1 1 I I. J.TUESDAVy OCTOBER I I 7 . . . .! -.- I M h MAM r-nn 1 ' Tl 1 1 111 Mr r. in I LUaUU:34 11 VU 0 VVUUt - iuuvuimvi IS - T - T jirj! Me nirvl on Fridav'lasti .fcoa-siderabte-thVK,-;- ; National Intelligencer denies hay ever used ihe language, imputedto lb "Lap StarMi relation to GenJackson. the only levidehce'Tvhich:the Star i ' 0UJJ adduce 01 uciicka. -u ..v.. ! -for office, tnrnioat to.be not genuine. ' TheTSult of the. Election's in Maryland i&d Delaware, ;l)asca ;arrible;damper Lr thWpiritpf Jackson paiyv 1 Kone seem tofeelnore acutely than, the ! Editors ot : the Start Oecause none.; pave ! teen more credulous than, tliey Aln their hst papcrVjthey- enayor L frce of :th& blow from; Maryland by jpablishin? tableJin which" they ; labor to iiLvp that Jackson" will yet receive 5 or 6 ' iElectoralVotes ; in. that .s State To show .kow'delasive!rc;thej enaous i jtheir conduct, we will advert La single yistric-inwhicli 4wo FJectqrfPSThe third ; Electoral Dis net in Maryland;; consists Frederick, xch send to the Legislature,1 etr jack son andybwr iAdromistratip Tile Editors of the Staf jpu bl isW this state ment of the relative weht of jtKeARepre ntaCion. and on c the strength of it, pat down the two Electors of the District, for Jackson. Now, it 19 as' certain,' that the d'Drstrict will elect two Administration : Electors," as that Tennessee vill votet for Jackson, In Washington county;, where at the last election, the Jackson !majority vanear GOolit was reduced at the recent election, to 1 115, Jmd th'elr Majority;,." in Alleghany was 14 i making, the , total JacKfion majoruy sso,' Aisiinst this ma jority. we have to put the. Ad mini strati on Majority in iFrederiek county, which Is 322, so that. we are stronger in, the .whole district,- by 65 votes than our lopponent$. And as it is admitted, .that in the Electo ral Election,-ItHat majority will be greatly . . . 1 Increased, it! is even (given tip by . Duff Greeri. -"') Tliis single instance; will- serve to show the utter ;hopelessness of the Ge- The last "Star still harps, on ; thestale and. ridiculous story of icorruptiori ; on the part of Mr . Adams, "at the last election o f President; Ko one believes it! and but fqw have tementyr'enough t6j brave pub lic sentimeni by Adverting, io lit. rLet hinvever anylcandid rnan -read the letter of Gov. Metcalfe ' of Kentucky, which .forms a part of the -Appendix-to the' able Address of Colonel Trimble,. arid he must aarait trial tne oniy corrupt euoris wnicn ere. made, proceedeld from the friends of General Jactson; Gov Metdalfe says expressly-that; the immaculateMr Moore f Kentucky; during the pending; of the v Presidential Election, just after the meet inj of Congress, called) on' him and; made ie subioined communicationi vhich ex- ' t. " . ...Lilt..-.,!..;.., , A . :- j--." t.; . .; i ; ' hibits as darinj: and profligate an at- tempt at bribery, as was, ever recorded in the political annals of any country--I ;!-. Major. Moore stated to mc, that lie Iad ju?t receivnl a letter from Coir I'Afee, i informing liinj and I think he said requesting liirn to in form me tfiat! in the event of acknon'ft.elcctio'n , tothe Presidehcy I m'ght be elected, to the Sen- ate ami that I would n tl tlwt '.case receive the tvotfe of my frxetuhy "I was'at a' loss to .perceive hw the election of Jackson could bring me, so near the Sejvite ! an.d l asked him how such an fvent couM happenas noj vacancy could occur. fjr several years in KentiicTcy? His answer was-j-.V'Jack.ion is elected,ColJ Johnson receive1 J the afpointinept cf Secretary if VVaA -1 tlien tedhim hoW it could Jeo-uKl erst bod ? He jcplied,: wit h.ai Significant hod,, that in passing, tijrugh Kentucky, the friends of I j he 'Genera I, -rthe Cleneval himselfl amnot cei tat v which' -hal ?jivcn the int;mation' to the friends of Col. Johnston. '-'j IT, '1 Iltse are th fartc !n thpP oa frifcta .1. - t hich I 'mndej known to 'some I at, .myftiVnds jmmedtattly jifter the ! commuinlicatio wa$ tna'le to me, andtf otliers with but little reserve, Kr.ce that time-. 