1. 1 "V 1 J.- ' ' . . t. r.. a. if m . i .-, J -f s N i , ; . . . :, . '- ;. - " ' '"'' rT 'f'f'';: r!,Jf-! "V'ii.Vav -,v'rV' v-''.itr UnwamM by party rage to live like brpthers.'v v K. X- - ,V? .-V,' - 1 i- 1; F ii i 1 i .. . . n . ii..t j ,, . .. . !. I, i , Pflblishe every Tubsdat FbW; by ; JOSRP.H G ALES SON, ; nilar perannum -half in advance. J advertisements; J: 5 SoteXceedinffxecntneat?yinserted three 'times for a Dollar, and j twenty-five Cents for . ciery succeeding publication ? those of jyreat er length in Jthe sane j proportion..CoMMur jacATioxs' thankfullyeceived.iLxTTKR? to ' the Editors mUst be poit .aiA Y -. THE DISAPPOINTED BRIDE.: At in ae , when, the heart is open to eve- tV impression, ancl forms, wiq juie,8ame tdines83 ;engaejinerjti j 4konnectioo was traveiung jorm nis uauye piu tidbe to explore ihc wonderslor, a tnelrov polls which; he had asVyet beheld ;wib4he res onlyof hope. tlnMhercoach which WaS to convey him to:v ParisV he found a hnth soon flpwef from jtheirjips, crets of their hearts were revealed ; it vaf Un that St. A- learned J that' hi new frienil was going to IrU to arry a young ladj whom he had neef seen, but whom his fatherland ftoiity bride, witlj the ;conenth?r re5ation.-r Tfi jo u rney was finished wi thou, t ahy ac cident, and they arnyednMihe nlbrning at P;ri where they toolt lodging iifi a pub- lie hotel, i scarcely nauuicy aitpi pu- Session i llicirap.n i iiriiwj wucu tnn' was" seized with3" the bilious he young i cnoie, deprived which, in Jess than two hours him if; his lexlstencel Affected melancholy! fatetf ihis i youth fuU with the acquatnt- ?-Sr; A " . whose attentions had not been able: to raise; Kimv thousfHt it; his; duty to inform the father of the future bride of the overthrow of his expectations; and takr ing with him the letters arid, portfolio, of lis friend,5 repaired to the house 01 the gen- -The' servant who opened the door con scious. that his master expected his son-in- law, announced !-'. Sti lA las such. The W n er wi pou i giving nim 11 rae 10 ex pi a iij Himself, embraced him with 'eagerness,' anil presented him to his daughter as her husj- Ibsnd. St. A naturally gay arid' volatile. could not resist the temptation of deceiv- ing me lamuy awnue longer,- anu piayev his nart extremeiv well; He save the let ters, and being perfectly acquainted with the secret and affairs of his frierid, Teturn- ed the m6$tsatisfactory answers to their qu estiwhs. j - He : su cceed ed especially, in captivating ;:ihe attention of the young lady, who, Ith j side-long glance,' iadmired the features and fine shape with which nature -had blessed her , lover. D 1 n n e r 1 was : a n - nnunced, 'and ! St. "A-r wasK placed by the side of the timid bride : and the whole family yielded rip tfieirheartao joy and 8aiisfaction The you ng lady s poke lit I e, answered jwith difficriltand o ed, while St; A waspolite ami lardent in his attention to her : and though the ex- j)resgons of his face were natu rally serious, tyuversauon wa Dieasine anu cneeriu: After dinner, the; father entered inta al ueuiis necessary to settle the mar- "age. when siidderilyl Stiiroseanc king his hati seemetl anxious tofreiire; t ' Ar nn frninor n laiva no i Voc s?iu St.' A i" important business, com pels me to tiuit vou.' A What business can ytyu havej ihVa:ity':VlJeyoq are a stranger Perhaps y; wisji q drawr ey from ajbaokelf Hniy prse Is: eritirelv t your seryice j but :if you will absolutely nave recourse taj abanker: ItriayWend meboclyltivtransacttheVq ikv towardshefclMralndv yoi wdrealy r f tvmi 1 1 -Prions of nattenUo.toibusiiiessthat SnVbut;takibfi rned'toMea(iies ;9fte wilh " 1 " "f A "e servant ?enirusceu hi irn'ti.sKeo, lorTAinl antler - suinpii .: . ' .