-1 . -7 i v. k- t .1 A L - t I ill -I -If. ,11 'J " in t!r ,t:;tc- t ''rwSn.ThursUayilaata boi t,fati was hifor Senator in C ;,n; :ss; nnlV-tne auaj v,w j .4. to su : Barnes. Well , ; v .,; , J Ail 4e,4 I 'iSV jc-TheDirectors of this InT titatioijf at n t special mcetingield, on Saturday last, declared jtdivUUn'd of too, dndva half per 'eent ontnevCapitalr-Sto(; forjKe last Wejye mohths-This WilL be uheasantynformatipna'ihcStockhold ers, especially tov such. ;as rraay; depend principally upon" their dividends for'siip port i but taking into view the, losses which the Bank has sustained by failures lntim con rse nf . t n e. pas t yea and o th er. ci rcu m stances, the - Directors were of tbpinion they4 voald hot be justified; in filing the titviuenu at Tiny largervum. - ,v" Mn'utfort Stnlces r.-'Llllankan'' Scattering ; -1 ' - TTincty-fou r ;ia majority, -thcre'as 'iiUtion. I ' thetbaUntingha'taken . ; : lc;,The ham e of- Mew fort Stokes, "is v .:Kmwn from nomination .V ;v , - D't Friday last, KRomuhigM jScmihxH, At heHnnualWtinkartheSfpckhol- ' ' i - ' : "!' ' . s ' " 1 r A .' Oi. X- V itntrtmAniiaH traataii!nf ' VI o anal I not be surprised t6 hear that a proposition i s to ad e to :sur re n d e r; th e C ha r tcr ;'o f . th e Bank ; as ho mo'ne v-hotdeYvcan b-er satisfied Vitli receiving so low annhtcrest for its v- V jTb-.-neveTeutf. ; Use,' at a time'too ;when this article is so Vll STD;.H iVUcarce inlthe communtty ; - , chosen Attorney ueserat oi ine ouiie, !' f trthe following vote .vVjvvv; , an the cnate, Mr. Jiariana . nas sun- .Mortk.Carorma mle SociefT An fitted aiprppositionjor a,surrey,by the .hiVersVryiDisfcWwifi.r thc. i-efit f: this Civil Eiigineer, of he , route foe , a Ca- i;Stut!6n,: was delivered Vn'Suday. last - id, from the nearestand most convenient i'he PresbitnJmChurch of this Cirv, jp"mt of umberltiyer; to th? nearest and bJ; tf,.; Mrl Oowd,, Pastor 'u'.f-the uost convenient point of .the Cape Feart fiahtis Society. His' text die fourth .;, Jnitiie House pt commons, r.iccciesi eree of jthe BfteebtK chatitr:r Romans. hb.submitted resolution instructing the I ve have rarely heard a seniiim mure ap. i "committee of Jnternal Jraprovementsrto propriVe to, the Wcaii. The .benefit fiquire Into "the practicability bf.'con- Mliicii.flnW fimhthe extensive tlifl'usion f gtructing a fiailfioad from the;.tQWn fof the Scriptures, ami theKtroiiVIalins which , rayetteville, to Campbeltoti lAnding'on Bible Societies have fr support, oi ibe ' flane Fear. ; i. , t' ' - " s -rYtnktnnnif v. 1 tvAri fJirrihl v' i;tIin:i f ' Mr. Alexander hai introduced a bill .to LTtie s'le f the5 Preacher was tiervous and nrovide for obtaining v statist! calinFtrma--f liU Jan'guage chateV- KXh'e 'Hectioii a- --tionofth resource s:;ofN6rth-CarolinaJ; tiouned u bout'S , ;. 