A?" .-' J s .. A ONtheSeconJ MomUy-of March LVnext, the folliWingTracts tf Land will be so;,d at the w Courthouse in county," thereof: as will be fuflicient to diaT T Jf chaTfe theTaxes duelhereou;for the .yea" - aud the sbst of ;this notlceT rjr, '""., ' --:.; i - 163 acresoon Haw River,. isted Dyuasynrovvm 1 1 fc,20S " do e Newllope, r ; hVSaraivMoorej blishment more m fcluneryjot me, latest improve i ' 2S0 C tlo v: AWutcOsk !;WmVn?gihs.; ments which enables; hh-i to, fonvjrrd .business ; 252i do: -L Ot'er-cup Creekf Robtliaynesr w,th more dispatch and in-a superior manner r ' I50r do V; BeaV.Tree creek;'' ChrUlrewerj..' piece' goods, of all kinds finished equjij to import -VV v-5S : do ; AVUklnson.s cT'eecWV Oldhani ?d, 'riz.T -Cloths,-Ciissimqres.- pords,"-Velvet,? i h :ly-i;'i -'ttbr-itrsT.Doughiss,- $tufTs,-Silks, ;Satins,ACfapcsT nostery,&C. Geu- : . 150 L 'do ' Terrell's creek O . M Pherson tlemeps' :Gai;mehU of e very "description scoured",; 50 do' do do Tall creek, ; f jT.WUUhm l.llcuw. I lUrianU'3 creeK, it-.vr; ruwu, Xonff branch: -Benji Uose Tick-creek. i Ksther ' Wilkins; do Li'- r An water -of Ilarliind'iCcreek.'l V u V f - hot fisted, supposed to. belong lo the l 'j;;"r4,l-'J:., ' v.r Heirs of James Wtliams. 200 4 io"-,HatcreeK,nox-iJsicui sujjpA nycuio anv saaye, or inu.a ,&s,u. .wwj., . - ' th Heir- of SamU'Guthrie; ilebi icolours. :l tesrhOrrt and S traw.B on ntts bleached - v :-A i : Vk : D : BRIDGES, ShfTf - or stains rempyedior dyed and trimmed to the - :'wfuKi laest;fashions.: -T Jnlr!- !u all" iit GfovesStockinffs fShoes Stc. dyed to any other ' Worth-AnieriCanatC5VieV. bolour. K Xadies ; Pelisses dyed: and -pressed. ' for sale by J; Gales & SnVents,Uta;- - ' .-,-iarB per-annuiu., , :- r : - 4, . . 'l 1L -1 ' T.it;i- tirtU'j FUbhc Life 'and Services.1 VX Histdiy f the, Colonics pis - i the English on the Continent of America, John MandialU ? c ' - .-.'v. r ; f t 2V Noye's translation . Qt vp v M-1'" version or tne uoos ouw. ".r ."""T," ": ..n ttn thP uiP-ht' Honorable Lord Byron,. Com- ' minder 2l Narrative of a.Toiir.ihrouh Ilawaju . Review ot me; preceamg; 4. iHridu; Drama-V Select Specimens of Jbe " -BvAVilliam Elhs, - wores-muie- t-pwM,.V(,, I with dispatch on reasonable terms. ;) ' ,Rev C. Sv Stewart Let :? islands. V ; H 'iv:;.- J v'rvii :;lwill be re - "Theatre of. the . Hindus; -ransiateayirom joe - '.Sanscrit, i By. tlH. Wdson r &$y ; ;5; Repub!ic orpeWral.Amen , ad Commercial. istoty.pf . AeVlyngdpni pfGua, V, ' , temkla. in ?panisli America By,Di:Juarros.. ( nnurrino-'s Poetrv and Literature of Pofahd v Specimens of ilie , Polish poetr; with jNotes and j Observations 00 tne iieraiurcwiK-rv4lu fj .' y r.st lh Conn-ress: soeecnesin vu' - o -'( ,5 s. & ntioiisueu hiuc icfsh '" Ktapra Letters on t4neianj. -cuc ii:',-.- '.land. ;V-. v-.S i -y;"r ,.J',J.r' -i-: : n . n -a ikniii WMisiPT j . l iib Amcricaiii annual nMsterv for thevear l5-o;- v : Fine Arts. -Acaaemie 01. nt: and Mcmolri renting t6 the War of American;iri .--. . tt.aWnhiTft if the "German a r ' .j iM.r- . ?i 111 hi r , : !l ?is ' " coarse delivered before the National Academy of -Designf'By;S-B1orae4 11 Riedesel' Letters and Memoirs. rLeltert - Cid MiSitar,aM.r " - --I oa c-iq rPnrUr Coroilel Don , i a - tKp t -Tarismanl . - i The 7 Talismani , fo 15 Criticar .Notice Frimary;, uooks . Studvofjtoiin.'v f'" -t 4 - Quaiterly JJst of New Pubneations -.--4 th 1 :nrkiwtfSiuti erv. T hi. dra wnoii tlie 27rfi Fcbrjuary I Q28r l- . CAPITAL PRIZKS. '- Vj . - 3K)0 Dollars,' 12,500 Dollars ::2,iio uoitarsvr 5 Prizes ofl,00d DoUarg 5;. 