'And if " circiimstaiices f should tireaftcr make if necesaryVbe foregoing state- i, r f ueposeto tliese.truths V and I. am hot willing to Miev&ihat More is,dep'rtvetl enough to 'deny jthi'rnl If he ioit-s, however painful the issue, .(he. LiH nmi-i juiie hetwetnui'i & TFthe decision against iufc; I will take-'an appeal, - with ' the TITO 1 AS MJ3TC ALFE. a greater Eutterinsr'amonsr thewdund-: d pigecins of' his partfliarie;4mpr ient man in which heun)osome self to Col. jHumphroyt;eiat ducUori oftiic Armyil'oJm. Sfc to be': damnednstedd 'ft Army Hid nfjmtiilikiiisd tpf expIanationv and the;Oppo-o?Etor3,throSout Vot perfect certafnty of success,' to that;.trierX 'jnu.buns.l which is. beyjtmd.lhe .virge of -lhis ctl.ig existence. . J i, , . f U u, . 1 'ral 3 oiquities they?attempt to piliatej ovyiaiauuu 13 TOO t Uirtll HiT itti- 6 WW say, that fc Was.in habits of-corf cr,rond-1 linseed.'and .castor . oif,-a!t, copperas. 01 ' ' f CUtC uui m. man . uv w - , vT -,,1 - " 5- ' - ' - " " f , r ed;-ViBul'the declaration,, and the. terms in 'which it .is, jstic of Jthe Geneu& - thKat they will force th e conviction of heir genuineness .on th public:mind. K '.m w V The Star piiblishes - an extract from a letier written by General Jackson in 1801V .iV- to prove that he did not,H :in 1821,' abuse the Government' for reducinc the j Army. Upon the same principlev it may besaiy, he rea f te r,: tha t th c -Rich m on d E u c u i rer dj d not' advocate the election of Jackson in X 1 828, becau sei in 1 624,: it d eprecated that event as. a curjse upon the counfryl tf The. Annual expenses of the Govern- r m en t during M r. Ad am Ad mini stration During have r been about 89,460,000, Mr Monroe's Administration they averag ed about: SI p,47j2,00.0 : . making; a differ ence of about "a million a. year, in. favor of Mr. A'd ams. t What a prodigal Ad mini tration! - " . -:' - S The Editor of the North-CarolinaUour- nal, with his accustomed want of caVidor, has given the Register, the credit j of hav ing originated a paragraph, which hej knew, for the fact stared him in the facet was copied from the 'feason Statesman) f We will help this repuscitator of old docu-I (ments to a fact, which,: if it be treason - t i i hejmay make the most of it; ; ' . tVVe did not espouse the cause w of; Mr- Adams, previous to the last Presjdehtial Election, because we were heart and mind, in favor of Mr. Crawford. Nay, prioreJ had that distingu ished Patriot been jalcarij didate now, we should still have adyocat-l ed his election. As the case now stands, ve can have no difficulty-ill chusing between the pros pect of national peace and prosperity, and j national dpcrradatinn and iitirnl tvrRn- - . T . r- T. auu",c.1 rti;u t-T l r v Avn am a rx .4 4. l- 4 1 I reason Ibr preferring Mr. AdamsJ He has been tried, in the ordeal of four years' Administration of public affairs, ar d has come out pure. (The National Dpbt will have been diminished during his term of service, roRTYxyivE millions of Tollars -We are at peace vith all the world, and under his iu spices, likely to continue so. His conduct is irreproachable and his in-. tegrity without. stain or blemish ! A very large meeting of merchan -1- s and o- ---j o . . " . - other