1 "Th'biH ' makes f it the4 1 duty. : of " the f The annu'.l mt-i tingt. the Society will Magistrates ;: appointed to'take the list he held in th gehafe ciiamber of ihe'Cat 'cf taxables, to .ascertain at the' same onAVi-dnestlav .cveuuVg; at' seven riotk. time; from, each - citizen, the- descrip-1 u c'(: i!n nMtfl f 1 11 A n 4 1 i mm vT rlilav nnrl ' na r 1 I ' " V" "i i i ' - j . s 1 1M8 tatI iii uie. Baltimore papers, ittores: lumber, Jish &c. which hesends tp - . v ' , ' i - , ' ,v., . , 4"' x ; - haL the, extrairqirjarv bet noticeu in our ma. uuttujt ,.ucu..j, hA becu caccdiifd-the -winner of- .'P' .fcU? .uj.M , .fei to tke S1000and the 16ser nrompt- Vhicistobereturnrtdtothe C erkofthe ly liaiYlr.g thkt dinount. - :- m- county viourr, wiiosq uuty it jsnaii ,oe to t -'.r, - . I -- " x ' , ; consolidate such 'returns and. report theni The ofdeial return f the votes for Pre iVto the Board, for Interna!tImorove:r.2nt.s sidenr in Onio,'vexhilit a inniority ,of A .Bills are before thefLesislature "for e- "4,00 votes for Geo. Jackson. - ;v " ' y .'recti no; wo additional counties in the West V The precise maiority in Kentucky and mery -moved t:v crc( pt. Hie ..iton i net, and thua amcnijeu. tho bin pt i us iecond reading and - w'asVinade the. order ofihe'day for Monday; ' 'V t ed to enn 'iirpl jm th e mot ion of MrM on St'omery whether,' by thelaVt hoivlh! force, me go n"07 re e negroes, ana; o u i i Hues a re eXPupt'yfnrii;execu)ois"' v: s''f''i -t ';The.DjIl' amendatory of-the act respect insj-:dwf4.-.wr5 tnwd the icondv and thid Sioes anil oriern jn ue en2rose'f,viv ura he.bH' nrVrribinuj (diSmaTtnHr . i wh'rb Field .Ocrls, shiii I .be fccoini'niill p die. Mx. Nali rni t,he?Jnuci5irv f oHnit. to.'Whonri vas rfrj-d 'a rot.ution,1 'irict insi;lheih to ennuirt intnL the exhetlieticv f amendihs'tli ;tctv oft 1826, nrohih!fiiithtr iraning who siavs, so as nore. enectHJii to prevent lhe5selftnr of powder anl shut tu staves' reoortetl a bill lo aniend an ct pasec ' to ;826tu'pxuh.4b:t.r'tnW trdina with slaves' which ipns&eu.itg Jirst radii.g -I1 On motion of.Mr. Kdoif.sVh. the Jodi- ciarv conuniiree were instructed to enquire uu ;xne exciiency orviiiMking prvisin Uv'lw, so as to cive n he Superior Gotirts ipe power oi. rrsioringvio reuit; sucnr per siia as ina y;be convicted .of 'the" xrimcof pent larceny. , ' , f , ; 4 Mr.; Gary submitted, the following reso lution, which was ,dnted j-" ; Whereas, numerous applications are annually td ule io the , General Assembly, for restorincrito urctui iiiuiviuirais ucprutu or a portion or iiietr privileges, 'by .convictions' of ; .certain crinlefc, and whereas, such petitions are.ussually accom panted by evidence '' which Venders the Les-isla- t.ire unable to judgewliejber" sue! cases are of tat, peculiar, nurdsnip, as .to deserve their in terference JL.' ' ' " ,tV ;. ; ,v . . Therefore Ketohtd; Tbat t!ie . Judiciary com mittee be instructed to enquire into the expedU eyicy of so altering? or imendinj; . the existing )a, as toTf mit'thU portion of the punishment incident to such convictions.- -: - ' f Theenwiiisst'ilbill. to after the; ti a me of Andrew- Perry and otlier; n issed its firt reading- v " ,( ' vj- 'The bill to secpre.to Nancy, Worrell.