1 ' if .1 r j ..V ! T"" " ' I I Ifcl ' ' ... - - , ,, , - j, .- . ; VWMI I lip I VUTUSIN. Bt N.-A. Hayek. ' Ml . ' t 7-. - . j ;.y-:; jI Jove the de?s of night,' v v!;" I l.v e howling- wind, t v 1 lote to hear the tempest sw - Q'e the billows of the deep -L T " I Tor nature's saddest scents delight n'V'-:;; ; Toe melancholy mind ; vf- I Autumn! I lore thy bower "WithTaded garlands tlrest i Howsweexaione to linger tnere -: Vhen tempests rid& the midnight air, ; . Tof snatch; frorn mirth a fleeting hour j "The sabbath of the breast,' , v '4. Peysinf iESlnipreMsxYa ir riantstcd to state their nriees y the year. Thoswho con tract will receive iurir , pay uaricriyui , iup months, of BIay;AngnV November and Februa-. ry, one month ahejr.the expiration'of each quarter. '5:5. No other than a free white person fchall be I jfemnloved to carry the maw. 4 y ' 1 , .6. "Wliere the hrdposer intends to .convey the, mail in the body fa.sjfage. carnage, he is desir ed to state : it inj bi8proposals and the; stage must be of sufficient sizer , tinless.otherwise ' ex pressed, to accommodate sevTO pnsengersV" s 7. Every proposer may "offer in Ills id tomalce an impmvement inthe transportation ' of ' the mau, iTomf me: lerms.iinyitca, cunex as i" ur mode of transoofiinc ltthesDeed riedniredi or j4i x V' I . 'Uie frequency of the- trips perwewhich iveep 4 '-t shall receive due consideration .Ci il'VVV--'ii ij , -V ' 4 4 The number o " the post route shall be stated 1 To bedxawn at Richmond, VaVSlst Oct,,!' : C ' - " I scheme: 1 v t4 I ;i Priic bf -lBlO,t)00 Vis 1 1 - Pi Autumn 11 love thee well $ ' ' ; 'Though" bleak thy breeses blow rl love to see thy vapors flsei f - - .- And clouds toll -Wildly round the skies, ;! "Wherefrom! the plain the mountains swell Ana foaming torrents flow, a ' l r V y Autumn! , thy fading flowers , ? r. i AJroop Dut to oiQom again ;- fs o man though' doomed to .grief awhile, i To' ttang'jbn fortune's fickle smile, 1 1. ? Shall .glow in "heaven with nobler powers, V '-. I..---- I. . -.aw aicu iui raiw .---.-- , t , j V, : -9,. -VjnnHE.. Subscriber, continues i to transact the iL- Auction and Commission Business. f He is prepared to receive Cottorjj and other property, on Storage on very moderate , jerms.' And his undivided attention will be .given to the sale of property entrusted to his Management. -He has made sulch'arrangementSft as will enable him to mafie liberal advances on Property sent , to bim for sale i and from long .experience in the , busi ness,' he has no doubt of being able to give gene-" raJ Satisfaction. - ; '', ' ' p;s fi r. uraers-ior urooas win oe sincuv axienu-: -ed to- r-r h, : K W3I. .PANNILL. ' . ,- - Petersburg, Sept. 6, 1828. i n . 4 law4w 4 JSTqzo Clothing "Establishment. y "'1 " .':'!-:-.'' t .' 1 rl; l ; . ..; ! 17 Y&ffiRCmNT Z 41 LOR, - i. i' 1 jEtjrcivJi 1-.Y xrom iNew lore, wouin respect lDli;':fully Inform the citizens of Raleigh and-its 'icinity, - tbat-.be is preparing .to open, in that V, Citn ah ; ESTABUSHMENT OF; REMY ::!WADE"CliOTHlNU, stich . as' llress and Frock " Coats, Over Coats, Vests, , Pantaloons, Camlet , &pjaid Cloaks; ianry Arttcles, &c. and as . the subscriber .keeps in -Etttibiishtiient in Ncxcbern, v where he has constantly on 5 hand a choice as sortment? of Fashionable - Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestiners, i&c. he can furnlslw his enstpmers with f . any article ot uiotnin?, eitnerfreaay made or to forder at the shortest notice, made up in te , most durable au 1 fashionable style- All orders will be most thankfully; received and promptly execoted,!on the most reasonable terms. 