:;; - T , , y.v- "w.t- '-, ? -f . ' " . -- . J " . .' j .-, ' Vr r f v -c - Ours are. the olan's of fairdelrehtful peace. , Unwarp'd by party rage to live like b pothers. r 1 i) W f I ! 'Published every Txtbsbat and r hibat, by TOSRPH GALKS &SON.-t jKX Five Dollar per an numhalf in advance ADVRRTISRMENIS ... ,i;r..wV JiW neatlv inserted three times' for a Dollar, and twenty-five ceats for Mriirthefeedinff'Dublication : those of great er length :ia the same proportionCoMMtrr xtcATions -thankfully received... .Lettshs to ,the Editors niust be pott; Paid. .v,Q Distressing CalaaUly Vh m ex tensive fire, prubabfy ever kriowti in this tovv nf occu rre d on Frid ay I as U 1 In 5 1 ; ijutes after the alarm was given, colums of of flanie were seen bursting1 from the witi- dows and dobfsVf ih'e Apothecary's Shop of Dr. B. VVillejr & Co- itwifMandiHg iur citizens repaireif to the spot with their wonted alacrity and! made extraordinary ,.riinn; a!1 pfforla to exfinsuish the fire i?ere uhavailing The flames soon : cptn -Diohieated to the dwelling-houses oBr. iMey and Mr. A, Torre vtaod in two hour frutthe.first alartii the We building were in rutnsw; Tue store of MrV. Turreneand ilwelling of Rev. ilfllaHkinwere saveUvih much -difficulty, bo ih having been on fire. .Very e riouiijfeafs were entertained for the safety ithe towtf. ' The fire originated ia the Mtire of IJr. E. W niey &Uo. wnere ome tSpirits of: Turpenttne hl eiLpdU Jhe ivapour ot wnicn coniinuuicauiig rlu r c "fire on the hearth soon filled the Store With I imeV. " So raoid and so violent was the, .oflrntmh that it Wis immisible to save f - - , i ''n:'vii?:(iJ-ii. ..TU,r even tnenoOKsni Mi. M "7 r'' : loss, including that ot their accoun ts mas aoeen; estmiateu &i,uuu, msv v -" bousebold Furratore of Dr. Vliey who k bsent'at theNortb) and of Mt. Torrepce as'saved.i" The other Hryicip I ufterer ?isDr."IMitchell,vwho ;.we undrrstititi f had recehtl'r piirchased 3the:. two buildings :Crst burietif S urear creaii is uc .w uic - citizens for their conduct, on this tneiaii- .choiyc occasi6u.'vv.j,f:':iC A- .v . "'r"-r;'X. C N.B; Oor engine did good service on tiiisoccasion.-i-5. Carol, Horrible Murder I ! Oft Wednesday the t;WTnsUM.r-lHiim tnunlered abtu t forty miles from this town, en the HoByf hGlter; road; leadiogto Onslow ICoiirHouse. 4 H& was retuiwng home af t ter visiting his neighbours Jno Jamrs and 4 Straltun Bui tbfi, who liveear the' waters f bf lli llv Shelter Uesert, when hewas mur- dered by some person lying injwalr fur the dreadftii. put pose. The boiiy w. found infthewooda near the; road, on tlie niht of Tbur if&:lfiiufe; n" a"nost shocking man ;Mr, Kinx was a poor man, but was high I v7esteeiued in his neiahbourhood. He has Ieit a wife and bve or six vouug; children. Suspicions were awakened with respect k toj h e per pe t rat or of this 'deed by he cir .imnstahceipf j&ndih near the body of Mr, kj?g,' a pass written by Mr. Ely aji Shep .. herd,"'foc; h!;;negro'.laveAthur: tht'se susptons; were. confirmed, by the tacts, ; f recent occurrence ; -that Arthur had S been detected by Mr. King, in the prac tice oL: rid i tig his; horses ; and that ; Mr. iKinhiid threaieneti him with punishfneut, on tne repeuiton oi tne oueuce. e Itis not ascertained, nor, is it believed tliat arthur had arijr accomplice ; but a he ero' who was. in some sort, accessary to " , ... ' . . ..... -1 toe deed has disclosed particulars relative ... ;f I f ' ! - ? ' ' to it It Vnnpirs in hficf. bv this disclosure. . , " , mj ir i wiai Amur assajjiieu mr. rwing, wno at a on horseback, about 3 imles Irom nis house, wrested his gun from Jiitn in ihe struggle for the mastery and beat him to death with Tt ; aud it was evident that the itueceaseu nau jougnt desperately, irom tne . appearance of the ground,' for about 30 C yards square. '- C:.; t?