citizens, opposed to the Auction System, was held in the City of New- York, on the 10th instant- at which Wal ter Bowne, David B. Ogden, and Camp bell P. White, Esqs were nouvinated and recommended to 1 he support of the voters of that City opposed to Auctions, for iiwjm bers of Congress - - Nearly 2,500! voters were estimated to have been present at the meeting. t Things in General. An , eloquent production purporting to be Jackson's ad dress to his Army before New-Orleans, has been extensively published by the Jackson papers aSj' evidence of the Gene- ral's talents. In ... . ... this Address he s maue to say, ' Soldiers the enemy wh&m you are to meet comes flushed with the victory of Waterloo The fact that the battle! of Wa terloo was not foujght till some months af ter the victory of jSTcw-Orleans, was unior of the tonately forgotter by the author impudent forgery. . Singular. person in boring for fresh water recently atjthe end of the wharf in Providence, penetrated, through the arti- ficial soil, and then th'rbusii.several stra papd and gravel, when, at the depth of feet ' below the the river he came to a quantity o grapes, grapeseeds,;ha2:el nuts. bed of ' vlTies; acorns, leaves, pipe bursJ and sundry fru it seeds of kinds unknown.; l Kenyan College1. -We learn by his ad- vertisement, that Bishop Chase, by whose exertions at home and abroad a very con siuerame sum ot: noney was oDtaineo lor the purpose of fot nding Kenyon Collegef in . Ohioi, has beer compelled to offer - his owrr farm with a 1 its appurtenances, for , sale," in order tq pay the workmen em? puyed4nvcpntra seeips that th re e jthou'san d d ol lars will; be uiEcient "to Imel theexigehc J'nd thfe xsisr offers his property for that amount in -cash; ted Wool I e n lapii f actori es. oi ; the Union is'stated tt be .consumed yearly establishment v 1 neyy no 1 e capital inves ted Jjjeii jinated at OOippO, anil the ac feveicapital a 4Q ojf 506o3S T6e; aiK tiuai yieia oLoroaa , ciotns is statea: to ue ftpml to 15i6da s.fc Several 1 other. flburishin jr Svollen ; and cotton nialiufacto ries paa smaller, scale. are- rcisd within The principal xpdrt;from the state : are near cauie norses nogs , uourj corju v vyr batcoi ginseng, spirits mi tter, cheese, w Pojivcner--It was a shrewd maxim of Wesley,' the' founder bfMethddism, Cnot to be ,posi tive in things of doubt and tu n t certainty. - 3Vhen I was a' youn man,? said he, fi I was, sure of every, thing put iira few years, finding myself mistaken iri j so sure of most things as before : 4 ' Trent the National Intelligencer, ? 1 "'. . .Th eelectioninDel aw a r e , i s . o f grea 1 1 m portance in the general, conflict Taken in! coiiexipn with; the resiists of the elections elsewherej itj leaves to the Combination a! hopeless prospect- ' s ' v?-;': - W'e'have before u s a calculation, ad dressed by Jir. Wicsliffe to his consti tuents, alter litis return, home ' from the! last stttins: ot Congress in which he claims' for the military candidate 150 votes, cer-j tarn, f AmonjK tnose ne claims xne 101 lowing electoral votes ; From the State of Maine, ' 2 New-York, 2-1 New Jersey, 8 Delaw-are, . 3 Maryland. ; 7 44 votes. He 1,. claims all of the other doubtful States. For the sake of agument we will: grant those to! him j and then how stands; the account ? bovel ?Ja-t?J Deduct from his claim, as the votes. clai nied which ther General will Qse, viz : i . - I From the State of Maine, NwfYork. New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Y2 . 8 6 And deduc t these thirty -one Votes froth the 150 claimed as certain for the Gene ral, and we leave him, On Mr. "Wickliffe's U own showing in a minority of 119 votes,; isivinff to Mr. 