I - r. .rl.ilv I, TN,TC:iOI1lcn the Caltiv. XVjI' c:i he ber.l Hi de cF rr. -Cd ilia !W y ashingtorr City bour.d One? Dollar. ; 'Raleigh; ' - 1 r , tl.j Vi:;r, r.7; ;i..-T '.Vine, : 1C23.. Price '..alf 'I. ;:d . THE TOKEIT,; A Christmas and . -. - . -;!. . . I .4:. r.,i.?..Svv' r- - , v A V Tears Pivscnt r.di'ed ,PIUG.:. f-L.A vv. ' - bv NP.VilMwu- ' ,sf ': VP"- 44 and . for lr.?c:ii.ll CGfischuehzecfc zintht rye.' .rnt'-T1 TefbyJs Gales 011, : ,: . ..' ; J. - - ;T;mirnS Plate! .TitlePn S. The , - - - ihcr our T. . ;.'-'":; i. - icr Vip out T. J?cr ah ' tieTates4 .I'khotr tot Y; r .t ir.'.-it'tire flowers . 11' Which venmous:stun her in the IV. " Da that she could not wrf I "T c-cUim'd, " Vile sptfeful D ! If ever X citc'i U;'-,f ' V'-Vi; jcrmine rosebtid.'or street I'll chinse yourtioelngrQ 5ri , ril j 1 j ouf .like a umn;or u Gift. 4'- Th5. Scaman'3 -yidotjr. ie -Aca-3em'c GroVe 6, ' fiottffC Legend, 1. Saturday Aftenv-on.' ; 8 Psyche - before the- tnbtipal F Vem:, ,.KChanlf va r Statue.of ' Washington.-. 10. - Tc 15an BoulerT(!.VU. TbjJ Prairie on Fire." 12.-Capture ofvVndre.13,- Joahuacom th Sun and 'Moon tn stand atUK: ;14t The Emijrtht.: 15rThe'Rssian Shepherd. :! ; I) -nt:: ?.';,-. ;'.:,illy rTer .iccz to V.2 L-dies anl G-r. l.'md.'such Ctrarf'ers f.i r.ns ht the City ilunng- the Session of the Lcpsla-ttire.'- Iltsvroom is-in the; .-buiMin,tr lately tccu )ie a Ms an umce ny ur. r; u ay wuu ucu -5 Jala rpGuestetf ine ttiu wait 'UDOHllieiaoies ar xnetr dwelling. ; rj V; ' t 'j :f' -v ; - , . . 3v v -averts jori: c eo, xu ipzf ' O'.ntn-.c. l ;v. j ?c Vi:il Clnrs; paper i; . '. f ' .ta . .T'i , J - .. AT.TIIi: SIGN OP Til C GOLPEK All. '4 The Sabacriberg hereby certify that tliy hare htiff known Dr,-Antt$,CAnd respected him aa-a gentleman and:wettJnfomefrKliywc1ftP.'i..Dri Am k is . prliifitc o he, College &f Physicians Surgeons ofNew."Yofk;and has devote. I himself rtieulariy to the aludy ind'prictiie of ,iVentiw 4rW of Mhreh he Is a' well jnform'ed' and: akilful practitioner. K f- , ; ' ' j - V. 'JOHN .WATTS, JrM PrWV; hf thv College vf PAytfciaiis Surgeons, . x ,-,, 'Professor of Surgery. Prof, of the Thrtry and Practice fJ?hyie? or- v. ft . Trtn our ilelirhtrul Tillage Q,, Z-; 7 1- To r.-tanf OVi:vN r! . . - 4rA stream mr.o from my wounded 1'. : ; Z ilt ts the briny C,: s r- -id as t' 2 ZZ orY, The OlOroe As v. T. :r fire thee dT, insensate Bl v . , stungnor yet knew Yj; ' , Cincc noi for vealthy Durham's C Would I have lost my JU , -', ; in rHSMITH hSs the nleafttire of announcing La5 to the public, that lie:bas-j'!St opened an J FAU: ahi - WINTER .GOOnSonsistingof DUY- GOODS wLalmost every description, famont vthieh are i many nevrand elegant articles J -.IfAHDWARBand GUTLEHY- : ' r, t " HATS and SHOES, " ' SUGAR & COFFEE TEA & LOAF SUGAR, POWDER and SHOT." CASTINGS & IRON. ,ThVse Goods will be aofdJor CASHyor tb tnnctiinl-r customers .as low as those of equal r:qrfAUty by, any other House in the CitC Pur - I chase ra Are invited to call. ' . V : 1 "OCjyA further supply daily expected, & among them one case of RANKIN s first rale BEAVER A ATS. A " k S: , -Raleigh, -20th' Novl828. '"s836t. Tli'rybear wii tears fair XjNGv . 