4 a i- rx ( ,; - iubrh " - s i- . ... v. - ' in 1I0USC OF; COM M ON 'The bill to vest the elect!? n ncrm- r"; io; the free hltt men. of tht ; "T". -'.-nmUr- rnnjsutprnf tan.' " JMri. W UEELim. of ;;;rV. Krt &rd,Vroe and sa dJ;; ; ; ; ; N ' ThatAvhen he "t6o; hi s'eat tiis -morning C . ; ; Cts floor, 'he had toot thoiigbVof en-agingatall " - , f 'Vlri the tie? He. had lUteneA'-jth attention -i -Ito the nrirr.ent ur -ed ..bythe'ftentTemantrnm 1 v'r13eufort CMr.Ula-.- dge,)nd he had' attended - '-vS'fwIth pleas.:rc,-s always, did, Jo the rimatks r v " v Vwluch lh;.t f:;ntlem;jjv had though V propcrO it in favor -of tfcii; his. favorite . measure"- t' o"th cpen to r viclion, the-' observations .'uvrf 'Vl..-. ttv-it gentler. . ;i maac,( However w&r ' iou. v .conceived : i d btilely applied, had, : ': . vi v,!,t v HtmVAf. hvim.- VflV'et. ' Mri'-W.--'said ; 1 ' i1 u he uMl not rise .lama'ce; asetVapeecb, tor I.c L ui none prepared -out wouicf, raerery ij-om the ; notes htfure hln,' which he 'hadtaXen on -' the", remarks tir-tte giitlem;m from Beaufort,; "proceed to examine, the arguments' whiehhe v rprehtnteO, j :nd endeavor, by .'; plain-unyar-; y.ruRuea talc tq snow xnetr;unec. rauurc ut.p .".Vplicitioiv tu the biUnowr under the. coasMeratiqn V of i h e i ous eil 1he-g e uUernan ; from' eaufort itraa r k atV A h at f. i . his: . most earnest dest re to -V.ttv "thii flpctifm f the Sber'.fln from tlie County p?ncroTim -a' d sire toth? l4?op!ei Vhy:? Be- c -cause ti. e county Courts muy ie .corrupi---ana tlirour-h tkisi corruntion d ShfrifTmay pe:p iljj&jiMopb faiw' p.-1U not-e.- v , ' r.; fcire.";: It is iideed.X Eraa-imV nt idea, juf :-'t laid. down ih our Dec! ratioaof-lnde ; ,pendence, j the immortal 5tatf p-Per from wnach, ve duteuV potdlcul existrhceV; lliatrprlehce V r.V,"wiIl"'.dictae"thav cuittoma long eatbli&ld should nor-be rjianged for light, and transient causes. A Thii bill urjrel 8c"suppprted asit now isr Would ? ..ve;toone qi .mer mosi.iincieni institutions in our State,- a'sefere and fatal, shock. , ! Tne She- IxifT,- ihe moit imporUnt and Useful officer of bur 'e,3ir.- SpeJVc"V are sent here, delegated with hiKiv"d important trusts as th& representatives 'r v yC" Qtateba& frbm the earnest periods of our coun :.uJ I try, bten cbosv-n Ja this Stte, by; the .magistrates - ' S; ' tbo compose our. Cbuiity Courts., And.hiS this frriX' f1'-course :ot thinpsTbeen productive of any evil ? v( of thepeoplc, todeyise measures fop Uieir ppod, - C -: f and to,' avert knyi storm .which ftlie concentrated ' " :-J..i- isdom'of the Stte; ir?ay. . perceive gat heHhg in our pouuear atrauspnere. ; w e sit : nere in ;nign conclave tb listefi to the petitipns of tiie people 'ai d redress their grievances. Do they, thei com? plain: that the appointment. of herSheTifTs jat " Tjfcseiit'isian unholy usurpation of power oh the' -Xk part offthe m'igistrates---and d:. thev r n piteous complaint,5 pray a xentovaror the rgTtjevance i lit tney asa,- Sr,-ii.iS ,wiiu me ?no uiuc now io nc ' sitateV " it i no; t ime td.debate but to act is all that is necessary;- , Since herepUtcedas we are nee 'from ihe'.' people e live, move and " have pur beinjrto me, C .-, the vox pbpuli would he the toi rf--3,iif they-instructed me as -'their serva-it," lo5eyV But they.dd riot wish it.: can we-exnect r to rwxa it r ,vnat interest can - '"TheyVsre. perfectly content in Ievin.r the power ;-v-f"yit,r it.is ? joow ;;Vestt V'and not itbstanding f yK ir 'i!jeicrsof tle gentleman from ;Beaufort, (fur 1 T-V"t honr n 'luemVer on this floor has a higher re t Ppec.r thru.l baveV and' none who values more " ' " -ihtghly his personal friendship this power is not - v. cbr rupt or hardly corruptible; For. Wbp are our I ' -- - - rmagiitrtes'fJ'rh'Vy are mew "selcted-fruha "ainong Ai:r-f-.)iUe pfople, by; the: ser atsf the: pe6ple on ap 1 Cr f cbuiit of their experience superior iciuirenents -4 T. f-f " and 'conecte4 judgment .to act ih .this- high, arid ; IV.xesp'oible