-?:;) " " 'j y:f :iA sjbooti a s'Arth ur was s u s pected se a rch tewmaile ,for him, but he eiudedpuisuit Hh.asn' is v safat yfX eregrbesihojareJ's of being eitherjacctssaries or abettors. rcMJ- Meiahchohj:--C.: Samuel ' Neill, of M t'ckfe'rito Jstatp .pfi.t em po- . rary d e range oieni fcbijnn i t tetl suici d e o u Fiidav. th: 9.1.t niL: hv hanrinr himself. r i id ay, the 21st uit. by hanging; I lne.,deea8eu:!wa,t hrMtly-and ,xl eseryetl lyJ respected :het wi4sSnotrohly I in easy, but afflunt-iuirculnstkn , aboat; him j&etJmW" calculatedHo " render 1 ilea; pleaSureinstfeadi f a' Uu rde trjy e t h the midst of tliesftatierini; I antlaUurlng propectsi hisumu waiTsuddeni v and to his acti uamtinces n n aee fiii Vitrihl v t w r tied as an exemplar t:i tnberv " Z:; .yi.j . J- ,u uuii A.CityX6t for Sale. . tlfi1 e:sold to the highest, bidder, on the -JIPii-y-itfie 30th Jhstarit; at 5JS9:n thet ternoori; the p weljinjj, liousc -sill tha .i.'n .: Vi ,-u..:'i.i: ' 1 ; wc. .v,-" - w VUIII CillCIlL-J aLUUIUlIHL 3 A.I1U ..Tl DDI!! rr. '! f r.wtioof'KfciaiciY tu Jtewiuencj 's acquaintatices unaccouhtablv " twr ned 1 iiiiv.!";t;;!' ;!s'2- ' "5i. v witness, tumuna u, ..freeman, uieric c aias, the 6f lhe ouK of Equity, for the county afore! , P" ,rni family haU beeti awaken- atoCice the :4tiu Monday after the 4th rt, ''! W put a periodHa hii eitsience. .His" Monday in September; -1828." will be logfelt4 ahe: cou ---'n.afauifiyand-fheh State of North-Carolina, ' . "Burke Countv. - Superior Court of Law ; September Term, 828. . Margp.iret Conway, . - - t' v. petition for Divorce. John Conway. J . -C OKD RUED by- Cotirt, that , publicatioiv be made for three mqnths in the Raleigh Re gister and AVestern Carolinian, that the Defend ant appear Ut'next Court, and plead, on the 4th Monday ofMarch next, , v Given. under my hind, ' v ' WM. EUWTN, Clerk. By K. A. ERW1N, T). C. State of Tennessee, Set. Sih Judicial Circuit ' In tlie 'District Chancery Court, at Jackaon, . ; September Term, 1828. ; k Between John U Richardson and, Caleb W. Richardson, in fa r ts, by their, guardian, : George PpreKep. anct .1. Whiiehurst and? Oily, his wife, Complainants. Original Bill, ; ;.-, - - and . . The President and Trustees of the University oJNorth-Carolina, Defendants. J - . fTHE Complainants having filed their original t bill ot comniaini againsi ueienuatus, wherein andwherebv, they stt forth and com- plain, that they, the said John L, Caleb, nd nllv. r the onlv children and heirs at Law of Jonathan Richardson, late of Camden county, N. . who died m 1S22 or 1823-intestate, who was lf cottnfyf (oK Camden,) who died between the years 1780 and 1790 intestate ; that the said John ): Richardson., served as an Ensign, in the ,0th regiment of tlie Vorth Carolina line, in the War of the Revolution ,n such a manner as to entitle bitiTto a military land warrant, accoraing