- !tf BuVke, such priipt-rty as filie ioay heieiifter acquire, was read thVecond: time, atid on motion, "-'indefinitely postponed. -' 7v F : The resignation of Michael tieinltardt; Col.' Com mM t if; Cayal ry a t taclied; to the 1 Otli B rlgad e, and of 1 1 e n ry S in i t h . Li eu i . Colonel of .the militia of Martin Couuty, were read and accepted. 4 - . tue uratrauiung ami spluttering.- tnax tcaKe a 1 1 d igni ty', f ro,nd i! t ess,J an d re n der e ven rl;h t ofienVi ve. z I er-rcourse wj I oof ; ;ba ' 7 l, ! il.V l f 7 Ins rrcattinMcr-' it i. . s j, cr Aumr.HMiin -. N Can.'! in a t resist it by ; V ly tree. e ufe nap:T to cDfC've inMnou- eration tzl has'-ahyaysdistirguifihtd North Carolina lhe mot consistent iiahd unobtrur sivtL?5iate or tne union preserved, on -nis i wc tm tV- Prc to rial nrroganc that characterizes her- neigh VvaVtio 'hthe: ncr ami fiumeiKe xne zovw x 'inie.of he less :)rh and jlective. hor hirjsiiflVrV ii'claitn.:fiVJejiicrit.vvithtiie Union r. .iu-.i .":':. .. t.:J. ..: - J.: .i(iior."te ij inni;,M tin - v men anu' jnmvi theih. tior.ittie nodt5itionwitli ' wliiclf Cih'i setks'rtdreasl lilchtfins ' , ? In this vicinVv-Ai Thursdav " niffhtlasti IrsJ .-IIihtef, WifeM' Capt;Tfieojllus Hunt ef. ..This yery estimable JKidy Ihr "suftcred '.log'aud.'pain-. fuly'i under til e; Sickness vwhjch vventuafedji lier death. - OT the most una-timingr manners, andra disposition fraught' with kindness, "ibe; de ceased was;lbvtd audjrespected.byher friends "ami her death ias left a void lu her family cncle' whfch can never be filled.,' '. y-f. v; - i . f ' - State Bank rofoilb-Carolina . . ? ' ' -r V Rdeih, N6v, 23'18:o ESOLVElVTkat Divwlendbftwo and a Xa half per cent.'bn the Capital Stock'ioF.tMs Hank,', be, and the same is hereby cleclared lor the past year, payable at Vthe "I'rincipali Uank on Monday; next, : and at Uhe, several 'Branches fifteen days thereafter CHATtLKS DBWEY, , Cashier.' -I a me n e:r. for the . - i hot the Trad., .the -Students f iocs' ion aiM--" f.faevil!ft- ;V:f..Iln -Cou:iy, prompth-attended to.. . ; V- V Nov 10th, 13: ion ? 5 VilIiam''iNc)rri3 iz 1 FFKTl for : Sale Kxtra.heav- 0 Whil WhiteMickiiiHvy1!! r-fj ti. 9-4 estnt huv Lbnu . :Jle V. '. 12-4;; 13 4- TteV,:.a-' heavy .Wo--) 1 ? Ii'ose, da.fr Ctty.jr nle t!ie-Ty P Blankr's. if rd ,'S!2c- ? ; FeaTnauhts'j blue nm .'Wlic and mixetPU rey s ; Negr. . C . t . . i ; , -FJanOfls, rasson-d.-col. is ; L'oekLi - Plad JCerseys f.S-i 1 -; j. priced V rabCiol b ;. Si" ' i'. t ' cadet, in'el brown,'.. i 'i c . a aNwl Common Cmibs s ,V-, a S3 -r. Marseilles Vestin-is j C blt?, t , and superior, rich; PU . V. striped Lasting ? 'Ciici '..j ; . bazetts t Worsted, Laiti is V,c . ! Hosiery fTJogro Scks ; ...faj ! - new ' style xla'r v Parisian. Scarlt t C uyiui :-iiqVUUllUlSSlUM;t;in low-priced do i 4-4 and 6 4 C&rr.bi'. . . - ' : . - --.vfr: : '' - Musliiis ; FUm aiidnumbouret! li j rslHE SubactibAP. nffr "hU Tvii. lr thl Jaconet 'and h wiss vMulins f '-:v s X. .Planter and Merchants' who are in the habit l:ne V. 44 afd 64 Cambri of making, purchases in this market: or"disnoiiv.r I Mncy. Cravats; chintz hi of produce to attend lo'all business jn ttieJbiVKa,Ileuti Sbawrls & 'Poi.its i IT. or General Commission AgcnU- He will attend -?ottm Uatwlannce.tVIadra and V . . . to the sale of H articles of , produce r committed Mull JMustins dark, black hi.