i i f T. ft 4, X t'r ; . . ',7; s. r,-7 4--r7 ,,;- -v7"v .- 'H'5, -r' 7-;:rVTm7 .';-7 v;-. vv : ; : , -j- -''' 'V"1" . - 4' " ".-,.". Ours aretheplnsrfafrtdehtfiil peace, ". ' v'-J; ;i ' v. v; .v '--'vJ7- -f' if tA'.- "7 f r: 7 ,V tJnwarpMby party rage live like brothers ''t V.-' j '7 ,.'Vo. '',' .-.'''v ;-. ' ' - --' ; -- 1 i ' 'iL.- ; " f4 11 ' - 3-SS1 -i '7 tnctfPH RAT.RS & SON, V , ;At:- .J.2rt per annum-half in advance Kot -TeehffVxern ne?ly inserted three ' tjnes Tor a "" r - . . ;. ,5oiWsf ihankfaliy received.iWRa ;to the Editors" must be iot Paul. - ? PKITSSOHOOIi. . . .-Cwt .-: . cMc'uSn of Mr. Dwichrs School , A vib commence on Monaaythe 3d day of Januarv nxUj. :Alll!twcht of yEngbah na lM'EucatiowiUbetaughW Terrhs $15 5Qpayaale in advance, c : v? RALEIGH AC A DEMY. TJ BSPECTFULLY informs tb,e tCitizena of Raleieh and her . Patrons erenerally, that sue will open her Schpol for Young Indiesi in j tjie lioom ot ilie Academy in which she has here ! toiore taunti on .Monuay,tne lyth ot, January, and Jibpes, that the assiduity and attention which she has heretofore paid . to. the "improvement, of ler Pupils, will insure her the continued p tron-, affe of her friends and the public. : , ; The Branches of Ccu,cation andthe terms , of teaching,! will be the same as lieretolore.- " x i Dec. 24,X182S. ; .. ' v 1" iTlAiW-AYlfrom. K miles West of Randolph ;C?:H o Wednes- 7w nlcrht- the 16th jf Anrd lasti his-Neero b- y lirrvr Harry Is 33 yars old, aboui 6 feet high, Wh?k!v madeuiCt spoken, and very? dark rlio r'wncatar' marks recollected about him Harry 7 took' with him many articles of clothmp. mostly thin, amonir which; are a Fur Hst, halt worn, a pair.of Twilled. dove polored Pantaloons, a pair of Linsey Pantaloons, and two Mixed Coats and .rim the-best Information I can tret, he hasffot a &ee inassi eiven to a Mulatto , i free man by the !jiame GriffinlStuirdi by ;hich he passes as as Dec. i23.-. , :.v:f-vv':-.32 6r A. i Fresh Garden Seed TX A V E j ust receivecl tti e ;fol towtpg Gardejfr XJL.-!?eed, wmcn tney warrani iresn snuiuic present year's growth j . sr ' ,; Xonfflood Beei 7 Solid, Celery whito iEr1y Turnip'dovr v:jCitronf Melon :1iMuhi?l Wurtzi-l ' r - " -r Nutmee.do - ; ': "Early June Cabbage: white Mustard -v ; ;V:-York'do';7:-Bron - do 'v 'C 'vi i 7 VSugarloaf do wNastuttium Xarge Drumhd. do f Large Dutch Parsnip Green Globe ! Savoy do CUrled Parsley v: lied Dutch do' Large Orange Pumpkin 2rlv Frame,Cucumberltoiid Spinack Long Green dd ; -Eatly Bnsh Sqiia?h . ;:. Rose Lettucevery early Winter Crookneck dtk llesia r do large head Vegetaole Oyster Vi ennls ball do superior Curled Cress o, .. ,v r Madeira kio excellent Pepper. Grasf . . ; wce Coss " do Vj China. Dwarf Beans " Scarlet SVrr. Raah'':':t"E.arly UoJiawdo ;.'v - Small Lima do v Early Hotspur Peas ' Vv 'Wa-sbington do ';cA-'June :-'.-'''do .VBJfue Imp.'Dwarfdo ; ' Large Marrowfat ' do ' Long Salmc lo, ' XheTTy.Turni do'-.c"! Bed Onion; larger ; White Portg: do Silver skinned do ' ' Oranee. Carrot v ' -S hbeco f Female Acadeniy;' fTRS. LUCAS respectfully informs her ftf ends ivX and the public, that the Eiercises of the above- A cad em v will be.resumed on the 1st Mon day sin February next.' v , V . , , The utmost attention Vill be. paid t& the mo rals and behavior of the yonng Ladies; placed In this Seminary ; and its retired, pleasaut&.heal-i thy situation, its salubrious lair and fine'. spr3rg water;' make . it a yery: desirable .Jesidence ifor youth." This Academy has been under