'Intuneral HA A c..y cold cor&e - Whilst I-mourn Itiiporia tit to. the A filleted: f 'ILLIAM and HAYWOOD hare for sale ' new. books. : r n TT GALES & SON have just received tlie fol- ltiwincr New Book': ' ' 4 ' l.. ? History of the United States Tevxh:.bitel in con- neton with his Chronology and progressive Geography,. by means of a series of Maps : the first of whicii shows the country as inhabited. :by various triben'of Indian at the timt;.of its - discovery," and the remainder its'. state. at dif v ferent; epochas so arranged as to . associate ' thewprincipal ever.ts of. the history "and their dates with the places io which, they have oc-' , cufred. New-York, 1 828, Price Three Dol ''lari..'' ' r' v v '..'; Publii Viririlit XIaronis Opera,; or the Works of ' Virgil, with copious notes MythologicaJ, Bio 1 graphical,- Historical, Gegfraphical; Philoso--1 pbicaV'Astrqoomical,' Critical an(l explanatory in English 1 together with - an Or do 'of the ' most intricate mparts of the text, specially cal : culated to liiHiten the - labor of the Teacher. ''.'and to lead the Stiideut" into a knowledge of - the Poet to which is added a table of refer- ence, by the Rev J. G. Cooper, A'M. 'New ' 'York, 1 607, . Price Three DolUrs. v ' r -X , - - ' B-ileigh; Oct. 30; 1828. ', -16- ti 7e nymphs of O. Lst ,to the. reason Yl rfow:dooinpd to B,- , t , ; 1 f iir-.tiogcrs- ,veg-iaDie ruimonie aieier- v , .:. . ; . . ' . . I KtimntivA Atllrrtinn nf thit I.un'p. . :,.. ' , then shun etch D. V : 1 - - g ' H OUM,r ' - 'v.V:- J - -V " 1 - - r ' . J; -'.; For should AB CU at T, , - 0 . : . . : He'fl surely sting you f. -V".J'- 1- -f Now in a grare'Jdeep Q v'.'-vShe's cold as cold canP . WhiUt roLii)3 singupon AU. ; -" Her dirrre and LEG, Vc- - t1 4 3- -v. . V J cor. zisuk - -. - - f f,.-.,. -.J f Periodicals PnnADELPni Vledical Journal, by! Carey and Leaf published, quartevly, at f 5 per annum American cuarteriy uevAew, a per annum. - North-American Review, - 5 do do 3outlern Review ' ;- , 5 do - do Flint's AVestern- Review, published once , month,' $3 per annuml . . . Franshn Journal, devoted to -science and in ternal Improvements, $5 per annum., ' ' xx.iionai fjuciiigencer, .uaiiy, 9iv ana 1 n weekhv $6 perannum. . , r." Subscriptions for the above received by v . r A . J. GALES Jc SON. Sept, 16, 1828.: V V '..,., - fTHF.'HOTJSE on Favetteyille Street belong ; ' iL ipcrto .-irs Goocrwin, and now. in tle :occu- . "prcv of &J..s; Slone.,' Persons' wishing.' o reut' vyiire reqtiesled to.makexarly appucation; to Mrs. flfirtflinrin. or the'Editora of .the.Refiristerl -y State of Tennessee,? t j - oin uaicuu iircuii. November.rO. l.: , ,ofbrJ importing Qrap?nt .Roots- fropi on . his wife Complair ".; k.. France, at a moderate price, and encour: r ;s j 1; , and j In the District ChancerylCourt, at"-Jackson, ; . . 'v September Trm. 1828, . ,k , 'i. Ret ween John L.RichHrdson" and Caleb 'W.i llicharciaon,. in 'a r by fheir guardian George f'erebeeVand JWhitehurst and nants. ; - SIGN OP THE BOOT. ITTTLT.IAM J. LOUGEE respectfully informs : !T,: his friends and the public generally, that he still continues at his old stand two doors be lnw the Apothecary Store o Messrs. Williams and Haywood, where he has just received from New.YoTk, handsome assortment of Gentlemen and Ladies' Roots and Shoes of the latest fash ions and made of the best materials. He has al so a number of first rate wovkmen.so that he will at all times be able to do any work in his line at the shortest, notice, lie has also on .'hand j general assortment' of Tin Ware by the whole sale or retail. v w v ': N. B. - The highest .prices , in Cash: will be given for two or three thousand pounds of old Copper.