'99' ' to -: . 510 ri' :W ;f; fed 3d i V' ,424 1Q7 . in 383 13 OHIO. v' jfn Clinton eppnty,' Ohio where .Camp Vpii fhrJackson 'candidate; for ; 1 1 $H if Warren coUntv Pi4 ere CamjH llll bad inuji t y?t uf ieVt tr f vci iS.n' andtlniA haVe purity of a cnin of 198 votes pf, H : S an II-,; . , - - - ..... v . - .1 ' . -.5 1 JJ 'V s -tWVM the mails from ihcr:E9Sand-VVesi,have i "k'J.ti itii'mV Vina-iWa uio,uc. u,r6 . ..i,tiPf nxirp han liovprm.r ilrimu e re- .WedoverMrVmpue ifi;.the ameoci.unUes yo.n fl2 dntBf thartheJldnnntstration will pre- ..! II.. yi TUX vAit i,Hl nmKKltf I t be six or seven thousand yotes,' ; 5 ; --w - i : g..j;..-,j'..V i,- . number of votes polled y-e; 26,280- mre h 6000 than were ever before taken. Tj,TilvAn matnMtv i Alih Tt vear there weWabouAisb o Usyear there u ere at r i i i tj ' ijj'Wr iiV-vA' i-l-At Sz vn ami inp Jir.Kxnn i r.Ker surrpp. pii yj Q Ul ijui f v www y -j pax ' lore snows an increase 01 me Aamimstrai a , . . f . ; i tion strenjn oraoout auuu votes, c i j The mail of Tuesday brought us thits. fol- in lowing7pleasing intoljigebce: t:' l - Extract from a letter from distinguished ,citi-V zen of Ne wr-Yorlc to his friend" in tliiscity,! I f dated v v ; i J Vi , 1 gjfrd; . :--v;iI :ferKW cp11 version jof sihnersiihas beeasinguf fcrfax'H:'';''- larlV manifested. The 2rOodwbrk seemi Ui.hAWS ! ,; ;t.-i f;NEw-Yb Nor.r5 1828.1n:tavo Bear Sir Ou r accou nts f rom the adti n- ing districts demonstrate' toourj satisfacV lion; that we shll gain;the-twb first D tncts.- yueeps-in ine Prstv aoa HocKiana . . . . . arw T A . r- ' a ' 1 ,m,TST WhSV" K.g' and Richmond do, better I an we I.- II . .- J 1 l-A a . i - -. - : aa I expected t Prepare to receive intetjigence ot a signal victor? in this state the route nty will go cas oegun. u ne city ana vcouniy - against us,, outjne, state is !aie :.3LL Exacts of fetters to the Editors of the Ameriean. W f i , .ei- rnst.v 15a otes ;.ckSonvO.;thlSon w . . .-. . .v . -..v - I 2sssib3 ery, ll wfwAdm;a f !." - UOI 'WWII vow,, .Kr-' I 4-1' E a. .1' -r ;La.Stif jl:-Li-.aAa -i'l On.oiia .t,r. 7nMiia.i- tliVOiQjvi.tp I 's countv. (O vster Bay) 2S9 -votes Mn-2of which 500 is'fiir the -AjdmiriisH rution :' the whole; niajbrity" will be 600. C 'tuistration.: hewod tiorU'we pods closed Tast evningiiitthis'city (Hud- 7 ?v$in a majoruy ior ine pju ministra Jibn candidates i of about oe hukdred I fhis is the prbsage;-ofthatds ft ft ome A tons? null. - a. Rtronj? tu1L and a -null $1 together'? -to" tlay and timbrrpwC will ctmntv. ifouFoifivehun rand Saratoga vntiMelacr'cWtaittil anvtold dithirni'Q j7 vui,, vuicr.parf oi -tne ticKei u quite sin- . v. , . . ' ' --ww; V V faa VilV VrW - w-.--Ta.ay prcabUitpg1; . "f .. ui . uu h'kb it . no..' rn a ' 1 nnrrri.Hii ?w youMast evemn : tl. j result bl I itbel- forlli'eAdmuiiHralwp C-SrFrattiaihVabo . --- , - .' i .v ' 1 I y ns safely throu gliji and se cure to "us i t "f! -'V.: -Vf.jAi-rT'-i 1: ' -' 'j. iX' ta" -j Cc?. I AvfiR H Ve'havet defeated thTeMlariin r a-n-CTaaaaa v at 1 o ri n - --ill' 1 n mi T" nn r u Watioiu Tre ha , thts;day?poljt-' tectionshave.. , i. 