4C AC -J-'J! ii " 4 - - Sept. 23dj 1823.. 10 4vr PROPOSALS Ftr carrying the Mails of the United States on the ' - follaynnsf routes, icill be received at the General oj jxovenwer next. .Pott Office, until the 25th day to r'rr-'NORTri-CARppAV. .:m:From SmilhfieldtbyJlafbrcTs Bridge;; . Stantonsbur?,' ence a week," 35 miles.:- j.j ; ' Leave Smithfield every Tuesday at 6 am, and -arrive at Stantonsbtircr by 6 p m. ' 4 ' Leave same every Wednesday at 6 a m, and arrive atraitnneJa by p m. ; 57. From Benufqrt, by Shaklefard's Banks, to pcrtsmoutti, once a weeic, miles. j n$ ! Leave Beaufort every Wednesday at 6 a :h, and -arrive, at Portsmouth Leave' same every. rV'. im, and arrive at :.; Beaofort:'.T!t'':-v-."v- '" -K ' hi 58. From .Waynesvilje, to Seyierville, Tenri. Leave. VVaynesville every T.Qtlier Sunday at 6 a 7it and arrive at Sevic?rviUej . on Monday .by ''11 am.-;,! :7.tzu-; -jfv-''.' .Leave same every. Monday at 1 nt.t anil ar- rive at VVaynesville on Tuesday by f p m. : A.;S9r, From '.Currituck. C. II. to Poplar Branch, pnee a week,:, miles. : ' ' Leave Currituck C. m, and. arrive at ik C. II. eyerySaturday at Poplar Branch v v rfr- at ot, and arrive Leave same every at Currituck t H. 60.' Fiom Pittsboro to May's, thence to Evan's Bridge, to Cross Deep Biver, tlience to Buffalo Meeting: House, tlience to Fayetteville, return by crossing Cape Feariftiver; j at Northington's x erry, taence xo nay wooci, iiience .xo I'niBaoro, Ance aj week, 1 20-60 miles. . - ...... ; ; " 5 " Leave'P)ttsb6ro every Sunday by. 1 6 w, and arrive at Fayetteville oii Monday. -at j$ p m. ' ! ' TaVe"FavetteviIle everv; .Tiiesdav biv .6 ft annTarrive i nusooro on v eunesuav dv u 61t From Statesville' toJ Lincolnton, to. cross y, the:CatarvbaBiverat ,Thomas's Femv once a L.eave aiatesvme e,very i nursuay. at o am. ,rahd arrive at Lmcolntoo by 3 iA 1 ri Leave same every Wednesday at'-lO a m, ;and : and arriyer at SUtesvuie by o p m. x 4- . . V.62. From, Rockingham to Cheiaw, Sr. C- once 4fB fTWkAit -WWl-ftt W 3 and. ar-. 1! 'i ; LeavelRockingham everycSturtlay; at 'and arrive aj'Cheraw hy 0 p.ml ' . , - 'live at Rockingham by piius'iX:- . . fiSi Trom Ashvllle. bv-.lames Allen'k. to N?? port, Teoh."or,Cc in two wesk; 60v mi Tes. . IaveAsiiyineevery :jqlhervaturday'at 6 a i 4 and arrive atfewport m SiHidayiSyvl wii s Leave same every oUer SiliKUyat ?, and V arriveat Asliville on Monday j by. b mi :y. iy:i:); - notes. 13. The cont is every oia, anu tne, proposal must pe seaieu and directed to tpe General Post Office, and en dorsed Propotais." Strict attention must be eiven to the endorsement, as it is not, intended to break the Seal of any proposal, until the time for receiving bidf shall have expired ' 8. The Post Master General reserves to him elf the 'right of 'declaring any contract at an end, to the loss of a trip. '. v! '' ... ' ' 9., The distances stated are such as have been communjicatea tc tins cmce, and so(me or. tnem may be i ncorrect s on this subject, the tontractor, must inform himself the Department will not be answerable for any mistake I ' ; u 10. In every case where (the man s transport ed in stages, and the present contractor is un derbid, and the underbidder shall not have such stage property as may be necessaryfqr the per formance of the tontract, he shall bej required to purchase fromlthe present contractorj, at a rea sonable valuation, the whole 'or any part of the