;:r; ft tt i h lAir nM uuc-u tjvav iiauv v won lcr piaceuia " rediccnt fbfcheeTOSGoiigr ;5ii irhLtatifcttvs IHeHiMtoTpake 4hV3tas& : be theact 3t (.ConMssf and cbnfinfr gn cer 1 5 :4 -v-VeMfee? . '$& :Xbu.t;e W thit debate 3 tleriten Mf -' " Wss'thepoertoTiiak V tients ) if SeW em exi mcaiv J o ad o p t suclV VCdnstitutjopVtand-m 1 ' Wrsiuier"anHtori v -bymif.di$origi to uclv lesr one of I thtisef Jigh tubuses 1 "i '&:U'JJJ,inaT.'-'&? - -rrSt that entlemani has venHsted bmi sei f rider tbe: tan ri - erilightetied Stesmaiiieali . : vJack$on ! ; O lempora I O mores l Heien: ' t vjed not tbe gentleman his opinions: The : asted iatentspf hafarite Chietf re- tn inded Hi nif thVaeJf rrbphtllopldioiasri pb of thelleja; ; satin ihfoa oKwhomlthe Poetthssa eaitifulijisaid Tn mer theref io hide iVo - His dazzltoe brow, till man 6tiWl bear its light.' ' : rVhen;MrV Brown ! nxt rose; he com- menced a speech in crimination "of ; ' vtay wueff h y- Crboi eChairman sa vtlenian frbm Ca JBat 7cHes Qlelirvt Ibeartlfijoin f'Mr;rhiajrttp eakerBpelghtt1rsea IlousTe idconsideKthe to reflect iwhcre ( vfeueiia; d ebatielwpuldjbe likeltpje-ylini .Jifbre fMrB amfpileddedgi.aniaTf 'r.TOarks'pqTi'Mr ''A rose and isaid that the Committee had evi- Jdetlyjm4de.an lttprop . one caitujaieu uc uppjcosi s : nri tjr oft tbeJSena - and th at he woul d nb tVemairi vwitK then-ahd f beB miried i- atelys Jef( the Hbusk - : . J S ? ; lie qiestio - out the originaVrefolution, it iyas carried itbe Affirmative: The question -was tben put 'ori.r Mr. Browa's araendment, ? which JwaaVlbst the am en d men t offerea by. Mr- 'Crobm, which as; Wt;by:;yoie 6 SSHr;'; C's wh vote wbui d f 55 eci tiodof his'amendrteri 4 " w bu 1 d have given it his decid ihg voice. jM r; Speiglit then iovcl eblank vwitlrf nVllb wing HhafCbrigrsdos ioot possess 7 the wer r o f va ppropri a ti ng any portion Vof th funds of the General Government, toniake Roads and. Canals ihrough';fhejBev(Bril;Stat , vhich: was carriee5 hisiisblutibnbe . iDrepored to tJfeHpuse it wasf on-ino- tionf MH.Hin'tiijtirtdejS'w r-' ed, . by a cvote. of ) - ration passed the Senate, ; containing a re quest tha, Congress ; would make an ap proriati to th Gompan shape of stock P.r.j6thCT.mse ' " It therefore regains matt doubt what is thfe6pinipnfm e pep axe. on f i n 1 1 , coniro veriea ppin trra doubt which it is r Bope&ll Bexlearedij ; before the' termination of the$Ion:ls - will op?rt her shoolfbV f ihe Uootn of the Acleavy ln whicbshe'ha i ,uure law g ht, on-; inmiay, t ive u yin of y anuar w f aiul hopes; hat thelsiauityn! attention whidtt t ; she has. heretofore aid i.iK'liHeiApravemrnt'C her Pupils, wilt insure Lber fte cbntigueat'rbrH: nsfce;i4d:the r6ircw T".1 he lifanehes bf jkltation anAthe MrmsToC teaenmp,.- vm be the samtf as heretb-orei v ; Subscriber wAl Vren hia SchortL fa? ih' 1. strctiflrt of Jfale an U'F,r xml? StUtlentsf.'-XthU' ;;cUgplt;wjUbe;tt)5h Classical lnihg4;To.his l$te ExamiDaiioni HilUboroiikliSlalSe vH impri'huniaa t)ie24f January. 