statiowf 'If-rwel. cannot xpect justice i ; vi ' r nd even'handerf equity frcm such men ; if the i X 4. mapt rates are iiotS Viriually pure'and incorrup J " ' " f.bir wherein tUe name5 of mercy and honesty v-v .'"they haveto da Wrong: and to - vioUte the sane . T vity iff tber piths' ?lf Uiey.cuuld be vso' corrupt ' ':' 7v us the srentieman. from Beaufort -v imaiones, that f V 'lv' they touid pain upon the people a'sherifl that . Y ,Wthe-neople cfislilte, 'wouM. not, the misdeeds of 'm- jhat iheiiff fall bvary on hem and,they al'ilre be isitecrfor.tfns unholy sin r Hut tne gentleman Oil on us to take thisdection from- the hants 'i of tSie. magistrates5 : becaUHe, they then will not only be incorrupt, ixit they, will not be led into r tte. temptation oi corrupiion. - uere mere is no law,' therel is'ho trangression, 'and wherle there is noemDtation to sin. the merit of being v virtuous deserves no commendation. 1 1 Thisnot i assi . heard mc np - -a oeing-jempieo' io . currupuon, , . f Speaker, admirable, logic rana.-eiy. iduce , - " - miUied ? t the'feplyrwbicb I have often; " children" make; : a a list? resort, 'Ast 7. ' questions" and I will tcllyou ho lies t",' lead me V- not'iQto tempution and I' will not bttray you. .V . -Tiws ,Konaan: viriuc, well "deserves v the v: will ' n?t only be f ree , from the temptation me :.ihifh i tia. Hrv nli tf I. : a Hut" thn 1 V ;-; 4hA ' vViitleman irom- Beanlbrt, says, that the J ) .X; niaeistrates' -not - having 'thishibpWerv that C- .; -; -which" 6ft en -rproves sQ fatal to thenr virtue, but 1 : V that thev will also Je frelefrom all suspicion of V'v h injustice -MTrhere; bis rarely'at any Iperiod .of - "T theVvvfirld bena rinwwhen high trust : ' dek gted to-nieri," but Ihere was' me suspicion , - connected with the transactionthat .all ai not reorrecti ; Jn thet miml of that gentlehi.in,; f he " V ' late Adminstration'of our cojtry doubtless la- ' - hot under dhgfoundcii suspicion; ; Be this as it "' y,'the'geVitlemanrausT.haTeomnipotenrpow-i i er delegated from1: the Creator, if he;C "so'i spirit," v ho well. knew th?,Wo m-in- depositions pronounced t- 4: a z antf mctVpatnpei;;aepqn-s. will .not - labortnder j wjlh tlie Sheriffs ..wv--- .. ; ; . -, r'fP'e wish nui im j , Anstittes Caaea iiie jus, xituiiii "nigmy. i torru . -Vj : nou sfalt hoescape V .v r.voir carirplace thirpwertn nb bands -v ' ;. ; jft uere the exercise of it; is uoi fiable .to this tie-' i i -; rfntleman furtlter say 5, that ; ' iV would. x : increase the pesponioimy 01 uie anenn, 10 nave V r ' Liai amenable to, the jaeoplw? ' u f V-ficera this In rourcount ry, 'he. 1 hat .acts aathe ' 7 T imiaediate executive powecVu our State; t would 7 r ? have responsible ; JeVl i'bu Id have, him severe. ''.VV'-'iy-Jespo , ; - V ''Lang Ueavy over "hisf headsuspended like, that -V'vCV imocles ; by a single itr.' But I woo Id hare t - :Vth t powerV.whose prcTjnce It. i to' sever tliat 1 ; hair: to be hibr- sciio-ahU, -rcsiioiislble.-1 .'i'u'ut place; if ii.Uve. 'hands bfvefv riWy to injure.) 'hcsl and-cnervsh V; -;.'v. --.:i .a The Ft nt lituan trom ueauioi t . nas-profluced i Vn intaiKief Jojiely nd tv.mi Hi oue aouse. an ionimon veneraoie ; ty ge ah'baiJowed - by. custom, th; gtriulvroau " Vouid argue again'' i.s utiliiy iThls betrays a - stc'p i tJie nmiii-v went of bis easc thitis; irli oLiiye of its wes in.)' I kn'o w wed.on 'any other tccaslyn, that gentleii.au woiifd never for1 ' a Bhvrrle -bue of the jo wcr v. hicfimay : be-vest--d -n iic-iy take way. that powef, nor-; would A i..t uil'i all our iV tituUotis. Ud.tJiis afford condemn u xor "H;i'k,wi ic .' W i-p-itiiraie gniuhd of . ejection, ' theii ;tbe pro-. 'h , of i h -tu v,', V.e - ra-x-ds'...it hs f beeu in thwnM'.iv; : v;,ttiptipiity of. the magistrates, at present.' He '' i '-l-r.jsj-'4. " the-'cou iity , of ..itt;-; 'm htsi Sia'feVt tn-: s ;,; i4c.cs ha'e occurred ;or't lie shei'ins notcolleic. T tn'Uieir: taxes !frooi; 'the niijisi rates,. becausp; Ml;ieeaires rj'c "'...; Ktftff ilhiitiiou and the irrod. would 1 "v;cirVi .r f-.,.if. uscV ib.wn:c.i us i.