; L f ; J ' - . r. ' A , , - . i H 4 . v ' t-V - i I' y r;,' i ' . A--. 1 wr f Ours are thCplans of falrdeliffhtfl peace, '.."VwW- r . : f t rJ-- r't ; A V-' f VWf V-" f Unwarpd by party ragetolive like brotherV: ; Ar YvS t -.it t n - .1- 1 ' I I i published evcr3r:TrarAT Not exceeding 16 lineaneatly insertedftLree timeator a dollar ana cenxs? oc ci jr inj pabiicationVthbse of greatet length in the saiiie propartibn..... Communication thankfully received.. . .tatters 10 inewuon.inusiw r; ra Ac New-York . T$ea$1u i r Vtitt NoulO riot court ;.deat!i in ffarb. however ainallih and I with, ahy toirmehtsyhowiBVcr j ri v jil 1 h terrors, :4 woii 1 d con vert the benedictions ormburnin frieiids ?x -.'W hp Wfiuldsriot build .fcir :lBiiTtt-ife th 4t Jjnia UsQf:' Jeum . whicli Wquld liide I jts deft-cts, draw t!ie (hickdar Veil of 'oblivion ;bverljis fail ltsi and fbhl iterate tirai e v e ryV mind I the vemcmurancp. oi . ins louirs .aim I vices 4 JverV; Iivinetonffue tliere are iiohCiWJiat mbnumfTJU then shall be; reared to' himl'whppercutfd jror';a':lon.?wres;of presfV hunted - frm; office isol ft ti the fbluisianderedlb : politics, Hid vUi fied Jn private I i fe, 1 1 as desce n d ed to t Ire 't5rnW ainidst .the loud.1 s wntaiiequH aiyil undisguised grief of uir wi ole popul a tionsvVhose bitterest opponents, while living, bless him in lis rai e," nd eek for theinlves a "t by w r i ti nff immort aiAt ofi jiis tbm.W i It would: he well, or at least excusable, i f t h e -po U cy i ' o r m s tf i o ii so f s s; o f; 1 1 a y -' ifig;'" beeir uiyus, whidhjdjctaeithe -.potJiumbus; and meritedj praise cofild be rendered ' durable bt parspirjt Las no! memory' for-b'enefi ts '-. and gratiT tude is not to be found, in its nomenclai- ture ot virtues.-. ;ue y itt. Clinton the living vptilitiCiati , was, corruptJUhe living :'Jst atesm an, ;w as' 1 m heci e ; i the Jn?inj,scholar and ; phHartlrmpist, swas a pedant: as the biie anil denied! the hoi- mage of tbe others D e; , itt. Chis ton rffad, is worthy of all honor ! Noneevei opposeu nim, nut uecause. ne was 01 an bppositel party ! No acerbity of , heart ever mingled Jts worm wood! and "eal I in the Chalice which his opponents comj mended 'to his lips!- No ban question ed his integrity, his talerttshiJearnj inghis - great moral Worth Is it not sickening' iff the' soul; itiiat the; aiiathe-j ted as ha v i n s; h ad . no intended point -and that we ;re. to be cajoled' into; the. ueiiei jJiai iney;- were oiessnigsj iij. uii guisei iTIe HstJITeisdgt of , this dis-j unguisneu ; mm viuuai - is i rrpieic wmi h it i rig reproof !-.t 6' those v I to saci ificcj character even that of fenSales, to par-; tyj; spirit; and; should tiel r re memh creel; by "ail who act;as if their party, likejthe' l constitutional kiijq of vEnglaud, can do ;nowrong:;;:;;;v, ..Party !tli rust him Horn power, ; atid I the people reinstated him; t':4art;,lmnjaf on nis garments almost 10 tne veiy cnaiv bur interests- the u iHt'ed.Xoices' of the . Toi)ulation of the State cry. silence ! V suid . the undisscmbled: jibtnagebffour xvholefcoutlti and of foreign Statesi , -will testify to osterity,that;he ?desery-. ed a high; niche. in th? templejbf tcsT I ttialiMinrabrtality'ies I gainst the father" of '-biir Country j If 4 h pai iy spirii:wou iU; perisa.w uen one. no- hie victim cf its malevolence' had, ceased