'Mi-azures, a re now in' hiiW8r:tn nhf am vwi " c; rtumaHistructre Hoard can 'rTe nhtalnikri lr nintt 1 at,l,es tf ihe placeH $10 per month. ; i ; iliitcrary; luitioi varies ir6m&$ ItJtb vjBl5 Der -V .;ntnntxr: 50 jweparf-d to acdrjmmbdite? en wiffe fiba-4" for th eirl grs Ioiild mm iwt-?rb bn Sjlbnday and !T!iiesdav,:were pcppiedv ;rngtitet lieortirroatfi SelecltrJointCbntmitfee theanks,hicfr gay e ri animate Miscslbri opened bf Mroittrf on a triotiottto sub- Batt1c;Cbmm.itteei -itfaiori lyV. Mr? Pspoke ?at!onsideralnelength: in tne uouse-in oeuat r.oi nine -4''"' v.hrfA$''-v virfe inifavbrbftheivconrse resolu tion s wlth which at recinsrjudicialeniq fn toffi: cb tfd uctj 0i4p so iiiifavorr of a bill which . he .i-iead : and iaicV!onJtheta1le wfieff the operpns ishail:iavbeeh closed proceepings L.::wjiicng werfeqjmnienaeQfia, iiew rBatik shajlbefc etablisbeh tlie lundstottaiiied fntthem, - aided byjan issue of Stock on the faith of the State,- Vilvi JFZ J. i JexhriaetiaYso supported ;tKe- opposed th e cou rs'e proposed J by th e Re port of theminority." They admitted that the Banks h ad not, in certain parti cu 1 ars. J coniormea to jwieirunarters out mat tne iegisla turew VTaij a) so ; acted i m p fppe rly in extejruiing thel Banking 1 Capitol of i the iStetecq'hrafyto Di ;They.?precate proteedjngs J aiHst5n'K,Pawkii:'i:ich vould have lib effect but to sink th eValue jbf our cirtulatinjgnetrium,' and of course abgm ; en t ? th epr ese ri i tem ba rras sm e n ts of iePeple4 vOh th eebntraryf Tthey wee pfcopinibnthat the best course would be to-suffer the State Bank to wind up its concerns asprpjwsesV so? that; it does noVoppress the people by requiring them fa pay their debts twhich tneStatecould Ifirge-votei ih'all Cme tiqi oft the;; Stocky bjblder cuffer, th& ptheiBnks to go en.'oneof wlvich had already ibeebme a specierpaymg Bank, and the other was using.means to become so. Tliat these' Banks,, with the raiihicti' mit be af forded bVvtlieBankiof tne United .States,' would. afford, a sufficient circulating me dium for the business .of the, State $ and thatfthe people Ka?inbecje;in6re: eco-: nomical, and 'mbrie esirous of getting out of debt than formeriy, it was hoped when ,the proceeds of the present plentiful crop should be. realized, they would be able to meet tbei r?engagem en ts without th e great xlistress which hatf: $een apprehended. -J; Neitl ier the Jftcsol u ttb n s offered by 'ilir. Xrastoni the; Resolution andBill present ed by MnK Jfycne, i or iMri Fisher's Bill haveyet benldiscussed ''vv--'vr-? f On motion of Mr. 'Alexander the further consideration of tlm subjectwas ;.posibn' ed: to yesterday ;The Debate will appear hereafter m lull:; " : 2 X vr" OWedn bnWMirPbtter introduced Irbil t; for the Irlief of .'proyiesth be;xat from yeagrMHaft fTreasury notesf to meei the exigencies of ; ; MrvFisher submitted a resol utiopi whic! i Icmhis otion ya; for the present, laid ntftfaoleit requ etip the Gover'mnr. to au oress a i e tier to inq r rest a en t pi th United, States respectfolmaslcini;' that hetwi::order;tp from the, Corps of Topographical Engi- aeers,; or;the;purposje o :vthaye;wibf scrfaini rig; the line for;ipiija4f poinn ihdjYk and froni th e Yadkii tpcthc 4atawbaV so! Ml course proposeu oy ine minority oii tne UommitteeiVi, J'-sv-vj'tHJtOUV A au blu W IWt -viauc-r , auu.ar I so io'makd ah es ti mate of . the cost of erec tr 1 -Thmbni sniSnt ementalitbthe several ji rtriiow i n force for the reliet of i n sot yVentIbtofsM I Vf4 Vf;ofii?Ari.' ; fiaaaprl i tft' third' rpan k Miih,nv thej Jttdifeiafypmmit-. fce