick ersoru VV. VV. Jones, Glisson, Busbee, VVebb, Clercent, M'Lean, Brevard, Clayton, ' Stewart, Bynum, tDearnnd and Thomas. On. Agriculture Messrs. W. W. Stedman, Burke, Nelson, Adams Lepnard, Foy; -Smith, WhitakeV, Hampton, Simpson, Neal, Patterson, Green, Kimr, , Underwood and Seawell. Internal Impravements -Messrs. Wheeler, Do zier, Benners, Blount, Hill,-Kerr, Stockard, Law son, .Burnett, Kishei, Allen of Buncombe, Love, Battle, Shine . M'Nair and Eccles. Of- Privileges sf Election. Messrs Bateman,; Tillet, Kilpatrick, Borden, Moore, M'Millari,' Boon, Donoho Jones, Williams, Baker, Conrad, Wilkinson, Cooper, Boykin and Wadsvforthv Of Propositions and Grievances.- Messrs. , Bar. nard, Cherry, .Hastings, Simmons, Stephens, Lewis, Glastw, Sutton, Houh, Newland, Gold, Mann, Gary, Little and Hodges. On Education Messrs White, Ball, Whitfield, Blackledge, GilUspie, Gilmore, Tavhir, N. Sted- man. Moreneaci, iex.twutfr. Gordon, Hnttaui. K. H. Jortes, Kuran, Marshall anft rnrectt." Messrs. Pool. Blount, Moore, Scott, Troy, Mitchell, Spruill and Eccles form the Committee of Finance on the part of this House. Two balloting were had this day, for Erigtossing Clerks, but without an election. , Friday Nov. 23. A message was received from the Sen- ate, stating the vote of agreement to bal lot this morning for Treasurer, had been reconsidered nd negatived, and proposing to ballot for that office on Monday next. Agreed to. J . . . : . ',,.;': On motion of Mr. Jones of Warren, Resolved, That so much of the Governor's Message as relates to draining and reclaiming Marsh or Swamp Land?, be referred to the Com mittee on Internal Improvement., So much as relates to Public Instruction to the Committee on Kducation, and so much as "relates to he Ad ministration of Justice to the Committee on the Judiciary and that they report by ' bill or other, wise. . .. - v. :,''A : .,: On motion. of Mr. Fisher, : . i i ARtsohed, That so much of sa d Message, as relates to a; communication from the American Minister' at London, be referred to a joint select Committee of three members," from each House, with instructions to enquire what measures this I Legislature should take, consistent wth consid- r - c i; i. .i erations oi Ji ppucy, uiwarus uic jiuuiitaiiun of a history of North Carolina : And that they report by bill or otherwise.' " A Messrs.; Newland,Taylor, Brevard, Mar shall and Alon t go rn e ry, w e re appointed a Committee on Divorce and Alimony. - Messrs. Jones, of Warren, Morehead, Settlej Eccles, Spruill, Scott arid Alexan der were appointed a Committee on the Ju diciary. r . . ; ' ' '...V '. ;. f ... -. ' M essrs. Moore Hill and Donoho, . con stitute the' Library Committee on the part of this House. ' " - - . A message from the Senate, proposing the appoiutment o f a j o int se 1 e c t Coram i t tee on the Public Buildings and naming on their part, Messrs. Speight of Greene, Hinton, J Burgin, Vanhook and Love, The proposition was acceded to, & Messrs. Lewis, 'Glisson, Gary, Bozman aud Love, selected on 4he part of the House. ' v ' . Oh motion of Mr. Brevard, , A; Resolved, That the Judiciary Committee be in structed to enquire into the expediency'of. pro viding by law,; for the final 'settlement of the accounts of Executors and 'administrators in such manner as to secure to creditors, a just and e qual proportion of their debts and demands, ac cording to their respective amounts, out of the assetts in the hands of such Executors or Admin istrators. 1 - - , . . A ' i - V On motion of Mr. Alexander, . ' J h That the same Committee be instruct ed to enquire into the expediency of so - amend-: ing the law,astosubject the.assetts in the hands oi an Executor ot Administrater to attachment. "f Two ballotiogs were had for Engrossing Clerksf on the last of whithj Wm. J; Cow an was elected. 