1 FRI DAY, Ffi !MU RY 29, 1 828 The' Suprem&& We d besday 1 last ,? ftergao iiusuailjr f Vm nf riraidv nine "weeks! - -We expect to give a list oT t lie casc$ v The"; annual session n the, ' Wortli Caiollna' and Virginia leUindist Con j Newspapers in VilTeiTnt pafis of: th& Lfnion, and wiililiV bur owp State; continue to spca tions. as having been passed by our , Le gislature, atlts'IateVessioivrctbnstrd ting against any further protection being gi ven to t lie Woollen- Manufac juries of the U; States:! Now tlie fact is, as we have more than once before sta ed, th?t itii suclr resolutions -were entered into by oiirLesislature; ,It is true that in pui -f suance1 of a'stiggestion .of the Go vcj-por in his annual message, the subjeciwas leferred to a Committee, -and that com mittee reported '''certaiiY resolutions jof the nature stated, but they did not re ceive Uic panctton oi ine juegjisiaiure, -though, uy 'mistake; copies ; W-reseiit on to' bur .Keptx'seniatives Jn iCongress, as if passed. I ButtheAfollowjng day; discovering: his mistake ; the (jrbyenior wrote on' to vWashiiigton, ti) correct. the emir : butt the resolutions hade in the mean time been: preeiiteda e know not whether the t matter was f explained ti Congress, nor,. it; is noil-Strang that peopled at 1 a distance shbuld sti 1 1 believethat the resolultoiis were; regu larly .passed, but it is inexcusable n hqn Editors of outv own State conti uic g I ve c u rre n ry t o t b c del usi o n . V- respecta- b It-4 ci ti ze li : friend I v t o Gcni Gc n . ' J a c k s o ns elei-tibii tir tlie Pi-esidency lately intr on the siibjeet of that eleciio speaks ion, said, "Mr. Adams would stand no chancej in Iiin part f ; the Country, j It is true, sard; he,: that there' are .a 'good many, after reading 'pubna'011 and reflect ' ihg on the suhject,u w hebf at home U iil 4 express themselves ;favot'abIy dispsed to the f administration ; but! vVben they co fo anv public . tdace. and take a (few drinks of WhisEcy, they . arc Hurra for; Jackson? - ' Thus certain to shewing in- their clearly I iiat wiiusi men : ar nroncr senses and have the Mwer of ieCectibii,"tliey" will act rationally ( but w hen under the influence of spir ittnui us liipior and incapable of; sober thought, thev. are'earried away by v&vular, I cla- 't mar : ' i. -Eitract cf a letter to the Editors, dated, i ' i - -' ' - I - " J! 1 " : s - .1 ;.; uunjora bounty r cu. ipia , 'My present arrangements vrtfl hot permit me ,toread your paper much longer., You Will please accept the enclosed,;, send your paper to tbe a. niounrof it, and then discontinue.! ' . ; f l am well pleased witli your paper generally? least, have pretty- generally ' arrifed . at cjorrect conclusions respecting the. comparative claims of the two men from wiiom tHey, will t shortly be called upon to make; a selection. I A few how ever, continue to shout " Hurra for the llerul'f Uut their noi-syaml senseless, cbmorsre much better calculated to create siupieicm, than jo pro . dure conviction in the minds of reflecting men; The spaiki of truth elicited by the: collision of coraicuug ppinions, proauceu, ioe nuiurious Beverly Letter, have had the bes effectsl; We coi-ibider ourselves as under no obligatfpiv to the enemies of the Administration,' for! the assistance they have thusjdTorded us in approximating to-1 -u arus tne consummation ot our nppes ; out ine excitement produced by their distempered zeal, has aided. the march of truth more, than ! if they . had cast their wriall weight into J the other bal-ancel'- I hold it to ' be immaterial, whether the pj dple are led to reflect upon thir responsibili, ty, by