t . ; -, ', y. , v i . - . w i n - n - . v. -; :i -X?: - y ! -: ..... . . , ,t . . m. r iiT f - - , ;; iv - !C V"t-c v.';;i. ,v' ; v".Va :; '-v.v r ourtKe plans ofeuthapcace; :rrV . i ::rr:Vi ' UVB '-r- v: ?-- . I In iiu r nereffri nations throuffh : the ci V c nvcsr; i WC5 i within theifast week we have noticed iome 5rrr:nlY bU three' or. fW Indian.-geerully' tlrunk. " polished everX Tmi f? UoWqTe4tinintf-:theinAhfcT stated thaf - TrtSEPH GALKS fCSQltr ; thev belivnWa t the Seneca fribv ne of prise at her appearance : lhcre'i--When it was reneafed the third time; she could re fraia no longer, but turning; with much cun- 'empi, -io me speaker, encq oar j ah. Lord have 'merer n vou"too!l 'did 'r0 iie U 1 nflrTier annum half In advance the nobleaV branches of the Lenni 'Zenape ver see! art auld wife with a red cloak about : 5. -'V- :he;once; powerful nation .whoheld i -ri a- her before I 1 ; v - , . i. LtiJtnilitMtWrei ihat" stretches from th Chesapeake Bay to Temperance is the 'soul' of pnirlymen .Weedngi f t LaUef)f fhe : North.t; . AVbattf4chang?! and where pleasure is Iheollj-tllijwi- of v tllT!Ilwnreeedibff DublicatiSnli those-of great; From the proud, high-minded sons of the pursuit, pain is. the only obj-qtobtiMed , ; th come TronnTtJOfV..CoMMtr- I fnrocf f hov - hnvo Karnn.n rtporrndpr! fn h( x,catiow8 thankfully . receive... LbttTms to condition of ' our common sots", And yet we, their Oppressors we whovnave posnea -' the Editors must be poft peuds State Bank Stock for Sate. i them back at the bayonet' pointwe who One' Hundred and r Twenty-etrht Shares, have pa St pu. our plouchs :over;the "graves 1STIL1L b of their fathers we are a free. hanDV and I v." the E e sold for Cash, before the f door of f ;The follnwinf;-celient sentiments are nndependeht nation i Moue&quieu says, fcoed fr that virtue consitiites the safety of Re. arlssed to publics If our iutitutior vere only New-Haveby: enduring as.our treatment o. purred bre- aW e-w ' "v. tf-Ai'i4r: . thren has been virtuous, wo to hese Uoi - 'tEjrirttChUrok; tecT States!! Is there no plan for the me- v iA Good reputation differs'essentTally from lioration of-their unhappy condition ? The if great and popular namei i A-man :my schemes adopted by our national legisla be grea without being good, and popular, ture havef always beeri partial, and never vi hout having inuchj me rifof any kind,W- permanenti Tliey are mockery. Nature whom the world j are V aceustomedf to vcall is crueltinjail her works. - She successive wnt: fiave tio better tUl6cto thatitlisiiric- I y destroy L n4 onW the individuals of a v:,. v?n lrh faTleh sniritsffreat in tat-1 SDeciesi' but at certain Deriods a whole class i luit n-- j :tt a , , . ; m .. w . . .... t . ., Bank, in Raleigh, on the 3d f Decern ber next sale at 12 o'clock. Nov. 7. REMOVAL DOCTOR FABIUS J-HAYWO0D jTTAS removed to the upper apartment of tlie A B; store : occupied by Williams fic liaywooo, where he -may always be found unless protessi onally engaged. - - . ,.A' . Jtaieijrh, Nor. 10. 