-..r- ' . . - Ruined i ITt 'T " fau receive ror. an : that WIvL-.l h i.fi r ' : ;,.ic '1 , " oil i v I'f I 71 r . n l il fr. I ri in. young man or .prepose9iuS apFca. J cosrersation soon began that terminated In protestations of rendshjp! s id es. Mutual conuuence -. ., , n ine nan when addressing 4the fa rtlth4t weire alone.fiaide" n. jan.J thq ladies carinothartus, Ij wilfteli llftUT,VHmornngt few -Wents after fy arnya hJan actident happenedto frie Wtfflm rift thi' biiiouslclioliiiaHiJd; 1 Promised; o be bufiSd at siv vlftVkJn : me plate-6t; rerideWbuVliorf wniso l te exact to riivwt. Iff .iii ,i,vW In.,.: at kii I,ae'evnarid k...: V Mj Would Kediffinltiri tH iink'ft.?iKftfa1ririffi?. tr:.:;- niiy:nt rec yburSitaktiorii didlokt not Dbssessl wi5W r al be 1 e f wn s sprea d a round,: th at i t was he Ghost that spent the day - with the fa mily of Mr. N , in social enjoyment and conversation. . STATE OF SOCIETY IN LIMA; SOUTfl , , ,0 i AMERICA. :The following: is an extract of a letter rom an officer in the Unitet Brandy wine, to his sister in Philadelphia. ." To any one accustomed to the feelings and decencies of a religious! commu nit me uuncuoi ucpmviiv tjLiiiuiLe;u uy ait classes is terrible. You 00K in : vain a or the calm and observances of a sabbath. t is distinguished from oth? days'" it is true, but not by an ? attempt at a 1 V f confor- mity to its .divine purposes, or at ention to its requirements, but by excess in gence. and an absence of restraint. I is selected for amusemVntsj and on no other liighting day are the amphitheatres fori bu and f i . .1. . i t - inff, their ; choice diversions,!' so crowded; In their customs Ue people are but one step beyond bar bansri, arid that a vicious advaneerrient. 'In :heir morals they are certainly far below the generality oi savage nations 4 tor .the little rebne- ment ; which , they could not -avoid re ceiving from the are ot civilization, has been converted int a more artful licen- tiousness. t 1 " Children are-early bfougnr into com pany, anu y -i raugnt ? some ot its accom- plishments 5 ! to dress, dancek "arid make ove are f lie indispensible points iof educ'a; ;i 6n Without these t h i y wbu ldj con sid er life a burthen, and all -it purposes defeat ed -There are no domestic! relations! or educations ; food and clothirg are the ex tent of parental care. ; Boys are confided to family confessors until se f-will bursts control, and then they are there own mas- wre as long as ineir present tconstitUTions last. r l he i girls are confided to negro mammas wno nurse them when growing up, ana provide them with gallants when married. ' . "I wished to learn the language sufficient ly to speak ; for that purpose was intro- ' . ' j' 1 i " : . - - .... . uuceu to some respectab e families but for -fear -cf losing i fair sex. I could never mde a second visit my love for the society of th not, unlesss possessed with ore wn, give you a description which would do it jus tice, and at the same time leave ;a correct Jdea cif tJie-Limanean family. The ladies W e re s w i ngi ng i n " a I rge gr a ss Hammocks siting across the room, Hiriost Vigorously putlifig those