her care for.the last seven yearsr, and only one, case, of j sickness has occurred during this timei although the principal part-of her DunilsTweie- from the most unhealthy parts of the State. " Being only V a few miles from the Staise road, ther " Academy affords opportunities fot Parents and.Guardians of regular communications with their Children an,d Wards, , -' V ' " ' v". " In addition, to the usual Elements of Education, and r Plain and 'Ornamental Needle. Work, the young Ladfes will be instructed in Geography, History, Astronomy Chemistry," Botany, Phw losophy; Mythology, Di-awing ,and Painting on Velvet, Music &c. " ,v. ' . TsBMSBoard and Tuition $50 per Session. Mosio $20. Painting on V I vet $5. For Draw, inff,' Painting 'on Pa per, or Needle Work, no ex- r Levied on negro Lydia. I tw : charge will be made. ' ' li a. j w M. lswi w m a iiv & will insert the above , three weeks and forwarfN their bills to this office. ' ' -r': ; ; A Teacher Wanted, to teach at he School House near" the- residence of Mrs. Charles, irine miles Northwest of Raleigh. ' ; He iuusi oe compeienito leacn inevu.rmjuages, wnn the common branches of English - Udncation. Apply at -MrsiX Charleys. . 1 Dec., 8th.c-S7- Court f Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 'K,)M Nrovemter-TirmI828. ;.; - 1 . Original attachment. Littleton Prince- TTT appe&nncr to the sat JL that he defendant in this tase is not an tnha Bitant of the State It,is therefore ordered tlat publlcatiod be made for six successive weeks, in the Raleigh Begister, : that unless he make his personal appearance at the next Court ot Pleas OXFORD ACADBB3IES. and Quarter Sessions: to be held for the County If "rp exercises in thes institutions win ueie- oun-House in Halifax town.J M- sumed on Monday, the ltn January nexv ? Of J I alifax; at the Court -H ouse in H alifax to wn. onthejhird Monday" in February next, and re plevy and plead, judgment . by default will be taken against him, and the property levied on I condemned subject to the plarnfiff's recovery " Tste, M. H. PETTWAY, Ctfc. Price adv?2 75 v-t' ; v-.; - Mr. James that .f.. Walwhlfc Property for Sale y virtue of a Deed, in Trust execu fbv.'j -"fc-jPflfK beannff dse, .the 182Siito ire the payment Of cfc tbreif tic led-will be- Kold'at ' on;Tf , . the t' January, -1 829, . dence id 'oxlfall ':his Household ,and . ert Fui Uit uref the Crop of Cotton Corn, Fodder, and all thktoekof Catiler,x Horses, Mules and Hogs,- a larg vnumber of. which will be fastened ana reatiy lur ui4r.ci uuc - picau-c vu iirtjjr; : i-h- set,f , tn mles trom Lonisburg, sixteen r r w r - ntoh 5c four from the Shocco Springs. vnpierickets . S20, Halves SlO, Kaleigh Dec. 23, 182gi 32. 0 Stalk of ortK-CailiMVT Edgeeoittbe..Pounty,'.;.' .nv'-v .;.V. 1 CouTVorpieas and Quarter Sessions V f-;v'. November Term, 1828. ..i'-j- ' Th'e President and Directors.of. the State Bank, '7 r-V-'d"rirtnjil Attachment. h7 Spencer, D, Cotton and Theophilus Parker, sumj ' . X mooed as GjrnisJiees.: v ' '-' Vrr aWnearine to the satisfaction of the Court, tbatthe (defendant is not "a resident of tins; State Itis thereforci ordered,:tnat puotication oe maoc : for six weeks in the Italelgh Register, that un less the defendant'make his personal appearance at the Court of PieVsand Quarter Sessions, to be. heli! for the county of . Edgecbrobe, at the Court house ia Tarbbrough, ori the fourth Monday in February next, arid replevy and plead, judgment by default will be taken against, and the; proper