15 Williamsboro eats and great in crune., So to be popular Jsji ni tself no . ey ija e n re THE Semi annual Examination of the Students connected with this Institution, mi ill com- iicadem ! wfirth oi cnaracteri - rne unnnnci-i r "up"p"u"' , .i -iAuwWU i 'UtiUywitHviW-ownlr:fk4nticiniilte' her desigtls, and contm iKioftnitt nf nlratil hand. l'r work extirpation, before nature A.i r iK elf siv. f there-is an end. to the chil or toe Icaucx ui avian vumpicu u 'lis izr , -.f' . f . , . iiit-ii;r;i:ifl;44 utU ALlni the forest' Their tents were pitch of species nay, even the species itself is (mence on Wednesday the. 19th Inst. anVl close CfMntimt.e tn,t Tli tvnrlr nf- dp&tnir.tian I tfae following day. : I rlt tf i t 1 The work or destruction gradual. tue her- dren ;d rail i vt.i. u. v . wuvi. . . . i t - .t'- ' jar among tbelf assoCTatesJ and landed- In I ' 1 ivcil.JI llt 1 (ICC, i iu iif niiitiivc v -uiwi wiwnms airnse around tKet Alleshanies. rThe"white man Parents and Guardians are reque! The Exercises will . be resumed on Monday Of January, 1829. r ', ) j f S A WILSON, -Principal. iete Nov '6. H 19 2w in the west, and "curled ' State, of Tennesscie ' Sih Judicial Circuit In the District Chancery Court,) Set. at Jackson. risers of the Original Bill. iheir fellows as the first and the best all sach cases popjalarlty i murk i nttft Avirthl nssnpta nf; r.harac. teiv That gi6d nlme which is to be cho yowihem pathless forests, and sen rather nend on nnnnljir ontninn. It is msed onunerma .;;nl.i11iPil ifstift have received them. j.We (ormed under the influence of varioo prin- we ?rlZ purchased their lands. ! it Vml. ami awarded to nsi ' not hvthe ?ir- wa cheap bargain. A fe w ke-s ofwhis, nnrani. anu.vne, Yictoust uul uy uie uifcriii-i . Y -. , - . : r . I nnnr. r.nmnU nants hvin fiVrl thF io-lnai nt and the gOOd Ort accpUntiOtiOur good uguM,.,,, , v I X; bill of comprint against the Defendants, , aualttiesand'eood lro sorne aru?!K ,,Si wherein an rvwherebvttht.y s,t forth a-.fl com- ; -. i . ; - t . Si .'V1' -.'ii'.U.,- v..':.!.' 1. iS'- ' I linn lunviins ailh Ihu rv j!t-.itirf in ?-I " iL : il. .i U ". i. T I r'.f-',n.liL -1 anunbehdingregardtolreciitu heW rlSht?- BurwthjiaieJoyV - 'i.i. i '-1,1 m. i by - r. m nn iinriAri iinii u ' n iiwmv' i- yiiiii uiiaiiia nvii nnv vauiuvii vviiiii - i - .say September Trm, 182S. Between John L. Rich -.rdsoh" ana uaieo w. liicnariison, iny f nts by their gujirdicn, v George Ferebee,'ann j. Wuitt hurst and Ollv, his wife, Complainants. " The Presldt-nt and Trnstees of the University of North-Carolina, Defendants. v - : " ,.' - BOAUDiriG-.i BENJAMIN: S; KING, TILrbe prepared to 'accommodate .t . Vv'l e or forty niembers'of the appn Gene'raf Assembly witi board. .' ';Ar.,- Generaf Assembly Raleigh. Sept 12. thirty caching - I . JUST PUBIiISHHD. Hie ! Elements of tha -Conic Sections; ' ' t f v , Compded for the use of the J ; f - J . - - Student of the . ' - x uNiVEttsrry of n.. Carolina. :h PniL fJPS, Pre. vlfiA, & mt.pdi. aoit by J. tiatcs ct Son- Price pl I : Chapel Hill, 6th Oct;. 