large black sugars smoked by the negroes of our count y. They did not rise 10 receive us out peaceably nodded a welcome aridloftered us rcjomjori the hartir jnock. According to custorhl tnejy'had not made their toilet, and their beauty not be ing of that, kind which disdains the aid of foreign ornament, their appearance excited disgust. ' Conceive the following nymph-like characteristics, dishevelled pair, unstay ed forms, unwashed skins deeply imbued with yellow; rays of tropical suns, and cheeks hollowed by the straining of segars, and you may imagine the effect they i pro- w 1 The females when a little old mak the most classical' represent Jtion of witch es imaginable. -"By dissipation nd exces- tU.--JJA4. . I LI' .il .il'-l: til. sea viicjr gci.r j me urou.eu parcnmeui-iiKe skin attenuated forrn of extreme age. while t he eye retains its fires u nsu bd ued and the features tirimpassioried Wa.' When under -excitement the v. present la . terrible n ram a o t th e passions; 99 .4'.. Xf t3UL All RENG JH. The muscular, power of the. human body is 'twbnderjfu L H; A Tu rkish porteFwil 1 run alonj sr carrvi carrying weigh rpf pOOj pounxlsl ilo of ;Crotoria is said 16 have liftetl and M an rix weiorhiri!? ! OOO.boU ncis. Haller men- r . - 3.- , C5 . -. 1 '-..:(... tiona that he saw an instan ;e v 6f a man whose finger being caught in a chain at the bptf oni of a mi n e, by k ee pir g;-i t f forcibly bent," supported: by that tmeans th'e weight iof his whole bod y (150 pou mis) til I he was Hrawrt jun to the surface, va height of 600 r jfeer.0' Augustus, 1 1, King of Poland, could With hisJflnge'twlWp silver dish like a sheet of f papervariU tw )he strongest horse -shoe asunder ; w a JjLiori ' i s : said (pjiil. Traris No. S10) tdhiyVvleft the (iripressirirt of Kie teeth uuon j piece of sol id iron-The most proiligious boweroRthe uscies, is exnioiieii ; uyvuswf ;, Awiiaic Qves-:wi;tfc'yi ) ed iu m of - w a te ry that would -carry him; if Conrinued; at tives world in litt I etin o r i han 4 ltn igh t a n d sword jfishiTiasbeenlcri weapon in rougntne ok pan K.QLjEtnip r., A'PROFOUNDXIMB ofche -XJirtm Inthe course 1f a trial theldat a;neigh nngxi tyf horjtijp'e; si hcej ari e m n eri t counsel Irirwe 1 . .tcno wbias prcti tmner;in: bombasticvTnllatedv c;ridiiultws7i'ahxriagel fut:the fol iowihg quesynjo witness);--S-Mj i y ou e-.l MfBlfraisef ns"m u scu iar rjn;iand)attejmpt-to; preponderatior .bmiuLiid1 ifearf iny.ie'rit;,?S attempt the bu s i cor po rea I cob t en Urinate hhsttsemj MirDiriotr: betweenyou and the objeets, that could in a ny ; jW ise d i ni y ou r pa r t i c u I ar fac at ties or create any obtuseriess of vision Sir?'? I say,' 'were, not yourorgaiis of sight in a situation to have a clear, , unclouded. ;and bright. 'view of this ' nifst villainous, Idespicible, unnatural, foul, u trageous, enormous, rancorous and bloody transac tion fr' Sir I" " Did you not plainly see Mr: B. knock Mr. I), down I"' Yes, kir, I did.,? iV.'