- - . .v - . - . Wm." J. L. Raleigh Nof 16. .21 Original Bill. -ta thr United. rtesi- ' -f " ' " ' 4 U ..1 trt k r' I - - . , t J x ": V ViM iT-r 'o- JL-bill ot. complaint against' the Defendants, -Island, where henipw has m fill culHtion, 35 erein whJrebv thcy set forth ar.d, com. acres of ground, cantaining-.Wjpop Grape Vine . w thpy the' s.id John'L, Caleb, and Roots, ; Pi2g OHythe Achndn.ndhririatL7w of bemg mble d .PcJnhW ?f Jonathan Richardson, late of Camden county, N. '. 1 Roots frpm hiaFat lerjs xtensey.nevarasand c whodied ift m2 or 1823 inteslate v only son and heir of ,-rohn Richardson formerly :, r -Ituzet, pepartm.ms.of b,ronde,and Loynd Ga- of (ot Cjmdrn) who diedbetweJ ' ..v -, . LVnnM Fits" fT. T.at.l nrnn05ii tn tt - . - y,f V . . .t . . "r? " Tlie President and Trustees of e U hi v t rsity of North-Caroh na. Defendants. 4 . , rMHE Complainants having filed their original niittierou friendsrto tlie cuUivation of the Grape '-Vin in the.Unid:State.va.bcriptioa;!sT :.5.'':Mf...Ai',Lii.--will engage to -furnish subscribers r witli tht'it' Grap ;Vi'ie Roots, before the First of ITarch next, atsd. forward them, free ot, expense, i k ;to he uiiierenx ernes wnere suoscripnon usis ; ; sbll have -.been. ''opened. Ki''he "roots "will be 3 year old; "airJ will . produce considerable 1 fruit ; tbfc secoiid ' year from' tlie, time -of herbeing pLmted. ' : They-'ilL-'be carefully, classed. and 5 packed-in boxes with some of the original soil e"' in which they have been raisedWhich'will great j " '" ly fcilitaie the tii riving of the roots-when trans- -Orders win oe punctually aicenaeato jtn .siibscribers'dsignating'the- quantities and sje- cies of the .'Grape.. Vine Roots theyvisli "to" have; ' -They vill engi -e to 'pay; for, 100 root orniorej '. fc at the rate of 121 cents for -ach rooty for less -than" 1000, at tlie rate of 15 cents i jTandt 5 nts " J tier r oot for les9 than50i 73 lloottionltf t-tvb years. ' i V slisill be paid, for at therate'pf 9 cenfs each; v':'! or 1000 or more 5.12' cents for lesatlian 1000 r v-v payment to fat made on -peliveryor tlie roots. Xv V Letter not received vnless FQSTPlID k . V' " ' Subscription L".sf$ are qpened at J t New-York; with Al p honse LoubitjJJJ,- y zllU " Bwston, ' 1 " Copeliiid; J un. . -, ? ; -.w' Albany, " : Mcic:ia;l.. v Phila ftlphw, Van An iriRge, " .'Baltimo-e, ; Wiljardtatti'3adai v f -' - ; .Wa5i!iingtonCily,Thos.'W: Pafro,. ' J .'Hichmood, DavenpoH, A llei; St Co; , II ill, Shaptee &..Tupper-. J- ost er & Huttori. V ; , T. v Vi Street .CovS lUleiVh, , .' J..Xiales & on . . . '''7ev-rcrl t&23S?r "wV; tl5Al - - jr-iew -Orleans, .c ... ... . i;narie.sion, Subsii ibcrs 411 this Stnte wiirhav . ,v 4 y 1 x , HEMOVAli I)OCTOR:FA. .USV. !I-YW(dDr ,'. c 'H' AS removed to the supper wpartmentof-the . Jill" Store ' occupied by Wflfiamd fcllaywofod; '.r vhtrc he my always.