the temperate arguments of those who ad vocate 'the 'cause of .the Administration, ot by the . intemperate declamation of those! who oppose it the ti4ect will be the sai f tioh of John Quiucy Adam , and rfspoosible statiou ; O V 1 1 J ViWVUUOt Extract bf another letter, dated, v , ..iJieavfurtFeb, 19th:. Messbs. Gales & Soy..: liam informed by a -veTy respectat'le gentleman,! that a muster-of a few days ago. on Swift-Creek, In Craven .C'ty1; between SO and yO nien were present. . - Captain lUJiardsuir took ft he sense of f the 'company on tunl'resitlential Qticition Eiktt unlv' were in favor pt (ienl. Jackson tlie rest for John Quincy -".! !.. -! ' ' ' 'kir..: uiiis. i ins is a result- as jraiiivnr; unw picked. v 1 bad been informed thuJt in that part of Craven there was a'tare' majority for Jackson. 1 .fSl he creat mass of thevtommunifv .'are iiist bejgi uning. iii g0ol earliest to "examine into, the'J nicriti ot the two caiuLdates io this high Offic ? and from this Examination -'the friend -of.; Mr .Attains have reason to anticipate the most 'favor 'able results. V'r--. V;: i?? 'i The State of NofthCiirblinsi ; wks set down all for Jaclsom, without due enqulry.l, jOf the Ad dress of our Convention, - recently ' published in your paper, every one speaks in tin; highest terms. 1 think it is eminently Calculated; to enlighten tlie iiiimls of tiie commuuiiv.' Arid breoare tliem "! Pple are fairly .ascertained, theesuhsS tre sul astoJ give' ;'nee:sed energy;' to. our ext Cewfly .-A . vafu able "nec;rj Tel-, low;. the .propeHy ;'o ; Uciiry ea)vel! Esq: was drowned tncaut lhisf (JifyV on Monday last.? -i-; :f hut more particularly so, on account nf the sup- -" - ..j.- ; - in tli'a section of the State, or in tliis CouiWv. at mrt it irtvMtiiiht' Aom:fiisiraiioni inerconie he: noW holds, atlthe en V 1 . T" 1 c " "-'i w vT, w uic jutuciousiy ai ine approacuinir rresiaen tut. Uecttou.: f v-,1-;;;-:' 'the mass of prejudices excited in. thepubTc nci ngamrx. th presfcntlAdmiaistratioH,- by ' ' adiVs(pa;ing.; . .The frienls bf;the Admiiiisi irat:y: iu: t jg ; s tute, have, the, most Cheerhigi prsj;t;ct ot success. . AVhereVer the sehtimeiii - '3 " wm v. .--The, Legislature ;of . Ne w-York; ;ntiv ibv Scssio n ha s passed anljA c 1 1i onorabl el Q their phUathropyand just feelings jft prnv'ules'far ibe, paymentj to the r chilclr jh of pvitt; CMnton;nhe. law tf('theofficpfGove I at d frorii the' tfii Feb.f i nst t l 'fjer'oV. f tlikjyf ar It lg ;Trea)urer of ilie; State, pto thsaid ,nr child reu, a iu i m ;,;eijd4l Y i hat ; rjf civird for sa 4ryyii:;'cqmpyjfsAtibn canal jcbn;niii the penoj ; li'iir winch DevWitt Clinton he'd, the oilice ot K V- perceive mai.niosi oi ,me ositmn e Deen .iavisri in !rj praises oi Grneraf-Jackwori'd answers to t h e se v era! al it r'esse j na1e-ta him'.at w prle'ana. .vjpf the.ow of somebf them, we ciii,jty jhaye i winl'to ay,:.: when tnor el at ieirejv For;tHeprf setf we bjgteave -to rrnmcljlus eulpgiisVj that -he carrirl; wih' hi m,Gjyernir8 a ml .CSjeis era! s J 'Aid find Sec He i a ries'i i ri if. a bii ri j a nee to ; e vi et tin d correct! his effuVion ; a jid ainong; t!ir r:v a ceriainKWfll known citizflli,6fJvyigrlia,,' who ts'j said ty - havej beeo ,for Sbxne. itm. past , ah inmate nf fiis hjoue, and empkiy cd i v writing cnorr histbry "; hi9 life-r-thii mpdeWt,andreiiri bein satisfied with the.one heretofore writ tvn py his . faithful r-fSqujreahd.quonfafn boileague, unier; hi)w n feye, and stamped witli his on authority. V ' ; Ild.vrno; seen suieof the General's orx-giniil-roJ u c tions, ' corrected and; reviised for uj!icjuse : that h e hiut som e