to breathey'-Aveniightl h ope I for d ii rat i 6 n for our freejostUuiSons 'iiiitl iiieiiivsupr iporicj-s, ; butalas it ; Ismail inatiahlpi Jiyura, ana the gratilied thirst is uuna- I rural ly iicreased i n ' pi dportibn to . the i . It we do. not. pause v nov,v we;-never will; ri oe seiiieuiii ine ciesrraued cuius ot r liticat ban d i ts, b r ; the . b I ood ier usie m QJiesotciul war, -lrrV ,i - There; - are . ot hers Cyetvanibnerst ."lis. h?g!i iu fa Vor: w i th o ne pa rty a ri d a D u oil k nh:... i r. i . j . .v" fj, - mv "iimi , mist: irn ; to receive mi.? ,'UUUOUiU roaymt plejaiid 1 Hc4 he ch At 'Vt 'JJoflr per annutn-half iin adratice; " ADVEilTISEMENTS i !: -1 - f I.I . . . . - r j . - . ! t I nei,. Dut irarty arm . the. people would , cal l ' hi mi o!i ! ho'w, gla(lly-frira ; his I sleey; t is invaiii'-to takes .of' i)()l icy. 2 arid " misconccntio ri -of created; by this occasioii;only ; wegave I them i ri bur paper of theJGth jristant,- in i xviow vv if allnrhxl tit '. f. " ruln tn h!oa rn 1 ; anu the questions ot ;Uuberiiato- al and Psidentialr supreinacy; will IO- . praise rot .uarf v . zealots? sliefar' distant,? JUetfth'c ifi'eir Naders' "pa rise,' lckVrepub- iiriTIMI ! AV It l Ii Vfldl'l'lt irU I I- f "rt It.ifmi.i r. iin.ia v ..f ft l.,..l:i,l 'am,,! 1 in for the ' :i vvi'ii Itit'-'ttt'iMt'th. irJiVt.fAttti tr.;.,.!,'...! ii.n ; .,-2ff il..;.vl w be Jivt,, , -ys.:.- fji-Y v, drcd amMtirrry-sis thVusand dollars;- t '-'J - j;-.sf i j i - .i From the Cape-f ear lu order, ;X 1 . VVVe publish . in "the Recorder' of vthis mornine.the 'Address, bf t lie AUminis- tratibn Convention 1 in, thiV State, :as- .' i ' a. At. I L.p' it'll i: r J cribedto the.petT o Willi am Gaston, lisq; ot'XNewuern, o The;nerusaKof ti is address must af- ford Tplcasure to every readcrjof ; taste.; arid wilf fno doubt be peculia.rly gratify in'cr to tire.state pride of the citizens of North -Carol in a, Without distinction-! of na rty WMcM h I. L t 4Ln:I fl-U j iTIexoridiurn which ts conciliatory in! its sniiit : and persuasivV in the to pics it employs, to propitiate the bigot-; ry anu to appease ineiyinien.i oiparty lS'IOIIOweu oy ,a wen urawiij. uiu iftitii fulv picture of Jhe i pretlstftte: of-parr tip. The : nddrcss contains two crcat divisions;! In thejlfifstiwhiclis the larger ili yjsibiMr.Ji :jf bundshi? isbninerlon the impolicy of xhangiiig Tim nnmiiiisLruLiuii uciuru.iiic tusimun' ry ?neriecl"-tlie end jof the sec ond term"; -if - i.i . - r' - h-Je't-il L-l".. 'ri''i'i anu , 1 if :ile course, o i u rcasn m ng is iru iblthe refutation of sbmef the.princi- pai cnarges agaiiisi,, mrAuaiiisf-wiuui lierdbesby allegihg fa arjaruine ritSf that, to us, appear to be nii: answerable. Others, however, who are quick-8ighted,or who FaroC better; loijri- Ciaris than we,, in ay iletrct .fallacies, ich Jia ye escaped our pen e t rat i o n Tile lastili vision Of the: address is oc rupied J by ari rinquiry ' jiiitoi trie, ineten if Geril Jacksonwhich is proser si o ns o cuted, we think, vvith alrdue respect for . . . the lienIand"witlij aTnjde praiise and li beral concession, so far as relates ; to Ids military talents aridjseryices. ! Whe! ther or. not Mr. . Gaston lias dealt out an equal measure bf, equity; to botli c diuafes, we qo not! presume to decide ;T 1 1 e , cb n c I u sio n and impressive. is