'Adams.- a plurality :of '4S! votes over hit s-, It is thus tlat already public sentiment,: discloses itselt, overwhelms our adversa- ries on their own ground, and spreads its j impenetrable jEgis over the cause which! it has been our duty to endeavor to susr tain. ! We make no boastful comments on this- cheering spectacle. It is enough to present it to our friends in its naked truth and glorious promise. On friendf, on I Though but begun, the battle's almost won. Norfolk, Oct. 6. We learn tljut 60.000 tjushels uf-wheat arrived in New York from the South, in 5d ys, which was sold at Si SO tn gl 40, anil some gl 50 per bushel. - F-fmir in New York scarce. In Bc.ws ton a "scarce ; 87, to S7 50. Sone, it is said,, has been sold in Philad ilphia at g8. i ' ' We announce wiih depp sorrow, the death of Captl Robert IIknlky. of the U. S. Navy ai the timi nf his deadi coui inand:int of tli Naval Station atr Charles ton. (S. C;) for .m:iny years and until vc- ceri'ly, an esteemed resident of this I r oueh,! ahd one of ihe most disiirgui?hej d our naval heroics in the last war with Ert Island. The laurels wan by his skid and gallantry on Lake Churaplain are-(oo,ver. lant,! and his fame too warmly cherished by his country and friend 'to require. a re cital at this A me 5 while his civil worth, and many estii lable traits of character, will cause! his mem :ry tj be tonjj levered. Of enemies,. he hail lew, ami deserved to have none, ; ' f.. '.'.' .': . ' Capt. H.. did at his residence on Sul'i van's Island, on the 6ih insf. affp'r a few days illness, of bilious feverjjiged 45 yeMrp. i lis death is -an event of the deepest afllic tion to his relatives and numerous friends. Nor. Beacon.. Fire! We learn that the sp icious and handsomely fihihetl brick mans 611 house. on' the farm of! George Newtox Ksq. sit uate oh Liynhhaven River,- Princess Anne V'ouniy abnu! 20; mifvs from Jhis towu, was totally destroyed iy fire on Sunday last about mid-day. The. lire is s.jd to have been '.communicated to the ro'f Irom the chimney, and before any exertion could be made to extinguish it, for the want of a ladiler, it gained an acenda iicy t hair mocked all human power to check' its progress- 1 We understand thar ther building was insured in the L ndon Phoenix cflice, in I lite.'' Ttiimiio- 1, lor live 1 hoiisa n I d u 1 1 a rs. Norfolk Becaon. ; New Yd RK, Ott. k. ;Jr, 1 Sickness in jhe Neighbourhood. blic prayeVs were offered in somejof mir church es lastjSabbaitirfor thtick in ihe towns 1 n d vi 1 1 a ge s ad j a ce ii t to Ne w- Yor k ;Fro; the statements that we hear there must be I A geatjd-:al ofj distress in, ihe country at l he - presen t r om e n tl : Dr. S pri hg ' i neii r ti o fi e 1 fri m li i s pul t, s t hat ? i u a ' t rb church and 'congregation' in thisvicfiiity, such, wWs tfie prevalence of diseatethat b u f ;'e y i tec ri pf istip sjfv e re a bl e t i : at t enii churcht cm; ther ms K fA:: horse tha t is attacked i th Jbbs i a said t recerve i mmed iate ;reief by d renching him, with a q u a r t o f -0sh br i ti e tGl ve y bu r horse a handful of sal t, or 3 times'a iveek, it w iil i reprove, h is app? ti t e, and keetfKinr 'V. 't -Lt4.1 v herlndopaper&ajthat; Dr. S61P 13 jn? a new worK. t r v it is a evi' ee n t leiitarialho &ta ted, i t ha t in" man V places Hi ere; a eian t '.iKl; t" I co'iutiglr; take'ia'ireofJl I Do'em of which thd hero and heroine belonsr vrites tell 'V-Oar election Jiasiosedthg-Admin istratibn has triampbidin DlawareVi The majority for; Johns' (to Cotigress) 1 1 s - 41 9 IatbeSta,te The ma iority has incf eased since .wip taai. year&vou voiesv ior hub au- but-uli in yain,; "fThis State t truly fixed Three electors- yill go;for Adanis arid Mr: RidgelyVwillbe left out,1 and a'enar. tor sent 'to Confiress to support the Atl- miui stration'. 