'are'Tcr.-fthe;'.-A'd .nitxic. ..licn-am. ,152Tcr. ack'son.-'5-?V'r confident V?e l:,J1 have )0Oraajority in thlp tovn-, v v :; LOW 113-' III III 13 , CUUII . i, V ,. V UlUU from: are domcr as vreH si telfbrOtBf medamSitiiiectorimi i;v;i4-Mraew-.,i orK, nas inaue uu uuiciat vrepurt trorigst Jackson town iiv the rat Turii out of yesterday- liJirectotswere eptr;in so slovenly. ; anq m me urs &c in haste. 1 Ni-rS ifiV.: Vi W-r-"i'i --.H the net facesb t bh I sa-lengthen'. a tho. e thateef only can beheve -aie i jbau, the members of the Methodist Epis-j 41 The tause; the cause it is fA cause my soul ;Thc 1. f..liAi:.: -o- - x :. -k iuMwuig iueiaui:iigiyN rusicnpi. is i iK shift infe Arjzu 01 yestcrciay : i t- 1 87 hfvdubwrcthesucct?8s otthe d- xrenton, nearjjenmarK ,yi--inaH-ieqtors.in both districis- . V . 1 ing in the whole, ,406 con verts nearly all til, NEW-JERSEY. niornin - , , and lias .been prosecuted with ftigor., Abotit-900 votes have ; been P?ilMJRS'-attJJBt; qmmistration majoriiyor tnree min- be .fji on tjfe side-pf social order sound x-. 'in .0,n.-ne iue orsociai,, orqer, souna uyuvi, o , w IIUI1UOI' UUI I - . i r j Saierd County ioUoo1- :120; Gloucester cuntv. f4 Townsbins to be f L O -.J o for IV Jackson, )j f vv!-L;-;.;.. ;-iw - 744 Burhnctou County, reported maj. - 1150 ; The Electoral EUction took pi Monday j The only information t aceVon ' . 1 ly; information that we hayeis from New-Haven, where the Conn, studied but his' curiositv and lU there was as fbllows . i. u . . -. w '.i 'i i v i ti- . the. maiontv for- thf Adminintrafm tbrmif about the same, proportion. A Wv - A --v':"2-: - 'V1 ' ' f '4- v MA&bAUlilJ&El 1 S. f ? iVe pave received a few returns, from this' State- J: The votft ia nbout ten in i)nt :vvau'v:;-octet. ' Nehemiah R-Knight has been unani- State of Rhode-Island; a Senatbr in Con- ' : . 1 : - 'servi sii years fhin. thth'if MaVcl UexL ' - 1 ' - t I ' . -.. I ' , . I omgTj neence.-By the arrival Of the BriUhnia, at New-York, frbm Liver- illtjv i:V:;r2l I a sudden! rise . in the Northern markets, . ; . : :. m . - - ,: . . : ... -: - - , r V - . l , mspf '1J",'-Ts;fr-C- N "''- ' i' 4 ' ?-:V"-. :.t Tl Vf , 1 " " ' ' af ' ft.'"!.- ' ft. li' t i.V C'jl t-X- T.- U t -4i !L L:. i"::-a.-ri- xL-ixL: n i eepis toHconsider that this year will ii.. ! A-iT ""i : xwrfiii a" liv i4''1 pring;inlels tter&bmit, the deci- K. v:Vrr;- SIVe OlOW'Wlll.ue SiruCK.,,,; y.ioiu LUC will - ' '""" - biexion of all the accounts it seem3: cer- tain, that, the resistance of th6 Turks has TOUck!elce-e ierPffl;W'i , ?V r ? jr ursuantixo tne sentence 01 uie vuun, of his guilt?be cmicourseotpeppie pnusutnylafeanclhe admonished them taXearm ngvlronv l - VVefaretruly;Sorry-t tnanieiR. to the pl liis hbrsjo wards Jrf Vcttiif 'ci-A'lbad- bjf Coi;t;oiwas sdinbur niJ uie buuipies appeariug uaiopiiio purciiais- :ercbj?eac vvheit they were' found lla tie) packed witjht amai i, IPX tJiis cpunty, acefexectibnas arid dfedri:a shortvtim ,Greemoot('Patmmn :?I " 1 v"u""--- -V- t' erf-1 facility; . -orie i mfvthe. ?young:;mcn my joints in the cane appear, externally ha , . - .Uer bf the' cabin etimaker's. ;yavervso as eauy 10 increase xneveigniriN "'-? trtAfttrnv anrtlft tbn.Inseadbf j. ae ijaic8,jiiie owuer, uer some. uiincuity l".Sol dtKii'mS'fni?iiir5 ,v Qa-'vaal 'at mil x& I; o-disposed to Practise tier.s they will did honest y 13 1".3 best -fearer in .tfanA otdewjror&.' l lie. non years tlie Mirtu tesor th e Board of so ru e n y i a s in aj 1 11 e r, 1 n a ui e 1 to ry , o 1 j transactions 01 tne uanK is leu in great! confusion, ixo . entry appears, even 01 me names ' of the persons ; w ho t werfe elected ! Directors for 182g,or for the year 1826-" .Kv "lrsi'' i.'MV-v'.T'''''f s . i? y:Retii&oup uevivaU.)xkTn the present 1 tr rnQnifAotot. to have commenced, so far as the writer is informed, at the Camt meetihs: near parson ia- Jones's, in jyiauison county; - . - . . . . ..... . V . i woere u persons proiessea men at sa near JacUon, 65nearbrowrisvine, near Trenton. 85 : and at a meetin of whom became members of the Metho dist Episcopal Church. JiicAso?! Gazette. Melancholy -Accident. -It becomes r our painful duty to announce the, death of the ciate princrpai3 of the 'New.York. Hij School:! He left NewYorlc, Fnday 24 Oct- on invitation of Gen. Van Renssela itev, uaniei jua rn es, one ot tne assd- i h and the Trustees of the Institution receiM to attend its first public examination anu f0 PnV?, ?xaintlon:tn He stopped in Columbia county to viit r mil ni I PI I i some friends, and. oh Monday. On Ms way to Troy, in a Stage, in descending a l his seat, Mr. Barnes, in attempting Itb ill i rhi Htivat honiAAf haati 4 -Tlii-Aiirti t iAtn if jump from the carriage, felt, and fracturM ed his skull. ; He died in ashort timekf; - ter:: ::r': -. o . - m - M ous cultivators of science among us. was an excellent classical scnoiar ana mh : - . . i ! iji f troctbr,; an acute and philosophical phi lologist, ini the broadest sense of the term fan accomolished naturalist, and a learned I of learning neglected no valuable part ct . !ii ' r itr rt r--r-.. F 1 i . i..- - y - i -I , . , & . x. j. J uvy e are maeDtea to iwr. jonn riurtuu for a fine specimen of the Sus?ar fcane from th ntintation of Wm. CStoked. bf ! Lincoln county. Before it was mutilated by the hand of carelessness, it presented a beautuui ul evidence of the Adaptation bf our soil and "climate to this , production. au:h h-d ;vaati Jnibfa, inttliiir - D - y ; . a : . ' t . (. - la W I , hors. who wore raised in the warmer soil . . . " . and ail- of Richmond and Burke- joints are,; however, shorter tlian a tfa ;Tr flrp. linwPVPr. sinrtAP. than artv oft i l.- :i - L..;' - the specimens which we have seen, o,w .ng r "fi- probably o its having been cultiv ated (on Udr tis:de qUPPOTI r ve "" luul .