4 600 S9 hr iOO &c. &c. &ck 'Tickets 10 dolls.-: Half 5; Quarters 2 50 , . Cv-v-Dissolatiou.-.; 1 - nnHE Subscribers'havin? sold out their entire - -V T 1L vstock of WABtxo APPAnxt to Mr., James- I ': Utchford," the - partnership! heretofore . exiting ' between them, under the; firm of F. C. EUis,c Co -V is this "day dissolved .by-miiuaV consent j Thty . 'tV take this opportunity of returning) their thanks ": to the public, loathe liberal chcourageinent uni . foaml extended tor the'm4 , Air persons, havijig - -mA r t . - , r II ITT1V M .1 I II SI LUC'lyUI lift rw r fl f 'V-rseut them for paymehf. immediavely to jFrjC. i -'Ellis;.: And all persons indebted to inem are re- ' - -Wtri tfinrenareth'emselves. for a'tettlement" Iof their accounts- 1 - ' - ? .... " -.j, M.1CO0KH." ; Raieijrh; Jan. 30. 1828 TROM RALElGirTp Tffl HE Subscriber. having contractea td nm a fl' tviro -Horse' Staee from Raleigh to Roxbofo,' in Peiiicbuntyt inforoihe A4ublic'thi$.-i jthcj'. T Jine Vnbw ihfull iperatidn.,The Stage ib com 4 fbrtableana' WIUI gwiu noiscv5W)u wmm y n , - vers, lie jopes iu ;cure s-uisiuwuvu u - least he will, leave no means uittVied' . ti dq so.j ''.U II e. therefore solicits i the patVonage pf tbej com- -.? .The Stagevleaves Raleigh, every Friday !mcrn-j inV. -"atlO uclock' ahd - arrives iti Roxboro'l om Saturday at 3 o'clock, 4n rue alternoon. , t,eaves; Rbxboira Vwithiri atr ::1ouKfterv its-arrival,-"'and 'The listance joetween net wo pi.ce isneany o , , r ;., . fihall be delivered At'; tiie place to , whicli;they , ;directed,bn the fesplonsibihtjr": of" th$ sub-f scriber. ' - SeatSJto be takei!tut,tfie?Hous&lof 'the teei gh, Feha Chatham. X&a?fi$:$H$4 . X- vTnEnitySeptter ' : v The-'Heirs of Joseph .afinterOT: ' ;-r..Tfie Heirs of Robert RFarrar. V.i X ; 4 f.'t .-!! T anhrannf to JL" Betsey Kat mr and nigjns Farrari t be ileten ; . 'dihls m this suit,"are 'not injiabiiantij of tli . l; t- n j ; MotodLy of March ji?xtfc(l828) then and there to pleadaijiwr or-demurj "otherwise the bill wt ' tie tatcen oro-comeso against tiifiti , nd- hai :;,, "..--vlt is cvdered that puuhcation be matle; in the Ra ! . , Jeigh Register for. three inouths, that they appear : - '' : atnhe Court House in Ptttsboronp-h, on the. third -A copy from the.Minuies.v"Test. 1'-. j . ' inM' iiit)'it onw, i -- - iial::i3h.. Living j: ocouriuii iv iiiuiisiuiiciiL, lllKSt.bscriber returns sincere thipk3 to the J. Ladies and Gentlemen of Rale;f;h,.and the public generally; Tor'.thcjr liberal patronage, since hiv commencement 'of business -i iui.this place; '.and 'hopes by assiduity and attention, ,lo merit avcontinuapce.:y He; has .added to Jiis Esta j renewed n colourr or dyert ar.4 hiiiJfhcn, at tne snorxest nouye, other Establish Steam - Sckranigr, Sriainttar.&cvand Is admirably calculated tapre serve clothes' during the i summer, Reason frym moths; &c. so Merino and other Shawls ;CQUiaed nd 4he icolaura fe'4v'edseq6al to neiv or dv ed two dls JirifrVntnira if rrt the purpose bf two separaletartictesi brthe vpre sent colour preserved on one. sideVaud the othe dyed to an t beautif ul colour or sluxle aesireo, !North-Caroliha or domestic cloths. cbrisistinerVofl Jets, EmbroideJ &c.'clensed, their.original brilliancy.- Ladies andv Gentle meal -"Jare invited to cair Hd:xamine new specimens ' fashionable icolobrsvf&r,Jhe, present ; sura mer, dye.d at - thi' estab ishment; which he warrants equal to any ever exhibited to' the' view,of. the 'public, and which, for brilliancy and durability. cannot be-surpassed, bv'any skniliiri establish mem in toe union. Cloths neatly repaired au articles or scoured, ady forlelivery i in two or three days from the time of receiving; them, yeather per- Utinrr -1 T 4 All kinds iof Mantbama n th at the abQVe Establ . . . j -f-y f jc mittinff, K;;i K ! : 1' ' Z.. " V .! : !, All kinds bf Mantuamakincrand Millinery done in me most, lasmonaoie man. tstaDiisuraent. 