to the laws of said State, passed for the. relief fee. compensation of ihe Officers and Soldiers of said linei for twenty-hve hundred and sixty acres tht the said John 'Richardson died without ever having drawn or authorised it to be done, or as sient d his warrant for said services ; that the said Jonathan Richardson also died, without ever liavine drawn or authorised it to oe d ne, or as signed said warrant : that the" Complainants art entitled 6 saitl warrant; and that it should have issued t0 them only, or one of their ancestors j but .tht on the 16th day of August, 1821, -he Defendants, fraudulently combining with certain Comnr.ssiouers of the State of North-Caroima, appointed for the sole purpose of delivering to j the'milifarv claimants under that Sa.te, and those claiming under them their warrants, caused and procured, under some flse and groundless and fraudulent pretence, the warrant wtiicn tne tom plainanis were entitled to, to be issued to them, the Defendants, in consequence of the allegea death of the said John Richaroson without, heirs, bv No. 582." which recites unon its face, that it Was issued for he services of John Richardson, an Ensign hf the iin aforesaid, in the Revolu tionary War; that said Defendants c used th' said warrant t be brouffht to Tennessee, and located in thejir names upon a tract of land, situ ated in what Js now '.Fayeite .'county, and on the j 24th day of Jan. 1825, a grant for said land was issued to thvn,' for the same, founded on , said warrant, anil tlw title to said lanrt s tar as it is, vested by said grantiOw exists in said 'Defen daiits, who"Claim the same in opposition to Con- I plaihants, and keep them but of possession ; and prays that the title to said land,' mav be divested out of the Defendants', and vested in Complain ants, and that such other and further decree may be n-ade in the premises, as tp Equity shall seem meet, and the nature of the case requires : And it appearing to the Satisfaction of tlie Court, by the return of the SherifF of Madison cou,nty here in, and the affidavit ofthe Complainants Solici tor, that the said Defendants, the President and Trustees of the University of North-Carplina, are not inhabitants ot- this btate, out that the said Defendants are a corporation chartered by the State of North-Carolina, and that the individual members of said corporation, are' all citizens and inhabitants of said State of -North-Carolina'; -and they having failed to eii!er their appearance herein, according to Law and the rules of this Court : It istheretore ordered that they enter their appearance herein, at the next Term of I this Court, to be held on the 4th Mondav in the mo,uh f Ma'ch and plead, answer or de I mur to the Uompiamants' dui ot , complaint, o- tberwise the same will be taken for confessed a- gainst them, set for hearing ex parte, and the matters thereof decreed accordingly ; :nd it is further ordered, that a copy of this order be t .i-.t i t e i - lortnwun puonsneu 1ur.10urwccK.sm succession in the, Raleigh Register, a newspaper published in the City of j ltaleigh, in the State of North- Carolina. A; copy . , TesV . f ! ROBERT HUGHES, . Clerk and J faster. Qj r4-ns n-p ft ' f.ft I fit fm llalilax County. ' In Equity Fall Term, 1828. Anthony A. Wyclve, Ooniplainant. . ''::' -.-! '- ; 'v::;'"'' vs. . -' ' 'r :- 'i ''.