183. . '1 ' I DR1NKARD wishing to withdraw trop the Commission Business, the! CoDartner- Mp of Gilm,9ufiS IhrinkardYs this day dissolved bv mutual consent, Those who are Indebted to ihat concern, will settle the same with 'either of the subscribrirs, and those who have:claims wii call oh them fbr palrmennv 1-f :i'.T- j-i1!:-- i : Sept. SO. -"-;iL; L. DRllf KAKD. - Ii n a n riiL trz Ty ct rim I tiriiii-ititi jniioiuiit fTHE Subscribers have iforrhed a Copartnership X- under tlitr firm of IVni. Gilmout: V-foi ibe purpose of cpntihuing the- Cpmmitsfon Btui nesi heretofore conducted by Gitmovrb. Drinhard. (Theiri 1 counting room is in thev store' of vt.E. .siainpacK, on isoumgorooc street, and.tney oc cupy the large fireproof Warehouse adjoining that ot the former tirm wherenhey are ipreparv ea o receive-jouoiv ana otner produce ror sau , and on storag?. They request a ctnti nuance of ousmess irom ineir inenus, : assuring 'liiem pi every advantage f p be derived from ersoa.d yi ' tention, from acknowledge of ,'marks 1 at liome and abroad,' and from being seller aiid rjot pur chaser of proilucei' "They wMrreceve and for ward goods for Country:' merchants and jothers, at the customary rates-. V-'-r- ' WM; GIL HOUR, v?f :- - . - "L.--E. STtilNUACK. J Petersburg. Sept. SO. S30lt 1K?bttl a hundred yards Jl est! of 'th: . S r - r i - BOfdCfTS a continuance c , liinit support which hVv .. s so 1 en!d this-oid Estublishment iih fn'ends and-the' public generally t . exert 'her utrr -s- Toris to render t',: what a good Ik .ruu)L.ht,:e ought' ta c 3 ; xCj Twenty-five or thii ry members cf proadung General Assembly can be-'u: dted.witb boards 'T ' "M ; flUleigb, Dcti ?, lSC. ip. n:: TTi GLES & SON hare fust recen .! (. tl i-XaimC UVT.lS'Ul for 1829 -a C : mas and f New Year's Offermg-co:IsLSt.!n? cf ginal Pieces in Prose and Verse, 6yJlrs. lie: Mrs.,Sigrney,liIiss jnc s; Jlsars, Paul J HAllecki:PercivaVPickeriHs:AlclI:nry.:il' ":: Ayniisj'and other American Viiters ; . erd c.:;- bellished wittr the ."Tol Jowihg " be? ut 1 1 ;rar- tngs, oy.tne nrst. Artists-- 1 PresVnlation Platep " 1 r Y Hesitti c n, 2 TUe Sistersr : 'I 8 The 1-dv ol ":.t . 3 Love ;Asleep- ? - 4 The Glove,; , ;' " 5 "Hie Power of Love, 6'Chajeau de p.xille . , f he "whole beautifully. enclosed in sr. Ornamented Ca-e.; , rVl ! :1.V Raleigh. 10t h Noj. . ; ; - - ' fRGt?;v:-' 9TIe UhweV C lO'The ShipwrccL, 11 The Cont'd 'C.-sj-'.i v., 12 Ext'nil Oecorif Hor .M&iicnilSiee,-or ari habitual idetermi-1 P' oppor.un.iy, nuwr,, t -;rX:: SnAnn to h' imc extend tp them those Denetitswe orrseJyes w', ""3 r 3 natlOA to oe. governeu. uy - an ; euitgn i , . . . . r ... . . , 'only-son and heir, ot. John Richardson, formerly nedohvictioni ofi jtrmh -andCtluty:;; 7 bere "s- . 