tw UvIp.I nn condemned. ! subiect to the plaintiffs ' recovery;. -J-t-a k ''vW--C- Witness." Michael Hearn, Clerk of said Court, at office, the fourt h Monday of NovemtieT, 1828. ; . I - MICHAELHEARN, "GvCV MIDWAY ACADEMY, .V jFANkLIN COUNTY, N. C ; ' TTIHE, EtercWes of .this Institution will be a ! . gain renewed on the first Monday in Janu- ary next, , unoer lue immediate instrucxion oi the Subscriber,; assisted by. his .son DANIEL S. HILLi Vrhe course of Studies will be conform able tothe plan of Educationas adopted at our yniversity. As the Subscriber is preparing his Lbuildings for; a permanent establishment, and vnirdeyQj'6 himself entu"eiy to the duties ot ni School, parents may rest assured that every ex ertion shall be made to. advance his pupils both in moral and intellectual improve lent. . Board will be $40. and tuition $1Q per x Von, payable inTadvhce-r ' t- ''i- '-: Mid-iAy situated two-mlleS.below.the main Stage Road, tfct) miles-from Lotisburg, sixteen from Warre For health, it is exceeded by no situation in the State : lor 4 years there were from forty to sixty Student, aud ndt a ; tase of feverj occurred. Should, however, medical aid be required,' the atteptron ."of Dr. John Brodie,. whose skill as a Physician is inferior: to none in the btate, will be at hand as he resides within two miles, of Midway. C- .The :" Students ?ul4e barred from ex posure ,to extravagance and dissipation, as there is hot a store or gill-shop within five miles of the Academy. '' V-,, ,, V'V!...-.'.'V- ' , In the government of JM id way Academy, the Principal. will pursue that course which he would with his own children.' He " will advise and ad monish ( 'where these fail, .therod4 will be re sorted to, but w'th parental prudence. ' i When any pupil shall be deemed incorrigible in disor derly conduct, or habitually inattentive to his studies, his. parent or guardian will be immedi ately informed thereof. ' - : ' J..-- v ''.- ' " 1 ? ; CHARLES A. HILL, A. M: Nov. i6th, 1828. ;j- ' 19-eew8t and Harness " one eight day Clocks one Blacksmith's Tools, one Cotton Gin, one Also, -at . the same .timeu arid place bet Ween 20 widiJO NFMR0E8. amone which there is a first rate JHae?einitht3&nd several valuableow? Serva)tt. .'Also the Tract of Land whereon the said Fox now. lives, known by the name of Bate Hill, ' containing' 1332 acres.. V The :DweHimj House thereon is large and "commodious, with alflhece'ssary out bui Idiags; and ts situated -on the main Stage road fronxLouisburg to Raleigh, 2J miles'i south of the: former and is certainly on of the most pleasant and healthy aituations in the County. 1 7 - ' r. ,:? '7777 Also one other Tract Tying on Sandy IDreeK containing 465 acres,, adjoining . the : lands of Wm. Gv Jones arid others, " This tract lies on bot li sides ot the stage Koaa aDoui mmwa uc tween; Warrenton.and Ixiuisburgr :lt has on it a considerable porti on of lowgrounds; in good order for cultivation. r Onei other tract - contain ing 93 acres,' a4iining the lands of John Cook', Baldwin', Perrv." and others; K-: ii'A't- Terms of Sale Cash or aW roved ' negotiable paper at the State Bank at Raleigh, k The sale AiW1,; ..nrihtnrUnce of Wl I Continue irom uay touay uuuft t. -Mw - lames i. tf uuiuuui aiivi nib - ., . . i; -i n.'ii) . BOO - i-u u r Krtnfrt.p I l-ouisbnrg,;DeC13, lo-io, vii i nr n rr v. .1 1 i?r I'll a a.i cr.. uvi iv v . ' THOS. B. LirrLEJOHN, PresV; 9th Dec. 1828. ' ' 28 ffr'The Edent on Gazette ahtLTarboro Free Press, will insert the above 3 weeks and forward 1 their accounts to the postmaster at Oxford. 