-. - . Edwin Whitehead, Wm T. Williams, Sam'l. W. Tunstall &, Jno. D. Amis, Defend'ts. . - 'fT appearing to Uiesatisfaction of the Court, 5 that Samuel w.-i tmstaii and wm.;, i . ; yvn. liams, two of the Defendants in this case. 1 are non-residents : It is ordered," that publication be made in the Raleigh Register," for: three months, thatunless they; appear by the second day. of next term,' " and pleads answer - or dernur to tlie CbmDlainant's billJ it will be taken Pro confesso. and set for heaving ex parte, as to. them.X - . .-v- I tree, containinsr- $13 90.iti -inoiievijNAf $W tih- Murdoclv Fcrgusbfit of Ibrecomtyi2and a Noterothg'gome tiOieMb, s I . J leaven r v POCKET BOOK LQSTS - :j -' '' v;" ;'r; . "v; PPf'f-'s '54J;ana?wi I oe wanting on ms par to make ; therY"cbmfortaHi cfitionl ndtlvA t o Vim 1 ZZZC:. v , " . -"r r " v Shocco :Femafe Academy. f RS. LUC AS respectfully inform her friends vl and the public, that the Exercises af the tbove Academy will be resumed on the 1st Mon day in February next. " , y The utmost uttention will be paidto the mo rals and behavior of the young Ladies placed in his Seminary and its retired, pleasant & heal thy situation, its salubrious air and fi ne - spri ng water, make it a very desirable residence for youth. -This Academy has been under her care for the last ; seven years, and only one case , ot sickness has occurred. during this time, although the principal part of her pupils were from the most unhealthy parts of the State. Being only a few miles from the Stae road, ner Acauemy affords opportunities fr Parents and Guardians of regular communications with their Children and Wards. ' " - ' In addition to the usual Elements of Education and Plain and Ornamental Needle V ore, tne young Ladies will be instructed in Geography, History, Astronomy, Chitaistry, woiany, i-ui-losophy; -"Mythology, DiaWlto-and Painting on Velvet, Music &c. . " raaMs Board and Tuition $5p per session. Music $20; Painting on y- lvet ?5. tor.uraw- ng, Painting on Paper, or Needle Work, no ex tra charge will be made. I " Warren County, Dec. 15. ; w (T The Tarboro' Press and Freemari's Echo will insert, the above .three weeks and torwara tlieir bills to this office. : , - OXFORD AC ADSSIBS. ' . . "It L-' rHE exercises in these institution win oe re sumed on Mondav. the 12th January next ; the Male Academy under the superintendance of Mr. James D. Johnson, and the' J?emaie, unaer that of the Rev, Joseph Labaree, as heretofore. I HOS. B. LIT l LEJOIIJN rres-t. 9th Dec. 1828. 28 (Tr The Edenton Gazette and Tarboro' Free Press, will insert tlie above a weeiss ami iwwam their accounts to the Postmaster at Oxford. , Managers' Office, Richmond, Va. 1st Dec. 1858 To berdi-awn'olsl this Month, (December.) Only 11,480 5150,000 5,000 2.000 .5 6f 600 Tickets. g 10,000 2,500 5 of l,000v 5 of 500 36 of 100 36 of 80 36 of 50 36 of 36 of 360 of 90 60 40 3,7R0 of 20. Whole Tickets 820, Halves 810, Quar- ters S5, Eighths &2 50. t Address' your orders to ! 'f . . t YATES MClN I XKB, Richmond, Va. or Charleston, S. C. Where in the last N. Y Consolidated, No 7, 37. 