-: "be foiin'd unlesa!;prt4essk " 'o:ullv engaged.. . " r , 'rQ- notice: V . x i A'.LlVBRY STABLE is opened near the W - A. p'.tol and i$ conveniclit: to all the. Rourdig: ' Houses n the city 1 It oftVrs convenience 1 ti the I .nierobers, ot th .approcuitig lUctiefal- Asem. . 1: xbly,, and oU.er visiters to I : iteigli. ' . i' : Being- svffl supplied wit'a provender, -.-I will -prorn.se fht no; pains sball .be -sp sred in dol;) . ttstice to the hoiscavh.ch xv.?y entVtu c i to ; try c?re. - .W1L hMl I II. " . BaleigU, Oct. 20th.;iR2H 14. PIltKTING years John: Richardson served as an Ensign, in the 10th regiment of the -North Carolina line, in the War. of. the. Re volution, in such a manner as to entitle hinr to a military land warrant, according to th laws ff said State, 'passed for the relief isc compensation of tbe.OfBcers and Soldiers of said line,for twenty-five: hundred ahd sixty uteres 1 1 bit the said John Richardson died without ever haring drawn or authorised it: to 'be done, or as signed his -warrant foresaid services ; that the Said Jonathan Richardson atsa died, without ever having lra wo or authorised it tobe cltne; or as signed saidvwarraht 5 tliat the Complainants are entitled to said warrant; apd that ii fehoidd have issued to them oilyor : ov.e'of their ancestors 5 but Uiat on thel6th'dayf August;' 1821, ; Abe Defendants, fraudulently combining with certain Commissioners, of the State of North-Carolina, appointed for thesole purpose of delivering to the mi li tkty .cfai ma rits under that State, and those cViming under thfc'm their warrants, caused and procured, ; under: some false antl groundless .and 1 fraudulent preience;' the: Warrant which the Com- pjamartls Were entitled to, to be issued to them; the, Defendants, in consequence of the'iallegetl death of the said John U char Ison without liir, by No- 582, which recites Upou4ts face, that it vas iksUed for ilJhe services of John Richardson aiEnsign in the Imaforesatd; r in -,kthe Reyohi ttuiiary War that isaid Defendant? caused the suid warrahT t oe brought . to Tennessee; and located Vn their oames'updn 'a tract ofland,- situ Jit in what' Is .-now Fayeite'countvi Wd 7ofitl,e p4thrilay of Jan. 1825; s grant for said Kxhd was issued to thentji for the same, Jfounded on Said WarrttV'And Uit-Hitle.to. said land t6-fr aj it "is .Vete'd.by:sa.i4.ra'ti$,'nQW'V.exista.:1n aaid;Ddfeit- xian.tsf'iKho claimJthe. same in opposition i.t Com i .;..'.:---' .. xr. ' ' na eil BOOT SHOE STORE. The Subscriber has opened Boot & Shoe Store in the house next door south . of .Messrs. Jos. and Wm. Peace, u here will be kept constantly on hand a general assortment of tne above Articles, or ine latest lasmons - apa best workmanship -at miderate prices,, for cash only.' - J ' , W. L. HAWLEY. v rN, B. Ordera left for Roots "or Siioes of any description can' be supplied "from the Manufac tory in Fuyetteville, nf a style and quality calcu lated to please. ; , k ;- ; Raleigh; oT.I4. v .r . ,, .... 5. 20v8w .TpTTltiLt A'MS If AY WpOOnave jut receTy V V ; ed from :. Philadelphia :and; New-YorkV large and ;; well selected assortment of Drugs,' Medicines; ptirgepnTs instmmentsShap-Fiirnw tHre, Painti Oils, etc. -wnich ther oner wholes sale and rctMl; oii" moderate terms ;h: - i - ' Am"ff their assortment may be found th;e ToK AcTd Nitric ')4rS lPixilufgimd... v.,. MariMiQh'-: Pctror.;Barb.Vil A 1 OikrPcinu U Bmtlcs 1nseed Oil ,' ; ..' -L mp- "do -r v4 Train ' . 