stage property, including horses, that, may be suitable for the service, and make pay ment there for, by reasonable instalments, as j his pay be comes due.'or as may be otherwise arranged. .This will be made a cbndition in: th.e accep tance of any bids under the bid of the present contractor ; aitd should the underbidder fail to complv, his bid will be offered to 'the present contractor ; but should he decline making the contract at that tate, the proposal of the. under bidder will be accepted unconditionally. It is distinctly understood, tnat the mail will continue to be carried in stages on every route where it is now so conveyed. 11. No bid shall he withdrawn after the time or receiving bids shall have expired, and should any person refuse to take the contract at his bid, ie snail oe neiu responsioie io uie ut?panmei, or the ditterence between his bid and that at which the contract shall be made. The assign ment of any contract, without the consent of the Post-Master General, shall torfeit it and in all cases where application is made to the Depart ment to sanction a transier, me terms must De ully stated. ) - j . Should 4i contractor or his agent engage in the transmission ot commercial information by ex press oh his ronte.Jmore rapidly than the mail, he shall forfeit hia contract. 12. If a route should be discontinued by Con gress, or beconge useless, in whole or in part,in the opinion ot the liost-MastcT General,' he may limit or dispense witl the service of the jcootractor, on making him an allowance of one'month's ex tra pay. Hi, t 10 ' Yl Sio,ooo 2,500! 000 1 I200!s' 1,022 2,0004; r 2,000 ,2,000 3Q's, 25's. 1 ; .- 2; 000: i;200- r s Virooov;: ' ' . k -300 200 . Besides SlO's, S100.,3,S40,s, Whole tickets.S4, Halves 82, Qrs. gl. ; (Ail orders (post paid) jpromptly ttend- ed to, auaress- --i A p - : : : : Richirwnd9"Ta . ; The Managers have had the jileasure of selling and paying within a few; weeks, 2 of S6,000 1 of 85,00() 3 of S3,000--2 of S2,500-3. A 82.0005 of 81,000, &c 1 YATKS & MclNTYRK ; General lias its . arrival at THE SUBSCRIBER'S STAGE, LEADING from .Raleigh to Salisbury through Pittsborough and Ashborouglii, ? now in fnll oDeration. ' with eood horses and careful Drivers. The Postmaster made an- alteration in the time of Raleigh and departure from Salisbury, which is arranged jnow as follows : Leave ftaleigh erefy Saturday at l0 o'clock, A M, and arrive at Salis bury on Mondayafternoon. Returning, leave OHllSDUrv :at 1U u tiuth, uu u.t-fr tuv , and reacli -Raleigh' on Thursday; in ample time for Passengers to nine ana oe.m reauiucss io iac seats in the fetage for the Kortli. j j Price of nassaire th rou ffh, only $5. The ac commodations on the road are good, and every attention will be paid to the-com who take this route. 1 i' i, Ai GEORGE WILLIAMS, f brt ot thoe Raleigh, Aug. 30, 1828. 99 Steam Navigation up Cape Fear River. facts will all begin banuary 1st, 1829, and the clntiacts for routes in the states of Indiana, UlinoisJ Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, will contin ue far one yer bnly. ; Contracts foi. routes in Virginia, North and South Carolina! Georgia and the contracts for the other routes will continue three y ears. .r I '. ' . , 14. Post-Masters who Teceive an advertise ment should give every person who applies, an opportunity to read it. " I j - JOHN M LE AN, .'; . -Post-Jljaster Genera!. POST-Omc pEPAnTTttT.WT, July 23, 1828. , : I , ! . . -, , -i FORM OF PROPOSAL: John Jr Leans b II I 1828. Post Master General. Sir. 7 will convey the Mail on Post Ronie No to , for the yearly I doUars, 1 ' state sucn improv ements as stasre, it will viz: from compensation nf L i M.ri fli i ne Diuuer win present memseiyes to mm. it in be proper for him to say so. He should distinct ly state the number of the route, injl not only the jiumberj but the beginning and end of it. lie should also dearly state liis residence, as to the State and Town in which he livesl tf he be not a contractor! he must accompany his bids by suitable recommemlations. 