modesi:, soleiti Its wariiiosrs point with vvarfnth and force, to every varie ty ! o f " e r ro r, 1 1 1 a t can (warp, ihe judgt mint r i :mipiir.itli itnnerstanilf op"-: fir biistead the.heart. ; ii :;;! jOn'ilie whole, this address' , is a. fine display of the . powers of an accomplish ed "oratori! vlt is al luminous jexpbsitioii ji f ' lie j s ii hj ects,, av j ich ! fall, within 'lis ra gc,r interspersed VwJ th observations just and appnipriate, striking and pro- ounu iin viung.aiien lion oy ns perspi cuity, arid enchainiiiglit, by grace arid elegance of language and beaiity of il- lustration; v 1 CRUELTY. The American Quarterly Ke view, has a' loner article on; uastrononiy, (or jtne scien(:e oi 3p plying the bejly. : Arnong; the ; cme'lties t prac tised to suit the depraved appetites of epicures, the following arejioticed ; --ii,, Vt vi i The Germans and others formerly whipped tlieir pisito death, to 'make the flesh more ten der,;" tha pfoors of Barbary, who eat' hedgehog rhb the back of the animal jagaihst the ground till It has done squeaking, aiid then cut its throat ; the tiomans killed thevr swineby tliruting a red hot iron' hrough .he Jiody, and thej; ; fattened fowls by shutting them up n dark places cram ming them amistitchirig. up their eys. fEpIciires 'delight in thei artificially j enlarged liver of the goose ; and in Prance, iesp ?ially, the increased liver is in, great request, t and the pr? viding qf them is a considerable branch of busi ness at Strasbiirfr, Metz, ; &c 1 These VwelIc;d li vers tare" obtained, by a most barbarous practiced The goase is placetl before a greatjire, & cram f med 'with Tood, but deprived of drink, j; Her feet j 'nailed to a bMard; and she is irradually roasted anve.in omerto enlarge xne jiyer. ?riesiare maue ot,these; livers and sent tq Pans, ' and , even to Pl-tefsburifh.V In the est!bfSedtUnd,Va gentle-! man' constantly exhibits hi hisj kitchen Ja slielf of Kese, nailed to the wood by the web of their ieet, ana ciose to nre. BUBZiICi-A'CJTS.' 4 -..; - a - Art. Act; making appropriations for the payment ; of rthei Rvolutiohary.iuidotheV.Pei bBtirifonticted 'Mi ihe Senate and Wiise 'ffigreshitffl of &meriih?Jitt C(mgres'(mebMM That I lite following sums! br-and Itb'sy .are the' militaVy service-ofrllie year one inoirsauu :eigijr iiiiiiurieu.'anuif iwen t v-cigfi it', ' ' hd foil the objects" (olloVri ng1; Uiat.is-tOAayr: i; y , f.or .uie-jLTeiibionsoiuieiteyoiuiionary Vnsiprters bfCthei United Stacsy jn' adr ! j timi lo . an unci peuded balance' of -for j 4 !Fori the Invalid 'andhalf: pay i pen- sioners, in auqiin io a uaiance 01 one, hundred Sand forty-one thousand dollars of f former 'phrizifriations! iniehu nd red . ! ' ivi 1 t . . - t. ; " i - I : aim sixty inousauu anu janeiy-iive uoi- laW J I? - H ' ; "f ' ' . ApprOVCU, 1X111 . ru. .NOTICE. iON the third Afonday - of March next,' at the HLr Court House in .Waynestiorouh.,will be ex posed to'Sale, the following Lots in the town pf ifWiiy nesborough or so. much thereof as Will sa tisiy me jtown iax ior me yearv4op. mz. "'jos-.- io, 19 21, 25,"47 4, SriT.O; oO.: 40, 43 461 50. 61, fe3. 65.78, 82., 86 94 and 93. h f H 4 ; j JNO. A M'C AUrlEYi Collector! aynekborough;3r Janl828-3 :v '40 : r I REMOVAL. 