bbaj; eniiglnttfe expediency of !passing; alaw tbsecuioJa fefor'-lfa of in1wjven:t!deb ferretfa'm opxomfelling . Constables to return war-ftithinhCdistHctliv apts liyetb Koni msj referred a enquiry asHoj the popsty of establishing separate and nistipct ilourt or Enuity-- vy aneeciutipn upon I any ipersbrtal pro perty to give; ;ittteni nbticethefeof : to theDe fenaanit&w reter tbeb11Ito'prevenOl estate, an u-iaji: wuier piitposes-MO! wnpm wit s,ai sp re ierrei i w rr u .iu u q nqu in ng ifitothe causes of the de ay of justice in cer- tain cases. ng ir i ne more re gular attend ance of w in esses-r-To yas also referred the lenqmry twhat Fur thttr provisionals bV' lawfc oecsar,y, tp cytn- peine-j rushes 1114011 Hjyriiy;m TiiKt anpual re pbt-t thej;fegt i a"t ixt-f :bf the -situationif-ihe ibstituil fu rid ;&clto:v w hbfrtfi wasbafso relferred n e !ex ppuie n y .oa p pw t pr lai i ng, m j pa r 1 1 tj hete1 nopindlindiebt to whonilwa toucHinif the WbdieneY? 'ofjaKac'tlrhasseifc' in;t826;dreu ed, EUTEPjat thc 1 y con s i d e r e t Jthe i u b I c t Sj ?,4eiiur!ry;subi'. Spitted 'them; arul .t&aJt X? lii t of a jfV' that:Hiiaexped iep th?g date on any, of ihe;inaffd theyjep tit J )e; discharged frornitheiifurhe ionTlie Re- port. was concu rred i nit ;;rj rC vr Rirlron;th?"S whain wasY referred a resolution, ipstractl lo th el expedienc v of the finejandl cpst reportejl ;bUli whjth pass ed it8.hrst reading, toe the relief or insol vent: d e btrs, -llf:- f -f' -j ( '; ! -A message was v rec nate, ski n g t?ve4 cpncbr V e ce brthe Hj?'us' tb-abiljj: for fproy tM naVigjutio.n.rbf Creeks and riyers iri of Black:RH;er, so far j an the sanU ; i; the JivMling Hhe jbeteiCp b rl a t if I -o 'it. k bi I lsjiijp pi k ntary "to ja o Vn act passed ih loffurthe better rgiir latio n,vo X? r ee n sbo r ol I in '5uuj 1 f r d ci u h j f jr' t-i a .bi.Ui ib' tetore to creifv Silas Bond of-Martin snd to a pill, au tharising thf Commissioners of ljvigdtioni oflHe part of niingtofi i to regpla(e qifarantihe iii" said por ; 1'f,e f88ttfiilr passed its first readings arid Jthe others wiere jreat three Ji mes eacli'hd 'ofddtonroi - Mr. Sihipp prese i teq -a bi 1 1 , reg u 1 'k t tig theappointuiient f;Cl anl Su parlor Cou ri s Jpd of jCbu : t y Attyr n ies. 1 rvvBri 1 1 &i ibf. Hay wppda bill, fir the rlte rokee IaM;MryiOi!fe a blllv toar mend an act passed j n 1 TS 6, to ay of the fown ot pireeta, on tnfTVrn.;eat branch if the Cape-Fear;; and to appoint cqimis "i sibners ftir;thejsjj me;T. Mr, M itchel)a;bilt,; tb authohze ;tje County' C'rt of Ahei; to keepu p the road .J by the iinpositiin ot tot b,1oivjSLaMt roaTl he bii j intrttlored by Kt0iliespie9sedJ three rel'fijrigiti -rthe others: were read the it;time. . ",f M r-JAy al ke f submit tv d ; a resbt ult io n ; i ri fa vbr piGabriel ' II bl uies s jieriff of ;'-Ne W Hanover. Referred."' .;" ;;;- ;!;;, :;i. P'TheIfpH4wi0g6H eading,'and Were ordered to be engrossed. vii bilU tb repeala 1805, for -the ? rVgu i a t iosi of the town . of Morjaritori,' ini Btii ke. ,r A jbdlj to ameritl t he 1 o spect ib n 1 1 aw s,t passed ii ii 1 f.84 " a rui 1796. : bilirauthort7jng the Wardens o f the Poor, inth e c o u nt i es :f Chbwa n and H ertfprd, wl tb the con sen tbf t le , County Court to purchase l?nd apd ereqt buildings for the receptiptubf Jhe por thereofV A 'bili!iaineH0atp acrpassdi b; 1 86 for the; tietterp r egul at ipnof : th C ou ti ty Courts of Alfirtin j and a resolution, .in fa vor of JohnSlban, sheriff ofj,Meck(enburg. K i'M rSjjruilf tVotitt rVpord;5lavbilyo in behalf of Daniel BAnds'nd GabU? Holmes, ' '-.