1) ; State of North- Caroliha, ;''--- . ::;;' Yake CoUXTYi ' ' Court of Pleas! and Quarter Sessipnir, August .. i ' Term, 1828. ' . Archibrdil R; Rtiffin, ") . . ' Atti 1. VJ ( Original Attachment, le- v, 1 a nu C vied on a Cloak. m. J. - Lii;ipnan, 3 TT iiaving bee a made appear to the Court, that JL the defendant has removed beyond the limits of the State, or so conceals himself t iat the or din:Hy. process of la w;.cannot. be sejrvKi on him : It is, therefore, ordered by the Court, that ad vertisement be nude in tlie RaleigH Jte gist or for six weeks, that inless the defendantjeomes for ward on or be fore the next Coubty Court of Pkras and "Quart ?r Sess;ons, to be held for the County of At ake, at the Court-house In Raleigh. l;-on: t he. jSd 'Monday of November next, then and tin i cu n:Jirj am. picMii 10 issue, juugmenx will be entered up iigainst him) and the proper ly levied on will be condemned, subject to plain titPs recovery, , ' Teste,', 1 - - R. S. KING, C. C. Fills. so frequent. considered y-' 1 1. . V 'r 0 ilTlte Post Master General mayxpfcdite the ails, and alter the tioKs.foij arrival and debar vturc;-Vfi f contract j ik I payiiigft.tAde iinate; coinpfcsaton ; for anyiextra, expense " that, may be occasioned sthereby':.."v;l ;' ti 2. Seven minutes shallhe aliowed fbr opehl ,tng andclosvng the'tni Vt all toiScesj wliere'-o '-partiCuUr: tim; .iaspecjfied.Ti44 yfeStefC 3. 1 For every;nfieen matefdeUynHflng f .uer th time; ptcred'ut V contractor shall fcflt fiyelUUrs 'VUAd, ; it the -ieUv continue until the deoartuve of aW nl r ing tnailiwherby, a trip is ilpst. ii forfeiture"bf aouoic iu5;m"in ni;wi-u jur Carrying the mail ' "ne trip,"-shall: be incarredU uiiles4t shall be made .to appear that the delay r was occasioned - b;-navoidab!e;accldeiit 1 ihwbich case tbca- yThweipwcurea, it wui. be. observed, are un'. eQnxiw- . cor tire failure ot a trip bv waypidable.acpdent,- tbe penalty may be rediie. edto the pay lor one trin -rr,-.t JL Jllf ,ft,i r 'J'. ,'ii M'iaim: ctt twL '..t. ' 1 -j- times dMrrhcea-ahd a Ioosestate oft loss of appetite: or an Vinnatufal crir piles, yetlownesi ot the eyes and, skin. .ness; of the' stomujeh after eating, &4. James's Xftnti'Ditsventic YSPEPSIA has of .late' become! and 4s sowcil kn'iwn, that it iS Unnecessary to describe minutely iitS character istic symptoms. The-most prominent, however. ami some 01 all f which will at orice be record W? by every dyspeptic, are' flsuul hce.-acid i-touiach, occasidrial mvusca in ' tlie Imbrninir. and- hitter taste in the mouth i Costivenesi. hut smi. lly believed to be a remedv for are n: bowels ; for food, uneasi- The above not reconi- any jmysieriaus or Fills are confide this forftuuable' disease. They mended 011 the Iprinciple of, a specific operatidn l their use is pr'ethcated upon H wnwMcm mcory 01 me aiseaseand a thorough knqwledge.of the physibloirv ' of tlUf hiims'n tern, and tlie. miure of the remedy empl6ved.,' i V 1 . j . lestea by ong expert e Hucnuvu : no a tiegree ot success yety far bfml I1 iijfe expe4tation of: the Vff v lk ? tAAi ifroprietor, a 4 c,?:-';-iiT--' : -v rvo: M'r Pearl sfVi.'vt WILLIAMS Sc liAYWOQI),, Agents,-. iltaieisrh, N. C i J'For sale by . t . .. n b j T 7 Drqicen ones MP leetu put iu,o as to leave or paying seen broken. mended, a fin !trnMnfn . nrmnesfi ami trn i rr,f r ' wilc"y as wnen hrst.made. Urdtrs from a distance promptly attended' U :tv-- '..j?4-- 41 ,1 h7 E. LUMSDEN,, , V i uer rod? southeast of the Court House, j Raleigh June l2th; 1828l,- M 76 r' orCr?K"nest.Pncf for old .- 1 - i U THE Subscribers having been appointed Agents of the Henrietta Steam Boat Company, give no tice to the Merchants and Shippers that the Steam Boat Henrietta is in fine order, and under the command of Captain RUSH, who-is experi enced and careful, and is a part owner : The Lighters are good and sufficient, and kept always ready in case of Low , W ater. Warehouses at Campbelttiri are provided for the reception of Goods and Cotton.' Th,ey assure the public that every attention and -facility w'dl be afforded to render these Boats worthy of theirjpatro-agtf-j-' The Subscriber will attend to the jceceiving and forwarding "'Soods to any part ol the Stute, and to the shipp ing of Cotton and other. Produce. WILK1NGS & CO. Fayettevile, Sept. 29. , j " ' 8-3w f iMansion House. OpnHK subscriber having niovedNfrom Camden JL to this place, respectfully informs the pub lic that he has taken that well known stand . ad joining the Court House square, recently occu pied by Mr.ljohn VV. Clarki (and usually knowp as Clark's filotel,) where he has opened a HOUSE OR ENTERTAINMENT,! under tiie a bove title. The premises are spacious jmd well adapted for the business ; the stables arje large and j supplied with careful hostlers ; and travellers will find every convenience customary in the best houses of the kind. j f To professional gentlemen, and others, hav ing busines in this place , connected with thi$ courts, this establishment ft;ers advantages su perior to any other. I J I Persons, travelling with their families, oan be accommodated with private 'apartments, and every attention will be given to insure tie com fort of those who may cull. j Members of the approaching) Legislature would be accommodated in the 'best manner. Town boarders will bo accommodated at the terms usual ,1 nth is place. ' I .. ' JOHNM'COLL. Columbia September 12, 1828 j 4 4w ) s r mic ,v-reea vuls Ointment Pots . -t . Black Bottles Bottle & Vial Ccr!:s filf Boxes, wc.i i-4 ImsZrtniiahe,. rJZZ-2y22?i z -bs&lm 1 Linseed oil tnsi v- V-: V: " V , : . v,'-- MW4-uii. aiuu la it. Lamp do .r .v.'-v,-'-,- . ."' ' v ; ,1 v f Tram .-, do I150LL1AMS &?H AYVVQOD have just receiv- S pt: Turpentine f.f5i:d::frpto Philsdelohia and NewiYork, a IWhite Lead in nil larcre ana weir selected assortment of nnin. 1 Medicines, Surge'ons Ihstrtimehts, 1Shop?FurnW 1 Re'd-V-- dd' re; Paint, Oils,kc.'; which theycer, whole- I Sph. Brown in Oil; sale awu retail, onf moderate terms.; Among their assortment may he fotind the fol- lowing Acid Nitric '- s. ; Muriatic , '.;, ", Sulphuric ; , 'Tartaric r;Prussic V Oxalic . Benzoic Pyroligneous Acetic Coa. Alum Arsenic Powd.' '.'', Antimony Tart. Stilph. , Oxyd v.