18 not to beun- ixf idcbunty; (or C,mden,) who died bjetwen ' rorWWCatw of prved by gpndinga few miSSioniiriesamQag the yeaK I78Q nd 1790 :ntestat4 v that he said indness;and gdoJ wilt towals men ; and em to eaf their substance, apd onfouoa, jokn RietMrdanfi. served, its an Ensjknj nf u.e thunirh not 'liaVt tftiniefir towards them witlv mysteries We owe tliema Oth regiment of the NTorthCro inalineLm'he TH0 tyPe0ovar ffreat-an 'awful debt If tebe norW 'Wof;th RevokitionvJn.suchj ma.nnf r, as .to Goor an affectionate; reverent regard grealan awiui aeor. II it-oe P,? P entitle him" to' a raifitaryJahd wrnint. aefcordio -forlhe wi t andlorvtifthepreat Jehovab;i8UO"vt,lc,r t I to th laws of sa'id ar tK Asntiftl nrnnprtiPi nf a b-ood cnaree unnecessary; vv.e are preying niriu comnensation of the Officers CrhaM.tirJl:K living 'Fihin linV land famine, RUM and I line, for twenty-fiVe hundred a f Hi - Lj.k8 ;n tWklcrueltvUre niakiiia: their inroads upon hh t the said J-.hn RichirdVon d rvi-i . ; . .( ... i f k0f, y VKoHfl nn tkn-jft .mnnffcf - u 'now 1 iwvinir nawn or auirronsea n . . mate, is coinmeouea 10 your nign .regaru i -o- , - - iw; . . ! ; ; ..' v, f r t wnu mav -fi c .-: stx uc nine; tmcu uic rand careful wno may blood of the last Red Man shaSL mingle -" '3' . It to ercrtrrteitept iamirtU that a 'nod Ci 'o'e , " v - i . i - (I Willi H1C naicia vt ijit. m. v'""-. in all cases Hhelfrultern ff t is not inherited from parents, created by external advantages, it is , no 'fiecessary ; appendad orialeutsj of station; but the res u 1 tofb ne's own endeavou rs the fruit and reward of Phikulelphi Bulletin JVot the JVext-jEnglithd Galaxy, HUMORS OF JJOSTON. State, passed Ifor the Relief & andiSoldiero of said nd 'sixty! acres s ied withoiit ever to be done, or as- srned his warrant for said services; that the said Jonathan Richardsonr; also died, without eve i- having drawn or authorised it to be djneL".or as signed; saidwarrant 5 that the ConiplainMiits are entitled to said warrant, and that! it should have issued tO them only, or one of tlieir anc ators : bu' thiton the 16th day of .August,; 1821,. he ueienaams, iraumuenuy comoimpg wun iceriain Commissioners of the '. State 'of 'North-Carolina appointed for the sole purpose of delivering to Gm7w4C-r-Two'off the race of ! ani- J the ; military claimants under that sitate, an those good principles, manifested m'a course ofj . 'LwU.i, Kr,r. kil procured, under: some false and groundless nd S;.;iS i:Lik-i.ri happened to be ka..1i, ntpn,. Xhi.k kL ..-vj; t r - ' 1? 1 '' " 1 " ' - a a 1 auuuivii v w V t, a jtuivu va,w- vvui" claiming under them their warrants, caused and . 3 " J 1" ' J. '. J .' !' 11 1 .1 ami pre 'iisvMO HIIU ilUUUUt IIUIO ULUUIIl . IIIO t I ' ,j - -1 H 'themoreirripdrtarittoberemarTMdbecuse sf -mlSF Wna ere e-itted to; to be WH it ita Vi?