'dov Spt . -Ti ir pe n ti n e V - -;- White Lead in Oil - Ido;idrvv . Venetian Red "-" ; - Chinese. VermiLnbnJ 'i ,9 - FOR SALE . : 4 light SULK EY with a neat Harness. Apply JL at this O (lice. , .'... - - ,-' t June 2; 73 Bank Stock for Sale; . FOR SALE 70 (Seventy) - Shares of .Stock in the State, Bankof Nurth-C:roliria. 'For. terms, apply in person ojr by' letter," postage paid, to Da.vid Jordan, Suffolk; Va. . V . t k . Oct. 20. : - ' 15 6y- - C7 TO SAVE IS TO GAIN- OLD SHELL CO MRS madenew, broken ones mended, and new teeth put in, so as to leave ho appearance cf having r been ' broken; In al ' cases jlhe Comb will; be restored' to' the same firmness and transparency as when first' made;" ' ; Ordlrs from a distance promptly attended , to" by J. E, LUMSDEN. ' A few rods southeast of the Court House. Raleigh, June 1 2tht 1828. 76 1 i;ihiki u xryp incm vui w possession. a pras-tlvaihet(tte to said land, m?ty be divert out pf.thf" Defendants, .-5nd vested in Complain .belmadcin the prt-rtiue as to Equity shall eem meet, andnhe nature "of the' case requrres';ABd OQ Cash, and the highest price given for old or broken shell t, ombs, as above.;- ; '' ' ' '..N.iB droken umbrellas also mended."' ' -1 Ncw 'Ttepdyjnadej.Ctathingi 3? iitcN Articles, ;&c.- ' -V J B.E? PECTFULLY Informs lie citizens of Ra. :Jp& Jeigb ,and its vicinity; thitvhje has. ope'ned al Stbrn oh Fayi tteville street, a fe w doors below the Bank of Newbern, whtrv, he intends ketp. frtg on .hah'dan assortment i of READY-1 ADE dLOTillNO; FANCYARTICLES, Uc such as Gentlemen's dress cTose, short and threat CoatsZ T do.' " Parttaloons.;- -i - , .. k . - . - w l. . w -. . '' - . r. -v.aie.fiuai-toiUner;and Marseilles 1 i t ajipean ug t oth e sal i sf i ct ionr of v t h e' Cou rt; y th e return of the S herifFoTMadUon'toU ot v-"herei in,-, an the .nffifovitaaf the Comp?aIriants? Solici-" urf rt vaik ?aiii .cicuuHuitV'Xf-K,jC:r?ntfi 4ind '1 ranee -ot t heuU.ni Versit v members' of s t id corporation, areill citfxehi apd inhabltai ts'of ' aid State of Nortb-Oarolinii tjSnd tley.Iiavinfailjab to-;.emer; -ihl-lr "appearHne nereirr,-according to smcj xtvt rufes of this Coilft It lis-' thertf orerdered 'that they enter their app artcc heit in - at tlie next'lrnnr Y.f Flne Linen Shirts and Collars." Ah .assortment of Musbender. -Consisting of n. Sent,, silk and cotyn rollers, nett rollers, spriiuf nd caramon uett.'.t; vVJ'" -ck "and,f"ahcy silk, glazed .and unglazed'lear , ,ther Stocks , 1 ? " A jiands;me assortment orQravati and Cravat 'I 5 -"AX , and colour -'.vWi;, v- inir lJie.sis v. 1 . 3. : v Ail ( . wjuch.e wall sell low on the mot ma der termfot-'eash.v i. ".-, a ; (.1 ' :rs for.Clotbiii..4nv;VirtrT-iaiv-:'.UT4iKi.;'' r this Courtto be held.on the 4ih Monday in tb mo.uh of Match next,, and: plead;, a -swer or de mur to the Complainants'; billiof com; la'ht; o therwise the s.tme' -will be taken ibr confesed a--ainst them, set for 1 faring earN pai te, and the wiatters thereof dt.es ecd accordingly and "it is further ordered, tht a'copy; of this cuter' be fjrth' th pub' !.ed frjr foureefcsio iiiipK,;n i.i tl. Ralsi.i I. -gL.tr,' a newspaper p Ihed th City of Rtfeit-I', H t!ia atitecf.I ith- A cc rr : in Ra.leighy wiJJ be strictly' attended tdv a. xecuted m tlift most fashionable and'dura- octer vi823.