'riiiis it turns out tWa't hick oiy ppies anu uriusn lniiueuce aiijioiiui: ry, Are'not I tha r means jtoiinfluenci the pleasure ot givinsr-tne result 'to.'. my ed country ; irout yofir p .- f. W-?;y? ,r;oWc .o.T ere I is ;attheri lii:. iio.aset;'HVwWf' pintt ofCee IVvn p h a 4&.cacfi ed.J;! li 4 J ;t ra orl f ija ry ae jl OlB y eli r l)e. J tw.a liorn in the souih eid tif Wlcs, Jnl7$( , IliI77Je;caHie atjthe age f .56,; heeriii iHtfe company of caValry-vAVas inf.e'eniep. tn'eiits at .Fhithuabfe Wh isl a nd, . &c. -A l Whj ( e j Pa1nHhe;'f wa wounded by a cut irvm hs hedv-lhtf right . eye-Trtwp pistol bul le t v i n, hlsf leg and a b-iyonet ihruston ihe biTaatbonf .7 lie also received a ttimahawk wounif fronf an Indian in t!e , Gnenesee Flats. ' Jit year he walked to Sharon,(Coii.) 150 mil e. in 8 days. H never, ilrank spinU-ijntiF-after 60 years of 'age. H is sep MHf firn; lii eye quick, and his memory goid.? f ! e p t o b i b y ! h et 0 0 ly ma n ; I i yip g iv b $ remembers Gen. Wcdfe, and storhYing,.f Qu e bee. at th m pure of.whi ch 1 1 e a sis t- ' Robert Burns -The fol I (iwiriir re minds us of the coijlintent which Field ins; I om, Junes, pnid to his : friend ;Garr4cki through Pirtnjdge r ; The early "natrnness of v Burns;Mj(;s Dun lop," of Dunlnpy, hid an old htiU5ekp- er. a!i;t of priviigd person who h;t.i'erj'; tail arisifocratical notions f the family dig-f' nity, iy, tnat mane tier uiteriy- nmisneiiiaj: e fttfentinns Tha t . vIre.'jfa i d Uy.- -her -i iij 1 'S to aniau in sucJv'o'.v virdy .esiate the as the rusiic pot. 'I d overco'uc nr jre'f judice, M rs. 1). persuaded her .to perjuse : a MS. copy if TUe Colter's SaurpVyfj NigHl," whklv !he jKet had just then, vrii; ten. Wteu" Mis. Dunlop inquiie'dqhej3li! pinion of the poem, she replied wiffi a quaint , iniuiierence A vveei. iuaam,; thdt'fe vera Well." I that ill vou have t.. say in its tivot f 7 aki.d tier mist re ss.t ' Deed, madam," ;he return d,, ,the ike; y (iu qu al it y rn ay see a vasi lire ; but"! was. aye used' to t;iej like o' all that the"' et has wi ittt-ji ;d)out in' my aifi f j'h Pi hae described it any other gait.l? Y-jieVj Burns lu 't rd of" the. Jd! womuii's crLcimj he rernaikrd ih it it Was one of the highest 'compliment he h;l evcr received.; ; - JndohffeektyBeviem -Naptdeon's ietterfto Sa vary on sending him to Russla;'is a'hnd specimen-f (thf a cutei'ess of his ini'idl In your c'nversa4 lion" says .h'e c;vreluily ay.id auv : thing ih-nt' muy be odVnsive . For iiistartce: never speak of war.: ' Do v; not condeluin any lujiiomo'1' cotnni-nt upon any, ahsur-i d i t y , E v esry ' n a i 6nj ha ts .pe c u I ia Htis ; and it is too much tieijiab-orihe l')retch to com pure all custt mi's with their ow jT nd to set ihemsdyeji uj as mod b d t ourse and by rend ring vou obnixihys in society,'jt will pre e-ityuu froiit )supceeU ing in any thing.'.' ; -"r.sT,.-: A.f J.-f A mbigui ty of speech so m etitnes le.nl$;tq very Rati mistakes .tnilitia cap'aln !re ceived a bdUt from a jady of fashion, 'rje4 que.tfh'" the: pleasure of his cnnip-anytci! te-T- on a ceriain. evjenit.g,- ;'NiwVporjr arose how to undrftrid the" word c,mpa'-i ny : nnd the captairl being a man .of realj military viewsi very tia'tuially carne to he. co n c I u j in n 1 ha t i t in lean t n ei t h e re por 1 ess than the Company of M iiitia;w4iichjiief; had the honor to comiaahd. . Accordingly wh 't was tlM astonishment of his hostess & her friends to