( to his t care, i and , make all purchases. and also ..Cinghams-V-Bfr .up Cords z- I Tihbv I receive and forward Roods for Merchants 'and Pelisse and GoJjar yelvets 5 ir cy Vefv: i one irora a portion oi jpurKe. ana oun jnmar.a inr. acKson, is m.t yet ' ascertain ' combe and the other in the region of coun- ed. ' , - ' try in. Hayvopd, known hy .t the Danie'f p-"VXnai?ana'.also- has jrone for Jacksivn, by , the Cherokee purchase.- " 7 ' 7 or SOO tnajority, and the assertion that A select committee has beeh'appointed, MrAdams would, nqt receive a single, vote '"TO enquiretntoine expeuiency oi exempting j ' v ''-v J -"w aU a 'from execution, after the4thof July next, 1 sewnicnt wnenever preaicten in ' a certain portion i)f land.' :"' v- . fbearinnr, pnlyerved for, merriment. 1 V U Cf(' -O ' ? r , 1 In NewrYorkl Mr. Van Burcn received : . Internal Improvement .-The annual for Governor; 132 OOD,v Sinith Tn mestint oi ine J5oara wa3 neui last weeK. Tke' business of the Board was cl osed on iSatu ril ay v e Ye n i ng. . Th ei r ; a n n u al Re por t will !o-d a y :he laid before the lemsl atu re . AYe jare pleased ;to find that the obstruc ; tioha at the Bulkhead aiiti lower Shoal be; lowiWilminstott" have; been, in. a ereat meas u re r em oy ed , ' t h e r e; bei ng 1 3 f ee t at ,,full tide ovethe former andN IS o'ver;the flatter,: :'Asi itis;desirable,'h6wever, to i obtain 14 feet,k; that bein the depth ,bf ; .water - over tneriiar, -a itirtnet' appropria tion is asked to effect this object rFrom -vthe tteport of JamesMebane, Esq -Super- . -..li . itxl-iixr I" ' if. 'iw L- t! ' j Auieuuaui ui inc t urxs uu v apt:-rear- ivi- ' ver above- Wil mington,'. there- is,-1 reason to believe .that'aiodJSatteausavlgation' . will be .ffecte'd; from Fay b tt e ville' to Hay- - oo, in the coarse-of the next Summer; . anu uiat too fWitu :ine iunuS iaireaay: in Byvthe latexinnuaV Report of the Roan- e Compatiy we are'glad.tb learn that v tliey! have unnroy ed the' Staunton -as far t' as Salem, .wet-oiitha Bine RtdgeiVxdisr tin ccf f 244 Voiles from Wetdoni r at Ibe : tbot : of :.the Great Falls of Roanoke - that the Ojsrnal- Swamp Canal Js nearly xoiV pletedf and that when . this important link uie cuain oi internals communicaiion With'' the seaboard isefected,theJextent of the Kaviaaiion will be 430 miles. The Directorv congratulate the ; Stockholders on thejprospect of' soonf receiving a hand ae profit: on tYeir stocky antl the coinr . manitr v.ith an easvV cheap and.expeditl . us transportation -of their 4:produco tb -sarketAlfjie of Steamboats is contemp- -fcted'fiom Norfolk .to Weldon,' which vleciea to -The, Sufeci ". V-.. t.-', - - Snares of additional Storfcriri th Roanoke, Company thas: be made and 'accepted, ,vi;-u i - " ' i . , produced for several years" some 4"u ri fasatifc tbnfiicts. of onlnibtl. between 3 SRNATE," . , ' ' : " Saturday; Nov., 29. ' - Mr. Shober, fromthe committeeof Pro positions and Grievances,-reported onjavb. vtbly to the petition of John" M ill wee of Mecklenburg. : Un motion of M r. Dav ir( sonithe report was; ordered tolie on. the table.'