- !rS,i Boston gentlemen wereitmerAting. f i'he the Defendants, in consequence bn the Alleged 1?! bldUwalkp'. death of the said Jtmn Riar.lsorfwithou heirs, t Mid,?with fnuchAsstic e Sothis hy NoV 582 which recites upon It.; face; that it IS en! trely v withl B v VOU r r power - " ri 0 ;8 , J,.tA y.-i,' . 'wl- was issued for fhe services of John t Richardson, oanman; lweverfembi J rhiSblrtn? pr an' Ensign in the line aforesaid, 4h the, Revolt obscare htSwnuUibn1 Jstidld frbm the 'fe ?lr er5!f re'! tionary"VarithatvaaidDefen Jini!SSSSS! Another olbeTankees was swinging on a sad warrant to be brought to tennessee and -.i,.. .U r' T -: r -'i I HUrjZAJUia.1 jpwic. . vii w iv, ii " !' u. "e.Pflz? an? press iowaHiu m broke : .Vhy," said the oltl Hull to the ' WuT 1?!:!' younger orfe, " that U verj strong w.i,d ; an.t ,s h.s. . And it is interesting to no-. hafort ,Jf. wood is that, sir ?" " I!o..v - ifT4 ''?' w" x-- 1 'WV""' v.?H ."r j recol lect thfe-jria'hj! Uaidrtiieiyan.ke, ;cl"zens have risen ta honour .ana useful-. I - i .i j '-.- , feMWPWfp this theltwd Bu 1 Is pricked up theif ears plamants, and : ? on Tleyj are to be found in exeat nbm- 2x iTnvvi1,- Wh A prays that the yWofthe) Vjn every department oTbusiness l and they . -ian t v a -- ' i i cuauis, u.cau,w4iu nuct ic pic.w i vuc i be made in tne 7hM'drmjbn'iUmh:b:Tms::M0 tC7 WiSaTickets only; ' " 1 . 1,490:'-v 5 of 1 .U00 , . ' . 10 of 500 39 of -120 ; f v ": ori0059iof 80 V -. Beiiide j: 6050, 14020, 10. A Whole .Tickets 10. Halve $5k QuarttUJ ;Gtafid'Cofts61idate4r-Xo 10, :Ad only: HlSO -f Ticket . 7 v .; gioboo 10,000 r. .-.r ..V---2.S60 V;."S of 1.000-- 5fi"nf tm ' r,r t nv .' : ' V:;:-36 of SO'. ; 55 of . sr i;0 : ' : . . Be'Ults4C';ahd 3,780 of f.2 the reepptio i of company f ; Wliole Tictets $20, Halyes $10, O- The situ ition of th s lCstablishment is one of the! I-tilths 15,50, ,40, ? 13, 21, 43, f 2,19,35,' iiOiOoo V 5,000 -'1,000 13l9,;3i, i . : 13; 19, 35,? ;:4, 3?;45, ' 1,C millS EST ABLIS H f RNT.'has undergone ve 1 ry extensive' repairs and. improvements, and! is now open tor the receptio n of company. most'desirarde in the City cf Ralejgh, bein'sit- - YAIXS U SllNTTRB. bave had the pie-::: uated on the; North -'side ottne daintpl,:.ahd of pyn within a' few, Weeks, the fell ri withiri the. imrndiate vicinity, of tbe'tWO Banks. Frizes- h . V .l-;.'"-' .A ue cmiges .wiii je uniform and moderate, cor-resp.-iiiding. With the, present low prices, lot". pro visions.--? Man and Horse,,. one -dollar and tiny cents per day.; Metrthers of the JLegislatiirerwill be; charged one- dllar per day. Those -.who havfj rooms to themselves will; be Charged; ibr them. "S ugar and" Liquors ' of c a i i indsr a nd vof the best,' have just bern received fipm New York, and will be furnished to" members as! low ;ts they can be had in town.V;.The,best Xiquofs will also be keot at the Bar and !nd eioense - ..-.' - - . .. ' . . . 1 - . . 