-.aiwniif mi Uuiciui. inspect i a i aw ; ol inis Stare, - iu )ou". ii -- , :... -':.i-.-. i i tu mco f ; . r t ,r tti. jTtr ere iu uru f 3 hsfony of the Xrcrl'ccT is its ( " n-dy. And, sir, can v5 with .; . tax" ieli-icn fc? t' 3 Lisa . ..1 its holy Cloak", has often been rc;uc i ir.ild p; over t- .can ; we attribute to; the t ? piety1 arid peace vhich)Jt " i-' e seas ill' blood which have Seeh:shed en! cat e banner - 01 are mere advocates . of these - creeds atui professions ; have aspiayear r 1 more propfcrlyhould f be raita'ched' fdthe i. , :iectIon: of.nature; :ihanany defect ip the ir.st n itself. ' vAndif the case pbtrited; out, real 1 y . , d cciir lripitt or else w Were it; ought never to be ustd as an,;, argument j against ,the. present mode byf-which bur sheriffs-are chosen, -tl'he "ge ht 1 e :;n jrom Beaufort further reinar ts, fUiat sthe enly objection .thatpHn beurgea a gainst this p re p oseji change 1 that iti will; tend ;io1hcreas the tprbuleftcerofour.'eIectibn8:V. but he easily Isurmou'ifs this aliriebbjection by si mply'reroarki i?g," that it is ihe4 tiatufe of bur republican institutions.'' The. gentleman liv tly touched Uiis ppinW and:qoJck!y passed it vcr,'for his natural intuitiveness pe: z jived hat it pr sentedan objectionl which h " 'uildnot bi ercome bjany ingenuity of argum uThis is, i tmeedMr. Speaker a formidable objeptiorf," andlf there we're no other, 1 should, conceive d sufficient; to cause m'e to vote against the bill how under discussioiiT 'All; eovemments that the geriids of.msn has ever devised have labor- ed;Mh' raouie uefect .which , 'was bey ond the power of human discernment; to foresee, of hu nan wl&ivni tbcorrct. The - history bfevrV a'ge and of evey nation will fully support my position.; v And of the three governments . which difTerent writers on this' subject have laid down incy jibtc ai uie ume wnue noting, uieir various advantages and moditicalions also' discovered some deft-ct existent: , - The Monarcjiical, where all the .sinews of government'are knit iu the hand of the Prince, while it combines decision St ener gy, also may be used to the; great injury of the, subject nd the1 detriment of the people,' when impelled hy ; depraved arid wicked Tulers.i, The Aristbcraticalj while it bas its. good, the conco mitant evil is at hand t arid the Republican, the most happy and best of all, the government un der which we live-happy and prosperous, defects" winch are unavoidably blended with all things of human invention, must arid "will exists - There 19 nodapger when the people are rightly inform ed and are not fmsled by their friends, (at least, by name,) for all power is vested id and derived from the people;' But.sir, in the moments of high political excitement, when the angry; passions of our nature are warmed inionery action,tne wisest .& best, the most calm & collected among us, have displayed inconsistencies which in j cooler mo ments they would have avoided Shall then, the people be free from feeling, " whenv thex citement is created. Are they ' not equally lia ble ? ' Do" their occupations lead them to weigh causes and effects, and can they see the end of the course which theyare often led to pursue f Have they the time,sif they; had the disposition to investigate the iriotives of those who soothe them with blandishment, or Jull them witli flat tery J- And '4wheb their feelings are by some tin toward cfeus.