5 One y et remains ; to bo elected. ' a?'B;: a7::aa)M ' -S . M r. Geld presented the petition of John Hardcaistle of Ralherfordvprayingto be Lewis nf the same county, on the subiect of apubliCRoadMivi ClavtonErirtsent d th e pj i t ion ofWi 1 1 1 am feat he rs ton; o f Bun com be, pray i ng aut hon ty to ope n practiMblewitoral Salmon the petition -of John Powers? of Stokes for Divorce. : Mr. Allen, the peti tion of William RobertS'of-Buncor be for Piyoreeandf THoriias Shrfhe sriirie county, praying to be. placed'on . the ; Peril ipri5RoJj..lrf-ifeij l rjKelthsofc ng for aq thoritv to alterthe direc ivoau. , vv men rpeutions were reaa ana repectively referred. ; "y ;rhe v- resign itions 5 Of (Reuben tWal ton, Lieut; Col.1 of XavalrynHhelQthBrig ade & of Sam'l. Mercer, Col. of thekif Re girrierit -ririst Brigade; of Irifaritry:wefe read and accepted. ... y I 'Ai'iiSatUrMfj Nov: 24th: yAAA: a a Th e names of Jasper, ; Lil ly, Co vingtdn and Hodges ; h ay i ng been w ithdra wn. from the , nomination for- Engrossing. Clerk, a balloting was had for the Cleric yet rerriairi ingto be chosen, which resulted in the e lection of Thomas Dews. - -it ;V f J Mr Moore presented" the Report of the Commissioners appointed; Under 'direction of an act of the last Xegisiature, to ascer tain the practicability and probable expense of uniting the waters'of Lock wood's Folly and Elizabeth river,' by a Canal, which was re fe r red tot he c o m mittee on Inte r n al Im provement. : ,( : 1A, A': :;A.A:.A'-. .Mr. Barnett? presented the petition of Thomas Searcy, Clerk, of the' Superior Court of Rockingham, ? prating for the pay ment of the costs of a suit ir.sti tuted in said Court by the Adjutant-General, a gai ri st Genl. I3et he I f, in behal f of th e State. Mr. Clayton, th petition of Jane VVilson, of Buncombe, and Mr. A. Williams, the petition of Phebe M'Kn;iughan, of Guil ford, praying to have property secured to them .from the, claim of their husbands -which were read and respectively referred. A message was sent to the Senate pro posing to refer to a select joint committee, that part of the Executive Message "relat ing to the Cherokee Lands, and informing that Messrs. Donoho, Alien of Buncombe, Allen of Montgomery, Jones of Rowan, and By n am, form the committee on the part of he Houe. ' - On motion of Mr. "Perry, the Comrriittee on Education were instructed to enquire into the state of the Literary Fund, and make a reportthereof a an early day. : V - Mr. Neil I presented the petition of Tho mas Green, of Burke. Read and referred. The resignations ot B. Wilkinson, Lieut. Colonel of the second Regiment, and of W. R. Bullock, Major of ihe first Regi ment of Edgecomb MiltiiaAvere read and occepied - (Cj" We are compelled from want of room; to omit the proceeding's of the Administration Meet; ings, held in Carteret, Pasquotank, Camden and Beaufort counties. ,., 4 s Communicated. DIKD, At his residence in this 'itv on the 18th inst. in the 73d j'ear of his age, Jno. Hay wool, Esq Piib- "c rcaureroi uie riate. io ine mnamtants or l character of this gentleman, it is unnecessary To pronounce his eulogium ; but justice requires that we should proclaim to the worlIj that North Carolina, in an age of defalcation,' possessed servant who for forty three years administered her Treasury with a virtue truly Roman ; who, remarkable in private life for the amenity; of his disposition, in the discharge of liis public duties combined the firmness of iCato with the integri ty of Fbrici us. , We of North Carolina may with truth affirm his to be ;' '; . A- : A , Clamm et venerabile nomen, -; j ' . , et multum nostrse quod proderat urbi. To the influence of his example we owe that elevated standard of official integrity, that sensi bility to the sacredness of a public trust, which prevails among us, and which has rendered pecu lation unknown. In return we owe him a mon ument more.durable than brass, which shall" be forever present to our recollection which can only be erected in our hearts. - Dissolution. THE Co-partnership of Beckwith &Henderson is this day dissolved by mutual consent, : ; All persons indebted