1: ; ; j v ': -,. , wm oe snarea in oroVKJinff tor toe Loiel,--1 he I prepafru w acgomniouaTe 1 en or 1 wen subscriber assures the Public that nothiri' shall! bers ot to ensuinsr Leeislure with lit; irdl C . be, wanting on his part to make them cohiforta- tlemen with their Farmliesi .can have coir.fr rt ble. I y - .v P.j ;GUlON': hie rooms with fire places in berldweill nghi.u : , N. B. Board by the year one hundred and Early applications would be acceptable. " lw tuiiv uaii!rs Dsvauie ouinenv. - i. j -i. . , - vw -r-- , ( . j r- All jonlers fpost paid) addressed to.YATHf ;MINTY3K, Richmond; Va. or C! -.arleslcn, C promptly attended to. Addre - v' ffi4 -V ATES &;!.riNT VRrV ; MR SrD ELIA H A Y V C ' D j: ;t. Hill H v. Zfiit? ? v j ust; received ; siqypty. rf Informs ner 1M01R on IhetJdltivatio of the Vina, t JlvA pn he . best mode of mkin Ulne, eec Ipon.;.VasInrigtbn .City; lSiSl-;-Pries I Dound. Une JUaUar. , 'Raleigh; Sept:- 22. neither bent 5 nor 1 located in their names upon a trai. t of laiicL situ ated in what is no Fayette county, and on the 24th day pt Jan. a grant Apt said laitdiwas issued tp them, tor the same, founded On : said Mfuwm rT n -r w t m t r jrinijra jiAn . . - 1 aiu. aim uk. 111 iu iljl iaiiii .! a . ist f y U t J vested by said ' gm nt, no w ' exists i n'r said 1) efen 1 mi- ihc same in opppsmon o: uom keeprthejtn out of osisession j arid title to said land,, may be divested pefehdanti?an'rt vested m Complain- sucn outer and turtnerdeciei; may premises, as to Equity snail, seem easy, e-! meet,' and. the nature of the case requires t And it appeajPing.io tne satisfaction or; tlie Cou by -.. ...- -M .! vr m ir kt lii i ma ii . l ii kj li !! ill wa jl ijiii in v m k-. - - - t .,-.. ...f - .- i c i i r r- Traa-w 9niria- - w ru av: vim ' w w ' . . - - - - ---- ; i c tii at, ijie seconn.' unti xne i imru viriue.?4 st -1 .- -- - i tu;uic9ai .-in.i.-io-iiic, uc; . ro-trf. auu KathinJK - . '". : fer vVV u u, rlu" " h B faA frtttlM skvl'7 Irom 'this ; .heiSrht:. Ot nnt ihK3h;r,nt nf thW fitt-: Tv,.f th, 4h ZS.A I fllflr I - -f - . " . : t t -r I r-i . . J' . . l ! . . 1 1 ueienaanxs are corporation, onanerea oy tne ..1 Statejof K6rth-Car0linaYnd thai the individuul incuiucis u saiu (.uiu.iuu, i c fii. ciuenii ana inhabitants of said State of N6rth-Carolina i and they haying JTuledi to : en er " their appearance herein;:accordiug 3Law: andthef Unties pfi this an-1 court : it -is tneretre ordered tuat they enter Q"d their appearance herein.: at the, jnext A TenpaHdf ' a ub - " w . n. . i rt a i a b. , m m . r ltUI ltAUl l i.U UCi UCIU VJ1I IUC IU LAIUIIUIV III T If W'M 4dron.vnii mi.!wflv.!flr nf-rhnn.1 vnn . - - . -v .. -. . .. . ; ... PI month ofilirch next, and; Pleads at.swer orde. lA-.L Cbmnlaihintft'-lMlI oftiu;Wf3 . RALEIGH,m Gfv ffftlTE SUBSCRIBKR resnectfullv I.., frieids .tod tbe public, that she continues to keep'open the above Establishment,! and solicits a tuiii'nuauce oi a poniou oi -iae puouu pacron- . - . ':'.': .!.' t -Ait -x '- .' age sue assures mose wno may imniw propel to can on nerinat niiining snail oe WJrfiuner on her part or- their-ease and comfort.', j TThelabove I H. -? : -, i ' ySt TT A T?2T?'"2 tin i'P.r.;,c'.intA .n v-v.VtAV;ii. fi-.,"J: u.l,; ' ". v -.