1 v ; ? J: r u J OIIN BRISSRNGTON. June;15,-i827. :Tf .T -.".l.t:;:! tf-73 ILLIAMS & HAYWOOD have'iust receiv ed from Connecticut, the following Gar-; warran Ud the p resent year's ,.,lWlh .- It 1. lurnip. uo. X Early J line Cab Page, .: "VfirV db. Drumhead do. Green Globe-SaVoy do ' Orange QarrotV. h-.L ytpr early, 1 Cft -' tl0 I - v i Imperial do ' White Portugal - - ?.. . -Large Dutch Pa ' Curl'd Parsley,! Scarlet S. Top Rad SalmonTj - vdol Turnip ,r? doL : China Deans, ' ' , ; Dun -i olored doj very, early jviiiv rco, ...vH . i tyVasHingvo do! - - ';,. Large Marrowfar doi; ; Gl3en Sieux Corn; very ear Sugar v-'lf; do. ; ; -.doixi :Raleigh,Dec.29. v-A;-'.rj -is AT' THE SIGN O'P THE GOLDEN BALLU flHE Subscriber hs opened a Boarding House jL; and House of Entertainment' at the corner of King and ?Broad ; Streets, opposite the Court house.!-; v :.--ir ': I ..-' a .1 it 1 m.J. .1 -nl.'jjj. He promises to affordl ! both to the Boarder and . Traveller, who will iavor him with tlierr patronage, liis , undivided J exertions .to please1. 1" : 11 JOSEPH ( lOOD MAN. Camden, S C Feb16. 44 4t i v. NOTICE. ! --'1 nPIHE subscriber haying 'qualified at Feb lary ;X term OftWake Cbuntv Court, as Executor to the last will and testament of Johs NaixI dec J late 'of .said . j county; iher'eby gives notice to all persons hidebted to' said decedent 'to' comefor- ward and settle their accounts, and those having claims .against the eitate.are req uested to1 pre sent them, within 1 the jtimel limited by law, or it will.b plead in barjof tlieir recovery. ! :X'-. I On Saturdav.the 22d of March, will be sold on a credit, of nine months, at the residence of oraoiey jwaii, in vv ae icpunty, -. sundry .articles of personal property jbelonging lio said estate amongst which is goqd Stilh- And on Saturday tne in Marcnv win pejsoia on the same terms, oh the ;j premises, a tract pf Lan containing. '97 rl-.. ' j.Jiist' published, . i: L -A JJ0;for s? at the Bpok-sto fV, Son, in JIuleighi p?icef three dollars, a new i.mwvnr ui me .vjuicc na uiuy 01 . a JUS 1 lUr OF THE PEACE,' and a Guide to SheriflV Co. roner4Clerks,"Constables and xither Civil Offi cers in .Nortlgarblinaj ; With an appendix con tainiuiri the Constitutions of this Static nA of th fnited Statesand a colle.'tion of-the most ap rovedjterms forjhe se.oft eSe "Officers.lt viriicj.ii isscuiuijr iruiH, je yeStr4 lOlO, , TO tile: present period which lapparurider. their proper heads.-' t.-v' ' - f ;-'". '-' 'J -i;-'-...' i v Orders forrthis 4newi VTork -iv 11 be: dulv at tedfd to from any pa dfto v v. Dec; 20,1$29 vAvK -r K,; ersu : received: fro Jtirtm vfjti&eyt l upplemwtaii ;,m ibiacasetbat thdefemlants rarelnhab ntaof AHbamalCisbrtteredthat i ha .;v;v ri :r- .1 '-r ' - . i: " i : Onion. snip! v -!. ' :1 ish;- " avicijjng oiv, me waters 01 uape-rear uiver, near North ihgtoh'sFeiiTy. I r V ' !" .' r- " vf-.;vi;:j r-riJOHN A:BEOWN, Ex'r. f; Wake,conntvV-Fcb;49, : ; , . 44 X: h vAj-csj et axjjs have jtisi CJP Philaflelhia-fresli; supply of trinitr, riw ind pYmtnertvdihInkif a superibr K''-? W:piOF N0HXH.C AROUNAlfl .t"; Xf 4MCoi.it.of Randolph;-' 'Mr X-BiHfVnMerVExecu Ricltard Shackleford's Erenito i taken nrp-coniessoand heiml ex parte.