- 'f 'liii' .Actci'vi .J. .-.iti Jr-p" .:. antr ney passeu wcu urn reaui qj - 4 j :The bii i to tvmipei the Clerk bf the Su perior Court; of Nashjf to; keep hi.-i Office at JfiCourjVh and was ordeiied tu enrotfedfyY:r-r ; ; jTheb!il(epl an t o' dispepse; wl d j u roirsp a t )) u nle Ter rn tf M a r t in C bit n t y courts was tk id on : t h e ta-' 'i)le i wit hout d aytan tamptin t to: Its ' rej ec- lion, ,t.v''?'-i, "T;'4:--'' t;.,-;; rHie biilC4osecure i;plary M'Eacliern; ''Rob'eoW.nUitoJnsa'nb Stakes, property-h erea f ter acquired, . were The engrohsed resolution ip favpr orVv Harris arid;Jame titiie and. ordered tb be iehraHed.':l: "';-t Mr; yStnlthlbf 'Ansbn;fka6bditd the f U Ibwttje-pnramb were tiegatiyed i-wa 1 v-v 1. -: 'a:i the" jnrictice?f . sharibff notes;: -is found to be injutidua to the citiiens .-pf the State, lwfal;Wert'4a4:cattaer4pc Lelbw:' trbe:vaueJpi 'JTietefofe dfeThatfieUct committee befappoijited to jshquire jpa ssi ng; a la w o' t e vent tlVroe r '"fji ;t drv ci tixens of; PI vmpbthivpray i rig-for au thority to sell a-lot, to purchase ; a fire en- gineuueierreu.;:rivp. 5''v-- i.- i; i Mri SaintcIair presented fcbilly to amend ariact passed jnlTBlMcoricerriing divorce arid lifabnVitwhich- Wastrejectedt; oaits firstr, J,rh hilt to authonie and direct! the 8u , preme Cburti tbbe golden ju - the several pe3h fenffkrlfn; p: Xyonstibl eswhen ih ; e VI eC tng,themJ:o enquire in making jproviijon b;! the'i-elief b insolvent debtors confined ' in Jail,! f r ptaees th ereiirdifcteian --i adminiitratioiiof justice in the trial of B qui tVt causes aseadlt Mr,lBynum nvbved-ld amen the billibj' adding another secfionj to provide; for the Hbidng bfan annual ';term iroiBertiecburi ty, which Was negatived , 90, to 'S-, ; The bill as then put on its passage and reject- ,J Ti) e; re j ib.i n d e r 0 ffth t sda ys sittin;;wa occupied i b t he ebbsi d erat ion of t he Reports mad by thej tii n ts ;wa8lreterredjrb Iredell's .Mes iage re at 1 ng; t bJ3 a b ksTh e'Hose wen t ipto iVouiiftteWpf heywhpl&iMr i&ml sjntli"el'-cb a trvM eSM-l'pott e r - a n d nier In if rot? fabd thie - lac terfaga h&W t he. 15m ti vtp recoin roetiu a jion cii nia 1 n eu ate a$king ;the? cbri currri to a i d esigriatirig Senl aie? wheretple4 P first recimebt of the ihilitia- of Davidson xou n ihal hereahe to a bii I exptaritorjSqf tlreMacrel atirig the.Su peri piand JtCpti nCr passed : i ti 1st 0 s arid jfcba jiil to .restore !Aridre w WalkeriotJ Meekleribur to - credit! Read ie:fitstirrie;fi CiThVbilfctpM leiqt?imons river, and the.bill concerning -thfei-paypent.; Jwere-I nj(J efi qitelyjppjtppriettj R Mrj. Wil ki rison p te&e ri t ed bii I to regu; iate -ye usnenes oi j.var auu j. amuueu o- er- k 4ir. ox, x a Pi 1 1 ,10 ; an ex plairi an act passed in Jir84; but aQdjmpb'tet; nyer, iriones;Q)urity."v Mr bill td regulate the salaries 0 for .clearing tionbf-Treht Fleming,' a the Judges o f tb e Supreme Court,' whith bil I s passed their:- irst readfng. v---V--;;;-' : uvlK 