. Chron. . ' CopL Syrhme's Theory eorroborcttfd. of Benares, in India, was admitted to the Celebrated Hindoo Co lege there, support- eu ov government, anu naving ren proress ors and 200 students. He mentions the xhibition, .by the astronomical Lecturer, fa terrestrial globe. The professor poin- ed out the situation of Mount Meru. and the portjof the tortoise Chiidcwa,? on whiiiii thp! art.h ret prl. nnrl th fii nf fhi city pad olon, on the concave or inner sur face pf the southern hemisphere - A visit ro uenares wouiu proDaDiy eriaoie uaptam Syinnfes to add large ly to the interest of his lecture---Clir, Watchman. . : MAXIMS. When you mean to do a good action do not deliberate about it Give praise where praise is due, but, deal cut censure sparingly. r J ' Injuries are seldom forgotten b n efits seldom remembered- ;'? :':A.f'f-'.' Gratitude is a feature touch admired, but rarely to be. seen. . Chanty, the vital principle of Religion, the thost absent member of the Church. If knowledge does not make a man wise, makes him vain and arrogant. Mineral Waters. If we reflect on the phenomena of mineral springs, &uch as,f he connexion obtaining between some springs and the affluent atmospherical, water, vve cannot help subscribing to ,thes opiniori, long ftntertained by chvnists,.that the forr rnation ot mineral waters is . a sioiple pro css of solution, subject therefore to the entab ished la yvs of chymical affiniiyATheir v 1 riet y , 'consequently,'' d e perid s on the l i f -ft ren : nature of the strata through which tlieyjliow- upori the relative quantity of water and gas acting upon tliese strata and upon :the various degrees of tenpra- mre uat are eniisiea in tne process. s i i Br and e Baltimore Sept. 1 1 . The Southern Galaxv, printed in Natch ez, contains a. c(mmunication, signed by y. jriiui, securrg form ,me particulars oi a quajrel bet weefi himself & Judge Maqry, )(h of tKat city. Judge Maury insulted m both dt that citv Mr Griffln. on the' first d av of election. of which the latter askt'd an exfilariation, i was refused. aod also the acceptance of a cjhailenge whereupon the Jvdge' was posted as a scoundrel and a coward.? Mr. GrifBn then armed himself and on going from his office to the house, he was attack ed by the Judge, who jevejled a pistol ' at h m. M r. G. i m med i a tel y d tscharjred on e o i his--both missed ; the Judge stationed h imself behind a? tree; and took at in' at Mr. G ., the latter again ;fired without effect. JudgevM.! then ran towards Mr. G who retrea.tea .on nis crurcnes fOeinglamel to a hotel, where he received a part of the con tents pi the Judge's pitol, and discHarsed also a bother pocket - pistol u t the Jujge. -Coming then to close quarters,! the Jutlge drew a sword from a cane, and stabbed iir. a?, m ine Dreasi wno ren.. l hes com pany then prevented the Jude - from clo stPg" on. mm. r i nese are the most quant particulars of the affray- .jtirj'-C". RALEIGH, N. Cii TI1HE SUBSCRIBER resnectfullv informs her V'JL .friejnds and the public; that she conti'jiies to keep open the above Establishment,' and solicits a Jcontmriarice of a portkm of the' publi patron age. ' She assures those who may think proper toi call pri her, that nothing shall be? wanting on h.r part for their ease and comfort' The 'above HlOTEli is; situate on Fayetteville ; Street;-In the ctjuir beeri Northern wher?. Travellers will find it to'their'Vdvantage to) stp;4 mt4 sm JETER' "h October 2di 1828. ' 8- w5ti r Hu,Tfew Jm :iheapprpacb int? General A ssem h I v.' r; a n - be - ar.r.nmtriritat'.rt witb board: and comfortable roomsifi earlV- ap- plication " V HILAPEr.PHlA: Medieal JournaL bvCarev ana. ica puoiisnea quarteriy,; at per annum. "-American Quarterly Uevie w; $5per Krifium. North-American Revie ttTz&vSr. do' -klo.;. . : Southern Review; -"x ; $5 do J -Xdo V mo nthV-::iperjannum;Vi5--; , lvft-k Franklin; Jritirnal devoted to