-;q;,y::i6tf " Compiled for the lisebfthe ; utavciisirY op n. cyuoli::a1 -'- '.: ': . " ''. ..'-- . . : . vuxo 'umil.ii'h9 fret. it. & 2r-'' Sold b J. 'iles Koi PrTc-'Sl ' Sulphuric j; . Tartaric 'fVPrussic ' ;Oxali'c-::iM " ; Benaoic ; -V , .Pyror'ffneoiis-. Acetic Con. J arsenic rowa, AntimbnyTart; ?"4" ', A Sulph r : - lOxvdVitr., Siilph Precip Ammoiii Mur KT-K . Carbi VoV" ,J k ''-..Aqua;' j'J? Role Armenian Balsam Copaiv. 5 j. f . Canada "- -. .Peru v .''.-' , Tola " ; , : . Barytes Carb. . 7 , . -n, Mur. .". '- Bismuth Met. . Bacc. Cabebs.- , . Ind: -V ' r( Jump;, v ; , Black Drop ': - f "' Cort. Cascar. 7 ' Cinnamon . Canella Alb -) Aurant. -:. , Camphor ;, '' Cantharides 1 ! ( -Ckustic Lun. V' ; : ; - com: .: ' Castor . Chalc r Cretae Ppt. Catechu Cobalt ; Coccinella - y Co wage . Colocyhth Crocus Martls Colchicum Aut; CeraAlb.i: ; Cupri Sulph -, , - , - Ammon..:- :-, Den ar cot. 'Laudanum JEtheryitr'-;7 . " Elaterium : v Ext. Cipchoh, Flar. : - ; V Rubr. . Colocynth Ct. Gentian : 'V alP v1 ; 1 Liquorice -. ' ' Vf.refd.' : Ergot -S.. : '; -""" Empl. Adhes. : J y 7 '..MercA:."; - ' ' LythariTi '-' . Roborans Flor. Cham- ; Fol. Cicuta. DigitalW Sabinx . Flake.Whife Ferri.' Carb; . - .Phosph. V Mur. Tr? v. 5 Oryd Rubr. r: . . Sulpha Gum Assafcetida " Aloes Soct; f J . ''"l.v.. Hepat -r; . Arabic Turk.' Ammoniac , Benzoin EJemi:23' V1: :v. Potassa SupuTart.' : : Caro; Oxvmiir . -.v '"' ' ; -a' Tartl et Sodac . 'tyCi it, .Carbohi vpvf-v Ntrat; nK;n a ik : , v- r dti. Rubr. Plumb.;Acet'l Quassia Liarn. :-4 Quinine SulHb; j fl' nii. iiL.kiii .... . -if .- ' i .'" v-.; . - -'H : ' (.- - ' ' :;vtris.VFlor.;K -Rhub.; :' Colombo ' SquilU,:v V J?IpecaC :: sernt. vi -4 1 Spijrelia' Seneka.v.j -" ' "Liquorice Sarsaparilla Mezereort -Ginseni .'v .'' Gentian , , ' Helebore Nigr. .- :..rdo;KAlb I ;;Turmeri4 j 7 Rotten Stone - i; Resin Yellow Rass Guic ..." ' i.--; Spt. Ym. Rector Nitr. I). , Iivd. C !; "Rosemary j Senna Alx.- ' Spermaceti - .'.,'"". c men CoriahdM ? .'.'V ! Caroway ' r-r r 'Fennel ; - Annis ' ' Lini ' i. Sinap, Sub-boras all 4 English do" Drop Ike Rose Pink: -! ChronTuYellov fcng,s16V;V m- . '' ' ixapies e ,-ao , '.i , StoTfe U-Jdo' " TuikevXJmher c:olcoth "Vitriol 'fvv ; Terra' Desseintt Copal, yarnT .. rami ilrt.!? Sash - criibhinn- ,V Hearth, dn- Furniture V 3"oe.. . A,. 'Dire r,.c: Logwood in FsticGrounCii,Pp- Nicaragua Wood d Ue, zanders Co--erfs - do Vnnatto' ; u Fiff RlueV M dder ' -s Camwood Ivory. Black Tamv trt- PrusKian Blue ' - Verdiiris TA SandTapert-;:v Glue7; ipjr Orange Orpe mini ioid.Leaf . -7r-r7v Silverdb .i-l'T-: Camel Hair Pencils 'A luerSmalta7 -,yr. Gum Copal . v. - Sod; . Sulphas . . Sup- Carb. 7 Carb; y:iH o .1 ' Pbospb. Sulphur Shb. : 7 00 Roll Sang Dracon' V .-: Solution Ars. FptrL't Sapo Castile v f 7 Sago:;7.'7v-l . Sponge 7, 7-i Syrap Scill C- 7 . , :;arsapvc;:,; i Simp.: !-?V.'.f;-t tTapioca '.r - " 7 Thnrnn ph trnrt ,A m - p.- . . ' , Vin. Ant. Xartv - Wafers - v 1 Zinc Carb. Imp. ' Sulpli. ;7ir .:F1::..:v --Metalicth'-. rr Tinctures, Ointments. Ce eft," and. Plasters of every kind. .;;-:,.-: fr: 1 : l 1 Blocking TwicTV' treiirljers " ' stampers ' ; 7 tnms .7 " Skins, Red , ' 'i ? 