-. i 7. rntr of th- btini-- n.rt of. tl tn rn tkl 15 ECTFULUT info "---Ja zr;u "b. virr: xt leigb and its vanity. tht 7'. eceiv VC""1;;V7 : ; --the Dirfrl-f- . - . . ? . J! ' ta Store on Favtttiviii-trt s -. isorinern, soumern ana '.estera mie oi Stages, K.--w. 7 Wr V - -r k-.; f .on.. .:ti j : .a .wvi-r j-.j.. 1 theTJank oewbem, wW he" u 'cr ;..'i;f, U ,.r ' i 1- ' ' eg. r?; "UIU , UU vuavi was cj.r HI where Travellers will find it to their advantage to ,stop??. r-,rf ? T.:-,: - M.' J KTE Ri v; .October; 2d.lg28- .4"iv'S. 3w5t rr! N. B. t A feW Members of the nnroaAh. ihg Creneral Assembly can baccommodated i with board and comfortable rooms;" . it . early- api plication be madel.--; Jf euwtthout iL ; A WmI nnm-swilf not , Prf!WdHPlt in can be: more latal tothe attainment nf :iurx:vrjik "T !. i -i u y yuui , u w i ciiucavuui a. I , I 'r x, ; i.iL J ' --.'- .- X' I . ..x 5. -r wj cijng-iorji good namepuneir: nun- iraues JmVf myanenuy jusvi , f oo rable pa re n tage o rnherit ed; wea rthlir Hieviden tj srsidered i J fje Pttronage"e(p-ienrs'0;mat ancedtthis-reparte viianuwi-iuiis, uiey nave leii uM Ji tiiey i inu ;H livle without pi n effort; &merely l1jr the m fillT : their-graiSficit M'H.iive?s,ntore ;prttdcibg aaineffieientan : ; i vjPii mis atrriiiin -ttrtl Mn the Raleigh Register, a pewspipef published !KlMnfed in the City of Raleigh; - the , atate of JNrth- oropaqipviipjfipu Carolina. , a copy.- , ;s . x V v- is r it v they were I . , J ; ' i est, - - ; - r - ROBERT HUGHES;- " CUrkrtand'JiLtttrm j1 rand wealth' rarely: TH - ""i ntand; useless J chat An oldScbtcbrija v - -j: - 3Tfs7Tf7 4 , ntitu, thjtVtharat-. red cloal fe " ' ' 'S vTT M A"Jt 1 Iaetlaray iaEjpaacf VitpeSons' are Vereoy ckittiotei fmn. beyond: the most sai ; rtventori 'y"-.?-V- i tr rwuiii .ri w ri . .. - i ...- -- . : --t-.-- -:- .-.. x - . . ji r-. , . 1:. - . - -t -- TT ' ' iriwoor tnreenraiions wcrsaip tne pc sntr-inaoreaueraa, '21inwitb'hy'p.ersons nn ray Htcourit, hs I am younetyfe'hes ;pjaci n' nMecejJrjnif e :'re'p sati n '-Trofn t n. 3 :-U ta ob. ejac'Uiatfan determmed toi pay nodbt of rthat-dessiipiii on: unucncfe ihefediHry character;tieJec of ; t,ord L iveoerc Up6ntik?'ltea1r -unless c.6'ritted.py. inay.riitteh order. ; A0i4 .''"' v en pw in en . &ju- ..'.trj.: :i-:iriu wf . j . ifec l w "y- r nc, -iiarr cicnrein on mv accrttintri . .- ; i v0 tn: iu.i i. ;.. .-. 1 'i - . ... , ...-T.wl - .-O'V-VrT. .,-..v -v. - -.n v .- 1 as I Will Dav nO-debt Ot her fcnntrarhn Isr. 4 -if .s. -. , "!' WI Ul 111 W. "TirHOf i tw U .. ... .-. L. . K . . i A ! . ... .f...