IT :1 -r 7 H';-; t )!' a1 KT V- i'.i X) i f I'll" ? rr ' 1 H At b JMFTA. EWE i. 1 if, r .ti.. fr; Outs are the plans of fair, aelightfpj peace, w , ? tJnwarp'd by patty raffe to lire like brothers,? "L -'i.WIT -i ' I-'5; VK -K? : ;' - ;','ll,r , ' -r't-'-jshatjow pfr.those? things, ought to Jbe I miles tphe fadtoiy of m JhufactiiiperlB, - I.m' v'ci I i Li 15 -' I k'. l fonnili hv a law as !iriv&riabfp. n - that I nn ntiP of nnnKautiritf efnotna ' .X7K!a bv wliichattaches shadow: to substance. I eniovinn this ilrivW tlift farmer, inafpil " ?.7neiMiK 75 VRS & SON, We all boast f ' : ' : t-- ' A irl TIT I S E M ENT S;; . i 1- ' ls ewedinl6 Vines neatly inserted three t mesfo r a dollar and 2 5 cent s for every succeed iX?pabrcat;onthose of greater length if .the nnnrtinn Jr... Communication thanktully recivedI,tttrsto(the yEditors mtistbe post. that there is no country of seiuli nt? his son' on slavish and dan- in me ww " "F 9-. mid Hniicnais, juri irerous; inn' wiin a nat uoat lo iNw jr. Iliousca, eftii.ieans;.ii itc:4 tii ,, w .oiiiiio aunituaiixc, i new. fnnrraci, m so -i ii ay,- porK. oc nour the consumption of. the inmates of the - 1 rnmSthe Western Monthly 'RtvUwJ I fit mip OMESTI c, ' Wb$eFriends of the Adrainistration.-neld iw. Ckicinnatl, in September last. ) j j p vered at a meet- tvV nfe sufficient! v aware of the. fcar- fttfl sfea-mariis,1 the whirlpools of Scylja Charybdis; that rise before us, n hark honestl v ) and safely '4V.lrh an article-with such a Heading. "We -need inform none of our readers o vtiie character and standing oi tne -oraior oivtliis occasion, nor of the, mannefn Vltich he is identified with every period ; tof the history of the Westi nor of his leert experience of theTvyants, circum tances, and character of the.western . Veopte,: nor of the deference winch is due to his political maxims and opinions. U ! VV have calculated too, our latitude ;nd departure; and desire to keep our course in the temperate parallels, Unr tier1 the gentle and healthlui oreezf which has hittierto filled our sails, j In doin!?his, we8hall steadily avoid the torrid zone of party politics ; and sholild than in the valley of the Ohio and I Kirl tlifhlnississipjii. that money, tiiat circulating, mcdi- jijee; then the! key, :that js to funlofck ura is scarce: among uis 5 -'and that our fprisonbring back! mofiey among aurjyoung are; jwithheW from m ny by the difficulties ol: subsistence, in good market; notj only fjirT their hay such K country ;as Jtliis 5 thatwe can pbrk and flour; IbiJt for their sonsahd practise no munificence, however we daughters. .;Tiie interclia iige promotes miav be disnosed to J 1 1 .that j we ; even efond Upihhhf-Tinnd i: larniiiiAPQ. m a clothe! our childrerj with difficijltyV fyid sons, and all sorts'6f -artisans;: ahd'tdeV tha taxes, proVerbiaUy inevitablei liketchanics mul School; houses and death;can; be called fey f the publican churches riiiriiie lupCrqiina the; estab- natural spetaclevOnining with love ly, and lawyers and doctors, as birds bf and poVei'tyl iri the midst of J plenty.- 'prey gather;!' round'; a carcas; y Here 'is Fron the undeniable documents, of the oommenced the ( embryo, ijucleiis of all Treasury, lie informs us, that: of :'cne the wonders in China, Holland, or the article, to nviU we annually im to the amou.nt o have considered it a duty to haye,pass cd tiiis article from' the. flame; conside rations which have influenced 11 tni pasjs b v many other books, pamphlet and alldresses,had not this' seecli Contaiii ed what we consider an important pri n ciple, touehing which we have mi scru plesl' We believe it to be of great and jiicalcHlable?inipbrt to the welfaje of tlje western jieople-; and under; sufch