1 tSTHHE Subscriber has removect his Shop! to the storij two uoors souin 01 uie ixewoern uanK, recently Occupied by Mr. F. Ellis, l5c Coy where he solicits1 a continuance of public, patrnage;, . Raleigh Feb. 5. ;;w '.-Hv I - AO fit 1: fTe wb brn Bank Stock for s al e; iiik 1'y-inijnk biiares oi svocK;oLtae isans 'ofNewbem.v - : z ! i J?r'--i; iFor terms enquire at the pflfice of said Bank injRaleigh: : ' ;i Teb. 41 44 5t k rags; t; ,;;FEW LOADS OFHAGS; of good quality, jLwill be tLken at the; KaleigH Paper v Mill, if Feb. 251828. h : : REMOVAL; L IIOMAS POW RUS has r, moved his sr Shod t!o the House one door north of Messrs, ilJ & U. KyU's Store, where he is prepared to execute all; orders' in his Une,"with neatness, and promptitude. R .leigh 2d Feb. 1828. I N order to t-eheve our E dorfeers at Banc trom meir, respousioinijt . w F..11 i jBt close tlie partnership between us, we hereby pfjer for slle theH Office andjsaabhshnieritoi the INTEliLltaENC EH and Felrsburg Commer fiat Advertiser. ; It is needless to fexpaUate oh he value of this property, to a gentleman of talent nd capitall ckpable ot' conducting the business to ladvuntage. r The office is complete and well supplied with every kind ot type and press that can be required; and the list of , Subscribers anU Advertisi ng iCustom, for ..map y. years extend ed; to the estiblishment, willjspeak for them selves, i pejiNewspitper nas ai. no. penoa Deen tnbre liberallyj patronised than jat present- it has about 900 good subscribers : thjs amount of ad vertising' has been lull $4000 per- annum here tofore, with very considerable J!ob-Work iSo hit we may saywithoht aggeration,.' that the noss income of the esiab lishmeht.ias averaged bout $8000 per annum for the: last eight years irliile the annual expenses oft he Printinef Office t this timei amount to little more than i $3000. Uch being ifacts (and that we state nothing but he truth, any gentleman by calling upon us bah a. satisfied) scarcely any consideration, (but the mperious obligations above, mentioned, could nduce us tc pirt with property so valuable ' It ioflApril next ; on which day! should it not be disposed of (and due notice will be given of a transfer) it Win he sold publicly, on the premi ses, occupied by usi on BaHk sxreet, to the nigh es bidder.-1 The terms will be made knovivon application but there is no doubt, 7 should a jreponsible purchaser present ; himself,' that, on paying d6wri a Ismail amount in cash, a reasona ble credit for the grea er part of the purchase money might be obtained. Gentlemen disposed to avail themselves'of this offer, can receive any further informa 1 . I . ! - i - :. . ! ! - I ' ' 1 . V. ion taeymr.y oesire, oy aaaress .Field of Bruiiswick, Mr. Miles in? Dr. Richard Jordan of Lunenburg, 1 Mr. J':.fnes B.' Kendall of Petersburtr.or the-ubscnbers. ' r h ;' ; ' - YANCEY & BURTON. -4"J-.-V ,U r::J as ;'.-. u fbniiry 20. Statbbf Nortli-Carolinai Martin County. -, Stark Armisteac , Indorsee, use of Thomas , Cox, he Heirs and Devisees of Jeremiah Slade. versus mry Williarni Ex'rof Richd. W iTliams, dee'd. se of Dufhani Davis, Guardian to Penelope riWilliams,. Virtus ; I. V . .-The samel f. ;T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Thomas B; Slade is" not a reside lit bf this State.:, Ordered therofore.'that . pubhcaUorr be . t. . . . ' f - .... - A.