-.fiHr fanfrom dllt.ri FiTI which have been examined by per- 5. sons accustomed togudge of such matt and who ueciare tne r iu i oenei maxne Carolina and Georgia- It is very Easily that any moderate quantity of seed Cane uu u4icu,.auu vt uiouuuu ty t, zmtsmv J theimeans knd capacity of the cfl larroerWb believe tlie cultiyatidnjwitl U a-.a-a.;.r a, in IZan-n.i Mtan --jr 1lof QTYi-.lt faVma to r.iiltivaf ft' POftilP-h thl Com I . ? - - ' - 1 if mr': ' ' :' ' J sii t. neighbors with seed The cane , will be I mini-4Kv''t9.nilV'Ttiar.r.r.'' Wnn r.aflf 'ma If l this out of cotton J , t : v ; O; j wriKnir fhi nhrtv(. wp have i I 'rr . , r ri ' l . , . - - yed two stalks of Cane from the plaikation Lr whicli exceed any of the specim Which We haiivet s ture.Cbl. Jones has ab. v ' V ":- " r- "&r that: the .prodess.shouJd.W w .1.. - rr t r i 1 - - .a , , - - : . , 7 and the other of theihoe-makeir's business; p-i. - be advisatIe:rto leaye-; )at an'ttefirst; At: SpecimeiiSbf ihair tvbrU were exhibitiAl io V- :v ti- mttaufctun iipbiren othirs. Mr.f:C!arei;? d : V;,'- l,2iUU.i:i, ll!P pupa of tKecelcbrate'dn AbbeSicard; id u city.'a lew dxys , -ci 4. gratiulatehesua Pa as alsbbresenUa tiers, cfJ chasten cuaaiv, io :;. rlnoa nnTviir'r't.Pfl'lt Will in ft.Rnnrttim'1 1 fl t tit ... ; ' . 'V .' . . . " -''. f?, , vK?- Vw, , , w.. v-. j w.v rihe-the? lesi" rirje.-t:art may ? be r. r nufac - r . T - ; -.1 a .V j Iwhigiof; this tornin coBtiinsf :anrdelicicfort Entice of lit tlian publicly to denounce; thc thai denunciation by a simpieaiiid abusive repijtiti ottof theie I can not consen t to t6ph to a fbfmal vindication pf mv cha. uch a man as John Sldatie ! Ji is due how- this, matter,: Ir shall be enabled to shew by the .most conclniive e.videncetfto tbose ai. ieastwno impie it more; cajnaia .to pe epnneb Jact-mp influenced, by Party that the: charge wliiclt has beeb madeii yvuuiiy . vc5lltuief.'rutn. ana( :iJjat. un-. $cfiooted iri drtifi& arid too prbii d n?Jii is-: seiibte,Kmy conduct at the'time ii!vHiedj to, j was marked by the; utmost candor and 'fairness' J s': ; ) ! ;A' .4 -I i- -y. r 7- STEVENSON. :: 5 . Nov.fc6, 1328. tne iTearT! meeting of Friends Mjy Baltimore, we 'Understand odjuurnedon' Fnday!a8t7i.V?''v.S IThe interest excitrc! by the' proceedines Qaa k er. : i 1 1 tithe r : pa ft s4v o f , the UhUed Slates, induces us tv suppose tJtt'a notice if their proceedings' in this city, may:Lbe; epejeted v (VonV- us. i-- -v v.v";V I Our intercourse with many hlghl jriT-cs-' VMG,'I VSJ'l-btllMR OWl ini Y. WI 1 pectable members of this Scity, hnsna- uns of the ''effing, no matters offaith have PMI. f)iai&(!Dil anil nn ilunirtliro rmtn fli'n been discussed, and no departure from the testimonies which the society ha'vTf oin JtV first establishment, : tlt itself baljedrupon U uppbrtV beeri proposed or deliberated Uon ihat tne biswhicn:hasft lieeii i.oA W ' : f vinto the matter . in- which ;the ordinary jC h p rch O nvi? rn 'jn en t an d M u nici pa 1 tegu I a--jtions of thK Society, have bjeh attended to during the past year, with the adoption j oi ut.fi oiner reguiaiions, lorine promotion- At iVAtvir . f . a oa mm. v ti r .ci-v n n n n a I .:.K..;or ni.u - ; - - , . . ... 