- ' ' genuine. -v U,v;?; ',- :.iwiet then jindthere'nlead'ariiwpp AGUIC CJLTUR AT IlEPOSlTpaY. SINCLAIR r.nd MOOHE,- ' ; At their Store, Pratt St. Vharf, Biltimore, A'. GENEUAL-assortment of GARDEN SEEDS TA.: many pf fffhichwere raised ; under their.dk Vection.lasj season others tif a late importation; and have been proved to grow ! well, -.wbich Ihey know to be trie and pood. Also.Tl JfiLP,SEEllSi, such as red an4 hite Clover;;,Orchard , Grass, Timothy HeWl vtitssV,TairMearldw OaGrass Gran Grass,: (for F wns,TLuccrne; Millet, -Yel. TfLOUGHS.-Among' tne extensive variety o implements of husbandry ready c tor deliver at thej shortest'notice, th ey would name the Barshar years to general satisfaction, vandhaving - had 4 acres ploughed with one last season enables them wnnout nesuation to-recommeuu-, iis.j. take well nut 1 "S'M iWorUCorn Sh plle: Wheat FnsCoton Gnt forhbrse or Jhand pbwer Cotton Planter; Cult iyatori, ; i several - ki nds iof -1 th e .m jastrf . annroved Straw. CiVt'te'rs. : crst steel 1 Axes,? hay and raantlrefSfVs'1 Spaded Tools, wove Wire Sieves. Safes. & Wire of -all kinds; h vi'i ithTjAim l-'i FRUIT JTREES.-.JAmoncr which are Apple; Peach; CheiDricot. an;thorh Quick s. all of which! will be ild onVmoderate terms for Cash with ajdeductW of ;5 peir centIon imple ments of their manufacture, 5Tf-.v?Witil'i. n.v.Tust received a few conies McMahon and Cob- 1:1.. -. - jii. ' ' . . t . Den on viarcienmg. ' ; irj". urcnard urassseeo wanting Jan. 37 v .ri ! Evehiria:; School . Tthe lieitation of a few Youths and tbeif jL Parents and Friends', "I have resolved,! while the" present long" eve nings , continue, to. give in striiction to.a few vounimenwho are engaged in business during, the d:iy,t of English Grartiniar ! and Arithmetic, thosefuseful studies which lie at the foundation of learning. Six or eiirht have already entered, & a few. more will be received, if they apply immediately. C . , - :" m ; V J.E. LUMSDEN: vljariuary! 26.''::'rh - .y ",;- : -V ILL BE SOLD by virtue of twoseparatev teds' in Trust, for ' certain ipurposes therein contained, on Friday the 28tli lay ; of February rtixt, at the House, of Thomas Busti n , on Rocky S:wampV all the property of said .Bus tin.;' consisting of a Tract of Land,X known by the Parhan-i Tract; StockJ of i every ? kind! oije Negro ' Mar by name Harry, and ? sundry, other articles too tedious to mention, .The terms will be accommodating and made known on the day of aalei 1 r X KL.I.W. Will I AKEK, 'lTUStee 7th 1 Feb. ,182a 1' ; pticeris hereby given,; nrlHATl application Will be made to the Presi JL dent. Directors and Company ofthe Bank of jCape-Fear,tat Wilmington, for a new Certificate Oi 1 WO oiiares 01. siock ui iuc siu uaiuw 01 vjjc- Fear.' standing in the name of EhzabethrS.! Wins- low : ther"evidence of which Said two Shares of Stock" has beea lost. , E. L; WINS LOW. : , 23 3m . Dec. 6. I 's-, r'.k NEWMANS .CELEBRATED Vie Runner at the Bottom mm A PATENT having been issued by the J. dent of the United StatesJ to Edward; Presi-New-Grist man, for his valuable improvement on the Mill, the subscriber is fully authorised and em powered to1 make sale of Rights for using a single Iill, orfthe Rights for using j said Mills in any County,! or1 in anyState in the - Union, except Louisiaijja. ' ' "A r ("j Persons wishing to) purchase Rights, can di rect their letters to Samuel Morehead, .Postmas ter, Martinville; Guilford, N. C and they will be immediately attended to. ; ;; j j: ? ,j : The .fuperior advantages of this Mill, consist in the. grinding being done; sb near the "centre, Where ti id Ipower is applied the small size ofthe stones,-! -ana. the