- ' made in the Ral igh Register for six wee come forward! and she K.SIO WO tirV said Slade to shew cause wy. execution hall not go a gainst the real es tate : of Jere miah H 'X Witnelsi THO.nV. WATTS, '"zJ'A: :.-, CtK.r ' 8 tate of Norths C arolina. ; DuplinXouhtvWJ-?-i:'!-.--'&; 44.' Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions f .ri t ovjembejr Term 1 827 KWright'BanyVmASioW'r ' ' 'i ; . lit. intachrieniHfVti 44 Andrw."'Bryan;'t N the aboyeases; it-appearing' to the satisfac tion of the; Court that-"the defe ndant ; W m Sloan resides beyond the limits -of the State" : ij(jraerecLxnai -pupiicaupnoe maae m iiiejuaieigp I Register!'' six we'eks'lhat'uiile'ss the 'defendant appears"at the next County ; Court of Pie- s and Qiuarter'Sessinsyto beheld 'fqrtheaidcounty on the 4th Monday ! m i-.ebmary; next, . then and there replevy j the'property o" attached wilt be conle mned, subject to 't he saicl demandStJ'c-f- I Witness, - Jimes pearsall,: Clerk of s:ud Court 'bh :the4-26thmvl8 rfy-fJ'ASAP EARSALU Clk f !j; State of tJTorth'r Carolina. ; , j : 4 XIMINlSTRATIOoVthel Esfate of' RAN im-SOM HUBB&LL, dee'rt.-has been granted to the Subscriber Jy the Court; bt?. Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Granville Ibounfy; at the Ses sions held in 'said County, ton h& firtr.Mondav of Febtuaryi 182a. ,'r All person having demaVids agauvst the estate of said intestatei are hereby iiotified to bririg.'them forward within the time prescribed fry law; otherwise thev will be barred of .recovery .'fThose1. indebted iare requested to make payment Immediately-f the'situatiori. of the estate will not admit of Indulgences j 1 L : t v -.r--'-f kuui . v ;vxuirfiLdit umr, i oners,) me store Win ue sept open, anuuic stocs ; Oxford; Vcb.!6J,V- ':;w1'-"'4l3- . laold off at cost. - - ; . ; , . -''STvDoIl!"' ;,AccW3ih;remeI(y-Jfor Colds, bfiktfuajp 1 ' -r ; OFTftE -" -V .'f' ' Coughs Asthma, CaVairh.Hoo'pim.-Coup'; T . ... ' i ....... ..... . . i r DITD f Ur THF BT BDMU3D. ; r Contents of "No. J Preface.;, Proper Unity of-! God, , Thoughts , on !-.,liyi net Sovereignt j'.' Wbitsunday.ii,-.. practical' fAuestionsron Common Faults. The Sting of, Death. -Explanation tjf Scripturejf Intemperance, y , Benefits derived f rom Sunday Schools. -Skinday School Instruc tioni"; Sunday School Tqaclier's llewanlMy early Days. V rrhe SundaySchbol intelligence . . Contents of No. 2. The proper itnity bf Je sus.' : Uniformity of Opinion not.essential. "Prat er for Friends Cat Sea. -j Religaoa fh Domestic Life "The good Pastor:: ;of Waldbach, v Invita tion from the Persian doa the hopfebf all B ei he vers., e FsterViEssay.i5Mral ;Mid Relisnouf Souvenir. Grieve 'not thy Father. i Dutie$ of ine , aunaay - scnooi eciier. f. saunaay focnooi Anecdote. . Mode of tnstrucidoniFOriginal Mo 'r-;Tales.f.lntelligencet.: I The Unitarian Ad vocateVwfll. be published eve ry months Each pumberj contains 50 pages du odecimo, .making two lumesjnof 300 pages each, ; a ; year, v The anntit isubscnptibn- is two dollars a year (exclusive f postage), All com munications from Agents; or,; Su bscri hers -are i o be directed to Bowles & Dearborn, 72 Vfashing-tbn-street, ' Bbatoht4;;.? StateoflNorth-Xlardlinal l$--H::$yi Ashe Cmn:tv. t-fcU:i.52fit Superior Court of Iw... September Term, 1827 juajory naiuwuij-y t . ft t Petition for Divorce! Elisha Baldwin. A y h i i WHEREAS it appears to the satisfaction of the Courv that theUlefendaht iaf