29-w is .'I 7 Managers Office Richmond. Va. 1st Dec, 1828. "Union Caud, Xo. 14 To be drawn 31st this Months (December.) 11,4S0 S50,000 5,000 7 2,000' 5 of 600 36 of 100 S6 of 80 36 of 50 Tidzets. : sioooo y. a.5ao 'd of 1,000, 5 of 36 of 36 of 360 of 500 90. 60 40 FOIL SALE ! "T WISH to sell the place 'within, amile of Hilts jL boroueh, on which I how reside. ' There, are 205 acres, about one halt cleared, re n acres 01 Meadow, land and the balance in wood. The imnrovements are all Tiew,J and finished in the bet manner they consist of a - D we lling House, containincr eieht rooms with tire, places, oesiaes passagres, .closets, etc. a large liarn ana ! tables, and other necessary - Outhouses. There f are se veral never failing Springs Of the best water on th'i tract, - ana a large ana -weii - seiecxeu irun. Orchard. 7 'r "I? 7! - 7 7-7 I wilt sell this property on the mostllibetal tei-m-iiither for money on easy creditsor ;wllf exenange it lor, negroes or vr esicru imr. . ; Apphcationjnay be made byrletter to the sub scribe r,- .at Hillsborough. - :. ..---- ; r-.:. 2 HANAVAY;from thei5ubscriL . Lv'isi:. of June last," brightTiulatta . tr.-.i, . 5 feet, 10 Inches i)i;Tb, slentr rr.- de, with mark.bf the cut of a knife on-one c his c 2 or'3 inches lonirJ "'The name'of f said gro'js-l)AVY,ad sometimes, calls Vs"felf2?u'r JAtthjohn. ... Jle was. seen in the neifrhbcTli'6' Raleigh 4 ithirt t h e laWt ten tTays,; w 1 e r . , ' was stoieri7!'and' it is coniectutc 1 teVen.le Iifmi ' t o tjei Jo the Nort:., -is supposed h-b:s . iron v'. - Tfie a1 willKe-sireh for hisappieheuiiion and i.Uc-- v. DELTA TWTZ, OOi; Ralefgh ,Nov. 16 lRSS.-- nc- 21 . PUBfJlSHEB A ND for sale-atthe Book-store of Galr A ana XjL-VBon, inJRalei'rlvprice.three t! hilars, a .r.cv Edition of the Office :.andd3uty cf a'Jr.r.tice c4 the PeaeeV and a Guide to ;.iihenfFs, ' Ccrcners. - Clerks, Constables andVothcr Pivjl . Oncers in . Norths Carolina. v'Vith an appendix, contn i ; ; x, the Constitutions o'f-this State and rf the Un'LLvi States,1 and a collection of the mo t rpproVed forms for tie use of these Officers. ; The hew' jEdition of" this valuahla AVn.-T: cc: . 1 tains besidesits former Useful in iTer, the fib-" sianccjoi ai in important. Acts pusseu, dv me General issembly iroW the vy ear ? 1815 "to ; the . prcBcns perie, wnicnappear unaertneir proper Orders for this new Work will be duly attend 1 - . - -. ' f.s m " j : - v -.-"V: .,. 1 ed to, from any pa vect;l,'ij 82854;' rt of the' State. r1. "'iiy-' '7 A&iati ' "rtiri ! X5ALES &f:s'ON haye.just received the &T ej IJINTIC Sp&VEmii frr 182?-fa ChrTit mas and Ie wrV of cri- gfnal'Piebeisi.n Mrs. Sigourney; AIiss Fp;;nc s, Messrs. PauM ing, tr4llec.k,'Perjsi.val? Pi ' riiigvMcIlemy; Barker, wiins, ana ouier. Nov. 15. W. ANDERSON. 21 eotf Quar- TRUST, sale: Wake Forest School; St ate ; ofyNofth- Car 6 linai : .HadifxGounty . . In Eipiity Fall Term, IB2 vf William E. . ShineCompiainant Georce W. Garv.'Robert P.W,-H. Perkins arid Step hen B u rrbWF, Defendants IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Hobt; F.: W. T. jerkins Tesides beyond the limits of Vthis State lt is , ordered- by the 4Courtf that publication -be tnade iri the Raleigh 'nister;for 3 months, that unless he appear' by -tle second, day of next tefnV and put'man ah- Wit ness, Edmund B , 1 ? Freeman1 Clerk nd Master in Equity, forHatifax coiitty, at. office lh 4tli Monday after the -4th Monday in Sept; V .V:v;.c.vV'.f-c:s 28'3m6. ;- r Bertie Count v Court of ' Pleas and -Quartet Sea- - ' J - " - . r ' - T . ; vailen Cps)ikrt, Jud'xfal attachment, returneu ' vF 7 fi'tfif-ibis teriri,' Levied on a T H; i .rv frWtJ-thfi nrbnertVJof ".Clir Ptefwio4lK':clarle Fleetwood."; c a"iSp'eatwfftothe'aairsfWi'tib1t'; Court, i !