application of pressure to sup ply the absence : of Weights j The running7 stone is placed on the spindle, and facing ' upwards to the bedi stone, which is permanently fixed. The iressure is applied to the centre of the runner, jnd the gram introduced lntoktbe mUI through J'he'eyej of .the bed or top" stone. ;- -:!: :;ki :- The simple construction of ihis, Mill, its great lurability land cheapness, and jits convenience aW usefulness to all persons having large families and stok,and the facility' with; which animat or ater power can be t applied,! have given it the ecide preference over all the inventions of this ;kihdj with persons whoj can ' judge such things Correctly. f SAMUEL MO REH EAD, v k .Sh. Agent for Edward Newman1; Patentfee ilarch i 30. ; : ' ;iri r . . 52 w6w tm6m 'i'L A -The Editors of the Register are authorised to act is Agents for the sale of Rights, in Wake county K - -.."" -' '";; -'l; ' - -KS'-v-j Raleich and Newbern Sthzpsl NQTHER arrangement has been lately made respecting this line of Stages.!; Thev . now leave Raleigh, every 'Tuesday ; and, Friday at 9 oxioce in tne morning, ana- arrive in Jevoern j on Thursdays and Sundays by 2 o'clock in ; the afternoon. "Leave Newbern, evjery Saturday.and Wednesday at 8 o'clock in the; morning, . and ar. ' rife in Raleigh on Mondays and Fridays by; 1Q b'clocki Inthe forje1noon.-Sp hatJ Passejngers j 'will be'tput ; little more than two days" in going Vhrodgh theroutel ja distance 6f 120 mi(es; tind tlijat all in. day time ?c I haye.gobd light Stages; fiiie team's of Horses,' arid gocS ;careful Drivers', anjd intend to use my , best endeavors tb"continue theni, that n'othingshaltr be wanting Ion my part to render passengers comfortable. 1 4 tbere foreolioit the public to travel -with met ti JProm and afterith my 8$ag4 fare wlH befeducedlfrom S'tolS cents per ttilleJ in consenuehcebf the! hardness of th J imes and. scarcity! of moneys 'tefj-fe1 . prassctngers wm oe allowed ,'pou nds of bag- wi 1 not hold my self accountable for th t Kafpvrnnl-. veyanfce' bf ?anyi baggage w.;Hundles whatever but wUt ehdeuWor to have the best attention $k&' to jthejn I irnuat her add, -that the present;Iar rangement b the best one that has everfbeeri.yet bbjthe raute as it ehablea mib ; p be$t phbic houses bet ween, tiie twoNplacevfbr: passengersrtd'the rout? both ways isjerformed in little more thab two daysVaud that "without navmg to travel in ihejnight Lfhave iur dbiibt, THE Subscriber has just :reciy'aAnippiv- PtoroR ofsizes, so generally preierrea tor DreaK- ing stiff grass!; " ward, and .firvmellow ter vending the Slw-SHAaiijirtHffionoHfortwo -a wide furrow- tumfand crumbiejine ?iu and have.been known to nir. a season, with; amiths rpnntr; ! -- '.: .!:'"-;" -.X ."'-i".f TpIIE Certificate for 22- Shires ofthe tocl: 0 -i JI .the Il.ink'ofMCapeFear, in .-the inme'of Joshua G. 'Wright, an.l.kthe uert neate ior o : in. thename ot ausan Dlication wjll i be made for tl)e rerwal of said. Certificates attl,e expiration of Jhree month from this date. j- . -- t SUS ANvJ' V 1 ; 4- '4 f H JOSHTJA'G. WHIGH T, ; V - VSUSAN WniGHT. 1823-- r.-v , ; 'January 4, r3ittEfercise ; JLs sumed bnthe 25th ihlf&nderhenage- 4 ? 1 ;:. -I.-.. " -1 . . .-ii'-,.f-.T-:,Ji-i'--ik:.-.-.,-v-s. -..-.L-i bf theviStt'pfrthteridenm TiievrepuiationjocDw which ' ouit own Ve for; instriiction T pbsiessedi by. f birr Semiharyy pre sent pb ordinaycliims tolth attentioni 0t-he Parents' anGiiardiinV The rnrices vb'f board and r tuition are mpdernte i andlthe' TTrtistees and i Teachers pledge them selvisltbT repress", faraVn vrv thinf likp. eTttra'vairance in dress, or any unnecessary expenditure of money. j is ' .The price of ordinary ' tuUiHvAJpS ii VIII ,. 