- Vitr. Amnion. Sulph. Precip.lUad. Anchu PixBurgund. Petrol. .Barb.: Potassa Sup. Tart, ' y - Oxvmur. .,-V 'Q'Tart. el Sod v . . Carboni 4 ------ iT v . . Tiirat. ; r ; Ihdr, Precipt. Alb. do. Ruhr, Plumb. Aceu Quassia ; Lign. Quinine Sutehl av. 1 ibr. ' Medical College of S. Carolina. THE ANNUAL COURSE -OF LECTURES, in this Institution will commence on tlie se cond Monday in November next. ! i On Anatoiny-Qy John Edwards HolbrooC, M. D. I ' ; : On Su'rg-efyUy Jakes Ramsat, D. On Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children Ry Thomas G. PHiolkau, M. U. f On ' Institutes-and . practice, of Jiledicine Bv AMUEI.,HE5HT UlCKSOX, M. D. On Cheniistfy and .Pharmacy By Edmund IlAVENEt, VM. l. ' , : j On . Materia Medica By Heitkt R. Frost, M. D. I . . j ' '. ; I On JTutntal History and fiotanyfty Stephen Elliott, Li L. 1). . "." On Pathological and Surgical -Anatomy . By Jouv Waojteb, M. D. a .. .. ' r Demonstrator of Anatomy John Waoaib I . : , .. The Faculty take pleasure in statmg, that the estabiishment of an INFIRMARY for Surgical Cases, in connection with the College1, has been at tended with) the advantages anticipated. -'It afford; ed to the Students, during the- last course of irA struction, the opportunity of witnessing a variety of operatiujHs amongst these were most of - the capital operations in Surgery. ; ; ;' i To enable the students to profit by the facili ties which joUr situation affords for the study of Practical Anatomy, new and extensive Itooms have been erected, nd provided with all the Convenienfis nr pssa w fni- tl ' i' 4 f The valuable Anatomical Museum nf th. nT lege, his been improved by .new preparations received from France and Italy during the sum mer. :' . j i.,r -.,;', j 'T ' '""'.'' Vf i? : " f' 5 It aflFbrds the Faculty addfopnal satisfaction to state, that by an arrangement with fiei T.itAi-ar and PhilosophicalSocie?y of Sbuth-CarblihaT cmciiwtc auu vamaDie collections Vin 'Natural Hntory, have been placed )h the College and carefnKy arranged, so as , to aflbrd to those - iivi terested 1 in the , stiio; btNatuTeAamplebpt portunity of acquiring information, hot only in nhe department? connected with Medicine, but through the whole rartge of Natural IHistory; iThe rich collection . of AfincraU i)articu1aivi must be considered a very important acquisitiod to the Chemical department of the Institution- "ZJ t EDMUND H AVEVRt.Ln..i1 t; "Oft PJin to rrsfn nswn mm jrtnm. tti Mur. Carb. Vol. Aqua Bole Armenian Balaam Copaiv, Canada Peru Tola Barvtes Carb. Mur. Bismuth Met: Oxyd. Bacc. Cubebs. I nd. 3 u nip. Black Drop Cort. Cascar Cinnamon Canella Alb. Aurant. Camphor Cantharides Caustic Lun." Com. Castor Chalr : Cretae Ppt. Catechu Cobalt Cpccinella Co wage . Colocynth Crocus Marti Co!chiciim Aut. Cera Alb. Cupri Sulph-Ammon. Denarcot. Laudanum iEther Vitr. Klaterium v. Ext. Cinchon. F It Colocynth C. Cicuta Gentian Jalap Liquorice rePd. Krgot Empl. Adhes. Merc. Lvtharg. Roboraus Flor. Ch:m. t Fol. Cicuta. Digitalis Satirise Flake fVVhite FeiriCarb. Phosph. Mur. Tr. Oxvd. Itubi Sui.h. Gum As-jafcetida Aloes Soct. 11 epat.. Arabic" Turi Ammoniac. Benzoin , Elemi Gtuuc -. G dbanum Gamboge Kino Myrrh Mastic Opium Pur. Olibanutn Sty rax Sca'mmony A. do. S. Tragacar.th.: Elastic Gala Allep. Hops Hoffman's Anodyne Isinglass Iodine Lime Juice Litmus .', Lint. Pat. Mercury Sub. Mur. Muriat. Magnesia Carb. S. S. , CJalcd. V ( do Henry's Manna Flake Musk Manganese Mace Nutmegs Nux Vomic Oil Castor C, P. do . , Com., Amygd. D. Annis -Ambe . Caryoph. Cinnamon . ; Croton - Cajeput-' Lavender . Im6n,vyvV:: ,;,Burgamot. 