cori victlons; we feel it to be a duty to no tice t)nly that, part of tliis speech which contains tbis principle. . We were pleas ed to remaik, that the; sound statistical "rasoniiig and j illustration iii which t was develoied, is in that lucid and fav miliar language, which renders the sub ject! obvious to, every airehension, and is wholly divested of that mystery and affectation '.of profoundness,- in which indiljcal adepts have generally; jseenTit Ito veil, such : discussions.' - Ve think ft on ght to make a.part of the statistical ca ie clusnv woollen manufactures, wonderful country of Greiit ' Britain. mi i u yiii ureal uniiiini J.111S is unuouuieuiy .wnat we wain 10 f 7;OOOi00 dollars. In I become the richest Cciuntrviiri'the world. a manner qjiite as amusing, and iufin- .Gen. Harrison ilmiks with us, that itely more cbhclusive ilian that by which the western peoplejare essentially agri Lord Peter proved that all kinds bf eitt- cultural, and ouerlit so to remain. He ables and drinkables were included in al would not wish to see us become a neo brown bread; Ins shows,-that in I pie of manufacturei s for exportation; but importing from toi eat jtJritain a blanket, lor home u supply; only.; irvlicnever e- a carpet, or a piece of broadcloth, arid, I no ugh shall i be, manufactured in the he might have added,; a razor and a north western States of our valley for pair jolf scissors, we import vprn, hiy,i its consumption, we answer for the fact pork and flour, i Sjirely, this is bring-1 that! povertyexcept of that class, which ing coals to JN ewcastle, with a ven -t iu national management can prevent, cjr geance! One of our .English goods' stores cure, will flyj frcirn; us. We sjiajl have ciiutaius, to common rdptics,'no mnrq a. home market and plentypf money ; & A.t -l i I- 1 1 M. II I II I " 1 man new tnaw iincry T).t itliO'lraaiiiln1 UlU j1"' jf the S i, finery! and furnitureJ I sby soon become j as rich! a K vision bf a CoriirVe.Ms-1 no w abundant. (This, if we u man; the SecopO-.sigiit ot a benatorJIit, is the grand doctrine o sees Ipprk in bulk wrought into tlietcx- land we omit the! details J 11 ture of the ; laces, steam-mill 1 flour un-1 which co to I illustrate, 1 as we are nderstand the speech ; tlie address, and prove the i.J . .1 . I i . u . . 1. . . . I ! I .1. . . ' 1 . ' ' 1 t ' dcr the "glazing -or bljick; broadclothil truth of this! position, only observing and .Wliole loads bfl timothy in a sincrlelthatj we think'the . orator! has not at- carpet.! What a spectacle oilers to such j tached sufficient men in passinar a larere store m our ci I lief, to be expeci tv 1 Ilow tnaji v huudredH of loads ofl tion of i the. ail k hay, and. barrels of flour and pork do supposing this remedy a slow and dis they see compressed! into one narrow I taiitj-one, and incompatible with our apartment ( tsrougiu irom the country present au vancc in reiiuement ana in by, a thousand teams, a single one womld the arts, as the orator seems to have carry it bck again.;,) If tlr?y are rca- done, we;consider this a kind of indus deisof Paradise Lost,' ancl .quick in try requiring Utile .capital, and peciili- magimng,;iiieyr. win see in an tins, our any lilieu 10 such a conuiuon oi socie- importance to the re ed from the intrbduC- .worm. s So far ' tfiitd ICSirabie, thatia people snouiu tncrcasci vwuiapcrpii iiiii nici iin mc car oi tJuriiueiiiuiuerry.Ht'euiMiiSfUi ine iirsi ftt-V mnHinlv fafpp than we doi ' Still, Lbves. lhey will touch the reptile, as J are sowed, broad cast, and mowed C 'B are told" by Genl. Harrison, that I Geh. Harrison' has, j with the Ithurie 1 1 use.j v We aie cpiifident, if every fami ml any of bur young jieople' are withheld spear of political