-8, roused into action, who will act the delightful part of a peacemaker,' arid" recon- cile their perturbed; spirit 9 The foul demon which sits like an incubus on the geritus of our country, is the violence of party spirit. This is an evil a hich stalks around our land, ' seeking whorri .it.may devour' Not, Mr. Speaker, that I consider a proper degree of party vigilance hUrtf uU:. This, sir, adds an additional vigour to theexertions of our.statesmen, and gives fresh impetus to- the life-blood that nourishes tbe liber ty of Dur Jcpunfry. : butit'is that mean, grovel ling spirit; of patty envy that seeks tb magnify the slightest indiscretion . into, high crimes and misdemeanors, and. impugns the most virtuous intentions- This sir," led on by;mejn-ofharvow s!! who hate the excellence they cannot reach," may sometimes; pervade our popular as semblies. In the Violence ,of those assemblies, whose heart is so stout, or whose; nerves are so firm that the shock passes them. unruffled and unhurt f This undue, party spirit is an evil. Mr.- Speaker, which it' is our dutv, as guardians of the public w eal, to bind hand and loot and cast it from among us. " The time has gone by, but I rememember it Wetl,' (t bough my years of re membrance are but a span compared with many that I have the honour to address, ) when the un holy influence of this spirit pervaded every class of our community.". It eye n obtruded its mis creant '.front' - into the ''sanctuary ofj our cl wel-lig- & the father turned the cold hand of hatred on the sou ttutwas his offspring, and', brother met brother not in-unity-ana love jThese, sir, are tjiejworkings of this accursed demon,' and this is one of the plague spots that: rests on our political bbdy; I thank Heaven that there is rib msn in'thii world that;i bear an unfriendly feel ing towards! but' under such laws as! this bill would create, we are all liable to exhibit a scene of distraction only equalled by the pandernoni um of the infernal regions! This is the rock 611 wittu iuc vara or our political, existence may e shipwrecked. ? In the yiolerice of our elections. the friend of his country - looks with an -eye of mourntuItorebodUng.i-Every year that rolls round exhibits strongly the' necessity of watching with anj argus eye this institution ; else the: sword that how; guards ;ouf liberties and happiness, may be turned towards the destruction of that it is in tended to protect, No, Mr- Speaker,' the peo- s ciianee. inev are satisneu tliat they now have to execute ttiem ; they, believe not . in the. ptibihty of the source from which1: these SUeritts derivetheir existence i thev 1 have confi dence in those magistrates who are placed arnong thereto be a terror. unto evil doers.' and in their hands they are? wilhrig to trust - the, charge which: our Vgallantforefathexs -bequeathed to them. :rtey want ho change, r, in the anci ent landmarks of their eouniry 't with the ancient Barbhs-'of BngUnd tbey 'proclaim5 noljuiniu lesret .lingluvt mitiari ' ! 'arid as one of these people, as -one' ot tpeir servants, a a sentinel . piced by .thempo) the watchtovcer Which guards their po litic d institutions, J assure this House ""th'at;tbey. want not this law. ;.ji is now ten years or more thatthrsmafterJias been successively urged on ttie attention of the Legislature and the notice of the peojilej but yet iheywant notthe: altera-. yi-iusrj tzi uarrniiiry icix anu iuc geniie caii from Beaufort -hkc . Holla did the invading Spaniards v.we; want r.nb change;, and least ad ruch change a yott woul4 bring- Usl',7v "V..- - . -...,:.. WAi: , ;X .-j.. ' ' i- 4 r r v---. v :"' Xy' Wednesday, Dec. 24. r "A niessage wasrecetved Frotit the Sen? ate,:asik.ing tue concurrence ol the;iouse tiKabi 11 hia king it the duty of th e ablcers .ctlfeegunderfment'-bf lftlierfof d':txii- litia to.hold ther resihiental uiusters. at ill eV "hui d ; and:; t ' coticeryiingihe town vf TarboroJ ;The ii rst bil I Wasjutlcfiniiel y -nostDoned the Ja'stTead threa ';;4iuc'TauJd rdered to'bV i ;Xheifollowingjb4lts;iv pakaed their fi rst read ing, y iBy Air AValford,biU for the betterregulation c f the ;town tr WtidsoR Mr. Swain, a bill) n rescrilji n:' tlj e mbde by av UlcK' bas tard children shall frprejTterdj& ilesitima endthir . . . - .passeu-tn a bill rponae4 uie Lhatham Iron'Manu- lacttfrinsr. Comhitny. By "Mr- Sjircillia. f is o Idnprer stat the ' any'I.' 1 wi purp1 : v in the saiizunary; contests under tne the C; oss7 ; No. ? f i. v S ne aker.