to the Firmsre request ed to close their accounts by the first of January. Those who have claims against the Firm will please present them. ' ' - ' : " J ' Dr. Henderson will attend to the settlement of the business ; in his absence Dr. Beckwith. . . J. BECKWITH, I , J.M; HENDERSON. Rafeigh, Nov. 26. ; . ' i . Dr H, effers for sale, on moderate, terms, a strong, well fi rmed Black Horse, 7 or or 8 years old, well suited for a Carriage, Stage, Waggon or a long journey on horseback . , PUBLIC MEE ING. . A LL the Freemen of Wayne County' friendly J. to the re-election of Jo hs fttiscr Adams to the Presidency of the United States, are respect fully solicited to meet at thf. Court-House in Waynesborough, on the second Saturday in De cember at 1 o'clock, for the purpose of elect ing Delegates to meet in Generat Convention in the City of Raleigh; on the 20th of December or at such other time as may be- thought most conven'ent.for.the purpose of forming an Elector ral Ticket for Mr. Adams in North Carolina, and of adopting such other measures as shall be deem ed most likely to advance the interest of the present Administration. ' r .-. ; ; .u ? , A A Many Freemen' of Wayne. Nov. 22. - A ' -V a State of North-Carolina, , ,J, . Northampton County. " Court of Equity, Fait Term, A. D.!1827. AA. - James Webb," Complainant. i A- ' - - - . ' Jonathan Currin and wife Elitabeth,. late Eliza beth Jenkins, defendants, , k VBill lo make conveyance of Real Estate. ' IT appearing to the satisfaciiori of the Court, . tha the defendants in this 'case, are: not resi dents of this State,' it is ordered that publication be made in the Raleigh Regisier for six weeks successivelyj that,, unless 'said, -defendants shiiiJ appear xat e next Court of l Equityi; tc bjj held For said xountyi'at the Court "House in , the. town of Jadfcoh,- dn.the fifth Monday" after- the fourt t Monda: inilarcbn mur to compLairiant'a bill, the same will be. heard -Ma'' anri a A&r.Ttf made acr.nrdincrlvx A copy, Teste, t -Nov.16, 1827 Vv JNO. D. amis; a M. E. iiTl )rAAAMAlrr -: .'TlIK -. . I NcYorlc Cbhsolirlated Lottery ; T Oth Class will b e dtfiwru .Xhe.Scheme contains the following splen- uia rnzes : " . - i .h. -j i w.uv;t;4i. 1 Pristef glSJOOO S9 Prize of R(',fii ;i 0,000 39 i5,00O ; V S9- 3,000 a tin 53,500:: lj,006 500 .39 S9 78 r 5 it 40 AiO 1 J . 2f3 iff hole Tickets SI oflqlfjIpZ 10tb Class , will be drawn in Richmond,' 5th 4 A -A . nexti' . -. - : ' - -1.-'; , CAPITAL PRIZES. - : ;; 1 ! - ; 16,000 Dollars, 4,000 Dollars, ?-C !2i500DoIIarv- l,f 50 Dollars;' 4' ' V l,500 Dollars, : 1,06 Dollars, ; :4ofgiooo &c; &ev ; Tickets;S5,HalfjS2 50itjuarte : Grand Consolidated XptleryJ ' For Internal tmproremeuti I.iterature and Chi. ' ri ties, in the City of Washington,- and in the Slates of--Delaware, Nortli-Caroliha, and Loui. : lsiana. -. - - .-- ' ? . :. - - - v ' . SECOND CLASS. To be drawn in Washint'on City, on Wednesday tbe 12tb Ilecember, 1827. f - ' ' SCHEME;;) ;V; -.;; .,1- Prize ,of g20,000 ;: 1 . 4,000 , ; 1 1,600 r-'s'i V' '1,225 5 i,ood. "- '5 ' ' 600 , " 10 - v soo ' "0 :, - 150? 40 ' - - ' 100 : 51 SO 51. 4 ';70l ; 51 , 150 , 5i ' 50 51 ' - 40 102 ... r 301 153 , 20. 1326 ; 10 ; 11475' . 'A-:A,.-;-5 . IS $20,000 -A 4,000 A . i i A'S f ' - -' X l,C0O i one: .' . 5,000 ; 3.000 V ?oo6'.--' iOOOA 4,mi)A : .4,080 ' ' ' - -I I ' - I. . 3,060 ;, vhA-:-2,550 , 3,060 ' 13,260 ,;. ' . I: - -If - Whole Tic kets 5 d ol lars? Ha If 2 ; 50 d oj- r ; ' lars,',Qrs,jl -25:'ilollars . Orders from' any part of 'the cduritry f po ; paid) enclosing' the cash or Prize Tickets, wiu -be promptly attended to addrers i v ; . r ' . v YATES 5c MclNTYRE, '. i' Raleijfh or Favetvevi!le. ' . . Harriet Relay : t ' Has returned from New-Yorkj ' ; ' W HERE, she has laid in an Elegant Assort-, ment of FANCY; OoODS and MlLLItt- t EltY ; among which are Supefb'Hostly Silk Hat 'i and Feathers, Le. born arid Straw Bonnets j Lacc ; ; ; andj-eiske Caps and VTurHans f rEleant orna- . tnents