truth, and the whole I among us would devote as fr lorn maVrVtnc,- by the difficulty of Job- aichj adversary, that visits! us - w ith I and labor to tlii4 pursuit, as tu tnin ttiihiictence. This consideration 1 leanness, and barrenness, and love de-1 without abandoning any n ism of every western economist, grand political scourge, in size dimit u- ty, as ours, -It is demonstrated, that n thouchtiit was harcll y possible or tivej; as Satan,1 squat like a to adj the best modes of feeding the silk worm, for much time they might resent useful is j the more melancholy,' from the cif- ferred,' will stand forth!, in its original I occupation, in two) years fpm this time cu mstance "that it" bffersjn W-fcbiin'try: dimensions. .;' '!.- f jl . ( - I 1 1 :Jwe might;!raise;silk;'Iiii thisrstateto'-.tfie -wl.iere the timbeV fo 'thejiouse chc asv,this transformation value of a million pf dollars, r I - j ' he rs the eround. Where the : richest soiflfrom hay,4ork and flour, tobroadclnth Our Cotton jVianufactpries already . &. - - b ;.b T s-jr' f.U n,J nL:: 'Li" LJi el.. i.J .-ixrii.., ; .1 -UL -Se Us at a. dollar-ana a quarier. an . aurr, i iuipyt uui vti cniMJi uani, may accui, i sncaii iur iiicuisui vca. xuuu i iiccn mc ii, ii iihs actually l iiuorjiiaiioii. uiai our lauriua . ui uns rt aie not nly botler, ian those, Ave import. in " 'liii.rlitMtwnlr itiat rhWV be'exoected I see the shepherd, the manufacturer and 1 their orosnei itv iislowiriff i - v-.-, , - b i 1 ,i.,L i:. ..Li, iin i...i.:i . ti 1- ..' : Li L A.fir wuiic i nt; i reguiauoiis oi utnu 3 government bestow the same tos itiC cai-e on fabrics from wool, and commiseVate the case or theseyoutlis; I di ed collateral agents lhat must be fed,' ironj and - hem p, j. and to - Varmtis other mi witiihild from matrimony. Suppbs- sHall bebme irie there is riothins absolutely i .roffthe; customs, Ayliolesale, dealers; and t- a Chiia, a world by puielves. - CTliere in Denrtu irkfi there mast be ross mil-1 taihlealersteainers and horses ; ip short I is nothing worth raising iindcr he . r ' - - : ":-) l i i. ,.. i . . ; . i .1 - i 4.1. i i; i.ri a . .1.1 i . -r . .1 1 . - a I uiii. so in 13 part Our tars can in inter- but cheaper II admit that . 1 l the various ystem Let ..,' j . ' f " ' ' I lation in consequence is so rapid; acoun try which .is .subject, to ' Such commo tiece ssi ty of. consu rn ption 'and . t axatiorj i t is im possi b e,,as.a-br ad and gtenerc jiri pci plei "tiisft toi'e portion foft such couniry :snou5u utiurisii ,ai v mr eApnw, b f b iano th er Q J I f ;the!: jior th is lehefite by tyy m us V ta k& piacer;an fl t lie south ultimate, ty febt be;e i nsa tieartd iinti' at ii vak qu'rrei bf it heTf c b 1 e; bet weeir Wie :- portion and apot heibd hands and the stomachand;-the heart wiH..''Stfrely:'iilJ;'perisliitoTO fiz Besides; we indulge thd hope; that th peop e will pttimateiy f so welj -under! A .1 L m n'i t n (on m an -nit lh (it af iLaiiu : liu.w ruivuv uuin iu vi 1 llieiriai Hill,. Miat cw yvm uc ujunu "JL1 will chnosetol rise on ihfloori bf Coiil f am to4 fulfil the decorum and: the claims o tfc se o 1 gress and say; ' it we must benetit an people by.fu rnishi ng them the raw ma tenaV.we would preier u snouia oe to Engiish. whose; lMle sysfem is predi cated on the principle of circumventing us, ootn in t consuinpiiop : auu jsuppiy i and whpJ whole ;policy the Dresumntibn jotiour beins: rivals anc com petitors.. : t , -. 4 Tv'te.