-These lv abuses whic!; he intemnerate rcctiii thV fir-3 r.-d plr.ee bfsell ihg-1 and u n d c r cxe c u lion intlldli fax coalti- JJvMr-Hamr'sna bill' ta compel ShcrifTa nd Cons tables; vh en ever ? they 4 snail icYy an .execuiioii. u - yu . jr . j-ci. i6 the Defendaqt bfthe iariie. tf V :V: The resoltttion "tin iayor!;of; Calvin Jl. uiacKiiiaiititaiic;! mvvi . ,jv f,"1". vm,t th e f 1 m e, an ii or a ere to : mrouea ;T Mr iStdckard present .heripafteracqui re to' hqr.l: Re' Tcrred.ife ;4-w H-sUiV&$'fc?i The bill- for the imbrorement of the road tadinrfrb toq 'passed its se.cnddtng jSCttb; C ;Mr;orden ;prisnteA whichvLwas negatived, Uo-adjourn over Christmas Day td:'Frinyr- 7- Theengrossed biil ' tCH t!?e Cou ntjr ; Coti rt of Persoil toes tablish - a Poor House in'said cpunty; reail the iriira time anu oruereu .ume &uuuw. The'billito alterthe titne of holding the 1:: Su p er iur Cou rts q f Alec (cjenbu rg and CaJ barrus, was. read, totthirdT, tira aiid or dered to be'eiijgcQ&e&??;?; xx V On jnotiwi ofIrV Watson; the Judic ar y committee tvere instructed to enqure into the bxpedienev; of passing a law-to secure" to Slieriffs and Jailers their fees for the arrest and' imprisonment of De- Jendants on jvnts 01 capva& uut stuitwGr diim. where tire said Defendant are in- 9U1VCI1U -V a. v 1 . 1 uJ Thursday. Dec. 25. -, - Mrt Wyche, from Jhe committee of Fi- nance,to.wrrom a reso-iutton in rayoroi juo. Sloan SherifTof Mecklenburg, Was refer ed, reported the same, with a recommen datioh that it bepassedwu It was acpord ipgly read the second; time. " " X f ; . ;Mr Bozman pfeiented a bill t6incor porate Zerubabel Chapter, No. 1 1,j in R .dent6n;:which passed three readings and was ordered to be engrossed. ; The resignation of Samuel T- Sawyer, Major of the Chowan Militia was read and accepted ' ' ; On raotionv the House adjourned until to-morrow mornins 1 i V : " J9cc 26. . S i The bill to amend the law, directmsthe sale of slaves and lands so far as respects the county of Montgomery and the bill for the better re"u I a iori of Fisheries on Salmon's Creek; Bariie county, were read the third time and ordered to engrossed. , " The resolution in favor of Wdliam Hug ins, jShetiflff Jones, was reail the . third time and ordered to be enrolled - : : Mr. Spruill, from- the commrttee of Claims,; to whom w a s reco in rn itted a re sol u t i o n , i n fa V or of. m r Robi n soti, re'r" ported unfavorably on the same, . and: it' was rejected. . - 'r'xxXi:--f'X -' ; fc Mr, S. also reported ' adversely on ,the resolution . in favor of Rand arid Webb. Goricurred in. ' 5" : Mr Montgomery presented a memorial from James Grant, Comptroller, asking to be allowed a clerk in his" office. Referred. .:'. Mr. Nash, frbrn "the Judiciary .Commit tee, to whom was referred a biil, to pre vent the emancipation of slaves; and also, a bill lo regulate the emaiicipation pfstaves, reported,' that the committee had consider ed said bills and instructed ' him 'to' say, that it is iriexped ient to pass into a law, the firt mentioned bill and to report the second to the House, with sundry, amend in en t s.v The question , jtocon cu r in the first member, of the Report, passed in- the .iflirmative. Mr. Bethel) - moved ; for an indefinite postponement of the last which was negatived 68 to 54 The bill passed its second reading." " , r ; ;; X " ' The bil 1 for the better regulation of the town of Windsor, - i n Bertie -the bill to repeal an act passed. in ? 1 8-27, prescribing the manner in which Staves, Heading and Shingles shall hereafter be counted," so far as rspecs the. cunty of Ferquimani ; & 1 he bi 11, d irecting t he time a nd- place of selling lands and staves -under execution in the counties of Halifax, Northampton and Hertford, passed their-second & third reading aiid Were ordered to be .engrossed. ( M r. M i t ch "ell presea led a reso! u (ion in favor of Daniel' Sands-; "Referred, 'v f X :i ; . Sir. Hestef presented a bill, to establish separate elections in Person connty. Read three; times aud oideivd to be engrossed.; The bill appropriating g80Q for the im p'rovement of the Road, leading from Mor gantoulto Lincolntonwaa read the third time anil : postponed irid efin i teiy 71 to 59. -SENATE- 'y Wednesday ri Dec. y -p.