-t:V dtehdutit CharWsTleetWooil has fe ' m-VM vifUoiit5 the 'Jihiira of thiV State, so that .ordimry.proos' 'f law" CannPt be sei-ved pij - 1thm:fore Ordered bv flie dour that J'hcioTT be watte in the Raleigh- Register, for mjfc; M theTlaid Charles H Fleetwood, ia2j Hi'Jess h; appear by hi raself or some agent; replevy -said, property,Un r before the se i JwiTMomlay"6fi Kebrua'vV - next; tJuugmenr by VTV"tUI her taken agaTnst- him-aii the pro ' W1"1 'condemned' tb:the iuse of ; the .A (Uy order of tha Court,) ':!&PUr U7JUi.bdsiW to "thev. highest, bidder; 'cm'tlie i;. , Freniweon-Tuesday. the SOfh'instanVat iihi u v - aiternoon, the welling' IIouse "'nventent 'Outbuildings 'and Appuv- W If ERERY inform my. frie-hd . and others de- sirous oi educating ineir cniiaren, ana warus, that the School .near my residence .Will recom mence on the first Monday of the -ensuing year. Both sexes;, will be instructed 'in ; the various branches usually taught atAcade'mies by an ex perienced and cbmpetenf teacher. Board can beTirocured inTespeptable families at a reason able price j and the . terms of tuition will be mo derate. AVake Forest has always been consider ed as healthy' as any place tins' side, the mouh- tams.. '-X, v . . ; - ' Thoe who may comer from . abroad, will be treated with kindness and attention and every endeavor will be made to' advance them in their studied '.fi..' ;',. T - A: S- CALVINf JONES. :Dec.n:i82s;r;; j 28 3t , S tateof North- CaroHrla WASHINGTON COUNTY. tcrs 85; Eighths. g2 50. Address your orders to ? v -V ; YATES & McTNTYRE, v Richmond, Va. or Charleston, S. C. Where in the last N. Y. Consolidated, No. 7, 37. 38 Capital of $4,000 was sold arid paid, and in the last Dismal S wamp, 19, 31, 53 j a Capital or S50O. was sold and paid to acentleman in Sjnithville, N. C YATES U M1NTY HE. : ' :t7,(;2SrOTICE.7 7-: ;7;.:7:Y; iHN Tuesday, the 13th day of next month, on TlF the premises, will be rented out to the high est bidder,, the -Plantation on Swift Creek, in Wake County, 7. miles South of lUleigh, for the ensuing year, belonging to the estate of Joseph Hawkins, dee'd. . Bond with good security will be required. 1 Notice is 'further given, that orie or the. Executors will attend at the same time andplace,' wfth the bonds given for the purchase of property Ot, the Executors ot Jos. Hawkins, in Dec. Jast, at said Plantation; It is hoped a general payment will be made. . And on Thurs day, the 15th day of the. same month, one or more of the said Executors will attend in the Ci ty of Raleigfu at the Tavern'of Mrs; Jeter, .with the bonds due for the purchase of property of saa Executors, at two different sales one m Noy. 182r, and one in ;Dec. 182r. fr VVhat can be ex pected otherwise, than a general payment froni i nose in uateign.r j DENNIS O'BRYAN. S'ri ; . 7 ! WILLIAM Wlf.LIAMvS, C . '. .;v". 1 I MICAJAH.T. HAWKINS. S 3 Dec. 20th, 1828. - v . 31-tds y,N. B. ( One or more of the above named Exe cutors will attend at the house of Mr. Jno Shen- parci, ' Jun. in tne u,ounty ot Moore, on. M onday the lyth ot Jan. lb'y, with ; the bonds due lor the 'purchase ' 6f -property , of said Executors, (whichbelonged to their Testator Jos bellished with ;thev u ings? by 'the firt ' Artists 1 Preseutat ion Plat e,' '2.The 'S-isiersi'y i;LVveAsler7vK:. 