'V.Mr :Vail made an unsucceF.sful atterript to nave: the vote on the Supreme Court biurecoh8ideredhut?the lected, 66to 59. j The Speakeh laid- before the' House a letter froiri CharleE-Marilyvlsq Cl erk, request! ng the House to -employ an assistant to hitri, d u ring-the reinaind er 'of the, session. pN-nV I Tp remainder of the day was occupied in committee of.'ewKbl erf on th0 unfi ri ished bu sin ess of yesterdayeirig .the Re ports f tfieSelect,Comni i ttee on the sub jejet P the Bariks,; After: sitting until; a bout' o'clock, ' the sCom mitt ee, rose, re- pprtec progress, and obtained leave to pit ain-:;; I Bjf re, the House went into Committee, !o" sub.mltted tbe following ResV lutibiHn'ch wereire tbe'colnntfttee f the whole House on the u bjck of ; jhb-Bks;:;:;i .gHff SKlff 5;;ifWwThaf thepp We'r to' issue paper as s mediptn of; ci;rculationi a.nd for. the. purposes of profit, unless! .restratftedewithin narrpw' lrniits an4 controOedrby' stronecksx'U has been, add alyswHlbea) Hetolved fnrtier That M the 3 Charters oFthe " - .- -r m-.A ' 'fife'-. .:).-- ' . Bnks bty this Btatejb issues, were too s:Vague -'iapd ith'e' ebeO ks. too fee ble t .;traataener.d;--:rediies;a-in the community t p. borrp'wV joitved i.wHfihlsirje on., the parjf of the, StockhbrdefcouW to producje an issue pf paper; the S pecie funds o ft he BatVksbd he yb bi 1 their, ability promptly and regularly tpj -redeem I'and that thconseqtience has been a depreciation in toe currency;pf the State,"1 injurious to the-v intr rests o' its citizena and the. character of its' pub lic inst tutibns, and leading to evasions andjex pedten ts..ii the Mnaers of the4e, institutions, always dhreputablet sometimes at variance with their; C harters,' and often oppressive to their custbniers." ' ' ;r : ;',-':: ' t ic.:': : l jRgsAfved further, iThat, tfie Tieslature of the State, by cymmjind ing the ; S tate Bank with 3 capita j of $ li 600,000, and :a power to 'cbnt met debts pot exceeding four mMlins;eig-ht hundred thousand dolUrs, to comme nee operations s soon a? $87,500 should be paid in: By authrtriz- i:g an exiension - ui -iur' vyapuai oiocbz oi ine B mks of Newb ern a od Cape-Fear-in the year 1814. fwhen - it was; known,1 that such extension "could hot add to the specie hi .their vaults ? By. Stock jof each BfrikVw;ithbnt'any''aymeiit there fir: i Bv: making repeated emissions, of Tr asurv .Notesjj thus representing specie by the tender of a Kiihstitute for it. in circulation ; Bv o'avinir these. Treasury notes to the Hanks as' the price ot a iqrtner ponton 01 ineir sjock, ana auinorizj log increasea .issues pi paper, on tue laun xnere deprc biation bi' the. currency an4 its couseque nt mischlet. .V- 0V;:-:rV- ' ':-:r -vA V ReSlved fitrj?ier,irhvA eTery;consideratiop bf uutv ana poncv requires,iJtnat.:ine aepreciation shtndd be remedied aapeelily;as the exigenciet tual ciire is tb be -found in t he withdrawal from 01 tne country wu perinn 3 mat me uuiyjenej: circuSatioif of redundant issties,-so thatfthe resi due, fihaH not exceeU the mount required and sustained by ; tbe business bf ;th? :" cbmniunity; tnat miS; cure is in,sieauy : au ceriaui progrea siopi ti ii rier the ;o p eiat f oft of p o werful t'Causes, which are .beyond the;control of .the leisiaturei t hat