Sciehceabcl lii- provemehtsi $5 pet Wnniim. . ' ",f -ftfXIjjtfcinnceivDanvSlbirid - i$6per anhomrV-:n5t4-,- ptions lorme appye. received byifc& . fiiTVt f c oiuic ousiness part oi ;ne rownana nas selected astheregtUar. Stage-House for the 1 Sbut hern arid Western line of S tatres.' r splendid: views h' (.'l '.T v- 1 vt ; 0n s Friday, the 10th of 4 October. ?1C28wj11 l.tie j , published by T; K: GRRENIAKK, Sol 7641 L Spruce street; Philadelphia, a volome'of Kplen- ,did views of American' Scenery, as folio Ws : ' 1. 1 A :viev j of. Beck's Shot -Tower,' on the SchtiylkiU, . unear Philadelphia,: ana , adjacent SceneryJ I 2. j Ai view ofv the Liht-honse ini Long Island Sound, with the adjacent scenery. .s I j'" i 3. J A view olf York,- on Lake Orittuio, vrii the fortifications. "- ' ' - ; " - v -J- - 'j .t v- 4 Characteristic Scenery on the Hudson fti- Ver. ' J. 1- , 1 t. U i.'jfi"''--lt"s'v-v ! 5. Viewvof ,New .London, Connecticuv Vitb the adjacent "scenery. .? 1 - i ' -.t 1 t- 6. View of Lemon Hill, i near Philadelphia, tneseat ot Henry fratt, : Jisq.i- .vt1 ,10 v'i ' -7.. The Tomb off Washington,, at iMountVer non. J', 8. ew at 'the Great. Bend of; the- Susque hanha. J ! :.i i: :-V'ri -';..k :;J-, i. f 9. .jVPew 6f the Upper ! Tails': of jSplptnop's Creek, Luzerne county,-Pari,t'v"::!"4i-;? : Creek. Wi WW view fill. tew oi tne uausiciii Mouniau from-the Hudson; 13,. Vie w of Fort Niairara, on Lake . Ontario, from the Jlfightrhbusebri the .British. side.;c: i - . i Df se views are execuiea in ne pSc siyie :oi Philadelphia : Engraving from drawings' malle upon the spot. ! ' Each Plate: will beaccompani ed by ajfud and accurate description thereof, so as to-make it perfectly mtelligible to every pr- son.-iiv,, rhlpi4'ffe j The work, will be printed and issued toisubr scribersjin the first style, on superior paper1, and with a handsomely printed ;covert'andidnferd to subscribers at the very low price of Ond pil lar p vr copy.4 1 Flexible covers will be usei rpr country! subscribers, so that they can be iafely sent by Vnail. K - tt-. f i . : v-.: -v y . t' Ay gentleman, postasterv arid others, who will interest themselves to procure ten sub scribers! and remit; $10 to t'ie Editor, shall re ceive twelve- copies. . From'lthe very flattering patronage aire:;tciy receivea,; (iauu fUbscfiDers having already put down their' inamesl) tins' vo- urae win prooaoiy De succeaea oy anoiner as soon as otner. plates can be encrr .ved; All or ders from the countrv will be oromntl Vs-attends ed to. Address, -vj:,: I. ' f;r m j No. 64, Spruce street, Phdadelphia. Oct. 1. Steam Navigation up Cape Fear r.. I THE Subscribers bavin been appointed Agents -4 oi the ilennettapbteam Boat UompanyJ give nt tic e to! the Merchants and Shippers that 1 the Steam Boat Henrietta is in fine order, and tinder inexoni nana mi oapiam kuoii, wno is etpeci- enced and caretuu and isla part owner : I J he l.crhtersfare oood and sufficient, arid kept always readv In 1 case of Low Water. iv Warehouses at Campbejton are provided jfor, the1 reception of liooas ana votton. i ney assure tne pupnc tnat every attention and Faculty will be afforded to fender these Boats worthy of their patronage.