1 . I ' i ' 'I. ; . i , lt W circumstance ave fiY p.eare tost.ienau r' yVT . . ".c -vtu 'v-r- a uiu yriuiiiiaiT, wilii tiio avtiwru , iiilciiiiuii '-.L'.i . .a..rL .Li : a- lf 5 ajll(1 if - aVi:.KinW anofh-ri ;r,; im!ePendent ot and no7 resoonsible to iR v.,Piv M.fi,.Vr nFrttt.. f .: .' 1 .... r . v l- r lnS ke mn Tiii rhino thpir l nniMna . oH-.ipu ond pv v ' "v.- ' ' r ' without involyioj: any rut'Sti,n of prtncii pies, no acrimonv of leelinj'. has, of cours Jonathan BustclPs iJtscosM'M. The XT.- State Telegraph Jinnouncetl more thaj a'eek ago, tfut it had in posiesaion -for publication, an important-correspondence DetweenauivpusMi ana wr. nay, wnicn the public. were ;icd UK believe contained I jm raO t r-TaV, I day, fbr these momentous feveUtious, but hW" v ?-li brought l uiuuk ii us.iHiic.ciac.iuaiiuiiiinuv vcumna .-r V o.l.n.::.,ir! ft 9 1 ft 4 4 f .a ct!on lit A 1 aK.I u a f'att tjiversified with long extracts from Jettefs of Mr Jame Lloyf to ,Mr, Adams,. At l-no-th it i nnonbcfd thfttib- imnortan disclosure islbrbught to a conclusion, and t. . -vfttpi Mr r r Rus8e are ' rM,ucedt bearing a verylb nificat proportion in length, to their volu'. verv we,i kn0wn before, that there was k i if tfrpnr.( ot onimon Deiween Air' i:imv ani,Mr. Attaa., oa one of the que.ti.mv 1li9cned ,,Uhe,.ta t thehoW iat!ll.e SteS witli' Mr. Adams, in i letter not wriiterr - 1 oTnpoacmnV cvhtr-h halrair a fpMinor - hf sefere I - ir w --'if.' 'in ; I upon Mr. Russell, himself, and Mr. Lloyd, 1 fKn nnnn Mr AHitrts, ami f:hr.nM I K-- hWt K imnnrtsnt r!ir1.Wtr tbe case, tliat tn; important uisciostjire had ' been inade'bvJSomeenemy offMr. Patriot both ' branches 'k of tho -Xegislatbre .., DWn'rViv Tala'rifl nr-ultiT tvifK nT 1ri-n 't-o ' ini eating idea exhibited v two - beeb taught'at the. Aroericai American Asylum for 1 "1 to me -liouse-ms1 answci t iv .ucavious, i v;vt-. . if his ideas- ib the - V i Wning prcuis oi tne po er yi r awuiiuu 1 Jr. , tUU -.'ait''Hi -ir rfffpt - . 'ft V ni 1 U 1 ft. 4V a. U 141 llJUtJk - - -ovaarM u iiiu.ih.h-; ia iia.pinar.r G: eilerfori the,La Bacna xh tr. hetuj-n t! 2i. piiace atidban-Atitonhi. Ho titod the hy That he'wQutd havV been cunvirted uicre i-p6 'duiibfihad Ve'livedJohe day ln;i-cr.' k i ue name or me gnt! j tnan' i ho a s r.. 1 uerea was fhrtf irn r V . 7 - - pasiinganullyniun ?! : :'gJ?C on the dtmef the' grand, rotumlo ci (pi!fVsdenjy;:vfejl ,Ju'pbb .the i r. ' ; J1? bwke 'khriby gh.ii fie "of t h epne ; . ami was. fort uaJy Atoprjed in hVr !c cc'iu by hiiaiwnessfj . nil t ip xterisjoii :pf't rj'kYm-Ji S . , re '':!- iMrsiisVpenif ed in that poiuibn. for : se ! .mmutefvJSri ith Atone,' iflL oStfibC the .attendAtiU ' came to : fn n undoubted, sotircej' CzLd V .1 FelineDeAustin in the Province t!" 7 uiore in jwa waato .hve Lee hnsf. The tTidnc bf hisu t; v.as cirru u M -tialiefitirelyij but of iheV-aiVonif?si - kindi ier asrancjf: her companions .'beiiiij;' ' tu : IDUch'.pfrifiet! .lb lye her any ajdl : . Wo rbstth.vyin be ajwarr.ir (o-'thoiseV!. :3 ituribsily ma v ttd thetn U tliat fpleiid:d7 put danfferbhsabcx.r-- . ?; 'Clircnr