4, The Gloye ; 5 The Power of Love, : 6 Chapeau de Paille, - can Wr v inr beat itii ti I ; &nir r av- and ,en.-..' 6' T Hesitation, ' ' ' 8 Tlie lady of Ru :n, V '9 The Ifnweic' ..cct, -, 10 The' Ship wreck, ; 11 The Cont'd, Captive, " : 1 2 Exthat I) ecorri t o ns;, ' jT .Ornamented .Casewt-i ;7:.i 7.";7 : 0X.Z kRaleigh:flpth'byi.:Y? 4V-t;.lTvV',,"' State of Tennessee. y th 'Judicial Circuit it ILL be sold, on Saturday, 3 lst-tlaTTDf Jan uarv next, under a decree of V ake.cpun 1 1 ty Superior Court of Law and Equity; at the.Uti dwelling house of William M'Culliirs; Esqi dec 4. Two" Tracts of Land belonsrincr to -said dee'd. Estate, lying in'said county.oa white. Oak Creek, being the'residence of the dee'd. last before his death." ' Each tract is said to conatinsix hundred and forty; acres. They were taken upland secu red many years past by old ;Mr.5Jibseph Larie when surveyors were not very, particular in their calculations : it is believed Vtherefore,' that said tracts contain much more land, than is' above mentioned. Surveys will bevmade thereon be fore the dayof saleJ. Six, .twelve, and eighteen months credit will be given. Nei2rotiable-,ntes,' pajrauic m cuuer iui iuc,xaiiK.S inliaieigll, Will r . i x - K; ZANDERS, Guardiam. In the' District Chancery Court, at' ?;3.,X-. vTs:eptember:.Trml828. N .Between John liicharaiiOiV,i adV Caleb, ; Wi'liichardson; ")rai la'his by their guardian, Gebrgre Jerebee, ;arid,; J Whitthiirst aiul Dlly, his wife Cornplaiuants.' ;. mm Tennessee Cotton SninstM i ri cj - iripnus, ox yoraesiiC o improvement i are : informed, - that we have commenced; the Machine Making Business, in the City of Haleieh. at.the Shop fotmerlvvbcdinied bviMi Cohhs: . . - rf r . -. i northwest of the Stateiaouse :; Persons wishing to avail themselves of our labor-saving Machine,1 are requested to apply soon. Letters for Patents ftf infrrnvitloTi w"ill m.ot Wntk Li: " J" Vpriginal Bill. . The President and.Trustees of the University Of North-Carohria,' Defeuuaitsrris;v4 ..v;? Dec. 1R. 30,- NJiW PIANOS. f v TpHE undersigned solicits the4nbtice of all those X w.ho are fond of instrumental Imiisier tn veral new 'Piahos of his own manufacture whJrh he offe rs for. sale much lower-than T brought from theNorth4 f" the: sain nnitlifir5-i bs. Hawkins) "rr 'cdnvictibn that the TOatertls throuelloui in Dec.: last, in .Moore and Chatham: Counties, are i he, Ijt: E atJiTT. -Fall .Term, A. D .Jones :r;" 1828. William Jones, Thomas'Jonesr. Jane Jones, Tho- mas R.r,Smawj arid Nancy his wife', Charlotte Jones; by Levi Fagan;" her Guardian, and Fri ley . J ones,' by -Wm. 'F.ag an, S e n. his Gu ardian . iT appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that ;Tlkmas1jones resides i without jthe limfits of the State : It is ordered that publication' be made three -months in the ' Raleigh' Register, ; that un less be appear and answer at the next Superior Court of Equi ty" lo be. li eld- for the.County of vvasnjrngTon on inc seqono aionuay v.ni .aiarcn be'tafeen EV w; C: next, Judement ; provconfessO v Wil agaiftst'him. ' Test, X. . v - ,J J: G0ELET, C, M. 4. J ust Published, Bookstore, And to be had at JGnles and Son's Addressed to the. People of North-Caroliria, jori a Central RailrRdad through, the ' State: -PrksJS r' 5 I "'i i kt a 1 a,-, a. . If y OR A( 3 K Ail ES7 D entisVcbntii uesie ' olf .aiJa,, ter or Bis j'rptessionai oerviceso ute