--:; . JThe following bills were presented, viz. fBy;.MrAskeir,4b "ariacpassVoT- in1827 to preventHhe:bb strnction of fish up. the Roanoke River--r by Mr. Pugh a; bill cdncernirigthepayf nfept br.PiloU in certai n ca8es-by -Mrf Meljahea bill.in; aid pf- the" funds for ln ternal Improvement -which. bills' passed their firs f reading, y- , , v . - - . ;V:Mr.' Shoberi from the committee of Pro positions" and Grievances,"; reported.a bill to restore tb credit Andrew WalkerV'of Mecklehbure $ ;also, 'sa bill to restore ito credit Silas; Bond, of, Marti nwhich pass-. eu ineir urst reauing. xX " --V -"Mr.v Burgin presented a 7 resold tion in fivbr of Dayidr Washbu rb of Bii fke,f and Mr-Williams, the petition of-Alfred M Slade. bf ftlartinv 'praying toAbe relieved froni penalty incurred by being securitjr for aShejiftV;" Referred.-; 'ar. VH message wasreceiveu irom inc nouse vi commuus, asn.iuir uie .concurrence oi the'Senatei" to a , bill directinsr thed man- netr in whiclrVa.rden t of the Pobrili Cu rii- berand;cpu iity shall hereafter be chos r :. ; to; a .biil;retJnlnng-'Reisters.T-and Clerks anuVIastefs in Jiquity 'to' keep tlteir pifi-' cei at t hei r respective Cour t -Hou ses--to ;au'tlioriziug James Bedfordi'ibf Bufketo bilfdi erect two Gates 4hereindescribed-tb! a Dill uthcnr.tr. z the Irusttc3 of tho "uen- ton Acadeniy to'disposc bf r ; k ma; lots - to r. bill ircquirjc thciJJ , ieneral pf ths ;4th division , to. retiev jtlc regiments of liovvaninUitia muBterto,a l)iliypp6mtinB Commissioner; for iiiSurrytd bill to repeal aa act passed j in 1824t regulaung Wardens f;theoorsin3uncombea. hitler ihe:betCer rei1aioh;p in xuncomoe-tQ aoiti forxneeH.cf.i.;an9 ;-JIajrjs1iali Ste pbeh vOVeris, Sheriff of Beau fort; to a re. I solution in favor' of Isaac -Baker Sheriff of iritackwhich ;vere I respectively reaaxne xnira time, ana oraereu to pe en- grossed. ; -:: The I bill tgcregulatethe payment ,pf jsa laries-of Officers of thei State : . and the bill to "amend' an: act passed, in. 182l,f to; incorporare:a company enuuea. tne tvoan oke "Inlet Company,; passitheinsecontV aiitl thiro reading anda&ordered to be 'engrossed. ,. XX X- X XxyxX r VlThebillfbrtheelicf ptjmndr persons engaged in surveying; CJheJ'okee JanJs,;jyas read the third time and ordered; to be e?i: t On motion of MrVJOavjdson the Senate adjourned ove f:Chnstma$ I)dy to Friday t s A message was received froni the Honse ofi Commons,' aski ng the; concurrence? of the Senate to the bill altering the1 time; of holding the; Superior Courts of Mecklen burg and Cabarrus' The bill passed its first readings : .i-"o':1fi.f7;v'& , The following bills were presentedrVizr By MrMears, a bill authorizing the Com missioners of Nayigatioin of the port' of Vilmngton, to .regulatV Quarantine, tn said port. By Mr Parker i bill supple mentary to an act passed, in 1 826, for the better regulation of., the town of fjreens- borough, in Guilford curity--which were respective! y read tree times 'each, and ordered to be engrossed, j By Mr." Daven port, a bill to open a-road 'from liee's Mills to the head of the New Land in- Washington county. Read the first time and referred to the committee on Iciter-;nal.lmprovement--.v'; . y!Cf:xt: Xj. $ Mr. 