'jfy V ' "TTf1 : Instruction in Needle .Work j 1 , h In Drawing and Painting, f"i0; sion, payai ble in ad-' vance. - i 1 Board can be obtained in the most jspe'ctable families of the place at Jia.per month, including ygi -ii vj ':i s uperin tendent. Hillsboro Jani-7,' 1858.;v:toS33:-'law3w, :l.'T A CARD. , - - v. THE American Colonization Societyi whose object it is to colonize " Me FreS People off Colour of the United States J on the coast of Africa, has thus far their labors! have, been : crowned with tne sattsraciion 01 iniormuirt iucj huuhv-uv success. A colony lias Been-r planted iu a fertile soil, in I ablimate suited (to the consimtion of the coloured "nian, and is! now inlso flourishing a cotim dition, that it offers inducements tafree colou fj ed people to emigrat TJiecost of. transporta tion Being f abbur twenty4dollars Tof every emj grantto tessen this expense to the Society; it has been 'concluded to; solicit public contribu tions for the purchase of a vessel i to be employ "ed by the Society in traiispbrtirig emigrantsiand also in bringrih er backithe products bf the Colony as . articles of Commerce, that the Society itself aided by the resources of its" own colony, may be the better aoieto proceea witn emciency, m lis great entei7rize.p;.v:ri 'L Donations for thisi. purpose are respectfully solicited from the. inhabitants of Raleigh; and its vicinity; as well as ; from the ' citize'ns , of N.'; C? generally; i Donations to the! Society; for any nurpose. and subscriptions to the KAfricah Re pository and Colonial j Journal, 'willj befgratefu ly ; received by the Agent of v the Society.' :Xm vl-;-:-;:v!-:f JAMES NOCRSE.V ' c 1 ! ",:.-r; .: XAgcntfor the A irt. ColY Society. . The Vineyard . R. ALPHONSE LOUB AT'S Subscription for the introduction of the cultivation of theyixE intothe United States, having been no tified to the Southern Public at a period too late to allow it to reach the'perusal of an i nfinity ;of its individuals, who, convinced ot its Utility; and the facility of its culture, would have desired to enter their subscription ; . he has consequently, made a choice selection of 20 000 jyine Roots, c ordered this quantity from his father in France. They will arrive in NeV-Ybrk before the middle of the ensuing ; month of February V therefore, subscribers may still furnish themselves with a supply'to the 'amount specified."- 4 r 4 "':"f - The cost, as usual, is rated at the fixed price for ilOOQ Roots,' or over, ! at the rate of 12 cents each Root, for less than 10UO at the rate ot to cents,; for less than 500, 20 cents, - and 30 cen ta for less than 50 to be paid on the "delivery of the roots. rtt-. - Letters will not be rieceived unless post paid Subscription lists are opened at ; ,U Newbern, with" JOHN JUS HUE. Raleigh, , NewiYork,, 1GALES JSON. ' ALPHONSELOUBAT The FlatS below; Wilmington. rv"1 -A Contractor is wanted to remove the obstriic Jl lions which yet retpairt to a good Ship Navi gation -r in "the Cape Fear. River below Wilming ton. The S Contractor to have - the Userfbf the Dredging Machine," Flats 8cc . which'; have been hitherto used in tips Work; v y ! j fe'Sf f i Proposals are . to be made' to Mr.! A Nash,' Ci vil Engineer ofthe State; at present in Wilming tbn, who. will furnish a Specification of the ; man ner in which the work is. tp be executed.vl 6 ' ; i V e tape jf ear Recprder CtFayette. Uh. will please to i nsert the abb ves th reeU times rand charge the same to' thef Register office.' vi CONGRESSlONAi; DEBATES' ;J. Gales 8c Sow have lust received from Wash inarton r'a few copies of Vols. I and II. oF Gales and Seatort's Register pf the ; Debatea ib iCon gressf ThCfiTOivoJume of ; moderate sizeslell for four dollars ; ' the second which contatiis be- tweea 1500 and l600 pagesV, sells for eight doll .