iioldsis Vxfieutcd'to obtnin inf.jrnntion i;i )iis Wuthefn polar, expedition on a'' number " of important subjebtaebnnfefed with our omfiierce- Henas ciasseu inose in-iui- JWujjj 'ofiler the nature and 'ex- ? ileoi-of Abwhalv.li$Kefy;i'nd ''"its'-. imr ' rf .tance ,-tbthewiilfafe':of. )ur,couHfr ' oiif,ahe extent jand charrcter i " the sea it erj s ki a ) rad er-rTfi ird th fu r ; s k i a f l4de Fourt'f, '.inVCck'nclal' 4 wood ; VrHde eieanwom rratir S;N?aarmM for trade 5trr;i , . ffV--' 4 : ' T I t One hundred and fifty American fr ii. lundred and fifty American are naweugaeI in the' While fishery : its wntiers in . tnvtrvqoeritel pi-.cis, ar: j;rowingsscarce, other ;tUcatipnst ir.t I explored, "tisv suppbetl; thatt!i I " 'i sbuiFhem; latitudes- yili 'Vanbrd abun-J ;.nt fisheries !;of--salnivri: and cod, .suil..bt. for the .Sooth : Aine'ncaH marke 1 rcs- ions for iheraile 'ih sandal vb-d'iiiut L li8ctyered, and the ea biter my perh i be found bet3veei 40 anu-60"4outh ell The.fejuber trade has not ver b&pn fol! , eu in uie oouxnerp sea9, wnt-re me 1 m ense qu.trti t y of e;-f o w I. ec s u res a n a n ble supply.-! iHPaL - 1 ? . - 'u.The 'Nashville -'Banner nvca ti dese 1 tlon f a'shobtipg 8tarf'f winch app.ar- led nearrashviHe, ,dn the nisnt of thb :29th ult-v The" Eastern; .hemisphere wr; ; beautifully serene : but tb the wost abr.: -z ot.;cumuious . ciouas'.Tose . about oir i,. heismt the' atmosphere Verv dehf . :nu lucidlWhenTthe. ra'etepr' burst foriu, iz emitted, a sudden" light likeihat of, i-::tV iun-7-far brigliter'.than: the-moon' 'and the stars :lt passed in a course, from :! east to ;south-eastJ--from a third to ' i c C the horizon.rThe part of the' hear " from; which itfseemedrtb bufst forth between COand 44'aUitude. , In its con r its dedinatioii;tbtkeveath' wat; ab '-it 10 -on IS'? 'descending: nearly r. i lov as' tl tops of,- the' trees, before ;, its ; 1 i gh t s cr-' hausted. : ? (The notes to Darwin Bat-nid Garden ' furhishniany - interesting c ;j fespecting.the" ofigin lind' cbinpositioii gT these metera- -::r : v i - - i VVe cpthe ttjUbwirig; glbrlous in : 2T licence from the ? Nationiil IntcUii-cn: r Extra ; iri:,-; v.-- '-'S l'aK, J it'. .-4v'Vj 'f , .C.V;.-''.' ' -. ' Gentlemen7: aThe iTeturns -receiv I L this eyehing's Steamboat,v r fe ver- :r-1 fying. -I enclose y on a lis t of the Di z tri c : i -' Madison Cortland, ; Adan. .vptse 4 -To .: J , 'P Clinton & Frankliiijrr Vo ;;:Oneida -;:Montgbmery, . ; lThe'Centrai 'Cornel tee iaforia '-'-TWENTYFOUR VOTES ARC k v ' . ' Yours, . &c.: 4- :.' . . JoHN Vr'.TAToii' and; Iartixdal u elected Noah defeated by 1500 ma - The xfoltowiag' additions.1 return; been received from ;Ohi fhnt"'!,'' siderable gaintO the-Adaiinbtratit-v a-". w a. w a. a aa .aw a , , ..Cayahoga, 'Ashtabula, Mi-TL-..", ?rcr: rijcritr ri C' 7C,crQ a . e : jn -Hdcntcn, nUtr h I.i vf l v.c.;,-rr7 i.-nit.to-. V 1 A . fc- aa ii W - . fin 1,00'j 1 O (CO COD ' . -f " ! a. ' j .". - - V a' a 1 ... ... , ... , ' ,.a. t

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