inha bitant of another tate Vjlt is therefoript ordered by the Court that publication beinadefor three months inj the Raleigh Register, and the'VVestern Carolinian, that the defe ndah t appear '"at : . the next Superior Court of jaw to " he held for the county of Ashe, at the Courthouse in Jefferson, ori the 3d Monday of Mafchi next, and then and t h ere . p 1 ead, . a n s wer or Jdemu r - otl ierwise; the petition will be heard exparte, and the same set tor trial. , j i- Witness, David Earnest, Clerk atNoffice this 7th day or November," A, Nov. 27-: 3m , D D.1827 r:V- r EARNEST. c t. . Lost of mislaid. Hi i - - - A NOTICE of Hand drawn by Green; Bobbitt of this City, in favor bSamuel S' Hint on, ior Sixty Dollars, payablethei 25th day .f December last with ', cred;r of two dollars thereon.; . ; . All persons are.therefofe Cautioned against rer ceiying said Note as, the uraWeris ptmed not to pay the Note except to said Hiionpr! tbJr.P; i Raleigh Feht14r:1828v -4, if H ardware C litlery and (rerraati a. "O FOLEY -respectfully informs JL that he has purchased at Auction, 30th ult. the entire Stocks of the late Mr. rcic, iuti9i3iii) ui an extensive assorinicut, iji 1IARDVARE,CUTLERV & GER MAN fiOODS well calcuratebVfor o vholesale and retail trade.: The friends of he late establishment are invited to ball and examine the"assortment; j(wIiich wiii be regularly' kept up at the bouse lately. occii- pi d by'Mr. (Peters, ni Bollingb. rook-street J The, advertiser pledges bmseH tb -selr at as re duced'prices as any, hqiisejh Virgiuia. .' . Petersburg, ...Feb. ,5S:vi : u 1 4-' -.41 .3tfm ? State of Nortti-OltBiyp ' s : ; : Bertie C6unty.:u -t 2r t Court of Equity Seplemberfmi 1827i c?? William Cherry, Solomon jCherryJoseph"Cherfy 'and James Hi CheiTyhetliTe latterinfantsV : .by William Cherry theni Guardian ; and, Mary ! Cherry, .widow of Solomon Cherry Petitioners. h-pZ -?"-li!4';.;':; !-v!'? ? . fe Levi 'M.r Holder and w ife : Mary formerly Mary Cherry Tir V5t' AfiXJefepdants -i 1 . r - Petition for Sate jof iealJErtaitix:S&-:S-i!!Wi rHEf-Petitioners- set '.forth' M their! petitibbi jl. . inai ooiomuii .iierryi late or ueviie county, died intestate, being seized rfnd possessed ot two tracts of land; - to wit r One tract ; containing six hundred acres, adjoining! the lands f lof Stephen Baryemore,' the heirs of James Cherry 'deceased and ; Others ;' the other fract - containing; sixty acresadjoiningtrie. landsj of Thpmss; Baryemore William Baryemore, and Others.;That the Clerk and Master b eMireci ed to make sale j bf the said lands for. a division among the heirs at law of the 8aicl;Solbrabifeity! That, Leri iljlolder vand wife Mary, formerly Mapr Cherry, who kre-eh-titled 'tb'af distributive share orsaid lands, do not reside within the iurisdictlbn of this Court t and ) pray that! publication bejmade to the said Hold- Court," to be JUeld or the third;Mowlay of March' next, hd ? pleadv answer ori deirjAnd it api p earjng to the satisfaction of the Coui-ti that the said Levi M. Holder and .fe!'laiy9'dbVi6i-Teside within the jurisdiction of this Court rlf isHhere fbrerdered;?that:- publication fbniadeinlthe Raleigh- Register for six. weeks,- :that i the .xsaid Holder and wife be and appear at the ' next term ofid;Courtto beheJd1n:tVi Monday-of iMarc demur to the said petition phat'Judeirb riest.iv iytt