-? The people of the nortlt are sffllow citizens and countrymen, whojiave al ways borne their fu I share of the; pub lie burdens, and cannot ' be benefited even If tliey; fkyoud, by any ; greatnaj t ional mcasu re; w j thou t an ultimate re! arid most opposite section.of the urtibi Are there statesmen, J then, who woui actuary and virtually say, 4 our hate t the north; is so deep and up extinguish able that we choose to beneht a toreig n at i ori.! o ii r ri v al , ou rj co in pe 1 1 to rtan which we used to call oun natural enej my, rather "tlian the people of the nortli who1 are (Mite or our oont anancsi or ou flesh r i Yet so dcen. Gen. Harrison tells have been! these sentiments of .hostilit to any thing in the shajie of. pirptectin 'duties' to; fosteV ottrJipmli'man interests, that there hayejnor been wapi ing polit icians, who have seen jfi t to dc clare. that sooner than consent'to the ir crease of such duties, they would ciioorf to withdraw from the union. Out feeling and our sense of duty equally impels to a word upon this sentiment. ThisMc testable laAffUaee is becoming! buttij common in our journals and public d bates. . A; sub-governor, in a remo territorv. catchiuer the sialic of his si iieriors, talked in a speech to. his - iegi I at u re, with giat flippancy, aboup solving theiuuion, on the scorebfsom; peiiy gnerance, wuicu no eye uul ui could discover. . Men Qsterisibly moi novienui. anu less nuicuious nr uiis a: sumption, have publicly held the sam language. From the centre to the re motest capillaries the; most cpntemptil ble demagogue catches; the slang; and tal ks of d issol vi i ig (i.eiuni bnte wi th aj much flippancy : and bnraa;tas :ili were no mbre thatt breaking offi autaf fai r o f ; ; t Ii e 'J icar t wi til ya :bq u e j te fTjju Justinian code; interdicted rthp namiii.s of certain crimes as up will ing to ' d i A vulge to human natui'cita rcapability of committing tl icm. - The Bible,' too. h i ti ts at criineSjWAtcA ought not sf Tnuffiag be named T)ti nki rig micri kripwvf tluil words and phrases have a fearful -energy. A child hears vcuises before it un derstands their; , horrid i niportv and i prepared to become a hackneyed bias phe mei jLegi si atiif sVpo y erjnois, : Rii -lerS of the PeVple, listen It is al feai-ful-theme irig this grpat uhionJbJfIt miv ivienis a g loriousaiid heart-jcheeri ng spectacle Dissolve tl mnoti w it h Jthe x:ri m smv fluid; of i I fe antla ft;i j cade .oOt r natibnal roads "w ith carcases; j Dissolve the iinionr ! and look at. the coo : --b b - -1 - J A'?.bvr-r.-Lr f."-b. UIII the US c-aicuratf on anu mismanagement, wuereia.wiioie.oavtaiitiii, juiuint uauui au i.ui oui jvuai may ue groweu t hese ; barriers -between biir rural swains I v?ayi from Leeds to Cincinnati, to.aid I ofr biuv creat Vbubtrv aiid lass.' these : i innedimeu ts bf of true in the mischieVpiis oiieratibn bf platting siiuff the : sea air, sufficiently Joveart'd ; matriinony exist in i siich hay j and bacon I into ,broadc!pth; : AVe course ground ' XJape Ho'ru,5 between. vpuntiy; illf we whisper ' the ,sad fat know iWr;co Quiid.dy ,and, thjCplumbj.b, ,;;Ourttray :itubhoiireivest it ought never to be in Gincinriatijmiist have his lrbfits top. veiled gefttemcn -may see as much1, as VJojd ii Gth,;of JohhbBull, nor in As- InVwitnassiugsuchja pre posterous spec- tliere .is any usejiij seeing in this woifid ltelo0 tjf the coiiliiiental Legillmates;' tacle, necd wd :a(lmirc,j ithat he yoiuig pf;biii;s; het weep HaiilaxlSc the Rocky 1 est ihe uridrcumdsed itriitmph iulipr le ' who turn tlieii (riiyvpork &lhur Blount ainsvi AVljy s Mttiiiiiii; that jwitll : our 'itnmeasuable Irffier this fas!iiori,"cahuPt obtain the mo- - itrctst ter.tie and, vacant lanus, our ney lor rtiiatvpucry wiiicn uie. extra ' rit !iA-Of..' food and materials acicuuiu- Ig'ancfe' of the day has rendered iieces ia- la ttnr-ui'nri:iiJ until .ue cfiiuniaiti ofotir 1 1'v.Io malrimoiiv f - i his stnir.'c artide rii u j uul lance as a raisforlune : in the' ear of wjpblleiis is jsclccttdi as a sainpie of be for . hich . nature; in everyAway, has done ni ore, than! for an v other, & which .1. . ;- ..