- '-.1 f . OnpHE : S ubscrib er presents his siticere tlianks . JLto his, friends "and thf public in! general for iwviiu vuvuut agcuiciH iiiiucrui ijCvClTCU,' aim respectfully informathem that he has bouerht but iiic; wuoie ana entire 8tocnoi. vooas ot.r". U. ilr lisy& Co. making tpgeiferwith hisjqiwn on hand a larere: and" cerieral assortment of tlie most' ionable and Superior- Goif, all of which. havin .Beenrecenlly purchased upon the best bossible 1 " f " "-; cuaoie ui m to. sett' i or cashbr pri bbrto as lour ot lnwpr Kv'"ori.f Kit.Qr-.."-frr.r j this roarket;fHis stock consists' in artof C4, Cassimeret & Yesiintrk and acreneral assort mrnt of Rkajjt M-ibi Clothiho, niade from the latest fashions arid ib a superior styled w wiiviw iuuiwgc aiiu luviies uisiinenus anu customers tocall and examine hTii assortment as h6 can recommend ; th m, with confidence,, for eapss,'durabn 'Having aiiuraber of-te bestbjkmelrrthat crbuld be obtairiedin hislemploy;liewill be ablel to execute k-l orders with JWhich" hemav belfal yofedi -Witht despatch and ! in a stylerthat cannot 5 HMASUTCHFORD" 5T-- Febniary 6th; 1828-. f-. 40; HHtatelofoHh-GardliiinM Superior Court of Law.September Fermti8 Lydm:BeachrySM$ :Elijalf Beaii HKbitipn,t it w Tbe madej for; three - rriontlisjura-theVRkleigh 1 Beach "appear at the. next Superior Court of Law jo De neid tOKBurke couhty' atthe Courthouse W"ILLI AM? & J I YWOOl havers' ' . .following 3Vi,:s, 'and Spirits Tn the Newark Mko.hy an exnC,li i ' ,s.on Merchant, vv ,o assures them that : of the first 'qut , They are enabled S them cfieap for Cab - v 5 Old Madeira, -.SfeilyV do, " . , Tjb neriffe; ; . . V s . ''SweetMalagaJ 1 1 ' ' pt " ' Cogniac Brantly,', ';4''' -fi 'x-' Jamaica. Rnm;i ' '-'Holland Gin. Families wishing to tie , supplied will d ;tb calltaWxamine theqha!ity atidprices en'11 above,' f:rr'-:4.--.-:'' r',;; l-i-" -f SRaleighKo yj; 15, "l8fe"V I HI '-0::-- , r ' ' i ' -A . JLLUMS & H A!wO(iri 1 fiX ed:f hrtrf ;!Ne w 'M jk andl tti;L,n.ii -Plv' ;gheraassmibr ileiilicUs,- Surgeon', t. strumeiTts,Glass tVare, Hatteifs Materials, Pi, ,-viis. fye otuusf iCtc. comprising nearly ev..' :articJepintheir which niav'? offered in this marked ; V Alum. jElher. Aloes Soct. them '..not: he;,s. 1 Acet mbiiw,pifp; An, mric. Uo. Bismuth Oxyd, Cubebs, Cinnamoji, CIovcC Cream Tartar, Canlhrarides : Kktr. Ua,.. tCalojyiith C0mp"db Cicuta,)Benarcotised Lanl ' fcnumj$late Opium nI jrifierlioffrnah's AnodneXiquoi-, Hydiyo-late of Potash Iodine. :.YMatrnes?a!iCHlcL Xia v. . megs; ; RadSarsaparillapSulpb.'Quinine, lW Potash Sponge, Tar j. - Antimony, Uorh,.!., Seidliti and Bodspwders,' Liquid Ink in bot. TMey; keep constantly prepared Siroft Be r,,:-- sinierev JLaneasterianor jBlick jDrop,! DewessVl tinct; Goiac, l)ecQct. Canthraiides, Syrup UhtiU doi Cprti Aurant; do' Stillac, '46 zingiber, Tmct Cardamon. Comp. do. Bark C with various other Tincturesi Ointments and Cerates, i They hav also receiyedDesk and socketj japaned Lamps, ; LathpfOil,;Train doT lJinseed!do iSpt. Turen! tihev. White Lead: and- S pahiibj brown in ken WindowjGIass S byrlOjnd lpby 12 and Putty All of "Which will be jsoid lbw fori cash or apl 1 Raleigh, Nov. 12, 1827. -) 1 r..: FFHIS-beautiful specimen of American Liten. Jb -ture and of the Fjine Art5i;as Well as ofthe mechanical pnes'of paper making. aad; printing, jcontains' the following j engfavi ngs by Americaa Artists, arid principally from celebrated painting ! Aieuuii ju.ectur?, :z: t The Valentine, ; i .., Hw'rX lAke Scene-; ?