inua bitant s of K a' eigharid airigeraVisitlriir.'tbeJcJtVi As his stay in ita leign wi dci immeu yio a -iew davs lontrer. persons wishing; Ids'-attention lo their.Teejb. are respect fally requested to , call soon. 7- . r .' V; , ''-7' W : 7l7-1 ' VVJ trllS UOOm H !n lllc mfjiuiiig rccui.rjr.irvupi:u as an offide by. Dr. F. Haywood. ; fA'v--- at7 k OTIM-Bif :i - ' s. ,7 ; " . TavettnifJe; A?t. 8, 1828, Ji T a meeting cf the President and Directors 'ilL of the Cape Fear Navigation Company, tr Resolved: Th t a D ividend "of two ' per; cent on tne Canital L : : of said Company, b4 and vhe same is herebv ileclared, payable at t alette- and for the purpose of renting out same planta- tions in Moore, . Chatham and Cumberland. It is hoped a general attendance will be given,' warranting them, well iri'tune. ': in A Store to Rent. STpHE Store and Warehouse laely , occupied JL by .William Shaw, deceased, .and which is perhaps, aswell 'situated for' Business as any other in the City, may be rented, on application to Mrs. Shaw or J. Gales? 'Dec.22;:;"4:'";T;;- 32tf RALBIGH. c. ESTABLISHMENT ha's nnderme ve JLv ry extens ve repairs and. improvements,'and is liow 'open: for nheception bfA company The situation of th)s; Establishment is one of the" rnbst durable in the City1 of'Ralcrghr being sit uateooh Jthe orth Sle .of the Capitol and witJrin thejimm of the rwo Banks! The charges will big Uniform and mod-iate, .cor responding. with the present low; prices'-bt proL V!sionsManand.If prseV one dollar and fifty cents per day Members of the LegisUture will be charged orivC dollar; per I. day.; -Those. wha have vTooms to "themselves willbe cHirged for them. Sugar arid Liquors' off all kinds andt the best,v have.;;just,beep received;- from New York, and;will be fujrnislied to Members aslow as. W 9a?e na1 inown. t The best; Liquors w i 1 r- ho be kept at the , Bar and no expense wi.i spared in providing forthe Table. The subscriber assures the'pub lie that; nothing sliall be, wanting on his part to make them comforta ble. , - j ; V; P (luioN. x. iJ.--iiosrd , byv the, year one hundred and every rinstarice, , to I stand V Second ha.nd P;ianos takenln xchangeJfbr new ones ; arid ;all .repairs: dope 4 with rieatriess andleipatch t LESLEY WHlTAKER7 i N B. Ilavmg an assortment of ;the best' Ger man. Strings, the Subscriber; wiB, contiride to strmgandtturne Piatias lieret(pfbrei7 Orders ed to, ; . v y,im m rfe .w;. . M. E GIGS ':AXJ SULKIES rHE CompIalriants liavirig fifed their origins! U. v bill ?bfv complaint; against theDefcndanti, wherein and whereby they s(;t forth arid ! com plain, that they," thf said John ,Li ' Cale d, and ' plly, arethe only children arid heii-s at Lavr of Jonathan . Richardson late of Camden county, I- ' C who died in 1 822 or 1823 intestate," who , wa3 ' only ;6n and heir of v j obrf Richardson,' forni t r 1 of said cbrihty, (of Camden,) who? died between, the years 178a;and .1790 intestate 4 th;t the John ATlichardspnservedfas 4ri; Ensign, in ths lOth regiment Of the North tjarolina line. in the -Wr vof ;the Revolution, in such"a maririelr ss to ' entitle him to a military -'larid warraot; accoruin ; to the: laws of said State; passed for the .'relief il compensation of ;the Officers antl .'Soldiers of said line, for, tvehty-fiye ."hunched and "sixty acres j 4h at' the said J ohn .Richardson died Svithc'it ever havingdranoranthorised it to' be dontj, or as-. VignedJhis wartarit fbr;aaid; services ; ' that'. the-' sanl Jonathan Richardson also