tlie Baolc of tbeUnited 3tatesv baa already comdeJIed the Bsink or. Cape ?. ear, v (the one mbrei iuimediately;in tion) to becboiea pec; e , paying Bank" ;; that it must shortly compel the other Tiaiiks, of? this State, ither to fol fowtheirSexample, prto clps their concerns t iandjihat any legislattTeter- tereoce to paste n ciuier oisixnese. results, .19 pot only Mnoecessary ytm property, embarrassments .tidp.ublic''finahpea and eneJldtstrejneco counjtiy deaQand,' that instead ;bf imjfosingpenaW lies bit. the,Banks;, to-" compel, the reduction lof thebj issuesprbfi nstit ui mg prpaecritwptbe fect;.a;.reiinuwhnient.:, their debts .should beVcalleft - inV-with aa much - lenity and'iuoderatHn'as practicable, and that theB presenfative ipf .e Stten;'thevgeaat etlrig' of tHe,;Stockhoiaera oftthe.Bahk;be:iriictel to-kUpt ibia w bfectaiejidilti v leWand proiiiot it bv all the. means in: their powerw! "I Aexolved further, that the Banks I buerht - to Be autnorizedtb eMinuish gradu for the suooort of a sound - circulating niedtumi qy ijebeiving Stock rnpyment for: debtsjUpbu terma Whichm creaitorskna tue nteresi oi me atocKnoiaerSr aMJiepprrxije,ineecnes, e.re rtie at lbgthl; sat unt il 4 ?c Joe fc, ;it 4Tose'reportrd5 pro rsj and ;bbtyn4d:;ivelWiitik fte nessage was: received frpm tiie 3Sen tr M r.?yycpe aisoupmittne to PriambfeTatfd?R&6! ferred te the same committeri.; Jl. y .ft POT V Ct'?y made large isadeScf notes which" thevW able to pay wtli ieeie onTderajriI and to 'tnr: Sequehceof such iisue ahd faUureto pay, iheir ; ' notsa have dpreciated-inTaluei much to lh in- : jury of the credit of thetafe -'"' rfnd flhfi'cnMiinttt ate fia&; Vv : indebted to the JBaiftks fb can- J: ?t ribbe, paidjHhoPt gferieral distress and ruin " to mmy-i -7i;Vi v: tr-' ; 4 X,t4 efathetocklioldera ith " Banlt have determined to meet bri the day . ' next;to dscide bficlrtsihhe businei -of V i--ad nk witbfmt deJay which Hn tfie present- -timef general depretionVrbuia :btt attended V with ruin to manyrAnd?: wide ipraiding distreaa J -to the people geeTalViK: 'Mi '"1:"' - - f tie it therefore eoUeitsMnr tbCfiicer f and' v Aenvrepresenting thetatevirjVtile . BoariV 0C Uirectr abdihtbe-meeti .ibrictednd they re lreby directed tb :i u use ineirnn oencexo prevent the winding up of -thejjitness the.STatVUfl.ik;too i rpdly-o ' v depd:from'tta'de6fc:tiot exceeding-the rte ;.'. : i tS per,etnti; ntjeyer repewaliftha sufet of VI -the Bank will permit f and to continue' steadily : tp prsue suc mfeas t to .resume: specie payments, without distress tb ibeCoantry S'.:'''. : .-1 :V lititig the practiced of' theiUarik: of xthisvV r5tateitHberai caWesi f Imnse8 a hVa vy" " 4CtheaHeVig3 ;:;J?cththe:lb mem ireciea 10 cau up 00 ine iresment ana ; Directors of theiYadkm .Navigation'' Cbmpany to n-iiuw iww.anu in wuarmanaer, ine ja,tyyy huo-- - scribed for by the tite; togetheT witti the stints 'w; subscribed, byJndTvidu dg; and paid byjibdividiial ' ' ; Stockholders have r been - dispbsed of i;andwhat : ; sum the company have now. bri hand -and, what ' : : debts are ribwfcJue and that said Board ' report ; td- the njextrGeneral-Assern I Th e: fblloyr i ng bi s were pi ekfi teo! , yz i ? :f IM rShni tji : a bU place, where the fi rat regi m en t pf "Dayid son ; ctfbn ty;M ill tiaiaha 1 1 hereafte r ;bae . their r ; fr J m u ster. By M rLve,.it bii)', sup ri! em erf- ' tary jfp the lax U:et abli suing the touniy :br ; "! M a conl By: Af r. V i 1 1 1 am s of M ai"( i n a ?. : bill athenil an act passed in corf-; : cerni ng :l I rispec tors and u n mercha ni a blc V ; crimmpditj.es'Bj.M cmjerthe Cpub poip t a -cooi ni itrtee. of Fi na n ce; iw hicbVb'ilU J pasVed their first reading i fi; v ": ;'.: : T ;.