benold not ;6nly the: cap-l tain but fxU'wItof e'iGimpa est subaltern tii tbeif most ragged; pfivte armed a u d equippe j i 1 their usual Sty I V' nil lie t ua'l "t' -the,Huu5f in v i fattonirity tai' dust ami hnogry; astjoris ! Neefcfy sucq civiisterftai ih iti'dra wing room Ibel fiore. The old ladies lifted up their hands and ey-s in astoriishmerit ; tll.evtnai'ter' ihe houe bit his lipstwith" yexatiorij; and the hostess, as ; in duty bouiidi'swent mtp the hysterics. In which situation we leave them to th e sy in pa in y o f t heread er. Berkshire American. . ' 4 Pennsylvania eianiTheIec fpr Cohessaiil theStateIsfatdrei: pccurripdin Pertn from the three Ijlifetric W emjMclecl by;hif iadelplnacityTahdcbu jgeakt hasjtost 'hisfelection by 500 majorf tjty. nisi success mi nvai 'jUF-'jri.einmut is a Federalistiof thfc OlbVchoT antf pas o:of;termidn time VCq xother Miller and Sutherland, arer reflected by large majorities. ' ; Perinsyivania votes by vcueiai- gt.icK.ev anu. pons ,jlou,uuu. : Jtne electi6ninMlade1phia therefore lstnot ucusivc pi uie irresiueauai sirucrie - in that StatepgWe shadt hea? fx oralrrlte juiuisirauuu..4itc.acKauiitt;&-'iia sorted to nean3 .that.could- notbestooped to by ;lhe:Triend9of:tlie'-'JldmlDisiratiun:-; first State tha has chosen 4hose thatiap point electors,' I cannot .deny, myself the ed AVith others his quota cf 6if7ztwi- irt the dia astrou? battle, pf Leipsic' Since the second res foratioY of the Ji urbohs'he Iras resided in thi3 iisyluih of oppressed ltu'mjnity,mo3tly in tiecrg tottrnwhei the amiability of his ' character.; iia' converted each acquahiln nee in'ta a frieiuT; A rno'st'rar'e example of filial devotion & amosteiw Jalibu.svcrudition," lie has: letlim"'tnanucnpt:- a "work,: shotddJt fcyciv Jrc ,ptibji3hed will pfacd' his.jame hit;I in tKe'ranlc vf litenture.'Jor.in NORTft-CAROLlN A . kJ4 ' 1 rOltVlCE-TOESIDKNT, ' into the?. tnLVcotinty' of Strfyt Tfi'CaroJvna -jn Octobef JJkmiriistratiort JFZlectorat TiclccZ ! c : See6ndilAbiQT Vtniiii of Irertell, c g'$n$r()r Wrt -fiv Jjurtf jii'pf LTueolvir ' ; ; ' ,U:? fourths r& irt64beTryj; o f .M dhtomV : , . v:ix; f Akxaude r. 13i:aj3, of naridulpfi, .-' - fSrveut7t ??f.lfe HXtlobe'soaS of Cumbrlandj . " 4ffiffcMmt 8-T $'sii'ilhf Ora njfj At iV?aM, "; ' . -iVifntmirof Wakrj V- . (;:kf;?:UAiFIward;ul :;:;,. ; ;rJtM Suel tlyrny of Jjtartini ':'.-' V. 'fr.m Si-tilAcMffeV'-of tirav'CiU v:;- - lasTVnd baiinetrwitfr mt'fpr $90or 304 cres ? ; of landily?iig:-iir said Ctmnty 'ahd'gavq "iic six ' otsx)f $100 euchj.aU ' of them bein due be tweeP theISt fit.lCtK-Vif the present month, & re ceived a penat bonfrtfm metb -convey the title J when rhe money sliotild be. .pidb!ut;somt?iionthi J. After,. the said Co vington abconded;- taking t "... . bond with hini; is.is therefbr? to notify yYnr; ; Covington: to come forward, pjiy'olf his J note und receive title; v V , . l-: ;? t.. 111UA1A5 UL.ll U A IV JL . , October 13, " 1828 ' V 1 : i W- 12 Sty r- M:; IUINKA.UD wishirigfjto i withdraw from i'-'ihelJjGmmniiprt.?IiU by mumaKconsepU uosewhb jare indebted to ; ttiat coiicernj will SeUle the same WJth eitl.er bT tlte ibcribersi;iind those. Whojliave; claims r ill 'a call on them ibr avment ; - . UflvC , 4 X-y-f?r' -' ' ': ' - sepVsqf;yrt:to ? , f "ff'HE Su&scrUersiiaveYormed a jCoparfriership.'-'. ! 