-? The Subscriberwill attend to the receiving and rorwarqmg uouus io anyk parlor l ine aaxe, ano to the shipping ot Cotton and other Produce. ; ! -i '? ' I ;i- :i .! ; I' f:l "' i w ilkings &f ci CO. Fayetteville, Sept29:; 83w X OTIC Ei iTpAKEiJ up and entered on the Stray .Book of 4JL Cabarrus county, on the 27th ot A ig. 182$, a roan alare. ntteen or eiernteen vears 6lu4 blind jn one eye, fourteen hands high, with a. knot on one of her hamstriugs. -i-!CK- ;sli' : L' ' wj 1 fr--i ( h 1 f ALEX?R. SCOTT, i?n-cr I Cabarrus county SeptJ 18. ; ;t jC; 7 ISwp j C? TO SAVE IS TO GAIN 'I i o ' f- '-- -?" "' f ' - V'l' J . i ii it KLL tUM us maae new, orpicen ones mended, and new teeth put in, so as' td leave no appearance of having beenbrokeni ' ' 'In al ' cases the Comb will be restored to 'jtheisame firmness and transparency as when first madev.t': j Orders from a1 distance promptly attended to . f V 4, :: : by J. E. LUMSIJENij j - A ew rods southeast of the Court liouse.' ; f Rale;igfiJune! 12th, 1828.- ;- jj.r&'f ' QCj". Cajsli, and the highest price given for old oV broken shell Combs, as above; ; fM v IN. B.-4-8roken umbrellas also -mended. ' Co w -y KQlhtl mess. -I r'llHE , Subscriber i continues to transacts the jl , Auction anu viommission jjusiness. . 11 e is prepared to receive Crottori and other property on Storage on very , moflerate terms 3 A nd his uiiuiTiueq aiieniioii wni, ,oc- given 10. uic saieroi property entrusted to .made such arrangements as will enable him to make liberal advances bn Propertyeni itof him fitir sale land, from long1 experience .in the Ibusif hess, he haa no doubt of being able to give:gehe- wl.satiatioj:c ; 03 OrdersTbr: Goods wU be- strictiyattejidi ed' to. ; . i'?V' 4 M," PANNllX-v t iretersmirgj 3epi,o, . iaw4w. 4 It: lLtj be prepared to accornmotlate 1 5'irl6 i -Jept23;,ie2Sit lL,MAMand HAYAVOOD 4iave! fpri'fale A lew;days JpastT; m this citv-a tEAfnfrn TRTKxohtainingsorhe. papers The owner 'i F.ltrc..8.3 7 plying at this 0 Mice r v, yv, icpuiersMJi Auc.apprpacning tieneraJL ASr sembly wit h Board. They willaLjo be ; ptepart edto'tak4 their-Horses Aiv2AJ v f vr. jitogers-, vegetable Pulmonic; Detcr cnt?j niicinehighiy: approved of for iCorf. sumpti ve affections of the Xu ngs ' vll 1 V r' a RaleigbSept.-30thf 1 $28Wft t8' l-: rfflHE Exercises .of this .Instltutiorw will agata SU. commence on theSih ;.of .Seif. under th s-i- nennteniience nr Air fjm-rrp xn : ; 'Prnn ! but mote espec -om. ari acqti imtance witli his school, and :. i of 'teaching.. for the ses- jtyj pleasing examination '. tees. Recommend the In-- sion pasti-and the of his pupils, the stitution with the inost confidence. to all p i-' N rents and guardians who are-desh ous of edncat ing their children and vardsi and Willi the hiffh- : est pleasure assure them, that. in thijj Institution I T " . 'ft"-'1 f ;i i a . tne common error,xne consequences ot which are felt through Iife, of hastening children too ' rapidly in their studies, before they have Ia.;d a sufficient foundation in the rudiments of educa' tiori, will bercarefally avoided, "rufhe moral and x reljFgiousj uprightness of the I nst rilctorj furnishes' " thesures' pledge for' the moiralitv 'of 'his pupils, UsH Grammar jind Geography, $4 s Pupils receiving a classical educat;nn, Cr, .5 Board tan.; be procured 'm -town for 5 p cr month, and cheaper m,the country. ! . -V' .-, " ; Bv order of the Board,V it Ji ri" l V - . j '- f GreneyillevAogv ;25.:;fj-iM3-3t ,-; g ; many testimonials procured oy Air. stoices, irom TrinityjCollege,'. Dubli n'and "from tlis Ingui sh ed citizens both of lr-!and and thi Unite ! States : . i . . ' at least so tar as the influence -;cj example ex- -v -The terms of admission into tne. Academy are f ayjoii6wi;9--i;v -:; i .. Children lpirnntherieing,'. $3 .perjquarter ; A ?