as. y . JAiiuuKs; u.m;e. u.'C .1 Windsof,.N C- 12th' tirOct1827 !i2u:dwfi THE eiAHEWM SHAW flHE.undersigned havinglat the present term JL-'1. bf the Court bf Pleats and Quarter v Sessions of Wake County qualified asEcutbrandExili ecutrix of the Estate bftheV leWti1 aw j bftthis ; City merchant hbreSy call! upon all "per sons indebted to said Estate,"" by.: Not e or open! account, mo pay tnesame,; wit nout delay, jto; ei, ther of the Subscribers and all vvho; may have any demand against'sald Estate are requested JtO present the same, : properly authenticated for settlement.;-: " ' - ; ' :' ' X '-,.''t-" '':7""J.; GALES, Ex'r-'-'. !-!-... -: ' . ' " . . . PRISCILLAHAWEx'x. Raleigh, Feb22, 1828. v0C Any person 'desirpus of entering into- a well-established ' Mercantile Business,- may y be accommodated with the 3tore St StoclC of Goods ot the.deceased. The stand is equal to any in the City,-and the Goodi havebeen well. laid in,and will be sold a great bargain!. Until a purchaser L. KII.MUCII ..X A l ill.llllllltf fllll. r ITT I - . . .. ; ... Breast sphtinj: of Blood.' and ii'll ntNpr o-rsEM Aix., - diseases.of the LunsVif tnnel? u.ed; ;t PMAun .Leases ,ot diseased lunifs rccura hf v : - miy be cured hyva timely application of this re medy. The -proprietor does uot Warrant if tnU. a' specific,- but; is-, satisfied thut It approache'. nearer to one, than aoy tljmg' of the-kiivl which .verytensively.tHoV.Hina f Success hihepHciico ' : f i As-yetjMvUehr it lias had a f&r frtal 4t has v ! t. neve failed of;Curinjr rm : A- ; he;aboyedisresrrig;and vlt Infiay-be:use?Irforny length of tXiae,- with . ; out in the feast injuring the; consCiAiti nor; 'V . :f does.it interfere with theJbitVinesi'or '"diet1, pf the ! : '.Pt'f? He'! Ja,take hil" bnafeircltfe ah'l Y-fl: f: a general riilenay;ea or drink whatever the - ' appetite dictates It pmmotes the dwehirge of -Plem already coliectedihc! fry Us healing and ) : invioitmg.properjtie4rvedt ! etinaiitatloiAv.r;; -' ''V'v-- p njn CglvCbi those bf long ebntinti- ' ' . particularly in those casesj thatV are symptc-vttic ' K?f)?2,?P-trn-genient4 sucii'as-are cften t fej f'J is called ': T " 'MT-T-S5PK'Ctq : brgah.7 this remedjris peculiarly adapted, i ' ,' r. Z -mi$& llkJnyr9lerv telie ve" foV a : .;'" 'RlMleiygi. but its; eficctsrare C i: permanentc!tltpromoies1D?tibri,y ; 1: and yigor totlie Stomacii; & restores! the Lurifrs. ' A ih-are geherallythe stat of the abore com- : . 5 Piaint?! tbe ktfettschar lonsif, JuneJast1 was afflcted Witha paihful disease. -, ' -of the lungs, 'which occasioned violent turn -nf - - ( Roughing accbrhpamed withVspitting of blcoodr tp resume my busmess Ab WitlirebJmbnths aftr. 4 Fiufii .uieoRw ;wuen tromitberbigh r-ru- " tationhadjieai-d bf the' American "cibu'g,D 4s v rr was induced to give theia am - two bottles, I found so much 6enefltatn'ho mv , l i was, attacked" with i violent cold, Attended with i ' the sameimpto . use of the above remedyi and foUhd complete " relief from thejuie'ofbiie b&tie' since 1 which; i tinieil have had no recurre ice of the fsvrrmtnmcj , 'h My healthVt thif time i? entirely resrtoiedi ' V -! KJ CLINTON. ; : ' Middletown, Dec. 2;1824,1 ftyV-ti " '-w H -;i - - . ..;-r " .V--.,Tf'ruiv t-'l-vj 4' 1 .'::':'''. ' t; .i- V" !aJ0WeWteman-wto commenced . " 'This cenifiestliirhe silbscnberihas beeii for r I -a longtime