aid i n these answers- at 'least in fheir orthosraphyt and syntax : and" iorming qur opinions unuer, tn(e innuenct of ai prejudice wjiich hsls blinded our jiidg nientsl wW intend, atour leisure, to furiml f i r ill i ili u u r opi ri i on tin'der " the Influence sotrie specimens ui nis wrmnff lor, pnunc i exannhation. ; For the present we lav be fore ir readers the, copy; ot a short note. i iKtpe m e ue ral 's p w n h a h d w ri t i n a d d ire s- ed jto , ;Some time affo. We shou 1 d not pVt bitly have noticed the subject bu( for the receipt f the communi to-day. icatibo of : Uohestusi?'; which (appears in another COl U III n, land which has called bur attention to v rFte'fifllowjrir is a! copv! of the iiote, verjbahm kl literal To the Editors of the VAbini gtbn Journal. . 'When the midnight lassasins plunges hisdagger to; jhej heart 8t jilfnes.yo'ur goods the turpitude of this scene loose fall its jhorrors wlien compared wiijh tliep.ict of the secrete assasins poinard le- yenecj against iernui.cnarecier oy me iireo. rnin .ion's of pbweri I I JSrut. Jour'nul... 3 m:iv:Hr -. iTh e1 u epo ut Th e com tn ..T i lee to whom was referred the. Governor's War Message, ana ine proceetiings ot soutn-L-aroiina ao Geir2ia on the Tariff, &c ; vesterdiiiy re port ed, an 1 the p(rt u as adjourned un til iblldiy next, for consideration. ; 1 I'he reader will e struck at. the excess- ive jtentleness'bf the Report I Not the 9Vveet soutn stealing- o vcr ja bed of vicJets, Tlie' reader.' who isf iii'ore soft and fie.niW I re in em ibers the furious and bigoted charge- ter f-thefproceedi.ni;s of ihej two - preced- r irjig Juegi:aures ; on the same : suojects ot the irai ift' iiodi Internal Improvement, and who hjas recehtlyj pe!ruscjd llje G.iy. Gile?, in plain (efitis,;(inc Message oi iculcathrr the ejxpeuiency, oi .ujss Virlriuia's setiinjr; u viog ihu Union, and 3 for herself will be how the resptibae to by the same tuen who i uiuisiiiveJ to know. that Message, given thej last '.winter. Xverit such j lengths,, came how to be so! verv mild! and. ibolfensive ? Ibjthihg is more explicable. Gen, Jackson's success uepenns upon one suii'ie question 'lliat of the Tariflfr and the rclaiions . of his birtvl ti:wards that buestibn. are alrea- of I the rnosl delicate and; eniharrassinff nature Anyimatutestatiun ot deciueci hos- J. 15 . i .1. lo. .... .. ' to ifi from any important division of ends, might, (and in all probability, IIS II would have theeffeot of-wea)iu? the Stale jpn Jwhich all dep rids,' from his interets. A faUe movement, at this time, and upon' ims suojeci, wouiii j oe irremeuiaDiy iatai. iPoiicy then,! ha dictated the moderation bf he Reportj underj review a policy foun lieu inniieappreiieusion oi ai larming fenn1 Syivania,anu, uie desire of leaving tlie aCKSon pari v to ju nges as unembs.rrasstid as poSMOie. -iticnmona ynin. 1 ' v . 5 nj t T r-ri - ! 1 jicstcrday tiei rig tho an liiyersiary ; bf the- birth of George Vasui6t0nV was distinguished ' by! national salutes of arjti 1 Ieryt fi red at un rise, m i d-d ay , arju sunset,aiiu by parades nt nearly all the ilnifbrm companies1 bcloiigiii'i; to the Di stric ty Militia. The day; w as (fur a lit the- e veni ng there, xi as "a splendid llj;which wasyeiltium a 1 1 , ; w 1 1 1 c 1 1 . w as y ery 1 respectably - attended. 