-'!j 1?ti y jreadirigv with UnjZ ? prepared to accommoitate .Ten or Tw e ly eM e rn-; 1 per oi inc. ensuing Aegisiure whu iioara.r Men tlemen with their Families, ' can have comforta ble rooms '.with fire places in ier dwelling house. - ? : Early applications would be acceptable ; - lr ;s ; PUBLISHED. ! jfA.Nl fb ?ale : at the Bbok-siorof X Gales sr 1 il. Son, m Raleigh, 'price three dollars, a nevi- coition pi tne. uthce and Duty of i a Justice of the PeaceJ and: a GuideJto. Sheriffs,-Coroneri : Clerks, Constables and other- Civil Officers hi Nortlv Carolina; ?VVith an appehdii con ami.i thejConstittitiohs of this State: arid of the United States, and a Tcollectlon; of thef jrndst approved, ' forms for the use of these Officer8.-; . . ; - ' . The vnewf Edition; of this Valuable' WorL: ori tains besides its formerttseTiilirnatter; the s -stance of all the imnortant -ArU asrl hv General Assembly irom the year i 1815. to tiie" prcciii. penou, wmcn appear under their proper heads.' -5.7j : j . Orders for this new ;YVork will be duhrattpn ?i ?rom anJ partorvnetate roct.,i.;.?828:; ;::,'-4u V., y- i c. . ..: . ... ' . . . . v , UpHE Subscriber wiU open ari Evening School, on th4lirst Mpmlay of November next. In this .School will be taught Reading; Writing, En- ghsh Grammar, Geography Arithmetic, fTrigov, " , nometry, -Mi nsiiratiori of surfaces arid solMs, Na i vigation and Surveying. ; , The most faithful ef.V . i forts will be made to jrender these Useful brimch-KM es of Education easy and farniliaV to those youn' eeatlemerii who roavl be disnnu-d tn ntf . V4 i : The terms j will be moderate; Sand may be known? V by applying to the -iubscriberi, .-:.t --V.,'"'-.-? V j U - JO.VA . nTfc; PRptm a .r .RaleightfSept. 30; 1 828J : X i V: )t ? t 7 4 Jlavejust fc':44iy4 "ffEMOIU on the Cultivation' ofthe Vin. lf -.on ilic; best'mVtde of making Wi'riesecona-; -Edition, j Washington City 1828J i Price balft . Raleigh,! Sept. 22. i qntlE, Subscriber has for sale in": vrarrenton, i . upwards Iof 40 Cotton Gins bT J ohn IX Da vidson's best manufacture, Consistingfof different- sizes, pi from to saws, both Iron and ftseJ ' is pncea per Saw are SI 50 and Z2. 4 GORDON CAWTHOUN. s; Sept. 4, 1828. 1! i- V FOiT CONSOLIDATE D9 1 uo do 5;000 .1 ".I r:4,00 4,000y.L- ; , .'.,2,500, if-; - of;50f.;-!; ;v;i;fao vi- -it do, ? 1,350 1,000 - 5r Prizes of rmoni't do 7 t,y! do 4,446-of S26-' Whole Tlpkets S2(V Hal veS Ifj, C ; -1 T .tX3-Htders (Post naid.V 'To; N: drawn' ldtJt Nov.; 182fiL'S j Sr:'' tdo f 20,000 ! j ro.jnoo:: to. S Address all orders tdT::'. 1 1 V ; . --T. : ' 1 4' -i. gYL;5IcINTVRE, ' . : . those, who thav", 'favni "Viit. itt:,u'u - that the utmost exertions shall be used tor. their situation agreeable. . i . . " r itaieign ept- j : 64wr rTpnESubscriper is prepared to acc -n:n;oJate ' ;U;with .board; VJ! or 15 -Members cf the aq. ' preaching Xgislature.lt;n'c; fas-a r.un.bcr cf ve -ry comfortable .Bed-rooms, iT;t;,chtd fi om his : Dwelling, and convenient to the Zt ite-House. .'s tie would also Jtake XS or ?0 llcrse3 to feed. havinr r.i ibundauce cf all kinds of - provend.2 M?fS?Pm fepared to acccir. , , , MnodateX2 or 15 members of the p ri-, -mg Generat Assemblr witU board. . hl , 'Km, i kmm:m0mmm fen -' "'' -f- 1 i - ,'

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