afflicted with the AsthQ,, (and for -thre ytara wasbnable to fsleep ip- a reclihinr pOsWrei.) attendee with djfficltrespirati6ii, and - ' : ' atbeother distressing; Syniptoms usual lattend v f irthempU iiad trjed almost all the va rious remedies reebmmerided for the.tlisease'and ' - ; nut findinghe. least henefiil result from their use ' ! -despaired of findrng-any rehete' 'i 'f navingnearci me America Cough Drop's hiffh- ; . Iy w".'1"?"' a. iasi jresortj t made a tr.al 15i bottles when 1 found ny Ihealthcompletely restored. I can now restwelL arid hav Wjibs''. qiilty of breat.hinam able b attend 10 my busi-'v ness and haver not had anvf ritiil nJ r,FiK:, IpiaihtVFroiit the great benefit I -imve Vecrlv a knowing by experience; the disl ress sufler ed by persons troubled as 1 have been I fre-ely re commend the American Cough Drups as a Me'- uicine, mat with perseverance wilF in tiie v ! .'.The iSubscriberhivinffeen for several nv seyefely afBicted yfith-;lhjien;t.aceompahied' - withjk yioleiitlCbugh,! Ibss otTappetitei and symp 'Y J turns; of fever, jwas emirely cured byi using, half a bottle of the American Cough .Drops."; From Vperfectcohfience In tliis remedy, 1 would re-; ; cbmmeiid krjal-'of it,tbVlla2n1ic'ie(l ib a similar Middlelowni Feb25th, 1825 '.' J iThis certifies, fthat l was for nine months ila4 ' " bourihg dnder,a violehaiTebtibri rofj tlie lungs , attended withTa; very hariif Cougi, knd eveiy - hiplbmbf the Consumptioii ; having made use- !v of many remedies, without calny removal jt lea- ' ssnirig of the ?ompaintwai induced to; try ther ; ' ' Amencap Cough props, as a last resort) and af- : ter vsing one jDouje, wjts restored ; to ; perfect w.'. : ... health. V,, t V1- thef Influenza attended witha violent Cough, -'i and many turns bf spitting blood apd symptoms of ap approaching consumption, was induced to make be bftljeJAmeriean Ccugh 'Drops, and ;to ' mystonishment,after usin one : bottle, v I 'was -relieved fromevery 9ympton bf diseaseand -piy halil was perfectly re stbred-i : : :ti :. - WZmZtZ- Wtt'f DOYLE.: &M ddletown, March 71826H . - - T".;:;f:s::-''".;'.'i'':',;'',t?- H'f'-. "r" 'i4'-? . ':'-'o ;'.' -r ''i-i' .fariiw certifiesthr lihaye- heekCicted for1 neaVly thir aithmatic or pulmonic . couhiby-thelUfl'ee bottles of Ame- - . ricaii CpuK Drops, tlVe ro :: to all appearancea cbmpletlt.bonquest U obtain- ; ed over a constitutional or hereditary complaint. z ? !.MWaietowprili826f k-' 0 ' , :From a eonnctiontliat all persons who are af flTcted' wpih diseiu; v tfeokbMibse cases, are pf those cases where tlie, Lungs iluive; become! ulce-'f ; ; led, w-ijil fii!;jatuVd lfU benefit from ;V.f the"!usebf these drops, the Prpprie'tor ;s .induced' taprcsent lb theublic for'flieiit; periml, wU&l . ; . ", satisfy!, the: mosVincrcdiilbus that thi. iiiedicine hejhas had V e good fortune to discover has some curative properties, and he tloos nof caim that " it is a' specific''? .yet-he feels'. satisfied. that a trial wihjbe 'of more service t-o itsyeputation hen nu-; merous certificates. ti ' N.B.-Thls Medicine is prepared from Ameri can Plant -to prevent imposition, observer that American Cough Dropsarc stimped ' -oi, the ' bottle and the directioo signed, r. DWAl'DS, - O "- OUTllMAYD'St linAir! r;. . tS'lVhMtsptilAfents, Middlcto"-.;t.; Conn, t;4N'';Sold bSVtfXlAMS c IIAYAVbOD 1 5"