'Origanum. , ' MentrT. Pip;. ' ' 'do . '-Vir. , Pulegi j'V J uniper 'ty I y Rosemary y 'Sabin . , : ' S assafrasj ' ' ' ;' Clienepod. ? fyWititeigreen xvraeLSciilaeJV mm -i Vulr. Cort.eruy. Flav. tCMio.m Kubr. Jalap Nhrr. Alb. - y ' Iris. Flor J Jalap Uhub, Colombo ; Squills Ipecac Serpt, Yifg. Spieha Seneka Liquorice Sarsaoarilla Mezereoil Ginseng Gentian Helebore do : Turmert Rotten Stone Resin Yellow Rass GuiaC Sot. Vin. Rec Nitr. I). Ivd. C. Roseinar Senna Al:X. Spermaceti Semen Cbriand- Caroway i- ti rcnuci Anni Car " Lini Smap Sod Sub.bofas Shlphas Sup. CaTb. Carb Phospli. Sulphur Sub. do Roll Saner. Dracbn Solution Ars. Fowl. Sapo Castile Sago Sponge Syrup Scillsc C. Sarsapj C. Simp Lemon Tapioca Thoroughwort Tin. Ant. TarL Wafers Zinc Carb. Tm Sulph.i Flor. , Metalic Tinctures, Ointments, Cerates, and Plasters of every -kind. :' 1 ' Patent. Medicines -and Miscellaneous Articles. Hatemans Drdns ' !I British Oil Cough Drops, LVmeri Rowland's Maeassor lii v Do ;do ; .:' . drv; ' Yellow'Ochre " enetiaWUed'f- Chinese Vermillion English do v Drop Lake - . Rose pink :. lw Chrom Yellow King's y.tf?yy:h Pat,;;4!o5'v-V'?:-t' : Naples do s ; Stone.,! do - v Umber Vifrinl ' T erra Desseinna Ivory Black Lamp do v ' - ' Prussian Blue " y 1 erdifrris Sand Paper: liiue Oranffe flia.'. CopAl Vamisir ' , rami Brushes, .u Whitewash dS-4 Sash . do " Scrubbing 1q neartti, do " I r urniiure do i v Shoe i7: do ' . Tin key Ctolcoth 4. -,- Orpe'mlnt Gold Leaf i: ' : Silver do : V: C-mel Hair Pencil Blue Smalts . ' tium Copal I Jive Sttr. Fustic Ground PP jxrearagua Wood dn 'Pper2s 'h. Indi Umi do Annatto ! Fig! Blue C Madder , Rocoa 'f Camwood 1 renpuers Stampers Iron 9 Skins, Red ' -1 I BlacJ: .-'J ! "Shark uinuingg Randa ( Butkles BpWatrir Brushes Pumice Stone vuicKsiiver Aqua Fortig FOR SALE A light SULKEY with'a rieat Harness , , - at this Office. ' J Ik -; June For 2. derably enlarged hisi Vineyai-d, fng consi- Island,. where. he nowh. In' full icuhivatiftn S' acres of ground, containing 73.000 GiW vj. iwio navin wo uie necujiar auvaptape of being enabled to j procuvd the best species of Roots Irom Jim Father's extensive VinevarJn rv A v v A. ..... - II T T , SCYYVlOIV importing Grape F?nc Hoot France, at a moderate price, and meow aging the introduction of thaUidtuTf C ijjK. R.yALPHoNSEj LO JHAT, har Jinzety ron.nej Cltrn It Departments of Girpnde and Lot and in France. (45 N; Lat.'l nronoaes to numerous friends to the cultivation of ihe Gz-an ir:.-. 1.. iLo'TTn: o... . I t. . v "'"lJ Mf. IA, 1. Wl with their Crap March to the shall 11 engage to turmsh uubscriberj e Vine R -. ts. before the' Fir if and forward them, free dfexnenJ' r 1 NVS. Prentis4 Bear's Oil ' Fancr Soaps, Wmdsoi- do Eh?l:sh Teeth" Brushes Stoiujhton's 11 Steers! Opode Ivephalia 'j' '' ift. kinds uers j : !d jc Turlington's Hiusam Ciiurct-.'s Lotiqii Gowland's do. Hamil. Worm 'Harlem Oil Itch Ointment Pills, Bragg. &J - Anderson Duval's lJVOtt'S Lee ozenges Jone in boxes cakes 4 .R. Rlitlb. " ; m :iSquiIlspil : w:'4;jCofocvnt hr .uum .ivraoic m Arrbr Root Antimoni;? Rochelle Powders Seidlitz : dp Soda do . Ink in Bottles Ink Powder ' Reeves Paml Water colours Carmine White Frosting i Slitf m ml fttsftiimPntay' Full sets Su"r.jp. Books Teetl Inst'mts suriricai iNeeu Folding Tehat Tii umb Fo iceps Trocars Directors ? i Evans Lancets, Spring do . . ;- Gum v do Abscess dp Bougies dilfe Elastic Cat fie "";;T- ft Silver Cthet it PS i tums ! Silveij; Cei-man 3. yiext uv VkfiAn nr!nl I I'lia ...".11 i. . TM vi . - vwwunt. Ml, Will DC! years old, and will prodiite considerable fruit tne secona year, trom the time of their bein? planted. They will; be; Carefully classed .and packed in boxes with some of; the original snQ in which thley have been raised, which will great. 