- ;M r;; M? b;irie, from the com mittee on In-, : '- : ternal Improvement reppVted a bill, to lay ; " jli tan d improve a- f oa d fovnnyet teyi 1 1 e twnkeb;rbugh; Mr,; Jibve presented tbe pHiitio!;pf. cer-; : tatri'citizens of Tennessee, relative to a v . s ..L : J! I I.. t:r , i . . tninejreceiiiiy uycpver?u 11 iniso ate, me . : : rid rieral wealth which ;epossts of ; pro-. r : portions bf silver and lead,,- Referred to a seleclt com mi t(ee.f;2 V(&& 'fy ; ' : '-:h Orifiribibolrif Mrj R corisiyerd tH olthe ; ; bi 1 1, to restore to cred it,' An iirew- VVal ker V ( of Mecklenburg, "t he bill being again bey . ing-agairi-tfpre third read ing ani wa sbru ered 1 to be en- ' -grossetlpWftiit ;0& :; :,k:; biideredielyrite bill4p;1rhprri plans ;riyerjn die Seriate;ltas1re 'ordered ?iffti''Bigirp .''.'".; :J- Ori' mpliohJptlMr. M'Farlarid; the Jtidl-4 c ciary Cbmniittewrijtecte ?; iirtbe 'litwelatlveko perspnoWriini? land t ? inhSs;Staitei-:Wb of: ; ? f cou u t ies passes through fthe same, is sufiPj J f-':. cirntly ptjuijlTnt A ' 'j pel: any persoripwnin'g as a- ' Xortesaidt .to; hat arid piy, the taxef the . - samp, in tue couniyin wntcn.pe resides. f MkMebahei from the committee on Irjl- ;. tfernai; Improvement to w . was' reerreaTe a biiC jo pfoviile for ' tfteJton'tVaeri;lB bessee Line, oer the Wlpuf MoPntainf Hi the; hettfof Ittlerl?y- in liricbmbeHr Rea'd:'"t)ie.'.' first; tlri' V; V:'" ' ;JAfnreage;-as;rej Oicenl ;cvefing a com munic4i ion y frotri . GvVrnbrilM an alleged nuisance to the Dismal 8wamp v ;: Canal, by 'the erection of ;a bridge across pHiquotauk ; river ;a nd. e omtnu nnicatin : ; 4)so iufirrtttiia relative ip: t en tl' uf ri: Luna tic jAsjlb ni , ; which ? was "V readanHferred;"; -thcfcp&tniite :j ;; blicjArms r intothvesdjie all ; : law 'y--- 4ther;Subalterri buicew tb uriifofm; 'therii-f i'AvPiL"t-,?i -" '''- now in existence reauinnff AJantains! ana k rheresifrnatibrtlbfThbtnas llovkm. CnL jCootniapin .Carolina M ititis, was rbid ari accept od;' .v.'.;fJ' , xTheatr&Ofi Satuirday eveni ng, Mas :Tpttjke"j' those who hayef isited he :rheatreit isjurineceBsa- irvvtri say -any thi rtg ;i cbm rri erida tibn oJp -'';!v tmsila'serfor hayeribjji sta " that she is ambstceiletactres : . 1 . jperyes Mri;?erflpwiri , ; .; cceripni J isi invariably riorrectherv: enunciation ' : earirindfoiile-er arid appfppriate, arid i x? rib -;in arice does : t) efp?ersteithe mbHesriT nature. w, : ; IN;ILAtFf y;j;;.:;:;:;"v"N - - .tv.x --rV!::': :.lV.t;.y';'. . ijyf1 ' IH''N V'-'l - -' S:ytf-r.r -' irr- r.r ;; . . J -.. rrW Tnrr' w'uk rs 1int Eorravincr, The fcRUwufr"l5y ; ' llie A MU LET r with 13 j do;-v: J (JX TheFOUGKmm XQlVwithl3dp ( -FIUEIJDHIP'S O PFEKJ 2G, with 5 3 do (do) , frh';iiE:.iEM8Eii4i.K with Zx;:jv ;,.-;. '. rhe ATLANTIC SOU VENIK, wun o . a ; : ;-:-:,'.' 'y .mZ:'S;u

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