- -. -.. -'.l-K. 4; T ,.. : ,. r -T " - :., -. I J - '-.i - i- i rii 1 -I V 1 no CLOTi IIG, F AC YA UTIC LI1S, do viu-c, ..iurt nu i " do. V ; Pantaloo n j';: do. Fine Linen Shirts and Collars. inn a.v;;.blackvelvc- llizzz - aS .Valentin, toilinet, ti- "IHE Subscriber is prepared to 1L with board,A12 or ,15 Members preaching Legislature. V He has a number of vr ry - comrortAble- Bed-rooms, detached: from ibis Dwellins,aiid convenient-to the 5tate.Iouie , lie would "also take 15 or 20 Horses to feed. haying an abundance, of all kinds pf provender ana a goau pasture. -- .':y X;M.- K'' v;iJ Oijn: STT ART'; Raleigh, Sept;:24. - V vf T-t lsf N.' - accommodate I otpifl-,-. consuti, ? ammooa.te i tent silk and cotton rollers, r.cttrcl'efl ' nmnberof v n2 .c: W - ; James's Mhti-DyspepticrEiU&i DYSPEPSIA b-k of late become st frequent, and is so well bovrn, that it isfconsidered Black and: fancy silk." eUsed an d k n 1 - - A'-hanspnasbrtraent. ctCrasG . &rJ C. 'ours.-" J white Yc: L.: :, .-n Ctrapj, C, i.-diss'nidin.rnr ill r :Ii unnecessary to deseribe. minutely : its character istiC symptoms. N'Tbe most prominent, however. .--i -.:.'.li--':r::. i.M...ii-- i . : cr:ido :'-;.:.; blac!: . F.lastia T' arters, IV . Clours Uo- All - derate terns for 'Orders fir Clot! ric: . . - - j lav. f T cf sny ktr.J 'hie style.' -October 2?, aiid some or all of whiclvwill at oricc-be reco?. I g"t- in 1 u h). v I be strict! 4uzeu oy every . avsncDtic. are fiat til f nee. aria I execuit -u in uie - - :.--'.'- . " n tf. f - A .- M 1 '-.-. . . II : I oiumavii, voiuuii iiuca ui ijie morning, anu bitfer tasteTri themouth i 'cost iyeness but some times diarrhoea and a loose ; state of the bowels loss cf Eppetitel or an unnatural cratine- for food piles, yellowness of the- eyes'; and akin, -uh easi ness of the stomach after eating, &c.i The above Pills are confident Xy oe ilieved to: be a remedy for thisYbrmidable' diseased 'TheV are 'not jecom- mended on the ; principle f -any. mysterious or PVenesay racmiriic ( irr.rr. . v;n jk . ,mI - . r a a w . w,. .:.- r- o i iv uprrituuii xneir use is preuicaiea upon I uic.uwiimuuuu w xerry . . . , -' -. - . - A1 L.L. nr. the 1C; dcddeiricx. '..'crested nrc invited t al r. ,.:uiun tff the !Ia!e Ac-.!-- v a f:; I.QYCfntJSr. i :. . . .... .j ' a comisieir.xneoryoi: t ne. disease and a thorough ctpmence.jmaccnc naz c . i..T - ,V:"r knowledge ,of thei physiology of the -. human fys- 'h ah Exhib.tlon cC riusic. "j temVandthe naturevpf the remedy eniployed.- - Winter .Session cF the,?. : -...ir.-ls? c- -Their' efBcahaseen'teste'olf-'by.'tong .'eiperil on r !oridy,-12tb-Jan. iZZ?. J D. .'tlr ' ence, attended witha decrree of success Verv fT Friupipxl cithe; HjI?, e:i t!. ,..iV. ,T i anguine expect ery ?H3-cf ihe HENRY JAMEf, Proprietcriy. ii; -r si; '--no. o-j, rear i t.t.ew.Yoi'k Fo sale by; -WILLtA'MSi, lfAYVonn. 1 . ( . r . v.-, V-v y-TlIC'S B. LITTIXJ ..PxfordpcVlSC-S. r-":,-:;; : ,7 .Vrf" 'The.TaAorb-ri'pV I'.:! and Norfolk HerAldViil r fAL.. -tn- 1 Ivr liV.I .3 I . i ia - . i wwv a ta uu tclici x 1 1 . . z. .. jrF- sj' ' l --.r -. . - and farTrsri tke'r r iy r , - - 1 - ' -- .-. '- ..-.-' . .' ... 1 1 ft