1 v facilitate tlie thriving of the roots when trans, plantecl. V S :. .;; ! ,v j j : ::i'!-.j.!j- :)m Orders will be punctually j attended to t tlie subscribers designating the quantities and spe cies ofjthe Gripe Vine Roots they wisjii to hit. They will engage to pay, ft r 1000 roots or niftre, at the rate Of 12 cents foi each root 5 for less than 1000," at the rate of 15 'cents ; and 25 cents per redt for less than 50. .Roots, onl& tvayean old, shall be paid for at the rate of 9 cents each, i for 1000 or more 1 12 Cernipr less than 1000 j and -4 '3 cents for less thaii'robts. I ; Payment to be made on1' delivery ofjthe rocts Letters not received nnlessPOST PiID. .Subscription Lists are opened at - New. York.i .with- Alplionse LbubatJ 85,; Wali-fl E. CopeU rid, IJun, !. McMicj'iael, 11a. 1 Van Aninn":e, Willafd Uhoflds. Washi krton City, Thus. V Pairo. Uavennort. Alien HhII, Shab)e 8c I'm f oster & illutto'i.; Boston, Albanj, Ptiiladllpl Baltimore; 'Uichmond, Savannah; if New-Orleans. Cliarleslbn,! .j i T, & tl'Street & Co uaieirn. ; i r f taies Nkt-York. 1828 .at Subscribers In th u 1 r ; Vi ue si del ivcred a t If. ll expense, SPLENDW On Friday, publishe tne ju.u c pptr. Soil. New State will havr; 9 :! I I f October, 182$, will be u.J n ir l ririi,'!i.Mft ATM1C. NO. 0 -I . .. . b . . k I ;s:irtifcf street- Hhilade uhia. a tVld vlvvs of American Scenery, as loilows 'l-3: L r !di, T,Wr.Lon tnc ami .vy . 1.. .!a! Schuyl scenery. 2. A Sound, 3. A kill, t near view of the Lisrht with the adjaCetit view of YoVk, on tnrtincations. -i ! - 4. C hamcteristic Scenery ve'r.V;!' ,-::A l'1 ''. 4 :,i Kil.' 5. 1ew of Kew London Philadelphia, iibnse in Long" fslmd , mix tent kinds Female rs, siaiev1 Female essanes Gum Elastic Injection Male t Female'i " Hull's TrhfeSes Common do if -' ' 'e Urinals Breast Pipes Nipple Shellsj uentist iriies Brass Scale VVeigbJ .';,airsi2;es"!:;?if Apptb,r Scif esi -idb Graduate Measures (ilass Funn els; Comp. Murtars Porcelain do PilllTiles; :t J Rbltis Knives Specie Sc Tiiicti bottles,' the adjacent scenery. 6. View of Lemon y Hiii 1! thV at-of ilenry Jmtt, EM t' f 1 1 nerv. liOntario With 1 : ! ! on ine i uuusuiM ,'Connect cut 1 r-1 u. Urj:ii;v!J' ner rniMoeyrv : V .The' -.SWT? nnn . 8. View at hanna. . j ,' 9. View the Great Ay- (the I! 1 L- A Bend tot Unner4FalIs tbe of - I 1 ! 1'!:trj i; SoloooJ ir.o.i. r n-rrrt mttntv. Pa ' ' -:.J0. View I bfrthe-Lower Falls of Creek. i.r-Jr't' I- s K -'ji vnthc:' "piU'il.lJ-i (To.j Usi.t-i.cuse en, tl e British . , This View, kfe Vcutdd n th b WW i ii.t i fti i v rfiii i: a i i , 11 "f-M'1 T,f: V '.1 3 ' "L;u IWiiccoi upon the r"ArjTreaf, c4 by til enruu, MF- vrr j. as to make it pei-fiictlyjntejligible. . rl tO 5 1 i r w . TheTworkhwiir be printed ano jv; scribefs in Me! IM le b i superior M i WUU Hi jianusuiiufi y, ..-- . ..,;ii he used 1 fill be will iftterest mentrc, iiail aU re scribers, and remit 10 to tl ceive Jwelv copies.- Fro n I! -masters sent by 'm ai U.'y' v-' ; - w--5!Anv ffrfewtleman. posi r . r i ... ; i who d other .n-e ten sup- the v patronage aireauy recci L having already put; aowiij lame will prpoaoiy oe u frnm the countrv Will be prouii ; - I ,' . ' -i - k " ; .V. ed toA Adess,,;.; d, 1(1200 heir naie ceaeu vy e ei.irrv. ) lubscribert T. ce ynother! tiyteBf ! i y ! zt uiaoreuas also raeaiefe Ipecnc e Oct ' '1 ' .",1 i t. .. ."T-l-y'.r. !,..f;i". . - iff. -;J ? ft.iv,'.' w 1' 4; r .;' '11' I ! - -'Xip.. ',-J . .. ' ' ,