38. CniiMl of 34.000 was sold and' paid, and in the last Dismal Swamp, 19, 31, 53, a Capital of $500, was sold and paid to a gentleman in - . i - - . Smithviile. N. C. :! " YATES & MHNTYRE. ISTOTICE. ON Tuesday, the 13th day of next month,' on the premises, will be rented out to the high est' bidder, the -Plantation on Swift Creek, in Wake County, 7 miles South of Raleigh, for the ensuing year, belonging to the estateof Joseph Hawkins, dec'd.j. Bond with good security will be required. Notice is further given, that one of the Executors will attend at the same time and place, with the bonds given for the purchase of' property of the Executors of Jos. Hawkins, in Dec. last, at said Plantation. It is hoped a general payment will be made And on Thurs day, the 15th day of the same month, one or more of the said Executors will attendin the CJi ty of Raleigh, at the Taveu of Mrs. Jeter, with the bonds due for the purchase ?of property of said Executors, at two different sales, one in Nov. 1827, and one In' Dec. 1827. What can be ex pected otherwise, than a general payment from those in Kaleigh i ' DENNIS O'BRYAN, WILLIAM WILLIAMS MICAJAII T. HAWKINS VS. S 3 Dec. 20th, 1828. j - 31-tds , , N. B. tine .or more of. the above named Exe; cutors will attend at the house of-Mr. J no Shep pard, Jun. in the CiRinty of Moore,'- on Monday the 19th of .Jan. 1829, witti the bonds due tor the purchase of property of said Executors: (which belonged to their Testator Jos. Hawkins) in Dec. last, in Moore ' arid Chatham Counties, and for the purpose of renting out same planta tions in Moore, Chatham and Cumberland. It is hoped a general attendance will be given. v A Stoie to Kent. . SmilE Store and Warehouse. lately occunied CL by William Shaw, deceased,' an,d which is perhaps, as well situated Jor. Business as any other in the City, may be rented, on application to Mrs. Shaw or J. Gales. v ' .. Dec. 22., i: 32tf Eagle 2otr RALSIGII N. O. (ITnowu as Jlujfin's; J fFWIIS ESTABLISHMENT has undergone ve- i tju,; ry, pxensiyerepaira ana, improvements, aou is now, open .for the reception of company. 1 lie situation.ot this Estabhsnment isone of the most' desirable in the City of Raleigh,; beintr siti uaedorrtthe tMbrthk sidf tlie Capitol, cand within the immediate yicmity of the; twoBanks. The charges will beuniform and moleratet 'cor - responding with; the presen visionsManahd, Horsebne dolUrndfifiy cents perday.- Members of the Legisltureill h.- fiiopirvt-rni .inii,.-"MMr,ttf Thi-A," " -"6 ptt,- vt. i iiuCi wiioi .iuwifu,iu 1IICUI9C1VC9 Wilt U C Vllttl gU IOr.IV ,r,j5 "! ' vV ,,. . tllfm. :' Siimn and I VrntnvaAf oil ' t-ir.Vl nivJI -S.i'l 1 1 . . .. 11 the best, . have just- beenvreceivtdfro New-l v, also be kept at,, the- Bar and no expen9e lUlil lift sn.Mrl - nntrirdni. TW ;Vw U 1 -. m . -K.- ,u."uiR w i uc. mc i oui.me eacner most be nnairfiri nfena i rt. suoscriper assurea tne pubhc;that1?othingHlH UieiStud h : ile l iXr , M , , Ta liia hie Property 'for . Su le. T Y virtiie of a Deed in Trust executed toVme ft J bv Lark Fox, bearing date tne otn aepr. 1828,"to;secure the paymentrof e'erta'm debts therein mentioned, will bevsold at public sale, rn Thiirsdav. tne 8th JanuarvM829,' at.