for' the '.".Head ? Needle-; work; ' ahd Lac Pellerines, Capes arid Collars ; Superb ' Lace Robes, Musliii, Darege Batisse and Mfrino do Worsted Barege for Dresses ; Readj ri?ade Dres; ' ses. Pelisse's; and Cloaks f. the latest -fashion ? H '.; Lace Veils ; . Plaid, Figured and plain Silks of ., the newest patterns and colours ; 4-4 plain and . . figured Bobbinett Laces y. Thread -(nd ll'-bbi- . -' nett LacesWiTHtJTnj ir'di-npi and Pearlings t - Tamboured CoUarets and Capes ; Artificial Flow- .'",. . ers ; Ribbons, Curls nd PufB i Silk Stockings ; SilkHorseskin arid Btver-Gloves ; Cashrn -re and Imitation Long- Shawls Ladies i Prunell ' Roots ata Sh es ; Chillrens Morocco knd Lea-i ther.Iittort?usb;cbVn dren; with a variety of Artictc oj0ljS. ta, ; enumerate. All wb,icb she will sell, at th.rior est prices for Cash; or to pitictuat CtiBton-ers. ; - A N. p. Dresses and Pelisses made. at the" siiort est notice " Leghorn Bonnets cleaned, arid trira- , , i med. : A"JA'-:-'. : ' r;- . ''-'l.'.'4', - '-. , 24th Novri82r'-'-'v!' M2da4w:-- r. -. State of ISortH-CdTOlina ' . Bertie County. jf - : ' '. A- ' - r Court of Eqiiity---Septembe Term,' 1827V ' : William C(herry, Solomon Cherry, Joseph Chcn 'i l and : James II. Cherry, the three latter ixifant )A ; , by William Cherry their Guardian, and Mary ' Cherry, widow of Solomon Cuerry; Petitioner' - ' AA '"A 'A'-'-M W'C ' : ' LeVii; Mr Holder arid ; wife Mary formerly Mar , , .Cherry, -:A ii. ' . ': A: ;'V,;J Defendantss - - ' A A..- Petition far sal of real Estate. -. . ' '-' ' . .- THE i Petitioners set fiirth injtheir'petition : that Solomon Cherryj late or Bertie county ' ; died intestate, being seized ad possessed ot tvt'o , tracts of land, t6"wit-t Ono tract-containing six: Y . hundred acres, , adjoining the lands of Stephen ; Baryemorei the heirs.0 Jvmes Clierry deceased, , and -" others ; the other tract containing sixty acrf s, adjoining, tje lands of Thorn Baryemore; William Baryemore, and others.. That the Cleric V . and blaster; be directed to make sale of the said lands for division among the heirs at law of the' -said - Solomon Cherry...That Levi 'Holder and wife Mary,-formerly Mary Cherry,; who are . titled to a. distributive share of saidtands, do . A- ; reside within the jurisdiction of t!ii Court ; and: pray tliat publication be made to the said Hold er and wife,' that they be and appear at the next Court, to be held on tlie third Monday of March next, and plead answer ; or d. -mur. And It ap pearing to the atisfction of theCorirt; that th6 : said Levi Mi Holder and wife Mary, dor,ot reside , wittkin the jurisdiction of this Court :-It ia there fore ordered, 'that puhlrcAtabemade in th Raleigh Register for; six weeks, that- hsaid Holder and wife be a hd appear, at the; next ternr-c:.': ofsaid Court, to"be held in Wlridsdr, on the third Monday of .March' next, and . plead,' .answer or demur to'the said petition i or that judgriaejit prof confesso be entered against them'.. Test. CHAS.-W, JAGOCKSl, C IUL Ti. C Windsor, N C- 12th Oct. 1827. 20 6y University of North-Carolina. The annual meeting of the Trustees of the U- s " niversity of North-Carolina ' w;H be held in the Executive Office in jthis City -fon llonday 10th ' of December at 7- o'clock ;P. M.- , . " ; - . By appointment of the Presidents , " Raleigh; 26th Nbv; 18oH A A: - A- ' ; Executor's Sal e. v-.-i-: . : BY order of the County.vCourt of GrarivlilV 1 ball expose to puKiic. Sale ati Oxford oti Monday Slbt of Deceirrfilr, ensuing, TWEMT NEGRO ES beUnr to ihe Estate of liiciiHrd ' Taylor deoeasedVTne Sale will be coniinu"d fro day to daylritit thevwhole be disposed U'. . Twelve monVns Credit will be given, the pur- ' chaser gtving 5ofids, bearing interest from their'.,." datej with i aroyed secur,tit:s C-Aod when Mndy bonds heconiedue; the drtr$ of diem; if they p-efr-it, can- have accotcno 'atum the New. bern JJanlu I : ' . . : : ; , I : John c.rAYLUr, eaV. , 1 AM Raleiirh "Kov; 22. X77l . . 1 2(5 w4r A