. r: , , Mr. Shober, fromr the" same committee. reported unr&vnr;ibIyvou the petition' of Jim.-Banks -orjt'.igquotutik. Concurred in. Mr, Shober, from the s;lme vcommitiee reported ulbdl' to Venture WiUiirm.Forrell. of Mnntsouierv couiitv. to credit 'Read sue,which, whenever predicted ir our V x, " .'1-- 11 th ; I a regul at i f lie s l.e of 1 1 ri d s a n d staves o"lar- as respects the county ;ot Montgomery., Head the hrsit tinie. .Mr. Waul, a bdt to alter and amend an act passed in-'182ry concerning' ? be' Public Treasury. xTU bill was read the firt time, and lhe,'ruie of tlie Senate relative to ! t ' ' ' ' -v . 1 , , . . " puoiic oius oeing tnspens-ti.-?wr.D, it ii . '...1. . : . .1 others m the back country, receive and store 1 tinrs 4 v Dmasfe .Slk ; Dresses t Ti:c' cotton and flour, or ship to any , of the Northern 1 Grecian OiiighAnY Robes ; Ca nton Crap renewal of Notes.- Intending to devote his whole 1 vntioe HdUfeYbKckltsUW Lusuin attention tv the hove business, he &o icit a I i;ravaiv wuu ooniers ; pin 1 fu . - j T . i ' . . ... . I . . . ! - I 1 l . t .- - ' 1 - , snare or puuuc patronage. -.mtv . .V' , f" . ;1 VTM. E. TROW . ' t :; Reference to ;. i . T John Kelly, v A ngus Taylor, i:yX 'John Husked . Hall Johnson, ' -i r. Jno. M; Dobbin; Tho. J.-Curtis, O. P. Stark, ; Col I (If IIMV iur. -e A VV UV ' v. 1 t, , . - - j fc - - r . . r - 1 iii 1 ,i .a..,i 1 iii , ., , 1 j- wi4 wrt iva, wm.T k'HLi i cci i urgs i :iuru Siuol C It: Q'ss Co'. ' Italian black and col red C Merino and .FUrregc Shawl-. men' and la ljesf llorsfkin Ltrgc Company rnir am it . cy Birdeye Udkfs-V'KoalarxKu Bobbinet, ; rTbreud "and potto;. L.c: -mens' atid ladies bUck :r ! whiie' Si! P. Stark,jno:Taylor -WUirongton best ttKan:blue,'.;b!aekf ci sb, r.k: I. H.V.Ayer, SBirdsallolCoi Raleigli i'e Sewli SiliErViisf, bUr, b' ayettevUle,Nov.. X25'3t - . TIlTff? r Ml AM AWAY f,nm th StuKln. t1i P I ICKIeilDUrgS ; '-c ninjj of thfe 26th instant,, about -20 mites rsouth " ' . ; 'V ofthiplace, while on my wayto GepriA.a -'Tv: 1 V,'' ?- -rL fL t in; UM.i .fl i,h,;m,.u.: Pe?" SpooPU ire lotion ;md H ion nd spoken to has a very.p easing counttnance when fP"! Bull Cotton ; n.; o , has a scaV on b:? lefties occasioned FV0'' vC'P ire, .;c bv a cudrorn a sevthx; tie liU on wlien lie Iett 1 - . s; e- "or. me a roundab-out lacket aniHcomm n homespun 1 ' - - - - ' 99,000, and SotoaTnn S.uthwick 32,000 votes. -'-Vani"..:Buren's majority ' over' butH 900. ' ' ' i S ' . ' , S. "L. Governeur Esqv soni?n-law of Mr. Monroe, has been appointed by the Pre sident Postmaster at.Nev-York. I Tlie leading heads of news from Europe are. - rj - i -,i 1 Favorable appearances iii the Cot ton market. "J ' . ' t 1 ; r! 15. Depression, inithe Flour and Grain Vnajket. v"J u 'v3. Evacuation of the Morea agreed u pon. 44.' The Russian; campaign I against -.the Turks .h atit bus far been highly d isastrou