'TSUa-k " Bindings .. nanus Biieklea Rowstringj.7" Brushes Pumice Stone HUicicsiiver Aqua Fortis f USTlRECElVEn bV J?GALPS & n rfifor October, No. LXL 7 -;7' - CONTENTS.. ; ', :. -'. Aat I. The Public Law of Denmark ' -n" Present Public La w 6f Denmaik,. aiKl '0f ,f J. P..W. Schlegel.. ! ll.Clarendon's History. I The H!frt,7 t J Rebellion and Civil Wars m England, to h.H is '"added an Historicd View ol the ffsi Ireland, By Edward, Eirl of Clarendon , f: HL .German Universities. A Tour in Gfrra nrnd sonie-of.the Southern Provinces of tit Austri m. Empire, in the years 1820 1821 1 By John RusselL 7 ( . '.' V- IV OnBees;-The FarmerV Manut iocH: inga Treatise on' tbe Management of Beej. Et Frederick Butler7 .? v; 7 i - J VV-vLifeoLedj-ard; The Life of John Led yard, the American Traveller comprising 1 .-ctions from his Journals' and CorresnomW. ) By Jared Sparks. ';7 7S 7 VI- 1 ne; me and, writings 0f MoKere, H foire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Molicrc, 'nx Ji.Taschereau. 1 " 7 .,7 " ' ; VII. President.IIolIey. A Discourse on the Genius and Character of. the Rev. UoraeeHaU 1 ley, L. .L. D.' late President of Transvlranij u. ftirersiJy, By Charles Caldwell. V- 4 ' VIIT. Travels' in America: 1. Tfc Vv'tti States of North-America -as they are. 2. The Americana as they are described in a.Totri. through the Valley of the .Mississippi. lJths AHihor of Austria as it is. 1 ' 7 lX.:Silk.--i. tUrTromtbe SeCTrt&rjcfthr Treasury in relation to the Growth and Minn, facture of SilJtr2. A -Treatise on the Culture of Silk. By the . Counsellor of Sute De Huzi Translated from the German.' 7 , Wallachia and Moldavia. History of rild davia and Wallachial' .By'John Christian Ypa . EiigeL 2. Political and Geogrxplilcal History Of Wallachia. ; :. ; I - ': XL ' Our Relations with Great-Britain. I. V, States'; (anArticle .in.the London Quarterly Re- I vie.Wi ; R 2 tessag? from the President of the . United States', .on the Claims. of tllii Governmect and that of Great-Britain, to the Territprv v?st "of, the Rockyl Zountains. 3 - Message cf .the President of the Uni ted States relaureto the Free; Navigation of the River St, Lawrence. 4 7 Letter from the Secretary oftate, on the North.' ern andNorth vesleru Baundary between the United States and Great-Britain; VXD Voreest ers '.Edition of J ohnson and Td- : ker' Johnson's Knglis'a 'Diclionary, as impror ed by Todd,' with' Walker's-Pronouncing D'.c tionary; combined. 7": .V ' ' 7 XHLChineWManners. ; Quanerly List cf New. Pubiicauons.7 Index. ? '.V; 7 , -70ct.22d.--::-- ' 7-; U- - r - Guiac " GilbanuiE, Gamboge 'Kinoi ;7 t7MyrTh--7vvV7 , Mastic "-77 Omum t Olibamimr7 . t Styrax-A-tii-'X;. v Scammony A. - - y j d o y?; S t t" ;'Tjgacanth.7 v V' Elastic 'f V..ts7' GallaAJlep JIops .t7 ' V- ''' ;'? V Hoffman's Anodyne y Isinela'ss ' r' 'a7 iodine'-tsVt Lime Juice,; Hl Litmus ,7 ,- ii ": Unt. Pat.j7, Mercury 7:iX;:-:- r : t -17 luriaUfvr -: -. 1 Patent Meaxcines nd Miscellaneous Articles'. Bateman's DrOps British Oil ; Cough Jlirops,'Anjer. V Rowland's Macassbr Oil Nv S. ;Prenti8s Kephalia, Fahc v JS oaps, di ft. kinds Wjndsor dovEnglish Teeth-Brusbes 8.xW. StoUghtonV Bitters 777 Steers , Opodeldoc V Tiriirtona'Balsam'7... Church's Lotibn 0 GowsWid's,do 7i :7 HamifWorm Loaenges Harlem til i''Vk Itch' Ointment vi -Pills," Bragg & Jones : i ;-' A nderson 7TJuyal'i7yit:;7 u7$n Lee's .1 '' j Magnfcsia Carb.' 1v -:;y;Calcd 7ido.7 Henry Manna: Flake J Musk;t7i:,;-: 7' Manganese Mace-1 .VAmygdpf.V -4 . Annis-7 v;' ;-':. ,JCarv'opn " . . j . ..mm rv n w .