11L iider thV the purpose of contihuuig the Commission JJusl- ness heretofore conducted by Gilmbur ti DrinkarS'. ; f'heir Vcountin room'isio'thej Istore' of :I4 E, . iStainback on B6lhhgbnQk Strl,: aiiil they oc , copy the large fireproof,; Warehouse. fadjoinrn-:' that of the former firm, whre they are- prrpai i ed to receive Cqtton and other produce for sale. , atnl on stora.rtvteiue.st Bontpiuan;ce. of -business from .,iiieirrieqia., rrjr.,itheih'of;' every ;id vantage ,"obe derived frifi personal at ' tentioiT, from acknowredge"of markets at home '; . and ab rbad 'anijfi'ni: bei ng hfllcr ; and .Vfl ot purl ; chasers raS produce,-;; They will receive and for- ward 6o(lsribr jCbuptrymerchunu an ! ; at the-customary Tatesfi k 1 '5 1 .' '' '':-'' -v, 1 ' rr rnr hat yM. GiLMOun, : : ; "Pctersbiir;Sept,:30V.'ii'';-S-r'.-'V: v - - AN A V AY from the subscriber, on the 6th of Oct. 1828, a negro man (of die name of ', III IJAV about 26 years old, a very stouf, mu.scu' lar. vftsllow -i weighincr bbutr onej hundrel 'and ninety .or ' t wa'Hu.ivrrrd ppu ntC!.pe;'is lifjht com. plected, has a small scar bn the end of h i s nose, 'WiihVveiy prominent cheek boijes--no other ' mark recollecteil. - He had on;wlieh lie abscond ed, a Threatl awdx Cotton ShirtJ a long- tailed, . h'omespurt mixed Cat white CbtCpn Puiitaloons ' ; and a black ur ,Hat -H also jhjid with him, stripeoVpair ' of Pantaloons and mixed licunda- ": bout Coat,;; Ieqglit biniof Mij. tohn Elliott, Jr, nearf the uuctionof- Wayne,?-Duplin tid.V 8amp$oh counties.'lIe will no dbabtVnake back; - for, his ld neighborhood as I had - only carried ? . himabotit thirty or thirtyfiye 'miles.; I will pay thfc above reward to apy person" v. ho will t-eure ' hrm.iri JaH so that 1 get hirni indj if delivered t6 me in Milton, CasWtll county, all Yeasonabla ; charge will be paid. ' -: ' , -h-"', ' '.'". JNOG. W1NGFIELD. '.'" ';' :TOogvjgani T1 HE Subscriberrwishes to sell on very mod . rate ."terms, or- to exchange for Vestem Lands, severarvaluabfe improvedaiid nnimrnv ed Lpts in the City of IUleih r fThe improved Lots iare amongst the piost ; eligible" in the plac6 one of them combining the conveniences of art ' xcellenttaijd;'ter .Store aniJ ', "'capaciou-' DwelUn lfouse. He i.v willing: jn case, an ex change inland should be ' pfiered, to nav'anyy-''' diflerence which tnay exi$t In the valUe of the propertyi in Oash During his absence MrJlFlT- ,.,ww; .iuiy. auiuorisea py mm to ci3 jose or a'riorali'jof his Tot standi rested with full pot I er;td enter into any contract in his stead., ; : i:-5 . i ?te?ti oim . v. gonckd. v ... Raleigh, 23d Aug. : ' 97 ' ' ' F. S. Should the above prep t not be soLI- bef ofS the. expiration of , ih& ; r. : . unt year, th1 same will be'forrenU-VX' ;1. . . h',: , ." - , : " State of Ncrth-Caroliiia. " K Court of Scjuity SeptembrCerm 1S2S. i:-r Warren Wallace, admrw of JTames English decM. ' : ' ':)i':-y'y- : '.'.t v " Jhn Surmon & wife fc1 others.' " 'V ' . ?CirSEKKAS "rtueht by Bill cf i T -comjdaint an thei Superior Jourt cr Lav E for-thi;Coun(yvof Pitt by Jamcj Ha- ' hshganst JohpSurmon and Euphamia hU ifei apd Gatsey;Salry,4mdi Ira; Ledon, whicb suitaf SepternheriTerni lS death. of said Jamea English, and at kst March ' Term " pfsaid Court, VVn James English; filed his Bill praying to have said suit and ; proceeding thtrcon r rev ived against said defendants, wlyeh Was granted, Ifcnd it ap' pearlng to'the satisfaction cf the Court that John ;; Surmon and ub&&np bis wife',? Cxtsey, Sslhv apd Ira Leaden, defertdams in th;3 suit, ie not ' inhabitant of tliis State, it ?is ordered by tha 'cttbat publicstioif bexsade for sis vrtzliz ihellaleigbRegislerhat 'the defend u -k pear at the riext terra cf said; Court to .'heid" A latheCounty cfTtt at' the "Court IIou3 in i Greer !e,Pn ;the rt lionday In ILirca i nextj and pL J, answer or demur to : the Bill of the ebraplaioant, or the t :e will be iaken pr coa- , Xesso and set U? Bearing es parte. - - . . .-