s. . "Bell's' We ek ly iVf ess e n ge r exp r ess e s a belief,? that'lf some 'settlement is not made between Russia &-Turkey before spring, "the fire i wil 1 spread, and al 1 Europe may experience; the effects of, thegenerai Icon Hagratiop."; HOUSE OF COMMONS. K lilr. Oary. TroiH the committee of. Propo sitions iind Grievancei. reported asbill to Lseeuretto Celia Garland, aucli property snem ay . n e rea 1 1 e r accj u 1 r; , anu 0111 1 or the reiiei orANatni.riVecnam rot . "Uineotn. The fif st bill was read oiice'the last three; times and '.was ordered to be engrossed. '-VM i Nash .presented Jt bill for thebetter orgrTiTiizfiturn of thfe So pre me Court, which- passeo its' ntt riuMig anu wa maue toe oHler "oT the d ay for; Thursday next ? H-Mr7 Muiitgomefy a, bill Jbr ihejbetter regalatihoof 'tbe:,CoU ity Cou'rtsof Hef t-: fu r d , . w h i ch - pa ss ed i t s ; h reV. read i ngs and u-its rjj ed to be, etigrosSed' C s, V '.s. MT'kclesi a bill toiticbrnorate theFsfy-. 1. of. opinion betwe r'prietors of stock in llii's State and those 1 ' ':."y .a" Tve p or to f th e Bq n co n b e Turn pike ;'-tt;rany,,c are'infotcied that this RoJ .':nhed s that"it,isvprincipili'y 'located .-'' -v -"oi ine rrcucu iirrr.i. : liver, Veryievc ftnd forms the c . .inu- ?--'T -.Trjc atid'the ho:thcr'i Atlanti .a M r Stocka nl ,1 abil I nifi ki n j it" th e d uty ofjhe'Majon General tbf 'lb q 'third division of i THTtia,. to' which, the count v, of Orange is atiacneo, ioreyiew. me iniima ai ifieir usqarniuster grounds. "'Read and referred to 1 1' 1 ' coin niit ee c n .M ij i ta ry f A iliurs i 5 s r-M i. J5f egbry f submitted. i. resol u lion, rcwting ihe Military committee to etiquire into, the expediency of 'famishing the-cotny pany of liit Infantry iij .'Elfzateth Cjty witli'soventv sland-rf arius." fr," -i th- select- c .. to read the second -and third " time's, and brf dered to be ensrosned.. ' r-On motion of Mr Parker, the Judiciary committee iwere iht runted to enquire into ttie expeiUency,ot amending or.explaining the laws regardinglower, .'lasj far as ; resi pects the amount of costs to be taxed, and by whom to be paid. v : : Mr. Mebitue, from f he commit teeon In- fern.d Improvement' : reporled without a- memlmuut, the bill to drain Mattamuskeet 1 4'i k e, ' an I it was m s d e t h e s ord er "of ' the d ;iV for M on day . n e-x t." . Mr. Marshall presented the petition of sundry citizens of Anson, praying 'the le gislature to1 pas a; law, vesiing iii jlie eo pleofsaid cou nty: the right of -electing"She nns and -rieil'Unicers.-Kead ,and reter red to the select committee on the subject. Mr Sherrard, the petition of J imes,l)a hi e I of VV ay n e . v Ref e r r ef ( to 1 1 ie com m i tr tee of Propositions and Grievances The bill to repeal inpart a tract ''passed in 1826,1 : to-, profiioit' .tiie Justices of f the UouniyjUourts ot Brunswick,,, Currituck aim' vioore, irom -aiiowingv extra.1 pay,to their County 01ficers, v as read the second time, and on motion of .Mr. Leonardiude finitely postponed;' ' i , , ' . On "motion of Mr. Wellborn, . fr ' r Jietotved, That a joint select committee be ap pointed to take jnto. consideration the expedient cy of -.directing , the State Enineer.ta examine ana isy on a roaa, xne nearesi ana nest way irom Fayetteville to - the town of -Wilkesbbroufch, in ."Wilkes: Cou nty 1 or,to some point On the'' .Yadkin nver 111 a uireci iinc ciwccn uie satuiowns. M ri H a rd i n p rese n t e tr" i r esol u t io n i 1 1 fa ¬ vor of John Gaiiibill, Sherilfof Ashei : Re- ft f N d - to the co 1 u ini 1 1 e e o n C I ai ms. tMr. ilarftson.r'his distirfuished citU Z.ei xius oeeii uuoieu as s canuiuaie lor T' omceur jovernorvor y irgima, out iti believed 1haf(i9jircoi)scht.(obe . . ! thaV- olBce.Vi lt Vs -! will become adelegatey;Vrid no doubt tl. President of, the convention about tn t cal 1 edun. Virgi nia for the jamendiiien U i ' ineir aiaie onsmntiun.- "r .v'l.v; V - V.- ji, s.; j, . ';.. .V "..- ,,: ' .- ..t . -..---."-. : t-v - '-v : . .r- v -;..(-. -.-jw ' , - J- .v - ' r- . TL - s letter from Mr. .Potss-eirMur Min ister at Met ico,' received by the last pack et at Nevvjyirk- states that be was about f ) return to. the. Tj.iited'States. pantaloons: , I purchased him of Nathaniel : Kq. , ; ; -. . " t 'V n ' i. ...... iv-i,-. - . i.w .,rm.i..-l..i.-: "'I: v ,v r-:':s .V:"vii,j. j ivMny, HWlli.v. t IiUp r.. trt K s M AU Y AMtK W Upturn l.ot h .ill iim tor the town 'Artl.l.f. i I1 -? -the -.CiUzcns , U dej-lj this Stkte. v- All persons wninff or conynanding 1 1 r 1"'5S?f 1 v r li;m..v. The above, reward will h.- naid Hhhe. stoicOm nestle; K tiQJ-rn- h Vic. ss: ir.t-l ' 'Ah i ; i mfbr.;. ' 1 thai ' c ... j - :i . . ,anv person, wtio will. lode nim in jail and rive- 1 .- . -4.',i, - , , , '- - r a 1K.1- 1 1 - 1 -. ' t l ';- r ly.afid faithtully.-aUunai-.l .to. She :q-z me information so that ,1 eet him., Anv'tnfor t- tu - 1 i, . .1 T i lnl(: - ? ti - .!'ii v further to make known to them, that she . nialion: addressed to Mr. A. B. l)avi7, Mdledze - 4; ..y.. . , T Fayettt ville. N. C, Nov. 27. 256t rncnr- Coais ani- f uniaioons 5 k1- j and itEPAirt itunntw. 'Department 6fy State, fiuT h9 kept twb;iitjOilred.yr.r.?i : : Wjihillp-tnn:Vnvmhr iR2ft7 I the Statc-Housc on Halifax ..street. -whei e - r t . 1 -1 - - "'' 1 , - rgi!K vice uonstn ot tne unitea stales at: ranrl -w , ;" v"' :1 nicoJ haviotr advised this. Department of the 1 nJiei,:,,'Novy. ' l . .j-. . . . ; . - "V 1 icinity ol that place, . on. Ihe4tlt I v, t.r "ii ' -4. o - of September! last, ofcDr, ' David !itcheil,-v fori I p.V'r a.1' V X5V - meny ot me arae ot XMorui-arouna, ine tact, is 1 t;w; ctaya nave jusi 1 . cive : i; formation of, the representatives of the deceased. N. B. The publishers of the Laws of the Uhi- rma and New Year's 'Offering c o;i sti r pin at Pieces in Pr.oseand.Vers"" -. H v ! Ir. 1 ted States in llie SUte of Norih-Carolinaare re Mrs.Sigouriiey,;M"!ss Fr.iiC.s, Messrs. I quested to publish the foregoing notification for 'HHeck.xVercival,' 'Pickerhig, .Mclf ry, tour weeks. " k ' , ; ..v.--- v.' :j AYilHs; and' piher-. American - Wi j VIRGINIA STATE L,O rrElU ; ' -', ' '..TOR.THE BENEFIT OF THE j. !. ; J f Dismal Swamp :CamU Company. 