- - Croton av t- u.-Cajeput'T :Lave.rider'577;"vi! , I - Pii.'. - . J l urgamot?' . Memiu Pin. r t 7L-Jii!egi JunjperiA - Rosemary7" . ,J Sassafras: '.It ;cfienepod5f- ' Wmtei green ' -Oxymel Sciili : Puly Cort, PentVi Flay. Jalap 7Khub Co: . spmi: 77-77' ; - ' . is' U "i Rocbelle Powders t SeidJitz': 74o"; Soda 74-7 do Ink in Bottles Ink '.Powder 7- Reeves' Paints' in boxes i-jsli 7:jv;akey Water cxdours Z.- Carmine;? 7 White Frosting 7 'fc-4 ' Sirrrical fnstrvmentf-: , Foil seta Sur; Prdlobks i -Teet h I nsthnts Surgiei Need les -y Folding1 Tenac dums "7 Thumb; I rocars Directors7 Evans Lancets;;- '7 &Jh'. S prwgdov I ilyer:i 4 ilierman . & TBladea fMate Banktockifor Sal?, v r ' One, Hundred and? Twenty-eight Shortly YHlLL be sold for Cash, 1 before the door of . ;Y V- nVBank,:in Raleigh, on the Si DeCto; ber riext-sale at 12 o'clock. 7 v V : : v 'Aouiw 1 '.'... V fffiHE ; pi anntly situated House and Lo?, ?n -JL Halifax Street- next below the EagJe Htew for merly occupied b y the Rev.' Dr, 'McPheetcrt, will besoldat private sale.'' Resides the Dfj fincr House.'w hich" is coinniodious.'-there are a.) the necessary outbuildings, Stable, .Garden anu otner conveniences. , . . v - r A rtrslu ri C.nt Thrt. PnKe trt Wr. Wt5- Peck; of this City RaleifrOctT ,"-!.- -y? vc I'-; ,i-ii.,s; Abresdo Bougies. di0ererrttklnds Elastic Catheters ; Male, ':-yi ' f? Female : Silyer Catheters, Ma ! e ' , :: k --i-y-: female. Gum Elastic Pessaries injetionSjringeit all sizes v - 7 Male;-rtdo)' Female ;7v.do tl ull'a Tnusea dommon'ilo"; Clyster Pipe' i 7 Breast Pipes - Nippl? f? hells' Z; Dentist i ilea' 7 :-y ' p.Furhzture.yi -Cr z S3 i i c ale 'St.- We I -.!.ts. .'. -''.'' V . : ''all sizes-' Apctn; bcafes "-la.s3 i !o ,: 3 :7c ;7B Y:7 .' .!; : i rfi'fiPO fifs'of Casea,';argued and determmei LttA in tlie Supreme Court of North-CaroDDa, at Jurie Term; 1S2S by Tzoxx PDxaxrV .Esq. ReporterC7',:7 '';" :7' . TSubscrib will beTurnished, with theii :I2f: berii an liana!,' bynail;: i" " Raleigh; Oct2i. t "7 , "7-'- - "--':i -. ---- -- ---x "f s' : . .. . TtVy S P EPSIA n as'cf late become so &l?er and is so well known, that it is ni unnecessary to deacrihd mlnutedy its .raej . isticsymptoms. TJmost prominent, bo; and somebrall of whicli will at once pe rer nixed, hy every 'dvspeptTc, are f.atul nee, - stomaCh,: occasional isausea in the morning, bitter taste in the mouttu cosenesv b P tiinesdiarrnceVand loose state' of the bo loss of appet : te; or ah unVatiiral cra 7! plles,yella -.ess cf the .eyesjki w ness of the sio.nnch after eatin-, BCJ fv. Pills conGJentlybeiieyed to bearemed) this f -jdabte-diseaaeV .They, i-re "ffcf ec;:ic operation j.lhr,uae is V uc insistent theory cfthedijeandat Ud,Te.cfthe7Phy7--:o.F J te.a, nd the rittire of the rcr :.2v.y e.p ef" -'icy; -has' been teslrd'.t-y loi-o 'yj: rttended with' ie-ree cf J "cf 'the , . . '...j'.. -.t-fxi"7a2 expectation 'A r vrious. DESCRIPTION r";r.v J :jes; rm?wT, . v. . . I.O. - ..Mi.!!! , v ci li'ji, ot t ret. IV "J1 , U-wt. :.;.ic Arrow. Hoot ;7 . Antiiaon.:'"''?'' Ipcc.o ct Oplx rby j yzci Ti;:: tr,!-', J."-"'. V ;. Si