-the.resi- dencelof said Fox ; all his HousehoM an4?Krtch-:2 en Furniture, the Crop of. Cotton, , com, i-oiaer, f and all t lib sock ot Uatt fei H orses wu ies aim Hogv a Urge number of which will be fattened 4nd ready for market. One pleasure Carriage and Harness, one eight dayCIock, one set of Blacksmith's Tools, one Cotton tiu, one Wag-, gon, Carl, &c 'I'V. Also, at the same time and place, between 20 and 30 NEGROES, among which there is a fii-st rate Blacksmith, and several valuable7ow? Servants, Also the Tract of Zanrf whereon the said Fox how lives, known by the name pfMSse Hill, containing 1332 acres. . The Duelling House thereon is' large and commodious, with all neeessat y out buildings,-and -is situated-on the main -Stage road from Louisburg toKaleigh, 24 iniles south of the former, and, is certainly one of the most pleasantand healthy situations in the County. ': r ' ; .v ". :,. t: . - " Also one other Tra.cV lying- on Sandy Creek containing 465$ acres, adjoining the lanas ot I Wm .fiJnneB and others. nis.. tract ic w both sides of the Stage Road about midway he tween Warrenton and Iouisburg. ,: It. has on it a c msiderable rtortion of low grounds Jn good order for cultivation. -One other tract contain ing 93? acres, adjoining the .lands ot John c ook, n i-tivm Pfrrv. iind others. ''.:-.--: ; TpriMnfSife-Casn or approvea negouaoie nnf. at the State Bank at lUleitrh.. Tile aale will continue irom day to day until the whole is disposed of. WM. A RENDELL. trustee. Louisburg, Uee t, ioao. -J?OR- SALE ! -w WISH to sell the olace within a mile of Hills- I Kf1f.nrrh. on w hich I now reside. : There are 205 acres, about one halt cleared, ten acres or Meadow: land and the balance -in wood, ihe improvements are all new, and finished in the best manner thev consist pi a .Dwe lling House, containing eight rooms with fire places,' besides nassaires, closets, Sue. a large, liarn ana aianies, .and other' necessary Outhouses. There are se veral never failing Springs ot ihe best water on the tract; and a large and well, selected trun Orchard. . - - - 1 will sell this property on the mosV liberal term wither formon y on easy credits---or will exchange it for Negroes or VVestern land. -. . Applicatuxn may be made by leUerrto tne suo scriber, at Hillsborough. ; - VV. ANUEllSUM. NovtS. . 3 21 eotf l tr usT sale: ;-f y-P WILL be sold, on Saturday, 31st day of Jan uarv next, under a decree of Wake conn ty Superior Court of Law and Equity, at the late dwelling house of Avilliam M'Oulltrs, Esqf.dec'd. Two Tracts of Land belonging to said dee'd. Estate, lying in said county,on white Oak Cc.ek, being the residence of the dee'd. last before his tleutn. Each iracbis said to conajiii six hundred and forty acres. They lw ere taken up and secu red many years past by bll M r. l osVph ' La'ne, when surveyors were not very particular in their calculatonsi it is believed; therefore, -that'1 said tracts contain much more land th ui, is above mentioned. Surveys will be made thereo.n.he-fore-the day, of sale. Six, twelve and eighteen months credit w ill be given. Negotiable notes, payable at either of the Banks in Ttatetghj will be taken in payment: - ' - x 'J,' . R. SANDERS, Guardian. Dec. 18. -t ' .- '30 ; . Tenuessee Cottou Hpinsteiv BIHE frie'nds of 'Domestic -Improvement are JL informed,, that we have commenced', the Machine Making Business, in the City of Raleigh, at the Shop" formerly' occupied by Mr. Cob bs, north west of the StateUoiise. Persons vjishlng to avail themselves of our labor-saving '''Machine, are requested to apply soon. Letters for Patents or information will meet .with immediate , atten tion. ' WM B. ANDERSON, V ELI L. ANDERSON. ; Dec, 16V ' ; ... : 30 V. v NEW PIANOS, : THE undersigned solicits the notice of all those who are1 fond of instrumental. music to se veral new Pianos of his own manufacture, "which he offers fr sale much lower; than Instruments brought -frn the North, of: the same aualitv. - J. L Uiider conviction that the materials throughout are of the best kind, ' he feels ."