-t. -. ,H.i.- uoasts oi oeinir theiu y tree one on tiie be, be poor? ' Suretyl the faui t uiUkt : i n'oiji'rsel ves.J; : 'XfW??f U& tl i.ii-stijvig(raud;'6jrdiness ; ofiyoutlt,'tttid tlptnxlency,ofevcly, article iiriporlje! . Bencliciar as. thcjcflectg i llayQ;beenpib i linidift . the Ur?iiinjefectpn fnm a biVa(l.': -'; k -j -f i k"; ; : 't b i-kjl yeii to j bey:itr; is w'el!;;iememberedt all ttr boasted;: i m proyciiientsywe rq. Tji present' this bfiilly ftbiti lyr't a.-mVlr' the -jlstHflT of 1824 ; wasA cpntjed vf jtli ' stilliuiing Vith barren 'dcsiie a ml our .paljiahje;(Tor'i reatbiity antj d3termmljppp . f .fdl ng thV. - )vprin .Q.f::CmVea j f for 'eveiVbVcre; iff jMeepasturage.b Thebpjibswscamefi Oien'ifijnler "tlieTroses?: of .ybuth! : aji'd' ujrlatnU" we might h4ve)raii liundnjtl,' with the grand kriiUmblTiAdam-Sinitli, Pfairti ; in... short, . that m intaucy, ami or; ouir prairies in to ;the calcuLaj: that coinrnerco -and mauulactures ought i. midst a profushirir of - tfic ;' riches Jof7ia- tioii J a thbusamf ; and that we .qau raise bbe jeft Uiisliack! dis-f lore,1 we have rcacher ihesame goall at ;H'chyis!icI.S;b((1.llpur,-' and .Waketliifee cerilimeit'iifjtiflly hlch t hey.; i ave7;irr T vclt Irbint he i hf V h'a;rVfejJof;pb terprise that prpi teci I tyV k lid ' t U&-ices rof ."; 'a.; ' $i inl Hie taHiieic th u s , injii tl iciouWi epemeiti ts-rth a t jn 'iery of crowded baVicl:.stai.ii.iig'inii)ti-.' c-fsj how cvciv from L?mr interior fiireitts; povvfer .Vaselegiiied t 'Uiuef, that cauViieither -obtam VVe wagon thctn;; lighttlieih iri sfcanii ilicWt;iiorfiil4V boatsOOa ; Noi'iftiieed be i nformed; i n' tiicse day.Sr tin ycbi ton 1; ' trcigh t if to E ngland buy heij .every ch7Mj-bby;: islfipliiical ih?bmtlQothir rre Mmomjst, tfi'aim;miey WagimlitfiomTIiiiade phia tiPUtsburg; lc'repreentativ'e of: houses, lauds re shipitfience tbihcityVandt) V M!(,oUhjng; -and cqiupaehhrouHf all thi Jfcjjhftjalter, exist, if (here be sound husiiisy to getaitajbticle' mncai ticulatioti and, management; hae been liad- of better jrr.'"& ' wmcii is -tout --Jixs I :y casant-divte Ot: A, tnd circuitous which could , v. i i quajity, ;hjr, si rtureeorianr -i-j. ; f-ii.i ; ! : nA.-' f.b li i--:-::b vern m ent," to i Pi pose ;them i and that. were -a other w isel imposiiig? them was, inthe famtli ar phrase of;, the. day, only .ta kihg-Trbm ouej mansjVbcket to put irito 'that oftanpthe and more thati all , jtb at it; wasl a -Sectiona'r measu rexjal cuSated to .beiiefit the JNortu aC, tbe'ck-. nenso of the Soutir- But! in. a country where the.means of conveyance are so uasyaud multiplied, and, where' circit :;;ri- ti tioti ; 6ft tf menheifis; yVartecl foij iechiefforans'bf let ihe Village papers ; al) use aspiratit Let; t lie; greatamli gold si t$mg jiPwasl awvVthafilthVifhVoiiiiyau Avitli maffnaPimoUs pattenccVc that imrgn?a t io ri Is i t ii bu t a tsx a ttend a n t re Hlpa iiu niac inisbperra ... .. . tf icx t ieme31 i ceiise k ine lesser f ev t j , arm ii uei'ty. tne; grca t bbXi.nter6alapcin dissplyinghetiinibni ftijipancy'anit is knottier mates' neeringlyi pronounce itarppe of sand.' The.oppresso e v e t-y w heref nra yr fiiivthe d issbl ul ibn b f our uniort.JMI raitors amongourseivcsl pray tor iu . rot nous l4 politicians. wcr i theirjieads whirl and their noses are reo -talk about it -But Governors and great iiicii, aim jueii'iiit uigu piauea vouui. lo ponderithe im portfbf words,' before thcy resort to) tjiisrlietbrical flourishiiis- solve the union t 'To us, it is a phrase - s , r p. , , ' j, 1 ' - t 7 " Ik