-7.ft:-' fThe Delaware Witer CapR :vf' fl "A Kornouse Wanior, ? ii W'T ;titJ rtA ri;A:jJ ul:i,i Anjie Page,: Slender and Sh allowl Moonlight, Cattskill Falls, FfW .1.1-. .!-. 1 TX i' ' L Ischia and ProcidaV' rV- Ticonderogar x':lu i. Beautifully embrxwsjd. Presentation Plate, aril . uign iy; ornamenxea casei:- p ; I ?j , ?l4The, Literary contents Consists of original arti les tni prose, and' verse, 1 by 4 Pprcival, , Mellen, Pickering, Bryan, Washington Irving, Paulding McIIenry, ' Mrs Sigotirney, Mrs.; Wells, -Miss 1. 'A. -. ! . : . i i 1 r. - i . Faucis, -and other celebrated Americari authprs. jusireceiveaana tor sale oy ;k - . . . rf miiiil.o own. sl : j.ust,xiiecei veq,i Red, Rover, by Cooper,; 1 Chronicles of Canhoncrat JKv! Rirtt - i j . ' :. o w .. j ,mvvh : Gentlemens'; Annual. Remembrancer. r - Jf GALES .& SON; Raleigh, January. 24. , ";. hi. ;lARX:9rgabof. barteret County being ths JivJL brobrietor of . Ten Shares of th. Cnnlta? Stock of the State Bink : of North Carolina and the Certificate thereof ha vine been lnct nr m!. l:id iall persons concerned are requested to fake notice that application will bef"made for a nev blef tificate bf said$hares at4 the jfir'st meeting of the Board Of pireetorjs'of , said Bank to be held in Italeigh in 'March next.-: '-i; W-X Attorney: to fact, for Mary Morgan. North-Carolina 23ilj January 1828. '- $i SO i'LvMlREMOV'AE: fJH E Subscriber rifbrm the public, that he tjL -nas removed isjxyen$- and Scouring pUf ilishment'tp the Eastyside of Fayetteville Street, directly opposite his former stand, where ajl or tiers in his me. of business will he thankfully re ciiived and ! punctually attended to. V j WANTETj to ptirbhase at the' above Establish-. nipnt506lbz.;of Oldfiilveri siicliasspoohs, plate, ?c4fbrwhioh;the bestiprice fin Cash will be gi Ven. Perscirii5;havinjr any 1 ot the above article ;wiIldoVweU to presebu themj as the cash i waitinc; - -1 - - : ' S '.X l i :--: . MFOR SALE as above two itood -Milch Vovf, rth palyesU which. ;Will be! scld 4fgreat bargain i luiuicaiate application oe maue, ; j. 13. Raleigh;:: Fe b: 7l , JU ' :f -40 St mt SHARES of STOCIt ofthe State Bank of 3 1 North. Carolina. C ' :r - ? f tlr ' t- - iiunarejw ao. otmeuanis oi pc 10 Shares of iib of the Bank of Newbern, the property; pf f anndividuai ? Who is 'about ta leave the Statel Apply to tlW:l ' i;.: jil,; JNO. TIUSKE. Fayetteville; Jan. j?0, 1828.r ! : .; 40-3tw. !-' L-i i. Potatoes- I 7 F a SUPF.KIOR QUALITY for Sale at the Store oil JOHN PRI31K0SEJ at Idollir P 'Bushei:sf,;.- "tr ;;ltaleigl, Jan. 30.4 40 Stv i :( Carriages "for- ; Sa le. f fii (Qte-;- 4-;; THE 'SUBSCRIBER! AS for sale at! hljff Slippy opposite --the Bait til -of:; Newbern atybu worth' of Work', ' a ptirt of which is1 finish rtd Dollars! j.rf ' n l I Ka w.ct Iri.c-, rvf"ifot wnivl rif!i ahll call OC I11 - ft. X JI & ft T1 L. a W V w w - ished on a shoit notrce. : ; CThia'- work! has beenexccutedlby thd best CJSt oiignepus,ao: Acetic, f ort. Hii;arb sfa 'j sam Copaivac, Bark yeUbwdoRecT Hi.s Mercury, Colchicum Autum; jBorax, Xa'mnhV Castir Oil JC;'PCroto4 Oil,-Calomel. i-i0io.7 I 4rkTlr m An" Tit irlll lie' StjIfL ItJW for 1 goou iioves iJn. y,eitiiu,. vc Jic-fjuj-w i-"1 " JONMlAltALSON; CME;; r . - ''It 'A- ? A

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