18TH CZiiLSS;;; - r:;p o 6c drawn at Riclmioiidr on lVednedmi . -. . . s.- , ; '4S NUMBER LOTTEaY T- DRAWN BALiOlW belsliea with tlie folio win'rr -beauth'u! ings, ty.the hrat ; Artists 1 Presentation Plate, 2 The Sisters; ;.';'r; Y. 2 tve Asleep, i ; i j 4 Tne Tituve, -' "; ' 5 The Power of LoyeK 6 Chapeau'de Paille. f?11i'e whole beatiriiulJy'e'ncIoat.. Ornamented Cae. r i 1 -1 - - Ilalaigh, JOth Novi . i; V . lies: 9' I 10 T 11 The C 12 Ext'; CS- ..... . ' . , v; - : - - O - .-; 15 :,v4i, 615 i -5,740 ; i S ; SCHEME : li Prize of 810,000 5,000 3,044 : 1,000-. 500" 250 100 ,10 - : V 5 13 s- Sib,ooo 5,000 s;o44; ?; 2,000 : 2,500' 2,500 .1,500 v -2,050 , V -l?640. -. - ' 2,460 --;: a64o: . " ' 6,150 v. ririvii nrrn r r,r h k -NT) fiir sale at the Div - to- , - llL-Son, inUalei;rh, price t'.r-? tl . Edition tof tlie O aud D t f - . the Peace and a j. iide jto 2hi i Clerks; Constable- and other Ci North-Carolina. ; VVth an pjicn. the. Constitutions of jthi'i Stale tnd v States, and 1 col!ectionr cf iho .'r. forms for t of these 0 .7icc; .. ' , Hie ne. .uitioriof -"this vilaab!? " tal:-.s besides its ;former;uscfi! irat'er, stauce of all the, important Act t ueuerai Asemuiy: rrom ,the'v r I ,15 present penou, .wxucnspp 1 . UoSs'J irtickets., 869,184 . WhoieaiCkets Halves 5Jt; v A order' (post paid) promptly y-', : f - -f - YATES fit . 28,700-1 ed to, from any part of the f ' ' ' i I". r.t. t. 1 1 f . AVholesTickets $5,' Halves $215. Q,rs$ 1 25 ijrini;iiy niienueu lO. fit AVJLNTYRB, ;: Martarer3. -Richmond- OcLlZX. : : ; v s viGand'JDonsolidate(l:Nb10'V ;' ; To be'xdraipii Qtk Deeernber':1 . ' l 1 And only 11,480 Tickets. 3 : , .vtnV??5b,ooo; ; 510,000 - - v v 1 '-'ri: - 5.000 .-2.500 . IU. Ml I.M 1 " I- i -te a I . ntic Air, I'oy, .hoin .. ts... . let'pa? "..d i; . . , , " S f public 1 u.illv.'rs,' rrp .. end merit. Ths ' all' of C v. Iredell is rlcvotet' tc hree priticip.il u.jectw the TaiilT, tlie OVL. the t ill , ar oor.j .:r; - jt..o directing. tbc duty 1 .tiiiJ Lame ''without a- "l .luviii- bcea rd, olauthc spirit . gf tl.j.Constitujion, with- i :t- :san:;s M t v '.ich the J M a t i i v A.- suisps-vvjtli abll.iy and r.;aderation. . 4 5,000 .V "--2,500 - 2,560 . "5 of 1,000 -f 600. - .15 cf 5:J0 k J 36 ot'lJO '36 of ;. . " 36 of ,80 4, . 56 cf 5 .50 : vtiesides $40, mt 3,73 ot20 KAVboleTickeU S?'5; Ualves -510, Quarters. C5, , - VATES f-. .ITTYIIC have ' 1 tl. -pt of pavi" ItMn a' few vreel.:, t' Prizes-; - ; 15, CC " CIO ,CC rJ J 13,3, 31, I 13, 21, ' , 5.CJ0 13, 1. :5, 1 .ders. Cr IJIIITYU. C'pr.Tjnli .. ire j . -: fc. 4 i4 I - , p1 - -4- .ATuaI.I'IITTVilJ, t.s. nms establish mi: ;v . ii now open lor 'the recep : i Theyituutiort of tli K r ... most desirable in the Cit I uated on the North s d c t . t. within the imrr.edu ie vie r.lt r r Tiie th;rpes will beuu:for';i "r.;. respoixlinj with th- present I , viiioas Man r:. !!;;;...'," Cents per day". be churrtd cue dc-1 t!. : best, - Lave- - , . .1.4.. t 1 7 on L .o - , .... i.. ,. Kiel. J, Va. c-ty i(C-rd . kij" lhi