died, wit!, out ever having ;d ti, ne, or as- slghedsaidarrant; jithathe Complainnnts arc eotitld t.. laioSrmht'aiitd' that- it should have issuettTo them biily; or one of J thehr ancestors t but 'that on thelotlv aayof jAuust, -1 821 , ' t h PefendT-its, fra.udulently combining with cert Ja Cbmr ..ouerslof Vthe v State cf North;Caroliia, :a.ppiied,'fbKttte8ole- purpose: of delivering to the military .claimants under: that State, and thoj claiming urideritK d and procured; brider; sbme false arid grouridles3 and I raudule n pre e ri ce; th e warrant , w h ich he.Corr.' plainaiits were erititled'to,' to be issued to thei . the- Defendants, Tri; coribuence'tdf the alleged death of the said Job ri irbhardsbn without; heirs, by;;No582,;which recites upon its face that it wa? issued forHli seVvicescf John Richardson, kn Ensign ift ttie line aforesaid, in thpt Re'volu tiohary: Wartliat sald liefendants caused the sayd warrarit J to bcf I ought to"; Tennessee; and iocatedln iheVr'me APor' tract of land, utu atedlrihat lsnb and on the 24th day of Issued tolhejmiDr he -i,ame, ,fo zd warrant, and I h 2 tit I e to;said larid so far ai it ii vestjcd by said; gtrittViioivJ . exists in kaid D t f u datit8;who-cJaiin:h'e saihe in oppc tic.i to Com-' pjainants, andjkeep the.moutcl pesiesiien ; ancl prays that the trtle, to Vald land, -may be dh ; teii out of qieiDeftaidahtsi nnd Vested in 'Cfoiap! T EPAIRKD or. Painted U heitoforerat th y-vi' "1 4: viic ruoscnoer. AfOontinUance; c ijuuuc layor is solicited. s - y . 1 e of Novi 15 v : Young Gentleman whor is well qualified'to takeharge of an Academy, IwHl hear of an advantageous situation in, the Wpstem: rlart ot the State by making an early applicution at this pmce. A Clergyman who would', be willing -Preach a part of Uis timewbuM be preferred: ' 'tRaleigh, Dec. 2'i .7 : ' 26" ' ;no.tioe. .in. .ant&.'n4' tb'atsoctbthW.arKiftl;'rther decree rrw uBiiiwe.in 111c premises as xot r.quuy saali stent mee'f.Vt-bd'the'nhtreof the case rectiiresi Aud -h appearing. to the satisfactibri of; the Court, by return VI me ouerui priaaison ctranty hf-rc-inantl theaffidavit of the Comp'Hrian'ts foici-' tor atVthe saKjpefendanttii Fyednt an t th Vs27 WEHlTAEinD .but that ths"7-.ki ' ' T "' J t- 2Q-4t'. '1 Defendantsi. are!corporatiott,;.chartercj.hy t!i .tate Ot fWortn-Carohna; an ' at the int'Ivi iji it. r.,WlSH to employ a. Teacher for my School i1. ST year 1 wUl S ood wages; but the Teacher ; must be qualified to preSare the Students for the.University. " Any co.t mu ni,cation, addressed -to me to the Fo;t Ofii- - at tiayebyiue, -rraniciin County, Ji. C. shall jji uiupiiy alien iea10. be gw ot P3rnie.iff, Cash; or an approved rote" 'y11, payable quarterly. : Vest, ' ; . . . - - v-v'v 7:(7.;77 ,;;;sv c ?77 - 7''7; l7;7v:'7i: ..t; v-;- -.u-''-' r;7- ,.7 ';.;V "7 ';v:l7 x members' of &aid corpbratio , inhabitants bf said State of Noi t : .-t they having-"failed to Renter "tl. 1. herein. accortUrig tb Lawand th j - k Court J It fis ;tliertfore ordercii U : their- appearariceVherein;,at the. nc: this Court, to be lield on tlie th U TTiohthof Iarchie'xtV;and'' 'plead, n ur to JheCbmplauiant&' bi!l. of - qou.pl erwise xi.3 same will be t. -'i lur con.: - c r gams tnem, set ; tor Jiearm- , .parlef, , t . : matt ert thbrecf df creed acco. .!in?ly ; u, i fd?4her- pderedV;-jtIiat a'o'apy -ci thii or.! foinvith published for. tour weeks i i in . irin tt'VS 'Raleigh Regirtef," a: ntwspa pc - in th? cjy of.iui.:w.iu tli- iL ; wt- Cu.ro i r. v. copy.