1 1, Was f graced oy ti t 1 Ignited ' bfa'rs; the Sneaker of the House 1 off Representatives,i;; a num4 her ot Senators and i Renreseikati vesi the Chief jostled and Associate Jndresl i t i a f'CofC7Wjf Ccjtfr.!rhe Albany ":Afrgui ot'r rmarLcotitains astatement orthi nro'4 c e ed ings-'bf, the I) i s i ri ct Court; a t- i t s 1 i t b U It appears that .oon'i.afte'r the iprevious sessioniotthe UurlMr.rillingliascallil edibpon lU C. Ijansingi Ksq. Ch rk of the! Couytbpisomei business) connected wUn! Micvuicj rtHu .sue.yine tuouri in terms of - reat'disrespecti Oiubeini:auliobed by JNlr. Eausiigie'becane repeated h is d ec ra tib n s a nd cht rged t life; actinir At the Jiinsing placed o;i fi f e o a ffitl a v i i b f:ih"s j T Tiei mean the eieva- ) wbnder)i!einarkably hue and : pleasant s to the same dignified j f ftl uLl trP! bct frrt tri thncA ie presence oi. a large .t assemblage of the fan' sex,'- the President of the XJ. of the United States; nlany bllicers ol the Army and Navy, strangers and ci t- ti on inj that ci y, in the case of John L Till nghalt; EsqJ one;of the' attornies 6 taJ CoUrti v:l J X WZ V" gioas- pa rj i a 1 1 iy , a nu w 1 1 n xflicjall v l from 'corrtihf jbbf " opebmof the tUievsess ion; ' M r!i cony ersalmn; . and a-ruls -i:ap se ryed ; UpGn 1 tNri Hi ngh as t - re t u i ringhi ni Vjb i show c au se liyi hi s r) a trie j sh ou I d ; u b t'tb struck from ;tne rbltsl-bf :Cuurt'3Irvrrjnn2hast a ppeareda nil 1? afte he 'toayl f tlie Court ford e red ;ni s fn ini t o tie eraseVtjfromVtherollotttbrn they slidy they; shbuludo'phiwb groumlkj First, dtnatra person, j w h p $ d olns: a 1 1 in h i s 1 con I em pt J 'Is a n ' i'm proper per s o n to ac tf j q; H antl sebndlyi: t,! uttecd whi le theCburt Vas in sesion,. was "i coqtVnipt of Cour per 'pdnish m en t3'fi!fp i 'l'niiebj C u'rf .j hbf ondition that Alf. !lVf woqld apiifbcHe ami engagl b bt to: repeat il ve J bflkn cei iy hie h 1 e d eciirfiri ihe jprd e r was mad e , absol u te - J ;;Tlie;Ies:islaturb ot Ohio liavinsr re elccteid' an bid and- falthful.bfljcerbfthe a taie noiw i u i sf an o i tig( 1 he was a politi(al fnerid son , the reyT k Enq the ciraiirtHtauCe to shew that a" tn a jo r- Uy o r r the' Lcsrisl at ure was for General JwcklontV Thik kver admit, Would have been good; presu iriptiye cvi d e nee i f a 1 1 t'einsla'ti ve'' bodies .'erelgViy'fuy by tile . i same rules oi action, x ue legislature of fai Pennsylyaniajj " lately turned out tlie h iful Treasurer of I that S tsite because he !man fullv refused, a t the dictation o f ' 1 - '. -. . lr ' ( x 1 f .... f L a seiiconsiiiuiea inquisiionwi vouimisr siotil to bind himself 'ta support the fe lection of Gen J Jackson. ; This circum stance, no doubt j led ' the eili tor of the Euq nirer to supjllose that the Legisla turejof .Ohio iiad! acted on principles Je tjually liberal and tolefant, ;and to as sertl because it had elected a Jackson Treasi i rer, t h at i t m tist ; be; a Jackso n Legislature. - jVV'e; took occasion tq fec tifyTthis ejrrot! of I the Enoufr time, but sti 11 that, unsophisticated priii can not imagine ibw a jniblic body cau 1 6 fgji v e a o i tte re n cc o t o p i n 1 1 o so I a r as t- re-elect a faithful public servant, who dares' to hold opinions different from thel maioritv.l IWc. however, bee the ye,;howevei lie fact, i rre lis notions of editor to credit ah tt.mav heitu econciiaoie a party dis .,.r -( - . ci p ine. The" Ohio State Journal,' ot the 2 3d ill t contains a classificaliou of the miMnbers of botlf Houses" of the.Lc- ature by name,. and to establish the tto th bf the statement, five dollars aic offered for any and every inatnin the lUt that ; slm 1 be stiewn to be errone- ous I v. iilacetJ n the side of the Adinin istratioiL Th followincr lis the sum- m .up' of . thej statement ! Administration.! Jackson.' enate - ' ; -1 : 13 ; Ilibuse of Reps. 44 -23 6 ... :' ';4l'',' -li ' 0 the fence 1 5 majoriU' joint ballot! isui, int. WASHINGTON COURIiSPONDENCE. '. .''