-' ho hesitancy In warranting them, in every instance : to 'stand well ill. turte. :-V; - ; . '. ; v:" Li !-. Second hand Pianos taken inf exchange for new ones ; and all repairs done with neatness and despatch. WESLEY WIUTAKEU.. 1 -Raleigh, Nov, 15 j 1828.'.v ; 20 " . V N. B. Havingan assortment of .the'iiest Ger man Strings, the 1 Subscriber, will 'continue ti stfmgand; tune Pianos as . heretofore. Orders win be thankfully received and properly attend- ed to.. GIGS - AND SULKIES TJ EP AIRED or Painted ashvrtoforeVat the snop pi . me subscriber. A continuance of tne pUDiic iavpr is solicited. " ; V ); i.-.- Nay.. 15th, 1828. .204t I AXS?gT f XJt take char cm leman vt ho is ? well cmalt fi edl to .1 xtake charpre of an Acarlemv. 1 w n r lhe Sta gfficeA Cergym DaK n.i ut-.: r . . ; -f win .uie, . would oe Dreterred JLfbr the next Veiifel will eie- .'. 1 L .li it "" ' .:". J . .-c r . Q- - r I -i ,- ....-! Twenty JJollars Jleivard. AN AWATfrom theSubscriber inthe montli of June Iasta bright .rnnlattu man, Kbr ut 5 feet 10 inches tigh;-.afender made, vith tl : markof the cut ofa knlfe-on one of his ehcc'is, or 3 inches long. .The name; of i tlir. saitl nc gru is WAyy, ami sometimes calls hi.mselt Div&. lAttfejohn. He was see n ' j n t h e : n eig n b omoci o t Raleigh within the last ten days,i wiieh a 1 ose was : -sioien, - Rnti ii5 -is-conjectufeu uy .. imu, ; to enablet himwtogrtVtb;'.tJie:-';N wliere it ' is supposed he hns- gone.. Thev-aSove; revsrd V; r will le given for his mppreliension and notice so ; that I get. him again3;: 'P;-- -V ' 5: -V.--vt t)ELIA II AY WOO D. - Raleigh Nov; 16 1R28. ; ' V : ' 21.. -.. s ' I- THE Pew Holders in the : Presbyterian Church , of this "City in vite' tne Members of the- Le- i gisliturevthe OffjcersTof the Courts,? Stranger ; awtl IViriters, .the Citizens : and those living in ": this vicinlitv; who wlsh io attend Divine Worshia. 3 to take any seat: dr pew : which may be most V ; convenient or agreeabfe, . whenever they attend 8aui Churchi .' A all, jt ia hoped that none will feel' any delicacy in attending :the : Church on account ot seats. . ' The 4irst bell rings half hour before" seryice, . . which commences within fifteen minutes alter tlie ringing of the second bell. X-y;ts V: : i Nov. 10, 1828.' v; - 22:.".:" ND for sale at the B6k-st6mofJ. Gales and ; Son, in Raleigh, price three dollaTs, a-nevv Edition of the Office and. Duty, of; a Justice of the Peace, and a Guide to SherirTs,.. Coroners, Clerks, Constables and other" Civil Officers ' ia North Carolina! With 'ah appendix '.cbntainlT.r?-' the Constitutions of this State, and ;bf the United "cciio forms for the use? pf these Officers, r The : new dit ion Vf ; this" Valuable Work con? v tains bes:dcsits forraejr t useful'tnatter, ! the sub stance, of iill the important :Aits passeilby- -the General Asem bly:i rom thev 'yieai'jl815tor,the':. present period, which appear under1 their propes. heuas1 ?:;iVjrv ii?. ;?,-;-:;.