'McDowell presented, thepetition of sundry citizens of "BuhcombeTpraying a n appropri at i on f o r. a roa d . "-. Re ferred :The resignation of, Joseph Neale, Major of the1 3LRezii'ent of Burke, was; reatl and accepted. X'Xf-1 ?XXXXX - Theiiiil to repeal an acrpassed in v182r,- io prevent tne oDstrucxion oi risn, pass ingup Roanoke River the bill to improve the navigation of Perq uimons Riverthe bill to restore to credit, Andre w Walk e r, of Mecklenburg--the bill ifoif th6 ecjour- agement .oi ciearingfputoDStraciions in the. navigation of IiUmberRiver the bill to regulate the mode of trial in the Supe rior and'appeals' to v the 8uprehie Court and the bill declaring the- effect of a nolle finitely postponed. WxymXXXX' a ne mil to restore ouas jjona, oi iiar-tia-to credit ; and the bill for the improv ing the navigatiou . of i Creeksjand rivers in Sampson county and - of - Black River, so far as it ii the dividing linej - betvveen the oountiesof Sampson and Cumberland, passed their third reading and were order ed to be engrossed -; - - : x I . The following" bil 1 passed their-third reading and were Ordered llo: be" enrolled: they are therefore laws, viz : A bill for the relief of Thomas BlarshalH Sheriff' of Carteret; Stephen Ovvens Sheriff of Beaft-fort- and VWyattMoye, Sheriff, of - Greeue -A.bill to repeal an act passed in 1824, regulating the mode; ot electing Wardeos of the Poor and directing their iduties, soJ far : asrelateato : t combe--rA -bill, ? appbinting y Solomon Graves,- Commissioner ..;td .superintend the erection of a public building tnSurry a bill, altering the time ofdingthe County Courts of Ashea bill,", directing the manner in which Wardens of thePpor, in the, county of Cumberland shall hereaf ter be chosen, and . for other purpbiesja bill, authorizing James Bedford, of Burke, tb; erect two; Gates fJiereihtiescribdrf bill, authorizing the: rrustees of the E d en ton Academy, , to dispose of certain lots a bill, reuiring the. Major ' Generial of the fourth .Division to reyiew theRegi mentsof Rowan,aftheirusuaI muster places -a bill, to amend an act, t& prb Jiibit the trading with slayeaVxcept in the mannerAereiirprescribeH TThe; engrossed billiHo'Tepeal infpart, the'Sd section of an act passed . in 1806 to revisethe;Militialjav7S bf;this tate. relative to the infantry;, was read the sec- X XX'-i - "IJlJiNlill hlii III IN A'-li 5S IJ M JV1 A I Y : . i , ... v : ::, "SENATE."?; - , 1 " -Mr." Noble introduced abill for the re lief of Revo I u t i on a ry and su hdry Jo th er offi - cef tid soldiers, and tha bi 1 1" toW t1e .re lief of sundry oCicers, soldiers, & vvidows : which were, fiubsequehtlyv'read r second titne and referred, - rit; v. . V s ji i oarnaru presenteu y a ; niemonai oi the Abolition Society praying trial, fc" jy may be lumbia j iivhiclr was7; referredto theVJudi ciary Committee ; ,yxy ; - , . X':t -;-i.r. Jbiisbee introduced a bill uaktng an a pprop pr . t i"o n Tor a Brea k wa ter; n ear tiie i s lauif?of Nantucket whicluwas afterwards read a seVbnd time.arid-referred.; . yy i vi M rEaton rubiiii itedX jesol u ion in , re la t ion; to 4 he s el e ct i u n: j of 7th e " n le'rs f Goiigt ess, and requiring t he ; choice to; I; 2 determined; -by. atajoriiyand ooVapIu rality .of vutes j , which, after 1 .ie diacu. atgu; 'was a dor te'd-f V 5, " r; y-M r- .Dickersoa Obtained I eaveT to ; in t rc duce U bill to, provide for.;t: dixribati6n of a purl id vlhe - revenues, Jbltlits, United StattJanvun; the feeYcral Steles yx':X- :h:,'--' , . :.. - --v-.. s.&tl:il.?Lj v.-i In Eauitv Fa . r.Ir, Hay we, jforn t ' - ' , ! i!,;;n.'i;A, - .rTv.'-irrri(.;..i:;i-w bl Pi ! !ttiFlK8ENTATIVEs. presentelajuog-4vh:ch , were a nuoibee fe'HItuctj ..m ui c m ruofMm remonsiratint 5v4 L J iosJ ;-;-m r.' HaiPs resolutinnsideclarin'g itUn mkeVroads and 'r ' coustitu and to erect tollmes and enforce tfie Ul' Jectibnof tolls within Ihe jioiiisof Uie States ': i:wee.' laia.on :th'.e' tableVaCj'tf . v- x-l it 4rh Appropriation-bijf for the 1st oLr ter q829 was passed, y x fH 'Muni ; proposing a- mendments to the Cuntitution of the l?niu ed;States, so as to render the' Pi eiident ineligible alteiyhe first term , scf iuiu- '.f jyi'S hePresident and . YjP President j excluding Senators from office under; the Govern inei.t during their ocuawriai ici in s aim pruWUHiSr that 'wlw, . ! the Ichoice of " ; Preside! it , is made bV the I House, no inember of fet House shull be ! appoiuteu to oin ej were?taken up,, and ) laid upn thie table. :Xy - ' ;. A proposition has been submit ted t0 tbs ' H6;se; by;Mrf Str:ongVo!:NeWYotk, and j referretltoa selfct-cou I:; A Mfi Conklin, of CI(a;rleton, has pre sented to Gvgress a bust of Gen. Moultrie, the Work of his o w c i jia n d Mr. Drayton pronouneed a handsome eulogium both the sculptor and the pitr iut sold ier he ha ' On motion of Mr Long,' the com mi tteej on Roads and Canals, have been instruct-5 eu i.o enquire into expeaiency.oi "granting 'n$tyl?W nain a turnpike road from the. town of Saluburyj byf the : way of Xxirigtori Ash boroughs Pi tt sborough, to 11 ay wood , Nor th-Ca roIuia'K 4 fMr. Bryan'moved the following iwhiclv Was read, and laid on the table for one day c .."-vv."" ; c. .'-.-' -.' i ' -. XBetolved, That the -Secretary- of - War; be, di rected to inform this House what' progress lias been made in "executing the act of the 23d . of May. last, so tar as the ssme relates to the im provement of the. navigation of Ocracock InleU. . in the . State of North-Carolina i and, also, to communicate any additional report made to th engineer iiepartment respectinf H-XX:i xyxxx xxxX .e same.. :Titt,tunty.v;.; v' ' durt ofjpleas and Quarter S essioms:- enashry Alkihson f: Original attachment. ' 5-.,.--.'-;;-'"' ;; -V Levied on Negro Capthei' i Amos A. tkmson. tj 25th -August, 1823. j ;' '. fTappearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Amos A. Atkinson, the defendant inth case is not an inhabitant of this State i -It is or-" dered that ' publication be made in the TMcigU ' 1 Register for six weeks, that unless the said Amos A. Atkinson : appear before the justices sf the ; Court of Plfcis snd Quarter. Sessions at th e ner Coutt to be held f'oi- the County of Pitt, at tLe Court-IJouse in Greenyine, oil the, first Monday in. February exf, replevy the property and pleai ,cV ",w htm, and the property Condemned to satisfy j the plaintips. demand. ;Vitness?Jaraes Sbeppard, Clerk of - our. said Court at Ureenville, the first Monday in, Noveniber in the 53d year of our In-dep-Jenfce, A 0.51828; '-' -. X ;;-f y JAMES SHEPPARD.CbV : ' v: Burlce County' .-;:"- Superior Court of Law r September Term, 18?- .i ' tlafinfot'Y'nnwaii' .:' f,V'; - ' y Xfy Johnson wyX tx '. :"0 ' ifXHDERED by 1 Court, that publication - be made for-three: month; in the Raleigh gSster, and, Western Crlihian, that ther Defend, ant appear At nexjt Court, and plead, on the 4h Ipnday bf March next.':. ;., yi.---:7X XI y ' ;ttiiven uhder mylnTt-i-5 - '''- "'-X. ,: Xt XXX' By e; a: En win, d. '.i . j " Xt-t-X m 7 In EquityFall Term, 182a v . f . Anthony A. Wyche, Coinplaiiiant ''.i- X.'.y- Edwin Whitehead, Vm. T. Williams, Sarh'lJ)- i VS. i unstait St. juo. u." Anns, jlcicu. T appearing Tto tiie wtisfjctioS of the Court; ' thai Samuel WVTunstall tud WxnT. r Vl1- liains, two of -the Defendints in thiscase, are ; non-residents : It is ordered, that publiiiitiune;, made iir the lialeigh Uegrster, lor tbreemontiw, thauunles ?they .Pear V tiie second da V j hextterm; and plead, answer or demurfo . Goinplainant'a.bdU'H U1 t taken r nrtc; and set for hearing ex partt, as to the . Witness; Edmund B. Freema.,, Ckric & ter of the Court of Equity, for the county io. r saidt Joffice,, the.lh Moriduy alur : IJonday hi Septembervl28.v .v J J ; - V V . : iiOAl. B. riiEEUAN, cJ, . r .ROCKET BOOK ZOST. v u rcote 01 ot i -uc - - ,i Any person having found )" "4 I .veVat Gales & b 0 n f . ' v .. a I . a n nr I - J, Hart, at-the rapsr ui, !;" T:.' ' 1 ' ; litre. 20 1S23, . !"4" "u -iviiiet.4 in'rkt-iWM Hprw.--. I v 'ff" Philadelphia friateiiiAki- jf i gon to be gi t.. ihe rhel?gUcP-i t.,: mil, U,,usei, .Jjou,:..-,.. fro- V- A .. m tovfrjl the first .iS,t,ceVVJ? 'r'- ( , . f. :AV r6cketUookas I.st on y.J.--"tween Sleigh od the perMdj on irTe, ccf.tainin- 51 "VJP to on Murdoch rrifrubonoforecaunts I V ''5 T i.1 ; . .. . v-'A -. 'm xJ- - : v;

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