.I Washington, 16th Feb. ,1828. jOne of the most amusing members of the House of Representatives is :Mr. (Cockett , "ot 'Feimehsec. J He showed me'a day silica his coat of arms upop a 'seal, and ijharacteristic enough truly tliey were of tlie owner, ing a rifle, a butcher's knife, and a tomahawk, siir- mounting his name. " I dont know Why' saysj Mr. C. I should be afraid to rise and address the House of Repre sentatives, -I for 1 can whip any. man in itl,,---and his appearances promises a fulfilment bf IiU words. This lis j the gentleman' "vyho somctime iSihce boasted that he couid jwade the Mississijipi, car ry a steam-boat on his back, anu whip his weight i n wild cats. ; A very clever fellow too, but, like Sir ! Hildebratid sbaldistori e, . an', enthusiast in field ad lately a wager1 pending ports. He li unoiiihis skill ' witli the rifle at a hun dred yard sj abd staked ai thousand dol lars against five hundred, that he would surpass hisjoppbrient in telveliots, lib firing without a rest,! aild allowing the bher side id jusb one. His antagonist iriideiitly paid forfeit, and .Tennessee? was triumphant. V. Y. Courier, :li; ? i :1t'; , j 7i - 1 1 ' ( 1 A destruc' :i ve ti re lately broke til the city otf Ne w-York jiiii Fleet street Lby fwhich,- prpperty,' estimated at a val ue bf two hundred thousand dollars was destroyed The sh ipjij rig 1 a t 5 the s I i ps abd wharves was in great danger, but f scad frpnritv fMK a ii reman josi his uie py lulling irom the third loft of a store, "whilst encra-' )ged jirthejd scharge of hisititywiA Int. -v; -On Wed nesd av, the; 1 Sth ins t.; d u ring the absence Clement B Marl btVrojiglilPilncK Cobn- tv, iMaryiapd, -took, tire, ; and i we are scirry'o stae was otajlyonsimied, and with it alibis fiirniturc abdlstbres J aid lit p; fo r t fiesu p p ly ot 1 1 is fa m i ly. and J farm lor the; 1 present ; ycarl 1 he loss uy tins acciuexu is saiu to be between 7 aiid 559,000. . in ' f ! 1 llnd. the :iisJar School hollow trees grow as fast as. sountl ones : t hatithesugari maplejarterlibeibdm vi i in . aj y w. j cai b onu( aiici 1.11 O, i uic interior,. has become dead, : grows as fast," and presents as blooming an uspect, aar aby sou no tree oi tne same : species ami. age standiugbylits 8ide;:Tne cdmmbnT applet t ree grows . th n 1 ti I r anu bears abu nd a nee oi' truii. slier me interior is-entirely, rot.- ted away. , iuc maiicr wuicn . nuecis tne - - ,'v-',,.. t,-;k growth of trcc3,r is deposited bet eeu Ihe Baraod ' wbbdji ttb'd'ijthe nienialvbb.J MJ -JL: f. fl.il .VIHtllflljOB.UUIll 1 7691 b pjra n gebtiUn wad I M ca t e d t o 1j he?"firit'-Fg e ml na r i es 1 b5j H a t ) vi. oi law a mem- f New? ybVkrila'fterSVards'-Sebatb )an in 180 ember poin t men 1 1 n 1 802- MrH C I in t bb-was ji ni: pojpteq a senatorriti uorigre'r in Jiie piai e of uejt. Armstrong rpSfffnptlfroin! whiqh station he ! 'retirediti 8p3.hh'iVsr:"be n Appointed uiavor of tlie City of Ne w-iYbrkf: ue conimaeu u wi i n lew! i iiiermissjons to exerqise; the functions b that 'oflice- for seyril yerstif which pd ti i extensive plaW-'foTjueilefeftcbf iHe"- w 1 1 y , vv 1 1 1 u 1 1 ( 'jih a into 1iws. were parsed by ihe IJpsslatbre, lie Was a gain, elected to. the - mavoniltv. of,. Ne w Yrk iri IS I-)! land wasau ally etctiosen' u n t ft i 3 1"5 j 1 jlnX 1 81 j6, Wh ij e Leji tenant G o ve rnorj tm jiva s recotte nited bvsa jor. 1 1 bn4 of ' the i wyprjclhtilela't i o rij Tn --CJijn f , o ress, "as a 'capdida te,'v fr the . Preside ncy I In the following year he was almost U nanimoulelecte In 183,"; through 'th : ; management;; of those who had 1 all along opposed !his mea sures he Ivvas removed frjotn 1 the j cjffice bf Canalommisiqner--ria post merely hono rary, though! excessively 1 a reractidn ehuetK .and! Ie Witt Clinton was called from retirein ent, in 1824 by;a n immense majority of his n3Uow-cizens the Chief I Magistracy of NowYorkl;' 1; Damp 7)mroycr. -During the . present extrem ely d a oi p i seasbnl ,i t In ayl 1 u ciase the com fort of sa ch of bu r read es as (wish to try1 the experiment-Hat by placing junst opped bottle, or - more open vessel, i f convenient, "containing! strong .salpburiic acid, in any part of a room jl the: moisture oi tne. air Decomes rapruiy aesorDeuv anu theJ salubritv - -f . . . - .i mt of the apartment consequent k he great capacity ofsul- ly improved. phuric acio fo r vapor, Uanfl.sthelcheapness of thb acid, renders this mode of absorbing humidi ty very economi ca I curioUarMoyse'lrap. rAgebtleman in Portsmouth: haying purchased some oysters in the shetifb:n -Wedheaeyebing, depb", sited them in th e pan try! until the next dayi when as the servant was taking them out to be opened, one of them esjiibtedr the npvel spectacle of two mice suspended irorii its mouth, having their! heads fast gripped w 1 1 hin th e f she I L I 1 1 "Would,' see'itf that the oyster; be i ng 'some what d istress e J by the warmth of the eather2 had opened his jaws to innaie a uiue witless mice 'tempted . - . - .1 i--.i l- S ' ' fresh air.1 wheb - the by the alluring bait within the testaceous p ortal, thru?t in their heads ahd were cauirhi fast bv the sudden collapsing of the Stiejls thus subjecting ine intrusive vermin to aniew sri i o (racism. ' Q u r; northern friends' who! are always bragging bf their mammoth vegeta bles and. other curiosities, are cr. allenged to shew any Itlnng equal to the exploit of ine oyster, wm tne two nncej appenu ed to it, just: as they werecauglt, is left at this Office for the inspection of the cu- Candid confession of TF7titfield:6i.l came,' says hei 4 sooh into the world ; I have carried high sail whilst running thru' a torrent of popularity and contempt : land by.this means have soinet.inies been in dan ger of oversetting. I- kbiiw jhat I " am a man of like passions with sbthers, and con - sequentiy may nave mistaken naiure ior erace, imagination for revelation, tne nre of, my bvyn; temper fr he; pure and rever- ed flame of holy zeal which !cometh irom many been G(d's altari Alasv alas, ! iri Hip w things havo I acted wronir ; I have too rash& histy in giving characters of both' places and persons. I have too, much made, impressions, .without the ?writteir re- cortl, the rule bf action. iBeing fond bf scri ptura 1 lab gua ge, I h aye too of ten u sed a Style too apbsiolical j at the sarae time have been too bitter in rnyv zeal. " . Wild fire hhi been mixedwith it aotl I find I :haveifre- quchtly written &sp keb in my ownlspiritv! when I-tbouffht I was writ iris and na e n n re I v b v the assistance ot tne spirit of '1 f Ji family of SnaJees.-A gent N.Kinsstoii in forms us, Kays the Pi eman bf Prvidinr(P ;Patriot;Vfhatr on; the i 6th inst. i two per- sons went, a snake hunting, 1-and having aprivpft at a nlarft where, diirinir the'warm seaspn, they dug about twoa,nu a nan teet, beloW. the surface, when they ca me, t o a targe knot ot black snakes wrncn ttiey very dexerouslyi snaked iVoniltheir hidibgpiace and continued d'gng further v till; they discovered "another knot,, which they "also ' ".:!- ' ' i ' ' 'Al.V 1'L L "1 '."'" 'V. - quickly dislodged , rr t ers,V i Thew hoi fm they VrereJrbrb; lOltches- iullebgf (endi' abouii&.a ha 1 ec t i v ely a sc r jpe n ti n e 1 i n e 4 b f i 315 , 1 ee t.