-. IS-rC- ; Orders forthisuew Work will be;duly attend-; ed to from any part of the' State. - OctAl, J828. ';; r'' JusfrPiibUshM, -: And to be had'at J.' G les and Son's Bookstore, - THK NUMBKRJi OK CAHlIiCN, V : Addressed to the Peopleof "NortU-Carolina, on fC Central Rail Road through, the State. BrierJS WJf OR A C E A M HSv Dentist, tcmtintiei the" ofr U. fer of his PrOfeBsionaf ServicVs to-4he inha1 bitants of IUleigh and's' rangers visiting the fflty. As bis stay in Raleigh, will be . limited 6 a" few dajs longer, persons wishing his attention to tlieir Teeth, are respectfully requested to call soon. . ;-: '-. ' - vt'v vV- His Room is in the building r&centry occupied ! as an office by Dr; F. Haywood.r " . , : : A Teac b er Wan te d, to teac li at the School House near the resnience of-Mrs. V Charles,nine miles Northwest of Raleigh. V fie must -be competent to teach the Languages, with .! tlie common branches of -English Evhication. r . Appty at-Mrs CJiarles's ; Dec. 8th.S7- . ''V- yli:!AroilyV A Ta meeting of the President and Directors " ITL f the Cape. Fear . Navigation Company, a Iiesolved,t'Ya a Dividend of two per cent on the Capital Stock of . said Company, v be i and the same is hereby declared payable atPayette v vine, on tnJst'day of February ijext. -JOHN CRUSOE; Treasr, 5 iaCeSoYY r i G LES'& SON have just received the m LANTIC SOtlVBtiilUvr 1829 a Christ mas amLNewYear's Offering-cdnsisting of ; ori ginal "Pieces in Prose and.Verse, by Mrs. Ifemans, Mrs Sigouriiey,' Mjas Frunc s,Messrs.; Paulding, -Hal tec k, Percival, Pickerings M C H e nry. Barker, '. , Willis, and other. American Writers ; and em- '" bellished with the following b eautiful 'Enrav ings, by.the; fifst'Artists- -vv (-; c ? 'J 1 Presentation Plate, 2 The Sisters, . 8 Jke lady of RuthveB, - 9 T)ff Un welc Guest, 10 The Shipwreck, . 1 1 The Cont'd CaptiVe." 3 Love Asleep, 4 The Glove, S . f 5 The Power of Love; ) 6 Chapeau de Faille, 12 Ext'nal Decorations. , . The whole beautifully enclosed in an elejrant- urnamenieu uase. yr , . RaleighUlOth Nov. NEWB00KS. ; CALES &30N have justrecelVed from the" j O ' North the following recent Publicatioss ". -- 4 Bridgman's Equity Digest; 3yoIs.i ' - ' iStarkie on the Law-of Evidence, db;V ; . Peters'; Supreme Court Reports . .' Thomas Ciokeun Ly ; Tidds PracUce, (hew edition) 2 do ;i.?.: Wheatoti's Sel wy n, "(do) 2 do . ' - . Chlfty's pleadms (do) a d j Archbotd Sc .Christian's Blasikstone,;(do") 4 do 'i Gordo j's"J)igest (do); ;V - . .' .Nott&.-Mceord!s: S. 'CaroUna'Repbrts't3 vefs , ::McCxrxl,s-"do--vl-- .yy''g.v;, j-vJSbuth-Caolina Equity "Repbrts, : '. V ( 'no viy'V-Coisntutipnal do 2 vols - t Desausure'a" Equity tlidoirt W i - L i ;.;e?MlSCELlNY;:--:--f: v. iT)uke'"of Sxe iWeimars TraVelr- io the U f : Bishop. ileber's Travel j,2:vols. Vf; V franklin's second E.H edition' v ' -;'j k Private Memoirs of Nap oleon -' Neales Romance of His 2 vols:; '" CboperV'TraveinhgBaciitl in I --r X.,zi W.s - .: - u. .j. - 1 - rouocK, course fit line . ' -..-cu "JgSft&Z-:r?XKnirt iC : ' V : NOVELS. f I vTiiatchersTtevolutibnary Journ r '-'-.' 25 I Shobel's Austria: svitbaplclldid r4 sSjf C "i v-v? a 4 1 gravings ; CV1- v A r1 ?ier Dri M'Phetersoh ilaiifaxStreet i- in in i ivnr:.,ia:.Uf ivV-.i:t,y' .-, w.. . IM.lliill.i - - .. ..... - Terms of PaytheCashyibr :a1iproy1Note 'V'. J ---r--Tr iiai :.-w r-; ;o , w ilrteiriijp fcilltip r-i 4

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