- The en t ranee to th e s bake1 se 1 1 j em en t Was -iiiscbveretl tyb pcrsonswhb at jhatStimerbyetl 13 of the number Jwhichdnconscibusbf their enemy, nian, Don.'- tlutieareibf the knows that it requires high qualifications 'to:dischar:thebi4l4 tifrhesemualu 1ntelibctuaU;Mi In the first place;, then' the Jt'residentx) ibo U ni ted S tales houia'.De'maainojrf u oi iitr.il janu .c a r ri ei i I WftS SaiU lUttt in oiu uc won arjuinv-v-jiwinc if 0iEf;c ilt rM'QpfWd' i n 4 ua v iirtmn i n.coo torio iry tyuu witose report, f hat .banner of mab'rshbuid ciHont f th 1 Tnlird StjitM hi ivltit I h? father, is - : -.1 t;.n r IrnKrc tvUlf. f tick t mPSt j'-if'-' -4 t..v.' al jiabltraud : miimpcac'ialjle Vilwracter.- file: ihbu jdxbe -tapabl e-of ctiof ;'-fc-"f n f na'tion pa u i e -or coor e-urim abd reflection iiny jrave comroi! over nis : terhrerrtraf m'ahv lyvhb has resbct; for thel .,Cbnstitutiuri andlawsVbf Ji'i j ) country anjif w.np bijyewbu U le t his o Wn julgenj 3ain dybl j tipnin ac ti ngib a su bord i ira r e ca V rcityiejW-rm i nehe i nine ntt l - h it jw.s tit ;ijiebieBhm ,ihett0'l tjpbnV;' 1 ilri'slmuld'befa man whbe i::i V-;ii exam J'; plpbbti publicn wouhl bot J;iangrbb s Jf o follow ;y-mie ,o tsbu n d id i&i ri min a t i n"g m in tl j 1 bf e f en iji v e a d va - Govern men t; wit h j i he fn f erf'aViob a I ' law!' ; andall iobr fHki i.mi-:both': fori siirb ihd do-1' inestic, eice;. thiflMUghf-yhq praci ictij! v acq 7am V teti)vuf!i lhVrii 'bfrb'u'r v 1 ! : lioterualanitextevbaitlof nlainX bjanner 5 of ; i einperate :h bi I Vuu ho t-!a - y nit Hyloraccess fwiiliiig! to kiibv.tha -1V lhlnd-'disVosed -to do i r 'SWl; i-i 1 XXi -tpii ;7i) ;;2vv; jrf - :.v . teastJUi ojien is mojfe b "Qri of jtisroiil, perh a j-ts t(t'Wfe 'so.- ,l v J ;-l Jhah atf public tbeetings of noliSiciaHs,, of ' Ibpm nil Ues of jcliari t ies, ,bf - bpaHts ;of : col - j ; jegesi$fc '. bvery jmau si experience, willf saggest to ; : i v him hbwlmaby i hours An the aggregate : ho - i .' , iias wdsieu anU seen waieti , uj tut? ,waii 1 c. . r dtiithcparbll fii k bu net ual i tyv -Tp; :ii u c h defiul t e r0 t h ey ' rob jrrevpcables f on I y mbbe vi which is icbverablewe sub- y, ! - ijinititli!e" Allowing; observations ironist , (".', letters! from Eglaud (heretofiirerVferred ' . to bybs j with?apprbb "theV.E!p1scopld; Haftfbrdi i3onneicuty Phe tv metliaJ occasion of . -them Was, a Wtsit br" the - writers 1 to 'the 1 4 Churc n, Missionary Society;in"tioiyJn: r has 'only to attend a meeting biPa London ' J One committee, to ajipreciate the udvkhtaares 'of. buiic . 11 '' tudlity and methdd, in the transacttob of : business. .". At iiio? If whilt; thfe "clock-is" Striking jlheminbera fitter knd take. jhir; seats r tiue jbusiness of the ;;'; ' meetinis' ia entered lii nbhl ;afcV'nflfeU.w'i , thino 1 I -V V - else is ixcudedthere as no ramblrjig; cpnver sation fin ; irreleVarit subjcls iand 4,he meeting : is dissblved' the .moment tbe busihe'ss is desna t ch-A' y V . edlWhataht jtmil.resiflfs ,1' 7, Toni. a. bu-icT regaru q - punctuaiuy ana aa ex. , elusive attention tb the' matters pn hand. fv 1 . ' i V - r 1 ' .. :- 1 : 1' '. (Tobacco- -In his rnessaard to f the LeErisla- ture'VfiTyernor Clinton rrecom'mehdedihe bultiyai 1 tion bflobaccoi in theState'of Nev-Ybrk, as profitable crop,. A writer in the KocJiester Dai lygraphv;rnehtionssth expe- '.' rimeni Dy .nim tasr summer tnat i t is a more pro ductive crop than any now raisejd iri dfe WesterriV 'cpantles of the StateHb s confident that purl; , soil 8;c,limate ar both i as well iadapted for raising' the high priced yellow tobacco! used for chew.. a the Southern ' States.; I i .r - 4- 4 I-.- Ertrpct ofiaMtezJo tte Editdriltfthi 'vrork; A .t;h Coffiet; ItkdetfFdrifcjbpi llth, 18271 f- v. (fu will see by theppers the horrjd massa- .cresjlhat havejbeenf CohSmitted in the streets bi4- $1, Pari$: lup wars of 120 eitizensjliaye beeh killed l. . Tand voundedl 7- killed ; t)n the side of the mi- 1 litary lj) officers and 102 privates were wounded. All tin is very alarming, and it will go.' fiTll),?-!: ; :.' oa Knows now tar V 1 J,l3albmbre itepublidan iraryjlgivelin allegorical description l6f the Hickory Tree' it onassumtng .qualities "and the 1 varioiWuses :tb yhich itsmaylbe -applied such ,1 as' bbws'and war-clubs for 1 h e Savages ; handles ; for axes ! ho-s and ploughs for! the, Farmer ; J brooms for the hbuse-niaid ftii brush ; away 'the rubbish;'; walking-sticks: for b! d me; ja pleasant fire jfor a family to sit around, while they are re ' gating ; themselves Bn cracking and picking the nut vvhjch; the tree affords j not even' omitting its cleansing qualities Iwheu tredticedf to ashes It is admitted; that the Hickory treej like every other tree in the forest; is well adanted to manv domestic purposes, and, 1 in the present day : afl lord a m ' ! great! many handles or. t00ls-7But.it tl: the jol ly: voyage brjite what a brave' 4leet aiso-eviaeot tnat nature never intended it for . , ' Cabinet Furniture, v , ( v i ' ! . i ' ' '' . ''-'.- ; ?MwigSfiiitv f ux Humqri Ltfe.r Vhen we set out pn there lis around; u; asp stretching lour i v freshlcanyftss'tb, shape and; Bristol fash ibn!; pennons' fly- 1 1 ihgusicplaying,cheeHbg'e 1 r wepa;stVre rajheir amued than alarmed whn- some awnkened Coiitrade goes asjh ore ':'! fbant Vbfj pilotage las; I ,; when,- the ygeJs ells bstoilwommrtrierShvjw ctect consorts stdrremain,in sighf.and they, 'y r : :V-;5'.-i '.el --jv..f il- K -Tlie painful duty devolves) nnon'its of annnnnr- incr the decease of . Maibr General J CummandeVan Chief of thejATmy of the United States. H lHe expired at his reshdeneein this city. -, yesterday af ter brief v illness - of three' or fob r ger.duration. 1 His name is lob I iL -J.L-L'-L.t.;.--' aays precedea oy a general indisposition of lon- .'I ntimatelyJlnterwoven with th. Vlrrf J'4vv," ,Muw)f' .iu .mace necessrryj cr us tblacCompanyl-tlns ariniinriajtion with any refer' ehce: to hi public life btservices ilis individu- ' al Jmerits are too universdlyj appreciated to neett , to be.litazoiied'.by : thepen jf eulogyf' .At Ik ; fu ture day we shall Jendeayorto do justice to hi : . emine nt desert, as a soldier ad : citize n, and to hold up to his fellbw-citiaebs, in their proper cb Jorsiithe ejcamplebf his jlhiktribus deeds and bW. Diameiess ani virtuous pnVAte UteJat Int. tnia, on the lth ; inst. . at1 the house' of ,1 General Madisoti. after a tedious and diatressin ill ness.' Mr, Robert L. Madubn.'' bephew "of ? President. Madisoni aged 33. ton'- uoweu. oy,uaiure wiijii a nuie genius, grea wit, and a happy elocutioiij'whiwh had been improv ed by a classicat and polished edm ation, te was :, an agreeable eompanionartd eloquent in dtbite. die represented his county," several years, in the Uegrslature.V; And 01T the 17th, at her residence, in Culbeoer, Mra- Xetitia SUu2rhfcr.iiaiirlaerbf " : , if V" ".ao u ,w us leu 5 ami , , 1 ikcv ou rs el ve s, ;; nS f 0 tkeep;arlon'as f po ssib! & olif ;t thbifutat shoreagalhst hich we are finally 1 f i. f wpnnsTon county.ir. yeor e W, hittield i tosa.CatbarihelKeart.l - . vj?-U. -..V ' lr' its; Hisiia;2S3 :l-f ft 111 i:lA en-liladison, and wit jf Xhmtcl Slauhttrr; rlll:-'Al-ffil:rlil'tf-; : ,r : 1 . .f. .t-j -iii; ?! A? J fi. t - As It